The federal government agencies include. Public authorities in Russia

Officially, state authorities in Russia are: President of the Russian Federation, federal executive bodies, Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Russian Federation, Security Council of the Russian Federation, Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation. At the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, there are bodies of the executive and legislative power of the subjects of Russia.

The President of the Russian Federation is elected for a period of six years of citizens of the Russian Federation on the basis of universal equal and direct election law during a secret ballot. The Russian citizen of the Russian Federation is not elected to the Russian Federation at least 35 years, which permanently resides at least 10 years. The same person can not hold the position of President of the Russian Federation more than two deadlines in a row. The procedure for the election of the President of the Russian Federation is determined by federal law.

The President of the Russian Federation is the head of state.

The President of the Russian Federation is the guarantor of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, human rights and freedoms and citizen. It takes measures to protect the sovereignty of the Russian Federation, its independence and state integrity, ensures the agreed functioning and interaction of state authorities. The Russian President defines the main directions of the internal and foreign policy of states. It represents the Russian Federation within the country and in international relations [there, Art. 80].

The main powers of the president:

  • a) appoints with the consent of the State Duma Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • b) has the right to chair the meetings of the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • c) decides on the resignation of the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • d) represents the State Duma candidacy for appointing to the position of chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation; puts the issue of release from the post of Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to the State Duma;
  • e) at the suggestion of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation appoints and relieves the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, federal ministers;
  • (e) presents candidates for the Council to appoint the judges of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation; appoints the judges of other federal courts;

e1) represents the advice of the Federation of candidates for appointment to the position of Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation and Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation; contributes to the Federation of the Federation proposals for exemption from the position of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation and the Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation; appoints and dismisses the prosecutors of the subjects of the Russian Federation, as well as other prosecutors, except for prosecutors of cities, districts and prosecutors equal to them;

e2) appoints and exempts representatives of the Russian Federation in the Federation Council;

  • g) forms and heads the Security Council of the Russian Federation, the status of which is determined by federal law;
  • h) approves military doctrine of the Russian Federation;
  • and) forms the administration of the President of the Russian Federation;
  • k) appoints and frees the authorized representatives of the President of the Russian Federation;
  • l) appoints and frees the highest command of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
  • m) appoints and recalls after consultation with the relevant committees or commissions of the Chambers of the Federal Assembly of Diplomatic Representatives of the Russian Federation in foreign countries and international organizations.

The President is the Supreme Commander-in-Chief Armed Forces.

The President solves the issues of citizenship of the Russian Federation, awards with state awards, carries out pardon.

In addition, according to the Constitution, the president also performs a number of other powers and functions. By nature and character, they are mainly executive and administrative powers and functions.

Under the President of Russia, the deliberative bodies are working: the Security Council is engaged in analyzing and strategic planning throughout the complex of security issues, as well as the preparation of draft decision-making projects in relevant areas, the State Council, the main tasks of which promoting the implementation of the authorities of the President of the Russian Federation on the promotion of the agreed functioning and interaction of bodies state power; Discussion with special state importance of problems related to the relationship between the Russian Federation and the subjects of the Russian Federation, the most important issues of state construction and strengthening the fundamentals of federalism, making the necessary proposals to the President of the Russian Federation, as well as other advice and commissions.

In each federal district, the president has its own plenipotentiary representative.

The Russian government consists of the President of the Government, Vice-Chairman of the Government and Federal Ministers.

Feature: In Russia, the Federal Assembly does not form the government, but only controls, forms the Government of the Government Chairman appointed by the President.

Government of the Russian Federation:

a) develops and submits to the State Duma federal budget and ensures its execution; Represents the State Duma report on the execution of the federal budget; Represents the State Duma annual reports on the results of its activities, including on issues supplied by the State Duma;

b-c) ensures a single financial, credit and monetary policy in the Russian Federation, state policy in the field of culture, science, education, health, social security, ecology;

  • d) executes the management of federal property;
  • e) performs measures to ensure the defense of the country, state security, the implementation of foreign policy of the Russian Federation;
  • e) measures measures to ensure the legality, rights and freedoms of citizens, the protection of property and public order, the fight against crime;
  • g) other powers.

The Government of the Russian Federation issues decisions and orders, ensures their execution.

Decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation, with the exception of the resolutions containing information that make up the state secret, or the information of a confidential nature, is subject to official publication no later than fifteen days from the date of their adoption, and if necessary, immediately enforcement is communicated to universal information through the media immediately

In carrying out their powers, federal ministers are accountable to the Government of the Russian Federation, and on issues related to the Russian Constitution, federal constitutional laws and federal laws to the powers of the President of the Russian Federation, and the President of the Russian Federation [there, Art. 26].

The regulatory legal acts also consolidated the supervisory powers of the government.

Provide the activities of the Government Office, federal ministries, subordinate agencies, services, supervisors, federal services and agencies, coordination and advisory bodies. They play the role of basic instruments of state activities in certain areas of public life, participate in the development of state decisions, in the development of legislation, in government norms, in the leadership of numerous state organizations that are in their subordination, manage the industries entrusted to them throughout the state, publish sub-banner acts.

In addition, in the Russian Federation in the territory of its republics, edges, regions, autonomous districts, in the cities of the federal significance there are many different powerful government agencies - authorized representatives of the central (federal) executive and administrative bodies of state power, forming a single centralized system along with them. For example, the territorial bodies of Rosreestra, regional management of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, etc.

The Federal Assembly - Parliament of the Russian Federation is a representative and legislative body of the Russian Federation.

The Federal Assembly consists of two chambers of the Federation Council and the State Duma.

The Federation Council includes: two representatives from each subject of the Russian Federation - one from the legislative (representative) and executive bodies of state power; Representatives of the Russian Federation appointed by the President of the Russian Federation, the number of no more than ten percent of the members of the Federation Council - representatives from legislative (representative) and executive bodies of the state of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The State Duma consists of 450 deputies. The State Duma is elected for a period of five years.

Deputies of the State Duma are elected by citizens of the Russian Federation on the basis of universal equal and direct election law during a secret ballot. The participation of a citizen of the Russian Federation in elections is free and voluntary. 225 deputies of the State Duma are elected on single-member constituent districts (one district is one deputy), 225 deputies of the State Duma are elected to the federal electoral district in proportion to the number of votes of voters filed for the federal lists of candidates [ibid., Art. 3].

The Federation Council and the State Duma form committees and commissions, spending parliamentary hearings on their maintenance.

Each chambers takes its regulations and solves the internal regulations of their activities.

To monitor the execution of the federal budget, the Federation Council and the State Duma form the Accounts Chamber, the composition and procedure of which are determined by federal law.

The reference of the Federation Council includes: approval of changes in the boundaries between the constituent entities of the Russian Federation; approval of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the introduction of a military or emergency; solving the issue of the possibility of using the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation; Decision of the President of the Russian Federation from the post and appointment of the election of the President of the Russian Federation; appointment to the position of judges of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation; Appointment and release from the post of Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation and Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, Deputy Chairman of the Accounts Chamber and Half of its auditors.

The state of the State Duma includes: the date of the consent of the President of the Russian Federation for the appointment of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation; solving the issue of confidence in the Government of the Russian Federation; hearing the annual reports of the Government of the Russian Federation on the results of its activities, including on issues supplied by the State Duma; appointment and liberation from the post of Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation; Chairman of the Accounts Chamber and Half of its auditors; Commissioner for Human Rights; Annisten's announcement; The prosecution against the President of the Russian Federation to reject him from office.

The main purpose of Parliament is lawmaking. The legislative powers of Parliament implements in accordance with the procedure provided for by the Constitution. Here I also note that any bills associated with expenses from the federal budget can only be submitted if there is a conclusion of the Government of the Russian Federation. First, the law passes through the State Duma, then through the Federation Council. The law can be adopted by the Council of the Federation "by default", if within fourteen days it was not considered by the Federation Council [Art. 105, p. 4]. Bills on issues related to expenses from the federal budget and the regulation of the economy, as well as issues of international relations, including the issues of war and the world, are subject to compulsory consideration in the Federation Council [Art. 106].

The judicial authorities of modern Russia include courts on behalf of the judiciary by administering justice - consideration and permits in the procedure established by law of civil and criminal cases, cases of administrative offenses, economic or other disputes and conflicts related to the actual or alleged violation of the rules of law .

Justice in the Russian Federation is carried out only by the court through constitutional, civil, administrative and criminal proceedings. Creating emergency courts is not allowed. The court, having established the inconsistency of the state or other body an end to the case, decides in accordance with the law. In this paragraph, we allocate only the courts of the federal level.

The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation is the judicial authority of constitutional control, independently and independently carrying out the judiciary through constitutional proceedings.

The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation is the highest judicial authority for civil cases, the permission of economic disputes, criminal, administrative and other cases, sidewalks formed in accordance with the Federal Constitutional Law, implements the judicial supervision of the activities of these courts provided for by the Federal Law of the procedural forms and gives clarification on issues of judicial practice.

The Supreme Court of the Republic, the Regional, Regional Court, the court of the city of federal significance, the court of the Autonomous Region, the Court of Autonomous Okrug are federal courts of general jurisdiction, operating within the territory of the relevant subject of the Russian Federation, and directly by superior courts in relation to the district courts in force in the territory of the relevant Subject of the Russian Federation.

Regional courts and equivalent to them consider cases as a court of first, appellate, cassation instances, on new or newly discovered circumstances, and also carry out other powers in accordance with federal laws.

Military courts exercise the judiciary in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies in which the military service is provided by the Federal Law.

Arbitration courts in the Russian Federation carry out justice through the permission of economic disputes and the consideration of other cases assigned to their competence.

The Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation is a single federal centralized system of bodies and organizations and is valid on the basis of subordination of the lower prosecutors to the higher and general prosecutor of the Russian Federation. . The System of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation is the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, the prosecutor's office of the subjects of the Russian Federation, the military and other specialized prosecutors, scientific and educational organizations, editors of the print publications, which are legal entities, as well as the prosecutors of cities and districts, other territorial, military and other specialized prosecursors [ in the same place, section. II Art. 11 p. 1].

The prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation implements:

supervision of the execution of laws and compliance with human rights and freedoms and citizen government agencies, as well as managers of commercial and non-profit organizations; criminal prosecution; coordination of the activities of law enforcement agencies to combat crime; The initiation of cases of administrative offenses and conducting an administrative investigation. Prosecutors are involved in consideration by cases by the courts, arbitration courts (hereinafter - the courts), protest the decisions, sentences, definitions and decisions of the courts. The prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation takes part in law-conducting activities, produces special editions.

The prosecutor has the right to be unhindered in the territory and in the premises of state authorities, local self-government, military management, control, commercial and non-profit organizations, demand from officials of the presentation of documents and materials, to cause them and other citizens for explanations about the violations of the law [there, section. 3 ch. 1 tbsp. 22 p.1].

He considers and checks the statements, complaints and other reports of violations of the law, the rights and freedoms of citizens, explains the victims of the protection of their rights and freedoms, takes measures to prevent and curb the violations of the rights and freedoms of citizens, to attract persons who violated the law to Reimbursement of damage [in the same place, section. 1 tbsp. 10].

The Accounts Chamber is the permanent senior authority of the external state audit (control), accountable to the Federal Assembly. The Accounts Chamber exercises external state audit (control) on the basis of the principles of legality, efficiency, objectivity, independence, openness and publicity [ibid, art. four].

The Accounts Chamber is formed as part of the Chairman of the Accounts Chamber, Deputy Chairman of the Accounts Chamber, Auditors of the Accounts Chamber, the Apparatus of the Accounts Chamber [ibid., Ch. 2 tbsp. 6].

The Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation is the federal state body organizing the preparation and conduct of elections, referendums in the Russian Federation, as well as monitoring compliance with the election rights and the right to participate in the referendum of citizens of the Russian Federation. The Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation operates on a permanent basis and is a legal entity.

The position of the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation is established in order to ensure guarantees of state protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, their observance and respect by government agencies, local governments and officials. Commissioner in the exercise of its powers is independent and not necessarily by any government agencies and officials. The introduction of a state of emergency or military situation throughout the Russian Federation either on its part does not stop and does not suspend the activities of the Commissioner and does not entail the restriction of its competence.

Commissioner has the right to unhindered to visit the authorities and local self-government, enterprises, institutions and organizations, military units, public associations; request and receive the necessary documents and materials; receive explanations of officials and civil servants; conduct inspections of government agencies, local governments and officials; Get acquainted with criminal, civil and administrative affairs, including discontinued. The Commissioner enjoys the right of urgent admission by officials of the authorities, local government, enterprises, institutions and organizations, regardless of the forms of ownership, heads of public associations, military leaders and administration of the places of compulsory content [ibid, ch. 3 tbsp. 23].

In the Russian Federation, federal state bodies are the highest authorities. The federal government consists of three branches: executive, legislative and judicial. The president also applies to these authorities.

What are the federal state bodies

In Russia, the president has a leading position in power structures. He is the top of the federal government, being simultaneously the guarantor of the Constitution, the head of state and the main binder between the branches of the government. At the same time, it does not belong to any of them.

The legislative authorities consist of the Federation Council and the State Duma. Together they form the Federal Assembly. It is the compiler of the laws that must be executed throughout the country.

The executive body is formed by the federal government executive bodies. The authority includes the publication of decisions, solutions and other acts of a sub-sentence. The main executive body in Russia is the Government of Russia. It is subject to industry executive units: federal services, ministries, agencies and their territorial offices. All these bodies are approved by the President of Russia.

The judiciary unites federal courts. This is the Supreme Court of Russia, the Constitutional Court of Russia and other federal bodies. Their responsibility includes ensuring justice.

The federal government agencies of the Russian Federation do not include the Central Bank.

President of Russia

President of Russia has a list of powers other than those in other countries. Presidential power in Russia stands out to a special category of power. In our country, the president has broader powerful powers. They are registered in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, and the passage of elections is regulated by the Federal Law of 19-F3 "On the Presidential Election".

The head of the Russian Federation relies on the powerful bodies approximate to him. One of them is the Security Council of the Russian Federation. It affects the domestic and foreign policy of the state and is engaged in national security. Manages this structure also president. He is the Chairman of the Security Council. Sat holds meetings on which all decisions are accepted by voting, after which they are certified by the Protocol and are signed by the President.

Also, the Security Council also holds meetings. They pass once a week with the participation of the Chairman. Interdepartmental commissions are acting as the working bodies. The composition of these commissions is approved by the Secretary Security Council. Council members approve the president.

Another such structure is the State Council of the Russian Federation. This authority is designed to help the president in the implementation of its powers in the interaction of government agencies. The State Council holds meetings. They pass 1 time in 3 months. The decisions made are the nature of the recommendations. The State Council may be the initiator of the creation of working groups where scientists and other specialists can be involved.

The main functions of the President of the Russian Federation

Circle of functions of the country's senior official:

  • Serve as a guarantor of the Constitution, to ensure freedoms and rights of citizens.
  • Provide coordination in the actions of government bodies.
  • Support the sovereignty of the Russian Federation.
  • Determine the priorities in the internal and foreign policy of the state.
  • Take part on behalf of the country in international meetings, forums, relationships.

The protection of the Constitution and its strict compliance is one of the main activities of the president.

Federal Assembly

The Federal Assembly is a legislative body and accepts the laws of the federal level. It consists of the State Duma and the Federation Council. The State Duma includes 450 deputies from different fractions, which are elected during the All-Russian elections. The Federation Council includes 178 legislators. It includes representatives of all subjects of the Russian Federation.

The State Duma works separately from the Federation Council.

One of the main tasks of the Federal Assembly is the approval of the country's budget, which is prepared by the Government of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the Duma is engaged in the consideration of the budget, which then in the form of the federal law is sent for approval to the Federation Council.

A specific feature of the powers of the State Duma is the adoption of various federal laws. This process usually passes in the 3 stages called reading. The first discussion of the draft law and conceptual aspects happens on the first. On the second, a more detailed analysis of all articles of the draft law is made. At the third stage, a vote for or against the adoption of the law under discussion is carried out. Make any changes to the law at this stage can not be.

In order for the law to be adopted, more than 50% of deputies should vote for it. If the constitutional law is accepted, then this figure is higher - at least 2/3 of the number of participants.

After the adoption by the State Duma, the law should be approved by the Federation Council, and only in this case it becomes legal. Insufficiently worked or inappropriate in the current situation, the law may be rejected. To approve the law, the Federation Council requires its support by the majority (more than half) members of the Chamber. If the Federation Council will not consider this law within two weeks, then it is made automatically, with the exception of laws of particular importance.

The State Duma may initiate the early resignation of the president, and if this initiative is approved by the Federation Council, the head of the country will be obliged to fold their powers. As the basis for retirement, there may be intentional wondering, espionage, bribes, crime excess of officials, war crimes, etc.

Government of the Russian Federation

The government belongs to the executive branch of the branch of the federal civil service and consists of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Ministers. The government responsibly for the development of the country's federal budget, the project of which is made for approval to the State Duma. It can make decisions on part of federal expenses, including those related to the social sphere.

The main directions of the work of the government

Circle of government responsibilities:

  • Implementation of reforms, optimization of financial policies, including aimed at reducing the budget deficit of the country.
  • Conducts policies in science, culture, health, education, ecology and social security.
  • His knowledge is various objects of federal property, including railways, enterprises, structures, and so on.
  • It works on military equipment and fulfillment of social obligations to the military.
  • Ensures compliance with human rights, public order, the implementation of federal laws.

Judicial authorities

In the Russian Federation, federal government bodies include the judicial system. Their main task is to ensure justice. The main branches of the country's federal judicial system are: the Supreme Court, the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Arbitration Court.


Thus, the federal state bodies of Russia are components of the executive, legislative and judicial authorities. Each of them is endowed with their individual powers and fulfills the function prescribed to him.

Executive Power implements public administration. The executive authorities have significant legal independence towards the legislative and judicial branches of state power. They are not accountable and not controlled by the authorities of the representative power. The executive authorities, in particular, the Government of the Russian Federation, are endowed with the law of the legislative initiative, as well as public authority to publish legal acts and control over their execution.

Executive authorities may be federal and executive authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation: republics, edges, regions, cities of federal significance (Moscow, St. Petersburg), autonomous region and autonomous districts.

Depending on the nature of the competence vary authorities of the general, industry, intersectoral competence.

Competition authorities - Governments, administration of subjects of the Russian Federation. They manage most branches of management, providing economic, socio-cultural development at the subordinate territory.

Bodies of industry competence We manage the subordinate to them by industries (for example, the Ministry of Health, the Committee of the Russian Federation for Metallurgy, etc.).

Intersectoral competence bodies Perform special functions common to all branches and management areas (for example, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, etc.).

In order to resolve the subordinate issues, it is necessary to distinguish between collegial and unique bodies. Collegiates represent the organizationally decorated group of decision makers by a majority vote (for example, governments, many state committees, etc.).

Unique bodies make decisions on issues included in their competence, represented by their leader (for example, ministries, edge administration, regions, etc.).

The federal executive bodies are defined in the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 10, 1994. "On the structure of federal executive bodies": the Government of the Russian Federation, federal ministries, state committees of the Russian Federation, the Committees of the Russian Federation, the main management of the Russian Federation, federal services, the Department of the Tax Police of the Russian Federation , Governmental and Information Agency, Federal Supervision of Russia.

Government of the Russian Federation

The Government of the Russian Federation implements the executive power in the Russian Federation. The Russian government consists of the chairman of the Russian government, his deputies and federal ministers. The Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation is appointed by the President with the consent of the State Duma.

The President of the Russian Federation proposes to the President of the federal executive authorities, candidates for his deputy and federal ministers. In accordance with, federal laws and decrees of the President defines the main activities of the Government of the Russian Federation and organizes his work. The Constitution of the Russian Federation defines the powers of the Government of the Russian Federation, which:

  • develops and presents the Federal budget to the State Duma, ensures its execution, and also submits the State Duma report on the execution of the state budget;
  • ensures a single state policy in the Russian Federation in the field of culture, science, education, health, social security, ecology;
  • manages federal property;
  • takes measures to ensure the legality, rights and freedoms of citizens, the protection of property and public order, the fight against crime.

The Russian government issues decrees and orders.

Federal Ministries, State Committees and Federal Offices (Committees, Services, Agencies, Departments) refer to the central bodies of the federal executive. They operate within their competence throughout the Russian Federation under the leadership of the Government of the Russian Federation. Regulations on them are approved by the President of the Russian Federation or on his instructions to the Government of the Russian Federation (for example, the Regulation on the Federal Mountain and Industrial Supervision of Russia approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on February 18, 1993 No. 234, the Regulation on the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation - the Council of Ministers of the Russian Federation on November 4, 1993 No. 1187). The ministers and chairmen of the State Committee Committees are appointed by the President of the Russian Federation and is part of the Government of the Russian Federation. In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 10, 1994 No. 66 "On the structure of the federal executive authorities" federal ministries and state committees have equal legal status.

The heads of federal departments are not included in the Government of the Russian Federation. The departments are not included in the ministries and are independent bodies. They operate under the guidance of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Some federal executive bodies are subordinate to the President of the Russian Federation on issues enshrined behind him by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws: the Ministry of Defense, internal affairs, foreign intelligence services, the Federal Security Service, etc.

The executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation It can be divided into organs of the overall, industry and intersectoral competence. Their forms do not have the generally installed unification, therefore the names of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are established, as a rule, taking into account historical and national traditions or foreign experience. The system and forms of the executive authorities of the republics are established in their constitutions, and the edges, regions, autonomous formations - in their charters.

Competition authorities - These are the Councils of Ministers (Government) of the republics as part of the Russian Federation, the regional administration, regions, autonomous formations.

The branch and intersectoral competence bodies in the republics are ministries, state committees, committees, major departments, etc.

In the regions, the edges, autonomous formations, the executive authorities are the main departments (management, committees, departments, departments).

The mechanism of the Russian state is a system of bodies endowed with the authorities and operating states. Due to the fact that the Russian Federation is a federal state, its mechanism consists of fed-rally and bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. According to Art. 11 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, state power in the Russian Federation is carried out by the President of the Russian Federation, the Federal Assembly, the Government of the Russian Federation, the courts of the Russian Federation.

State power in the subjects of the Russian Federation carry out the state authorities formed by them. The subjects of the Russian Federation gives, the right to independently establish a system of state authorities, the order of their organization and activities and their com-Petzenia In accordance with the basics of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation and the general principles of the organization of state authorities, established by the Federal Law. In this regard, in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation there were a variety of public organizations.

The interaction of federal state authorities and the bodies of the subjects of the Russian Federation is carried out according to subjects of reference, enshrined by Art. 71 and 72 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the federal executive authority is allowed to create its territory-toal organs and appoint relevant officials. In the course of its activities, the federal bodies of the Russian Federation have practical solutions on issues related to the competence of the Russian Federation and ensure their execution with the help of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. At the same time, on issues related to the exclusive competence of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the state authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation take independent decisions that may even contradict regulatory acts federal bodies.

The difference in the subjects of the federal bodies and the bodies of the subjects of the Russian Federation does not mean the simultaneous existence of two qualitatively different mechanisms of the state. The unity of the mechanism of the Russian state is ensured by the foundations of the consolidation system, fixing the power of multinational based on the Russian Federation, the principles of legality, separation of authorities, democratism, organic combination subordinationand coordination.

The principle of legality ensures the creation of a single political and legal The regime in the activities of the state authorities of the Russian Federation, the coherence of their actions, the implementation of measures enshrined by the regulatory acts of the Fed-rally, in the territory of the subjects of the Russian Federation, taking into account their specifics and the interests of the population.

The consistent consolidation and conduct of the principle of the section of the authorities provides the unity of the organizational basis of the federal authorities of the state and the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The system of checks and counterweights used at the federal level is taken into account by the subjects of the Russian Federation, it is creatively applied by them in the constitution of its own system of state authorities. As the experience gained, the optimal version of the system of checks and counterweights at the level of the subjects of the Russian Federation will be enshrined in a special federal law.

The democracy of the activities of the Russian State Mechanism is expressed in the right of the people to participate in the management of the states of the state of both directly and through its representatives, including to elect and be elected to public authorities, to participate in the administration of justice, to contact personally, as well as send individual and Collective appeals to any state bodies.

The principle of subordination and coordination of the components of the system of the mechanism of the Russian state requires strict public discipline, subordinate to the vertical to higher authorities and coordinating activities with organs that perform the same type or common tasks. The negative attitude of individual bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to this principle, the desire to exit from under subordination to the Center on issues related to the maintenance of the Russian Federation, creates additional artificial obstacles to economic, social and other reforms, contributes disharmony into the activities of a single state mechanism .

A soloing role in the agreed interaction of all components of the mechanism of the Russian state is played by federal organs. The activities of the President of the Russian Federation as the Head of State, designed to ensure the coordinated interaction of all the branches of the government both at the federal level and at the level of the persecution of the Russian Federation and on these purposes.

President of Russian Federation

As the head of state, the President plays a special role in the mechanism of state. According to Art. 80 Constitution of the Russian Federation He is:

1) GA-early constitution, human rights and freedoms and citizen;

2) at-impressive measures to protect the sovereignty of the Russian Federation;

3) disabling the agreed effect of state authorities;

4) defines the main directions of internal and external poly-ticks;

5) represents the Russian Federation within the country and in international relations.

All the activities of the president, in whatever the sphere, it is not, ultimately aims to protect the constitution, ensuring its strict action. The task of the building of such a legal regime is particularly important, in which no state authority would have violated the Constitution, did not take the legal acts contradictory to it, and did not violate the rights and freedoms of the individual and citizen.

For this purpose, the President is endowed with broad powers in the selection of candidates for key state posts. Part of them he appoints independently, another part is the State Council or the Federation Council on his proposal. The State Duma provides consent to the appointment by the President of the President of the Government and, on the proposal of the president, appoints the position of chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The President of the Russian Federation also prevents the Council of the Federation of Candidudices for the appointment of the judges of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, as well as the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation.

Independently, the Russian President decides on the resignation of the Government of the Russian Federation, appoints the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, federal ministers, forms the Board Administration, the Presidential Administration, appoints Plenipotentiary Presidents of the President in the constituent entities of the Federation, the Higher Command of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the Russian Federation in foreign countries.

The Constitution provides the President of the Russian Federation and other methods of non-mediocre influence on the activities of state bodies. To ensure the effective action of the federal legislative authority, the President is endowed with the right of legislative initiative, i.e. Can make their bills for consideration by the State Duma. He also signs federal laws and has the right of an assupping veto, i.e. It may reject the law and direct it to re-examination, presenting the motives of unscrewing. Pre-Zident appoints the election of the State Duma and in the cases established by the Constitution may increase its early.

Great influence on the legislature of the Russian Federation, other state authorities and the public of the country are provided by the Yead-Annual Messages of the President of the Russian Federation on the situation in the country, the main directions of the internal and foreign policy of the Russian Federation, with whom he refers to the Federal Assembly. This kind of message co-hold a list of basic problems in society and the state and their decisions. Thus, annual messages contribute to the coordination of the efforts of all state bodies on solving the importance of society and the state.

The role of the President of the Russian Federation in ensuring the effective work of the Government of the Russian Federation and other bodies is very significant. executive power . Thus, the president has the right to chair and speak out at the meetings of the Government of the Russian Federation, to cancel the action of decisions and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation in the event of their pro-government of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws and decisions of the President of the Russian Federation. In the event of disagreements between the government authorities of the Russian Federation, as well as between the organs of the state power of the Federation's constituent entities, the President of the Russian Federation uses conciliation procedures. The Constitution does not call specific forms of these procedures, providing them with the right to determine the president himself, taking into account the specific conditions and essence of the conflict.

The president is endowed with the right to suspend the acts of the AR-Ghanov of the executive authority of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws or violate the rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen. The acts of acts are suspended before their consideration by the competent court.

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the President of the Russian Federation carries out the management of the foreign policy of the Russian Federation, including on behalf of the state, negotiations is negotiating and signs international treaties, ratification certificates, accepts credentials and response certificates of diplomatic representatives accredited.

As the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, the President of the Russian Federation approves the concept and plans for the construction of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, publishes decrees on the call of citizens to military service, approves the plans for the deployment of the Armed Forces, the placement of military facilities, is negotiating and sign-films international agreements on joint defense and military cooperation on collective security issues and raying.

In the case of aggression against the Russian Federation or the direct threat of aggression, the President introduces military situation on the territory of the Russian Federation or in its separate localities. The Russian President also has the right to introduce a state of emergency throughout the Russian Federation or its separate localities. As in the case of the introduction of military and emergency, the Presidency of the Russian Federation should immediately inform the Council of the Federal Doma and the State Duma, i.e. Both federal scenario chambers. The final decision on the introduction in the country or its part of the military or emergency is adopted by the Council of the Federation. In the event of a negative decision of the Council of Federation relative to the presidential decrees on the introduction of a military or emergency, the latter must be canceled or revised.

The Russian President is authorized to solve a significant part of the issues related to the realization of the rights and freedoms of the individual - citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons. So, he solves the question of citizenship of the Russian Federation and the provision of political asylum, on-bond with state awards of the Russian Federation, assigning the honorary titles of the Russian Federation, the highest military and special ranks. The president also carries out the pardon of persons serving criminal punctures by the court sentence.

In the process of its multifaceted state-legal act, the President of the Russian Federation publishes decrees and orders, which are obvious to fulfill the execution throughout the Russian Federation. At the same time, the acts taken by the president should not contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws.

The President of the Russian Federation is elected on the basis of universal equal direct elections and in secret ballot. Russian citizen of Russia is not elected by the president at least 35 years and permanently residing in Russia at least 10 years.

The fulfillment of powers by the president begins with the appointment of the oath in the presence of members of the Council of the Federation, the deputies of the State Duduary Duma and the judges of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. Full-urine of the president is limited to the expiration of its stay in office since the subsequent oath of the newly elected President of the Russian Federation.

The Constitution provides for the possibility of early termination of the authority of the president for three grounds:

1) on the initiative of the president himself;

2) in case of disability;

3) on the initiative of the Federal Assembly - in the event of a decision to resolve the president from office.

The constitution also identifies only the procedure for the termination of the president's half-nomoca, in the event of his disposal. The presidential resignation mechanism based on his disability for health remained unresolved in the Constitution. So far, it is not resolved at the level of current legislation.

According to the Constitution, the President of the Russian Federation can be renounced by the Federation Council. However, the initiative in this matter should come from the State Duma. The basis for the extension is the fact of the president of the state case or another serious crime. The Criminal Code refers espionage, sabotage, sabotage, propaganda of war, calls for violent change in the constitutional system, obtaining a bribe, excess of power or official powers in aggravating circumstances, etc.

The procedure for rejecting the president from office is carried out in three stages:

The first stage is reduced to the nomination of the State Duma of the accusation by the president of a grave crime. Inini-Citiza in making such a decision may proceed from the De-confusion group of the State Duma with a number of at least 1/3 of
number. To consider this issue at a meeting of the State Duma, the conclusion of a special commission formed by the State Duma is required. The solution is taken by a qualified majority, i.e. two thirds of the vote from the total number of deputies of the Chamber;

At the second stage, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation should be obtained. The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation gives conclusion about the presence of a serious crime of the presidential actions. The Constitutional Court makes conclusion that the US-tanned procedure for nomination against the president was observed;

The third stage of the procedure for rejugging the President of the Russian Federation from the post includes the adoption by the Council of the Federation decision on this issue. The decision is made on the basis of the consideration of all marals confirming the correctness of the decisions of the State Duma, the conclusions of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. The question is considered solved positively, if at least two thirds of the votes from the total number of members of the Federation Council votes for a decision. However, this decision should be attense within three months after nomination of the State Duma accusation against the president. If the decision is not taken within the specified period, the accusations against the president consider to be rejected.

Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation -this is a representative and legislative body of the country. It exercises legislative power - at least federal laws, and also solves other issues, reeted to the competence of representative bodies.

The Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation consists of two chambers of the State Duma and the Council of the Federation. The State Duma consists of 450 deputies elected by the population, and the Federation Council is from 178 count. This Chamber includes two representatives from each subject of the Russian Federation - the head of its representative and executive bodies.

The Federation Council and the State Duma meet separately.

Joint meetings of the chambers according to Art. 100 constitutions can be carried out in three cases:

1) hearing the annual Messages of the President of the Russian Federation;

2) Honor of the Messages of the Constitutional SU-DA RF;

3) hearing the speeches of the heads of foreign countries.

The most important activity of the Federal Assembly is the approval of the federal budget prepared by the highest federal executive authority - the rule of the Russian Federation. Initially, the budget is seen and approved in the form of the Federal Law of the State Duma, and then approved by the Federation Council. To control the execution of the federal budget, the Federation Council and the State Duma form a countable chamber, the composition and procedure of which is determined by federal law.

Each of the chambers of the Federal Assembly possesses some, only to her inherent in powers. The most important prerogative of the State Duma is the adoption of federal laws and the utilization of the federal budget.

In accordance with the Regulation of the State Duma, the process of adopting the federal law is carried out, as a rule, in three readings. During the first reading, the main positions of the concept and the draft law are discussed. The second reading is reduced to a detailed discussion of the draft law, each of its article and amendments to the first reading of the draft law. The third reading of the bill is reduced to the voting for or against the project as a whole. No additions or changes in the draft law at this stage of lawmaking are not allowed.

The federal law is considered adopted if more than half of the total number of deputies of the State Duma proved for it. For the adoption of federal constitutional laws requires an absolute majority - at least 2/3 of the votes of deputies.

In order to ensure the effective activities of the executive authorities, the State Duma has the right to the following actions:

1) The State Duma provides consent to the President of the Russian Federation for the appointment of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation;

2) The State Duma makes a vote of distrust to the government, which is either president or left without consequences. Pre-zident may not agree with vomemdistrust to the government, dissolve the State Duma and appoint new elections;

3) the GU-Sudar Duma appoints and frees from the post of the provision of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the Chairman of the Accounts Chamber and the Falip of the composition of its auditors authorized by Human Rights;

4) The State Duma puts forward charges against the President of the Russian Federation in order to reject him from office.

The peculiarity of the legislative competence of the Federation Council is that it cannot make changes and additions to federal laws, both the current and just adopted by the State Duma. For this is the prerogative of the State Duma. However, the Federation Council has the right of legislative initiative and may introduce its draft federal law to the State Duma, as well as the draft law,

supporting changes, additions to the laws adopted by the State Duma.

For the entry into force of the Federal Law, it is required by its approval by the Federation Council, which serves as a serious barrier on the path of internal and poorly thought-out laws adopted by the State Duma.

The federal law is considered approved if more than half of the total members of this chamber are approved for it. In-con is also considered approved if it has not been considered by the Federation Council for fourteen days. The exception is particularly important federal laws affecting the immediate interests of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which must necessarily be raised by the Federation Council. These are laws on the federal budget, federal taxes and fees, financial, currencies, credit and customs regulation, monetary emissions, ratification and denunciation of international treaties of the Russian Federation, war and peace, status and protection of the state gravity of the Russian Federation.

In cases of deviations of the Federal Law, the Council of the Federation CO-inventory with the State Duma may form a conciliation commission in order to develop a compromise version of standard-legal regulation. However, the decisive word still remains for the State Duma. Only she can change the content of the federal law and make changes to it offered by the Federation Council. However, it can act and otherwise - OS-pin the federal law without a change, voting 2/3 of the votes from the total number of deputies of the State Duma.

The exclusive competence of the Council of the Federation includes the pre-desection of the president from office. Based on the prosecution of the President of the President, the Council of the Federation takes an over-the-minded decision on this issue. The Federation Council also appoints the judges of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation. Appoints and frees from the MUST-CEO of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, the Deputy Chairman of the Accounts Pa-Latin and half of the composition of its auditors.

A significant part of the exclusive competence of the Council of Fed-Waiting is issues of directly affecting the Internet of all or most of the subjects of the Federation. Thus, this Palaan asserts changes in the boundaries between the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, provided that the subjects of the federation, whose borders change, agreed to this decision. The Federation Council approves the decision of the subjects of the relevant act on this issue.

The Federation Council approves the presidential decrees on the introduction of a military or emergency and solves the possibility of using the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation. Since the implementation of the management of foreign policy is assigned to the powers of the President of the Russian Federation, the Council of the Federation may consider both its initiative and the presidential representation of the president.

The Federation Council also appoints the election of the President of the Russian Federation on the basis of its term of office, as well as in cases of resignation, malnutrition for health reasons to exercise the powers of the President of the Russian Federation or deposit from office.

Government of the Russian Federation

The Russian government is headed by executive powerand ensures its effective action. It consists of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, Vice-Chairman of the Russian Federation and federal Mi-Nistrov. Article 114 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation allocates seven major on-board activities of the Government of the Russian Federation.

1. The Government is developing the federal budget, makes it for consideration by the State Duma and provides execution. Fe-dereral budget is a combination of expenses and Dome-Dov of the Russian Federation for the year and is the most important instrument of the state policy. As an authority responsible for execution of the budget, the government is entitled to give conclusions to lawsuits, providing for additional costs from the federal budget. This, in particular, draft laws providing for an increase in wages to employees of the state enterprise
Tiy and institutions, about changing the financial obligations of the state, cancellation of taxes or providing tax benefits .

2. The Government of the Russian Federation conducts a single financial, credit and monetary policy. The main landmarks of the State of the State in this field are defined in the Program of the Government of the Development of Reforms and the Stabilization of the Russian Economy. " Basic
The giving up to the government will reduce the deficit of the federal budget, strengthen its revenue, preventing uncontrolled growth of budget expenditures.

3. The government in the field of culture, science, education, health, social security and ecologia plays an important role. It ensures a single state policy in all these areas by funding them, as well as attendance of effective measures for the organization and effective activities of cultural, science, education, education, medicine. The main objectives of the Government are reduced to ensuring high-quality education, both in common and professional, to the preservation and development of national culture, stimulating its national diversity, ensuring an effective medical care to the population, the further development of the country's scientific potential.

4. The government carries out the management of federal sobility to which buildings, structures, enterprises, constituting the basis of the national wealth of the country, the objects of defense production, railways, means of communication and other facilities of industries that provide the life of the country's national economy . The government solves the issues of creating and eliminating the federal ownership of representatives, appoints representatives of the state in enterprises, compared with the participation of the state and other persons, etc.

5. Among the basic measures taken by the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of defense, equipped with the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with weapons and military equipment, material resources, resources and services, the definition of order of military accounting, the organization of control over the export of weapons and military equipment, ensuring Enforcement and members of their families housing.

6. The Government pays great attention to ensuring the law, the rights and freedoms of citizens, the protection of property and public order, the fight against crime.

It should be noted that the list of powers of the Government of the Russian Federation, enshrined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, is not exhaustive. Co-Glasno Art. 114 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation The Government also implements other powers assigned to him by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws and decrees of the President of the Russian Federation. In particular, it has the right of legislative initiative, establishes tariff flagos, etc.

The Government of the Russian Federation adopts decrees and orders, which are mandatory for execution throughout the territory of the Russian Federation.

The Government Chairman is appointed by the President of the Russian Federation with the SO-Glasje State Duma. The Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Possem destination presents its proposals for the structure of federal executive bodies, i.e. The list of central bodies of the federal executive branch, sub-issuational government of the Russian Federation. The President also invites the president of the Russian Federation for the posts of deputy chairmen of the Government of the Russian Federation and federal ministers. In a similar order, candidates are also submitted for the posts of other federal executive bodies. The final decision on all proposed candidates is adopted by the pre-building of the Russian Federation.

The government's resignation initiative may proceed from the Presidency of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation or the State Duma.

The government resigns in full force. The decision about this is at a meeting of the government by a majority of GO-Los, due to any serious circumstances in the country: the economic crisis, the government's inability to ensure the implementation of federal laws and others.

The Resolution of the State Duma on the mistrust of the Government is adopted by a majority of votes from the total number of deputies of the State Duma. The decision is made after the statement of the statement of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation and the discussion of the draft-dew on the need and appropriateness of the deposit of the vote.

With the Resolution of the State Duma about the mistrust of the Government of the Russian Federation, the president may not agree and the government will continue the work. The State Duma may re-express non-confidence in the Government of the Russian Federation. If it takes such an action within three months after the first vote of distrust, the President is obliged to make a choice: either he announces the resignation of the government or decides on the dissolution of the State Duma.

The decision on the resignation of the government, the President of the Russian Federation can attend its own initiative, as a rule, in case of contradictions between him and the Government of the Russian Federation, the unsatisfactory work of the government and on other grounds.

The question of the vote of the mistrust of the State Duma of the Government of the Russian Federation, the State Duma may also accept on the initiative of the rights. As a rule, the government is solved in cases of any serious disagreements with state doo on the most important bill, federal budget, etc. If the State Duma refuses the trust of the Government of the Russian Federation, the President is obliged to dismiss the government, or dissolve the state Duma and appoint new elections.

In the event of a resignation or addition, the Government of the Russian Federation continues to operate before the formation of the new government of the Russian Federation.

Justice bodies in the Russian Federation

The Constitution calls the court to the only body eligible to implement justice. At the same time, the judiciary is carried out through constitutional, civil, administrative and criminal justice. In accordance with the types of shipproof-water, the judicial system of the Russian Federation is determined. The Constitution calls only the top level of the judicial system: Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation.The remaining links of this system are established by federal laws.

Judges of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the Higher Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation are appointed by the Federation Council on the pre-station of the President of the Russian Federation. The judges of other federal courts are appointed by the President of the Russian Federation.

The Constitution establishes three mandatory requirements for Kan-Didatam to the position of the judge: the achievement of 25 years of age, the Nali Supreme Legal Education and the experience of legal work on a legal specialty of at least five years. However, other requirements for judges of the Russian Federation may also be established by federal condes. In particular, the judge of the constitutional SU-yes, the Russian Federation may become a qualified lawyer with impeccable reputation at the age of not under 40 years of age and with experience in legal specialty for at least 15 years.

The most important guarantees of justice are the principles enshrined by the Constitution:

1) the independence of judges and their submission of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws;

2) the incrementability of judges and the special procedure for termination or suspension of full-uroes;

3) the inviolability of judges and the possibility of bringing them to justice in the manner determined by the Federal Law.

The consistent conduct of the principle of separation of the authorities of the Concentration of the Russian Federation involves the creation of real conditions so that the judicial power, including all the judges, were really not-dependent on the legislative and executive authorities. The consolidation makes a decisive step in this direction, consolidating the principle of the displaceability of judges. This principle means, firstly, from the restriction of the authority of the judge by any term for the individual exceptions established by the Federal Law, secondly, the inability to suspend or stop the full-point judge is otherwise on the grounds and in the manner prescribed by law and Thirdly, the judge is not subject to another position without his consent or to another court.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation establishes the principle of inviolability of judges and the impossibility of bringing them to the criminal liability of Ina-Che as in the manner determined by the Federal Law.

The most important guarantee of full and independent adventure of justice is the constitutional provision that the financing of ships is made only from the federal budget. The current legislation determining the procedure for the composition of the state budget, provides for annual allocations for the maintenance of ships. Providing courts of general Juris-Diccia by personnel, material and other resources is entrusted to a special division at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.

A special place in the system of justice bodies is held by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, which provides constitutional control in order to protect the foundations of the constitutional system, basic rights and a bodian citizens, ensuring the supremacy and direct action of the Constitution of the Russian Federation throughout the Russian Federation.

To perform the assigned tasks, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation has the following powers:

1. It gives a conclusion about the compliance of the Constitution of the Russian Federation of federal laws, regulations of the President of the Russian Federation, the Council of the Federation, the State Duma, the Government of the Russian Federation. Similar conclusions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation gives relatively regulatory acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, including the concentrations of the republics, the charters, laws and other regulatory acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation issued on issues related to the conduct of state authorities of the Russian Federation or joint management of the state authorities of the Russian Federation and the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The Constitutional Court also has the right to consider the case of the correspondence of the Russian Federation contracts concluded by the state authorities of the Russian Federation with the state authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation, as well as not entered into force the international trees of the Russian Federation.

The Constitutional Court gives his conclusions at the request of the pre-zident of the Russian Federation, the Federation Council, the State Duma, one-five members of the Council of the Federation or Deputies of the State Duma, the Government of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, as well as the legislative and executive authorities TI subjects of the Russian Federation.

2. The consideration of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation includes the consideration of individual or collective complaints of citizens to violate their constitutional rights and freedoms by applying non-constitutional laws and other regulatory legal acts. In the process of race-looking complaint, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation verifies the constitutionality of the law applied or subject to use in a particular case. The right to appeal to the Constitutional Court has associations of citizens, courts and other bodies and persons indicated in the Constitutional Federal Law.

3. The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation resolves disputes about the competence between the federal bodies of the Russian government, between them and the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, between the highest state bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

4. The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation is endowed with the right to interpret the pollen of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Interpretation acts are mandatory for all state authorities, officials, grazh-dan and their associations.

5. The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation participates in the procedure for deregulating the President of the Russian Federation from office and makes a conclusion on compliance with the establishment of the prosecution of the state case or the commission of another grave crime.

Laws, other regulatory acts, their individual pollinics recognized as unconstitutional, lose its strength immediately after making an appropriate decision by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, and international treaties that do not correspond to the concentration of the Russian Federation are not subject to enforcement and use.

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