Do-it-yourself brick fireplace. Self-laying fireplaces How to fold a brick fireplace with your own

Of course, laying a fireplace with your own hands is quite a responsible business, therefore, before proceeding with it, you need to carefully prepare. First you need to decide on the location of the fireplace stove in the house, its type and size.

Varieties of fireplaces

According to the method of installation, fireplaces can be divided into built-in, freestanding (island), corner and double-sided. Each type of installation has its own advantages and disadvantages.

  • Attached is the easiest option to implement, which is erected next to the wall, and the chimney runs along it and is led out into the street through the roof.
  • Built-in - it is mounted directly in the wall, and the chimney passes through it. This option is more difficult to perform, and to choose it for self styling not worth it if you do not have the appropriate building skills.

  • Free-standing - it does not come into contact with the walls and is good because it evenly warms up the entire room. This option should be installed where there is sufficient free space, for example, in a private house or in the country. The process of building a fireplace with your own hands is quite complicated, since there is no finished wall and you have to completely build a fireplace out of bricks.

  • Double-sided - fireplace with a through or two fire chambers. It can be located in the center of the room, as a free-standing one, or it can be built into the wall. This is a rather complex structure that it is desirable to mount with the participation of an experienced craftsman.

  • Corner - the most compact version fireplace that works well for small spaces... It differs from the version attached to the wall only in that it immediately adjoins two walls instead of one.

Type of firebox and dimensions of the fireplace

After you have decided on the location of the fireplace, you need to choose the type of firebox. It can be open (without protective glass) or closed.

An open hearth fireplace has special construction requirements due to its high fire hazard. Closed cameras combustion is less dangerous due to protective thermal glass, more durable and have a higher efficiency.

The next step in building a fireplace is calculating its dimensions. This is an important process, since the quality of the fireplace, its safety and aesthetic appearance will depend on the correctness of the calculations.

To calculate the dimensions of the fireplace, you can use a ready-made scheme from the Internet or draw your own based on it.

Please note that the hole for the firebox must be no more than 1/50 of the volume of the room, and the chimney must be at least 8 times larger than the firebox. The length of the chimney depends on the height of the room.

How to build a brick fireplace: basic steps

After you have decided on the location of the fireplace, its dimensions, and also decided what it will be - closed or open, you can proceed to the practical stages of building a fireplace with your own hands.

  1. Selection and purchase of materials - traditionally, heat-resistant bricks are used for laying fireplaces in private houses (although for the most simple designs, in which the combustion will not be too intense, it is permissible to use ordinary red brick), special clay for hearths, refined sand without coarse fractions, Portland cement, crushed stone and reinforcement for strengthening the foundation. Smooth facing brick is used for the decoration of the fireplace. The firebox is closed with a smoke flap, which can be made to order according to an individual project.
  2. Pouring the foundation - for this, a hole is dug, which should be about 10 cm wider than the intended base and have at least 60 centimeters in depth. Crushed stone is poured into the bottom of the pit, on top of which the foundation is already being mounted, which consists of wooden formwork filled with cement. The finished foundation is covered with polyethylene, and it will be possible to start building a hearth on it in about a week.
  3. Preparation of bricks - each brick must be soaked in water for several minutes before starting laying the fireplace so that it does not take moisture from the mortar.
  4. Laying bricks - bricks must be laid clearly on top of each other, constantly referring to the order diagram. The first rows must be laid under the rail, and on the third row, metal pins are mounted, on which the grille is subsequently mounted.
  5. Installation of the firebox, smoke collector and smoke channel - it is advisable to mount the inner walls of the firebox at an angle, then the hearth will have a higher heat reflecting ability. The smoke chamber is located strictly above the firebox, and the smoke channel should be ideally vertical.
  6. The design of the outer part is the most important stage in the construction of a fireplace and completely depends on your imagination. You can use natural or artificial stone, wood panels and many other materials for cladding. The main thing is that the fireplace fits organically into the interior.

To create a beautiful and functional brick fireplace with your own hands in a country house is a task that does not present a huge difficulty for an owner with ingenuity. Due to the material, the costs of a brick portal and chimney will not be high, especially in comparison with granite, marble and other exclusive minerals. Cement mortar for masonry, necessary tools also not very expensive.

Before you make yourself a fireplace for a summer residence, you need to choose its design and shape, and also decide on the calculation of the dimensions of the firebox, chimney and portal.

A simple fireplace, depending on the location, is wall-mounted and corner. Its parameters are determined based on the area of ​​the heated room: it is divided by 100 - as a result, the optimal firebox area is obtained. The width of the furnace hole should be 1.5-2 times the depth and approximately 1.5 times less height... To achieve sufficient draft, the area of ​​the smoke hole should be 10-15 times smaller than the area of ​​the furnace, and the straight section of the chimney should have a length of 3 to 5 m.With such proportions, it is possible to achieve efficient heating room and the safe operation of the fireplace.

A brick mini-fireplace for summer cottages is well suited for small rooms and requires a minimum amount of building materials. With a furnace size of no more than 40 x 60 cm, it will quite cope with heating a room up to 20 square meters. m., and its height without a chimney will be approximately 1.1 - 1.2 m, width 0.5 - 0.6 m.Taking into account the entire cladding with decorative protrusions and the coating of the tube for smoke, the structure will require 220 - 230 standard red bricks ...

An English fireplace differs from other models with a straight chimney, one-sided heat flow and a trapezoid-shaped firebox. Such a device allows most of the generated heat to enter the room.

Side and rear walls the firebox has a slight slope of about 20 ° and serves as a kind of reflector of heated air. The smoke collector is in the shape of a pyramid, and the chimney pipe is also hidden under a layer of brick, which tapers slightly towards the ceiling. Another feature of English fireplaces is the base under the portal in the form of a platform, which is laid out of refractory bricks.

The depth of the firebox in English fireplaces is 0.4 - 0.5 m, the brick layer should protrude from the edges of the furnace hole by 0.3 m, and the protrusion of the horizontal base can reach 0.5 m.For effective draft and sufficient heating of the room, it is necessary that square cross section the chimney and the area of ​​the furnace had a ratio of 1 to 8. The outlet pipe in the English version should be 3 - 5 m high. If all these conditions are met, it is possible to achieve simple and uniform heating of the room, a beautiful flame in the hearth and the absence of harmful smoke in the room. Classic English fireplaces have a long history and will add to any Vacation home cozy atmosphere.

Brazier fireplace is an option for outdoor use. This is a great way to arrange personal plot where you can comfortably spend your leisure time in good weather. A fireplace with a barbecue, in addition to a woodpile and a firebox, has a ledge on top, on which skewers with barbecue or a grill for grilling meat are placed. In addition, such a device can be used to cook other dishes in a frying pan, in a saucepan, or on a rooster, and food cooked on the street using natural fire is not only healthy, but will also give the family a lot of positive impressions.

The simplest barbecue fireplace without a roof is much easier to mount than the option for the house, because it does not require the construction of a smoke collector and a chimney - that's all gaseous products burns are eroded directly into the street.

For the foundation, they usually choose concrete base, the thickness of which will depend on the mass of the brick structure of the future barbecue, usually it is 20 - 30 cm.The portal is most often laid out in a U-shape with a recess inside which there is a compartment for firewood, a firebox with a tray for coal and a place for location grates or skewers. You can show your imagination and install more complex structures: with two fireboxes for simultaneous cooking of several dishes, with decor on top of brick made of natural or artificial stone, with a table for cutting food or a sink with a tap and a sink.

A summerhouse can be built with a brick frame and a fireplace, and the walls and roof are made of other materials: profiled iron, wood or plastic. This will simplify installation work and save on building materials.

There are a huge number of projects summer cottages for the street, the most common of them are:

  • Open gazebo under the roof on 4 columns with brick barbecue, this option is suitable for calm, windless weather, but in case of bad weather, you can build light walls made of fiberglass, PVC panels or other available materials. The roof can be tiled with metal or ondulin tiles, and even electric lighting can be installed inside.

  • A light construction of a gazebo made of wood, in which brick is used only for the fireplace itself with an arch-shaped firebox. On a cool evening, a small company can gather around the hearth, there will be enough heat from it. If necessary, you can equip the roof with a canopy made of lightweight polymer materials.

  • Finnish gazebos in recent times got wide use with us, as they are designed for cold climates. They have in profile the shape of a regular 6 or 8-gon with closed walls and a sloping roof, from the center of which a chimney pipe emerges. They use a brick island fireplace for both barbecues and space heating.

Since ordinary clay brick is universal in its physical properties, then it can be used for both home and outdoor fireplaces. The part of the firebox that is in direct contact with an open fire is selected from a refractory grade.

The purpose

The outdoor fireplace has a variety of designs, with home craftsmen coming up with new ideas every year. Outdoor fireplaces can perform the function of heating, cooking, or a combination of two tasks at the same time. Models can be island or wall-mounted, if they are attached to the gazebo, outside wall at home or stone fence... The last option is very interesting, it will save materials and construction costs if the site already has a strong and high brick fence. It can be attached to a corner or wall fireplace with a small hood.

A country fireplace made of bricks is most often made of an island type, a simple U-shaped structure without a high chimney pipe. For this option, it is better to equip the foundation with a concrete platform in advance, street tiles or other durable non-combustible material... It will be convenient to place chairs for relaxation and other garden furniture... An island fireplace for a summer residence can be modernized over time, adding new details, in the end, building a full closed gazebo heated and barbecue.

Decorative fireplace many are used in interior design, so as not to use complex systems with a smoke collector, an exhaust hood and refractory materials. A false fireplace in a room can work on the basis of an electric, gas or water heater, and skillful paintings, electric light or candles are used to simulate a flame. This option will not replace the natural heat from burning firewood, but it will look very impressive and will cost much less, since it does not require the work of an experienced stove-maker.

The fireplace in the house must, first of all, provide a normal exhaust of smoke to the outside, so that there is no strong smell and carbon monoxide... Calculate its dimensions based on the area of ​​the room, and use materials with high thermal insulation for cladding. If it is conceived to make a false fireplace, then the usual decorative brick without refractoriness.

Sauna fireplaces use mainly coal for heating, have small size and a simple device. They have 2 working parts: a firebox and a chimney. Difference from traditional sauna stove the fact that the firebox is open and the heat for heating comes from it. Brick options such fireplaces are usually wall-mounted or corner ones. Due to the large mass of building materials, they must be installed on a massive base, if the floor in the bath is not thick enough, then you need to take care of an additional foundation for the stove.

Fireplace device

A home fireplace consists of 4 parts:

  • firebox where firewood is burned;
  • smoke collector for smooth transition of smoke into the chimney;
  • chimney that removes combustion products outside;
  • a portal around the firebox with decorative cladding.

Stove options can be different, but it is best to choose a trapezoidal open firebox with inner walls at a slight angle. This will ensure the highest efficiency of such a fireplace. A very efficient model of a fireplace for a room with an air heat exchanger. This part can be made in the form of a serpentine pipe that highlights extra warmth... Therefore, for the flow of hot air into the room, it is not necessary to maintain a constant open fire.

Outdoor fireplaces with a firebox can have chimneys, barbecues, an oven, metal burners, and even a roof for cooking in the rain. Their device depends only on the imagination and capabilities of the owner. There are interesting models of fireplaces with a breadmaker, a wood-burning stove or several fireboxes.

Materials (edit)

For arranging fireplaces, red bricks made of clay or ceramics, plastic molding or pressing are predominantly chosen. The latter option is less durable, especially at high thermal loads, since it contains many pores. And here ceramic bricks, obtained by plastic molding, have a smooth and durable surface and are no less strong inside.

There are 3 types of bricks for home and outdoor fireplaces. Plain building not facing brick intended for inner layers of masonry that are not visible. It does not need protection from an open flame and a smooth, beautiful surface, therefore it is the cheapest. In the manufacture of refractory bricks, pressing and firing are used. high temperatures blanks made of chamotte mass or quartz. Such building materials are installed in places of contact with open fire, i.e. in the firebox and smoke collector. Facing and shaped bricks for decoration have an even, uniform surface with different colors, textures or gloss.

For masonry use mortars, which include cement, sand, water, sometimes chemical fillers for heat resistance. In order not to count yourself the right combination components for building a furnace, you can purchase special dry building mixtures which only need to be diluted with water and mixed before use.

In addition to bricks and a binder mortar, when building fireplaces, metal parts are used for the fireplace grate, heat exchanger, chimney, barbecue and charcoal trays.

With or without foundation

Arrangement of the foundation for the fireplace is best done when erecting the building itself. But if the house has already been built, then the floor is cut out and a concrete or brick base is made under the chimney facade. Depending on the size of the fireplace, the foundation deepens 30 to 50 cm below the floor level. The brick base should be laid on a mortar of 400 or 500 grade cement with sand in a ratio of 1 to 3. In the case of a concrete casting foundation, a wooden formwork is constructed.

A foundation for a home fireplace is not needed if it has a high brick base, such that the distance from the bottom of the firebox to the floor is at least 0.3 m.In this case, it must be taken into account that the floor structure can withstand the existing mass of the stove with a chimney. Also, false fireplaces do not need a foundation.

An outdoor fireplace in any version must be erected on a concrete base of at least 20 - 30 cm so that the structure is stable in the backyard soil.

The stove and fireplace in a modern private house look very unusual. They lend the room home comfort, set the tone for the interior, but at the same time perform a practical function - heating the room. In general, the laying of stoves and fireplaces is not particularly difficult. But so that in the future there are no problems such as filling the room with smoke, it is important to know how to properly fold the fireplace yourself.

And you should start with the foundation.

Preparatory work before laying

The foundation for the fireplace is laid even when the foundation of the house itself is being erected. This will provide the fireplace (stove) stability and protect it from destruction. But if all partitions in the house are made of reinforced concrete slabs, then in order to fold the fireplace, you do not need to make a base for it.

Red brick is the most preferred material for the fireplace.

Masonry ovens require the following materials and tools:

  • cement, crushed stone, rubble stone, formwork boards;
  • clay for mortar;
  • red brick for laying a fireplace;
  • trowel, level;
  • fittings;
  • circled;
  • smoke dampers;
  • iron sheet.

For the base, a small pit is dug up to a depth of 70 cm, the bottom is covered with rubble and compacted well. The formwork is installed, which should be 5-6 cm lower than the floor or foundation of the building. Next, rubble stone is laid out in layers and poured cement-sand mortar(1: 3). Cover the base with plastic foil to ensure it dries evenly.

After about 7-10 days, when the base has hardened, you can start cooking clay solution, on which the bricks of the oven will be laid.

The clay is soaked a few days before laying. As the slurry thickens, add water and stir.

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Checking the quality of the solution

The prepared solution must be checked for quality.

Do it one at a time folk recipe... Take some dry sand and mix it with clay pulp. Stir the mixture thoroughly. When it looks like thick glue, make a small "sausage" out of it, about 10 mm in diameter. If your product does not lose its shape, does not stick to your hands and does not try to fall apart, then the solution turned out to be of sufficient quality.

Additionally, you can check with a trowel, putting a little mortar on the brick. If it retains its shape and does not spread, does not stick to the trowel, then it can be used.

Preparing a high-quality solution is a very responsible process. Experiment with several mixes until you achieve the desired quality.

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How to fold a brick oven?

There are several schemes for how to fold a fireplace stove, but the ordering is the simplest. If you do not have experience, then it is better to use it.

From the front, the seam should be performed a little short of the front side. This will allow you to further embroider the seams as you wish.

The first row should be laid out with the addition of a small amount of cement to the mud. In this case, the brick is placed on the edge. In the process of work, you need to constantly monitor the correctness of the masonry, checking it with a square or twine. Measure the diagonals of the fireplace to maintain the correct geometry. They must be the same. Also follow the corners with a plumb line and check the laid rows with a spirit level.

Before using the brick, it should be well moistened. Place the bricks in the water for a few minutes, or just wait for the air bubbles to stop escaping. If the bricks are not moistened, they will take water from the solution, thereby reducing the strength of the entire masonry.

Continuous rows can be laid out using special tool, but the firebox and smoke collector must be done by hand. So you can feel the stones or lumps that have got into it while leveling the mortar and remove them.

After each folded row, refer to the drawing and mark the rows. The outer walls of the fireplace and the structure of the hearth do not need to be connected with the lining of the firebox, otherwise the destruction of the masonry is possible due to the temperature difference.

In the process, do not forget to wipe the inner surface of the walls with a cloth after every 4-5 folded rows. This will remove excess solution that protrudes beyond the walls and can crumble when the fireplace is melted. You also need to know that you do not need to plaster the inner walls of the fireplace.

To create a beautiful and functional brick fireplace with your own hands in a country house is a task that does not present a huge difficulty for an owner with ingenuity. Due to the material, the costs of a brick portal and chimney will not be high, especially in comparison with granite, marble and other exclusive minerals. Cement mortar for masonry, the necessary tools are also not very expensive.

Before you make yourself a fireplace for a summer residence, you need to choose its design and shape, and also decide on the calculation of the dimensions of the firebox, chimney and portal.

A simple fireplace, depending on the location, is wall-mounted and corner. Its parameters are determined based on the area of ​​the heated room: it is divided by 100 - as a result, the optimal firebox area is obtained. The width of the furnace opening should be 1.5-2 times the depth and about 1.5 times less than the height. To achieve sufficient draft, the area of ​​the smoke hole should be 10-15 times smaller than the area of ​​the furnace, and the straight section of the chimney should have a length of 3 to 5 m. With such proportions, it is possible to achieve effective heating of the room and the safe operation of the fireplace.

A brick mini-fireplace for summer cottages is well suited for small rooms and requires a minimum amount of building materials. With a furnace size of no more than 40 x 60 cm, it will quite cope with heating a room up to 20 square meters. m., and its height without a chimney will be approximately 1.1 - 1.2 m, width 0.5 - 0.6 m.Taking into account the entire cladding with decorative protrusions and the coating of the tube for smoke, the structure will require 220 - 230 standard red bricks ...

An English fireplace differs from other models with a straight chimney, one-sided heat flow and a trapezoid-shaped firebox. Such a device allows most of the generated heat to enter the room.

The side and rear walls of the firebox have a slight slope of about 20 ° and serve as a kind of reflector of heated air. The smoke collector is in the shape of a pyramid, and the chimney pipe is also hidden under a layer of brick, which tapers slightly towards the ceiling. Another feature of English fireplaces is the base under the portal in the form of a platform, which is laid out of refractory bricks.

The depth of the firebox in English fireplaces is 0.4 - 0.5 m, the brick layer should protrude from the edges of the furnace hole by 0.3 m, and the protrusion of the horizontal base can reach 0.5 m.For effective draft and sufficient heating of the room, it is necessary that the cross-sectional area of ​​the chimney and the area of ​​the furnace had a ratio of 1 to 8. The outlet pipe in the English version should be 3 - 5 m high. If all these conditions are met, it is possible to achieve simple and uniform heating of the room, a beautiful flame in the hearth and the absence of harmful smoke in the room. Classic English fireplaces have a long history and will add a cozy atmosphere to any country house.

Brazier fireplace is an option for outdoor use. This is a great way of arranging a personal plot, where you can comfortably spend your leisure time in good weather. A fireplace with a barbecue, in addition to a woodpile and a firebox, has a ledge on top, on which skewers with barbecue or a grill for grilling meat are placed. In addition, such a device can be used to cook other dishes in a frying pan, in a saucepan, or on a rooster, and food cooked on the street using natural fire is not only healthy, but will also give the family a lot of positive impressions.

The simplest barbecue fireplace without a roof is much easier to mount than the option for the house, because it does not require the construction of a smoke collector and a chimney - all gaseous combustion products are vented directly onto the street.

For the foundation, a concrete base is usually chosen, the thickness of which will depend on the mass of the brick structure of the future barbecue, usually it is 20 - 30 cm.The portal is most often laid out in a U-shape with a recess, inside which there is a compartment for firewood, on top of the ceiling a firebox with a pallet for coals and space for grates or skewers. You can show your imagination and install more complex structures: with two fireboxes for simultaneous cooking of several dishes, with decor on top of bricks made of natural or artificial stone, with a table for cutting food or a sink with a tap and a sink.

A summerhouse can be built with a brick frame and a fireplace, and the walls and roof are made of other materials: profiled iron, wood or plastic. This will simplify installation work and save on building materials.

There are a huge number of projects for summer cottages for the street, the most common of them are:

  • An open gazebo under the roof on 4 columns with a brick barbecue, this option is suitable for calm, windless weather, but in case of bad weather, you can build light walls made of fiberglass, PVC panels or other available materials. The roof can be tiled with metal or ondulin tiles, and even electric lighting can be installed inside.

  • A light construction of a gazebo made of wood, in which brick is used only for the fireplace itself with an arch-shaped firebox. On a cool evening, a small company can gather around the hearth, there will be enough heat from it. If necessary, you can equip the roof with a canopy made of lightweight polymer materials.

  • Finnish gazebos have recently become widespread in our country, as they are designed for cold climates. They have in profile the shape of a regular 6 or 8-gon with closed walls and a sloping roof, from the center of which a chimney pipe emerges. They use a brick island fireplace for both barbecues and space heating.

Since ordinary clay brick is universal in its physical properties, it can be used for both home and outdoor fireplaces. The part of the firebox that is in direct contact with an open fire is selected from a refractory grade.

The purpose

The outdoor fireplace has a variety of designs, with home craftsmen coming up with new ideas every year. Outdoor fireplaces can perform the function of heating, cooking, or a combination of two tasks at the same time. Models can be island or wall-mounted, if they are attached to a gazebo, an outer wall of a house or a stone fence. The last option is very interesting, it will save materials and construction costs if the site already has a strong and high brick fence. A corner or wall-mounted fireplace with a small hood can be attached to it.

A country fireplace made of bricks is most often made of an island type, a simple U-shaped structure without a high chimney pipe. For this option, it is better to equip the foundation in advance with a platform made of concrete, street tiles or other durable non-combustible material. It will be convenient to place chairs for relaxation and other garden furniture on it. An island fireplace for a summer residence can be modernized over time, adding new details, in the end, building a full-fledged closed gazebo with heating and a barbecue.

Many people use a decorative fireplace when arranging the interior, so as not to use complex systems with a smoke collector, an exhaust hood and refractory materials. A false fireplace in a room can work on the basis of an electric, gas or water heater, and skillful paintings, electric light or candles are used to simulate a flame. This option will not replace the natural heat from burning firewood, but it will look very impressive and will cost much less, since it does not require the work of an experienced stove-maker.

The fireplace in the house must, first of all, provide a normal exhaust of smoke to the outside, so that there is no strong smell and carbon monoxide in the room. Calculate its dimensions based on the area of ​​the room, and use materials with high thermal insulation for cladding. If it is conceived to make a false fireplace, then ordinary decorative brick without fire resistance is used.

Sauna fireplaces are mainly used for heating coal, are small in size and have a simple device. They have 2 working parts: a firebox and a chimney. The difference from a traditional sauna stove is that the firebox is open and the heat for heating comes from it. Brick options for such fireplaces are usually wall-mounted or corner ones. Due to the large mass of building materials, they must be installed on a massive base, if the floor in the bath is not thick enough, then you need to take care of an additional foundation for the stove.

Fireplace device

A home fireplace consists of 4 parts:

  • firebox where firewood is burned;
  • smoke collector for smooth transition of smoke into the chimney;
  • chimney that removes combustion products outside;
  • a portal around the firebox with decorative cladding.

Stove options can be different, but it is best to choose a trapezoidal open firebox with inner walls at a slight angle. This will ensure the highest efficiency of such a fireplace. A very efficient model of a fireplace for a room with an air heat exchanger. This part can be made in the form of a serpentine pipe, which gives off additional heat. Therefore, for the flow of hot air into the room, it is not necessary to maintain a constant open fire.

Outdoor fireplaces with a firebox can have chimneys, barbecues, an oven, metal burners, and even a roof for cooking in the rain. Their device depends only on the imagination and capabilities of the owner. There are interesting models of fireplaces with a breadmaker, a wood-burning stove or several fireboxes.

Materials (edit)

For arranging fireplaces, red bricks made of clay or ceramics, plastic molding or pressing are predominantly chosen. The latter option is less durable, especially at high thermal loads, since it contains many pores. But ceramic bricks, obtained by plastic molding, have a smooth and durable surface and are no less strong inside.

There are 3 types of bricks for home and outdoor fireplaces. Conventional non-cladding brick is intended for inner layers of masonry that are not visible. It does not need protection from an open flame and a smooth, beautiful surface, therefore it is the cheapest. In the manufacture of refractory bricks, pressing and high-temperature firing of blanks made of chamotte mass or quartz are used. Such building materials are installed in places of contact with open fire, i.e. in the firebox and smoke collector. Facing and shaped bricks for decoration have an even, uniform surface with different colors, textures or gloss.

For masonry, mortars are used, which include cement, sand, water, and sometimes chemical fillers for heat resistance. In order not to calculate the most correct combination of components for building a stove, you can purchase special dry building mixtures that only need to be diluted with water and mixed before use.

In addition to bricks and a binder mortar, when building fireplaces, metal parts are used for the fireplace grate, heat exchanger, chimney, barbecue and charcoal trays.

With or without foundation

Arrangement of the foundation for the fireplace is best done when erecting the building itself. But if the house has already been built, then the floor is cut out and a concrete or brick base is made under the chimney facade. Depending on the size of the fireplace, the foundation deepens 30 to 50 cm below the floor level. The brick base should be laid on a mortar of 400 or 500 grade cement with sand in a ratio of 1 to 3. In the case of a concrete casting foundation, a wooden formwork is constructed.

A foundation for a home fireplace is not needed if it has a high brick base, such that the distance from the bottom of the firebox to the floor is at least 0.3 m.In this case, it must be taken into account that the floor structure can withstand the existing mass of the stove with a chimney. Also, false fireplaces do not need a foundation.

An outdoor fireplace in any version must be erected on a concrete base of at least 20 - 30 cm so that the structure is stable in the backyard soil.

Ordering schemes

The sequential diagram of the fireplace contains drawings of the location of the bricks from the lowest to the top row. There can be several images, they contain orders with different sides... By using finished projects such drawings can with my own hands correctly assemble the stove, the builder is only required to lay bricks on a horizontal level and add mortar. Ready-made row diagrams allow you to immediately calculate the required amount of building materials.


If the owner of a suburban area does not have experience in laying bricks for a fireplace, then he will be helped to build a structure from scratch step-by-step instruction... There are many variants of such plans, but they all have approximately the same structure. A homemade or homemade masonry lesson outdoor fireplace usually consists of 5 - 7 stages, each of which describes the installation of 2 - 3 rows of bricks and its features. Along with this, other necessary issues are considered: how to properly reinforce a brick or concrete base, how to make a smoke collector and an air heat exchanger, how to decorate the facade of a fireplace.

Major mistakes

Experienced stove-makers highlight the most common mistakes when building brick fireplaces:

  • incorrect proportions of the sizes and shapes of the furnace, smoke collector, section and height of the chimney and the area of ​​the heated room;
  • too thick or thin joint width between rows, incorrect combination of concrete mortar components;
  • not using heat-resistant and refractory bricks;

  • too small height of the foundation or base for the fireplace;
  • the dimensions of the facade, decorative parts are incorrectly calculated, the rows and decorative details are not evenly mounted on the level, the bricks must be laid with the utmost accuracy and professionalism.

In addition, there are operational errors immediately after construction. Many do not know how many days a fireplace can be stoked after laying. A full firebox can be carried out only after 2 - 4 weeks.

Before this, forced drying is carried out: a small amount of dry wood is heated every day. Start with 2 kg, increasing the weight by 1 kg every 2 days.

For the manufacture of home fireplaces, it is customary to use materials that have at all times been widely used in home construction. Wherein fireplace stoves are made today not only from bricks, but can also be mounted from concrete or ceramic blocks. And, nevertheless, nowadays, brick-built fireplaces are the most popular.

In the course of deciding how to fold the fireplace yourself, you will certainly encounter a number of technical problems. To make a brick fireplace, for example, you will need to purchase the following building materials and accessories:

  • brick High Quality(400-450 pcs.);
  • special ("blower") door;
  • protective (grate) grate;
  • a piece of roofing iron for covering the floor in front of the stove;
  • a welded firebox;
  • steel sheet smoke collector;
  • consumable material (sand, cement, clay, copper wire, strip iron, roofing material for foundation waterproofing).

Preparatory work

Asking the question of how to properly fold the fireplace, you first of all have to decide on the type of brick used in this case. It is well known that only the following types are suitable for the manufacture of fireplaces:

  • clay brick, which usually goes to the lining of the firebox and can withstand high temperatures;
  • refractory white brick(Gzhel);
  • refractory fireclay bricks.

Preparatory work begins, as a rule, with the preparation of a clay mixture, cleaned of unnecessary impurities and well-rubbed, which is then soaked in water for 1-2 hours (before laying).

Sand for making a solution should also not contain large impurities, which is ensured by simple sifting through a fine-grained sieve.

Mixing clay with sand should be done in batches. In the same way, you need to add water to the mixture until you get the consistency you want. A properly prepared solution should easily slide off the working blade (trowel) and not spread over its surface.

Depending on the fat content of the clay used, the ratio of sand and clay in the solution should be set in a ratio of 1: 2 or 1: 1.

Main works


To equip the fireplace foundation in the area allocated for the fireplace, a small pit is dug right into the ground (to a depth of 30-40 cm), the bottom of which is carefully rammed after leveling.

The first layer of the foundation is usually filled with brick or broken stone, compacted thoroughly, and then poured on top with liquid cement mortar... The base of the foundation must exceed the dimensions of the fireplace by at least 5 cm on each side, and its upper cut must be located below the floor level (approximately by the thickness of two bricks). The penultimate row of bricks is usually covered with a layer of waterproofing necessary for reliable protection ovens from dampness.

Chimney arrangement

The most important part of a brick fireplace structure, which ensures the creation of the required normal work a draft stove is a chimney. For arranging the chimney, you can use both bricks and special ceramic or metal pipe modules.

Chimneys used in brick fireplaces have their own design features are subdivided into the following types:

  • built-in;
  • suspended;
  • with support on the fireplace (if there is a connection to the building).

Brick chimneys, in the design of which support on the fireplace is provided, transfer to the latter part of their weight and therefore require the arrangement of a separate foundation.

The built-in chimney is a special channel placed inside the load-bearing (enclosing) masonry and serves to remove smoke. According to most experts, chimneys of this type are the most economical and most suitable for private construction. Located inside the masonry, such chimneys do not need separate foundation and can be mounted directly during the construction of a house.

Suspended chimneys are used, as a rule, for equipping independent fireplace structures, but they can also be used in heating systems another class.

The outlet of the suspended chimneys is fixed to the ceilings and to supporting structures the roof of the house by means of the so-called cable-stayed cables or special brackets.

Regardless of the type of chimney design used, the following circumstances must be taken into account in its manufacture:

  • when calculating the height and flow area of ​​the chimney, it is imperative to proceed from the dimensions of the firebox;
  • since the visually perceived overhead part of the chimney structure (chimney) is partially involved in the formation of the silhouette of the building, special attention should be paid to it when developing the roof design.