How to mold mushrooms from plasticine (boletus, chanterelles, fly agaric, honey mushrooms, russula). Forest clearing - modeling mushrooms from plasticine

Mushrooms are traditionally one of the important factors in the food culture of our country. However, they carry a potential danger in case of misuse. Children should know the most dangerous of mushrooms from an early age. At the same time, children should be well aware of useful mushrooms. Modeling classes serve to develop the ability to recognize them, increasing the level of general awareness. In addition, modeling mushrooms is relatively simple and allows you to work out precise techniques. fine motor skills.

Modeling as a way of "manual" creativity

Modeling - important element pedagogical work development of fine motor skills in children. It also teaches perseverance, concentration, awakens fantasy, develops creative thinking. As a rule, in the classes of the middle group kindergarten spatial volumetric modeling is used when the object is made completely three-dimensional, as in reality. This achieves the visibility of objects depicted by children. In addition, it stimulates the development of spatial perception.

It is very important for children to know edible mushrooms.

Of the modeling methods for creating mushrooms, constructive is more often used. Children can also be offered to fix the made mushrooms on a support so that they can collect a whole mushroom meadow. Thus, among additional materials will be paper and cardboard or plastic.

Colored clay will be required as the main material for modeling; tones depend on which composition options will be offered by the teacher for production. For example, to sculpt fly agarics, you will need a basic red tone for a hat with white elements - a stem, dots and the bottom of a mushroom cap. White and brown-red are useful for boletus. Brown will go for a hat white fungus. Well, toadstools can be made in a variety of ways. color scheme, like russula.

Lesson Planning

It is advisable to carry out a lesson in modeling mushrooms in autumn months, since this topic clearly correlates with this calendar period.

Degree of independence

Children 4–5 years old are not yet able to choose their own options for tasks. At the same time, it makes no sense to offer to sculpt the same thing with the whole group: someone can be offered to mold a fly agaric, and someone - a boletus mushroom. Recommendations about color solution future work The teacher gives the students. On the other hand, the variability of work in terms of the techniques used is quite possible. Whether to use, for example, stacks for additional processing children can decide for themselves.

Collectively or individually?

Sculpting is the kind of creative activity that allows options for both individual and collective work. Children can work together. Two or even three guys can, for example, prepare a composition of several items. It can be some kind of “magic boletus” from a fairy tale, under which forest animals hide from the rain, if there are some small toys the size of figures from Kinder Surprise (they can also be included in such a composition). It may be a handsome fly agaric from a famous cartoon. Or mushrooms for squirrels, various mushrooms in a clearing, a basket of mushrooms from the girl Masha from a fairy tale, the composition “mushrooms and berries”, and so on.

In the course of such work, the results of any other, preliminary, classes can also be used. This is how we can apply an individual approach in this situation to the implementation of the teacher's ideas within the framework of this topic.

As a stand for mushrooms, you can use a plastic red lid from the container

Children's motivation

Before starting the lesson, children should get a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat exactly they should depict in a sculptural form. To do this, the actual modeling should be preceded by showing pictures and a story-explanation on the topic: children should see the mushrooms that they will have to embody in sculpture.

You need to think in advance about how to distribute tasks if the children work in pairs and triples. Which of the children should be personally entrusted with the manufacture of a particular mushroom or even several, and who should be entrusted with the execution of small decorative details such as a skirt on a leg or spots on a hat. In the course of working with a group - both when it is divided into microgroups, and when children work individually - one should also adhere to the “fairytale mood”, turning the modeling work into a kind of magical game, motivating children to achieve a significant result. .

The result of the work is not only the small sculptures themselves, but also the relationship between them, which is indicated by the plot of the original fairy tale. All this can and should be beautifully arranged - at least in the form of a small exhibition of works in the "artistic corner" of the group, to the delight of parents who will see the results of their children's work.

Children's work can be organized into a mini-exhibition

Table: abstract of a modeling lesson on the topic "Mushrooms" (middle group, author M. S. Mazur)

  1. Learn more about mushrooms.
  2. We consolidate skills independent work with plasticine, using the techniques already learned.
  3. We develop:
    • eye gauge;
    • fine motor skills of fingers;
    • creative thinking;
    • spatial thinking;
    • imagination;
    • memory.
  4. We evoke in kids a sense of joy, pleasure from creativity.
  5. We cultivate a reverent attitude towards the environment.
  • twigs different shapes to create a forest
  • figurines of mushrooms and hedgehogs,
  • Handout:
    • boards for modeling;
    • plasticine;
    • napkins.
Lesson progressEducator: Guys, today we are going to travel to the forest, do you want to go there with me?
Children: Yes!
Educator: Hello, forest, wonderful forest, all of fabulous miracles!
Who is hiding in the thicket? Who is sniffing under the Christmas tree? (hedgehog),
Look who's hiding under the tree?
Children: Hedgehog!
Educator: That's right, hedgehog. He is happy that we came to visit him! Do you think it's a good life for a hedgehog? What does he do, where does he sleep, what does he eat?
(Children answer).
Teacher: That's right! Preparing for winter, picking mushrooms.
Guys, the hedgehog asks you to help him stock up more mushrooms.
Will we help?
Children: Yes!
Educator: Let's see together what mushrooms grow in the forest.
Educator: What kind of mushroom is this?
Let's solve the riddle:
Stands in a red cap, with patches,
On a white leg, does not step anywhere,
Only drives away flies (fly agaric)
Do you think fly agaric can be eaten?
Children: No, it is inedible.
Educator: Together we will examine the fly agaric carefully, we need to remember it in order to know and not to be confused with other mushrooms.
How is it different from other mushrooms? Only the fly agaric has a red hat, as if strewn with small grains.
Educator: We must remember! Fly agaric is poisonous!
This mushroom should not be used for food.
We need to find edible mushrooms so that our hedgehog can overwinter. Look, a mushroom hid under another tree.
What is this fungus, now guess.
Children guess.
Teacher: Tell me, tell me
This is our mushroom picker,
The best mushroom in the world
Well, of course - (boletus)
This mushroom is edible, it has a plump leg.
And his hat is big and round.
Do you think our hedgehog will be happy with such a mushroom?
Well, stop sitting in one place already, we are walking through a large forest.
Get up, now let's look for mushrooms.
Physical education:
Let's go, let's go, let's go (steps in place)
And we'll find mushrooms (clap your hands)
One - fungus (tilt forward)
Two - fungus (tilt forward)
Three - fungus (tilt forward)
We put them in a box (tilts to the sides)
How is it, guys, we walked all over the forest, and we didn’t collect enough mushrooms for the hedgehog. What should we do, how to help the hedgehog?
Children: You can mold mushrooms from plasticine to a hedgehog.
Educator: Right! Sit down at the tables, let's see how we will sculpt a mushroom for a hedgehog?
First we blind the leg. What color will she be?
That's right, white.
And what is the shape of the stem of the mushroom? Like a column.
So, we take a piece of white plasticine and roll up a plump sausage.
It must be strong enough to support the hat.
What color will the hat be? brown.
Then we take a piece of brown plasticine and roll it into a ball.
Now we will flatten this ball in our palms. Have we got a hat?
I think it turned out great.
Now we can put this hat on the leg. Connect everything carefully.
What good fellows you all are! The hedgehog is very grateful to you.

Sculpting technology

The general procedure for making the mushrooms themselves from plasticine is approximately the following (point 6 can be performed third):

  1. We make a leg: we roll a thick plasticine sausage.
  2. For a hat, roll up and flatten a ball of a different color. Depending on the type of fungus, it can be concave, convex, or have other shape features.
  3. We fix the hat on the leg.

    Components for simple mushroom very easy to make

  4. As a stand, you can use a green plasticine "lawn" or a cardboard surface.
  5. You can add if necessary additional elements(leaves, spots).

    The ring of the future fly agaric can also be indicated with a thin sausage

  6. We fix the mushroom on a stand or cardboard backing. The base of the mushroom can be marked with stucco "grass" Green colour.

    The guys need to clearly explain that fly agaric is poisonous

Mushroom modeling


  • cardboard,
  • stack,
  • plasticine:
    • dark,
    • white,
    • orange,

White mushroom is edible


  1. We roll a large ball of dark plasticine.
  2. Cut the ball in half with a stack.
  3. Roll out a small light ball into a thin disk.
  4. We sculpt a roller, thickened at one end.
  5. We attach a disk to the bottom of the hat.
  6. We make a recess for the legs.
  7. Insert and attach the leg.
  8. The composition can be fixed on cardboard.

Fly agaric modeling


  • cardboard,
  • stack,
  • plasticine:
    • white,
    • red,
    • green,
  • on request - additional decorative elements(leaves, colored paper grass, etc.)


  1. We sculpt a ball of red plasticine.
  2. Flatten the ball into a disk.
  3. Cut out a corner from the disk with a stack.
  4. We fasten the hat along the cut (it should turn out to be a cone).
  5. We make 15 small balls of white plasticine.
  6. We give the stem of the mushroom the shape of a roller, expanded to one end.
  7. The “skirt” of the mushroom is a strip curved by a wave.
  8. We roll up the green ball and flatten it - this is a stand for the mushroom.
  9. Cut out a stack of green triangles for the grass.

    children should be explained that the bright color of the fly agaric signals danger

  10. Lubricate the spots to the hat.
  11. We put on a hat on the leg.
  12. We attach the "skirt".
  13. We install the mushroom on the stand.
  14. We surround the stand with grass.

    The conical mushroom cap expands children's understanding of shape

Video: sculpt a mushroom from plasticine

Mushroom molding lesson middle group kindergarten meets many of the tasks of preschool educational process. Given the ease of performing the mushroom and the possibility of embedding the results of such a lesson in a different situational context (games, riddles, etc.), it is difficult to overestimate the importance of this topic. In addition, enrichment and consolidation of knowledge about beneficial and poisonous mushrooms is extremely important for residents. middle lane Russia. Thus, modeling mushrooms must be included in the curriculum for the middle group.

Plasticine mushrooms are a model that children begin to sculpt almost the first, at 3-4 years old. And then they mold them in the older one, preparatory group kindergarten, elementary school. And this is no coincidence. On the one hand, molding the simplest fungus is very easy. On the other hand, mushrooms have such a potential for decorating, mastering various modeling techniques that it will be interesting for children of any age to sculpt them. Working on these models, you will also get a great opportunity to talk with children about edible and inedible mushrooms, to introduce them to the children.
We offer you several options for plasticine mushrooms:

How to mold a porcini mushroom from plasticine

The largest "aristocrat" among mushrooms is the white mushroom. Let's blind him.
Step 1
We make a leg. Take white or light beige plasticine, knead it and roll up a very plump sausage. If you are sculpting with older children, you can give the stem a slightly pointed cone shape.

Step 2
Let's make a hat. We roll a fairly large ball out of brown plasticine - about the same size as we want to get a hat. Next, take the stack and divide it into unequal parts, as shown in the photo.

We take most of our ball. Trim it a little and push a hole inside with your finger.

For kids 3-4 years old, this work can be completed - we connect the hat and leg and the mushroom is ready.

But we will show how to make our fungus more realistic. Take a small piece of plasticine white or beige colour from which we sculpted a leg. We roll a ball out of it and flatten it into a cake, equal in diameter to the hat. Let's stick this white detail on the underside of the mushroom, and then stick the leg.

Step 3
We blind a small fungus, using the remaining small segment of brown plasticine for a hat.

Step 4
Our mushrooms need a stand. Take a piece of green plasticine, mold a ball and flatten it into a cake. Let's fix the mushrooms on this "pedestal".

Step 5
You can make grass around the mushrooms. Take small pieces of different shades of green and yellow color, mix them and roll up the sausage. Flatten the sausage and notch it with a stack.

Let's stick the grass to the base on which the mushrooms stand, Let's bend the "blades of grass". So we got porcini mushrooms from plasticine.

Here is the old boletus
And he is handsome and great.
In a dark hat on one side,
The leg is strong as a stump.

How to mold a boletus mushroom from plasticine

The boletus mushroom for babies 3-4 years old will be molded in the same way as the porcini mushroom. Only the color of the hat will be different - red-brown. With older guys, you can sculpt other features of this mushroom from plasticine.
Step 1
The leg of the boletus is longer and thinner than that of the white. In addition, the legs of these mushrooms are black-speckled. Let's blind them. Let's make a sausage out of white or beige plasticine. From black plasticine we roll up a very thin flagellum, we will tear off small pieces from it and stick it on the leg. Then we roll the sausage leg again, leveling the specks.

Step 2
We will make the hat in the same way as with the porcini mushroom, only a little flatter, and the inside of the hat will be yellow.

Step 3
We put the mushrooms on a stand and blind the grass. This is how the boletus turned out.

I grow up in a red cap
Among aspen roots.
You will recognize me from a mile away
My name is ... (boletus).

How to mold chanterelle mushrooms from plasticine

These are elegant and very delicious mushrooms for some reason, they very rarely sculpt from plasticine with children. But in vain! After all, sculpting them is a pleasure! Plasticine is only one color, and the technology is very simple.
Step 1
We roll up a “mace” from orange plasticine, as shown in the photo.

Step 2
The upper part with flattened fingers, forming a funnel.

For special naturalism, notches-plates can be applied with a stack.

Step 3
Chanterelles grow in families. Therefore, we will make 3-4 mushrooms different sizes. Stick them on a green plasticine base and decorate with blades of grass. A leaf can be placed on a hat for picturesqueness. The leaflet can be molded from plasticine or cut out of colored paper. The fox family is ready.

In the clearing - like sisters
Look - little mushrooms
They are called foxes
Fried, boiled, put in soup.

How to mold russula mushrooms from plasticine

Russula - mushrooms are very simple. Many mushroom pickers do not even consider them mushrooms. But there are always a lot of them in the forest. And it’s very easy to recognize them - you can’t confuse them with any poisonous “doubles”. Russula wear "outfits" - the hats of the most different colors: red, yellow, pink, purple. But the most delicious are mushrooms with green caps. They are called "delicacy".
Step 1
We begin to sculpt the russula in the same way as the chanterelle, only from white plasticine. The leg can be made longer than that of chanterelles.

Step 2
Let's make a hat. From the plasticine of the selected color, we blind the ball and flatten it into a cake. Let's stick a multi-colored hat on the leg. We will apply a notch-plate with a stack.

Step 3
Let's make some colorful mushrooms, stick them on a plasticine base and decorate with grass.

Along forest paths
Lots of white legs
In colorful hats
Noticeable from afar.
Collect, don't hesitate
This is ... (russula)

How to mold a fly agaric mushroom from plasticine

Fly agaric is a poisonous mushroom, but what a handsome man! Sculpting it is quite difficult. This model is suitable for children from 6-7 years old.
Step 1
Let's make a hat. We blind a cone of red plasticine. With your finger, make a notch in the cone, slightly flattening the edges.

We blind a ball from white plasticine, flatten it into a cake and stick it to inside hats. You can apply a stack of notches-plates.

Step 2
We make a leg. We roll a cylinder from white plasticine. From white plasticine we blind a small sausage and flatten it. We connect the flattened strip with the cylinder leg, creating a “skirt” for the fly agaric.

Step 3

We stick the hat to the leg, stick white spots on the hat.

Step 4
It remains to put the fly agaric on a plasticine stand and decorate it with plasticine grass.

Fly agaric is a miracle
I won't cut them anyway.
Once such a beauty!

We will collect all mushrooms from plasticine in a forest clearing.

Perhaps the fly agaric is the most beautiful mushroom in the forest. It always grows in the most visible place, like other grebes. The mushroom loves to show off its bright hat, slender leg, it reaches enormous sizes. Indeed, who will tear the fly agaric, because this is the most dangerous mushroom In the woods. Such a handsome man can only be seen and admired, but you should not take him in your hands. It’s a completely different thing - this is a fly agaric craft, you can mold this mushroom from plasticine. This tutorial shows you how. Fly agaric from plasticine is an easy option for children preschool age. You can make it by having plasticine in stock in two colors - red and white.

What you need to sculpt a fly agaric:

  • plasticine white and red;
  • stack
  • additionally green plasticine for grass.

We sculpt a fly agaric from plasticine step by step

1) What does fly agaric look like? Be sure to ask the children about this, especially if you go together to pick mushrooms in the forest in the fall. Children should know that a bright red mushroom with white spots on a beautiful thin white stem is a poisonous toadstool. The hat of the fly agaric is not flat, but elongated upwards. From below it is also worth covering it with white plasticine and showing small plates. On a thin leg there is a collar or skirt, which is also characteristic of this representative. Prepare red and white plasticine for mushroom modeling, green - for grass, knead all these pieces separately.

2) Crush green plasticine with your fingers to a round cake.

3) Lift the ends of the cake up, creating a kind of vase. The hole in the vase will become a bed for the mushroom stem. Make notches on the outside with the tool to show the blades of grass.

4) From white plasticine, make a tube for the leg, expanding it to the bottom, and additionally prepare a thin sausage for the collar.

5) Glue a thin sausage across the leg, press down around the circumference with your fingers, highlighting the collar, also process with a stack.

6) Make a hat out of a red ball by pulling the plasticine to the sides with your fingers. Try to evenly distribute the plasticine around the circumference. Additionally, make a white cake, the circumference of which corresponds to the circumference of the cap.

7) Glue a white cake to the bottom of the cap and start cutting thin plates with a stack. Come out from the center of the mushroom and pull the incisions outward.

8) Cover lower part red cap cuts around the entire circumference.

9) Turn the hat over with the red side facing you and use the white pieces of plasticine to show the characteristic spots that adorn the fly agaric.

10) Connect the hat and leg. The poisonous mushroom itself is ready. Insert the bottom of the leg into green billet to get a more believable craft.

Autumn is approaching - a particularly good time for mushroom hunting. Some mushrooms, however, are only suitable for admiring them ... For example, plasticine ones. And if at hand the right materials, you can make a fun family of fabulous mushrooms right now. It's so easy and fun!

Materials and tools for the master class "Mushroom family"

We will need:
+ plasticine - black, white, blue, purple, pink, light green, dark green and yellow
+ thick wire
+ scalpel


1. We sculpt three thick logs from white plasticine - future mushroom legs:

2. We roll six very small balls and several thin sticks from black plasticine:

3. We turn the balls into mushroom eyes. Little by little, rolling the sticks even thinner and cutting off particles from their edge, we make eyebrows, cilia and mouths:

4. We sculpt three mushroom hats from blue, purple and pink plasticine (blue is the largest, purple is smaller, pink is completely "childish"):

5. We roll up many small balls from white plasticine, slightly different in size:

6. We make spots on mushroom caps from balls:

7. From light green plasticine we make a stand that looks like a round mound:

8. Cut off six small pieces of wire:

9. Using three pieces of wire, we attach the legs of the mushrooms to the stand:

10. The remaining three wires are needed in order to "put on" hats:

11. Roll out a thick layer of dark green plasticine and draw grass bushes on it:

12. Using a scalpel, cut out the bushes:

13. From white plasticine we roll ten slightly flattened balls, from yellow - two balls:

Successful creativity to you, and may your loved ones always be there - healthy and happy!

print Thanks, great tutorial +9

What could be clearer and easier than plasticine mushroom crafts? However, the smallest sculptors should definitely be helped in creating this plasticine masterpiece. Help can be provided by parents or caregivers or our detailed guide on modeling a mushroom from plasticine. We blind an edible fungus like a boletus that grew in a clearing. This is a great option for autumn creativity for kindergarten. You can make a mushroom together with your child very quickly, and the next day he will show off on the shelf of crafts in the nursery group.

Step by step photo lesson:

The craft will consist of two simple details: brown hat and beige (or white) legs. To make them, prepare the appropriate colors of plasticine. Beige can be created separately by mixing brown and white and kneading thoroughly.

Cut off half of a brown bar, knead (which is traditional before each step), then roll into a ball.

Press the ball onto the modeling board. Use your fingers to press on all sides of the soft mass to make a detail that looks like a mushroom cap.

Turn the hat with the flat side facing you. Stick on a beige cake.

With the tip of a toothpick, make many holes on the beige cake, setting the porous structure of the bottom of the hat.

Pull the beige piece into a drop leg. To the bottom (wider part) add a brown tortilla.

Use your fingers to spread the plasticine on the leg, showing the brown base of the mushroom. Apply stripes with a toothpick.

Attach the hat to the stem to get the boletus fungus.

The forest clearing object is ready. If it’s autumn outside the window, then you can take a walk with your child and look for real mushrooms in order to examine them and find similarities with a plasticine copy made by yourself.