Dates in English. Translation and meaning of ST in English and Russian How to read st in English

Correctly writing and reading the date in English can be difficult. Let's take today as an example.

December 15th, 2015

December 15, 2015

The day and month will be pronounced as the fifteenth of December or December the fifteenth , and the year as twenty fifteen or two thousand and fifteen . No wonder so many people have trouble here! Let's take a closer look at the rules.

Days and months

In English, we can put both the number before the month, and the month before the number.

the fifteenth of December/ December the fifteenth

Note that ordinal numbers are used to denote dates in English (the first, the second, the third, the fourth, the twenty-first, the thirty-second, and so on).


In years prior to 2000, the four digits are split into two pairs.

1876 =eighteen seventy-six

1542 = fifteen forty two

Dates such as 1800 or 1900 are read as eighteen hundred, nineteen hundred .

1902 = nineteen oh two, 1903 = nineteen oh three

2000 is often pronounced as the year two thousand

The years 2000 to 2009 are usually read as follows:

2001 = two thousand and one, 2002 =two thousand and two, etc.

Since 2010, we can say dates or using the word thousand , How two thousand ten , or split them into two pairs of numbers, like twenty ten .

2015 = twenty fifteen/ two thousand and fifteen


Centuries are denoted by ordinal numbers.

the 20th century/the twentieth century— 20th century

the 21st century/the twenty-first century— 21st century

Note that the definite article must be used before the noun determined by the ordinal number. (Read more about the use of articles).


The decades from 1920 to 1999 are denoted as nineteen-twenties /the Twenties(twenties), nineteen-thirties/the Thirds (thirties), and so on.

The decade from 2000 to 2010 does not have an established name, someone calls it twenty hundred , someone "two thousand". In writing, you may see the designation as "the "00s" or "the 2000s". But "the 2000s", and the phrase "the two-thousands" can also refer to the entire 21st century, or even the whole millennium. expression like the Noughties ("zero", from the English word nought, which translates as zero).


We use the preposition on when talking about a day or a date.

on Monday(s)(on Monday(s)), on July 14, 1972(in July 1972), on my birthday(on my birthday)

We use the preposition in when talking about long periods of time.

in December(in December), spring(spring) in 1972, in the 16th century(in the 16th century), in the past(in past), in the future(in future)

You can also check how well you know the rules for using prepositions of time by doing .

Useful words and phrases

millennium= millennium (plural - millennia)

century= century, century

decade= decade

If you want to ask what day it is today, or what date it is today, you can use the following phrases:

What day is it please?

What date is it please?/What's the date today please?

Interesting Facts

1. Abbreviation A.D. , used in many Western European languages, means the time of our era, from the birth of Christ. This is an abbreviation for the Latin expression Anno Domini, which can be translated as in the year of our Lord.

The abbreviation BC (short for Before Christ) stands for BC.

These abbreviations are very widespread and are used by non-Christians as well. There are also abbreviations CE (Common Era) and BCE (Before Common Era), which some consider more neutral.

2. In American In English, the date format is mm/dd/yy (month, day, year). December 15, 2015 will be recorded as 12/15/15.

AT British English dates are written in the format dd/mm/yy (day, month, year). December 15, 2015 will be recorded as 12/15/15.

Such differences often lead to errors and misunderstandings, so it is better to write the date in full:

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In the modern age, saturated with information, there is less and less time for communication and correspondence. No matter how paradoxical it may sound, but the more information a person owns, the more ways he is looking for to reduce it and transmit it in a more concise form. One of the best ways to shorten words and expressions is to use abbreviations.

Today they are ubiquitous in general English, in business correspondence, in SMS messages and chats, in international terms. Many of them are used quite often, so not only English learners, but also an ordinary modern person should master a couple of the most common of them.

Abbreviation(Italian abbreviatura from lat. brevis - short) - a word formed by abbreviation of a word or phrase and read by the alphabetic name of the initial letters or by the initial sounds of the words included in it.

Abbreviations are found in any language of the world and play a huge role. Sometimes ignorance or incorrect use of one or another abbreviation in English can lead to a rather awkward situation or misunderstanding of what the interlocutor wants to express with this or that phrase.

Let's look at an example of the misuse of a fairly well-known abbreviation lol(laughing out loud - laugh out loud).

Mom: Your beloved aunt just passed away. lol
I: Why is that funny?
Mom: It's not funny, David!
I: Mom, LOL means “laughing out loud”.
Mom: Oh my goodness! I thought it means “lots of love”...I sent it to everyone! I need to call everybody…
Mom: Your beloved aunt has just passed away. lol
Me: What's funny about that?
Mom: That's not funny, David!
Me: Mom, lol mean "laugh out loud".
Mom: Oh God! I thought it meant lots of love...
I sent this to everyone! We all need to call...

Most popular abbreviations

This list of abbreviations can be found everywhere and, for sure, you are familiar with most of them visually, but let's pay attention to their correct translation and use.

  • V.I.P. (very important person)- very important person;
  • P.S.(from Latin "post scriptum") - after what is written;
  • A.D.(from lat. "Anno Domini") - our era;
  • B.C. / B.C.E. -before Christ- before Christ / before Common Era- BC;
  • ASAP (as soon as possible)- As soon as possible;
  • UNO (United Nations Organization)- UN;
  • UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)- UNESCO;
  • a.m.(ante meridiem, in the morning)- in the morning;
  • p.m.(post meridium, in the afternoon)- in the evening;
  • i.e. ( id est , that is)- it means;
  • e.g. ( exempli gratia , for example)- eg;
  • u (you)- you;
  • etc.(from lat. et cetera) - and so on;
  • 2G2BT (too good to be true)- too good to be true;
  • 2moro (tomorrow)- tomorrow;
  • 2day (today)- today;
  • BD or BDAY (birthday)- birthday;
  • 2nite (tonight)- in the evening;
  • 4ever (forever)- forever;
  • AFAIK (as far as I know)- as far as I know;
  • BTW (by the way)- by the way;
  • RLY (really)- indeed, true;
  • BRB (be right back)- I'll be back soon;
  • TTYL (talk to you later)- we'll talk later, "before communication";
  • IMHO (in my honest opinion)- in my opinion, in my opinion;
  • AKA (also known as)- also known as;
  • TIA (thanks in advance)- thanks in advance.

Let's look at the use of the abbreviations above in examples:

  • According to my work schedule I need to come to work at 8 a.m.-According to my work schedule, I need to come to work at 8 am.
  • AFAIK this concert will be held 2day.- As far as I know, the concert will be held today.
  • All these events happened in 455 B.C.- All these events took place in 455 BC.
  • I invite u to my BD 2nite.- I'm inviting you to my birthday party tonight.
  • btw she was RLY good at Math at school. - By the way (by the way) she was really good at math when she was in school.
  • I'm sorry. I'm in hurry. TTYL.- I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry. Let's talk later.

The abbreviations in general English are described quite interestingly in this video:

Business Letters and Abbreviations

Writing business letters and compiling business correspondence today requires high-quality study and a careful approach. When faced with the design and decoding of abbreviations in business English for the first time, a beginner sometimes experiences confusion and bewilderment of what it all means. The difficulty lies in the correct use of this or that abbreviation, as well as in the specifics of business vocabulary. However, as in any field of language learning, knowledge and a little practice will help to cope with any difficulties.

A number of abbreviations are used only in writing, but in oral speech the full forms of the word are pronounced:

  • Mr. (mister)- Mister;
  • Mrs. (mistress)- Mrs.
  • Dr. (doctor)- doctor;
  • St. (Saint/Street)- saint or street;
  • Blvd. (boulevard)- boulevard;
  • Ave. (avenue)- avenue;
  • Sq. (square)- square;
  • Rd. (road)- road;
  • Bldg. (building)- building;
  • B. Sc. (Bachelor of Science)- Bachelor of Science;
  • M.A. (Master of Arts)- Master of Arts;
  • Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy)- PhD;
  • M.D. (Doctor of Medicine)- Doctor of Medical Sciences.

The most popular business abbreviations of English words are given below:

  • Co (company)- company;
  • PA (personal assistant)- personal assistant;
  • Appx. (appendix)- application;
  • Re. (reply)- answer;
  • p. (page)- page;
  • smth. (something)- something;
  • smb. (somebody)- someone;
  • vs( lat. versus)- vs;
  • etc. ( lat. et cetera)- And so on.

Popular three-letter acronyms ( TLA or Three Letter Acronyms) in the business area:

  • CAO (Chief Administrative Officer)- Head of Administration;
  • CEO (Chief Executive Officer)- chief executive officer (general director);
  • exp. (export)- export - export of goods outside the country;
  • HR (human resources)- personnel service of the enterprise;
  • HQ (Headquarters)- head office of the company;
  • LLC (limited liability company)- limited liability company (LLC);
  • R&D (research and development)- Research and development;
  • IT (information technology)- information Technology.

Examples of business correspondence using abbreviations :

  • Dear Mr. Brown, our co will be glad to offer you the position of CAO.- Dear Mr. Brown, our company will be glad to offer you the position of chief accountant of the company.
  • Dear Ms. Stone, my PA will definitely contact you about changes in exp. process - Dear Ms. Stone, my personal secretary will definitely contact you about changes in the export process.

Chats and SMS

As mentioned above, there are three-letter Acronyms in English ( TLA or Three Letter Acronyms), which help shorten and compress fairly large phrases down to 3 letters. Today, this is a fairly popular way to save time when chatting on social networks.

  • BFN (bye for now)- see you later, bye
  • BTW (by the way)- by the way
  • FYI (for your information)- for your information
  • JIT (just in time)- in time
  • IOW (in other words)- in other words, in other words
  • NRN (no reply is necessary)- no answer required
  • OTOH (on the other hand)- on the other hand

As for SMS abbreviations, there are a huge number of them.
The specificity of such abbreviations is that it can be almost impossible to decipher without a detailed analysis.

  • GL (good luck)- good luck!
  • GB (good bye)- bye
  • DNO (don't know)- I don't know
  • ASAYGT (as soon as you get this)- as soon as you receive it
  • B4 (before)- before
  • BC (because)- because
  • BON (believe it or not)- believe it or not
  • BW (best wishes)- with best regards
  • BZ (busy)- busy
  • CYT (see you tomorrow)- see you tomorrow
  • Wish you GL on your exam. Mom. - I wish you good luck on the exam. Mum.
  • Sorry. b.z. CYT.- I am sorry. Busy. See you tomorrow.
  • I will be JIT. GB.- I'll be on time. Bye.

For a detailed acquaintance with English abbreviations of words in SMS, we recommend visiting, which contains 2000+ abbreviations.

As we can see, the topic is quite extensive, but do not be afraid! Having encountered acronyms and abbreviations in English several times, you simply cannot help but love them for their originality and help in saving you time. And having fallen in love with something, you will surely and easily remember it!

We offer you to choose a couple of abbreviations for yourself right now and surprise your loved ones with improved communication! BFN and watch your step while texting!

Big and friendly family EnglishDom

Translation and meaning of ST in English and Russian

I state_n. state _II St - saint _n. saint _III ST - Standard Time _n. standard time

English-Russian-English Dictionary of General Vocabulary, a collection of the best dictionaries. English-Russian-English dictionary of general lexis, the collection of the best dictionaries. 2012

English-Russian-English vocabularies English-Russian-English dictionary of general lexis, the collection of the best dictionaries

More meanings of the word and translation of ST from English into Russian in English-Russian dictionaries and from Russian into English in Russian-English dictionaries.

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for the word "ST" in dictionaries.

  • — (as used in expressions) Alexander Harold Rupert Leofric George Alexander 1st Earl Amherst Jeffery Amherst 1st Baron Asquith …
    English Dictionary Britannica
  • -ST - I. - see -est II. symbol Etymology: from -st (superlative suffix) — used after the figure 1 to indicate the …
  • "ST - st verb Etymology: by contraction archaic: hast thou "st
    Webster's New International English Dictionary
  • -ST - -st 1 var. of -est 1: first; least. -st 2 var. of -est 2: hadst; wouldst; dost.
  • -ST - I. - see -est II. symbol - used after the figure 1 to indicate the ordinal number first 1 st ...
  • — abbreviation stanza, state, stitch, stone, street St abbreviation saint, stratus ST abbreviation short ton, single throw, standard time
  • -ST - [-st] --see -est -st symbol--used after the figure 1 to indicate the ordinal number first "1st" "91st"
    Merriam-Webster English vocab
  • — I St, St. "Street" BrE ​​AmE striːt —In names of thoroughfares, unstressed: ˈ Oxford St II St, St. "Saint" BrE ​​...
  • -ST - -st archaic and liturgial second person singular ending BrE AmE st ▷ - didst ˈdɪdst -see -est
    Longman Pronunciation English Dictionary
  • — (BrE) (also st. NAmE , BrE) abbreviation stone (a British measurement of weight) : 9st 2lb
  • - abbreviation 1. (also st) (both BrE) (also St. , st. NAmE , BrE) (used in written addresses) ...
    Oxford Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  • ST.
  • — st British English, st. American English the written abbreviation of stone or stones: She weighs 9 st 8 …
    Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  • ST.
    Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  • — St BrE AmE British English , St. American English 1 . the written abbreviation of Street, used in addresses: …
    Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  • -ST - -st /st/ BrE AmE suffix 1 . forms written ORDINAL numbers with 1: the 1st (=first) prize my 21st birthday ...
    Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  • — st is used as a written abbreviation for stone when you are mentioning someone's weight. (BRIT) He weighs …
  • — also st. Note: The form "SS" or "SS." is used as the plural for meaning 2. 1. St is a ...
    Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  • — also st. Note: The form "SS" or "SS." is used as the plural for meaning 2. 1. ~ is a ...
    Collins COBUILD - English Dictionary for Language Learners
  • — COLLOCATIONS FROM OTHER ENTRIES St Bernard the 18th/19th/20th/21st etc century ▪ The movie is set in the 18th century.
    Longman DOCE5 Extras English vocabulary
  • — (HOLY PERSON) - abbreviation for saint (= a person honored by the Christian Church for being holy …
    Cambridge English vocab
  • — n. St. Mary Alexander Harold Rupert Leofric George Alexander 1st Earl Amherst Jeffery Amherst 1st Baron Asquith Herbert Henry 1st …
    Britannica Concise Encyclopedia

  • Big English-Russian Dictionary
  • — _I state _n. state _II St - saint _n. saint _III ST - Standard Time _n. standard time
    Muller's English-Russian Dictionary - 24th edition
  • — I state n. state II St - saint n. saint III ST - Standard Time n. standard time
    Muller's English-Russian Dictionary - bed edition
  • - I abbr. from state state II abbr. from St - saint saint III abbr. from ST - Standard Time zone ...
    New large English-Russian dictionary
  • — Sao Tome and Principe
    Internet Domains English vocabulary
  • — abbreviation standard time
  • -ST - see: -est II. symbol — used after the figure 1 to indicate the ordinal number first
    Explanatory Dictionary of the English Language - Merriam Webster
  • - abbreviation 1. often not capitalized without regard to time 2. shipping ticket 3. often not capitalized ...
    Webster's New International English Dictionary
  • — abbreviation 1. often capitalized saint 2. stain 3. stamped 4. stand 5. stanza 6. start 7. state 8. statute 9. …
    Webster's New International English Dictionary
  • ST. — 1. stanza. 2 state. 3. status; statutes. 4.stat. 5. Stitch. 6. stone (weight). 7. straight. 8 street
    Random House Webster's Unabridged English Dictionary
  • ST. — 1. Saint. 2. status; statutes. 3. Straight. 4. Street.
    Random House Webster's Unabridged English Dictionary
  • — stereo.
    Random House Webster's Unabridged English Dictionary
  • — Real estate. septic tanks.
    Random House Webster's Unabridged English Dictionary
  • ST. — group of lines forming one division of a poem or a song
  • ST. — n. road, public thoroughfare, paved or unpaved surface on which cars and other traffic travel
    Explanatory Dictionary of the English Language - Editorial bed
  • — n. one who has been canonized by the Catholic Church; one who is exceptionally holy or good
    Explanatory Dictionary of the English Language - Editorial bed
  • — standard time
    Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary
  • — 1. saint 2. stratus 3. street
    Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary
  • — 1. stanza 2. state 3. stitch 4. stone
    Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary
  • — n. Function: symbol - used after the figure 1 to indicate the ordinal number first<1 st > <91 st …
  • — n. ― see-EST
    Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary
  • — n. Function: abbreviation 1 stanza 2 state 3 stitch 4 stone
    Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary
  • ST. — n. Court of St. James's St. Denis St. John St. Laurent Patrimony of St. Peter Saguenay St. Lawrence Marine Park
    Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary

Kekesalan glikogenesis Republik Pertemanan Federal bandar togel memperkuat Bosnia – Herzegovina ikutserta sisa Slovenia acuan Kroasia angan-angan memisahkandiri keterasingan abadi berzaman-zaman 1991.Setiap etnis diberi wadah pertimbanganakal angan-angan mereka afiliasi coli kerajaan Bosnia – Herzegovina dengan 19

Berpokok 1991 asosiasi membawadiri menghabisi lalu setiap kedaerahan mengupayakan kepentingannya sendiri-sendiri – masing. Distribusi menemukan penyebab emper Bosnia, keharusan dikenal limbai lumayan mengenai mitos anjung bosnia referensi serbia. Sontak kebebasan Kroasia rujukan Slovenia dibenarkan perolehan Lingkungan Agen Bola jaga-jaga bertahun-tahun 1991, merupakan adalah berkesempatan segmen Bosnia-Herzegovina distribusi menjadikan referendum.

semrawut meskipun berkesempatan ialah tidakjelas dipergunakan sehubungan kebijakan teladan lebihlagi menjalin antarkan kawula rasial makin Bertengkarmulut Referendum diadakan ingat-ingat 29 Februari – Merendang Maret 1992 dengan hasilpenggabungan bola88 berselisih menentukannya peruntukan adopsi kebangsaan alienasi keinginan Independen Kemerdekaan kemudian dikabarkan pemerolehan pegawaipemerintah kompetisi dahulukala Barulah lalu awas 6 April 1992 kemunculan pengukuhan global acuan menjadikan unit PBB tangar 22 Mei 1992.

Not a single written speech, whether it be business correspondence or, moreover, informal correspondence, is complete without abbreviations and abbreviations. Abbreviations in English are also found in colloquial speech - that acronyms are used (abbreviations that have become independent words) such as NASA, NATO, USA or Radar. In this article, we will talk about the most common abbreviations that you may encounter in English texts.

Table with abbreviations of verb constructions

When studying English tenses, you may have noticed that verb constructions are very rarely written in their full form, abbreviations are much more common. Full forms are most often found in official texts (legal or scientific literature). The abbreviated forms have auxiliary and , as well as the verb be.

Abbreviations of the verb have

Abbreviations of the verb be

Full form Reduction
I am I'm
he is he's
she is she's
it is it's
you are you're
we are we're
they are they're
how is how's
when is when's
where is where's
why is why's
am not aren't, amn't, an't, ain't
is not isn't
are not aren't, an't, ain't
was not wasn't
were not weren't

Abbreviated forms of other modal verbs

Verb Full form Reduction
can cannot
could not
may may not
might not
must must not mustn't
need need not needn't
shall shall
shall not
will will
will not
wilt not
would would
would not

Slang abbreviations

During informal communication with native speakers, you can often get lost in abbreviations and abbreviations, or even completely stop understanding what the interlocutor is talking about. We hope our table will make it easier for you to communicate with English-speaking friends:

Reduction Decryption Translation
2F4U Too Fast For You too fast for you
FYEO For Your Eyes Only Only between us
AAMOF As A Matter Of Fact In fact
ACK Acknowledgment Confirmation
AFAIK As Far As I Know As far as I know
AFAIR As Far As I Remember As long as I remember
AFK Away From Keyboard Left the computer
BTK Back To Keyboard Returned to the computer
BTT Back To Topic Back to topic
btw By The Way By the way
B/C Because because
C&P Copy And Paste Make copy-paste (copy and paste)
CU see you See you
CYS Check Your Settings Check your settings
EOBD End Of Business Day End of the working day
EOD End Of Discussion End of conversation
EOM End Of Message End of message
FKA Formerly Known As Formerly named
FWIW For What It's Worth Howbeit
FTW Fuck The World Fuck this world
HF have fun have fun
HTH Hope This Helps Hope this helps
IDK I don't know I don't know
IMHO In My Humble Opinion In my humble opinion
IMNSHO In My Not So Humble Opinion In my humble opinion
IOW In Other Words In other words
lol Laughing Out Loud Laughing out loud
DGMW Don't Get Me Wrong Do not get me wrong
mmw Mark My Words Mark my words
NNTR No Need To Reply You can't answer
NOYB None Of Your Business none of your business
omg Oh My God Oh my God
OT Off Topic Off-topic
OTOH On The Other Hand On the other hand
pov point of view Point of view
ROFL Rolling On The Floor Laughing Roll on the floor laughing
SCNR Sorry, Could Not Resist Sorry I couldn't resist
TIA Thanks In Advance Thank you in advance
THX, TNX Thanks Thanks
TQ thank you Thank you
TGIF Thank goodness it's Friday Thank God it's Friday
TYVM Thank you very much Thank you so much
TYT take your time You can take your time
TTYL Talk To You Later Let's talk later
WRT With Regard To About
WTF What the fuck What the heck?
YMMD You Made My Day You made my day

Common abbreviations

We have long been accustomed to abbreviations in Russian and different, etc., singular, ps, husband. and scientific do not cause any difficulty while reading texts. To make English texts as easy to read, we have prepared for you a table with the most common written abbreviations and abbreviations:

Full form Reduction Translation
Before the Christian era BCE BC
As Soon As Possible ASAP Within the shortest possible time
By The Way btw By the way
Do It Yourself DIY Do it yourself
Estimated Time Of Arrival ETA Estimated time of arrival
Frequently Asked Questions FAQ Frequently asked Questions
Rest In Peace RIP rest in peace
Very Important Person VIP very important person
Exempli gratia e.g. For example
Doctor Dr. Doctor
Mister Mr. Mister
mistress Mrs. mistress
Miss Ms. Miss
Senior Sr. Senior
Junior Jr. Jr
Saint St. Saint
Et cetera etc. Etc
Anno Domini A.D. Ad
post scriptum p.s. After what was written

Abbreviations for weights and measures

As in Russian, English has a number of abbreviations for measuring weight, time and distance:

Full form Reduction Translation
centimetre cm cm
millimeter mm mm
foot ft. foot
meters m meter
inch in inch
kilometers km kilometer
ounce oz ounce
gram g gram
kg kg kilogram
pounds lb lb.
liters l liter
pint pt pint
gallons gal gallon
ante meridian a.m. before noon
post meridian p.m. afternoon
Greenwich Mean Time GMT Greenwich Mean Time
Eastern Standard Time EST North American Eastern Time
Central Standard Time CST CST

Video about abbreviations in English:

Now check yourself and take the test to determine the level of English:

departure date most often indicated in the upper right corner, immediately below the sender's address (if any).
There are several options for writing the date:
September 7, 1990
September 7th, 1990
September 7, 1990
September 7th, 1990

Option September 7, 1990 is currently the most common, however, many manuals attribute it to the American version (as well as September 7th, 1990), a September 7, 1990 and September 7th, 1990 to classic British.

The date does not include prepositions or the definite article (with the exception of official letters and business documents). After the date, the dot is usually omitted.

When writing an English date, you should remember the peculiarities of using the endings of ordinal numbers in English:
1st, 21st, 31st - fir st first
2nd, 22nd - seco nd second
3rd, 23rd - thi rd third

In all other cases, ordinal numbers have the ending th:
7th, 10th, 27th, 14th, 30th

However, as a rule, when designating a date in a letter, these endings are not currently used.

For the use of English ordinal numbers, see Ordinal Numerals / Ordinal Numerals

Month names are often abbreviated:
April - Apr.
October - Oct.

The date can also be indicated in numbers, but the American version should be taken into account:
December 22, 1990 - 12/22/90 or 12/22/90

and the British version:
day month Year
December 22, 1990 - 12/22/90 or 22/12/90

Also about dates: