An example of an order for the appointment of an official. sample order

In any enterprise there are always employees who are entrusted with responsibility for the work carried out in a particular area. It can relate to almost any area of ​​economic activity. In order for such actions to be of an official nature, a special order is issued for the enterprise on the appointment of responsible persons. What is the peculiarity of this document and how should it be drawn up correctly?

Laying Responsibility

In order for the enterprise to function clearly and smoothly, it is necessary to constantly monitor the work of each section and department. Any process must be controlled so that no external causes couldn't break it. For this, one person is usually selected from among the employees, who, due to his professional skills and psychological qualities, will be able to constantly monitor the observance of order in a particular area. To document the assigned duties, the company's management is obliged to issue the appropriate "Order on the appointment of responsible persons". As a rule, such a document is signed by the director.

The initiator of its creation can be either the head himself or the head of one of the departments or divisions. The “Order on the appointment of responsible persons” may concern both the work of a separate service and the entire enterprise as a whole. It all depends on the duty that is assigned to a particular person. Take, for example, labor protection issues. "Order on the appointment of responsible persons" in this case will apply to the entire enterprise. A storage work books or the processing of personal data, for example, is the responsibility of the personnel department. The powers of responsible persons in this case do not go beyond the boundaries of their department.

Responsibility for working with values

If the position of a particular employee is constantly associated with the circulation of any material assets, then this aspect of his activity must certainly be documented. An appropriate document is needed to legitimize this obligation. The appointment of a financially responsible person in the interests of the enterprise occurs through the issuance of a separate order. It should detail all the points relating to this issue. For example, an accountant who issues wages at the cash desk is financially responsible for recording, storing and issuing Money.

There are other examples as well. So, employees who use various tools and devices during the working day are also responsible for them. If such objects of labor fail due to their fault, then along with an administrative penalty, the cost of the damaged equipment or the costs necessary to repair it will be deducted. Such measures force employees to be more attentive and always remember the responsibility assigned to them.

Issuing an order

In order to assign this or that duty to the employee, the management must draw up an appropriate order. The appointment of a financially responsible person always begins with an inventory. This is understandable. After all, such a labor function, as a rule, concerns:

  • management of various commodity stocks,
  • receiving and making payments,
  • storage and further maintenance of material values.

A person performing such work must remember the safety of the property entrusted to him.

Do not forget that any wrong action can lead to undesirable consequences, namely compensation for the harm caused. Exists different types responsibility:

  • complete,
  • collective,
  • individual,
  • limited.

Each of them leads to different consequences, which should be clearly reflected in the order. In addition, do not forget that an employee who is on the staff of the enterprise has some advantage over someone who, for example, was hired under a work contract. In the first case, he will simply compensate for the damage caused, and in the second case, he will have to additionally pay for the benefit that the company could not receive due to his wrong actions.

Alternative option

In some cases, the enterprise issues an order on the appointment of responsible persons. In fact, this is the same order. Both of these documents are regulatory in nature. They record the decision of the administration regarding specific organizational issues.

But there is a slight difference to consider when choosing desired type document. The legislation states that an order is usually issued on major matters relating to inner life the enterprise or organization that requires approval. The order is more often addressed to a specific person and concerns a narrow issue. It can concern both single cases and long-term issues. The essence of the order is to convey to the performer the need to perform certain actions relating to a specific part of it. official duties. It all depends on what responsibility and for how long the management plans to assign to this employee.

30.03.2018, 16:00

It is possible to ensure the safety of the property of an enterprise not only by organizing a video surveillance system and hiring security guards, but also through forms of liability under the terms of a cooperation agreement between the employer and hired personnel. To do this, an order is issued on the appointment of materially responsible persons (by the way, a sample of a typical template can be modified).

Introductory information

The emergence of monetary obligations from the employee to the company is possible if the damage was caused through his fault.

At the same time, liability cannot be individual in cases where the damage is the result of natural loss, wear and tear, the influence of factors to which the employee is not related. If an order to appoint a financially responsible person is issued, the fault of the person mentioned in it is proved, then this employee is obliged to compensate for the damage to the company. This provision also applies to property that is not owned by the organization, but is a leased asset.

General information about liability

Apply to the head of the company General requirements for the safety of property. He is responsible for the state of the property assets of the enterprise and their actual availability on a par with other categories of personnel. If an order was issued to bring an employee to liability, his guilt was proved, then part of the damage is subject to compensation within one wages.

An exception to the rule on the limitation of the amount of damages is provided for several posts. Their list is approved by law. For example, the cashier must be responsible for the safety of the funds entrusted to him and the forms of strict accountability in full. To do this, an order is issued on the imposition of liability (we will give a sample below), the basis of which is an agreement on full liability (signed by the cashier and the employer).

Responsibility of a property nature can be divided into types:

  • individual;
  • collective.

In the first case, it is necessary to conclude a bilateral agreement on liability, in the second - a collective agreement. Before a collective agreement is signed, an order on liability is issued. The order of the head is an integral attribute of the agreement on the establishment of a certain type of property liability of personnel.

Making an order

There is no unified order form. To draw up management orders on interaction with financially responsible officials, a template developed by the office management service or the personnel department of the company is used. When an order is drawn up for a financially responsible person, the sample should have the following structure:

  • enterprise identification;
  • specifying the name of the document type;
  • the date and place of registration of the form are prescribed;
  • the purpose of the text of the order is fixed;
  • a standard preamble that discloses the objectives of the regulation and its legal basis;
  • the order on the approval of financially responsible persons includes information about employees to whom the standards of liability will apply;
  • after the list of responsible employees, data on the property to which the appointed specialists are assigned is given.

The document is considered valid if the phrase “I order” is present in it, the persons responsible for the execution of the order are approved, the head’s signature and its transcript are signed. The form is certified by a seal. At the final stage, all the persons mentioned in the order are familiarized with the text of the document against signature. Next, you can download a sample order on the appointment of a financially responsible person in 2018.

The change of appointed responsible persons can be carried out in case of dismissal of employees, personnel changes, redistribution of labor functions. In all cases, it is required to issue an order from the head on making changes to the composition of financially responsible officials. Another form of documents in work with employees who are entrusted with property assets is an order to bring to liability, a sample of it should contain information:

  • about the amount of damage;
  • intentionality of unauthorized actions of the employee;
  • mention of misconduct (disclosure of classified information, damage to property while intoxicated).

When organizing the work of the company, parts of the employees are entrusted with the control of certain processes. For example, they are empowered to monitor compliance with labor protection rules, counter fire safety etc. If an employee becomes a responsible person, an order is issued on his appointment.

This article has useful sample documents for download.

Sample orders for the appointment of responsible persons

Companies need to comply with many requirements, including the organization of labor. She is responsible for compliance with labor laws, orders of regulatory authorities, etc. In addition, it is necessary to ensure control internal processes This is in the interests of the employer. The management approves internal acts on the work of a particular direction in the company and indicates which of the employees is responsible for the direction. The appointment of a responsible person is supported by an order. For example, a company selects those responsible for:

  • labor protection;
  • work with personal data of employees, customers and contractors;
  • compliance with fire safety;
  • settlements with employees;
  • observance of the trade secret regime;
  • conducting personnel documents- time sheets, work books, etc.;
  • safety of company property.

The selection and appointment of the responsible person is carried out in the manner that is enshrined in the act, but in all cases, an order will be required to transfer powers.

So, an employee who will monitor compliance with labor protection requirements is appointed if the company does not have such a unit or specialist in the state. These functions can be assumed by the head of the organization, but usually the authority is delegated to another employee. If the company has more than 50 employees, it will be necessary to organize a special service or add the position of a security specialist to the staffing table.

Another option is to choose someone who will monitor compliance with the rules for processing information about employees. The document indicates that this person assumes obligations for control in this area. In addition, you can enter the name of the employee who is responsible for control if the person in charge is temporarily absent (for example, on sick leave or vacation). To control the processing of customer or counterparty data, it is better to appoint another person in charge - in this case, the requirements are somewhat broader.

Another example when such a document is required is when choosing financially responsible. In the company, such persons are general manager, accounting staff, as well as personnel who work with material assets. They ensure the safety of funds and other property of the company, monitor the movement and operation of property. If necessary, the company has the right to choose someone other than these employees as responsible.

The order indicates the purpose of appointing a responsible person

There are no special requirements in the law for how the order should look. It is compiled in free form. The company can develop its own typical options and apply this or that template when needed. The order on the responsible person indicates:

  1. The full name of the company that selects the employee to complete the task. Sometimes identification codes are also written.
  2. The title of the document is what the order is about. For example, on the appointment of a person responsible for the safety of the property of an enterprise. In addition, put the document number.
  3. Place of publication and date. For example: "Mr. Moscow, 05.03.2018”.
  4. The function to be performed by the employee. The content of the document depends on the purpose for which it is published. For example: “In order to ensure the safety of property (name of the company), control over its use and movement, I order to appoint a financially responsible person (name and position of the employee).” The word "order" must be present. If the leader leaves control of the task to himself, this is noted in the text.

The order on the appointment of a responsible person must contain the position, full name and signature of the head. In addition, it is obligatory for the appointed person to sign. They note his position, full name, and indicate the date when he got acquainted with the order. They also put the seal of the company.

If the company does not have one or another important position, these duties should be entrusted to one of the employees. We will tell you how to prepare an order for the appointment of responsible persons so that it does not cause claims from the GIT.

From the article you will learn:

Appointment of a responsible person: sample order

In the process of development of the organization, it may have new tasks and needs that are not satisfied by the personnel available to the company. However, it is not always necessary to hire a new employee in such a situation: it is quite possible that one of the existing employees will successfully cope with the problems that have arisen. So, if there is no relevant service or labor protection specialist in the state, then under certain conditions, in particular, if the number of employees does not exceed 50 people, the employer can assign the appropriate duties to another employee of the organization (part three of article 217 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). This is possible with the consent of the employee. The requirements for the necessary competence (education, work experience, training) of the responsible person must be determined by the employer himself.

Note! The necessary responsibilities can be distributed among several employees, for example, heads of structural divisions of the organization.

The procedure for appointing a responsible person allows you to close the staffing needs of the organization without creating an additional position. In addition, in some cases, it will help not only to solve the current problems of the company, but also to avoid problems during the inspection by specialists. state labor inspectorate- for example, if we are talking about the position of the person responsible for labor protection. In this case, the inspectors will be satisfied with the presence in the organization of an order to appoint a responsible person, whose duties include ensuring the required level of labor safety at the enterprise. Having decided on a specific candidate, it is necessary to issue an order to appoint a responsible person.

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Obligations of the employer when appointing a responsible person

Since there is an increase in the workload of the employee, the issue of additional payment. Depending on the number of new duties of the employee, they can be reflected in the order, amend the job description, or conclude additional agreement to the employment contract(Article 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, letter from Rostrud dated October 31, 2007 No. 4412-6).

Determining the responsibilities of the person responsible for a particular block of work, you can be guided by the same regulations as in the development job description specialist, taking into account the specifics of the organization. In we will bring specific example determining the list of job responsibilities when appointing a responsible person.

As a rule, the appointment of a responsible person implies the need for such an employee to acquire additional skills and knowledge in the area of ​​labor tasks entrusted to him. In this regard, it is advisable to send the selected employee to special training, which will allow him to quickly get up to speed and effectively understand a new field of activity for him (Procedure approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia, the Ministry of Education of Russia dated January 13, 2003 No. 1/29). After studying, it is necessary to organize a procedure for testing the acquired knowledge, according to the results of which, in case of successful certification, this employee will be able to perform the duties of a person responsible for the block of tasks entrusted to him along with the main job.

Functions of the responsible person

An order to appoint a responsible person is issued if the employer needs to impose on the employee additional functions which he will perform in parallel with his main job. At the same time, since we are talking about assigning additional responsibilities to him, their scope is usually limited to a few specific tasks that allow him to effectively cope with his main job. Such duties may include work books, issuance of wages, control over provision labor protection to the enterprise and other similar functions.

An example of an order for the appointment of a responsible person will be required to appoint any employee to act as a cashier for payroll in organizations that do not have a cashier on staff, or in subdivisions of an organization located in a territorial distance from the head office (workshops, warehouses).

Order on the appointment of a responsible person

Employees who are responsible for the decision individual issues in a company, for example, for labor protection or fire safety, they are appointed by order of the head of the organization (part 3 of article 217 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, clause 12 of the Fire Safety Standards approved by order of the Russian Emergencies Ministry of December 12, 2007 No. 645). As a rule, these are employees who bear similar responsibilities by type of activity. In this case, the order usually indicates the position of the responsible employee.

Reissue of an order when transferring a responsible person to another position

Sometimes a situation arises in a company that an employee who, by special order, was appointed responsible for a particular labor function, was transferred to another position. For example, this may affect the responsible labor protection, fire safety and so on. In such a situation, in order to avoid misunderstandings and disputes, experienced employees personnel services recommend reissuing this order. However, in some cases this can be dispensed with: it is clearly indicated when it is not necessary to reissue an order to appoint a responsible person.

The frequency of reissuing an order for the enterprise on the appointment of responsible persons

Labor legislation does not provide for the annual reissuance of an order for the enterprise on the appointment of responsible persons. The responsible person performs these duties until the respective order is canceled or the employment relationship is terminated (Articles 8, 57, 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Thus, there is no need to annually reissue an order on the appointment of a person responsible for the performance of a particular labor function.

Transfer of authority of a responsible person to another employee

The duties of the sick performer are assigned to another employee by order. We recommend that in the Instructions for the office work of the organization or in another local regulatory act, provide for the procedure for transferring instructions to other executors if the main executor is absent - business trip, vacation, illness.

The order on the appointment of a responsible person is one of the most important documents issued by the head in the course of the production activities of this enterprise. Its creation is directly related to the organization normal operation company and serves as one of the ways to solve specific production problems.

Purpose of the document

As you know, any order is a special legal act, which is based on the instruction of the leadership, which is mandatory for execution by a certain official. This document is intended to address the organization's operational and core objectives. In this sense, the "Order on the Appointment of a Responsible" is especially important. With its help, it is possible to establish the work of the enterprise in a certain direction, by attracting individual specialists.

The purpose of creating this document is to increase the responsibility of specific employees to solve generally important production tasks. The order to appoint a responsible person belongs to the category. Depending on the specific field of activity, it may relate to the following issues:

  • liability;
  • fire safety;
  • retraining and advanced training;
  • labor protection and TB;
  • turnover of expensive materials and valuables;
  • use of sources of increased danger available at work;
  • turnover of securities.

The authority regarding the appointment of a certain responsible person, in addition to the head, also has in which this employee works.

Order structure

The order on the appointment of a responsible person is drawn up in any form. There is no single unified form for this document. In principle, it is compiled by analogy with and includes standard subsections that contain certain information:

  1. "Cap". At the top of the form is the full name of the company, its form of responsibility and logo. The place, date, title and registration number of the document are also recorded here.
  2. "Preamble". It is a description of the essence of the document and the purposes for which it was created. The information is presented concisely, literally in a few phrases. In addition, the preamble may contain a list of individual regulations that served as the basis for issuing this document. The subsection ends with the word "I order."
  3. "Body". It sets out the content of the order and specifically indicates the employee who is assigned the relevant duties, and the one who will perform this work in his absence.
  4. "Conclusion" is the signature of the head and familiarization with this order of responsible persons.

When issuing this document, it is necessary to clearly indicate from which moment it comes into force. In some cases, the scope of assigned duties requires the conclusion of an additional agreement to the labor agreement with this employee. All this must be noted in the order and completed before the appointed date.

Assigning Responsibility for PB

As an example, consider a sample order on the appointment of a person responsible for compliance with, for example, fire safety at an enterprise. Such a document has standard subsections and is drawn up on a blank A4 sheet or letterhead.

It should be based on relevant laws and regulations(Law "On fire safety", "Technical regulations of the fire safety", as well as other departmental documents and the enterprise itself). The main text of such an order should consist of three parts:

  1. Ascertaining. It usually begins with the words "to provide" or "in connection with the conduct."
  2. Administrative. In its text, the essence of the issue is stated. First, a document is approved on the basis of which the selected person will conduct his work. The next item after the word "appoint" indicates the employee who will do this.
  3. List of attached documents.

The second part must necessarily list the following responsibilities of the selected candidate:

  • conducting briefings with employees;
  • maintaining appropriate logs;
  • checking the status of jobs.

The order is signed by the head and brought to the attention of the relevant employee.

About reporting

Fulfilling their functional responsibilities, employees of the enterprise periodically report on the work performed to the appropriate authorities. To streamline this activity, it is necessary to issue an order. It will help increase the responsibility of individual employees for the work assigned to them.

The sample for reporting, as a rule, has standard form and consists mainly of three items:

  1. Appointment of specific responsible persons. This part can be issued as a separate application, which lists the basic information (the name of the reporting form, information about the place and timing of its submission, information about the contractor).
  2. The assignment of duties to the main specialists of the enterprise, who must ensure that their subordinates fulfill the tasks assigned to them.
  3. An indication of the person who will monitor the appropriate implementation of this order.

All employees mentioned in the document must be familiarized with it personally (against signature).