How to craft a fence in lane. How to make a stone fence in minecraft

Of course, such a thing is necessary in every household, and even on open area game world and even more so. Therefore, it will be useful for each player to know how craft a fence in Minecraft, and what it is made of. By the way, without it, your farm will be trampled by zombies, cattle will scatter, and evil griefers - players with a penchant for self-mutilation - will plunder the settlement and smash all the acquired goods to smithereens. Of course, it is difficult to protect yourself from the latter with a simple fence, but this does not mean that it cannot be locked up, moreover, the information will not cease to be quite useful for you.

The fence itself does not appear complex design, but players are constantly looking for ways to solve the problem of the open area of ​​\u200b\u200btheir constructions and, in the end, for lack of the necessary skills, they come to find how to build protective structures right next to their home. In this article, we will try to answer the question that concerns many, how to build a fence, we will analyze its various types and construction algorithms that are currently available in the game.

Material set

Of course, with an eye to the usual, well-known construction of fences, the first thing you need is a set of materials. So, in order to craft a fence in Minecraft, first of all we go to the forest for necessary materials. To do this, it is not necessary to look for a particular type of wood, thinking that its strength or other characteristics will depend on this. Only the color of the finished product will depend on the type of tree that you cut down for your needs.

By the way, in fairness, we note that you can get a fence at your disposal in other ways. For example, find it on the ruins of a former village and take it with you. This method, of course, requires a certain amount of luck, but it cannot be dismissed as absolutely impossible.

After a lot of wood has been chopped, we move to the workbench, and the stage called crafting begins. There is one block of wood - 4 boards. Two boards - 4 sticks. Using this arsenal, you can already make a workbench from one block of wood, and you can build a full-fledged fence from 4 boards and 2 sticks. Therefore, when going to the forest in order to collect wood, count in such a way that the extra components do not subsequently take up space in your inventory.

Usually the player's crafting menu takes up 4 slots. In our case, the missing 5 is provided by the workbench that we built in advance in the previous step. So, having opened the crafting menu, we see 9 cells in front of us. It is most convenient to make transitions between them using an additional panel on the keyboard of a computer or laptop, on which numbers are presented in just 9 pieces.

Now we will put boards in the cells that correspond to numbers 1, 4, 6 and 3, and sticks in cells numbered 2 and 5. After completing the craft, as you can see, we will get three units of the fence. By experimenting with types of wood, you can get yourself a light or dark colored fence. True, if you have an incomplete edition of the game, then you should not expect such a variety - you only have access to an oak fence, which is crafted from sticks, in the amount of 6 pieces.


However, what is the point of the barrier if the owner of the estate in Minecraft himself cannot get to his property? That is why when building a fence, do not forget about the gate. It will not become a loophole in the user's security system, but, depending on its status (gate open or closed), it can be passed through if necessary. And in order not to make a hole in the protection yourself, you just need to close it after use.


A wooden fence in Minecraft is only one side of the coin. If you want to protect your territory in a more original way, you can choose one of the following ways to protect the territory:

When erecting a fence on your territory, it is important to remember that it does not provide one hundred percent protection against vandalism or attack by creatures. Other players can easily climb over it using a special potion, and spiders do not hesitate to move on its surface. But for standard mobs and inexperienced players, of course, it will become a tangible barrier.

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Greetings to all Minecrafters, hardworking and tireless workers of our great world of Minecraft. If you have only recently appeared in minecraft, but have already managed to make a home for yourself, then you can feel relatively secure. But we should not rest on our laurels, especially in such an important matter as our own security. We want to tell you, dear friends, what other measures can be taken in this regard and what to craft for this.

Why do we need a fence near the house

In our beautiful world of minecraft, not everything is as cloudless as it seems at first glance. It also happens that various unpleasant monsters appear from nowhere and walk around our territory (actually, every night :)). And to protect yourself from such uninvited guests, we must craft and put a fence around the entire perimeter of our property. This is not quite an ordinary block, its height visually looks equal to the height of the others, but when you try to jump over it, it appears to be one and a half blocks high. Thus, it becomes impossible to overcome it for any monsters, as well as more harmless animals.

How to create a fence

So, my friends, to craft a fence, we need boards and sticks, arranged on a workbench in a certain way. In this short video, we talked about crafting a fence:

In this simple way, a fence is made in minecraft. Recipe:

You can put torches on the fence to illuminate the area and by the way, it looks very nice. You can also “nail” the sign, or we can take and put another row on top. It will become like a wall, but not solid, but with holes. Of these, if desired, you can shoot at the monsters that annoy us in Minecraft.

We get the boards we need

To craft boards, we first need to stock up on a decent amount of wood, and the breed does not play a role. To do this, we destroy the tree with our hand, if we have not yet acquired an ax (better, of course, iron or diamond). About how to make an ax, we will write soon.

And on the workbench we can create the boards we need:

We get fence sticks

Now from the boards we can already craft the sticks needed to craft the fence. Read more about them in the article how to make a stick in Minecraft. Let's get by here simple recipe and place them on the workbench in the following way:

We create a gate for our fence

We will open it in the same way as doors. In functional terms, it is similar to a fence, also has a height of one and a half blocks and is impassable when closed. By the way, there will also be an article about her the other day :D

Where else might a fence be needed?

In addition to fencing our home, we need to make a fence also in other areas in minecraft. Namely, around the wheat fields, which we ourselves must create in order to solve the food issue. You will learn how to make them correctly by reading our article "how to make bread in minecraft" - in it we tell everything about wheat in Minecraft.

And also we can create a dairy farm with the help of a fence. Do not be surprised friends, we have in minecraft, perhaps, if not all, then a lot. And in order to make a farm, we will simply enclose some territory with a fence, drive an “ownerless” cow there and close the gate behind it. And then, we won’t start chasing her through the forests in minecraft, but we can get milk at least around the clock. Or, for example, put pigs or sheep there. From the latter, you can constantly get wool (unless of course you know how to make scissors in minecraft :)).

You can use fence blocks to make them: all sorts of poles and also as part of tables. And you can put in the openings of the walls, instead of windows.

What other types of fence can be put

You can make a fence from ordinary or mossy cobblestone. Only she, in minecraft, will be called: a cobblestone wall, however, the name does not play a special role, the essence does not change from this. Such a fence, as well as a wooden one, will cope well with protective function in minecraft. On it, you can also complete the second row, turning it into a "fortress wall" with holes. And why are they, you already know, my friends: to shoot monsters. And our article will help you with this.

How to craft a fence in Minecraft? Oddly enough, this question is quite popular among players of this online game. Perhaps this is due to the growing number of griefers on the servers? But the fence will not save from them, but only from hostile creatures. It would seem that it could be easier than a fence? However, gamers again and again ask themselves to find a solution to the problem of creating protective structures around their homes. Today we will try to consider all possible types fences available to create in the game.

They cut the forest - the chips fly

The first thing you need to craft a fence in Minecraft is wood. Any fence is made of boards and sticks. Essentially, it does not matter what kind of wood the fence will be made of. Only the color of the finished product will depend on the type of wood.

So, the first thing we go to the forest. Our task is to chop as much firewood as possible. A little later we will calculate how many materials we need in total, but for now we are organizing a genocide of local trees - in any case, you will need wood, because the house is most likely rather big, household plot needs to be fenced off to a sufficient extent.

After you have obtained a lot of wood, go to the workbench. Your task is to craft the material on it into boards. Four units of boards come out of one block of wood. Four sticks are crafted from two boards, but how is a fence made in Minecraft? Of 4 boards and two sticks. Thus, in order to completely clear the inventory and enter the "wasteless" production, you need 12 planks, or 3 blocks of wood, from which you can get 6 blocks of the fence.


Now let's figure out how to craft a fence in Minecraft. Here we will help our true friend Workbench. We open the crafting panel and see nine cells in front of us. To make it easier to navigate them, look at your laptop or computer keyboard, to the right end. There you can see additional buttons with numbers, which are located in exactly the same square. Imagine that this is our workbench.

Now, place the boards in the cells corresponding to the numbers 1, 4, 6, 3 on the keyboard. And in 2 and 5 you need to put sticks. That's all, as you can see, as a result, you get 3 units of the fence. As already mentioned, its color will depend on which tree you cut down. Experiment to find the color scheme you need.

It is also worth noting that in the pocket edition of Minecraft there is only one type of fence - oak. It is crafted exclusively from sticks, which are located on the workbench in the same six cells.


So we figured out how to craft a fence in Minecraft from wood. But there are a couple more ways to protect your territory.

  1. Hell fence. To create it, you need an infernal brick.
  2. Cobblestone fence.

How is a fence made of infernal bricks in Minecraft? First of all, you need to go to hell. Next, you must choose a path. You can find an infernal fortress and vandalize the treasured bricks out of the wall or find deposits. Smelting it in a furnace will give you several items - infernal bricks. But this is just 1 item, and we need a whole block. Of the four such items, you must craft a block of infernal brick and already make a fence out of it. The crafting recipe is no different from a regular stick fence.

How is a fence made of cobblestone in Minecraft? Of course, in the game it is called a wall, but let's not cling to words. The function remains the same. We go to the fortress, temple, village and break out required amount cobblestone from walls and roads. Or we are looking for a natural deposit of this item. And if you want to experiment, you can create your own cobblestone by mixing lava flows and water in the nether world. Craft a cobblestone wall in the same way as a hellish fence. Nothing complicated.


Having figured out the fence, and creating it around your house, remember that it does not provide absolute protection. Other players can jump over it with a jump potion, and spiders can still climb over it. However, the presence of a fence on the territory will not let many other dangerous creatures close, just remember to light the yard so that the mobs do not respawn right in front of the doors of your house. We hope this article helped you understand how to craft a fence in Minecraft, and you won't have any more similar questions. After all, this recipe is one of the most basic and simple, so you may have problems with the further development of the Minecraft world.

What you need is a fence. Especially in open areas. And in real life it can be difficult without it, and even more so in Minecraft.

Without it, foreign mobs will trample your wheat / carrot / potato farm, and hostile ones will freely walk near your house. Without it, your livestock will flee your territory. After all, absolutely all creatures from the reality of Mine can jump over blocks. But they can't go over the fence. So how to make a fence in Minecraft?


First of all, for almost any crafting recipe you need to have a workbench (mandatory in our case), which must be made from four planks or one block of wood. Because the player's crafting menu consists of only four slots, when we need nine - that's how much the workbench has.

In order to make a fence, we need boards and sticks. Planks are made from one block of wood, and sticks are made from two planks.

On the this moment there are 6 types of wood in the game, which can be used for various constructions / fabrications:

  • Birch;
  • Jungle tree;
  • Dark Oak;
  • Acacia.

But you can navigate when creating barriers that are impassable for mobs, not only on a tree. If you want to have a special look for your future barrier, you will need Hell Brick blocks. For one such block, you need to smelt 4 blocks of Hellstone in a furnace. In this way, they will turn into four Infernal Bricks, from which, in turn, the above-mentioned block can be made.

Before the Minecraft 1.8 update (The Bountiful Update), revealed to the virtual players in September 2014 and the penultimate one at the moment, it didn’t matter what kind of wood you need to craft a fence, since only sticks were used in the crafting recipe. In total, 6 sticks were needed. This means you would need 4 blocks of wood with 2 sticks to spare. 4 blocks of boards is one block of wood.

But now, since a fence can be made from different types of wood, we must use the same type of wood. For example, we want an oak fence, which means we cannot take oak and spruce boards for it at the same time. Only oak trees are suitable for us.

Also from now on, to make our barrier, is used new recipe creation. It needs 4 boards and 2 sticks. 2 sticks is 2 boards with 2 unused sticks. In total, this is 6 boards or one and a half blocks of wood.


But what is the point of a barrier if its owner cannot pass through it? To do this, you need to craft a gate. It, in fact, is an obstacle, like the fence we described, but, obviously, it can be open or closed, which makes it possible to pass through it if necessary. Like a regular fence, it only acquires a certain color of wood, and you can use only one of its specific types for a given gate.

The recipe for crafting a gate is similar to the recipe for a fence, only the sticks and planks need to be swapped as shown in the picture below. As a result, 5 planks are spent (2 sticks in stock), which, in turn, is created from 1.25 wood.

Hell Fence

There is also a Hell Brick fence in Minecraft, which functions identically to the wooden one, but has a different texture and crafting recipe. To craft it, you need 6 Hell Brick blocks, which are formed from 24 Hell Bricks.

stone wall

There is also a Stone Wall in Minecraft. And it also works just like a fence. There are two options for it: from ordinary or mossy cobblestone. To create it, you need 6 blocks of one or another cobblestone. Mossy Cobblestone can be crafted with 1 regular cobblestone and 1 vine.

Unfortunately, the Hell Fence and Stone Walls do not come with a gate. Minecraft allows this luxury only for wooden barriers.

You just have to choose the type of fence with which you will protect your homes and farms from various hostile creatures inhabiting the Minecraft world, and also prevent livestock from wandering into unknown distances. By the way, friendly mobs can be tied to a wooden or hellish fence (a lone block) - then they will always be in the same place you need, despite the absence of obstacles.

Also, this barrier is convenient to use in purely decorative purposes. For example, as a window replacement.


Do not forget that flying mobs and spiders, due to their properties, are still able to overcome (fly / jump over) even such an obstacle as a fence. Fortunately, only harmless the bats. And all the other "flyers" you will meet only in the lower world.

The fence is used to restrict the movement of both players and mobs. It can be wood or stone. Its height is one block, but in fact its height is one and a half blocks. It can only be jumped over with a blast wave or using the "jumping" effect. It is impossible for mobs to attack through it, but spiders can climb over it. You can also put several of these products on top of each other or hang a sign (torch) on it. It can also be used to make loopholes in the tower.

To answer the question: "How to make a fence in minecraft?" first you need to take four oak boards and 2 sticks . On the workbench, they need to be arranged like this: the top row remains empty, and the 2 bottom ones are filled vertically first with two boards, there are sticks in the center, and the next row is occupied by boards.

After crafting, 3 items are obtained from this amount of material.

The fence can be found…

  1. On the roof village houses. It is used as a railing.
  2. This item can be part of a table.
  3. It can also be found in lampposts.
  4. In the well It works like props.
  5. In houses where cattle are kept in the backyard. It is applied as intended.
  6. In addition, this device can be found in fortresses. There it can be used as a railing, and also be part of chandeliers with torches. They are usually installed in libraries (more in the article).
  7. In old mines, this device is used as poles for supports.

For the manufacture of this wooden product in minecraft, any wood can be used: oak, acacia, birch, dark oak or tropical wood. Products from different type woods do not fit together.

In addition to wood, hellstone can be used to build it. In this case, the stones on the workbench occupy the six lower cells. After crafting, you get 6 identical products.

Stone fence

A stone fence in minecraft can be built from ordinary or mossy cobblestones. To do this, on the workbench, you need to place a stone in the six lower squares and craft an item. The stone wall has one feature - it cannot dock with the usual wooden product. But, in stone wall can be made of wood.

In order to make this device in minecraft, you need to take four wooden and two boards. The sticks are placed in the first and third rows at the bottom, and the boards are placed between them. The gate is ready. If a pressure plate is made before and after it, then the process of opening and closing will be automated. If placed on top of this item in minecraft, then, except for the player, none of the mobs will be able to jump over this fence. In addition, if a mob inflicted damage on you while jumping, then this will give additional acceleration and you will easily jump over the obstacle.