Finishing the garage inside: materials and video instructions for DIY finishing. Non-standard ways of finishing the garage from the inside How to close the walls in the garage

Often a garage is associated with a room that is not cleaned, constantly dirty, stinks and only true men can be in it. But it is not always the case. Despite the dirty work, your garage can be kept clean and tidy. Everything is achieved thanks to good interior decoration. If earlier the choice of materials was limited, today the deficit is not felt. There are a lot of finishing materials, which allows you to make your garage a pleasant place where you want to go.

In addition, high-quality finishing also performs protective functions. What exactly to choose for decoration is purely your decision. Both personal preference and budget play a role here. In this article, we will look at the design options and how the interior decoration of the garage takes place.

Interior decoration of the garage - is it necessary

Many people may ask, why decorate the garage from the inside at all. It is clear that when it comes to outdoor work, then everyone wants to make the garage beautiful and attractive. And the supporting structures will be reliably protected from external influences. After all, frost, rain and wind - all this negatively affects the walls of the building. But after all, nothing threatens the structure inside the garage.

In fact, interior decoration is also important. Whatever one may say, the walls of the garage will also be protected. This applies to dirt, moisture, mechanical damage and other factors. The second point is aesthetic beauty. It has been proven that in a comfortable environment it is better to work and more pleasant to be. And since motorists spend a lot of time in the garage, this is important. Moreover, when you have plans to carry out insulation, then you will have to finish the garage for sure. The trim will protect the insulation so that it does not lose its properties. But, the question arises: what should be the finishing material for finishing the garage from the inside?

Criteria for the selection of material for cladding

So that all the work you have done is not in vain, you need to choose the right material for each surface in the garage. It is important that it be able to withstand a certain load, the influence of the external environment, as well as aggressive technical substances that are characteristic of a garage. If you make a list of requirements, then it will look like this:

If we continue the topic of general requirements for the characteristics of finishing materials, then there are also a lot of them:

  • each material must be fireproof and not burn. Garage - a room with a high risk of fire, as it contains flammable substances;
  • the surface of the finish must be resistant to chemical attack;
  • no less important is the resistance of the material to moisture;
  • in the event that the garage will not be insulated, choose materials that are resistant to temperature fluctuations;
  • in order not to change the cladding after a few years, choose a high-quality and durable material. It is better to pay more, but do it once and for several decades.

Among other things, I would like to note one more factor, it is not the main, but important - the aesthetic side. Then it will be pleasant to be inside not only you, but also other visitors.

Garage floor device

More often than not, ordinary people use a garage just to store a car. In such cases, the inspection hole is not made. In this case, a simple soil, tightly compacted, can serve as the base floor. To do this, you need to make a concrete screed. Now we will look at how you can make a garage floor with your own hands.

First you need to level the ground. In places where there are large drops, add sand or crushed stone. The base must be waterproofed. To do this, you will need roofing material. Lay it on top, overlapping the sheets. Then the moisture from the concrete solution will not be absorbed into the soil. Reinforcement mesh is laid on this base. This will make the concrete screed even stronger.

After that, beacons are set according to the level. They will serve as a guide and allow you to make the floor even. Next, you need to prepare a concrete solution, which is poured onto the floor. Its composition is simple:

  • sand;
  • cement;
  • crushed stone.

But in order to get a quality product, you need to achieve the correct ratio of components. For pouring the garage floor, a proportion is suitable: 2: 1: 3 (sand, cement, crushed stone). All this is filled with water. It will take just enough to get the right consistency. The solution should not be thin or thick.

Advice! Use a concrete mixer to prepare this amount of concrete.

Now you can start pouring the floor in the garage. Ideally, do everything in one go. Then the floor will not have cracks and will become monolithic. In this work, you cannot do without an assistant. The thickness of the screed should be at least 10 cm. After filling, it remains to level the surface and leave everything to dry completely (about a month). You will see the process of filling the floor in more detail in this video.

It's all? Not at all. You cannot leave the floor in the garage like this. After all, concrete will absorb moisture and collapse. And the oil you spill will leave a black stain on the floor. Over time, the entire garage floor will turn into a solid black spot. What to do? Use finishing materials.

The simplest and cheapest of them is moisture-resistant and wear-resistant paint. It is trite, but the concrete base will be protected. You can also mop your garage floor. The second option is to cover the screed with marble chips. And ideally, use ceramic tiles and their varieties. Some people use paving or clinker tiles. These materials are very durable and can withstand different loads.

Garage wall decoration

The design of the garage walls is more varied, and there will be a little more work. There is one floor in the garage and four walls. What materials are used to decorate the walls of the garage from the inside? Here are the most popular ones:

  1. Plaster
  2. Drywall.
  3. Ceramic tile.
  4. Dye.
  5. Lining.
  6. OSB sheets.

Plastering the walls is a bit like pouring the floor. This is the so-called wet way to level the wall, protect it and prepare it for further finishing. The work process is simple but time consuming. It all boils down to placing beacons on the walls, preparing plaster and the process of applying it with special tools. However, not everyone can cope with this task. This video will help you with this.

Thanks to the plastering of the walls, you can level them and prepare them for further finishing with paint, tiles or plaster.

Advice! Since there will be a lot of tiles on the walls, it is recommended to combine finishing options, saving money.

For example, tiles can be laid down to the middle of the wall or less, because it is in those places that the walls are especially affected. And the upper part of the wall is painted with paint for facade work.

But to insulate your garage, you will be taking away valuable space. It is much more profitable to use another way of finishing the garage - plasterboard, clapboard or OSB sheets. Why? It's all about the plating technology. To complete it, you need to make a metal or wooden crate with a certain step. After that, sheets of drywall, lining or OSB are attached to this crate.

Since there will be free space between the battens of the crate, it is filled with insulation. It can be mineral wool, polyurethane foam, penoplex or polystyrene. In this case, the thickness of the lath will be equal to the thickness of the insulation. From above, all this is covered with a vapor barrier film, and after that drywall, lining or OSB are fixed.

Fastening of drywall is carried out by means of self-tapping screws, butt joint. In the future, it is putty and finished with another finishing material of your choice. The lining is fastened using the thorn-in-groove method, by means of nails, cleats, staples or self-tapping screws. OSB are fixed with nails or self-tapping screws, butt joint. How such a finish looks can be seen in the photo.

Advantage of drywall

For the garage, a special moisture-resistant drywall is used, which has a green color. Why is this material good?

  1. It is lightweight.
  2. Simple installation.
  3. Affordable price.
  4. Versatility, once completed, you can make any finish you want.
  5. Gypsum is able to absorb excess moisture, and when dry, give it away.

The advantage of the lining

  1. Frost resistance.
  2. Due to the impregnation, it does not burn.
  3. Durability.
  4. Lack of dirt and debris after work.
  5. Resistance to mechanical stress.
  6. Environmentally friendly.
  7. Easy to install.
  8. Has an attractive appearance.

Tile benefits

  1. Long lasting.
  2. Durable.
  3. Reliable.
  4. Does not burn.
  5. Lack of dirt and debris after work.
  6. Has a high resistance to chemical and physical influences.
  7. Just take care of her.
  8. Aesthetically attractive.

The choice can be difficult, but you must make up your mind. Do you like naturalness and beauty - use lining. You are an adherent of durability and reliability - tiles are for you. If you are on a budget, then use drywall followed by staining. There are many options, you decide.

Garage ceiling decoration

The interior finishing of the garage room with a ceiling is coming to an end. This is a special area, as it is practically not physically influenced. That is why the requirements for the finishing material for the garage ceiling are not so serious. If necessary, you can also insulate the garage ceiling. Then the technology of the device is similar to wall decoration. In order for the materials to be in harmony with each other, sometimes the ceiling sheathing is made with the same material as the walls. But this is optional.

The most common materials for finishing a garage ceiling are PVC panels and commonplace plastering. Why PVC? The material is quite lightweight, easy to work with and, most importantly, cheap. Although the list of positive points does not end there. Plastic is easy to clean and resistant to aggressive agents. Evaporation and temperature fluctuations are not afraid of him. And finally, manufacturers of finishing materials have tried with colors and patterns. This coating will last a long time. If necessary, the damaged part can be easily replaced.

Nevertheless, the owner himself has the right to decide how to sheathe the ceiling. It can be the same wooden lining, OSB or drywall. The materials are also suitable for use on the garage ceiling. Only now you need to take care of performing high-quality waterproofing of the ceiling. Without it, materials will collapse. The easiest way to make a water barrier is to cover everything with roofing felt or waterproofing film. And the condition of the roof needs to be assessed. If the roofing material is damaged, then repair everything.

Besides the main purpose of construction- comfortable and safe storage of the car; - the garage performs other functions as well.

When troubleshooting and repairing the machine, the room turns into workshop with all its attributes: heavy tools, bulky mechanisms, dismantled and spare units stained with engine oil.

The constant presence of flammable fuel in the tank of the car and in spare cans imposes increased fire safety requirements on materials interior wall finishes, their resistance to toxic chemicals.

How to decorate the walls in the garage inexpensively? Today, the choice of finishing materials is so great that we will focus only on some of the most budget materials for cladding interior walls.

At the same time, we keep in mind the key requirements for garage decoration: firmly, inexpensive, beautiful.

Wooden lining

Wooden lining, the ultimate dream of a garage owner some 15-20 years ago, has long faded among modern plastic descendants.

How to decorate the walls in the garage cheaply? Can tree... After all, this material is solid, durable and aesthetic. Polished panels made of precious woods adorn the interiors of palaces and luxury limousines. Traditionally saunas and baths are sheathed with wood with low thermal conductivity - so as not to burn yourself against the walls.

But in the garage, where there is already an abundance of flammable substances, use a wooden lining, and even soaked in linseed oil and varnish - extremely unreasonable... In such a room, it will be dangerous not only to carry out any welding work, if necessary, to install an oven for heating, but even to just light a cigarette.

Timeless technology

However, modern types plastic lining, composite polymers and metal, traditionally continue to copy wooden boards and panels, although they imitate both brick and stone in the pattern.

After all, such a versatile, time-tested shape allows you to use the best quality inherent in clapboard- it is easy to mount it on a lathing made of wooden beams.

Another advantage of this timeless technology is that the sheathing allows comfortable install any insulation under the clapboard, hide cables, utility pipes, ventilation ducts.

All types of lining, despite the differences in materials and profiles, are similar in the principle of installation: ridges and grooves at the ends of the panels allow them to sheathe walls no gaps... Each subsequent panel also hides the fasteners of the previous one.

Metal lining

Such siding has all the advantages of metal products - increased strength, durability, resistance to aggressive media and temperature influences, incombustibility.

The disadvantages of metal are also presented here, the main one is susceptibility to corrosion... The metal lining is made of aluminum and steel.

Corrugated board

How to sheathe a garage inside is cheap? One of the options - durable corrugated board... These are steel profiled sheets with a protective polymer coating. Like the lining, the corrugated board can be fixed on a wooden crate. And the speed of installation will be ensured by large sheet sizes.

Vinyl siding

Filling composition PVC panels(short for the term PolyVinyl Chloride) - non-flammable materials. The panel melts, but only smokes without an open flame. In the event of a fire, such smoke is able to extinguish the fire that generated it, displacing oxygen from the air in the room. But also for human health, this toxic smoke dangerous.

However, garage owners willingly buy PVC panels for decoration of walls, both internal and external, not for experiments with fire.

Wonderful vinyl siding meets our requirements "Durable, inexpensive, beautiful."

Moreover, it is waterproof, does not rot, does not warp at temperature drops, is resistant to contact with garage chemicals, does not require painting and maintenance, and is washed from almost any contamination.

This siding has served for decades.

PVC panels exclude nostalgia for the good old lining. The volumetric imitation of the texture and shades of wood on the surface of the panels is indistinguishable from realistic. Except that they don't smell like pine ...

IMPORTANT: Price plastic siding depends on the color. The brighter and richer the color palette of the panels, the more expensive they are. This is due to the high cost of high-quality polymer dyes.


Installation of almost all existing various types of panels for decorating garage walls is carried out using a single simple technology for attaching panels to the crate. The choice of the type of siding and the material of decorative panels is influenced not by a completely uncomplicated installation, but only by yours preferences and financial opportunities.

Having prepared all the necessary materials, tools and fasteners, finish with your own hands garage walls one day you can too. Having tightened the last nut on the unit, with which you have been fiddling with since the very morning, you sit comfortably in a well-worn armchair and wearily unfold on bags with lunch taken from the garage. From a minute to a minute, a friend-neighbor will come up, and the conversation will flow.

During these hours of rest, the garage fulfills its most enjoyable function as a motorists' club.

Friends will be surprised and happy for you when they see a new one wall cladding! And you, as an authoritative expert, will tell them about the features of the choice inexpensive materials finishes, their properties and other qualities - after all, now you know all this.

Every car owner wants his garage to be not only a home for a car, but also a well-equipped workshop. The main association with the word garage is a place where it is not very clean and smells of gasoline. But thanks to modern materials, the garage can be transformed without any effort.


Thanks to the correct finishing of the garage, you can make not only a cozy atmosphere, but also create a room design that will correspond to the direction of its use. This can depend on many factors, such as how many floors the garage will have. It also depends on how far from the house it will be located and whether it is a built-in garage at the bottom of the house, located in the basement, or a separate building.

The modern market presents a huge opportunity to choose materials for finishing. They can be purchased at any price that suits a person and choose the option that is suitable for finishing the premises. With the help of selected materials, you can hide all the imperfections, as well as transform the place for the car beyond recognition.

When choosing a cladding, one should take into account which surface this or that material is suitable for.

Garage floors must be able to withstand very heavy loads. It is necessary to pay special attention to the decoration of the walls. It must withstand any impact, and also be resistant to various influences. The ceiling cladding must be made of a material that is resistant to fumes.

You also need to pay attention to what the materials themselves should be. The decoration of the room must be fire-resistant.... After all, there are flammable substances in the garage and there is a risk of fire. It is also necessary that the cladding is resistant to the effects of chemical elements.... It should not be sensitive to humidity and sudden temperature changes, especially if the room is not heated. Finishing materials must have a long service life, as well as an aesthetic appearance.

Materials (edit)

There are many materials that can be used to decorate a garage. Sheathing can be done with profiled sheet, clapboard, drywall, stone... To determine which one is best for you, you need to consider them in more detail.


Concrete is most often used for such premises. After all, he better than others holds on to walls made of brick or aerated concrete. It has great strength, is not afraid of fire, if necessary, repair work can be easily carried out on the concrete surface.

But like any material, concrete has drawbacks. Its installation is a laborious work, which consists in the preparation of the solution, as well as its application. You must have certain skills in finishing work. Their absence can lead to surface cracking or even concrete flaking. The second drawback is that such a process is considered dirty work, so at the end of it there will be a lot of cleaning that not everyone wants to tinker with.


The interior decoration of the garage can be done with plasterboard. You can use special glue to fix it. If the surfaces have irregularities or you need to insulate the room, you can attach it using a metal frame. However, this option will take up a little space and the room will decrease in size. For a garage, it is better to take a fire-resistant and moisture-resistant drywall, which has a gray-green color and red markings.

GKLVO has many advantages. These include relatively low weight, ease of installation work, and a low price. Compared to other materials, during sheet finishing, the room remains clean, and once finished, you do not need to spend a lot of time cleaning. The material also absorbs moisture well. From it, if necessary, you can make partitions, mounted using an iron frame, and organize a workshop or a small warehouse.

Its surface can be finished with any material. Plasterboard is suitable for both walls and ceilings.

Ceramic tile

This material is ideal for a garage. After all, high-quality tiles are distinguished by water resistance and fire resistance. It makes the room neat due to the fact that it washes with any means and is cleaned in just a couple of minutes.

If the tiles are laid correctly, they will withstand any stress and will also last a long time.

Facing is best done with porcelain stoneware or clinker tiles, which have greater strength. The disadvantage is that it has a huge weight and high price.


The clapboard is very popular. It may consist made of natural wood. Also, surfaces can be finished with PVC panels or OSB sheets.... Such material is easy to install. If we consider wood panels, then they also have many advantages. Among the advantages are long service life, frost resistance, environmental friendliness, a large selection of colors.

However, you cannot do without disadvantages. Wooden panels are susceptible to insect attacks, are highly flammable, and are also susceptible to mold, and also have a high price.

The advantages of plastic panels include such qualities as light weight, the ability to withstand temperature extremes, the ability to carry out installation work with your own hands without the involvement of specialists. Also, such panels have a low price and a large selection of colors.

The disadvantages include the fact that they are fire hazardous and very fragile.


OSB sheets consist of layers of wood shavings, which are large in size. For the bundle, tree resins from needles or formaldehydes are used.

Sheets are divided into several types. OSB-3 is of high quality and has high moisture resistance. but OSB-4 is considered more durable and it can also be used for interior and exterior decoration. It is not afraid of temperature changes, has a long service life, good sound insulation. However, it also has a strong flammability.

Modular coverage

A completely new type of finishing material - boards made of PVC or rubber. They can be laid not only in the garage, but also on the adjacent site.

Modular slabs have many positive reviews. They can withstand any, even very low temperatures, are easy to install, have high strength. Installation is carried out using special glue.

PVC panels have a rough surface, so when using them, it is impossible to slip even on a wet floor.


Most often, this material is used to decorate a brick room from the outside. Siding gives even an old building its beauty and attractiveness. Recently, however, it has begun to be used for interior decoration of garages, because it has many advantages.

First of all, I am glad that it is refractory, durable and relatively inexpensive.


Natural or artificial stone is often used for cladding garages. This finish looks very beautiful, and besides, it is not afraid of weather conditions, humidity or fire. However, its price is too high.

Floor device

Very often people only need a garage to store a car, and therefore a viewing hole is not necessary. Then, when laying the floor, you can simply make a screed. This is not a very difficult process, and anyone can do everything with their own hands.

For this the first step is to level the ground with sand and gravel... Then a layer of waterproofing layer is laid. For these purposes, roofing material is suitable. It must be overlapped so that the moisture of the concrete solution cannot go into the ground. On top of the roofing material, you can put a reinforcing mesh for a stronger screed.

The next step is the installation of beacons, which is done according to the level. This will keep the flooring smooth. Then a concrete solution is prepared and poured onto the floor. Its constituents are very simple and widely available. This is normal sand, cement and crushed stone, the proportions of which are 2: 1: 3 respectively. Everything is filled with water to get a solution of medium density. To facilitate the work, you can use a concrete mixer.

The pouring must be done in one step so that the floor has no cracks and is solid. The screed must be at least ten centimeters thick. At the end of it, you need to level the surface well using a building level. The drying process can take up to one month..

After this time, you can start finishing the concrete. For this, moisture-resistant paint or marble chips are suitable. The ideal coating will be ceramic, paving or clinker tiles that can withstand any stress. Before laying it, it is necessary to treat the concrete surface with a primer., which does not allow moisture to be absorbed from the glue, and only then proceed to laying the tiles.

If the floor requires insulation, it is necessary to make the flooring from boards... For this, wooden logs are laid on top of the concrete. The space formed between them must be covered with expanded clay or polystyrene. If the garage has a basement or cellar, then loose insulation is poured in, and a reinforcing mesh is placed on top. This is done for additional insulation of the basement ceiling.

There is also a self-leveling floor. It is a very durable coating and is not inferior in anything to concrete. The main advantage is a completely flat surface. Its only drawback is its high cost. Therefore, most people still prefer a concrete surface.

Wall decoration

Garage wall cladding is more labor intensive than flooring. For their decoration, you can use materials such as drywall, tiles, OSB, lining, as well as plaster.

The most affordable option is wall plaster.... Indeed, with its help, you can not only level surfaces, but also protect them from fire or temperature changes. This type of finish is suitable for walls made of foam blocks or aerated concrete.

In order to make the plaster of the surface even, it is necessary to expose beacons. However, this process is very laborious and requires additional skills in the work.

There is another option - finishing with ceramic tiles... Its main advantage is durability. Also, such material is not afraid of mold, which often appears on the walls after a couple of years.

When starting the finish, it is necessary to check that the wall surfaces are even. If not, then you need to plaster them or cover them with tile glue and after that start laying the tiles.

The more common way to decorate walls is drywall or wall paneling.... To implement it, it is necessary to choose a crate, which can be both wooden and metal. If it is made of wood, then before installation work, the tree must be treated with an antiseptic... This is done to protect the frame from rot and rodents.

Then sheets of one or another material are separately attached to it. Insulation is placed between the lattice slats in the free space. You can use mineral wool or foam. but the thickness of the insulation should not exceed the thickness of the slats.

The next stage is the installation of the vapor barrier. It can be foil or plain plastic wrap. Then the installation of drywall or lining is performed. The first material is fastened with self-tapping screws, and the lining is fastened with the thorn-in-groove method.


Finishing of the garage with ceiling sheathing ends. There is practically no physical influence on its surface, so any materials for finishing are suitable. They can be the same as for the walls.

Using lining or drywall, you need to take care of good waterproofing of the ceiling, without which materials can collapse, as well as make thoughtful insulation.

If the ceiling is made of wood, then you need to use a waterproofing film, which is easy to install and also inexpensive. For a concrete ceiling, a special moisture-resistant plaster is suitable. After that, a heater is chosen, which will not only make the garage room warmer, but also prevent condensation from appearing inside. This will keep the machine and the tools in the room in good condition.

Styrofoam is best suited for this.... It is moisture resistant, and also cheaper than mineral wool. However, such material is afraid of sunlight and also easily ignites. The cheapest type of insulation will be a solution consisting of straw and clay.... He quickly fits, he is not afraid of fire. The only drawback is that rodents like it too much.

If there is no need for insulation, then you can simply sheathe it with any panels.

External cladding

There are many options for cladding the facade of the garage. The most common are siding, wooden lining, sandwich panels.... Also, for decoration outside, a method such as jointing is often used. It is one of the inexpensive options. For contrast, you can use different colors of the mixture. This method adds strength to the brickwork.

You can also finish the garage with plaster. It will not be very expensive, but if you cannot see it from the inside, then from the outside, on the contrary, everyone will look at this “art”. Therefore, you need to do the plastering beautifully and efficiently. If a person has no experience, then it is necessary to consult a specialist.

With this type of finish, you also need to do wall insulation, in this case it is called a wet facade. To do this, insulation is glued to the walls, a reinforcing mesh is attached to it using a polymer-cement mortar. And only then is the decoration done with decorative or facade plaster. The last step is staining.

Walls sheathed with siding will look great. In this case, you can not only choose the desired color scheme, but also protect the room from negative influences. After all, it does not crack, does not become moldy, is not afraid of bad weather conditions and is easily assembled, so you can do the finishing yourself.

Also today frame walls are often used for the construction of garages... Insulation is already laid in their structure, so no additional wall insulation is needed. The thickness of such walls should be approximately twelve centimeters.

However, if it is planned to build a second floor, then it is necessary to make the walls up to sixteen centimeters.

To install such walls, you need to mount starting bars on the base of the basement, which will be the basis of the frame. Before this, it is necessary to lay waterproofing on the surface of the basement. Then you need to attach the beams to the concrete using anchors at a distance of one to one and a half meters.

Then the installation of the remaining elements of the frame is done, while all wooden surfaces must be treated with a special compound. After completing the installation work, you can proceed to the outer side cladding, which must be made with a gap for ventilation.

Sheathing can also be made with wooden clapboard... This material is environmentally friendly, however it constantly needs to be treated with antiseptics so that it remains durable and of high quality. And this will not be very economical.

Another expensive option is finishing with artificial or natural stone... Such a facade looks very beautiful, plus it is not afraid of any outside influence.

Starting finishing the garage, you need to think through everything in advance. This is external and internal wall decoration, as well as the arrangement of drainage and ventilation. To prevent rain and snow water from stagnating on the roof, it is necessary to make it with a slope and attach gutters so that water does not run down the walls.

We do the interior decoration of the garage with our own hands. Very often, men who have a car spend a lot of time with it in the garage. This is due to the fact that it takes a lot of time and effort to maintain a car, and someone just gets emotional release. Good craftsmen are used to putting everything in its place, but in order to achieve this order, it is necessary to make interior decoration. This, in turn, will allow you to make different racks and shelves for the tool.

But which is the best to use? We will talk about this.

The garage is a specific room, as it contains polluting factors, for example, dirt, engine oil, as well as various types of fuel oil, which interfere with maintaining cleanliness. In addition, this is the place where everything constantly falls, as if it begs to damage the walls or the floor.

Due to these factors, materials for interior decoration of the garage must meet several main requirements that apply to finishing materials:

The material you plan to lay on your garage floor must be strong enough. This is required in order for it to be able to withstand the pressure from the machine and other devices. But do not forget about the decoration of the walls in the garage, as they must withstand the effects of a mechanical nature, because everything is not quiet and calm in the garage. Even in such a room, there is a rather high probability of fires due to the fact that it contains fuels and lubricants. A flame retardant finish will be appropriate as well as chemical resistance.

We also note that the premises for the car are heated extremely rarely, so it will be good if the chosen finish can withstand significant temperature changes. Soiled materials will not work, as they will quickly get dirty and it will be difficult to wash them, which will soon ruin the appearance of the garage. This is a place where renovations are rarely done, so it would be wise to use materials that can last a long time.

Important! Do not overlook the advice that the interior of the garage should be unmarked. Cleaning the garage is also rare, but the mess and unpleasant appearance will still affect the condition of the person.

Interior decoration of the garage

Wall decoration

An important stage in creating a new environment for carrying out repairs is precisely giving them the proper appearance. Fortunately, there is a wide variety of building materials that can be used for this very purpose.


It is the most common wall decoration method in the world. He was able to combine the greatest number of positive qualities. If we consider the composition, then the plaster consists of gypsum or sand-cement mortar. Such materials themselves are non-combustible, and besides this, they have high strength, which means that it is difficult to damage the plastered walls. When using high quality material, it will serve you for several decades, which is very important and economical. Thanks to the fact that cooking is quick and easy, you can carry out repairs at any time - it will be enough to cover up the damaged area.

But before choosing an option, think about the existing disadvantages:

  • Wet finish.
  • It takes skill.
  • Would need .
  • The process is laborious.

In order to apply the plaster evenly, you will need certain skills in working with such a material. If you don’t know how, then most likely you will be wasting money, and the work itself is considered dirty. After plastering, you will have to do a good cleaning, and this will take time. You will also need to carry out the finishing work to give the garage a presentable look from the inside, as well as to strengthen the first layer of plaster so that it does not crumble in the future. The process itself requires additional tools to make the process faster.


The service life of such a finish is more than 30 years. The metal perfectly tolerates temperature changes and this in no way affects its configuration. The disadvantages of the material include noise, therefore, it is recommended to lay mineral wool under the corrugated board, which will play a role. In addition, in an unheated garage, the metal freezes, and there is no pleasure in being in the room.

Floor finishing

The best solution for finishing a garage floor is to pour a concrete screed. Thanks to her, you can get the required strength. If you have a viewing hole in your garage, then before pouring everything you need to prepare for the construction, then you need to level the soil inside the garage. Ideally, a deepening of 0.3 m should be made and crushed stone should be added half the size, and the remaining space should be covered with sand and everything is well tamped. It is very important that the base is properly leveled. Before pouring, waterproof it. It will prevent the floor from getting wet and moisture penetration into the garage. To do this, sheets of roofing material should be laid on the sand, with an overlap.

In order for the finish to serve you for a long time, it still needs to be reinforced. To do this, lay out a metal grate from the reinforcement around the perimeter. After that we expose beacons, along which it will be possible to pull the solution. By the way, a channel or metal pipes can be used as beacons. Next, mix the concrete solution and pour it onto the finished surface. It needs to be leveled using a rule and a flat surface should be created. For convenience, you can make it at a slight slope so that the liquid flows down to the garage door. The screed must be at least 10 cm thick.

To gain strength, you will have to wait a month. When everything is frozen, you can start finishing, for which you can use OSB sheets, different types of tiles or other materials that can support the weight of the machine. When using the slabs, you get a bonus of thermal insulation, and they can be easily replaced if they fail.


Interior decoration of a garage is a laborious and time-consuming task. But the result will delight you all the time if you do everything with responsibility. As you can see, there are almost no restrictions, the only question is security and practicality.

Any car owner wants his car to be parked in a securely protected place. But many not only store the car in it, but often spend a lot of time in the garage themselves. The choice of cladding will depend on the purpose: whether you use it as a storage facility or often visit it with friends. In any case, this is a non-residential space: the appearance of materials fades into the background, while practicality is at the top.

The easiest option is to plaster the walls in the garage. But we will analyze other methods in the article below.

  1. Impact resistance;
  2. Easy to care for;
  3. Moisture resistance;
  4. Refractoriness;
  5. Strength;
  6. Resistant to temperature extremes.

Before choosing how to decorate the walls in the garage, you need to decide, and what are the actual requirements for this room? The garage is a cold and damp place. At the same time, the presence of technical dirt can spoil any type of cladding.

The material for the walls must be chosen shock-resistant, it is better that the surface is not afraid of scratches. We often store a lot of combustible substances in the garage, so its lining must be fireproof, or at least not support combustion.

Another decisive factor is ease of maintenance. Few people want to constantly wash the walls, so the material should not be susceptible to aggressive substances and not be afraid of wet cleaning.

Before cladding, the walls of the garage are usually insulated. However, one should not be zealous with this. Many people think that the ideal conditions for keeping a car are the same as that of a person. Quite the opposite. The temperature in the garage in winter should not exceed five degrees. Strong changes in temperature will not benefit your iron horse, but only harm.

Another common mistake is the lack of ventilation. You do not need to plug all the holes to the last, so you interfere with the ventilation of the car and you yourself risk getting hurt. A lot of harmful gases dangerous to health and life are collected in the garage from the car. The ventilation system must be mandatory.

How can you insulate the walls in the garage:

  1. Mineral wool
  2. Glass wool
  3. Styrofoam

One of the most common insulation materials is mineral wool. It is breathable and will not create a canning effect. The weak side of cotton wool is that it absorbs moisture, so when using it, you need to protect it with a vapor barrier.

Glass wool is one of the cheapest insulation materials. But working with her is much more difficult. You need to work carefully, wearing protection and gloves. You will not be able to scratch your nose during work. Glass wool is afraid of water, so it is wrapped with foil insulation for protection. If water gets on the glass wool during operation, it can be thrown away.

The most common material for insulation is polystyrene. It is also used in apartments, houses, garages. It is easy to work with it, it is inexpensive. It is easy to cut and weighs very little. Polyfoam is not afraid of moisture, insects, rotting, additional processing is not required. But he also has weaknesses. The foam does not allow air to pass through and burns well enough.

The maximum heat loss occurs through the garage door, so their insulation is most important. You don't even need to insulate only the gate. They are insulated in the same way as the walls.

How to decorate the walls of the garage

In most cases, the finish is more aesthetic in nature, but it is worth thinking about the practical side as well. Insulation can be laid under some types of cladding, which will save your car.

  1. Plaster
  2. Tile
  3. PVC panels
  4. Lining
  5. Plywood or OSB


An old and simple finishing method. It will hide flaws, while not taking centimeters away from space. But such a finish, of course, will not save your walls from dirt, but you can put insulation under it. As such, you can use conventional foam. The thickness of the sheet should be at least 5 cm. Do not take thin sheets, in our fierce winter they will be simply useless.

Primer the walls in two coats. This is necessary, since it is she who prevents the accumulation of moisture. From below, near the floor, a frame is fixed on which the slabs will be located. They are attached to the wall with glue. For better adhesion, the glue needs to be smeared around the perimeter of the entire sheet, if there is nothing, then you can apply it in drops at the edges and in the center.

After fully pasting the entire perimeter of the walls, plaster the walls. Spread the adhesive evenly over the wall with a spatula. While it's not dry, install the serpentine. You can fix the slabs with fungal dowels. Then apply the plaster. The layer should be half a centimeter. Once dry, sandpaper the wall to remove any imperfections. Depending on the result obtained, you can leave it like this, walk again with a layer of plaster or paint the wall.


Tile was and remains one of the most common types of wall decoration in rooms with high humidity and dirt. The garage is no exception. It will survive any weather conditions and will not deform. However, you should be careful with chips, you do not need to hit the tiles with tools, it is strong enough, but still it is better not to risk it. The tiles are easy to maintain, so they work well.

Before laying, the wall is primed and installed with glue. For best results, glue is applied and spread over the tiles and a thin layer is applied to the wall. Special crosses are installed at the corners of the tiles so that the distance between the tiles is the same. After drying, the crosses are removed and the seams are rubbed. One significant drawback of laying tiles is the price, you will spend a lot of money.

PVC panels

Like any material, plastic panels have their strengths and weaknesses. It is better to buy plastic panels for facade work, they have better quality characteristics. The panels are easy to maintain. They are lightweight and easy to install. There are two ways of mounting: directly to the wall or to the frame.

The panels are not afraid of water and temperature extremes. They can easily withstand all weather conditions, and they do not need additional processing.

Calculating the number of panels you need is easy: just measure the length of all walls and divide by the width of one panel. Add 2-3 panels to this number in case of deformation during transportation or during operation. Fixing the panels with glue is not particularly difficult: just apply it to the inside of the panel and attach it to the wall. But the frame installation implies more complex work.

The surface must be washed and dried before work. Mark the wall from below to install the first plank and mark the vertical lines for attaching the profile. The installation begins with the side rails, between them pull the ropes using a tape measure and a level. This will make the vertical guides smoother. An internal profile is installed at the corners, and a starting profile from below. Fasten the bar into it until it clicks into place. Then install all the planks until the wall is completely filled.

Wood trim

Clapboard sheathing is one of the most popular types of cladding. This kind of cladding in the event of a fire will only add a sparkle, but it looks great. To ensure safety, you can treat the tree with a special fire-fighting compound. The main thing is to pay attention to its composition, no toxic substances. This will not completely eliminate the skin fire, but it will significantly reduce the risk.

Many people choose lining because of its convenience. It is easy to screw shelves, carnations onto a tree, and in general it is easier to work with it. The material will not be damaged. For a garage, this is an important condition, so many choose exactly the lining.

Before installing, treat the wall with an anti-fungal compound so that mold and mildew do not collect under the tree. Lining, like plastic panels, is mounted on the frame. The installation process is no different in principle.

Sheathing with plywood or OSB

Another popular type of cladding. However, sheets of OSB and plywood are not waterproof, so they must be treated with a moisture-repellent compound before installing in the garage. In terms of cost, these materials are in the middle in the price category. They can be painted or tiled on top.

Specialist comment

If you have a question about how to sheathe the walls in the garage, then there will be many answers. There are several options, there is no perfect solution. Some materials are not susceptible to moisture, but difficult to install, others are susceptible to fire, etc. The choice falls on the shoulders of the owner. Decide what is more important to you: safety, appearance or durability of the material and buy based on your preferences.

The cheapest finish is plaster. But such a process requires at least some skills and a long installation time. Although it is convenient to practice in the garage before future renovations in the apartment. Tiles are the most convenient maintenance option. It is easy and simple to remove dirt from it, but, unfortunately, it is afraid of blows. If you accidentally hit a surface with the tool, it may chip.

Another selection criterion is fastening. If you attach the material directly to the wall, then you will not have the opportunity to insulate the garage. But when installing the frame, you can lay thermal insulation with any convenient material. But do not forget that the garage must have a ventilation system. Covering the openings completely can be fatal due to carbon monoxide fumes from the machine.

Arrangement and design of a garage (50 photos)

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For every man, the garage is a special place, ready to become a second home for him. This is a territory for self-expression and mental relaxation. This is where the aromas of gasoline, engine oil and metal oxide soar. Quite often, a garage has a variety of uses. This site turns into a parking lot, storage room and workshop, as well as a place for men's gatherings.

Therefore, the design of the garage and its interior should be as thoughtful and appropriate as possible. In this article, we will talk about the arrangement of the design inside the garage, and show photos and real options for suitable and affordable garages.

Particular attention should be paid to wall decoration. When choosing finishing materials for the garage, take into account some of the target features. First of all, the material should not be combustible, since fuels and lubricants are often stored in the garage itself. In addition, such materials must be moisture resistant and resistant to mechanical stress.

Typically, all surfaces, walls and ceilings in a garage are not perfectly flat. In this case, a cement-sandy plaster solution will help to correct the situation, which will level the walls and smooth out uneven surfaces.

When the walls are flat, it is best to cover them with a protective coat of facade paint. If the garage has a fairly discreet and small area, it is best to use paint in warm and light colors, which will visually increase the space. But, this solution has a reverse minus - the surfaces of the walls in the garage can quickly get dirty.

Garage wall surfaces can be sheathed with PVC plastic panels. The advantage of this method is the possibility of insulating the garage by laying an additional layer of insulation between the garage wall and the panel. The choice of colors and shades of the panels is the same as in the case of paints. The only difference is the ability to order panels with prints and drawings, which will make the garage even more unique.

To design a garage design, it is worth considering not only surfaces, but also functional furniture. Cabinets with a large number of pull-out drawers for storing tools remain relevant for garages. Inside the garage, a large number of shelves and hangers are also welcome, where you can store various tools and parts.

Interior decoration of the garage

Often a garage is associated with a room that is not cleaned, constantly dirty, stinks and only true men can be in it. But it is not always the case. Despite the dirty work, your garage can be kept clean and tidy. Everything is achieved thanks to good interior decoration. If earlier the choice of materials was limited, today the deficit is not felt. There are a lot of finishing materials, which allows you to make your garage a pleasant place where you want to go.

In addition, high-quality finishing also performs protective functions. What exactly to choose for decoration is purely your decision. Both personal preference and budget play a role here. In this article, we will look at the design options and how the interior decoration of the garage takes place.

Interior decoration of the garage - is it necessary

Many may ask, why bother finishing the garage from the inside at all. It is clear that when it comes to outdoor work, then everyone wants to make the garage beautiful and attractive. And the supporting structures will be reliably protected from external influences. After all, frost, rain and wind - all this negatively affects the walls of the building. But after all, nothing threatens the structure inside the garage.

In fact, interior decoration is also important. Whatever one may say, the walls of the garage will also be protected. This applies to dirt, moisture, mechanical damage and other factors. The second point is aesthetic beauty. It has been proven that in a comfortable environment it is better to work and more pleasant to be. And since motorists spend a lot of time in the garage, this is important. Moreover, when you have plans to carry out insulation, then you will have to finish the garage for sure. The trim will protect the insulation so that it does not lose its properties. But, the question arises: what should be the finishing material for finishing the garage from the inside?

Criteria for the selection of material for cladding

So that all the work you have done is not in vain, you need to choose the right material for each surface in the garage. It is important that it be able to withstand a certain load, the influence of the external environment, as well as aggressive technical substances that are characteristic of a garage. If you make a list of requirements, then it will look like this:

If we continue the topic of general requirements for the characteristics of finishing materials, then there are also a lot of them:

  • each material must be fireproof and not burn. Garage - a room with a high risk of fire, as it contains flammable substances;
  • the surface of the finish must be resistant to chemical attack;
  • no less important is the resistance of the material to moisture;
  • in the event that the garage will not be insulated, choose materials that are resistant to temperature fluctuations;
  • in order not to change the cladding after a few years, choose a high-quality and durable material. It is better to pay more, but do it once and for several decades.

Among other things, I would like to note one more factor, it is not the main, but important - the aesthetic side. Then being inside will be pleasant not only for you, but also for other visitors.

Garage floor device

More often than not, ordinary people use a garage just to store a car. In such cases, the inspection hole is not made. In this case, a simple soil, tightly compacted, can serve as the base floor. To do this, you need to make a concrete screed. Now we will look at how you can make a garage floor with your own hands.

First you need to level the ground. In places where there are large drops, add sand or crushed stone. The base must be waterproofed. To do this, you will need roofing material. Lay it on top, overlapping the sheets. Then the moisture from the concrete solution will not be absorbed into the soil. Reinforcement mesh is laid on this base. This will make the concrete screed even stronger.

After that, beacons are set according to the level. They will serve as a guide and allow you to make the floor even. Next, you need to prepare a concrete solution, which is poured onto the floor. Its composition is simple:

But in order to get a quality product, you need to achieve the correct ratio of components. For pouring the garage floor, a proportion is suitable: 2: 1: 3 (sand, cement, crushed stone). All this is filled with water. It will take just enough to get the right consistency. The solution should not be thin or thick.

Now you can start pouring the floor in the garage. Ideally, do everything in one go. Then the floor will not have cracks and will become monolithic. In this work, you cannot do without an assistant. The thickness of the screed should be at least 10 cm. After filling, it remains to level the surface and leave everything to dry completely (about a month). You will see the process of filling the floor in more detail in this video.

It's all? Not at all. You cannot leave the floor in the garage like this. After all, concrete will absorb moisture and collapse. And the oil you spill will leave a black stain on the floor. Over time, the entire garage floor will turn into a solid black spot. What to do? Use finishing materials.

The simplest and cheapest of them is moisture-resistant and wear-resistant paint. It is trite, but the concrete base will be protected. You can also clean the garage floor. The second option is to cover the screed with marble chips. And ideally, use ceramic tiles and their varieties. Some people use paving or clinker tiles. These materials are very durable and can withstand different loads.

Garage wall decoration

The design of the garage walls is more varied, and there will be a little more work. There is one floor in the garage and four walls. What materials are used to decorate the walls of the garage from the inside? Here are the most popular ones:

  1. Plaster
  2. Drywall.
  3. Ceramic tile.
  4. Dye.
  5. Lining.
  6. OSB sheets.

Plastering the walls is a bit like pouring the floor. This is the so-called wet way to level the wall, protect it and prepare it for further finishing. The work process is simple but time consuming. It all boils down to placing beacons on the walls, preparing plaster and the process of applying it with special tools. However, not everyone can cope with this task. This video will help you with this.

Thanks to the plastering of the walls, you can level them and prepare them for further finishing with paint, tiles or plaster.

For example, tiles can be laid down to the middle of the wall or less, because it is in those places that the walls are especially affected. And the upper part of the wall is painted with paint for facade work.

But to insulate your garage, you will be taking away valuable space. It is much more profitable to use another method of finishing the garage - plasterboard, clapboard or OSB sheets. Why? It's all about the plating technology. To complete it, you need to make a metal or wooden crate with a certain step. After that, sheets of drywall, lining or OSB are attached to this crate.

Since there will be free space between the battens of the crate, it is filled with insulation. It can be mineral wool, polyurethane foam, penoplex or polystyrene. In this case, the thickness of the lath will be equal to the thickness of the insulation. From above, all this is covered with a vapor barrier film, and after that drywall, lining or OSB are fixed.

Fastening of drywall is carried out by means of self-tapping screws, butt joint. In the future, it is putty and finished with another finishing material of your choice. The lining is fastened using the thorn-in-groove method, by means of nails, cleats, staples or self-tapping screws. OSB are fixed with nails or self-tapping screws, butt joint. How such a finish looks can be seen in the photo.

Advantage of drywall

For the garage, a special moisture-resistant drywall is used, which has a green color. Why is this material good?

  1. It is lightweight.
  2. Simple installation.
  3. Affordable price.
  4. Versatility, once completed, you can make any finish you want.
  5. Gypsum is able to absorb excess moisture, and when dry, give it away.

The advantage of the lining

  1. Frost resistance.
  2. Due to the impregnation, it does not burn.
  3. Durability.
  4. Lack of dirt and debris after work.
  5. Resistance to mechanical stress.
  6. Environmentally friendly.
  7. Easy to install.
  8. Has an attractive appearance.

Tile benefits

  1. Long lasting.
  2. Durable.
  3. Reliable.
  4. Does not burn.
  5. Lack of dirt and debris after work.
  6. Has a high resistance to chemical and physical influences.
  7. Just take care of her.
  8. Aesthetically attractive.

The choice can be difficult, but you must make up your mind. Do you like naturalness and beauty - use lining. You are an adherent of durability and reliability - tiles are for you. If you are on a limited budget, then use drywall followed by staining. There are many options, you decide.

Garage ceiling decoration

The interior finishing of the garage room with a ceiling is coming to an end. This is a special area, as it is practically not physically influenced. That is why the requirements for the finishing material for the garage ceiling are not so serious. If necessary, you can also insulate the garage ceiling. Then the technology of the device is similar to wall decoration. In order for the materials to be in harmony with each other, sometimes the ceiling sheathing is made with the same material as the walls. But this is optional.

The most common materials for finishing the garage ceiling are PVC panels and commonplace plastering. Why PVC? The material is quite lightweight, easy to work with and, most importantly, cheap. Although the list of positive points does not end there. Plastic is easy to clean and resistant to aggressive agents. Evaporation and temperature fluctuations are not afraid of him. And finally, manufacturers of finishing materials have tried with colors and patterns. This coating will last a long time. If necessary, the damaged part can be easily replaced.

Nevertheless, the owner himself has the right to decide how to sheathe the ceiling. It can be the same wooden lining, OSB or drywall. The materials are also suitable for use on the garage ceiling. Only now you need to take care of performing high-quality waterproofing of the ceiling. Without it, materials will collapse. The easiest way to make a water barrier is to cover everything with roofing felt or waterproofing film. And the condition of the roof needs to be assessed. If the roofing material is damaged, then repair everything.

Let's summarize

Now you know how to make the interior decoration of a major garage. You have seen that there are more than enough materials for such work. Sometimes it is even scary, since it can be very difficult to choose. But, you must compare all the pros and cons, calculate your strength and act. It is not worth saving on such a thing. Everyone knows how much the avaricious will pay in the end. And you don't want to be one of them. But after all the work, you will receive a wonderful garage in which it will be pleasant to work and to be. Seeing the finished result, you will understand that all the efforts were not in vain.

The subtleties of finishing the garage

Every car owner wants his garage to be not only a home for a car, but also a well-equipped workshop. The main association with the word garage is a place where it is not very clean and smells of gasoline. But thanks to modern materials, the garage can be transformed without any effort.


Thanks to the correct finishing of the garage, you can make not only a cozy atmosphere, but also create a room design that will correspond to the direction of its use. This can depend on many factors, such as how many floors the garage will have. It also depends on how far from the house it will be located and whether it is a built-in garage at the bottom of the house, located in the basement, or a separate building.

The modern market presents a huge opportunity to choose materials for finishing. They can be purchased at any price that suits a person and choose the option that is suitable for finishing the premises. With the help of selected materials, you can hide all the imperfections, as well as transform the place for the car beyond recognition.

When choosing a cladding, one should take into account which surface this or that material is suitable for.

Garage floors must be able to withstand very heavy loads. It is necessary to pay special attention to the decoration of the walls. It must withstand any impact, and also be resistant to various influences. The ceiling cladding must be made of a material that is resistant to fumes.

You also need to pay attention to what the materials themselves should be. The decoration of the room must be fire-resistant.... After all, there are flammable substances in the garage and there is a risk of fire. It is also necessary that the cladding is resistant to the effects of chemical elements.... It should not be sensitive to humidity and sudden temperature changes, especially if the room is not heated. Finishing materials must have a long service life, as well as an aesthetic appearance.

Materials (edit)

There are many materials that can be used to decorate a garage. Sheathing can be done with profiled sheet, clapboard, drywall, stone... To determine which one is best for you, you need to consider them in more detail.


Concrete is most often used for such premises. After all, he better than others holds on to walls made of brick or aerated concrete. It has great strength, is not afraid of fire, if necessary, repair work can be easily carried out on the concrete surface.

But like any material, concrete has drawbacks. Its installation is a laborious work, which consists in the preparation of the solution, as well as its application. You must have certain skills in finishing work. Their absence can lead to surface cracking or even concrete flaking. The second drawback is that such a process is considered dirty work, so at the end of it there will be a lot of cleaning that not everyone wants to tinker with.


The interior decoration of the garage can be done with plasterboard. You can use special glue to fix it. If the surfaces have irregularities or you need to insulate the room, you can attach it using a metal frame. However, this option will take up a little space and the room will decrease in size. For a garage, it is better to take a fire-resistant and moisture-resistant drywall, which has a gray-green color and red markings.

GKLVO has many advantages. These include relatively low weight, ease of installation work, and a low price. Compared to other materials, during sheet finishing, the room remains clean, and once finished, you do not need to spend a lot of time cleaning. The material also absorbs moisture well. From it, if necessary, you can make partitions, mounted using an iron frame, and organize a workshop or a small warehouse.

Its surface can be finished with any material. Plasterboard is suitable for both walls and ceilings.

Ceramic tile

This material is ideal for a garage. After all, high-quality tiles are distinguished by water resistance and fire resistance. It makes the room neat due to the fact that it washes with any means and is cleaned in just a couple of minutes.

If the tiles are laid correctly, they will withstand any stress and will also last a long time.

Facing is best done with porcelain stoneware or clinker tiles, which have greater strength. The disadvantage is that it has a huge weight and high price.


The clapboard is very popular. It may consist made of natural wood. Also, surfaces can be finished with PVC panels or OSB sheets.... Such material is easy to install. If we consider wood panels, then they also have many advantages. Among the advantages are long service life, frost resistance, environmental friendliness, a large selection of colors.

However, you cannot do without disadvantages. Wooden panels are susceptible to insect attacks, are highly flammable, and are also susceptible to mold, and also have a high price.

The advantages of plastic panels include such qualities as light weight, the ability to withstand temperature extremes, the ability to carry out installation work with your own hands without the involvement of specialists. Also, such panels have a low price and a large selection of colors.

The disadvantages include the fact that they are fire hazardous and very fragile.

OSB sheets consist of layers of wood shavings, which are large in size. For the bundle, tree resins from needles or formaldehydes are used.

Sheets are divided into several types. OSB-3 is of high quality and has high moisture resistance. but OSB-4 is considered more durable and it can also be used for interior and exterior decoration. It is not afraid of temperature changes, has a long service life, good sound insulation. However, it also has a strong flammability.

Modular coverage

A completely new type of finishing material - boards made of PVC or rubber. They can be laid not only in the garage, but also on the adjacent site.

Modular slabs have many positive reviews. They can withstand any, even very low temperatures, are easy to install, have high strength. Installation is carried out using special glue.

PVC panels have a rough surface, so when using them, it is impossible to slip even on a wet floor.


Most often, this material is used to decorate a brick room from the outside. Siding gives even an old building its beauty and attractiveness. Recently, however, it has begun to be used for interior decoration of garages, because it has many advantages.

First of all, I am glad that it is refractory, durable and relatively inexpensive.


Natural or artificial stone is often used for cladding garages. This finish looks very beautiful, and besides, it is not afraid of weather conditions, humidity or fire. However, its price is too high.

Floor device

Very often people only need a garage to store a car, and therefore a viewing hole is not necessary. Then, when laying the floor, you can simply make a screed. This is not a very difficult process, and anyone can do everything with their own hands.

For this the first step is to level the ground with sand and gravel... Then a layer of waterproofing layer is laid. For these purposes, roofing material is suitable. It must be overlapped so that the moisture of the concrete solution cannot go into the ground. On top of the roofing material, you can put a reinforcing mesh for a stronger screed.

The next step is the installation of beacons, which is done according to the level. This will keep the flooring smooth. Then a concrete solution is prepared and poured onto the floor. Its constituents are very simple and widely available. This is normal sand, cement and crushed stone, the proportions of which are 2: 1: 3 respectively. Everything is filled with water to get a solution of medium density. To facilitate the work, you can use a concrete mixer.

The pouring must be done in one step so that the floor has no cracks and is solid. The screed must be at least ten centimeters thick. At the end of it, you need to level the surface well using a building level. The drying process can take up to one month..

After this time, you can start finishing the concrete. For this, moisture resistant paint or marble chips are suitable. The ideal coating will be ceramic, paving or clinker tiles that can withstand any stress. Before laying it, it is necessary to treat the concrete surface with a primer., which does not allow moisture to be absorbed from the glue, and only then proceed to laying the tiles.

If the floor requires insulation, it is necessary to make the flooring from boards... For this, wooden logs are laid on top of the concrete. The space formed between them must be covered with expanded clay or polystyrene. If the garage has a basement or cellar, then loose insulation is poured in, and a reinforcing mesh is placed on top. This is done for additional insulation of the basement ceiling.

There is also a self-leveling floor. It is a very durable coating and is not inferior in anything to concrete. The main advantage is a completely flat surface. Its only drawback is its high cost. Therefore, most people still prefer a concrete surface.

Wall decoration

Garage wall cladding is more labor intensive than flooring. For their decoration, you can use materials such as drywall, tiles, OSB, lining, as well as plaster.

The most affordable option is wall plaster.... Indeed, with its help, you can not only level surfaces, but also protect them from fire or temperature changes. This type of finish is suitable for walls made of foam blocks or aerated concrete.

In order to make the plaster of the surface even, it is necessary to expose beacons. However, this process is very laborious and requires additional skills in the work.

The rules of true masculine garage design

A car is not only a means of transportation, but also a reliable, loyal friend. It is necessary to monitor his condition and create optimal conditions for his stay. Parking or a place under the entrance is not the best option, which is often practiced by modern drivers. There are a lot of factors that negatively affect the quality of its work and service life.

The garage is a great place to protect your car from the elements. This is a multifunctional space. It can be used both for its main purpose and for other purposes: as a storage room, workshop. Many men make the garage a get-together. The atmosphere of the room is favorable for meeting friends, conversations and pleasant pastime.

Arranging a garage is not an easy task and requires a responsible approach. There are a lot of subtleties and tricks, without the knowledge of which it will be difficult to get a comfortable and convenient room. A well-chosen garage interior is the key to success. It will help give the room a beautiful look, organize objects and tools.

Tool cabinets can be supplied to save space

In the garage, everything should be in its place, for this you need to install furniture

The combination of red, white, black in the interior of the garage looks very beautiful

We draw up a plan for the arrangement of the garage

Any car requires maintenance that takes time. Even with its best performance, the owner looks under the hood to check the amount of oil and so on. Doing this on the street is not entirely comfortable. Better to do this kind of work in the garage. Here you have the necessary tools and materials at hand.

The time a driver spends in the garage is impressive. As practice shows, daily it ranges from two hours. In the event of a major overhaul of the vehicle, it will take a whole day. In this regard, the arrangement of the garage for many men becomes the main task. It is important to make the room cozy and comfortable.

The design of the garage is made in white with an imitation of the road

Pictures and posters can be hung on the walls

An excellent option is a two-story garage or a basement in it. It is quite easy to divide such a room into zones that are intended for different purposes. It will be comfortable and spacious.

If the garage is small, then don't be upset. After all, there are a lot of design ideas for arranging any premises. Among them, there will certainly be the option that will be optimal for a particular case. It will allow you to correctly calculate the space and allocate space for a car, storage of things and other things.

Before starting the arrangement of the garage, it is necessary to prepare a work plan. It involves the following steps.

  • Development of a drawing of a future structure in three-dimensional format.
  • Choice of gate type. The way they are opened can be different.
  • Planning the location for the vehicle. It is necessary to ensure unobstructed access to its various parts and systems. The approach should be as free and comfortable as possible.
  • Shelves, sinks and other additional installations are located in an empty space, as shown in the photo.
  • The choice of material for finishing. It must be durable.
  • Calculation of expenses.

As soon as the preparatory work is completed, you can purchase materials and start arranging the garage. This can be done both independently and you can turn to professionals for help. The latter will quickly and efficiently cope with the task.

Garage design in gray with black and orange mosaic floor tiles

The garage is designed in gray

To save space in the garage, it can be equipped with hangers and shelves

How to organize garage storage

In the garage there is not only a car, but a number of things that will be required to maintain it. It is important to position them so that they do not interfere with or endanger the safety of the vehicle. The correct organization of the storage system will help with this.

To put things in order in the garage, you will need to install additional furniture. For example, shelving. They are a great help in this process. They can be made from different materials: metal, plastic. They differ in their size and other design features. This makes it possible to choose it for any garage design: large, small.

The garage must be clean and tidy.

Mosaic floor tiles are great for decorating your garage

The rack is a structure with shelves that have different widths. You can put tools, accessories and other attributes on them. It is quite convenient if their height can be independently adjusted. This will allow you to store items of various sizes. They must be placed around the perimeter. Thus, they will take up a minimum of space, and the benefits from them will be enormous.

The following elements are well suited for organizing such a system.

  • Shelves. They are placed on the wall, so they require a minimum of space. Convenient to use and easy to manufacture. The walls must first be leveled and plastered. Shelves are placed at different heights. It is considered optimal above the level of the chin, as it is most comfortable.
  • Tool shields. They are convenient to use, since all the tools are visible and it will not be difficult to find the one you need.
  • Perforated slabs. Holders are attached to them, which differ in their length. They are well suited for placing garden supplies, stepladders, and more. Also, hooks can be attached to such plates on which clothes, ropes, and a hose are hung.

Design of a large spacious garage in a modern style

Garage tool cabinets can be purchased to save space in the garage.

There should always be order in the garage, for this you need to equip it with shelves

How to create a beautiful garage interior inside

Basically, when building a garage, special attention is paid to its appearance. Of course, this is important, but do not forget about what is inside the room. Since it will be gloomy and not presentable. Plaster on the walls, concrete floors, which are shown in the photo below, are unlikely to help get a cozy atmosphere. Even the owner himself is not comfortable in the room. It depresses and spoils the mood.