What is the artificial stone called? What is artificial stone? Advantages of artificial decorative stone compared to its natural counterpart

From the article you will learn how to make artificial stone for wall decoration, about its properties and types, get acquainted with the technology of work, equipment and necessary materials.

The content of the article:

Artificial stone is a material obtained from a frozen mixture of various components. It has been known for a very long time: hardened lime mortar, for example, or ordinary brick also belongs to this type of stone. However, only in the modern world has an artificial mineral taken the lead in creating landscape design and decorative finishing of houses. The reason for this is the latest technologies and materials, thanks to which the production of decorative stone has become possible even at home.

Advantages of artificial stone

If we compare the two types of stones, it turns out that natural stone is a very expensive and rather capricious material. It is difficult to cut it into thin plates - it is too fragile, samples of large thickness are heavy and significantly load the ceilings and walls during cladding.

Another thing is artificial stone. In terms of its durability and mechanical properties, it is not inferior to its natural analogue and can surpass it, even if made by hand.

In addition, artificial stone has important advantages:

  • It can be produced in the form of thin tiles, which significantly reduces the weight of the cladding without losing its strength.
  • It has a richness and uniqueness of colors and surface textures; it can be made according to standard sizes and shapes or be shaped directly at the installation site.
  • The material can be produced directly on site, eliminating waste during transportation.
  • It can be produced immediately with a shiny and smooth texture, which eliminates the cost of polishing and grinding.
  • It can have irregular shapes, accurately imitating any stone, but of a predetermined configuration and size.
Externally, artificial and natural stone are practically no different. But at the same time, the first is devoid of all the shortcomings of the second and can even imitate its texture. The surface of a decorative stone can have uneven edges in the form of chips, resemble a cut of sawn mineral, or be arbitrarily decorative, giving scope to the designers’ imagination.

Main types of artificial stone

Artificial stone for walls can be made from a wide variety of materials and in various ways. These signs divide it into types:
  1. Ceramic stone. It is made from clay by firing blanks at a given temperature. Its production requires significant space, high energy consumption and the presence of trained personnel.
  2. Gypsum cast stone. It can be made at home, the costs are minimal, but the material is only suitable for interior work, as it cannot withstand low temperatures.
  3. Concrete mold stone. Its cost is slightly higher than gypsum, since concrete forms wear out faster. Stone can also be produced at home or in any utility room. It has good frost resistance and is produced at temperatures of +12 degrees and above.
  4. Polyester stone. In terms of mechanical and decorative qualities, it may even surpass natural analogues, but the polymerization of the binder of the workpiece takes place under vacuum conditions at high temperatures. Therefore, such a stone is not suitable for home production.
  5. Acrylic cast stone. This is a cold-curing material. It is suitable for home production under the same conditions as gypsum. Its main advantage is chemical resistance and lack of pores. In domestic conditions, this ensures hygiene and excellent sanitation. The combination of strength and viscosity in acrylic stone makes it possible to make stone wallpaper from it. For on-site work, the stone can be produced in the form of sheets 3-4 mm thick. Naturally, they require careful handling, but having a suitable mold for casting, they can be produced to the entire height of the wall. Factory-made acrylic stone slabs are much thicker - 6, 9 and 12 mm, but this is a necessity for their transportation.
The cost of these materials is low, but making artificial stone with your own hands is even more profitable. The final price in this case will be significantly lower than the market price, and this will make it possible to finish large areas of walls at minimal cost.

It is not difficult to make such material at home. Success in this matter depends on having a good mold for casting products. There is no point in skimping on quality, so buying a cheap plastic mold that will break after a small number of pours is not rational. The most durable and reliable are molds made of silicone or polyurethane.

Do-it-yourself artificial stone manufacturing technology

In general, the entire production process consists of several stages. This includes making a stone model, a casting mold, pouring and molding the mixture, introducing pigments and polymerizing the material to obtain the finished product. Let's take a closer look at each of the steps.

Materials and equipment for the production of artificial stone

To make artificial cast stone yourself with factory quality, you will need special materials and equipment:
  • Vibration stand. This is the heart of decorative stone production; the quality of finished products depends on its proper operation. The design feature of the vibration stand ensures the homogeneity of the mixture during its polymerization. You can make it yourself. The operation of the stand is based on the principle of oscillation of its platform in a horizontal plane.
  • Models of casting molds. They are necessary in the absence of ready-made molding products.
  • Release agent. This substance is applied both to the model during the production of the mold, and to the inner surface of the mold before casting the artificial stone. This procedure is performed in order to avoid materials sticking to each other.
  • Casting molds. Designed to store material during its polymerization.
  • Foundry mixtures. They can be very diverse, ranging from gypsum to complex polymer compositions.
  • Pigments. They color the stone to imitate natural minerals.
  • Sand cushion tray. It protects silicone casting molds from deformations that may occur during the stone production process.
  • Thermal gun. This is a miniature hair dryer that produces a strong and thin stream of heated air during operation. The tool is designed for welding finished acrylic elements.

How to make a model for artificial stone

Models for making casting molds can be factory-made artificial stones or suitable natural ones. In both cases, the range of surface reliefs, sizes and shapes of the final product is limited. However, literally underfoot almost everywhere lies an excellent material for the production of unique models - ordinary clay.

Its use for domestic purposes does not require any permits; gully clay is not a mineral resource. Tests for impurities, fat content, and the like are also not needed, as long as it is kneaded or molded.

Models of tiles for cladding are made using a grid made of strips of smooth and thin plastic. When choosing the height of the grating, two options are taken into account: for concrete and gypsum stone it is taken to be 6-12 mm and over 3 mm for acrylic stone for liquid clay or 20-40 mm for clay with stucco.

In all cases, take a flat board and cover it with PVC film, then install a grate and fill its cells with clay. To place the shield, a place protected from the sun's rays is selected in advance, otherwise the models will become covered with cracks when drying. Drying can be controlled using a lump of clay stuck near the grate.

The low grate is filled to the top with liquid clay. After drying, each resulting tile naturally acquires a unique relief. The high lattice is filled with a layer of thick clay, the thickness of which is adjusted to suit the final product.

The required relief is formed manually. On the surface you can make bas-reliefs, inscriptions, magic signs, hieroglyphs, etc. Drying of such models occurs in the shade under a canopy and takes, depending on weather conditions, from two to five days. Its speed can be increased if you hang an infrared lamp with a power of 100-200 W above the models at a height of at least 2 meters.

Making a homemade mold for artificial stone

At home, homemade molds for artificial stone can be made from silicone. To do this, the model or a whole set of them is laid on a flat surface covered with film and surrounded by a small side, the height of which should be 10-20 mm greater than the level of the outer surface of the model. The inside of the fence and the models themselves are lubricated with a fatty substance: cyatim, solid oil or shachtol.

The shield with the samples laid on it is installed in a strictly horizontal position to obtain a flat silicone surface, which in the future will become the bottom of the casting mold.

To fill the structure, cheap acidic silicone is chosen, which has a strong vinegar smell. It is squeezed out of the tube directly onto the model, starting in a spiral from the middle to the side until the cell is filled with material. To prevent the formation of bubbles, the silicone is spread with a flute brush, dipping it each time into a foamed solution of dishwashing detergent. Soap solution is not suitable for this purpose. It contains alkali, which can damage acidic silicone.

After filling the cell, smooth the surface of the composition with a metal spatula, periodically wetting it in detergent. Drying the mold is done in the same way as a clay model, but without an infrared lamp, avoiding the appearance of bubbles. But ventilation speeds up drying significantly. Silicone dries at a rate of 2 mm per day. To control the process, a ring filled with silicone is placed next to the molds. The service life of such products is about a hundred castings.

Preparation of mixtures for artificial stone

Artificial stone of each of the above types has its own composition of the working mixture necessary for the manufacture of the material:
  1. concrete stone. It contains a cement-sand mixture as a base, but the ratio of its components differs from the proportions of mortar in the opposite direction: for one part of sand there are three parts of cement. The addition of pigment is 2-6% of the weight of concrete, sometimes polymer additives are introduced.
  2. Gypsum stone. Due to the fact that the survivability of the gypsum mixture is about 10 minutes, it is prepared in small portions, which are enough to produce one or several products. The composition of the solution includes: gypsum, water 0.8-0.9 of the volume of gypsum for the initial layer and 0.6 for the rest of the mass. In addition, the mixture includes 0.3% by weight of citric acid gypsum and 2-6% pigment.
  3. Acrylic stone. It is based on acrylic resin and hardener. For the finished mixture, the proportion of mineral filler with pigment is 3:1. The filler in the composition is gravel, stone chips or screenings. Reducing its proportion increases the elasticity of the product, but reduces its mechanical strength. To prepare the mixture, the filler is treated with detergent, washed, calcined, and then rinsed again in clean water. Then the pigment is introduced into the filler, then the acrylic resin is mixed with the hardener, the pigment and filler are introduced and mixed again. The viability of the finished mixture is 15-20 minutes, the setting time is 40 minutes, and the product readiness time is 24 hours.
To produce artificial stone for walls, liquid, powder, synthetic and mineral pigments are used. Powdered pigments are added to dry plaster or filler, liquid dyes are added during mixing. The pigment may have the consistency of a paste. With its help, a striped or spotted color of the stone is achieved: at the end of mixing, the paste-like pigment is introduced into the mixture using a syringe.

Artificial stone casting technique

Artificial stone casting technology provides for a basic and initial stage of work. Accordingly, to ensure quality and economy, facial starting and base mixtures are produced. When filling small forms that do not have a relief surface, facial mixtures are immediately used. They are liquid, cover shapes well, and contain pigment and filler.

Such mixtures are applied to the mold with a brush. Sand with cement and gypsum for the starting mixture are diluted to a liquid consistency; in the acrylic mixture, the proportion of pigment with filler is reduced to 60%, correspondingly increasing the part of the resin with the hardener.

After polymerization of the starting composition, the mold is topped up with the base mixture. Microcalcite is used as a filler for acrylic. It provides a background against which the decorative properties of the facial mixture are perfectly demonstrated.

The base gypsum solution is mixed to the consistency of sour cream. When pouring concrete stone, the base layer is made in two steps: first, the mold is filled halfway, then a reinforcing plastic mesh is laid, and then the mixture is topped up to the edges.

After completing this procedure, use a spatula to smooth the base fill flush with the edges of the mold. At the beginning of polymerization, grooves are drawn along the casting to increase the adhesion of the product to the binder material during future cladding.

During casting, the vibration stand must be turned off. After removal from the mold, gypsum stone is treated with hot vegetable oil to increase resistance to external influences.

Watch a video about making artificial stone:

Before making artificial stone, you need to decide on the type of wall decoration and the requirements for the material. If you need to make stone for finishing interior walls, give preference to gypsum and acrylic. For external work, moisture-resistant material will be required. Therefore, in this case, the rational solution would be to use concrete stone. As for cost, acrylic material is the most expensive, followed in descending order by concrete stone, and then gypsum. Good luck with your choice!

"Fake!" - some will say about artificial stone and they will be right. Yes, this finishing material is just an imitation of real natural stone, smooth and cold, but this in no way detracts from its highest characteristics. He is an imitation, but what an imitation! Well executed, perfect, flawless, incredibly beautiful and... cheap, unlike the original. Yes, the stone is artificial, but it is so real, so natural and so accurately repeating the color, shape and structure of natural stone that only a specialist can distinguish one from the other. In this article we will consider all the pros and cons of artificial stone, its production technology, as well as the types of this finishing material.

Types of artificial stone

Artificial stone can be made from synthetic stone products based on fillers made from natural stone chips and polyester resins, from clay and mineral additives (ceramic granite), as well as from colored concrete. The first option, called agglomerate, is used mainly for cladding furniture and interior items (countertops, window sills, bar counters, sinks, etc.), the second and third - for decorating the interior and exterior elements of buildings and structures. Thus, there are only three types of artificial stone, differing from each other in their composition, production method and scope of application.

Artificial decorative stone can be made from gray or white cement, sand, natural gravel or crushed stone with the addition of mineral-based coloring pigments to achieve maximum resemblance to natural stone. To increase the strength and load-bearing characteristics of the material, fiber reinforcement is often used - this is a special additive made of fiberglass, synthetic fibers or steel, which turns artificial stone into some kind of metal.

Artificial stone for interior decoration and for external cladding of buildings can imitate a variety of rocks of its natural counterpart: malachite, granite, onyx, marble, jasper, sandstone, etc. However, all these types can be divided into three groups depending on appearance, composition and scope of application.

Porcelain tiles

These artificial products are produced by vibration pressing under very high pressure. Upon completion of pressing, the material is fired, which consolidates the resulting effect. The composition of porcelain stoneware includes feldspar, several types of clay, various mineral additives and coloring pigments.

In appearance, porcelain stoneware resembles ceramic tiles or glass, but not stone. It is very durable and resistant to various types of impacts and temperature changes. However, it may not withstand the “invasion” of hydrofluoric acid, which easily comes into contact with glass.

The texture of porcelain stoneware can have a variety of incarnations: it can be glossy, matte, glazed, or embossed.


Agglomerates include materials containing polyester resin and various fillers, such as limestone, marble chips, granite. Agglomerates have a huge variety of colors and can imitate a wide variety of natural stones. This finishing material has high compressive and bending strength, and is also able to withstand very severe frosts.

The disadvantages of agglomerates include their “photophobia”, instability to abrasion and the effects of certain chemicals, as well as the impossibility of using them as a floor covering when installing heated floors. In the latter case, products subjected to heating from the heating system simply become deformed and become unsuitable for further use.

The strength characteristics of agglomerates depend on the filler. So, if the artificial stone contains quartzites, then such a product will be almost in no way inferior in strength to porcelain stoneware.

The main area of ​​application of agglomerates is cladding of furniture and interior items. Tabletops, window sills, bar counters, finished with this material, look as if they were carved from a single piece of stone, and the stone chips included in their composition only enhance this impression.

Artificial stone made from colored concrete

The composition of such stone includes Portland cement, sand, crumb fillers, expanded clay, pumice, plasticizers, coloring pigments, reinforcing additives and water-repellent substances. The scope of application of such man-made stone is quite large, because it can be used for both interior and exterior decoration.

There are few types of artificial stone, but they are enough to turn the interior of a house or the area adjacent to it into a real masterpiece.

Characteristics of artificial stone

  • Structurality and integrity - products made from artificial stone look as if they were cut from a single piece of stone, and their structure does not change its properties throughout the entire depth of the material.
  • High strength - tests have shown that in terms of a number of mechanical properties, artificial analogues of natural stone are almost in no way inferior in strength to steel or iron.
  • Moisture resistance - products made from artificial stone do not absorb moisture at all and do not react in any way to changes in humidity, so fungus or mold will never grow on their surface.
  • Chemical resistance - artificial stone finishing can be used even on the facades and ground floors of city buildings, which are often subject to aggressive attack by heavy chemicals, what can we say about an ordinary kitchen or garage.
  • Durability - products made from artificial stone are not subject to erosion, as happens with their natural counterpart, they are not afraid of wind and water, which means they will last almost forever.
  • Fire safety - man-made stone is not flammable and has low thermal conductivity, which opens up wide opportunities for creative ideas. They can be used to cover not only walls, but also fireplaces, stoves, fireproof areas, etc.
  • Exceptional repairability - even if the artificial stone has received any damage, including splitting, it can always be returned to its original appearance.
  • Beauty - products made from man-made stone are incredibly beautiful and attractive. It is difficult to achieve such sophistication with the help of natural analogues, because each stone is individual in its own way, and artificial options can be arranged in the way it is necessary.

Brief technology for manufacturing artificial stone

Artificial stone is made using special technology using polyurethane or plastic molds. First, the resin and filler (cement and filler) are mixed in a vacuum mixer, then this mixture is poured into molds for artificial stone, and when the composition has completely set and cooled, the products can be easily removed. To see this process with your own eyes, you can watch a short video that clearly shows how you can make artificial stone at home.

Shapes, by the way, can have a variety of sizes and patterns, which allows you to create interesting and unusual compositions: it can be a shape in the form of a seabed with shells, pearls and shells, a shape in the form of ancient blocks from which fortresses were built, or a round shape in the form wood cut. In general, the manufacturer’s imagination is limitless here and the more it manifests itself, the more income it can bring to its “owner”.

Advantages of artificial stone

The advantages of artificial stone include:

  • Ease of processing
  • Ease of transportation
  • Lighter weight of products compared to natural analogues

The artificial stone is attached to a special glue or ordinary cement mortar, and if cracks or chips appear, all these shortcomings are quickly leveled out with the same mortar or a small piece of material glued to the damage site. No special care is required for the surface of the artificial stone, although it may be necessary to treat it with a water-repellent composition if the stone, which is not very suitable for outdoor use, is in prolonged contact with water.

Many manufacturers of artificial stone create entire collections that allow you to bring your wildest ideas and fantasies to life. The variety of shapes, colors and textures makes it possible to decorate with man-made stone not only walls and floors, but also door and window openings, gables, corners and other structural elements of buildings and structures.

But that's not all! Artificial stone, the price of which is significantly lower than natural stone, allows it to be used over much larger areas, because the cost of purchasing the material and its installation will be disproportionately lower than similar actions taken for natural stone.

Disadvantages of artificial stone

In fact, the disadvantages of artificial stone can hardly be called disadvantages, because it is only inferior to its natural counterpart in some respects. Man-made stone samples are less durable and resistant to abrasion, but this “remark” does not apply to all types, but only to agglomerates. In addition, some types of artificial stones “do not like” the sun, chemicals and high or low temperatures, and some “models” are also susceptible to moisture, and therefore require additional protection by treatment with special hydrophobic compounds.

What else do manufacturers offer?

Manufacturers are constantly on the lookout for new materials that can help designers and architects bring their ideas to life. It was in this search that the formula of the unique acrylic stone staron was found, which is characterized by unsurpassed hardness and strength.

This environmentally friendly, practical and trendy material has created the latest standard in interior decoration. The stone is perfectly smooth, without the slightest hint of irregularities or cracks, it is pleasant to the touch and looks like a product of mineral origin. But the most important thing is staron - an artificial stone that allows you to make architectural and decorative objects of any size from it without seams. Thanks to the “seamless gluing” technology, the material can be easily restored and quickly returned to perfect condition.

Progress will not stop there, rest assured! There will be new, even more advanced formulas that will make it possible to improve the characteristics of artificial stone to the level of natural stone, and even to some extent surpass it.

What is artificial stone?

Today, the “stone style” is very popular in the design of interiors, small architectural forms, and facades. But only natural stone is increasingly being replaced by artificial stone. Such a stone is a copy of a natural one, but is more accessible and practical to use. Artificial stone - what is it? This is a full-fledged imitation of natural stone, which in its properties, structure and appearance resembles natural stone. Items made from high-quality artificial stone evoke the complete illusion of naturalness, both in appearance and to the touch. Depending on the area of ​​application, developers of artificial stone use special materials with predetermined properties, so very often products made from such stone have a set of advantages that are completely absent from their natural counterparts. Here are some examples. Natural granite often has increased radioactivity. Artificial granite is free from this drawback. Artificial marble is much more durable and stronger than its natural counterparts. Artificial stone is usually warm to the touch, unlike its natural counterpart. Natural stone, for all its beauty, is very heavy.

What is Granicoat artificial stone?

Liquid stone (Granicoatâ) is a material created on the basis of polyester resins. Possessing the properties of natural and sheet coatings, it is much cheaper, and the technology of its use ensures virtually waste-free production. This is an original hard coating used for finishing purposes. Among the most interesting and attractive properties of Granicoatâ is the ability to create seamless surfaces of absolutely any size, in several planes, a combination of many colors, joining of various elements, and graphic works of any complexity.

Granicoat can add the elegant look of natural granite to almost any surface.

Granicoat, applied by spray, is available in 117 different standard colours.

Once sprayed, Granicoat allows for both matte and glossy finishes. By using it for castings, you can get any shape. Since this is a hard finishing material, it is not afraid of scratches and abrasions.

Granicoat is stain and corrosion resistant, colorfast, UV resistant and FDA approved.

So, the main characteristics of Granicoatâ include the following:

Hardness, impact resistance, resistance to mechanical stress, not afraid of scratches and abrasions;

Because Granicoat is applied by spray, it has no seams and can be used in castings to create any shape;

Resistant to most aggressive environments: resistant to stains and corrosion, retains its color, Granicoat has been tested with the following substances, which had no residual effect: solvents - acetone, methanol, ethyl alcohol, naphtha, kerosene, gasoline; acids - citric, sulfuric 20%, phosphoric, hydrochloric, acetic; alkalis - sodium hydroxide, ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, sodium hydrochloride; others - ammonia, blood, coffee, lipstick, urea, wine;

Rich color palette: 117 colors;

Durability: Granicoat does not change over time, retains its color, is UV resistant and FDA approved;

Granicoat, in comparison with gel coatings used in fiberglass and artificial marble, has better performance and technical characteristics. This luxurious finishing material is easy to use and suitable for use in areas where high sanitary standards are required;

The Granicoat surface does not require special care, and therefore the cleaning process is extremely simple;

Granicoat is beautiful and durable, well suited for finishing furniture, kitchens, window sills, stair steps, fireplace portals, etc.;

Granicoat is truly unique, unlike durable spray-on materials, Granicoat's special qualities prevent the formation of drips when applied to the surface, providing a smooth surface. Once you apply it, it will remain beautiful.

Thanks to their unique properties, products and coatings from Granicoat have found the widest application in various fields of activity: finishing of bars, restaurants, boutiques, shops, hotels, catering establishments, healthcare systems, as working surfaces in operating rooms, clinics and dentistry, i.e. there , where the highest demands are placed on cleanliness of premises.

What is the Granicoat artificial stone spraying technology called, its features

Solid Surface technology (solid surface) is a technology for manufacturing a new class of composite materials that imitate natural stone. It is an original material with a continuous surface - it is a composite based on special fillers (granules of various colors and sizes) and resin (polyester, modified with acrylates) and is manufactured using a certain technology (by spraying onto the frame using spray equipment). Products made using Solid Surface technology have unique properties: strength, aesthetics and hygiene, maintainability, non-flammability and no design restrictions.

Physical and mechanical properties:

Composition (granules - 60%, polyester resin - 40%);

Flexural strength: 49-63 MPa;

Bending modulus: 7.7-10.5 GPa;

Thermal deformation temperature: 80-105 °C;

Barcol hardness: 48±10%;

Impact resistance: no damage (fall of a ball weighing 220 g from a height of 92 cm);

Thermal shock tests, cycles: 500-2000;

Cycle (10/60 °C).

Aesthetics and hygiene

The surface of products manufactured using Solid Surface technology is not affected by most acids, alkalis and other active chemical reagents. In addition, due to its non-porous nature, viruses and bacteria do not take root on the Solid Surface.


If defects (cracks, chips, etching spots, etc.) appear on the surface of products made using Solid Surface technology, they can be easily eliminated by sanding and polishing the defective spots. In the event of a chip, SS can be easily repaired, even to large pieces. Replacement and gluing can be done.

Design possibilities:

Single color marble;

Granite effect: many combinations of different color granules of different sizes;

Possibility of combining two or more effects described above.

In addition, you are free in your fantasies, the elements are easily milled, you can make any inserts, glue them and combine them. Solid Surface is a designers dream! You can bring to life everything that is doable and impossible from natural stone.

It can be stated that durable, beautiful, fashionable products made using Solid Surface technology create new standards in high-end design and finishing and expand the very concept of these concepts.

Typical composition:

1. Fillers. The granules are specially selected according to their granulometric composition and color range (the composition is patented).

2. Resins. When manufacturing products using Solid Surface technology, special polyester resins modified with acrylates are used.


Increased strength properties;

Resistance to household pollutants and aggressive environments;

Increased moisture absorption properties;

Technology for manufacturing artificial stone products Granicoat

Main stages of the technological process:

1. Before starting work, you should prepare the surface of the future product (apply adhesive strips to increase more reliable adhesion of the material to the surface).

2. When the surface is prepared, primer (VASKSOAT) is applied to it. A primer applied to all exposed surfaces, including edges, protects the product from moisture and movement, creates an even background color and provides better adhesion of the material to the surface.

3. When the soil is dry, you can start spraying stone (GRANICOAT). As a result of spraying on the vertical planes and ends of the product, a layer of stone with a thickness of 2.5 to 3 mm is obtained.

4. Due to the textured surface of GRANICOAT, sanding is required after it has cured. To facilitate this process and facilitate the removal of the adhesive surface layer of the stone after hardening, a liquid mask (LIQUID MASK) should be applied over GRANICOAT as soon as it begins to harden. The liquid mask reduces sanding time, saves sanding paper and acetone, produces a harder, drier surface, and eliminates styrene odor during curing. The liquid mask is applied 20 minutes after spraying the stone with a regular paint gun with an upper or lower tank. Nozzle diameter - 1.3-1.6 mm. Pressure - 3-4 bar.

5. Once completely cured, begin sanding. For grinding, eccentric circular sanders with a pneumatic drive should be used. For a matte finish, use 80-120-240-320 sanding paper and sand the coated surface until it is smooth. For a glossy finish, use finer sandpaper counts and varying grit polishing compounds. Between sanding steps, clean the surface from contamination with compressed air. It is better if the vacuum cleaner is attached to a sanding machine.

Products made using Solid Surface technology have a number of advantages and can successfully replace traditional materials such as natural stone, ceramics, stainless steel, glass, cast marble, Corian, HPL (decorative plastic pressed by high pressure gluing).

Advantages of Granicoat artificial stone:

1. Advantages of SS over natural stone:

Natural stone is very heavy compared to SS (2700 kg/m3 compared to 1750);

The minimum thickness of natural stone products is 20 mm;

Natural stone is always porous, and as a result is not hygienically safe;

Joints and seams are very visible on natural stone. The seams on the SS are not noticeable;

Processing natural stone is complex and has limitations;

Natural stone can be destroyed by strong acid and cannot be restored. SS is also exposed to strong acid, but stains can be easily sanded off;

Natural stone is cold to the touch, SS products are warm.

2. Advantages of SS over ceramics:

Ceramics itself is inexpensive, but large costs are required for the production of complex or large products, and large energy costs are also required during production;

It is not possible to produce a variety of color effects in small sizes;

Ceramics can only be used in a few solid colors;

Ceramics are very fragile and can easily break or crack;

Ceramic products cannot be restored;

Ceramics are heavy.

3. Advantages of SS over stainless steel:

Design when using steel is very limited: the metal cannot always be bent or assembled to the exact size you need;

Metal – only one color;

Steel is difficult to maintain: a light touch leaves imprints;

Steel cannot be repaired if dents form;

Steel can rust if it comes into contact with acid or salt.

4. Advantages of SS over glass:

Glass is heavy and very fragile;

Non-repairable in case of crack;

The effect of imitation glass can be achieved in polyester.

5. Advantages of SS over cast marble:

Cast marble is made from mineral filler (quartz sand, marble chips, etc.) and polyester resin. Polyester gelcoat is used as a protective coating.

Cast marble needs to be polished to achieve shine, but wears off quickly with everyday use;

SS is manufactured with a high gloss finish but can also be polished to achieve a high shine. A similar shine can be achieved again and again after sanding and polishing;

Cast marble has a very thin layer of expensive gelcoat;

When cracks form in the gelcoat, the underlying material is exposed, which is cheap and unattractive;

Restoring gelcoat is a very difficult process, especially if it has become stained or cracked;

SS can be easily restored, even down to large pieces. Replacement and gluing can be done;

Due to poor resistance to heat, cracks may occur in cast marble products;

The hardness of gelcoat is much lower than that of SS (Barcol hardness 40-45 as opposed to 60-70);

A product made of cast marble is very heavy (2000-2200 kg/m3);

The reverse side of a cast marble product is most often not entirely attractive.

6. Advantages of SS over HPL (High Pressure Laminate - decorative plastic pressed by gluing under high pressure):

HPL is a very thin sheet that is glued to a specific surface (usually a wooden base).

HPL sheets have very high scratch resistance, but if a scratch occurs, the coating is not restored;

HPL kitchen surfaces have visible seams and joints;

The wooden base absorbs water and eventually cracks;

It is difficult to achieve color effects when using HPL;

When using HPL, it is difficult or impossible to obtain the required design shapes.

7. Advantages of SS over Corian:

Corian is made from acrylic resins (thermoplastic materials); polyester resin – thermoset.

Corian is not resistant to boiling water, burning cigarettes, acid (50% H 2 SO 4);

Using Corian or other sheet manufacturers, there is no flexibility to cast certain products. All parts must be glued or thermoformed. Bathtubs and sinks are the most difficult products to make from acrylic sheets. Casting of these SS products is very simple;

With Corian, the quality of the final product does not depend on the quality of the sheet, it depends on the work.

Rules for caring for products made from “Liquid Stone”

Liquid stone requires a minimum of care to maintain its beauty. With proper care, artificial stone remains as beautiful over time as it was at the beginning. However, like any other material, it does not clean itself, but requires regular maintenance to maintain its impressive appearance.

Precautionary measures. The “liquid stone” surface is durable, but a strong blow with a heavy or sharp object can damage it and leave marks. Do not cut food directly on its surface. We also recommend running cold water first when pouring boiling water into the sink.

Elevated temperatures. Artificial stone is more resistant to elevated temperatures than conventional materials. However, do not place pots and pans directly removed from the stove or oven, or electric heating appliances (kettles, deep fryers, etc.) on it. Always use protective mats or trivets with rubber feet for hot pots or electric heating appliances.

Routine care. Routine care of the surfaces of countertops, counters, sinks and washbasins made of “liquid stone” is very simple: wipe the surface with foam rubber and a detergent that does not contain abrasive materials. For the high-gloss finish, use the same procedure as for the semi-gloss finish, but use a simple sponge instead of an abrasive one. You can also use white polishing compound to remove stubborn stains with a soft cloth using light, circular motions. In this case, it may be necessary to polish the entire product to restore a uniform, shiny surface. In case of serious damage to the surface, see the repair section of the instructions.

Sinks and washbasins. All sinks and washbasins made of artificial stone have a matte-silky finish. To remove stains, wipe the surface with a green Scotchbrite sponge and an abrasive cleaner. Periodically use a solution of water and bleach to clean sinks and washbasins. Fill the sink one-quarter full with the solution, let sit for 15 minutes, then rinse and wipe. If the inner surface of the washbasin is covered with solid sediment, fill it overnight with a solution of bleach or biological cleaning powder. Hard water can also form a deposit on the surface of artificial stone, which can easily be removed with appropriate cleaning products (for example, Barkeeper's Friend, Viakal, Limelite) used according to the manufacturer's instructions. Wipe the entire surface with a green Scotchbrite sponge with cleaning agent, leave for a few minutes , and then rinse with clean water and wipe dry.

Removing scratches. The great quality of artificial stone is that it can be repaired in case of accidental damage. If accidental damage to the surface occurs, for example due to a sharp knife, etc., it can be repaired by a qualified technician. In such cases, contact your artificial stone supplier (seller, installer, manufacturer).

Repair. “Liquid stone” is a homogeneous and extremely durable material, insensitive to various types of influences. However, if you accidentally somehow seriously damage your engineered stone surface, don't despair. Contact your dealer, installer or manufacturer of artificial stone. They have the experience and materials needed for almost any repair.

Types of artificial stone

Artificial stone can be sheet or cast. Sheet stones (Corian, Hi Maks, etc.) are supplied to Russia in sheets of certain sizes. Cast stone (artificial onyx, marble, granite) is produced by mixing components (resin, filler, etc.) in workshops in Russia.

Their common characteristics and their differences

At first glance, they are no different. All are made of resins, imitate natural stone, all are used for the manufacture of countertops, window sills and other interior items, and almost all are in the same price category, but this is at first glance an amateur. All artificial sheet materials limit the possibilities of manufacturing products from them, because to make a complex configuration they use technology - thermoforming. As for the casting material, it requires the manufacture of complex forms - “matrices”, into which the stone is then poured.

The advantage of the artificial stone Granicoat is that it is possible to either cast products from it (for example, bas-reliefs, sculptures, etc.) or produce products by spraying this material onto blanks, which allows you to bring to life any monoliths and at the same time combine an unlimited number of colors.

The main advantages of Granicoat over its competitors are its increased strength properties. Granicoat - created on the basis of polyester resins, is easily applied to any surface, hardens quickly, and acquires the best qualities and properties of natural stone. Granicoat is used in the manufacture of interior items and architectural environments: wall panels, countertops with monolithic sinks, bar and administrative counters, window sills, stair steps, railings, balusters, columns, furniture, etc. Granicoat allows you to give the appearance of natural stone to any product, it is unique in that it is applied to a surface of any shape and at the same time allows you to combine several colors, so you can create real masterpieces from it: sculptures, bas-reliefs, tabletops with complex patterns, used in vintage and much more.

Resistance to household pollutants, aggressive environments and increased moisture absorption properties. Granicoat is easy to clean, moisture-resistant and resistant to aggressive external influences, these properties prevent the appearance of stains, corrosion, mold, mildew and rust. Granicoat is widely used in institutions where special attention is paid to hygiene: hospitals, clinics, restaurants, cafes, SPA salons, etc.

Resistant to environmental influences and UV. Granicoat is the only polymer material that is not affected by frost and ultraviolet radiation and retains its original color throughout the entire period of use.

Maintainability: In case of damage, the surface is easily restored to its original condition. The longest warranty period for products among polymers is 15 years warranty.

Approved by the American Health Association and the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation.

What is adhesion?

Adhesion is the adhesion of dissimilar liquid or solid bodies at the points of contact of their surfaces. The adsorption theory of adhesion explains this phenomenon by intermolecular attraction, which also ensures the integrity of the substance (cohesion). The adhesion of two surfaces can be of a chemical, electrical, magnetic nature, caused by purely mechanical interaction of surfaces, or determined by all these factors. Under a microscope you can see that even very smooth surfaces are actually uneven and rough. When they come into contact, they do not contact over the entire area, but only at a limited number of points, and adhesion turns out to be insignificant. The adhesion of surfaces can be increased by introducing a layer of a binder - adhesive - between them.

Many substances are adhesives (substrates). Even water, wetting the surfaces, improves contact between them. However, water is not used as an adhesive: in its liquid state it evaporates quickly and has low shear strength. Solders are effective adhesives for metals (although they are not always considered adhesives in the literal sense of the word). from lat. adhaesio - adhesion), adhesion of surfaces of dissimilar bodies. Thanks to adhesion, it is possible to apply galvanic and paint coatings, gluing, welding, etc., as well as the formation of surface films (for example, oxide).

Stone composition: styrene monomer (24%), methyl metal acrylate (4%), polyester resin (72%), galaxy granules, inorganic filler, pigment.

Primer composition: styrene monomer (32%), polyester resin (curable) (72%), inorganic filler, pigment.

Stone consumption per 1 m2: To process 1 m2 of surface, 4-5 kg ​​of stone is required.

Soil consumption per 1 m2: To process 1 m 2 of surface, 1.5-2 kg of soil is required.

What is polymerization?

Polymerization is the reaction of the formation of high-molecular compounds by sequential addition of monomer molecules to a growing chain. Polymerization is a chain process and occurs in several stages (similar to the stages of a chain reaction of free radical halogenation of alkanes, initiation of chain growth, chain termination.

Characteristic signs of polymerization:

1. The basis of polymerization is the addition reaction.

2. Polymerization is a chain process because it includes the stages of initiation, growth and chain termination.

3. The elemental composition (molecular formulas) of the monomer and polymer are the same.

When carrying out polymerization, the effects of heat and chemicals (catalysts or initiators) are combined. The polymerization process is greatly influenced by temperature, which sharply increases either the rate of chain growth or the termination of the polymer chain, which leads to a decrease in the molecular weight of the polymer and the average degree of polymerization, therefore maintaining an optimal process temperature. The use of complex catalysts consisting of organometallic compounds Al(C 2 H 5) 3 and metal chlorides of variable valence (TiCI 2, TiCl 4) ensures the production of polymers with a strictly linear structure and symmetrical spatial orientation. Such polymers are called stereoregular. They have great strength, density, high melting point and are easy to navigate when pulled. In industry, block, emulsion, varnish, drop or bead polymerizations are used. Droplet (suspension) polymerization uses initiators that are soluble in the monomer but insoluble in water. Polymerization occurs independently in each large monomer droplet measuring from 0.05 to 0.3 cm.

What are polyester resins?

Unsaturated polyester resins, 50-70% solutions of polyesters - products of polycondensation of glycols with maleic or fumaric acid (solvents - monomers, mainly styrene). Cured polyester resins are durable, waterproof, chemically resistant materials with good adhesion to various surfaces and high dielectric properties. They are used in the production of fiberglass, varnishes, compounds, and adhesives. Polyester resin used to make Granicoat products.

When manufacturing Granicoat artificial stone products using Solid Surface technology, special polyester resins are used on an isophthalic base modified with acrylates. As a result, products made from such polyester resins have the following properties:

Increased strength;

Resistance to household pollution;

Increased resistance to moisture absorption;

Resistant to environmental influences and UV.

Description of polyester resin

Acrylic modified polyester resin based on isophthalic acid and neopentyl glycol, pre-accelerated, non-thixotropic. Polyester resin has good air release and good etch resistance, excellent mechanical properties and high thermal distortion temperature. This polyester resin, with the correct technology of use, makes it possible to produce castings with a solid surface free of voids under vacuum conditions. When properly mixed with polyester resin and filler, used with a catalyst and cured, products made from polyester resins using Solid Surface Technology meet all ANSI 124.6 testing standards, including etch resistance and heat shock testing. To achieve optimal resistance to etching, additional post-curing of the polyester resin product is necessary for four hours at a temperature of 80 o C. The resin for Solid Surface technology is a polyester resin stabilized to ultraviolet radiation.

Why is a primer needed?

BACKCOAT Primer, applied to all exposed surfaces, including edges, protects the product from moisture and movement, creates an even background color and provides better adhesion of the material to the surface. A primer applied to the back of the piece helps prevent warping or warping (that is, it creates resistance against the face of the stone).

What is used for blanks?

The following materials can be used for blanks: wood, MDF, masonry, porcelain, ceramic tiles, cinder blocks.

What is included in the equipment?

Binks 7N gun, catalyst tank, material tank, acetone barrel, moisture-oil separator, set of connecting hoses.

Equipment weight

The spray equipment set consists of 4 boxes.

The box sizes are as follows:

1st box – 580x580x350;

2nd, 3rd boxes – 300x300x550;

4th box – 500x500x250.

The total weight of the equipment is 40 kg.

What are the requirements for the production premises?

For spraying you need a closed room with an area of ​​about 10 square meters. m with good ventilation. The air temperature should not be lower than 18 ˚С. For large production volumes, you may need additional space for grinding work.

What properties does a liquid stone product have?

The surface treated with Granicoat liquid stone is fire and impact resistant, stain and corrosion resistant, and resistant to mechanical stress.

Flammability classes:

1. Non-combustible building materials - grade A.

2. Combustible building materials and foundations.

Combustible building materials and bases are divided into four groups according to the degree of flammability:

Grade B - not easily flammable;

Degree C 1 – difficult to combust;

Degree C 2 - moderately flammable;

Degree C 3 - highly flammable.

What flammability class does liquid stone belong to?

Flammability class 1C - difficult to combust.

What hazard class does Granicoat belong to?

Dangerous goods according to the requirements of GOST 19433-88 “Dangerous goods. Classification and labeling" and the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road - "ADR" (Road Carriage of Dangerous Goods) are divided into the following classes:

Class 1 - explosive materials (EM);

Class 2 - gases, compressed, liquefied and dissolved under pressure;

Class 3 - flammable liquids (flammable liquids);

Class 4 - flammable solids (FLS), spontaneously combustible substances (SV); substances that emit flammable gases when interacting with water;

Class 5 - oxidizing substances (OC) and organic peroxides (OP);

Class 6 - toxic substances (TS) and infectious substances (IS);

Class 7 - radioactive materials (RM);

Class 8 - caustic and (or) corrosive substances (EC);

Class 9 - other hazardous substances.

Flammability - 3 flammable liquids (flammable liquids).

Weight of the finished product 1 m2: 10-22 kg.

What is gelcoat?

Gelcoat is a decorative and protective coating based on unsaturated polyester resin, molded on the surface of the composite to protect it from environmental influences, ultraviolet rays and impart decorative properties.

Finishing work is divided into internal and external. Any modern finishing materials can be used in the process.
Artificial stone finishing is extremely popular at the moment.

For interior decoration, artificial stone is a very practical material. It has a wide variety of sizes and colors and resembles natural stone in appearance.
Today there are several types of decorative stone:

  • Gypsum stone.
  • Acrylic.
  • Quartz.

Decorative stone made of gypsum

Gypsum has been used for a long time for the manufacture of finishing materials: stucco molding, decorative stone, and so on. This material is distinguished by its environmental friendliness.
Also, do not forget that gypsum has excellent sound and heat insulation properties.
Decorative stone made of gypsum:

  • Practical.
  • Lasting.
  • Ecologically pure.
  • Has a variety of shades.
  • Easy to install.

Its price is several times cheaper than natural stone. You can make such a stone with your own hands.
For this process you will need:

  • Special forms.
  • Lubricant.
  • Gypsum.
  • Water.
  • Container for mixing gypsum dough.
  • Coloring agents.

Manufacturing process:

  • Initially, gypsum dough is mixed with the addition of dyes of the required shade.
  • The molds are pre-greased, then the dough is poured into the container.
  • The time it takes for the stone to gain the required strength is several days.

To speed up the process of making gypsum decorative stone yourself, it is necessary to add binding agents to the solution. Then such a period can be about 1 day.

Artificial gypsum stone for interior decoration is quite lightweight and for its installation you will not need to pre-reinforce the surface, strengthening it.

Acrylic decorative stone

Acrylic artificial decorative stone for interior decoration is currently very popular. It can be used not only in internal, but also in external finishing work.
It will not be possible to make it yourself, like gypsum stone, since this will require special equipment.
Properties and characteristics of the stone:

  • This finishing material has excellent technical characteristics.
  • It is moisture resistant and its surface is not able to absorb dust and various contaminants.
  • Its surface is cleaned with a rag.

Advice. To clean acrylic decorative stone, it is not recommended to use abrasive cleaning agents, as they can damage the surface of the stone.

  • Artificial acrylic stone is an environmentally friendly material.
  • It doesn't burn, it can only melt.
  • In this process it does not emit substances harmful to the human body.

It is wear-resistant and can be restored quite easily if damaged. Acrylic stone is quite easy to install.

Quartz decorative stone is quite often used in rooms with constant temperature changes and high air humidity. Crumbs of marble, granite and quartzite are used in its production.
During the production process, coloring agents are added to them, which give the material the required shade.
This finishing material:

  • Lasting.
  • Practical.
  • Easy to install.
  • Has a variety of shades and sizes.
  • Moisture resistant.
  • Not subject to weather and climate changes.

It is also worth noting that the cost of this material is lower than that of acrylic decorative stone.

Varieties of decorative stone

Since decorating walls with artificial stone has been quite popular lately, manufacturers of finishing materials are trying to diversify their range.
Currently there are:

  • Artificial brick-like stone for interior decoration,
  • Marbled.
  • Sandstone.
  • Granite.
  • Bassoon and so on.

All these types are not as bulky in size as natural agglomerates and not as heavy, and for their installation there will be no need to additionally reinforce the surface.
Advantages of decorative stone:

  • Regardless of what material the decorative stone is made from, all types are considered environmentally friendly.
  • They are not able to absorb moisture and various contaminants.
  • Their surface is quite easy to clean.

Advice. Particular care must be taken when handling decorative gypsum stone, as it can easily deform under the influence of physical and mechanical force.

  • Any decorative stone is easy to install and simple to use.
  • Its cost is much lower than natural, which determines the demand for it.
  • With its help, a unique design is created in the interior.

You can use decorative stone on:

  • Walls.
  • Bar counters.
  • Arches (see Decorating an arch with decorative stone - basic rules and requirements).

The photo shows examples of room decoration using this finishing material.
Application of decorative stone:

  • Installation of decorative stone is quite simple.
  • It is worth considering that it is carried out only on a flat surface.
  • First, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work on leveling, cleaning and processing.

Preparatory work for fastening artificial stone:

  • Interior finishing with artificial stone begins with surface preparation. If the surface is flat, then leveling is not required. Cleaning work is being carried out on it.
  • If there are layers of plaster on the surface, then using a hammer it is necessary to remove those that have moved away from the surface. If the surface is without flaws, then it must be degreased using special means.

Advice. Before installing the decorative stone, the surface must be primed to improve the bond of the adhesive solution with the finishing materials and with the surface itself.

If the surface has fairly visible defects and unevenness, then using drywall or plaster you can eliminate them.

Using drywall

It is worth considering that such a finishing material is attached to a frame, it is not recommended to use it in rather small rooms, since this eliminates the space (the height of the frame depends on the unevenness on the surface).
The frame is mounted on the surface using:

  • Metal profiles.
  • Self-tapping screws.
  • Dowels.
  • Screwdriver.


  • Sheets of drywall of the required size are attached to this frame using self-tapping screws and a screwdriver.
  • All sheet joints are glued with construction tape, on which a layer of putty is applied. After this, all seams are sanded.
  • In the video you can watch the process of installing plasterboard sheets on a profile frame.
  • During the installation of drywall, insulation work can be carried out using foam plastic or other solid mineral insulation.

Advice. To install decorative stone, it is best to use moisture-resistant plasterboard.

Using plaster

To level the surfaces, only starting and finishing are used, which are sold in dry bulk form and to make a solution on their packaging there are instructions according to which it is necessary to add a certain amount of water.
At the moment there are three types of such a tool:

  • Starting plaster.
  • Finish.
  • Decorative.

To level the surface using plaster you will need:

  • Container for mixing the solution.
  • Two spatulas.
  • Level.
  • Construction mesh.
  • Construction mixer.


  • You can mix the solution with your own hands, but this may take quite a lot of time.
  • And with the use of a construction mixer, the whole process will happen much faster and the solution itself will be of higher quality.
  • The initial starting plaster is applied to the surface in several layers, then allowed to dry and treated with sandpaper.
  • Then finishing plaster is applied to them, which helps hide defects in the starting layer. It should also be sanded.

Installation of decorative stone

Using artificial facing stone for interior decoration is quite simple.
If the surface is already prepared, then to install this material you will need:

  • Concrete or adhesive mortar.
  • Level.
  • Spatula.
  • Finishing material.
  • Decorative putty (if necessary).

Advice. To increase the strength of the surface and ensure a high-quality finish, you can install a construction mesh on the surface.

Initially, a concrete solution is mixed, for which you will need:

  • Water.
  • Cement.
  • Sand.


  • You can immediately buy a ready-made adhesive solution, which is diluted with water to the required consistency (thick sour cream).
  • The solution is initially applied to the wall surface and left without finishing material for several minutes. After this, a solution is applied to the inner surface of the decorative stone and the material itself is leaned against the wall and fixed to it.
  • Each finishing element must be leveled. But this is only if the artificial stone for wall decoration has a rectilinear shape.
  • After the installation of the decorative stone is completed, the seams can be treated with a special putty.

Artificial stone finishing is very practical and durable. But here it is necessary to pay special attention to the room in which it is used.
Decorative stone is not recommended for finishing kitchen backsplashes, since it is impossible to remove fatty deposits from its surface without the use of abrasives. It is better to use it on walls, arches.
It has also found wide application in exterior finishing works. The facades with its decor look original and rich.

And so on), as well as for decorative purposes (decorative elements, including sculptures).

Artificial stone made from colored concrete is used for decorating and cladding the surfaces of buildings and structures, as well as for interior decoration.

Both types (directions) of artificial stone are an imitation of natural materials. One is cut from a whole block and processed (polished), conveying the internal pattern of the stone, the other is selected and processed, conveying the texture and color of natural stones.

History of technology development

One of the first was the Coad stone. Coade stone ), created using ceramic firing. Subsequently, the technologies for creating artificial stone were repeatedly changed and improved. In ancient Hellas, artificial stone made from concrete, which was poured into wooden or iron molds, became widespread. Such a stone was much cheaper and more convenient to use than a regular one. For engineering projects, this had a number of undeniable advantages: delivering material for artificial stone and manufacturing it right on site was much more profitable than transporting very large loads of finished stone. This is precisely what explains its rapid and very wide spread.

The Victoria stone, which consisted of finely crushed granite from Mount Sorrel (Leicestershire, English), also became widespread. Mountsorrel ) and Portland cement, thoroughly mixed using an automated method in proportions of three to one and laid in templates of the desired shape. When the cement was poured into the molds, they were very unstable, so the decision was made to place them in silicate sand for 2 weeks in order to harden and strengthen the physical properties of the stone. Many manufacturers began to produce this material, since it is practically non-porous and is able to effectively resist the corrosive influence of sea air or the polluted atmosphere of large cities.

Since the mid-19th century, decorative elements made of artificial stone began to be used in the restoration of ancient monuments, buildings and structures of great cultural and social significance. Later (since the mid-1930s), artificial stone became widespread in the construction of residential buildings and public buildings of various heights.

Modern artificial stone

Modern artificial stone is a material that allows you to imitate the cut of natural stone when laying. This is an excellent replacement for natural limestone and sandstone (this variety is also called Cast stone), granite, slate, coral rock, travertine and other natural stones in construction.

Production technology

Artificial stone can be made from white or gray cement, artificial or natural sand, carefully selected crushed stone or high quality natural gravel with the addition of mineral coloring pigments to achieve the desired color and texture without loss of physical properties.

Internal reinforced frame

Modern artificial stone, created on the basis of various concretes (the so-called “white stone”), can have internal spatial reinforcement, increasing the load-bearing and strength characteristics of the material.

One of the most progressive types of concrete reinforcement in the production of artificial stone is fiber reinforcement. The most common fiber for concrete:

  • steel
  • made of alkali-resistant fiberglass
  • made from regular fiberglass
  • from synenthetic fibers.

Aged artificial stone

An important task of modern restoration architecture is the production of modern finishing materials with the effect of aging (the so-called architectural archaeology). One of the technologies is the production of finishing facade elements from artificially aged modern material based on concrete (“white stone”), developed in the laboratories of D.T. n. prof. Kharita M.D. Construction company Intex.

The features of this method include:

  • introduction of soot into the composition (creates the appearance of “traces of time” on the building
  • rubbing earth and moss into the pores of the finished product
  • adding iron oxide to the molding mass
  • and etc.

The use of this technology makes it possible to produce various versions of aged elements. This allows, on the one hand, to create new buildings that are stylistically and visually indistinguishable from their analogues (Gothic castles, French chalets, etc.) in Western Europe. On the other hand, this allows restoration work to achieve excellent results using much less time and labor resources.

see also

  • Polyresin


  1. Banova N.N. et al. Issues of organizing low-rise construction in the field of building finishing. // Architectural and decorative elements for the protection of buildings and structures from natural and man-made influences. - M.: TsNIIS, 2009, p. 6-25
  2. Orlov G. G. et al. Organization of production of small-sized decorative elements for the architectural design of individual residential buildings // Architectural and decorative elements for the protection of buildings and structures from natural and man-made influences. - M.: TsNIIS, 2009, p. 25-34
  3. Kharit M.D. New age of the Russian estate. M, AST, 2006
  4. Kharit O. M. Production of facade elements using the “White Stone” technology // Construction Technologies. 2009, no. 7, p. 64-68
  5. Kharit O. M. Production of architectural finishing elements of buildings using modern materials and technologies // Construction Technologies. 2009, no. 6, p. 34-38

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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