How to evenly paint a wooden door. How to prepare interior doors for painting without removing the old paint? How to make a new one from an old door with your own hands: options, photos, tips

Nuances of restoration old door with your own hands. Ideas and methods, photos.

A person associates his home with a place of rest. Therefore, she tries to create comfort, choose an interior and a pleasant color scheme in order to fully realize this.

On the other hand, everything in our world tends to become outdated and destroyed. Our homes and their interior decoration are no exception.

By renewing anything around us, we awaken creative energies within ourselves and feel like creators.

Although most types of interior work require special deep knowledge and skills to perform them, we are quite capable of updating interior doors on our own.

Let's talk about the features and methods of reconstructing old doors in more detail.

How to make a new one from an old door with your own hands: options, photos, tips

photo of an old door before and after restoration using decoupage technique

It is important to prepare it before updating the old door:

  • remove the doors from their hinges and place them on a flat horizontal surface
  • fold all accessories separately or prepare them for disposal if they become unusable
  • if there are glass elements, carefully remove the glazing beads and then remove breakable parts
  • if the door has been painted, turn on a hair dryer and gradually warm up its surface
  • equip yourself with a piece of coarse sandpaper and remove the bubbles of old paint
  • replace the paper with another one with a finer abrasive and go over the entire surface of the door again
  • do final sanding sandpaper with minimal abrasiveness
  • treat the door surface with a special putty for wooden products
  • After complete drying, clean the doors in 3 steps with sandpaper of different abrasiveness.
  • fix the result with drying oil or stain
  • then carry out those types of work that are necessary to update the appearance of the door
  • if they were in it glass elements, put them first and then new beads in a fresh color/design

As examples, look at the options for updated doors in the photo.

embodied ideas for decoration and restoration of an old interior door, example 1

embodied ideas for decor and restoration of an old interior door, example 2

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embodied ideas for decor and restoration of an old interior door, example 24

embodied ideas for decor and restoration of an old interior door, example 25

embodied ideas for decoration and restoration of an old interior door, example 26

How and with what you can update the color of old wooden doors: ideas

girl paints old wood interior door white paint

After you have completed work on restoring the surface of the old interior door, choose new color for her.

Among the ways that can help you in this moment, we note:

  • Painting with stain, paint or opening wooden surface doors varnished.
    Remember, for the best result, brush along the fibers, then all the cracks will be filled with dye.
  • Accents on moldings, or painting protruding door parts with contrasting or similar colors. If such elements are missing, glue them from wooden or polyurethane slats and paint them.
  • Artistic painting, coloring using stencils.
    The method is suitable for creative owners who want to bring originality to their interior.
  • Wallpapering, large drawings on paper, pieces of fabric. Decoupage.
    In this case, follow all the requirements for fixing the material on the surface of the door - soak it with water, glue, and treat it with a stream of hot air on top.
  • Stained glass painting on glass.
    If you are good at drawing or have some interesting stencils, buy special stained glass paints and decorate the glass elements of your old door.
  • Pasting vinyl stickers.
    Note that this method saves you time preparing the old door. In other words, you can not even remove it from the hinges, but immediately glue the vinyl elements.

How and with what can you update varnished doors?

a man removes old varnish from doors to restore them to a new design

To carry out restoration work, remove the old varnish from the door using one or more of the following methods:

  • sandpaper
  • grinding machine
  • chemical solvent

The first method was discussed in the previous section. The second method will significantly speed up the process of removing the old one. varnish coating. And the third has one nuance - the varnish can selectively remain on the door leaf. Therefore, be sure to polish the latter.

After removing the old layer of varnish, sanding and drying the doors, decide on their new design, for example:

  • apply new varnish or laminate,
  • paint it the color you want,
  • stick wallpaper/photo wallpaper or other self-adhesive tape with imitation, for example, natural wood,
  • apply hand painting, copying a specific drawing, or using a stencil,
  • decorate the door by gluing bulk cereals - rice, buckwheat. Be sure to apply a layer of varnish on top for better fixation of the material.

How and with what can you update veneer doors?

photo of updated old veneer doors

One of the most common problems on doors made of veneer, this is swelling of the canvas in certain areas. Therefore, first prepare it, carry out restoration measures before updating.

The following will help eliminate the problem of canvas swelling:

  • Iron.
    Heat it on medium and iron the swollen surface of the door folded on a horizontal stand.
  • Wet rags.
    Moisten a piece of cloth with water and spread it on the problematic surface of the door. After a quarter of an hour, remove and wait until dry.
  • PVA glue.
    Fill it into a syringe and carefully insert it under the swollen surface of the door. Smooth the area with a dry cloth.

To eliminate cracks and chips on an old door made of the material in question, stock up on strips of veneer of a similar color.

  • Cut strips that match the parameters of the surface being repaired.
  • Cut off the excess with a scalpel after applying it to the site of the chip/crack. Please note that the fibers of the patch should be perpendicular to the door being restored.
  • Treat the door leaf with a special putty and wait until it dries completely.
  • Use double-sided tape to secure the veneer strips.
  • Sand the joints.

When your old door has only minor scratches and chips, treat them with wax:

  • liquid
  • pencil

In the first case, drop a couple of drops into the crack and immediately wipe with a dry cloth to remove excess. Before doing this, be sure to clean the door from dust and dirt, and also sand the surface.

In the second, tear off a piece from the wax pencil, knead it in your palms and stick it on the problem area. Wipe off the mark with a rag. Only do this on a previously cleaned and prepared door.

The following will help you update a prepared old veneer door:

  • dye

If you masked chips and scratches on the door with wax, then remember that varnish and paint will not cover them. Or linger on it for a short time, and then they crumble.

How and with what can you update paneled doors?

old panel doors after repainting, decor options

Paneled doors in the interior look interesting. However, it is not always convenient to treat their worn surface. We won't go into details. Let's look at restoration options.

Successful solutions:

  • painting in several colors highlighting protruding areas
  • gluing wallpaper in segments, adhesive tapes along the contour, on panels
  • decoupage of individual segments
  • varnish coating

The cardinal method is to disassemble the door panels and replace them with laminated hardboard. To do this, you cover the door frame with it and select the color especially carefully when gluing its ends.

If there is glass in the door, decorate it with special paints or imitate stained glass. Stencils for decoration are also suitable.

How and with what can you update painted doors?

a man paints old previously painted interior doors

Your first task is to remove old paint from the doors and prepare them for restoration work. Their sequence:

  • decide on the location of the door in space - either lay it on horizontal supports, or remove it from its hinges and leave it vertically,
  • use a spatula to go over the entire surface and remove the layer of old paint,
  • sand with sanding paper,
  • treat with a special primer for wooden surfaces,
  • let dry and sand again,

Seal off areas of the door that you do not plan to paint or open with varnish.

How and with what can you update paper doors?

updated paper doors in the interior

Update paper doors lightweight materials, which will not burden them and cause fabric ruptures. For example:

  • self-adhesive film
  • decoupage
  • sticking individual elements, for example, paintings, three-dimensional drawings
  • painting with paints
  • stencils

How and with what you can update an old door frame: ideas, photos

man measuring level door frame in the process of its restoration

You should remember about door frame restoration when you are updating an old door leaf. Of course, fiddling with the first one is less convenient, since it cannot be removed.

The door frame processing technology is similar to those discussed above about doors. Choose carefully the shades of paint and stain, as well as the color of the self-adhesive tape and wallpaper, so that this area on the wall is in harmony with the updated door leaf.

Below are a number of interesting door frames after DIY restoration.

updated door frames to match the interior and doors, example 1

self-adhesive door frame decorative elements, example 2

self-adhesive door frame decorative elements, example 3

How and what to decorate a door beautifully with?

beautifully pasted interior door after renovation

Among the common ways to decorate an old door is gluing a new covering entirely or in fragments.

For this you will need:

  • textile
  • leather and its substitutes
  • photo wallpaper
  • metal rivets, beads
  • patchwork
  • cut fragments of a picture, for example, a world map

To stick this or that material, select an effective adhesive, for example, PVA glue, special for wallpaper, tape, double-sided self-adhesive tape.

How to beautifully wallpaper a door?

old door covered with wallpaper after renovation

The main thing is to follow the wallpapering technology.

  • First, prepare the door leaf for renovation. The technique was presented in the first section of the article.
  • Decide on the color and texture of the wallpaper.
  • Apply special wallpaper glue to the surface of the door and attach a paper decorative element.
  • Level the result with a dry cloth.
  • Trim any overhanging edges with a utility knife.
  • Wait until the wallpaper on the door is completely dry.

If desired, add decor:

  • molding
  • design features, for example, small shells and cut nets, glued on top and covered with paint

Besides regular wallpaper popular:

  • photo wallpaper depicting three-dimensional objects/paintings
  • decoupage
  • self-adhesive tapes

How to update an outdated metal front door?

old metal entrance door after renovation

Metal doors also tend to become morally and physically obsolete. If you set out to update them, keep in mind that the approach and methods will be different for the external and internal parts of the front door.

So, the internal part will be updated by the following solutions:

  • drawing a picture using a stencil
  • art painting
  • full door mirror
  • dermantine upholstery
  • self-adhesive film
  • laminate

And for outside doors are suitable:

  • MDF panels
  • laminate

For fixing any material to the surface metal door you will need an adhesive liquid, such as liquid nails when working on wood flooring.

How to beautifully decorate an old nursery door yourself: ideas, photos

DIY updated door in the children's room

A children's room is an area of ​​creativity, leisure and intellectual work for a child. Consult with him before you start updating the door to the nursery.

Even better, involve your child in the process.

For inspiration, we will add a number of ready-made solutions for decorating the door to the children's room.

decor options for doors to a children's room after updating them, example 1

decor options for doors to a children's room after updating them, example 2

decor options for doors to a children's room after updating them, example 3

decor options for doors to a children's room after updating them, example 4

decor options for doors to a children's room after updating them, example 5 decor options for doors to a children's room after updating them, example 6

decor options for doors to a children's room after updating them, example 7

decor options for doors to a children's room after updating them, example 8

decor options for doors to a children's room after updating them, example 9

decor options for doors to a children's room after updating them, example 10

decor options for doors to a children's room after updating them, example 11

decor options for doors to a children's room after updating them, example 12

decor options for doors to a children's room after updating them, example 13

How to beautifully decorate an old kitchen door yourself: ideas, photos

updating an old kitchen door with mosaic tiles

To change the kitchen door after restoration, choose a concept for its decor. It can be:

  • painting
  • opening with varnish
  • decoupage
  • gluing wallpaper and any adhesive surfaces
  • art painting and stencils
  • stained glass elements
  • mosaic and gluing of loose, small elements

See below for implemented ideas with updated kitchen doors.

embodied ideas for restoring an old kitchen door in the interior, option 1

embodied ideas for restoring an old kitchen door in the interior, option 2

embodied ideas for restoring an old kitchen door in the interior, option 3

embodied ideas for restoring an old kitchen door in the interior, option 4

embodied ideas for restoring an old kitchen door in the interior, option 5

embodied ideas for restoring an old kitchen door in the interior, option 6

embodied ideas for restoring an old kitchen door in the interior, option 7

How to beautifully decorate an old bathroom door yourself: ideas, photos

options for updated bathroom doors in the interior

Bathroom - special place in any home. Here we bring beauty and relax after everyday work. I want the door to have its own style.

If you're currently upgrading, consider these ideas:

  • drawing a picture through a stencil
  • self-adhesive film
  • imitation of stained glass and paneled elements
  • combination of colors when painting fragments
  • mirror interior
  • photo wallpaper

For more details, see the implemented ideas for decorating the bathroom door in the pictures below.

bathroom door design options after do-it-yourself renovation, example 1

design options for bathroom doors after do-it-yourself renovation, example 11

design options for bathroom doors after do-it-yourself renovation, example 12

So, we looked at the features of restoring an old door in a house on our own. We got ideas from looking at photos of finished ideas. We learned how to properly prepare the door surface for renovation.

If you feel the potential but don't have the courage to take the plunge, start with dollhouse elements. Your child will appreciate creative solutions for decorating doors, and you will gain courage and realize your desires to update them in your home.

Video: how and with what to update old interior doors?

For those who have started renovations in their home, there are always a couple of tips on how to save money and do it yourself. Just a great option for saving money is painting wooden doors.

If we talk about saving money during repairs, then it is important to understand what you can save on so that you don’t regret and pay twice in the future. If you are just thinking about starting a renovation, first assess its scale and calculate the cost of materials. If wooden doors are installed in the room, do not rush to replace them with more durable ones. cheap option(even if new), modern inexpensive designs are not durable, and wear resistance is out of the question. Plastic doors“wood-like” or hollow structures will not last long, and besides, they also do not meet all the requirements. For example, sound insulation and heat retention in the room. Therefore, it is so important to think carefully and take into account all the nuances. If you wish, it is better to leave the old wooden door and start restoring it. You can do it differently - buy a new wooden door without coating and paint it yourself. Here a lot of questions immediately arise, what tools are needed and how to paint wooden doors.

How to paint a wooden door

In order for the door to really fit into the interior and look harmonious, it is important to choose the right paint for wooden doors.

There can be 2 options for painting a wooden door: using paint or varnish. Most often, consumers give preference to paint and varnish products; we will consider both options so that you have the opportunity to make your own choice, taking into account color range your premises.

Material options for painting wooden doors:

  1. Varnish. You can find several types of varnishes on sale: transparent with a glossy surface or colorless matte, as well as colored. Regardless of this, after painting a wooden surface, the structure of the wood is not painted over. As a result of the work done, you will see everything, especially the imperfections of the wood. If you are treating a new wooden door that has been pre-prepared, there should be no problems. You can safely choose this type paint and varnish material and get to work. Another thing is that if you are going to restore an old door that has withstood several stages of restoration, in this case it is better not to use varnish. The second point is that when choosing varnishes, you should pay attention to the composition of the coating: the varnish can be oil-based (alcohol) or solvent-based (nitrovarnish). It’s better to immediately abandon the second option, since the varnish can ruin the wood. Perfect option– use of polyurethane varnish. It is stable and durable.
  2. Dye. Huge range of this type finishing material allows you to give the wooden surface the desired shade and look. The paint can be matte, glossy and translucent (emphasizes the structure of the wood). All that remains is to decide on the choice of paint, taking into account some nuances: the base of the material should be alcohol or oil. You can also use nitro paints if you are not put off by the strong smell.
  3. There is another material - wax oil, which gives the surface a beautiful glossy tint. After coating with wax, it seems that the wood has become silk. Wax-based oils can be either transparent or with different shades, so that the user has the opportunity to combine the material to achieve the desired effect.

If you want to not only save family budget, but also to get the job done in the shortest possible time, opt for alkyd enamel. This type of paint is widely used nowadays, in addition to being inexpensive, alkyd enamel adheres well, door paint is odorless, durable, and you will have the opportunity to choose any shade so that the doors fit harmoniously into the interior of the room.

Painting interior doors

How to paint a door to quickly cope with the task and not spoil the wood? This question worries many people who decide to do indoor renovations themselves. The lion's share of success depends on preparatory work, so first you need to prepare the surface for painting.

For work, prepare the following materials and tools:

  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • sandpaper;
  • wood putty;
  • trowel or knife for work (you can buy a palette knife);
  • roller;
  • 2 brushes (wide and narrow).

First you need to remove the door from its hinges. To do this, use a screwdriver and carefully unscrew the fittings (it is best to put all the bolts in a paper bag so as not to lose them; you will need them later). If you do not want to remove the door from its hinges, then when painting it is important to avoid drips, and immediately eliminate the resulting droplets of paint or varnish. This is very inconvenient and it will not be possible to paint the door properly. So it's best to remove the door.

After you have removed the door, it must be placed on a horizontal, flat surface (table, stools, trestle). Now it is important to remove the paint from the old door (if you are painting a new wooden door, then you are not following these recommendations). Be sure to try to remove the old paint. If you apply a new coat of fresh paint to old paint, it will begin to crack as it dries.

It is best to remove the coating using a solvent (designed for paint removal). It must be applied to the entire surface to be painted, and then cover the doors with polyethylene and leave for several hours. It is important that the windows in the room are open while this part of the work is being performed.

After the paint has softened, you can remove it manually using a spatula, and then clean the entire surface with coarse sandpaper, or use a grinder and a grinding wheel to remove the softened paint, and then sand the surface.

After the surface has been treated, it is important to carefully examine the doors, pay attention to dents and chips. If the wood is uneven, you need to fill in dents and chips and wait until the putty is completely dry. Then go over the areas where there is a layer of putty again with sandpaper to smooth out the areas.

Just a little bit left, and you can start working with paint. Important preparatory moment– applying primer. It will reduce paint consumption and improve the adhesion of the two materials. It is important that the primer is chosen correctly. For metal surfaces this will be one type of material, and for wooden ones - a special wood primer. If you purchased a ready-made wooden new door, then ideally it should already be prepared (cleaned and primed).

Let's start painting the wooden door:

  1. Once the primer is dry, you can begin painting the doors. The choice of paint is yours, but acrylic or alkyd enamel or Oil paint, which dries quickly, has virtually no odor and lasts well.
  2. Best way to apply paint foam roller(you can take a “fur” one with short bristles), and not a brush. You will also need a brush to paint narrow places where the roller cannot reach. Choose quality brushes with stiff bristles. It is very important that the lint does not fall out when painting, as it is very difficult to remove it from the paint. When you buy brushes, pull the bristles; they should “sit” firmly.
  3. It is best to apply the paint in a thin layer; between each layer you need to take a break so that the paint has time to dry. It is important not only to follow this rule, but also to sand the wood with fine-grained sandpaper.
  4. Once you've finished the first coat of paint, be sure to spray the door with rubbing alcohol to get rid of any tiny dust particles. If there is a lot of debris, you can turn on the vacuum cleaner.
  5. Then we apply another layer of paint and check the result of the work done. If everything is satisfactory, we wait for the next layer of paint to dry and proceed to the final stage of painting wooden doors.
  6. You can again run the polishing wheel with a soft sponge (not sandpaper) over the canvas. If you drop a few drops of polish onto the surface, the paint will shine better.

That's all you need to follow when painting wooden doors. Very often we are faced with the fact that this work is dusty and many do not strive to follow all the technology, especially at home. Therefore, most often the work consists only of correct application paints. Naturally, one should not expect high results from such work, especially if the doors were cleaned without removing them from their hinges, and then a layer of paint was applied to the surface. As a result, very often in those places where a lot of material has accumulated, the paint swells and even falls off. Therefore, do not be lazy and do the job perfectly, in compliance with technology.

How to create a wood effect:

  • paint the door leaf with paint (beige, yellowish or grey colour paints);
  • Apply liquid soap to the door with a brush;
  • paint the top with dark paint;
  • the soap will wash off on its own.

If you did everything correctly, then you should succeed beautiful door with a natural pattern. In order not to spoil the surface, you can practice in inconspicuous areas.

Varnishing wooden doors

If your task is not to paint the door with colored paint, you can only get by with varnish. To do this you will need stain and varnish, as well as a roller, brushes and masking tape.

A few words about the choice of material:

  1. Acrylic varnish is absolutely odorless, non-toxic, made from water based, quite durable. If necessary, you can add a special hardener to enhance the strength of the coating.
  2. Polyurethane-based varnish is very durable, applied over the primer, as it has dark shade.
  3. Nitrolac – popular inexpensive material, made on a solvent basis. It is best applied using a spray gun; it is very toxic, so home use doesn't fit.
  4. Alkyd varnish is waterproof, takes a long time to dry, the base is a solvent, so when applying you need to take care of the ventilation of the room. The varnish dries within a day. To speed up the drying process, experts recommend adding hardeners.

You can find many varnishes for wood on sale, but not all can be used at home. There is a certain rule when choosing a varnish - the more toxic the product, the stronger it is.

We have already described the preparatory part of the work earlier; you need to remove a layer of paint or varnish from the old door. If you purchased a new wooden door, it is already ready to be painted.

Let's get started:

  1. We moisten the surface ready for painting with a spray bottle so that the wood does not have time to absorb excess liquid from the stain. This is also necessary to ensure that the layer of material lies evenly.
  2. First, we paint our door horizontally with stain (it is best to work with a wide brush or velor roller). Work along the grain, and then change direction and paint the door leaf again.
  3. After the stain dries, the door will be slightly lighter than during operation. If you want to get a richer color, then you should apply a few more layers of material.
  4. If you have not removed the door from its hinges, then at the same time you need to paint not only the door, but also the door frame so that it looks harmonious.
  5. Using a roller or brush, start applying the varnish from the top of the door on the left side of the corner. Work in one direction - left to right. Paint the canvas until the end, then wait until upper layer will dry thoroughly. Varnish may take longer to dry than paint. It is better to immediately take this point into account and prepare the work area in advance, making sure that no particles of dust or debris fall on the surface exposed with varnish.
  6. Next, after the first layer of varnish has dried, we apply a layer of material again, only now we change the direction - we make frequent strokes along the fibers.
  7. Again, wait for the layers to dry and apply the varnish, changing the direction of the brush - in the opposite direction.
  8. After the door has dried, it can be returned to its original place.

A little tip: when you paint the door leaf with varnish, so as not to spoil the tool, wrap the brush and roller in a plastic bag. You can, of course, keep the instrument in a jar of varnish, but within a day, while the thin layer of varnish dries, an open jar of paint and varnish product may also begin to deteriorate (the solvent tends to evaporate).

How to paint a wooden door, watch this video tutorial:

During long-term use, door leaves and frames lose their attractiveness as a result of wear or expiration of the decorative coating.

Painting a wooden door with your own hands will allow you to save money and acquire skills in installation and finishing work.

In contact with


You can also show your creative ideas and perform original painting with visual highlight individual parts designs.

Types of paints

Currently, there is a huge selection of paints for painting wood. They are qualitatively divided into transparent and opaque. The first option is used if it is necessary to preserve the natural color of the wood and the visibility of the fiber structure. These include stains and impregnations that protect wood from insects and fungi.


They can add a slight tonality to the natural color, making the appearance more presentable.

The second option - opaque paint is more in demand because it allows you to achieve maximum compliance interior design premises. These can be enamels and compositions based on acrylic, polyurethane, alkyds and oil.

Which paint should I choose?

Acrylic enamels are most often used for interior work. They allow you to obtain optimal viscosity for ease of use with a brush: it spreads well, forming a thin, uniform layer and is able to maintain rich color throughout its entire service life. It does not have a strong odor and therefore even allergy sufferers can paint. Paint for external doors is selected based on the temperature characteristics of the climate, air humidity and amount of precipitation. In such cases, alkyd paint is simply irreplaceable, as it increases resistance to temperature changes, moisture and sunlight. Painting can dry much faster than other compositions. However, when working with it you should use individual means respiratory protection because it is toxic.

Before painting, you need to remove the fittings

Preparatory work

Before painting, it is advisable to remove the door from its hinges and place it on a horizontal, stable surface. It is advisable to cover it with paper or oilcloth so that dirt and dust do not get on the canvas. Then, using an industrial hair dryer with a wide nozzle, remove the old paint down to the wood. Use a hot stream of air to heat the old paint until it swells, after which it is easily scraped off. IN hard to reach places The nozzle is removed and the area is heated, after which the paint layer is removed with a knife or small knife. Upon completion of work, grind with sandpaper or.

Should I remove the door or not?

It is convenient to paint the doors in the removed position, since the paint does not run off, drips do not form, and there is access to all the cracks and inconvenient places. You can assess the condition of the canvas more objectively and, if necessary, replace problematic parts. In addition, the room will be free of the pungent smell of solvent, paint and varnish. The time spent on dismantling is completely justified, since financial resources are saved on painting doors that are obviously unsuitable for use, and it will also become possible to carry out work in any convenient location. However, if the canvas is new, and painting is carried out only to change the color shade, then you can paint it right on the spot, having previously fixed it open position doors.

Irregularities need to be puttied

Repairing small defects in the fabric

Before painting a wooden door, you need to hide possible defects, such as cracks, chips and places affected by pests. Putty is taken and applied to problem areas spatula in small quantities. Then it is carefully leveled. After drying, sanding is carried out using a zero polish. The surface is cleaned with a dry soft cloth to remove dust and then washed. It should be noted that in this way you can only hide minor defects. If there are rotten areas or serious cracks, it is recommended that a suitable piece be made from a similar type of wood and replaced.

What primer should I use?

Wood is absolutely necessary to improve water resistance, increase adhesion, especially of dense wood, and impregnate the outer layer to reduce paint costs. Before painting an old wooden door with opaque paint, apply alkyd primers and alkyd-based compounds diluted with water.


The color of the primer should differ from the main color by a tone or semitone in the light side, so as not to affect the external coating.

Under the transparent layer, oil- and water-based primers are used that have disinfectant, insecticidal and. In terms of color and type, they should have a great affinity with the decorative coating.

Carrying out monochromatic painting

The most simple option is to paint the canvas and the box in the same color. The brush should be fluffed before use to remove excess hair and make it soft. After this, painting is carried out in three stages. At the first stage, cover the ends of the door with a layer of paint, starting from the upper corners and ending with the lower, longitudinal movements of the brush. At the second stage, the plane of the canvas is painted from left to right. The paint should then dry according to the application instructions. After drying, apply a second layer of paint in the longitudinal direction from top to bottom. If the paint is partially absorbed, you can apply a third layer to obtain a rich color.

Applying multiple tones

For interiors with complex elements decor may require application of several layers different colors. Take tape and cover the entire surface that should not be covered by the main color. After drying, seal the painted parts and apply paint to the remaining areas. Painting the front door to a children's room in several colors is sometimes not enough and you have to create complex designs. First, stencils are made with applied adhesive composition on back side. Painting is carried out in the main color, and when the paint dries, a stencil is installed and painted in additional tones. The disadvantage of this method is that the color of the substrate appears outward. Therefore, they select such patterns so that the background is lighter and subsequent layers are darker. This option is non-standard for painting wooden canvases, since they have a natural pattern, but is the simplest implementation of a complex pattern for doing it yourself. The sequence of work is as follows:

  1. The canvas is painted completely in yellow by single-color painting in one or two layers.
  2. Using a brush, apply liquid soap evenly to all surfaces.
  3. A layer of dark paint is applied to imitate wood fibers.
  4. The soap is washed off.


Before painting an interior wooden door, you need to determine the operating conditions, requirements for surface quality and color. But before this, the front part of the canvas and the box should be processed accordingly. This will guarantee successful completion of the work and will significantly increase the service life of the door.

How to properly paint a wooden door video:

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When installing new wooden doors in a bathhouse, you should immediately take care to protect them from negative influences. Steam, heat, drafts from ventilation contribute to the deterioration of wood, its deformation and loss of visual appeal. Painting the doors will help you avoid this - a simple and effective method. The most important thing is to choose the right paint and apply it correctly.

Paint and varnish products are classified as follows:

  • by type – varnishes, paints and impregnations (oil, wax, stains, penetrating and film-forming);
  • By chemical composition– organic and water based;
  • by method of application – internal, external and combined;
  • in terms of protective effects - from temperature and humidity fluctuations, from mechanical damage, from chemical and organic irritants.

In addition, all coatings are divided into transparent and opaque. The first includes varnishes, glazes and oil impregnations, the second includes paints and enamels made on acrylic, alkyd, polyurethane and oil bases.

Type of wood processing compoundBasic properties
Suitable for painting interior and exterior doors, has high moisture resistance. Transparent, emphasizes the structure of the wood. Disadvantage: long drying time.
Safe for health, suitable for any wood, quick-drying. Provides high protection against ultraviolet radiation, gives the surface increased resistance to dirt and moisture.
The most harmless to health, non-flammable, used indoors. Not suitable for external doors. Preserves the natural texture of wood and its original color.
Easy to apply, penetrates the wood well, gives the wood a darker shade. Used for treatment before painting.
Penetrates deeply into wood, perfectly protects against moisture, fungus and dirt. Gives additional strength and a pleasant shine to the surface.
It is used for external and internal surfaces, creating a durable, dense coating with water-repellent properties. Has high hiding power with a glossy or matte effect.
It is easy to apply, has low hiding power, thanks to which it preserves the texture of the wood. It has high breathability, so it allows the wood to “breathe”.

Opaque paint for bath doors it is used less often, since the natural grain of wood fits more harmoniously into the interior. Traditionally interior decoration Baths are made of wood, so doors with a pronounced texture look better.

But if tiles are used to decorate the walls, you can make the doors plain by choosing the appropriate color.

When using paint, pre-treatment of the surface with antiseptic impregnation and fire retardant is required if the door is in a steam room. It is advisable to choose all products from one manufacturer, this will improve their interaction and make the coating better.

The optimal choice for bath doors are alkyd-based varnishes and paints, the main advantage of which is considered to be resistance to temperature fluctuations and water resistance.

And one more thing: paint and varnish products should be purchased only in specialized stores where storage conditions are observed, especially temperature conditions.

Wood varnish prices

wood varnish

How to paint new doors

Untreated wood absorbs moisture well, and if new doors are installed in the bathhouse without impregnation protective compounds, they will very soon swell and stop closing tightly. Therefore, before installing the doors, they need to be properly prepared and painted. All work should be done indoors to prevent dust from getting on the paint.

Step 1. Door leaf without handles, hooks and loops, lay on a flat, stable surface. During the manufacturing process, the material was already amenable to grinding, but small roughness or protrusions could remain. Therefore, using a grinder or sandpaper, the doors are processed again on both sides and at the ends. Remove any uneven surfaces and wipe off any dust.

Step 2. If paint is chosen for the doors, the canvas is first impregnated with a primer. The recesses are treated first, then the flat areas. Since the doors are in a horizontal position, drips do not form and absorption occurs more evenly.

Step 3. Allow the surface to dry completely and treat it a second time.

Step 4. Now you can paint. For a panel door, a roller is more suitable; for a paneled door, use a narrow brush. The paint should not be too thick; if so, thin it with solvent. You should not apply the paint in a thick layer, as this will only reduce the quality of the coating. Depending on the coverage, you may need from 2 to 4 layers of paint, each of which must dry completely before applying the next.

Step 5. While the door dries, paint the opening. You can’t leave it untreated for the same reason as doors, and besides, painted door it doesn’t look very harmonious in an unpainted opening.

After the paint has dried, the hinges, handle, and hook are screwed onto the door and installed in the opening.

If stain is chosen for the door, no primer is used. The stain penetrates deeply into the wood, coloring the fibers and increasing the protective properties of the material. There are several ways to apply stain, which give different results.

Trituration.This method requires a stain with a long drying time. Using a roller, apply the composition to the door leaf and rub it thoroughly with a foam swab or a piece of thick fabric. You need to rub with force, centimeter by centimeter, so that the liquid penetrates well into the pores of the wood. The painted surface has a very pronounced pattern.
Spraying.The stain is chosen in light colors and 2-4 layers are applied using a spray gun. This method of painting gives a less pronounced texture, but perfectly hides minor wood defects.
Regular application.Suitable for smooth surfaces. The stain is applied using a roller, resulting in the surface being painted evenly and without streaks.
Staining with a brush.The product is generously applied using a wide brush, first along the fibers, then across. Thanks to this method, the wood acquires a deeper and richer shade.

Advice. To avoid discrepancies in color, stain should be purchased in reserve and mixed well in the jar before use. Coloring pigments tend to settle to the bottom, as a result of which when painting doors, one part may differ in tone from the rest.

Prices for stain

wood stain

Using oil or wax impregnation

Treating doors with oil impregnation also has its secrets. If applied incorrectly, streaks and darker areas may appear on the surface. Before use, the impregnation must be stirred very well, and this must be done several times during the work process. Apply impregnation in any convenient way - roller, brush, spray or foam sponge. The number of layers depends on the porosity of the material.

So, take a little product and distribute it evenly over the surface from edge to edge. It is more convenient to do this according to the width of the door leaf. Next, the impregnation is thoroughly rubbed with a brush or rolled out with a roller, avoiding sagging. The surface dries in 8 to 12 hours, depending on the composition and air temperature. The second layer is applied no later than 24 hours later, otherwise it will not be able to absorb well and its protective properties will decrease.

Wood impregnation prices

impregnation for wood

Painting old doors

Old doors in a bathhouse can also be revived and made no less attractive than new ones. Although this process is more labor-intensive, anyone can handle it. For convenience, the door must be removed from its hinges and laid horizontally, but if for some reason it cannot be removed, you will have to work this way.

Step 1. The door leaf is removed from the hinges and laid on a flat surface. Unscrew handles, hinges, remove locks. If you can’t unscrew them, wrap them with tape or foil.

Step 2. With help abrasive attachment remove all layers of old paint down to the base.

If there are putty areas, the putty is also completely cleaned off. There is one more convenient way remove paint: the top layer of coating is heated construction hairdryer until the paint begins to swell, and then scrape it off with a metal spatula.

Step 3. Sweep away pieces of paint and dust from the canvas, and then carefully sand the surface. In hard-to-reach places it is convenient to use sandpaper. After sanding there should be no rough areas, small irregularities or scratches.

Sanding the door leaf

Step 4. Carefully inspect the door from all sides, check the tightness of the connections, and, if necessary, strengthen the frame with metal corners and screws.

Step 5. The resulting recesses and cracks must be repaired with new putty. Under alkyd paint The putty will work in any color, but it won’t show through anyway. If you plan to treat the surface with oil impregnation, wax or varnish, the shade of the putty should match the color of the door leaf.

Advice. If the wood has become very dark over time, you can bleach it a little: mix bleach with water in a ratio of 1:3 and moisten the surface generously. When it brightens, the door is washed well clean water and air dry.

Sanding dried putty

Step 8. Use a damp cloth to wipe off dust from all sides. Next, cover the door with an even layer of primer. Instead of a regular primer, you can use antiseptic impregnation. Joints and recesses need to be treated especially carefully.

Step 9 For painting you will need a thin brush and roller.

When the primer has dried, take a brush and first paint all the jumpers, recesses, decorative overlays, panels. Next, using a roller, smooth, wide areas are painted.

The paint is applied in a thin and even layer, carefully rubbed in one direction. The second layer can be applied no earlier than the first has dried. In this case, the top layer is always applied perpendicular to the bottom one, that is, if the first layer was applied along the width of the doors, then the second one must be done longitudinally. It is especially important to follow this rule when using a brush that leaves strokes.

Step 10. Leave the canvas to dry and begin painting the door frame in the opening. It’s exactly the same here: use a thin brush at the joints, and a roller on smooth areas.

Wood paint prices

wood paint

If the door is not removed from its hinges, for convenience it is fixed with wooden wedges on both sides so that there is maximum access to all parts of the door. The wedges should be secured as firmly as possible, otherwise the blade may move during operation. All further actions are performed in the same way. When painting, be careful not to allow drips to form. Handles and hinges, and other fittings should also be cleaned of dirt, sanded, and lubricated for ease of movement.

When treating doors with stain, you should take into account that splashes that fall on clean wood will leave dark spots, which shine through through 2-3 layers of dye. Therefore, if you are painting a door that has not been removed from its hinges, it is recommended to apply the stain very carefully and from the bottom up. The roller or brush should not be dipped into the liquid too much to avoid drips. A canvas with streaks and dark spots looks sloppy even under a layer of varnish.

When using a water-based stain, wood fibers tend to straighten, causing the surface to become rough. Sanding with fine-grain sandpaper will help eliminate such a defect. After secondary treatment with stain, the canvas remains smooth.

Video – Painting wooden doors

Video - Door painting technology

Every homeowner can refresh the interior and make it harmonious. To do this, you don’t have to resort to drastic measures; you can simply paint the door yourself.

How to paint a wooden door

The choice of paint for transforming doors today is very extensive. However, before you start working, you should decide whether you want to highlight the natural texture of the wood or hide its pattern by covering it with an opaque continuous layer.

So, taking into account all the nuances, pay attention to:

  • coloring compositions and opaque enamels with alkyd, polyurethane, perchlorovinyl, acrylic, oil base;
  • tinting and clear varnishes, stains that refresh wood, oil impregnations.
  • alkyd paint and varnish products, which are characterized by high drying speed, resistance to temperature changes, and increased water-repellent properties;
  • water-based acrylic dyes, characterized by decent hiding power, good spreadability, and optimal consistency.


  • alkyd compounds are ideal for treating doors located in the bathroom, at the entrance and interior;
  • All dyes based on alkyd resin are applied exclusively to a dry surface.

Painting doors: rules

  1. It is best to process doors in a horizontal position on a flat surface. This way the paint will not run off.
  2. If desired, the product can be painted with a roller without removing it from the hinges, but laid horizontally, so painted with a flat, round brush it looks much prettier.
  3. If it is necessary to apply another layer of paint, then you need to go over the first dried layer with a special sanding machine.
  4. Before starting work, it is recommended to remove all fittings from the door.

How to paint old doors?

There are several options for transforming old doors:

  • painting the product over the old coating;
  • painting doors with removal of old layer.

How to paint a door over an old layer

  1. Wash and dry the door thoroughly.
  2. Clean the canvas using fine sandpaper.
  3. Prime the surface of the finished areas with drying oil.
  4. Repair severe chips and cracks using putty.
  5. Apply a coat of paint.

How to paint interior doors by removing the old layer

  • Initially, it is necessary to remove the old layer of paint using carboxylic acid or sodium hydroxide. To do this you should prepare water solution 30% using any of the listed substances. They must be mixed in a metal or glass container.
  • The resulting composition is applied to the old layer using a cotton swab. If there are several layers of paint, cover the surface 2-3 times.
  • Remove old paint with the same swab.
  • Wash the surface thoroughly and let it dry.
  • Apply a coat of paint.


  • If the door is a panel door, you should start the painting process from the ends. Then comes the stage of processing the left upper quarter, then the right upper quarter, lower left and right lower quarter;
  • paneled doors are painted exclusively with flutes in the direction of the grain. This way you will avoid ugly divorces. The painting process begins with grooves, recesses and panels, then moves on to the front surface, the central trim of the frame. And only at the very end are the horizontal and vertical frame frames processed;
  • It is recommended to start work with small decorative elements;
  • the door threshold is painted last;
  • Do not use the product until it is dry.

How to paint a door with varnish

  1. Before varnishing the product, you need to decide on the type of material being processed. So, for interior doors, you should purchase a composition intended for interior work.
  2. If external doors are being treated, purchase a varnish that is resistant to weather conditions and can allow air to pass through.


  • remove all fittings from the door and eliminate defects;
  • if large depressions are found on the surface, fill them with a special putty and let it dry;
  • sand the door with sandpaper, which is fixed to a special circle clamped into the drill chuck;
  • apply wood primer;
  • When the primer is absorbed and dry, start coating the canvas with varnish.


  • In the event that it is necessary to varnish a previously painted door, the canvas must be cleaned with a solvent. Next, the product is cleaned with sandpaper and polished;
  • To avoid drips, treat the door in small areas, acting in the same way;
  • if varnished new door, then it should only be degreased;
  • ideal varnish coating: the first layer is a primer, the second is an underlying layer, the third is a front layer.