Which air conditioner to choose for 20 sq. m. How to determine the required power of equipment and choose an air conditioner for your home

You can create the desired atmosphere in a room using an air conditioner. The power and amount of electricity it consumes will depend on many details, so it is necessary to make a certain calculation of the air conditioner to find out how suitable it is for use in a particular room.

The efficiency and convenience of the device depends on the correct calculation of power.

Meaning of concepts

First, you should learn to distinguish between the cooling power of the device and the electrical power - that which the air conditioner consumes. Almost always these parameters are indicated on its packaging. Both forces are interconnected, so when choosing a device, it is necessary to clarify what the power consumption of the air conditioner and its cooling is.

Electric power

Electrical power is the energy that the air conditioner takes from the home's electrical network. It is expressed in kWh. According to this data, a person pays utilities for electricity at the end of the month. You need to know that the power indicated on the packaging describes the electricity consumption if the split system operates for 1 hour.

These devices consume much less power because they operate with frequent interruptions. When the air temperature in the room reaches the required number, the split system stops and does not waste energy, and the coolness in the room remains for a long time. If the thermal insulation of the house is good, then the cold will not go away quickly.

Cooling power

Cooling capacity is the indicator at which the device delivers coolness to the room. It is measured in BTU (British Thermal Units), 1 BTU is 0.3 W. Basically, the index shows the number in thousands. If “BTE 5” is written on the box of the air conditioning system, this means that the device consumes electricity 5000 * 0.3 = 1.5 kW/h from continuous operation.

The higher the BTU number, the more electricity the air conditioner will draw, thereby increasing the cooling level in the home.

For such devices, which have a capacity of 12 BTU, there is no need to install a separate outlet, since they will consume approximately 3.5 kW. Washing machines or heating tanks wind up the same amount of electricity. You cannot load one line with several switched on devices, as the wiring may burn out.

Device power and room volume

Counting methods

There are several methods for calculation.

  1. You can calculate the power of the air conditioner using a special calculator, which is located on the developer’s Internet resource.
  2. The calculation is carried out based on the square footage of the room.
  3. The power of the equipment can be calculated using a formula using data from the area of ​​the room and the source of warm air in it.
  4. Calculation of the heat inflow of a protective structure for the summer period using additional warm air.

The latter is usually used by engineers who are involved in construction projects.

The necessary conditions

When calculating the power of the air conditioner, the following factors are taken into account:

  • floor of the house;
  • the presence of windows of non-standard shape;
  • device location;
  • frequency of room ventilation;
  • number of household appliances in the home or office;
  • ceiling height, distortions, etc.

Calculation by quadrature

The essence of this calculation of air conditioner power is as follows: if the ceiling height in a building is up to 3 m, then 100 W of cold energy should be released per 1 square meter. Therefore, for an area of ​​20 m2, an air conditioner with a power of 2 kW is required. When the ceilings are higher than 3 m, the cooling output is not 100 W, but more. Visual table:

In addition, it is necessary to add to the amount of cold for the entire size of the room the force of replenishing the heat gain from people who are often in the room, as well as from operating equipment. It is recommended to take the number of heat input:

  • 1 person – 300 W;
  • 1 unit of equipment – ​​300 W.

This means that in a 20 m2 building there is always 1 person who works all day at the computer, and therefore 600 W are added to the purchased 2 kW. The result is 2.6 kW.

Calculation of power by square footage and number of people

Calculation by volume

  • in dark rooms – 30 W/m3;
  • average lighting in the building – 35 W/m3;
  • light area of ​​the building – 40 W/m3.

The required power to replenish the heat supplied through building structures is calculated using the following formula: Q1 = q x V, where V are the parameters of the room in m3.

In any room there are people living and there are various equipment that can also provide heat, so the number of heat of people and equipment is added to the obtained figures according to the standards.

As for technology, the figure here depends on its features. If this is a computer, then you need to add 250–300 watts. From any other equipment - in the amount of 30% of the amount of energy consumed. After this, everything can be calculated using the formula. In order to determine the required value, the number of people and equipment is added to the volume of the room (Q = Q1 + Q2 + Q3).

Bright rooms require more device power

The final stage of selection

The number obtained from the formula above is not final. According to the instructions for using the device, it is prohibited to keep it turned on all day. In order for the operating force to be minimal, and the device to last for many years, it is necessary to stock up on auxiliary power of the air conditioner.

Almost always it is taken as 15–20% of the calculated value of the air conditioner. Most developers produce instrument lines according to the grading rules adopted in the USA. They are quoted in BTUs. Since the gradation starts at 7, this means 7000 BTU or 2.1 air conditioner power in kW. Using the table below, you can select an air conditioner with a suitable power for certain parameters of the room area.

Before purchasing an air conditioning system, you need to know that, unlike other heating and cooling systems, the energy output of an air conditioner does not match the cooling output. When calculating the power of an air conditioner, for inexperienced people, the resulting figure can be very confusing. Therefore, it is worth knowing that information on refrigeration devices is effective due to the formation of vaporization and freon condensate. Split systems consume several times less power than indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging, so you should not be surprised by the small numbers obtained.

Reduced operating costs

  1. Boundaries of traffic jams and fuses that protect the general network from rebooting.
  2. Exactly how much power can the electrical wiring in the house handle?
  3. Sockets of Russian origin draw a current of 6.3 A/10A, and foreign ones - 10A/16A.

There is a difference between household and industrial appliances. Any air conditioner connected in an apartment will not exceed 2400 W and will only have a single-phase connection. But semi-industrial and industrial air conditioners can draw several hundred times more watts. Therefore, such machines require a three-phase connection. These air conditioners are mainly used in large shopping centers and large industries.

There is another tip that will help you save on electricity: purchase an inverter model of air conditioner.

If you use it in an apartment, then the consumption will drop by 40%, and the device will not lose its power. During the day, electricity consumption will not exceed 0.5 kW, and per month a person will pay about 400 rubles for light. If you use the device around the clock, the energy consumption will increase, but it will be much lower than that of a cooling split system.


You need to calculate the power of a household air conditioner in order to buy a device that will be optimal for the room. Therefore, before going to a hardware store, you need to calculate the appropriate power of the air conditioner.

You need to accurately determine its power. In order to accurately calculate the power of the climate control equipment you need, you need to take into account a number of additional factors and parameters, such as: area and volume of the room; ceiling height; the number of windows and their location relative to the sun; number of heating devices; the number of people in the room; number of working household appliances; Are there any blinds, curtains, etc. on the windows?

It is almost impossible for an ordinary buyer to make such a calculation; only specialists can handle this, however, there are simplified methods that may be suitable for calculating the power of ordinary household air conditioners. They do not take into account many factors, but can help when choosing a split system without the help of specialists.

A simplified formula for calculating the required power looks like this - the area of ​​the room is divided by 10 and the result is the required value (in kW) for cooling this room (used to calculate the cooling power of small living rooms with a ceiling height of up to 3 m). That is, if the area of ​​your room is 20 sq.m., then the cold power of the air conditioner should be 2 kW and higher.

To get a more accurate result, to the resulting amount you need to add 50% of the power consumption of all household appliances in the room working together with an air conditioner (for example, a computer - 300 W, a TV - about 100 W), as well as the amount of heat generated by people in the room. room (based on the fact that per person in a calm state there is 100 W of heat generated, under physical activity - 200 W). If the side is sunny, or the room has a large glass area, another 15-20% of the amount received is added here.

For example: there is a room on the sunny side with an area of ​​20 sq.m. with one computer, one TV and two people constantly in it:

(20 / 10) + 0.3 + 0.1 + (2 * 0.1) = 2.6 kW.

Let's add 20% here and get a cold value equal to 3.08 kW. We round it up and, based on this, select the air conditioner model.

Thus, we see that the most suitable model for our conditions is 12. Here we should pay attention to the fact that if we rid the room of intense sunlight by installing, for example, blinds, then we no longer need to add 20% to the calculations and we get the required model - 09 (however, it means that the blinds will be constantly closed during operation of the air conditioner). This is how, through simple manipulations, you can save a significant amount on the purchase of an air conditioner.

This calculation is suitable for ordinary residential premises, the ceiling height of which does not exceed 3 meters. It is also necessary to take into account the manufacturer of the air conditioner, because Cheap air conditioners may have reduced power. If you are purchasing an economy class air conditioner, you can safely take the next largest model. For example, if as a result of calculations you find out that model 09 is suitable for your conditions, it is better to take model 12 for a cheap air conditioner.

Typical calculation of air conditioner power:

A more accurate calculation of the cooling power of the air conditioner Q in kilowatts is made using the formula:

Q = Q1 + Q2 + Q3

where Q1 is heat inflow from windows, walls, floor and ceiling; Q2 is the sum of heat inflows from people; Q3 is the sum of heat inflows from household appliances.

Q1 = S * h * q / 1000

where S is the area of ​​the room (m²); h - room height (m); q - coefficient equal to 30 - 40 W/m³ (q = 30 for a shaded room, q = 35 for average illumination, q = 40 for rooms that receive a lot of sunlight).

Heat gain from an adult:

Q2 = 0.1 kW - in a quiet state;

Q2 = 0.13 kW - with light movement;

Q2 = 0.2 kW - during physical activity.

Heat gains from household appliances:

Q3 = 0.3 kW - from the computer;

Q3 = 0.1 kW - from the TV.

For other appliances, Q3 will be equal to 50% of the maximum power consumption (that is, the average power consumption is assumed to be 50% of the maximum).

Let's try to calculate the power parameters of the air conditioner based on the data used in the first example. So, we have a room of 20 square meters. m. on the sunny side, with one computer, one TV and two people in it.

Q1 = 20 * 3 * 40 / 1000 = 2.4 kW

Q2 = 0.1 * 2= 0.2 kW

Q3 = 0.3 + 0.1 = 0.4 kW

Thus Q = 2.4 + 0.2 + 0.4 = 3.0 kW.

If the manufacturer’s model range does not have an air conditioner with the exact parameters of the power you need, it is recommended to choose a model with similar values, rounding them up (for example, you need an air conditioner with a power of 3.0 kW, but the manufacturer only has models 2.9 and 3.4, in this case you need to choose a model with a power of 3.4 kW).

As we can see, the result of the second method is not much different from the first. This is not surprising - both methods are correct, however, when calculating, we took the standard ceiling height - 3 m. If the height of the room is greater, the first method will not help in this case.

The typical calculation of air conditioner power described above in most cases gives fairly accurate results, but it will be useful for you to know about some additional parameters that are sometimes not taken into account, but significantly affect the required air conditioner power.

Taking into account the flow of fresh air from a slightly open window:

The method by which we calculated the power of the air conditioner assumes that the air conditioner operates with the windows closed and no fresh air enters the room. The instructions for the air conditioner usually also state that it must be operated with the windows closed, otherwise the outside air entering the room will create an additional heat load. Following the instructions, the user has to periodically turn off the air conditioner, ventilate the room and turn it on again. This creates certain inconveniences, so buyers often wonder if it is possible to make the air conditioner work and the air to be fresh.

To answer this question, we need to figure out why the air conditioner can work effectively together with fresh air ventilation, but cannot with an open window. The fact is that the ventilation system has a very specific performance and supplies a given volume of air to the room, so when calculating the power of the air conditioner, you can easily take this thermal load into account. With an open window, the situation is different, because the volume of air entering the room through it is not standardized in any way, and the additional heat load is unknown.

You can try to solve this problem by setting the window to winter ventilation mode (opening the window slightly) and closing the door in the room. Then there will be no drafts in the room, but a small amount of fresh air will constantly flow inside. Let us immediately make a reservation that the operation of the air conditioner with the window slightly open is not provided for in the instructions, so we cannot guarantee the normal operation of the air conditioner in this mode. However, in many cases, such a technical solution will allow maintaining comfortable conditions in the room without periodic ventilation. If you plan to use the air conditioner in this mode, you must consider the following:

  • The power of Q1 should be increased by 20 - 25% to compensate for the heat load from the supply air. This value was obtained based on a single additional air exchange at an outside air temperature/humidity of 33°C/50% and an indoor air temperature of 22°C.
  • Electricity consumption will increase by 10 – 15%. Note that this is one of the main reasons for prohibiting the operation of air conditioners with open windows in offices, hotels and other public premises.
  • In some cases, the heat gain may be too great (for example, in very hot weather) and the air conditioner will not be able to maintain the set temperature. In this case, the window will have to be closed.

Guaranteed 18 – 20°C:

Since the typical calculation is made with a small margin, in practice the air conditioner will be able to effectively cool the room at an outside air temperature of up to 30 - 33 ° C, however, when the temperature increases to 35 - 40 ° C, its power will no longer be enough. Therefore, those who “like it cooler” can be advised to increase the power of Q1 by 20 - 30%.

Top floor:

If the apartment is located on the top floor and there is no attic or technical floor above, then the heat from the heated roof will be transferred to the room. As a result, heat inflows from the ceiling will be higher than taken into account in the typical calculation, and the power of Q1 will need to be increased by 10 - 20%.

Large glazing area:

How much does a large glass area affect heat gain? The easiest way to understand this without complex calculations is to turn to an analogy and consider heating a room in winter. This analogy is appropriate because the thermal insulation of a building does not depend on whether it is warmer inside or outside, and heat gain or loss is determined only by temperature differences. In winter, the temperature difference between outside and inside air can exceed 40°C for a long time (from -20°C to +20°C). In summer, the difference is two times less (from +40°C to +20°C). Despite the fact that heat loss in winter is twice as large as heat gain in summer, the same formula is used to calculate the power of heaters as for calculating an air conditioner - 1 kW per 10 m².

This is explained precisely by the influence of solar radiation penetrating into the room through the window. In winter, the sun helps to heat the room (you've probably noticed that on a frosty sunny day the apartment is noticeably warmer than on cloudy weather). And in the summer, the air conditioner has to spend up to 50% of its power to compensate for heat gain from the sun.

In a typical calculation, it is assumed that the room has one window of standard size (with a glazing area of ​​1.5 - 2.0 m²). Depending on insolation (the degree of illumination by sunlight), the power of the air conditioner changes by 15% up or down from the average value. If the glazing area is larger than the standard value, then the power of the air conditioner must be increased. Since the typical calculation already takes into account the standard glazing area (2.0 m²), to compensate for additional heat gain for each square meter of glazing area over 2.0 m², you need to add 200 - 300 W for strong insolation, 100 - 200 W for average illumination and 50 - 100 W for a shaded room.

If the sun comes into the room during the day, there must be light curtains or blinds on the window - they can reduce heat gain from solar radiation.

What else should you pay attention to?

If taking into account additional parameters has led to an increase in power, then we recommend purchasing an inverter air conditioner, which has variable cooling capacity and will therefore operate effectively over a wide range of heat loads. A conventional (non-inverter) air conditioner with increased power, due to the specifics of its operation, can create uncomfortable conditions, especially in a small room.

Having a modern split system in your home is currently not a luxury, but a necessary measure. Increasing environmental pollution and deteriorating air quality are forcing consumers to increasingly think about purchasing a device to normalize the microclimate in the office or home. A modern split system comes to the rescue. It is capable of not only changing the temperature in a home or office to the required temperature, but also humidifying, purifying, dehumidifying, and enriching the air in the entire building. That is why the device should be installed not only in every apartment, but also in every office. This is especially true for large cities. To select a split system by area, you must follow the basic rules and requirements for choosing a device for home or industrial use.

Equipment selection

Having decided on the desired purchase, the consumer is faced with the problem of choosing the efficiency of the device. Here you must follow the basic rules and requirements for selection. Because low-power systems from a low price category may attract the client with their attractive price, but they may not be suitable for optimal functioning in the building. The result of such a purchase will be a device that is useless for this apartment and a loss of money.

When carrying out the selection procedure, you should study the main characteristics:

  • Square
  • Number of rooms
  • Ceiling height
  • Efficiency of equipment operation.

It is extremely important to first calculate the efficiency of the device depending on the type of building and the usable area used. Thus, insufficient operating efficiency in a large, spacious office will ensure inconsistency in the operation of the device. A sufficient amount of treated air simply will not flow into the office, thereby the temperature set by the consumer will not be achieved.

On the contrary, using devices with greater efficiency than the area can afford will lead to excessive load on the device, emergency operation of the device, an increase in the amount of energy consumed, and an increase in the amount of freon refrigerant evaporated.

To avoid such errors in work, a timely and qualified selection of a split system by area is necessary.

Calculation procedure

The modern procedure for selecting a device based on area involves three types of procedures:

  1. Carrying out an accurate calculation of the dependence of the effective operation of equipment on the area.
  2. Calculation with approximate data.
  3. Carrying out the counting procedure by specialists from the device service center.

Accurate count

Calculation of the choice of equipment power is mainly made according to the approved formula:

The average ceiling height of a building is multiplied by the area and multiplied by the average illuminance factor. The resulting parameters will constitute the required efficiency.

Before choosing a split system using the formula calculation, you should clarify what the illumination coefficient is.

The default average amount of illumination is set to 0.035. This corresponds to a consumption of 35 kW per 1 cubic meter of apartment.

If the room where the device will be installed is located on the sunny side, then the quantity is 0.04.

If the room is in a shady area most of the time, then 0.03 is taken as the parameters.

The area of ​​the apartment and the height of the ceilings can be clarified from the passport for the apartment or office.

When making an accurate calculation, additional nuances should be observed:

  • Do not use this formula in rooms with many large windows. Because in these rooms there is a strong influence of sunlight on the temperature of the rooms through the windows, thereby disrupting heat exchange.
  • You should not use this method when installing the device in houses that do not have a solid roof. This also disrupts the heat exchange of rooms.
  • When calculating, the heat generated by operating electrical appliances should also be taken into account. The main load comes from office equipment. It emits 0.3 kilowatts of heat flow. This amount must be added to the efficiency calculation formula.
  • Before choosing a split system based on area, you should also calculate the number of people using the apartment. By default, one person emits 0.1 kilowatts of thermal energy at rest. In a state of fear, stress, or excitement, this coefficient increases by 3 times. When making calculations, you should calculate the number of consumers and their correspondence to heat transfer and also add to the value in the formula.

Calculation using approximate data

The simplest, but no less effective way of counting. To carry out the procedure, you should determine the area of ​​the room.

The standard amount corresponds to 1 kilowatt per 30 cubic meters of room volume. This corresponds to an area of ​​10 square meters of a room with a standard ceiling height.

This type of calculation of the effective operation of the device can be selected according to the height of the ceilings with a standard height of 2.5 to 3 meters.

However, it is necessary to take into account some features of the structure of the premises:

  • Large windows available
  • Large number of people in the room
  • Availability of a large number of working desktop computers and other similar equipment
  • Location of windows on the sunny side

If these factors are present in the room, 20% of the load on the device for each factor should be added to the calculation of the effective operation of the split system.

Selection of equipment power

After carrying out the calculation and finding the required efficiency for the premises, the consumer is faced with the question of choosing a split system with the required power level. Here you can encounter a number of problems. Thus, modern devices do not indicate compliance in kilowatt hours. International digital quantities are used for marking.

The operating efficiency of most modern split systems, especially from foreign manufacturers, is indicated in BTU units (thermal units). Knowing the BTU values, you can navigate the choice of device according to the required operating power.

So, 1 BTU unit corresponds to a reading of 0.3 watts. Knowing the required efficiency of a split system, you can select equipment with a reading calculated in BTU units.

The most popular appliance models for standard rooms have 7 thousand or 9 thousand BTU units.

7 thousand units correspond to a power of 2000W

9 thousand units are suitable for devices with an efficiency of 2500W.

By calculating the area, the split system can be selected with the optimal parameter values ​​for the room and at the same time help save energy.

It should be remembered that a standard device model with a power value of 7 thousand units can work optimally in rooms of 10-15 square meters. In a larger area, the effectiveness of such equipment will be negligible.

A model with a value of 9 thousand units can be selected in rooms of no more than 30 square meters.

When choosing equipment, you should carefully consider the procedure for calculating the power of the device depending on the area of ​​the room. Only a correct and competent calculation can guarantee the most efficient and optimal operation of the device while saving the necessary resources.

Approximate power calculation

To have a rough idea of ​​what efficiency a split system should be purchased and in what quantities, you can consider an example calculation for a standard apartment with an area of ​​50-60 square meters.

  1. First of all, you need to calculate and record the values ​​of each room in the apartment.
  2. Using a formula or approximate calculation method, find out the required operating efficiency for each room.
  3. Summarize the results.
  4. Make the optimal choice of equipment.

So, in the standard values ​​of an apartment of 60 square centimeters, the number of split systems in the house will be 3. That is. if the apartment has 3 rooms (15, 20 and 25 square meters each), then for optimal operation you will need 3 devices with an international power rating of 7 and 9. 2 devices with a power of 7000 units and 1 for 9000 BTU units.

After all the calculations have been made, you can carry out the procedure for selecting a device taking into account the area of ​​the room.

When summer comes, sellers of climate control equipment experience a greater influx of buyers than at other times of the year. Nowadays, not many apartments have air conditioning. The most popular equipment among the population are televisions, washing machines and refrigerators. Only after the appearance of these devices does a person begin to think about purchasing climate control equipment. You will find out later which air conditioners are included in our rating today.

What is important when choosing an air conditioner?

Having set the goal of purchasing an air conditioner, a person thinks about which of the huge assortments to choose. When searching for a model, you need to determine its characteristics. We have listed below what functions to pay attention to:

  • Air conditioner type. Here you need to decide what it is for and where you will use it. If the device is needed for an apartment, office or cottage, the best option would be a wall-mounted type. For rooms with a large area, it is better to choose something from a cassette, duct or floor-ceiling type.
  • Manufacturer and cost. Air conditioners from Russia, China, Korea, and Japan are available on the market. Their cost varies depending on many indicators.
  • Device power. To cool an apartment, a device with a power of 2 kW will be sufficient. This indicator is influenced by the number of residents, the range of home appliances, as well as whether the house is sunny or not. The required power of the device can be calculated using a special calculator.
  • Number of air conditioners and their location. Basically, to cool one room, one device is required, and so on for each room. Or you can buy one high-power device to cool all rooms.
  • Heating. You can use air conditioners both in summer and winter. It is prohibited to use the device at temperatures below 15°C. The optimal period for heating is the off-season.
  • Energy efficiency and the presence of an inverter. When choosing climate control equipment, pay attention to these indicators. Inverter devices differ from conventional ones in lower energy consumption and a smooth transition to the desired temperature. And these characteristics affect the noise level emanating from the air conditioner. For models with an inverter it is lower.
  • Noise level. Buyers are often interested in this characteristic. The new models are quite quiet. The noise level in them is about 20 dB.

Ten best air conditioners up to 20 sq m

Below we have selected several models that are the best when working in a room up to 20 sq.m.

1st place – Panasonic CSYW7MKD/CUYW7MKD

This model is represented by a split system. This device is designed for two operating modes: heating and cooling.

The device is equipped with functions for regulating air direction, remembering settings and warm start. The kit includes a remote control and you can also set a timer. The device can cool a room up to 18 sq.m. The advantages of this model are quiet operation, relatively low cost, good quality, and wide range of the remote control. The inability to adjust the air flow to a horizontal position does not suit users.

2nd place – Panasonic CS-E7MKD / CUE7MKD

This device model is a split system with an inverter. The device works in the summer for cooling, and can be used for heating the room only at a temperature of no more than -5°C.

The features of this unit are the presence of an anion generator, regulation of air direction, warm descent, a motion sensor and memory of settings. The device is intended for use in a room of no more than 20 sq.m. Users like the low noise, the presence of an inverter, the build quality, the beautiful indoor unit, ionization and air dehumidification. However, there were also disadvantages in this model - it is not a practical remote control; it is impossible to direct the air flow to the ceiling or horizontally.

3rd place – Electrolux EACS-07HG/N3

The elegant model of this device will complement the interior of any home. Beneath its beautiful appearance lies good power, a split system, an inverter and a lot of other useful gizmos.

The unit will delight you with a ventilation mode, automatic maintenance of the required temperature, and self-diagnosis of faults. The device can be used at temperatures down to -7°C. The presence of a deodorizing and plasma filter, the ability to regulate air flow, and an anti-ice system makes the device special. The positive qualities of the device include all of the listed features, as well as its cost and silence during operation. Users of this model are only dissatisfied with the fact that the remote control does not come with backlighting.

4th place – Toshiba RAS-07EKV-EE / RAS-07EAV-EE

Like previous devices, this air conditioner is equipped with a split system with an inverter.

It has the following characteristics: smooth power control, ventilation mode, remote control, timer. The air flow speed can be set to 5 speeds. Maximum service area 20 sq.m. This model was included in our rating due to its good power. 80% of user reviews are positive. They appreciate the quiet operation of the indoor unit and the fact that the air can be directed in any direction. The most common disadvantage is the high noise level of the external unit.

5th place – Ballu BSV-07H

The Ballu BSV-07H brand air conditioner was included in our rating due to its characteristics and good user reviews.

It belongs to the type of wall split system. The device operates in two modes, cooling or heating a room up to 20 sq.m. The device can be set on a timer using the remote control. There is an option to remember settings and regulate air flow. The advantages of the unit include quiet operation of both units, auto mode for selecting the optimal temperature, convenient remote control with LCD display, and power. What I don’t like about this device is the ill-conceived nighttime use.

6th place – Panasonic CS-E7PKDW / CU-E7PKD

This device may be quite different in cost from other models in this rating, especially in the summer. Although this is not a surprise, since it has many useful features.

The model is a type of wall-mounted split system with an inverter. The device both cools and heats at temperatures down to -5°C. The advantages of the device are its ability to heat the room, the possibility of automatic operation, self-diagnosis of problems, air drying mode, energy consumption class A, low noise level. The disadvantage of the model is its cost, but this does not affect its sales.

7th place – Zanussi ZACS-07 HPR/A15/N1

But this does not affect the quality and operation of the device. What can we say about it: first of all, it has good power, A - energy consumption class, the presence of a deodorizing filter and an anion generator, a smooth descent, and the ability to regulate the direction of air flow. Users talk about it as a high-quality room cooler up to 20 sq.m. The beautiful design and quiet operation make many people think about buying this model. The disadvantages of the device include the lack of automatic control of vertical curtains and supply ventilation.

8th place – Daikin FTX20J / RX20J

This organization today is one of the leaders in the production of microclimatic equipment. This model is equipped with the following: a powerful inverter motor, an anti-ice system, a deodorizing filter, a smooth descent and an air direction control function. The device is suitable for cooling a room up to 20 sq.m. During the off-season and even in mild winters, the device can be used for heating at temperatures down to -15°C. What makes users happy with this air conditioner? Here's what: the presence of many functions and modes, quiet operation. The disadvantages include the bulkiness of the indoor unit, uneven noise in night mode and high cost.

9th place – Toshiba RAS-07SKHP-ES / RAS-07S2AH-ES

This device is one of the best inverter-type air conditioners, for a room of no more than 20 sq.m.

Here are its main characteristics: smooth power control, automatic and ventilation modes, the ability to diagnose problems, remote control and timer, has 5 speeds and a filter self-cleaning system. The indoor unit weighs 8 kg, the outdoor unit 23 kg. There are more than 80% positive reviews about the device. Here's what users write: silence when both units are running, low cost, turbo mode. The disadvantages include the presence of large cracks on the front part and the presence of odor.