How to feed strawberries in August after pruning and harvesting. Organic or mineral mixtures

The strawberry yields next year directly depend on whether the strawberries were transplanted in August, whether the strawberries were fertilized in the fall when planting seedlings (or during transplanting bushes), and whether other necessary procedures were performed. The basic rule is to start the final work this season after the bushes are fully fertile.

Post-harvest garden strawberry care

How to care for strawberries after harvest? In principle, there are no particular difficulties here. There are several mandatory stages for caring for strawberries in August-September, which are not recommended to be ignored:

  • Removal of whiskers and old / diseased leaves;
  • Spraying against pests and diseases;
  • Top dressing of strawberries in autumn (when planting) and in summer (after pruning);
  • Winter strawberry care - providing shelter during frost.

For your information, strawberry is a popular name or pineapple, belonging to the Strawberry genus, the Pink family.

What to do with strawberries in August

Mustache trimming

Care for garden strawberries in August begins with trimming the whiskers together with the rosettes formed on them. To increase the yield of the crop, it is better to perform the procedure in three passes:

  1. immediately after the completion of the fruiting of the bushes;
  2. after 20 days after the first procedure;
  3. after another 20 days.

The mustache is cut at a distance of 10 cm from the base of the plant. As cutting tool you can use a knife, pruner, or garden shears. You should carefully hold the mustache with your other hand so as not to accidentally cut off the excess part of the bush.

ON THE PICTURE: A mustache with new rosettes formed, in which full-fledged roots have formed, can be left after pruning for strawberries to propagate.

Also, caring for strawberries after picking berries involves removing old and diseased leaves from the bush, only hearts and young leaves remain. The "heart" of a strawberry is the apical bud of the main shoot (horn), which contains the rudiments of a peduncle with flowers. The hearts should always be above the surface of the soil, otherwise they may vanish under the soil (or leaf litter).

ON THE PICTURE: All old strawberry leaves and stained leaves must be ruthlessly removed.

Do you want to harvest a bountiful berry crop? Remove the strawberry whiskers both during flowering and during fruiting. And when caring for strawberries ( garden strawberries) after harvest, do not trim the most powerful mustache. A beautiful young bush will grow from it to renew the old plant. This operation is recommended every three years.

Spraying against pests and diseases

It should be remembered that after harvest, garden strawberries need care and protection from all kinds of diseases no less than in spring. Preventive and curative spraying of strawberries is an important component of care in August, designed to protect berries from various fungi (gray and black rot), stains, and a number of pests.

ON THE PICTURE: Affected powdery mildew strawberries are not edible.

How to spray strawberries after harvest? Depending on the nature of the lesion, the following drugs can be used:

  • "", "" will destroy the strawberry mite and weevil;
  • "", "Azocene" will be saved from the manifestations of powdery mildew;
  • A 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid is used for stains and rot.

How to feed strawberries in August

Feeding strawberries for the winter provides the plant with increased frost resistance and promotes the establishment of new flower buds.

How to fertilize strawberries in August? It is strictly unacceptable to use fertilizers with nitrogen, with the exception of a strong urea solution. The purpose of urea is to destroy fungal diseases in the bud, and to have a minimal stimulating effect on strawberries. For feeding purposes, it is permissible to use:

  1. mineral complex fertilizers NPK in proportions 1: 1.5: 2 or 1: 2: 4 (that is, always only one part of nitrogen, one and a half to two parts of phosphorus and two to four parts of potassium). Among the ready-made fertilizers, the following are quite suitable: fertilizer "Autumn" from "Fasco" with a NPK ratio of 5:15:35 (similar in composition, but under a different TerraSol brand). Highly good feedback It has fertilizer "Autumn" from "Buysk fertilizers" in a plastic bag of 3 kg, which does not have nitrogen (which is a definite plus), but contains calcium, boron and magnesium for healthy seedling growth in spring;
  2. organic fertilizers: humus, peat, granulated horse manure, bone meal. You can not use bird droppings, even rotted ones, because it contains too much nitrogen.

How to care for strawberries in August: the nuances of fertilization

Fertilizers should be applied along the rows, not forgetting to grind their components well beforehand and mix the substrate. Any, summer or autumn feeding strawberries in winter, in case of dry weather, requires subsequent watering. Up to two buckets of water are needed for each square meter of land.

Should organic fertilizers be mixed with mineral fertilizers? For example, a complex NPK fertilizer with humus? You should not do this, except when you have whole plantation strawberries. The usual complex fertilizer is enough to enrich the soil with macronutrients. However, if you are growing strawberries on heavy loamy or clay soils(and also, if the soil is close to depletion, has become gray and turns into dust when dry), it is worth adding both organic matter and "mineral water". The first will improve the soil structure, make the soil lighter, more "digestible" for the roots. And fertilizers will enrich it with nutrients.

How to care for strawberries in the fall for a good harvest

The main work on the care of strawberries for the winter should be completed in August. So what to do with strawberries in the fall? Before providing her with a safe shelter for the winter, practically nothing. Strawberry care in the fall consists of keeping the soil loose in rows and aisles and removing emerging weeds.

If you didn't manage to feed the strawberries in August, you can do it in September. How to feed strawberries in the fall? Yes, in general, the same as in the last summer month.

How to care for strawberries after harvest: cover for the winter

What to do if you found information about how to fertilize strawberries in autumn during planting or the recipe for summer dressings too late, and the berry did not receive the necessary nutrition? Such weakened bushes need additional shelter, for example, spruce branches, leaves or potato tops... In order for the layer of covering material to remain loose and not caked, it must be added in dry weather and light frost - about –2–3 ° С. This is especially important when using straw, which attracts diseases and pests at higher temperatures.

ON THE PICTURE: Covering material, in this case straw, is waiting in the wings. If you wrap strawberries earlier than expected for the winter, root rot may develop.

ON THE PICTURE:A layer of mulch that can protect strawberry bushes from frost should be 7-15 cm.

In the article, we will consider what is the treatment of strawberries in the fall from pests and diseases; there will also be interesting videos that better cover the topic.
Like all garden plants strawberries have many pests and diseases. In the fight against them Special attention should pay attention to the prevention of negative factors and preventive measures.
If, at the height of the season, a disease or pest massively infected the plant, it may be too late.
Moreover, even the supporters folk ways recognize that it is best to defeat disease garden strawberry with the help of modern drugs. And it is advisable to use them at a time when the plant does not bear fruit - and in the fall.
Autumn processing of strawberries against pests and diseases must be carried out regularly in order to obtain stable and good results.

Tick ​​control

This pest causes the leaves of the plant. The affected bush reduces productivity and may die. To combat the mite, you need to process strawberries after harvesting from diseases. Experienced gardeners it is advised to dissolve 2 tablespoons of ash, vinegar in a bucket of water, vegetable oil and 2 glasses liquid soap... Stir well and spray both the plants themselves and the soil around them.
The preparations Titovit Jet, Actellik, Kleschevit have proven themselves quite well in the fight against the tick.

Powdery mildew

A fungal disease that affects both the leaves and fruits of strawberries. Affected leaves become stained with a white bloom, change their shape and fall off. Fruits rot over time and also fall off.
For prophylaxis with powdery mildew, you can spray the leaves of plants with a solution of potassium permanganate in the proportion of 2 grams of potassium permanganate per 10 liters of water.
Some summer residents in the fight against this disease use a solution of colloidal sulfur (100 grams per bucket of water).

Strawberry disease brown spot control methods

With this disease of strawberries, the leaves dry from the edges, covered with dark red (brown) spots.
In this case, the treatment of strawberries for diseases in the fall consists in spraying with copper chloroxide. The concentration should be as follows: for 10 liters of water - 35 grams of copper oxychloride.
Spraying is carried out both in autumn, after harvest, and in spring, as well as during summer season if there are signs of illness.
In addition to spraying, in the fall, after harvesting, you can mow the bushes affected by spotting and take them out of the garden plot... Subsequently, new, healthy leaves will grow.

Strawberry weevil

This pest feeds not only on strawberries, but also harms blackberries and raspberries. Damages young buds and leaves.
In the fight against this disease, digging the soil between the rows has proven itself well. In old books it is advised to spray the plants with karbofos after harvest. But we advise you to look for safer and more effective drugs in local garden shops. Every year the leading enterprises in the industry offer all the best drugs. And a good seller will advise on how to treat strawberries in the fall from diseases. Outdated information is often provided in books and materials on the Internet, and drugs have not been used for a long time. agriculture due to their ineffectiveness and harmfulness to both humans and animals.

Gray rot

Affected fruits receive light spots that darken over time and grow over the surface and in depth.
In addition to fighting in the spring and summer, in the fall, you can carry out preventive spraying of the bushes with a solution of Bordeaux liquid.


Snails love strawberries. The fight against them must be carried out throughout the entire growing season. And in the fall, in old books, it is advised to decompose Metaldehyde in granules between the beds, in an amount of up to 5 grams per 1 m2. We do not advise using these chemicals, and during the season to destroy slugs by placing baits, or showering the area with ash or salt. Also, mulching for snails is not very pleasant, because it is difficult for them for delicate bodies to move on such a surface.
Slugs, like most diseases and pests, develop where the site is unkempt, there are many weeds, and the poorly chosen planting site.


This pest feasts on strawberry buds and is a shiny black beetle with a body length of up to 3 mm.
For prophylactic purposes, the entire area is sprayed with zolon and actellik preparations.
Output. We have described how it is done, but listen to some more tips. In particular, in the fall, you need to think about crop rotation and the allocation of a site for planting strawberries for the next season. The land needs to be weeded out and weeds removed, fertilized to plant new strawberry bushes. By the way, many summer residents transplant strawberries in early autumn. After all, the plant has a chance to take root well and firmly endure the winter cold.
If you do not plan to transfer strawberries to another area next season, carefully examine the old one in order to remove damaged leaves and fruits from the garden and burn them; because they remain a breeding ground for disease.

P.S. Interesting video about caring for strawberries in autumn:

Victoria is a beautiful, tasty and aromatic berry. It grows not only in the southern regions, but also in the European part of Russia. Thanks to its amazing taste, Victoria has become one of the most favorite berries among children and adults. The article will focus on how to properly process Victoria so that it brings a big harvest from year to year. They take care of her in spring and autumn.

How to handle Victoria in the fall

Plant care consists of three stages. This is a mandatory pruning of bushes, fertilizing with mineral fertilizers and preparation of Victoria for the winter period. Let's consider in detail each of the stages.


How to handle Victoria in the fall? Where to begin? The most important and necessary thing in the process of caring for garden strawberries is timely. As a rule, leaves and whiskers are removed. This procedure is necessary in order to give the plant rest after active fruiting and growth. This stimulates the preparation of the plant for the next year and rejuvenates it. Such processing allows you to improve the condition of each bush. Over the summer, pests could accumulate on the leaves. When pruning, you naturally heal the plant. Leaves and whiskers can be removed as early as September. For this, it is most convenient to use a pruner or a sharp knife. Cut the leaves about 10 cm from the ground, being careful not to damage the growing point. After the procedure, weeding of the rows should be carried out. The earth between them must be loosened and, if necessary, add fresh soil to cover the bare roots.

Top dressing

How to treat victoria in the fall after the pruning stage? To improve the formation of the plant in the new season of leafy and fruit buds it is necessary to feed it. Over the winter, Victoria will accumulate the right amount organic and mineral substances. You can spread fertilizers immediately after the end of the mustache and leaf trimming procedure, that is, in September. The most best views plant food is humus, compost, barn. From mineral fertilizers it is recommended to use or superphosphate. You can prepare this mixture yourself: 2 large spoons are mixed with 200 g wood ash... The resulting powder must be dissolved in 10 liters of water. Pour this mixture over each bush. Mulch the soil after watering.

Preparing for the cold

How to process Victoria in the fall so that it overwinters well? In areas where there is a lot of snow, Victoria is not afraid of cold weather. But its absence can be detrimental to the plant. Therefore, it is recommended to cover strawberries for the winter. Straw is suitable for mulching. Each bush is carefully covered with it. You can use peat, tree leaves (fallen off), or corn stalks - anything that can be found in your area and garden. Sometimes a special covering material is bought for Victoria - lutrasil or spunbond. Knowing how to properly process Victoria in the fall, you will save plants from severe frosts, and next year you will get a rich harvest of tasty and large strawberries.

Juicy, tasty, aromatic strawberries bring us a lot of pleasure and benefits. It is especially pleasant when the crop is grown with my own hands... Like any other crop, strawberries require some maintenance. Much depends on the fall preparation for winter. Experienced gardeners know everything without prompts, but for beginners, information about what activities should be carried out in autumn time so that the berry bushes will successfully overwinter and please the next season with a good harvest.

Strawberry care in autumn

In the autumn, strawberries continue to be watered, loosened, fertilized. It is also necessary to monitor the appearance of pests and correctly trim the bushes before wintering. The entire harvest by this time has already been harvested and the bushes are in a period of relative dormancy. We need to help them recover before winter so that the plants can successfully survive the frost.

On a note! Autumn - the right time for transplanting or planting strawberries. It is easy to propagate it in a vegetative way.

Many gardeners in the old fashioned way cut off all the leaves on the strawberry bushes. However, more modern way pruning is done differently. It is undesirable to completely deprive plants of foliage for the reason that this will greatly weaken them. The bushes will strive to build up the vegetative mass again, as a result there will be almost no forces left for the formation of peduncles, which means that the amount of harvest in the next season will be less.

For the procedure, it is recommended to use a sharp pruner or garden shears, but in no case pick off the leaves with your hands - this will damage the stem and roots, as the bush may be half pulled out of the soil. It is better to hold the event on a dry, fine day, in the morning or in the evening. For autumn pruning strawberries have their own rules:

  • It will be necessary to remove all damaged and diseased leaves that have spots, as well as those that lie on the ground. It is best to move the foliage off site and burn it to reduce the risk of disease to other crops.
  • In the event that the strawberry is affected by a fungus, it is recommended to completely remove all the leaves.
  • The height of the bushes after pruning should be at least 10 cm, the stems should not be cut at the root, otherwise you can remove the generative buds from which young shoots develop.
  • If you do not plan to propagate the berry, you need to cut off all the extra mustache.
  • For reproduction, rosettes are left that have formed on the first 2-3 whiskers closer to the mother bush.
  • Young bushes planted in the current season are not cut off - this will make it easier for them to winter.
  • If weeds have grown nearby, they are cut and left in the garden as mulch.

On a note! The whiskers should not be cut off at the root, it is recommended to leave areas 8-10 cm long from the base of each of them. If you do not plan to transplant strawberries, do not keep a lot of whiskers in the garden.

The plants must be fed immediately after pruning. It will be good to use organics at this time:

Ash can be applied dry and in the form of infusion. As a fertilizer, 150-200 g of ash are scattered on one square meter earth, or the same amount of a substance is diluted in 10 liters of water, 0.5 liters of infusion will need to be added under each bush. This substance is rich in all elements vital for plants. After its introduction, it is no longer required to additionally use phosphorus and potash fertilizers.

Bird droppings has a good effect on the development of berry bushes and crop formation. It is used not only in the autumn, but also in spring time... This fertilizer is considered highly concentrated; it must be diluted in water in a ratio of 1:10. The composition should be infused for two days, after which it is suitable for use. Fertilizers are applied closer to the ground, being careful not to get on the leaves and stems of the strawberries.

Compost is decomposed food and plant waste. Its introduction not only nourishes the crop, but also improves the structure of the soil. In autumn, it is better to add unripe compost, which will gradually re-heat during the winter, and warm the roots of the plants. The fertilizer is mixed with the ground and laid out under the bushes.

Rotten manure best used in liquid form. Its introduction in autumn for berry crops is approved by experts. To prepare the nutrient solution, use a kilogram of mullein per bucket of water. Fertilizer needs to be insisted a little, then strain and use for watering in the aisles.

Advice! Sowing siderates will be useful for strawberries. Rye, wheat, rapeseed, oats, phacelia are sown in the aisles immediately after pruning. By the time of frost, a real green carpet will grow in the strawberry beds, which will serve to warm the culture and enrich the soil.

Preparing strawberries for winter: video

Watering is necessary for strawberries until the very end of the growing season. Of course, in autumn, berry bushes no longer need such abundant moisture as during berry ripening or in hot weather.

If regular rains have begun, they can completely cover the plants' need for moisture. However, it is still recommended to water the strawberries in dry and warm autumn. Particular attention should be paid to young, recently planted bushes. For successful rooting, the soil under them must always be slightly moistened. After each watering, the aisles must be loosened.

On a note! Strawberries have superficial root system, therefore, the ground under the bush is loosened, stepping back from it by 12-15 cm.

Before covering the bushes for the winter, it is necessary to carry out preventive treatment against pests and diseases. Most popular disinfectant is a 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid. Some use pharmacy brilliant green for this purpose. To prepare the solution, it is enough to dilute 10-15 drops of brilliant green in 10 liters of water. You can also use an ammonia solution by adding 3-4 tbsp. tablespoons of this substance in a bucket of water.

Autumn time is good because you can use it without fear. chemical agents, the whole crop has already been harvested, which means harmful substances will not end up on your table. Even strong insecticides can be used at this time of year if needed. For lovers of ecological methods of struggle, there is whole line biological products that strengthen the immunity of the plant, affect pests, improve the condition of the soil. Among them are Zircon, Fitoverm, Fitosporin, Aktofit.

When to start preparing for winter by region

The goal of the gardener should be to prepare the strawberry bushes in advance for winter. Indeed, after pruning or transplanting, plants need time to recover and adapt. They must have time to come to their senses, release new shoots and grow roots, so work cannot be carried out just before the frosts. Specific dates preparatory work depend on the region. Additionally, you need to pay attention to what the weather is like.

The more time the strawberries have to recover, the better. Even if autumn spoils with warm weather, it is best to finish pruning the berries and process them in early September. Let the plants gain strength before sheltering for the winter, because fruiting seriously depletes the berries, especially when it comes to remontant varieties.

A feature of the Ural climate is the unpredictability of the weather and the early probability of frost. It is not recommended to mow strawberries here for the reason that they will not have time to recover before the onset of frost. When the berry is left without leaves, flower buds are laid reluctantly and the yield may decrease the next year. In the event that the plants are affected by ticks and fungal diseases, the leaves are cut a month earlier than in the Moscow region, that is, in July.

In the conditions of the short Siberian summer, strawberries of early maturing varieties are grown and they begin to prepare them for winter immediately after harvesting. In early August, old plants are removed. lower leaves and the remaining peduncles. It is also necessary to remove from under the bushes the old mulch in which the gray mold spores have settled. Pruning is not carried out on young and healthy bushes. In the fall, they only feed and water the plants so that they continue to develop in the time remaining until winter.

V Leningrad region most often happens rainy autumn, so it is better to mow the bushes in August. In conditions high humidity are developing with great speed fungal diseases and rot. If you leave the foliage on the bushes, in the spring the strawberries will be affected by numerous diseases, the harvest will be of poor quality. It will be necessary to cover the plants after the ground is frozen. On the eve of this event, the ridge is cleaned of old plants, dried peduncles and excess mustaches.

Features of preparing for the winter of different types of strawberries

Regular and remontant strawberries have their own characteristics that must be taken into account when holding autumn events. Common varieties stop bearing fruit quite early, while remontant varieties continue to bloom until frost. Preparation for winter is required to be carried out, taking into account life cycle plants.

After the pruning, feeding and treatment from pests have been carried out, it is the turn of preparing for the winter. The bushes winters well under the snow, but the gardener cannot know in advance how snowy the winter will be. For reliability, it is better to mulch strawberries with plant materials.

The use of pine needles is recognized as the ideal option. The needles do not stick together, do not absorb excessive moisture, and scares off mice. If you find it difficult to get spruce branches or coniferous litter, use compost, humus, straw for shelter. Some install arcs over the bed, which are then covered with spunbond.

On a note! For covering procedures, be sure to wait for frost, low temperatures at the beginning of winter they will serve as a kind of hardening for strawberries and the bushes will more easily endure wintering.

Planting strawberries in autumn

Repairing strawberry varieties require more attention and care. If they are not properly prepared for winter, the next season's harvest will be very poor. Such strawberries should go into the winter saturated with moisture, so they need water-charging irrigation. Water the bushes regularly warm water, in the morning or evening.

You need to be prepared for the fact that some of the actively bearing plants will die out due to the heavy load and you may need to replant young bushes. The best time for this - August. Until the very frost, it is necessary to monitor the plants and cut off all flower stalks until the berries are under the snow. Without a mulch layer, it is difficult for a culture of remontant varieties to overwinter. Use the same mulch for her as for the usual varieties: spruce branches, pine needles, straw.

Preparing strawberries for wintering: video

Those who have been growing strawberries for a long time have accumulated in their arsenal little tricks that help to increase the yield of the harvest and improve the quality of berries. What do they recommend experienced summer residents in the care of berry bushes in the fall? Here's what:

  • In the process of growing strawberry bushes, their roots are exposed, it is important to huddle the plants in front of the shelter in order to avoid freezing of the root system.
  • When in doubt about whether to produce for the winter cardinal pruning bushes or leave strawberries to winter with leaves - check both options. Trim the plants on one side of the bed and leave them as they are on the other. Subsequently, the harvest will tell you in what form the strawberry winters better.
  • For a bountiful harvest, choose varieties that bear fruit well: Queen Elizabeth, Albion, Lord, Russian size, Elsanta and others.
  • When introducing top dressing, do not use fertilizers that contain chlorine, strawberries react extremely negatively to chlorine-containing substances.
  • Mulch not only conserves moisture for the roots and protects them from the cold, the mulch layer prevents various pests and pathogens from penetrating the root system. It is necessary to mulch strawberry bushes twice a year.
  • Do not transplant strawberries if the ground is already frozen. If you did not manage to plant in time, postpone it until spring, otherwise the young seedlings will not survive the winter.
  • After the snow covers the ground, shovel the snow onto the berry garden with a shovel - this is the best and warmest shelter for strawberries.

There is nothing surprising in the fact that strawberries, like other crops, require adherence to certain agricultural techniques. If you follow all the recommended rules, you can grow as many delicious berries, which is enough not only for serving, but also remains for sale or processing. Strawberries are loved by adults and children, but they are quite expensive, so it makes sense to grow them in your own dacha.

Autumn processing is a guarantee of a rich and high-quality harvest in the coming season. Cut and remove old leaves, loosen and feed, cover the plants on winter period- this is the basic care of strawberries. Autumn works with this culture, they begin after the fruiting phase.

Weeding and loosening

A basic rule of thumb for pruning: don't overdo it. At each bush, you need to cut off the leaf blade itself, keeping the protruding stems. Thus, the growing point remains intact, and the bushes soon begin to put out new leaves. All tendrils of berry bushes also need to be removed.

Top dressing

Fertilization is another important stage in the question of how to care for strawberries in the fall. The plant responds well to organic nutrients: poultry (chicken) droppings, horse manure, mullein or humus. Also, gardeners often bring in (it replaces feeding well).

As for mineral fertilizers, you can use superphosphate or potassium salt.

Important!It is highly undesirable to introduce chlorine-containing substances as fertilizer, since the strawberry plant does not react well to chlorine.

First, humus, mullein, or are laid out in small pieces in all the beds. Rains and planned irrigation will gradually dilute fertilizers, evaporating from them useful material and delivering them deep into the strawberry root system.

However, the method of beds works much faster. For this purpose, fresh droppings are dissolved in water in a ratio of 1:20 and thoroughly mixed. Then the resulting liquid is poured under the berry bushes. Consumption for 7-10 bushes is approximately 1 bucket of composition. In case of use mineral dressings they are scattered over the site, sealed with a hoe into the ground. It is immediately necessary to water. So that, after moistening the soil, a crust does not form on its surface, the site is mulched or needles. In the future, it will be possible to loosen the soil and water the plants through the layer.

Soil renewal

If you have a small land plot and from year to year you have to grow the same plant culture in one place, naturally, the soil needs renewal (improvement). In the old earth, causative agents of fungal diseases accumulate, and the number of nutrients also decreases.

The whole secret of the renewal of the land lies in the enhanced cultivation techniques. For example, you can create recessed or raised beds by filling them with humus or compost. In such conditions, there is a partial replacement of the soil, microorganisms are intensively functioning, processing organic matter into a new soil. In addition, the berries are supplied in abundance with nutrients.
Plants can be protected from and thanks to the treatment of the soil under the strawberries in the fall. Do not forget also that the beds need to be mulched from time to time. Mulch will serve as a barrier to the penetration of infections on the aerial parts of strawberry plants.

Autumn transplant

For transplanting, take one- or two-year-old bushes, previously divided into parts. You can also use the growth formed on the antennae. The transplant is performed primarily with the aim of rejuvenating the planting. For 3-4 years, berry bushes age, the number of flower stalks decreases, and the berries themselves become smaller.

It is carried out in the fall, since during this period the soil is more humid and warmer, and the weather is cool. Start replanting the bushes in mid-August and finish in the first weeks of September. This gives the plant time to take root, take root and grow a good green mass.
Before winter, the strawberries will go strong and dressed in lush foliage. Most of the seedlings transplanted during this period easily tolerate the winter, and begin to bloom. Thus, autumn transplant is the best answer to the question of how to prepare strawberries for winter.