Simple instructions for self-laying expanded clay blocks. Laying of expanded clay concrete blocks - the procedure for carrying out work Scheme of laying walls from expanded clay concrete blocks


Used in the construction process for over 50 years. The laying of walls from expanded clay concrete blocks is not a difficult process, even a novice master can perform it. An added advantage is the ability to lay bricks. You will definitely need to take into account the features of expanded clay concrete and follow the masonry technology.

Expanded clay blocks are used for the construction of houses, garages, baths and other structures.

Such elements are produced by pressing from a mixture of expanded clay, sand, cement and water. In this regard, expanded clay concrete is an environmentally friendly material. Expanded clay is present in its composition, so the material is porous, has a small weight and has excellent thermal insulation properties.

The sizes and shapes of the blocks may be different, everything will depend on the manufacturer and the equipment that is used in the pressing process. In most cases, rectangular blocks are made. For walls, it is recommended to use material with dimensions of 39x30x18.8 cm and 39x19x18.8 cm. If you plan to build a partition, then blocks of 39x19x9 cm are suitable.

The material may be solid or hollow. Cavities of various sizes and shapes can be provided in hollow ones: in the form of a cylinder, a rectangle, with a large or small gap. In the latter, the cavities can be located along or across.

Solid blocks are the most durable, but they are inferior to hollow ones in terms of thermal insulation characteristics. They may have grooves for reinforcing bars.

Do-it-yourself laying of walls from expanded clay concrete blocks

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Necessary materials and tools

Before you start laying a wall of expanded clay concrete blocks, you will need to prepare everything the right tools and materials. Items that will be needed to complete all the work:

Types of expanded clay concrete blocks.

  1. Rubber hammer. It will be used to shrink the material during the masonry process.
  2. Roulette. Used for all measurements.
  3. Level. The device will be needed in order to control the masonry in all planes.
  4. Trowel with a platform in the shape of a rectangle.
  5. Small cord.
  6. Square. Will be used to mark blocks.
  7. Bulgarian with a cutting circle with a diameter of at least 22 cm.
  8. Shovels.
  9. A container in which it will be possible to prepare the mixture.
  10. Bucket.
  11. Forests.
  12. Blocks.
  13. Sand.
  14. Cement.
  15. Water.
  16. Warming material.
  17. Reinforcing bars with a diameter of 8-10 mm. You can also use a special grid.

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How to prepare a mortar for laying wall blocks from expanded clay concrete?

Expanded clay blocks can be laid out using a solution of sand and cement or ready-made adhesives.

If the solution is planned to be prepared independently, then the proportions will be as follows:

  • 1 part cement;
  • 3 parts sand;
  • 0.7 parts of water.

Cement must be grade M400 or higher. The amount of water can be adjusted, everything will depend on the moisture content of the sand. As a result, you need to get a plastic solution so that you can easily seat the blocks. The mixture should not spread. To increase the elasticity of the mixture, part of the ordinary sand from the quarry must be replaced with river sand. To increase plasticity, substances called plasticizers must be added to the mixture.

The solution is recommended to be prepared in a small concrete mixer. At one time, you need to prepare such an amount of the mixture that can be used up in a few hours. The solution must be continuously stirred so that it cannot separate.

You can also use ready-made dry mix, which you only need to mix with water in accordance with the instructions on the package. Such a mixture is very plastic, with its help you can easily reduce the thickness of the seams. However, you should know that it costs more than a composition of sand and cement.

Ready mixtures are made using a construction mixer or a special nozzle for an electric drill in containers of appropriate sizes.

In most cases, at least 40 kg of such a mixture is consumed per 1 m³ of block masonry. The final consumption of any mixture will depend on the thickness of the joints, which can be from 3 to 9 mm.

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Existing methods of laying walls from expanded clay concrete

Wall laying can be done various methods. Everything will depend on required thickness and used materials for insulation and cladding. The main laying methods are as follows:

  • in a block with brick lining and laying between them insulation material;
  • several parallel walls in half a block with an insulating material between them;
  • in half a block;
  • a block wide, performing dressing and alternating spoon and poke rows;
  • 60 cm wide, ligating the elements and leaving voids between them.

The first method is the laying of walls, the thickness of which corresponds to the width of the block. In most cases, walls of this thickness are built for country houses or garage spaces. At this method the material should be laid with a long part along the wall line in a row, dressing and reinforcing the masonry with reinforcing bars with a diameter of 10-11 mm every 4-5 rows. In the upper part of the wall, it is necessary to arrange an armored belt made of concrete 15-20 cm high. If necessary, the masonry can be insulated with outside mineral wool or foam plastic 8-10 cm thick.

In the second method, the blocks are placed in the form of several parallel walls in half a block. They are connected to each other with metal rods. Between the blocks there is an insulating material 8-10 cm thick. This method is able to provide excellent thermal insulation of the rooms of the building.

The next method differs only in that instead of one of the walls, bricks are laid out.

The mortar for wall cladding is prepared from cement, sand and water in a ratio of 1: 3: 0.7

The fourth method is to lay walls 39 cm wide. The masonry is carried out with dressing of the elements. Reinforcement is made through 4-5 rows using reinforcing bars or mesh. Similar masonry is used to build walls country houses. To ensure maximum thermal insulation, such walls should be insulated from the outside with at least 5 cm thick insulation material. In this case, you can apply mineral wool or extruded polystyrene foam.

The next method is performed with the dressing of the elements and the preservation of voids between them, which later need to be filled with insulating material.

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Building walls from expanded clay blocks: a sequence of actions

When laying blocks by any method, you will need to follow the basic rules for working with this material.

The construction of walls made of expanded clay concrete with insulation and finishing.

First of all, you should prepare the base. The surface of the foundation, on which the blocks of the first row will be laid out, must be leveled. It must be laid horizontally. waterproofing material in several layers. In this case, you can use roofing material or any other material.

Expanded clay blocks must be started from the corners of the structure. A layer of mortar less than 3 cm thick must be applied to the waterproofing material, after which the corner blocks must be laid. You can seat the block by pressing it and tapping it with a rubber hammer. The location of the corner elements must be additionally controlled using a water level. Only in this way it will be possible to perform even masonry. Instead of a similar level, you can use a level. Correct location corner blocks also need to be controlled using a plumb line, which is mounted in the corners and rises during the laying of the walls.

Between the corner elements you will need to pull a thin cord, and then lay out the entire row along it. The laying of the initial row should be carried out exclusively by using a solution of sand and cement. After laying out the initial row, it will be possible to lay the next one. In the process, it is necessary to perform the dressing of the blocks and control the horizontal, vertical masonry. The laying of all subsequent rows can be carried out using adhesives.

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Expanded clay concrete is a time-tested material: for more than 60 years it has been considered a reliable and durable construction raw material. Expanded clay is no less popular than concrete or brick. His undoubted merits– high thermal insulation characteristics and ease of installation. For do-it-yourself wall construction from expanded clay concrete blocks complex design solutions are not required. These blocks are perfectly combined with any building materials, metal and reinforced concrete structures.

The use of concrete blocks

Expanded clay blocks are most often used for the construction external walls, in the construction of utility rooms, warehouses, garages, frame industrial buildings. And septal wall blocks guarantee a significant improvement in the sound and heat insulation properties of the entire structure, significantly reduce the weight of large-sized reinforced concrete floors, reduce the cost of the foundation. The voids in the blocks themselves form an additional reinforcing frame in the body of the wall, which increases its bearing capacity. Expanded clay is fired and foamed clay mixed with sand, cement and water. It has a porous structure, which provides the material with strength and lightness.

Expanded clay concrete is divided into structural and structural-heat-insulating. The first type has a maximum density of 1800 kg per cubic meter, strength up to 500 kg per cubic meter, frost resistance reaches 500 cycles. Applicable for construction load-bearing structures. The density of the second type of expanded clay concrete is up to 1100 kg per cubic meter, strength is not more than 100 kg per cubic meter, frost resistance is not more than 100 cycles.

We lay the walls of expanded clay concrete with our own hands

The method of erecting walls from expanded clay concrete is no different from using standard bricks. The same spoon or poke rows are laid and obligatory dressings are made. For bearing walls the dimensions of expanded clay concrete blocks are 190x190x390 mm. For internal partitions, blocks of 190x90x390 mm are used. Please note that when laying blocks of expanded clay concrete, only ordinary mortar is used, not glue! You only need to level the blocks on the wall with a rubber mallet, since they are hollow, and any blow with a metal hammer will simply break them.

You need the following tools:

  1. level;
  2. rectangular trowel;
  3. rubber mallet;
  4. plumb;
  5. square;
  6. mooring cord;
  7. stitching;
  8. "Bulgarian" with a cutting wheel;
  9. reinforcement or reinforced mesh (if reinforcement is required);
  10. shovel;
  11. solution bucket.

When preparing for laying a wall of expanded clay concrete, the most important thing is the waterproofing of the foundation. It is usually performed with roofing felt in two layers. It is also necessary to observe the geometry of the perimeter: the opposite sides and diagonals of the rectangular base must be equal.

Step by step instructions for building a wall

First you need to level the base on which the first row of blocks will be laid. After applying the waterproofing, it is necessary to put cement glue on top of the roofing material (1 m³ of masonry per 40 kg of the mixture) or a prepared mortar (one part of cement and sifted river cement into three parts quarry sand). Layer thickness - no more than 30 mm.

Building horizontal surface from expanded clay concrete blocks starts from the corner. First, a full row is laid out, and the internal partition is erected evenly with outer wall. To avoid the appearance of “cold bridges” at the ends, these blocks must be laid with foam plastic rectangles 50 mm thick.

After finishing the row, you should check the surface with building level, since any expanded clay concrete block has a slight error in shape. The pits are sealed with mortar, and the bulges are “cut off” with an ax or a “grinder”.

Along the entire perimeter of the wall, after 2-3 rows, a reinforced mesh or reinforcement with a diameter of 10 mm is laid. A solution or glue is applied on top, after which a new row is laid. Do not forget about the alternation of bonder and spoon rows.

Important nuances

  • It is necessary to lay the block to the block with a poke, leaving a gap between them of 5 mm.
  • A little solution should collect between the pokes. A seam is then quickly created until the mortar has hardened. The thickness of the vertical seam is 10 mm.
  • At the end of the masonry, a reinforcing belt should be poured. The task of this reinforced concrete structure is to additionally strengthen the wall.

Stick to all the rules laying expanded clay concrete blocks with their own with my own hands , To obtain desired result- durable and warm construction. Expanded clay is only at first glance very fragile, but if the technology is followed, walls made of this material will withstand almost any load.

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With my own hands step-by-step instruction will help you get the job done right. Such manipulations are not particularly difficult, which is why you can do it yourself, without resorting to the help of specialists. However, you need to be familiar with technological features, as well as find out which solution is suitable for laying expanded clay concrete products, which are produced by pressing, during which water, sand, cement and expanded clay are used.


The pros and cons of which are described in the article - safe, environmentally friendly and easy construction material. Due to the presence of expanded clay, the products are porous and are characterized by high thermal insulation qualities. Before starting work, you can choose blocks different sizes, however, the most common are those that have the following dimensions: 390x300x188, 390x190x188. These products are used for walls, while for the formation of partitions, blocks with dimensions of 390x190x90 millimeters should be preferred.


The material may be solid or hollow. The first variety has a higher strength, but is inferior in terms of thermal insulation properties empty counterparts. If it is planned to strengthen walls or a partition, then it is necessary to purchase blocks in which grooves for reinforcement were formed at the production stage. This is due to the low strength of the material.

Preparation of materials and tools

If the laying of expanded clay concrete blocks is carried out with your own hands, the step-by-step instructions must be previously studied by the master. It involves the need to prepare materials and tools. You will need a rubber mallet, tape measure, trowel, level, cord, plumb line, and grinder. Do not forget about the presence of a shovel, as well as a container for preparing the solution. As alternative solution a concrete mixer can act. If walls are to be erected, it is important to ensure that scaffolding, which you can make yourself. The foundation of expanded clay concrete blocks can also be erected. For its formation, as well as for the construction of walls, you will need water, cement, sand or a special dry mortar intended for masonry. If a heater is used, which is laid simultaneously with the installation of blocks, then it is important to take care of its presence.

Mortar for installation of expanded clay concrete products

If the laying of expanded clay concrete blocks is carried out with your own hands, the step-by-step instructions presented in the article will allow you to get acquainted with the technological features. In the course of work, you can use a solution based on sand and cement, instead of which adhesive mixtures intended for masonry are often used. In the first case, cement, sand and water should be mixed in a ratio of 1: 3: 0.7. It is important to prepare cement grade M-400 or higher. The volume of liquid can be adjusted depending on the moisture content of the sand. The solution should have a plastic consistency, which will make it easy to seat the products. However, it is important to prevent the mixture from spreading.

Construction dry mixes

When laying claydite-concrete blocks with your own hands, step-by-step instructions should be read in advance, this will help eliminate many errors. If you decide to use dry building mix, then it must be mixed with water, following the instructions indicated on the package. Such compositions are plastic and allow to reduce the thickness of the formed seams. However, such a solution will cost more than a cement-sand mixture. For one cubic meter of masonry, 40 kilograms will be needed ready mix. The consumption of any mortar will depend on the thickness of the joints, which can vary from 6 to 9 millimeters when using cement-sand mixture.

Solution preparation

If you decide to use expanded clay concrete blocks, you should read the reviews of home owners in advance. They have something in common with the characteristics of the products that were described above. Thus, according to buyers, in order to build warm house, the walls of which will not have an excessive effect on the foundation, expanded clay concrete should be used. Among other things, this material, as consumers emphasize, has a fairly affordable cost. Builders and home craftsmen note that the use of blocks of this type does not imply the need to order construction equipment, which would entail additional expenses. If you decide to choose expanded clay concrete blocks, reviews of home owners will certainly allow you to make a choice. For the preparation of a cement-sand mixture, in their opinion, it is preferable to use a small one which will correspond to the amount of composition produced in 2 hours. The solution should be constantly stirred, which will prevent its delamination. In this case, the mixture will retain plasticity and uniformity. This is especially true of the composition of sand and cement, which are devoid of plasticizers. If you decide to use a ready-made mortar, it is recommended to stock up on a mixer with a nozzle that is installed on electric drill. With this approach, it is important to prepare a container of the appropriate volume.

masonry methods

Before the masonry mortar is prepared, the master must decide which method of work will be used. This will be influenced by the planned laying of products can be in half a block, in one block, 60 cm wide, with two parallel walls in half a block, as well as in a block with facing brick. If you decide to use a technology that involves laying a block-wide wall, then it is important to alternate and bandage the poke and spoon rows. If the products are mounted with a width of 60 cm, then it is important to ensure the dressing of the blocks, leaving voids between them. The technology, which provides for the arrangement of two parallel-oriented systems stacked in half a block, is carried out in parallel with the placement of insulation material between them. If it was decided to use the method of laying in a block, and then brick lining will be carried out, then heat-insulating material is also laid between the formed walls.

The nuances of the work

After the masonry mortar is ready, you can begin to work. It is necessary to start the process from the corners of the building. A layer of mortar 3 cm thick is laid on the waterproofing layer. Shrinkage of products is carried out by pressing and tapping on the surface with a rubber mallet. If you decide to build a house from expanded clay concrete blocks with your own hands, then the position of the corners should be controlled using the building and water levels. Between the formed corner blocks, a cord should be pulled, along which the entire row will be laid along the perimeter of the building.

The widespread use of claydite blocks in industrial and residential construction is explained by the excellent technological and operational properties of this material. They consist in relatively low thermal conductivity, high frost and moisture resistance, environmental friendliness, ease of laying and the possibility self-manufacturing such blocks. The complex of these advantages is complemented by the low cost of the material. Construction of expanded clay concrete blocks is carried out by several methods, each of which is used depending on the type and purpose of the building, soil characteristics, climatic conditions and other characteristics.

Karambit concrete blocks have a number of advantages: they have good strength, thermal conductivity, good sound insulation and moisture resistance.

Building a house from expanded clay concrete blocks is not very different from building a house from brick walls. Therefore, the set of tools will be almost the same.

Scheme of a wall made of expanded clay concrete.

A block house is built using the following tools:

  • plumb;
  • construction level;
  • measuring tape or tape measure;
  • mooring cord;
  • ordering with a distance between the risks of 200 mm;
  • building square;
  • rubber hammer weighing 800-1000 g;
  • angle grinder (grinder) with a cutting wheel diameter of 230 m;
  • stitching;
  • containers for the preparation of masonry mortar;
  • a pair of shovels.

Foundation for the house

Scheme of a block of expanded clay concrete.

Building a house from expanded clay concrete blocks begins with the construction of a foundation. The base device is best done from solid blocks. First of all, they will provide high strength, making the foundation for a house made of expanded clay concrete blocks a reliable foundation for future construction.

The foundation of expanded clay concrete blocks has excellent moisture resistance and resistance to mechanical and chemical influences, significantly exceeding those of traditional cement concrete. The construction of such a foundation is also safe from an environmental point of view. The blocks are characterized by high thermal insulation performance, which makes it possible to build a foundation of expanded clay concrete blocks even in places with a very cold climate. The foundation of expanded clay concrete is characterized by low thermal conductivity. Building blocks have a very convenient shape and an advantageous size for use, which makes it easier and faster to lay the foundation, without extra effort and special skills.

Scheme of a heat block made of expanded clay concrete.

The composition of the building blocks includes such elements as cement, water and the main component - expanded clay, also known as foamed and fired clay. When solidified, the clay forms a foamy structure, which has a special lightness and strength.

Compared to traditional cement concrete, expanded clay building blocks have a great advantage: they are very resistant to groundwater and other external influences.

Laying a foundation of expanded clay concrete blocks is a guarantee of a reliable and safe foundation made of natural materials. In addition, laying the foundation for a house of expanded clay concrete blocks is a very simple process, so the house will be built even faster.

Foundation types.

When choosing the material for building the base of the house, try not to rush. Of course, the most ideal option it would be if the future foundation of the house did not let moisture through, it was safe, strong enough, reliable and did not require a lot of time for construction. Despite the many requirements put forward modern technologies construction, there is a simple solution that allows you to combine all the above requests - this is laying the foundation for a house of expanded clay concrete blocks.

V Lately in the construction of garages, private houses or cottages, building blocks made of expanded clay are increasingly used. Most often, such blocks are used as load-bearing structures, for outer cladding. However, laying the foundation for a house of expanded clay concrete blocks is also quite effective and quite expedient. Most importantly, use suitable type blocks - solid blocks are needed for the foundation, and hollow blocks are needed for laying walls made of expanded clay concrete.

The laying of the foundation from the blocks must be carried out with the obligatory device of a seismic belt (separation belt), which is carried out at the level of the floors separating the basement and the main room. In the basement itself, all seams that are formed during masonry must be filled with mortar.

Reinforcing belt

Reinforced foundation installation.

The armored belt is poured along the perimeter of the building, on top of the outer walls of which a Mauerlat (beam designed for uniform distribution load along the entire length of the wall). It is necessary so that the load that is transmitted truss system, was not transmitted to the walls of the building, but directly to the armored belt. This is especially true if a spacer truss structure is used, when the main load is applied precisely to the walls, or rather to the Mauerlat, which will be attached to them.

Making an armored belt is quite simple. On the top of the wall, you need to set up the formwork, lay out the reinforcement and pour concrete. After 2-3 days, the formwork can be removed, and after 4 weeks, the Mauerlat can be laid on the armored belt. To fix the Mauerlat, it is necessary to install threaded studs or steel bars in the armored belt, pouring some of them with concrete. This is done even when pouring the armored belt. Then, aligning the armored belt cement-sand mortar, on these rods it will be necessary to chop two layers of roofing material and put a beam on it, having previously made holes for the rods in it. After that, it will be necessary to simply bend the remaining bars, finally securing the Mauerlat. Bars can be used 6-8 mm thick. When bending the top of the rod along the Mauerlat, it can be sawn along with a hacksaw or grinder close to the surface of the Mauerlat.

Block reinforcement

When arranging an armored belt, do not forget about wire loops, through which rafter legs will be attached to the walls. Hinges or hooks must be secured with inside walls, three upper rows of building blocks.

It is possible not to make an armo-belt only when using hanging rafters or non-thrust roof structure. When using a non-expanding truss structure with layered rafters, it must be taken into account that the main load, if there is no armored belt, will be transferred to the ridge run.

If the armored belt is not made, the studs or rods for attaching the Mauerlat can be walled up directly into the masonry, securing them with the last two rows of building blocks. The top of the wall is leveled with a cement-sand mortar. It is laid on him double layer roofing material.

Basic requirements for masonry walls

Buildings with a height of no more than four floors are erected from expanded clay concrete blocks. For the construction of a house with a higher number of storeys, a metal or reinforced concrete frame is required.

  • the upper surface of the foundation of the house is leveled with cement mortar, about 30 mm thick;
  • 2-3 layers of roofing material (waterproofing) are covered with a frozen solution, smearing them with bituminous mastic;
  • block laying always starts from the corner, building a row around the perimeter, after which the next row is laid, etc .;
  • it is better to lay the inner walls at the same time as the outer ones, in parallel performing a bunch of walls;
  • internal and outer wall connect with each other by issuing from inner wall to the outside of every second block. The output value must be equal to half the length of the block.

After reviewing the basic requirements, let's move on to the technology of laying walls from building blocks.

Wall laying technology

After laying the position of the block is corrected with a rubber mallet.

The masonry of walls made of expanded clay concrete blocks does not differ from brickwork, however, it is performed much faster, easier and more convenient. The only difference is that when laying walls from building blocks, the vertical seams are also filled with mortar, and the reinforcement of the masonry is not done with a mesh, but with 8-10 mm reinforcement. Masonry seam - 12 mm.

The technology of laying blocks of lightweight expanded clay concrete is convenient and simple. This does not even require special skills and engineering developments. Construction does not require large time and financial costs, special skills and serious experience. The large size of the building blocks simplify the work and reduce the possibility of making a mistake when laying. Great for the construction of small structures and buildings.

For laying expanded clay concrete blocks, you can use the same mortar that is used for brickwork. It is allowed to use additives that increase strength, taking into account the intended purpose of the structure and climatic conditions.

Walls made of expanded clay concrete blocks can be insulated after masonry is completed, using oilcloth or siding for this. You can also embed insulation between blocks during the construction of walls.

The first row of blocks is laid on a waterproofing layer.

To increase the rigidity of the building, in every third horizontal row it is necessary to lay two metal rods with a diameter of 3-5 mm or a special metal mesh into the seam. Longitudinal reinforcement of the masonry increases the safety of the structure. Window and door openings are reinforced with concrete and rebar U-blocks.

The thickness of the seams between building blocks should be 6-7 mm. In case of adding a special adhesive, a thickness of up to 3 mm is allowed. With an increase in the thickness of the mortar between the building blocks, the strength of the masonry will be lost. Too thin a layer of mortar will not provide the necessary bonding strength of the blocks. If the joints are filled completely and evenly, this method of masonry is called "pressing".

Pay attention to the plasticity of the solution. As a rule, it is a mixture of cement, sand and water. In a strong bond, the proportion of cement and sand is 1:3, 1:4 is allowed. Special additives-plasticizers increase the plasticity of the mortar.

The first row of expanded clay concrete blocks is laid on the surface of the plinth using a mortar of cement, sand and lime. And only from the second row is it allowed to use special glue. Blocks are securely and firmly fixed with a rubber mallet.

If it is planned to plaster the walls, the blocks are laid using the “fill-in” method: the seams along the edges are not filled with a binder by 5-8 mm, and if the surface is front, then they are completely filled. The blocks have smooth edges and the correct geometric shape, thanks to which a flat surface is formed even without leveling with plaster.

First of all, corners are formed using the building level. The laying of blocks begins with the bonding row of the outer verst. Building mixture applied immediately under several expanded clay blocks. The first block is slightly pressed into the solution and aligned on all planes. Before laying the next block of lightweight expanded clay concrete, a solution must also be applied to its end part. When laying, the block is pressed against the base and against the previous block. Laying the next row starts from the place where the previous row ended, not forgetting the dressing of the vertical seams.

The surface of modern expanded clay building blocks is compatible with most finishing methods. They can be coated decorative tiles or brick, plaster. It is possible to finish the internal surfaces of the walls with a “dry” and “wet” method. Sometimes different methods are combined to reduce heat losses and increase energy efficiency.

Claydite-concrete blocks today are quite widely used in the construction of soundproof partitions, external walls, agricultural buildings and utility rooms, as well as in filling frames in housing construction. Expanded clay blocks can become part of decorative elements. A masonry of them is an excellent base for further finishing. It has excellent thermal insulation, is easy to process and is frost resistant.

Preparatory work

Before you start laying from expanded clay concrete blocks with your own hands, you need to study the step-by-step instructions. It provides for the preparation of tools and materials at the first stage, among them are:

  • roulette;
  • stitching;
  • mooring cord;
  • trowel;
  • capacity.

You will need a rubber mallet, a square and ordering. Do not forget about the grinder, as well as the mesh for reinforcement. If you don’t have a rubber hammer, then when you visit the store, you should pay attention to the one whose weight does not exceed 1 kg. You will also need order in the work. But as regards grinder, then a 230 mm circle should be purchased for it.

To strengthen the masonry you need to buy reinforced mesh or fittings. And when looking for a container, you should think about which one to choose so that it is convenient to stir the solution in it. Do-it-yourself laying of expanded clay concrete blocks, step-by-step instructions for which will be presented in the article, involves the use of a binder component in the form of a special glue or solution. In this case, the consumption of the mixture will be much less compared to the technology when brick is used, because one block replaces seven standard ceramic products.

If you decide to use a conventional mortar, then three parts of quarry sand must be added to one part of cement. From river sand it is better to refuse, because it will be very elastic. In order to make the mixture more plastic, a plasticizer should be used. To prevent sand from settling to the bottom, the mixture must be stirred from time to time.

When cement adhesive, you will need about 40 kg of undiluted compound per wall cube. The composition must first be diluted with water, after reading the instructions. Do-it-yourself laying of expanded clay concrete blocks, the step-by-step instructions of which should help you avoid mistakes, is performed only after leveling the surface. Two layers of roofing material are laid on the base to provide waterproofing. A layer of mortar is laid on top, to the components of which lime should be added. This layer should not be more than 30 mm thick. You can use glue only from the second row.

Masonry features

Laying blocks can be compared to how children assemble a designer. The size of the blocks is more impressive compared to bricks, but the weight is much less, so the laying process does not take much time and effort. It is necessary to start building the wall, moving from the corner. To do this, completely line up the first row. Internal partitions should line up simultaneously with the external ones. In order to avoid cold bridges at the end of the product, it should be separated with a foam rectangle. This applies to external walls. After the laying of the first row is completed, you should make sure that the surface is sufficiently even, for this traditionally a level is used.

Work methodology

Quite often, step-by-step instructions help beginner home craftsmen; in this case, you can easily do the laying of expanded clay concrete blocks with your own hands. When installing the second row, using a new block, you should smooth out the solution, then you can get a uniform layer. The product is brought to the edge of the adjacent block with a poke, while leaving a gap of 5 cm.

A certain amount of cement mortar or glue. To do this, the block must be attached to the place where it will lie. It is fixed with a rubber mallet, it will also help align the products horizontally. The thickness of the seam should not exceed 7 mm. If glue is added to the solution, then the thickness of the seam will be 3 mm. If the seams are too thick, the masonry will not be so strong. But if the solution layer is too thin, then the blocks cannot be securely fastened. You must make sure that the seam is correct, but this should be done even before the mortar has hardened.

Choice of seam type

To date, several types of seams are known, among which it is worth highlighting:

  • waste;
  • embroidered;
  • concave;
  • undercut;
  • embroidered convex.

If you plan to cover the wall with plaster, then the blocks should be laid with a seam in a hollow. This suggests that the edges of the seams are not filled by 8 mm. If the wall is front, then the seams should be made undercut, filling them. To increase the heat capacity of the building, the blocks must be laid in 2 rows. This will increase the thickness of the wall. After the building is insulated from the outside, the house will not be afraid of even the most very coldy. The only disadvantage of such laying is the increased consumption of blocks, as well as the total cost of work.

Strengthening masonry

In order for the walls of expanded clay concrete blocks not to collapse under the weight of the roof, it is necessary to fill in the armored belt. This can be done with 10 mm rebar or masonry mesh. The bars are located in every third row. This must be done on top of the row, placing the reinforcement in strobes. Next, the solution is applied and the next row is laid. Longitudinal reinforcement provides an increase in the reliability of the building to the required level.

We should not forget that the tychkovy and spoon rows must be tied up. Door and window openings are formed using U-shaped concrete products, additional fittings should be used. Many believe that the technology of laying expanded clay concrete blocks does not provide reinforcement with reinforcement. However, this statement is erroneous, because the production of products described in the article has certain features. This affects the operational properties of the blocks.

Mauerlat mount

The completion of the masonry wall can be done with U-shaped blocks, which are used to create a reinforced concrete belt. It is used to fix the mauerlat to expanded clay concrete. This node is wooden beam, which is fixed to the walls to evenly distribute the load from the roof, wind and snow.

In the upper block, threaded studs should be installed every 2 m. Their height should be 6 cm more than the cross section of the beam. In the beams, you must first make holes for the studs and fix the Mauerlat by pulling it to the walls with nuts and washers.

Block foundation

To build a foundation of expanded clay concrete blocks, it is necessary to prepare some materials and tools, among them:

  • roulette;
  • shovel;
  • boards;
  • concrete mixer;
  • building level;
  • waterproofing material;
  • empty container;
  • reinforcement mesh.

The design will be a prefabricated belt. First you need to prepare a pit or trench, the parameters of which should be slightly larger than the width of the blocks. Sand is poured to the bottom, it is well rammed, a concrete cushion is created above. Blocks should be laid according to the above principle. You need to start from the corners, not forgetting the dressing.

It is important to provide holes for laying future engineering communications. An armored belt is formed on top of the products, which is a durable layer of monolithic reinforced concrete. With it, you can connect the blocks at the top. This layer is necessary for the rigidity of the base.

The outer side wall of the tape must be tightly closed with waterproofing. If the design provides for ground floor, then it is necessary to lay the floor beams. At the final stage, backfilling grounds.

Block sizes

The dimensions of the expanded clay concrete block can be different, depending on its purpose. If we are talking about wall products, the minimum parameters will be 90 x 190 x 188 mm. The maximum size is 390x190x188 mm. As intermediate values are:

  • 288x138x138;
  • 290x190x188.

As for the partition blocks, their dimensions can be equal:

  • 590x90x188;
  • 390x90x188;
  • 190x90x188 mm.

Many novice craftsmen are wondering why the sizes expanded clay concrete block such non-standard (390x190x188 mm). This is because there is a need for a gap for mortar in the masonry joint. Among other things, 39 cm is a masonry thickness of 1.5 bricks, while taking into account the layer of plaster. However, this size is usually called a twenty and it looks like this: 20x20x40 cm.

The cost of solid blocks

Full-bodied expanded clay concrete blocks are presented different types. Among others, products with a density in the range of 1500 kg / m 3 should be distinguished. You will have to pay 50 rubles for one unit. But for a cubic meter you will give 3600 rubles. In this case, we are talking about a 20-kg product, the frost resistance of which corresponds to the F50 class.

If the density decreases to 1000 kg per cubic meter, then the weight is already 17 kg. Frost resistance remains the same, but the price becomes equal to 66 rubles. per piece or 4158 rubles. per cubic meter. With a decrease in the density of a full-bodied expanded clay concrete block to 700 kg per cubic meter, the price is equivalent to 65 rubles. per piece or 4095 rubles. per cubic meter. For such a product, the density can be increased to 1500 kg per cubic meter.


Before starting work, it is important not only to choose products by size, but also to find out what is the consumption of mortar for laying expanded clay concrete blocks. This was discussed above. Based on this information, you can calculate how many materials to purchase. But it is recommended to take into account that the mortar for laying expanded clay concrete blocks in the first row will consist of cement and sand, and in all subsequent rows - of special glue.