How to conduct a modeling lesson on the theme "Mushrooms" in the middle group of a kindergarten. Forest glade - modeling mushrooms from plasticine

Software content:
Expand knowledge about mushrooms. Strengthen the ability to sculpt mushrooms on your own, using previously learned methods of working with plasticine. Develop an eye fine motor skills hand-shaped logical thinking, spatial imagination, memory, attention.
Arouse in children a joyful mood, satisfaction with the work done. It fosters interest and respect for nature.
Material: artificial trees to create a "forest", toys, mushrooms and a hedgehog.
Handout: sculpting boards, plasticine, napkins.

Course of the lesson

Educator: Guys, today we are going for a walk in the forest, do you want to go?
Children: Yes!

Z hello forest, beautiful forest,
full of fairy tales and wonders!
Who is lurking in your wilderness?
What kind of animal is sleeping under the tree (hedgehog)

guys, look, who is this sitting under the tree?
Children: Hedgehog!
Educator: Look how the hedgehog was delighted with our arrival! What do you think a hedgehog is doing in the forest.

Children's answers.

Educator: Right! harvests mushrooms for the winter.
Guys, the hedgehog asks your help to prepare the mushrooms, can we help the hedgehog?
Children: Yes!
Educator: Send, take a walk in the woods, look at the mushrooms.
Educator: And what is this mushroom?
Mystery: But someone important on a white leg, he with a red hat, on a white leg (fly agaric)
Tell me, is fly agaric an edible mushroom or not?
Children: No, inedible, you can't eat it.
Educator: Let's take a close look at the mushroom so that when you go into the real forest, you will never pick it.
What is his leg? ( It is long and thin, and the hat is round, thin, with white peas)
Educator: Remember! That fly agaric is a poisonous and inedible mushroom.
Let's look for edible mushrooms for our hedgehog.
Look at another mushroom under the tree, listen to a riddle about it:

This mushroom is located under a pine tree, like the king of the forest
Glad to find his mushroom picker, this is (white boletus).

It is an edible mushroom, the leg is thick as a post, short, and it holds a large, round hat.
A hedgehog will be happy with such a mushroom.
Let's take a walk through the little forest and look for more mushrooms.
Educator: Let's play a little: let's imagine that we are all mushroom pickers, go to the forest for mushrooms.

Physical education:

We walked, walked, walked (walking in place)
and found the mushrooms (clap our hands)
Fungus times (bent over)
two fungus (bent over)
Three fungus (bent over)
put in a box (got up and tilt to the side)

We had a little rest, we took a walk in the forest, but we hardly collected any mushrooms for the hedgehog.
Let us blind the hedgehog mushrooms.
Educator: Sit down at the tables and see how you can mold a mushroom. We will sculpt a mushroom leg from white plasticine by rolling, and roll the hat into a brown plasticine ball and flatten it down a little with our palms, this is how we get a mushroom hat. And now they themselves took a piece of plasticine, molded a mushroom leg, then a hat, and put it all together. We did everything, well done! Put the mushrooms in the basket. The hedgehog is very happy and thanks you very much for your help, all the mushrooms are very karshy.

The article is posted in the auto edition

Plasticine mushrooms are a model that children begin to sculpt almost the first, at 3-4 years old. And then they mold them into the older one, preparatory group kindergarten, in primary school. And this is no coincidence. On the one hand, it is very easy to mold the simplest fungus. On the other hand, mushrooms have such a potential for decorating, mastering various modeling techniques that it will be interesting to sculpt them for children of any age. Working on these models, you will also get a great opportunity to talk with children about edible and inedible mushrooms, and introduce them to children.
We offer you several options for plasticine mushrooms:

How to mold a porcini mushroom from plasticine

The biggest "aristocrat" among mushrooms - White mushroom... We blind him.
Step 1
We sculpt the leg. Take white or light beige plasticine, knead it and roll up a very plump sausage. If you are sculpting with older children, you can give the leg a slightly tapered tapered shape.

Step 2
We make a hat. Roll a large enough ball out of brown plasticine - about the same size as we want to get a hat. Next, we take the stack and divide it into unequal parts, as shown in the photo.

We take most of our ball. We will trim it a little and press the hole inside with our finger.

For kids 3-4 years old, the work can be completed at this - we connect the cap and the leg and the mushroom is ready.

But we will show you how to make our fungus more realistic. Take a small piece of white plasticine or beige colour from which we sculpted the leg. Let's roll a ball out of it and flatten it into a cake equal in diameter to the hat. Stick this white detail on the underside of the mushroom, and then stick the leg.

Step 3
We mold a small fungus, using the remaining small segment of brown plasticine for the cap.

Step 4
Our mushrooms need a stand. Take a piece of green plasticine, blind a ball and flatten it into a cake. Let's fix mushrooms on this "pedestal".

Step 5
You can make grass around the mushrooms. Take small pieces of different shades of green and yellow color, mix them and roll the sausage. Flatten the sausage and cut it with a stack.

Let us stick the grass to the base on which the mushrooms stand, Bend the "blades of grass". So we got porcini mushrooms from plasticine.

Here is the old boletus
And he is handsome and great.
In a dark hat on one side,
The leg is as strong as a tree stump.

How to mold a boletus mushroom from plasticine

A boletus mushroom for babies 3-4 years old will mold in the same way as a porcini mushroom. Only the color of the cap will be different - red-brown. With older guys, you can sculpt other features of this mushroom from plasticine.
Step 1
The leg of the boletus is longer and thinner than that of the white one. In addition, the legs of these mushrooms are speckled black. Let's blind them. Let's make a sausage out of white or beige plasticine. Roll up a very thin flagellum from black plasticine, tear off small pieces from it and stick it on the leg. Then we roll the sausage leg again, leveling the specks.

Step 2
We will make the hat in the same way as for the porcini mushroom, only slightly flatter, and the inner part of the cap - yellow.

Step 3
We put the mushrooms on a stand and dazzle the grass. These are the boletus.

I am growing in a red cap
Among the roots of aspen.
You will recognize me a mile away,
My name is ... (aspen).

How to mold chanterelle mushrooms from plasticine

These are smart and very delicious mushrooms for some reason, they very rarely sculpt from plasticine with children. But in vain! After all, sculpting them is a pleasure! Plasticine is only one color, and the technology is very simple.
Step 1
Let's roll a mace out of orange plasticine, as shown in the photo.

Step 2
The upper part with flattened fingers, forming a funnel.

For special naturalism, you can apply notches-plates with a stack.

Step 3
Chanterelles grow in families. Therefore, we will make 3-4 mushrooms different sizes... We stick them on a green plasticine base and decorate with blades of grass. For picturesqueness, you can place a leaf on the hat. A leaf can be molded from plasticine or cut out of colored paper. The family of chanterelles is ready.

In the meadow - like sisters
Lo and behold - small mushrooms
Their name is chanterelles
Fried, boiled, put in soup.

How to mold russula mushrooms from plasticine

Russula - mushrooms are very simple. Many mushroom pickers do not even consider them as mushrooms. But there are always a lot of them in the forest. And it's very easy to recognize them - you can't confuse them with any poisonous "doubles". The russula wear "outfits" - hats of the most different colors: red, yellow, pink, purple. But mushrooms with green caps are considered the most delicious. They are called "gourmet".
Step 1
We begin to sculpt the russula in the same way as the chanterelle, only from white plasticine. The leg can be made more authentic than that of chanterelles.

Step 2
We make a hat. We blind a ball from plasticine of the selected color and flatten it into a cake. Let's stick a multi-colored hat on the leg. We will apply a notch-plate in a stack.

Step 3
Let's make several multi-colored mushrooms, stick them on a plasticine base and decorate with grass.

Along the forest paths
Many white legs
In multi-colored hats,
Perceptible from afar.
Collect, do not hesitate,
This is ... (russula)

How to mold an amanita mushroom from plasticine

Amanita is a poisonous mushroom, but what a beauty! It is quite difficult to sculpt it. This model is suitable for children from 6-7 years old.
Step 1
We make a hat. We mold a cone from red plasticine. With your finger, make a notch in the cone, slightly flattening the edges.

We mold a ball from white plasticine, flatten it into a cake and stick to inside hats. Can be applied with a stack of notches-plates.

Step 2
We sculpt the leg. Let's roll a cylinder out of white plasticine. We blind a small sausage from white plasticine and flatten it. Let's connect the flattened strip with the leg-cylinder, creating a fly agaric "skirt".

Step 3

Stick the hat to the leg, stick white spots on the hat.

Step 4
It remains to put the fly agaric on a plasticine stand and decorate it with plasticine grass.

Amanita is a miracle
Are they poisonous?
I won't tear them anyway
Since such a beauty!

We collect all the plasticine mushrooms in a forest clearing.

Another “all-age” model is. We offer several options suitable for children from 3 to 8-9 years old.

How to mold a mushroom from plasticine?

My answer: from nature and life-size!

Mushrooms are almost as popular a topic of children's "creativity" as apples. Hatching-coloring-applique - mushrooms come in handy everywhere. Another question - do the children themselves know what they are doing? When I ask first graders: have you ever picked mushrooms? - they answer in different ways that no, rarely did anyone collect. Well, have you at least seen mushrooms in your life? Again a clamor - like they saw. Okay, I say, what color are the hats? People offer red, brown, green (?) ... So, what color of legs? Children confidently answer -Red! Children either did not see such cases, these popular heroes of any children's handicrafts, or did not consider and practically do not imagine. But if we say that we will sculpt a fungus, the students will immediately come to life and blink with lightning speed a microscopic stylized mushroom - three centimeters.

This I mean that if we sculpt something with children, mushrooms, for example, then, of course, for a great purpose. I will take up this topic for the development of hands and eyes. We will develop the strength of the hands by working with large volumes of plasticine, and the eye will be useful for us to maintain proportions.

We will sculpt from nature, and not according to a vague idea.

How to mold a boletus mushroom

We will try to make it in full size. We will sculpt in parts - we will divide the selected volume of plasticine in two.

We give the hat and leg a characteristic shape. The hat is like a flattened hemisphere, the leg resembles both a cylinder and a cone, and at the same time it is also a curve.

The hat must be made honestly round and honestly convex. Children, as I noticed, strive to mold a shapeless cake and a leg as straight as a column. Not worth it. We have enough time, we are not blind, but it seems.

We connect the cap and the leg and firmly attach the parts to one another:

This is how the mushroom Boletus from plasticine turned out.

Mushrooms, by the way, are not all the same. And they differ not only in color, but also in shape. See for yourself.

We sculpt a mushroom Oily

The sequence is the same. Only this time we got a medium-sized fungus and we will practice sculpting by increasing the scale, but maintaining the proportions.

If you ask a child if he knows of any poisonous mushroom. Of course, first of all, he will remember the insidious fly agaric. Amanita is a satellite of Koshchei the Immortal, Leshy. It is used to brew a love or lapel potion, make living and dead water, and much more. Sometimes even the fly agaric itself is spiritualized, it becomes a thunderstorm of mushrooms and a villain. In general, fly agarics are well known to the child. And in order to once again remind the kid about how dangerous they are, conduct an informative conversation and an exciting master class on modeling from plasticine. In this sculpting lesson we suggest you detailed manual to create a fly agaric.

To sculpt the fly agaric you need:

  • two blocks of plasticine (red and white);
  • green plates (if you want to surround your fungus with leaves);
  • stack and match.

1. Red and white are the only plasticine colors that we can use to sculpt a mushroom with a gorgeous scarlet hat, white leg and white dots. If you change the colors, then you get some kind of mushroom, but not a fly agaric.

2. Knead the red mass in your hands, cutting off the amount desired for sculpting a hat from a block. Shape into a ball.

3. Press down the clay with your fingers from above and lower it down, forming a high cone, but the top of this figure should be rounded.

4. Prepare a white cake based on the diameter of the fly agaric cap.

5. Attach a white cake to the flat part of the red part, apply a stack of tubular plates, which the poisonous mushroom must have. Pierce the center point with the tip of the tool and work in all directions along the entire circumference.

6. Roll a cone of soft white plasticine, but longer and thinner. This will be a blank for the leg. Insert a match or stick into the upper part for strength and further fastening of the cap. Also prepare a flat, long tortilla for the hat.

7. Attach the skirt-shaped cake to the top of the leg, pulling the clay evenly around the circumference.

8. Fasten the cap and leg.

9. Pull a few green pieces into thin leaves. Attach to the base of the mushroom.

10. And the last most interesting moment - we need to turn our workpiece into a real poisonous handsome fly agaric. To do this, smear small pieces of the plate on your finger and apply to the red head. It is advisable to use droplets with jagged edges.

Handsome man from the forest edge, the poisonous amanita from plasticine is ready. Our mushroom will stand firm by using a match inside the leg.

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We bring to your attention a very interesting craft autumn theme - plasticine mushrooms. By doing it, you will not only learn how to create small mushrooms with your own hands, but also study some of the varieties autumn fruits... Information about what mushrooms grow in the forest is very useful for children. They should definitely know that there are edible and inedible species that are very dangerous to humans. And it is always convenient to convey information in a playful way.

What to prepare for the autumn crafts:

A set of high-quality plasticine;

A thin toothpick.

How to make mushrooms from plasticine

The plasticine set contains bars for molding mushrooms of any kind. You can make several options at once, for example, chanterelles, boletus and boletus. In the first case, you will need an orange piece, in the second - beige and brown, in the third - red and beige.

Prepare all these pieces for sculpting by simple kneading in your hands. To add a rich harvest from the forest, you need a basket. For its sculpting, brown plasticine will be additionally used.

Chanterelles are small red mushrooms with thin caps that resemble skirts and thin, straight legs. Prepare sticks and balls from orange plasticine.

Press the sticks on both sides with your fingers. Flatten the balls from above and below, turning them into thin cakes... Fasten the hats with the legs.

Draw a plate on the bottom of each hat with a toothpick. To do this, turn the mushrooms over and make longitudinal notches with a sharp point.

That's all the operations that need to be performed with orange plasticine to get chanterelle mushrooms.

For boletus, prepare a beige drop, a brown cake and leave some more light plasticine.

Glue a beige ball on the bottom of the brown hat. Use the tip of a toothpick to loosen the bottom surface. Draw longitudinal notches on the stem to show the tubular texture.

Fasten 2 parts - the famous boletus boletus is ready to go to the basket.

Next in turn is boletus, which grows under a beautiful Russian tree. Make a thin long leg out of a beige piece, it can be slightly bent. From red - a triangular hat. The red color that is in the set must be muted with black or brown.

Connect the component parts by simply pressing on the plasticine.

When all the autumn fruits that you planned to mold are ready, get down to the basket. Children will need to put the harvest they have found somewhere. Roll up a ball for the bottom and thin long sausages Brown color for the sides.

Make a cake from a ball, from sausages - pigtails, collected in rings, as well as a half-arc for a handle.

Stick the rings on top of each other, attach the handle on top. The basket is collected. It is an indispensable accessory for the autumn toy harvest.

Now it remains to put the rich fruits of plasticine creativity in a prepared container.

Interesting crafts of the autumn theme are an option for kindergarten kids. I just want to prepare a frying pan to fry a delicious find and enjoy your favorite dish. Mushrooms really look believable and appetizing.

Elena Nikolaeva