How to feed Victoria after picking berries. How to feed and how to care for strawberries in spring? How to feed garden Victoria in spring

Strawberries are grown in garden plots for the opportunity to feast on delicious vitamin berries in the summer and make fragrant preparations for the winter. A good harvest is the result of invested labor, so caring for a berry includes carrying out certain necessary measures.

One of them is the application of fertilizers in the spring, since the basis for a regular high-quality harvest is laid precisely in the spring. Applying the right fertilizer on time will help the development of a strong healthy strawberry bush with large and sweet berries.

In the spring, after the snow melts and the topsoil dries up, you need to prepare the planting of strawberries for all the work necessary for it. Initially, the plants are freed from winter shelter and remnants of dry foliage, then the soil is loosened, weeds and plant roots in the soil are removed.

It is imperative to conduct a visual inspection of each bush - cut off dry leaves and tops, the neck of the strawberry should be 4-5 mm higher than the soil level (its deepening can lead to root rot).

When to apply top dressing

Throughout the season, mandatory feeding is performed in the following periods:

  • April - early May - fertilization stimulates the growth of shoots and leaves;
  • July, the end of fruiting - fertilizers are necessary for the formation of new roots, contribute to the laying of flower buds;
  • mid-September - nutrients will help the plant gain strength before wintering.

Spring fertilization

In the spring, when the plants wake up, an active build-up of green mass begins, and top dressing affects the formation of large healthy leaves, strong, dense stems. Their condition, in turn, is the key to the harvest of large and high-quality fruits.

A necessary component for the growth of the aerial part is nitrogen, the source of which is humus, bird droppings, mullein, and mineral fertilizers. Along with nitrogen, microelements are a necessary component of fertilizing, which help to more easily endure drought, prolonged rains, low temperatures and resist infections. Their presence accelerates growth, bud formation, ripening of fruits with good taste.

When can you fertilize:

  • when you first visit the garden plot, when the snow has not yet melted, scatter mineral fertilizers and ash directly over the snow - dissolving, together with the melted water, they will go into the ground;
  • if the first visit happened later, when the soil has dried up, add mineral fertilizers to the soil when loosening, then water the plantings (you can immediately use fertilizers in liquid form);
  • in the case when the land is dry and there is little water on the site, foliar dressing is carried out on the leaves or fertilizers are applied before the rain.

Natural fertilizers

Fertilizers based on natural compounds without the use of chemicals are very popular due to their availability and low financial costs.

Mullein feeding

Mullein (manure) of two types can replace chemical fertilizers with nitrogen:

  • a mixture of pure manure with straw or peat (bedding mullein), rich in potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen;
  • pure manure (bedless mullein), which contains 50-70% nitrogen.

Clean manure is preferred due to its high nitrogen content. On its basis, an infusion is prepared: a bucket, 1/3 of the volume, is filled with a mullein and filled with water, the infusion is fermented under a lid (warm) for 5-7 days.

It is necessary to use the infusion in a solution (1 liter of infusion + 10 liters of water), pouring 500 ml of liquid onto one bush.

Watering from above (from a watering can, spray bottle) helps protect against fungal infections (powdery mildew, spotting).

Feeding chicken droppings

Chicken manure contains 3-4 times more nutrients than other natural fertilizers. A solution based on it is a fast-acting organic fertilizer that promotes the reproduction of necessary microorganisms in the soil.

You can prepare an infusion from fresh chicken manure in the same way as an infusion of mullein, but a smaller amount of infusion is taken to prepare the solution - 500 ml. Pour 500 ml of solution onto the bush. Failure to comply with the fertilization rate can lead to the death of the plant.

When using store-bought droppings in dried form, refer to the accompanying instructions.

Reference! Feeding with chicken droppings is carried out in April - mid-May, when the soil warms up and dries up. It is recommended to use it once every 2-3 years.

Fertilizing with humus

Humus is manure aged 1-2 years. Compost, well-rotted bedding for poultry, rotted leaves can also be considered humus. The humus contains nitrogen in large quantities, so its use is necessary for spring feeding.

The humus should be scattered over the ridge between the strawberry bushes, covering the bare roots. This fertilizer is especially important for strawberries at the age of 2-3 years, when the bushes are above the soil surface like bumps.

Information! The disadvantage of organics is that there is no way to find out the amount of minerals in their composition in order to regulate the rates of feeding.

Top dressing with wood ash

Wood ash contains micro and macro elements necessary for the growth of strawberries, but it does not contain nitrogen. Therefore, spring feeding with ash should be combined with nitrogen fertilizing (mullein, droppings, ammonium nitrate, urea).

In this case, one nuance must be taken into account - with the simultaneous introduction of ash, which is an alkali, and nitrogen fertilizers, the reaction of converting nitrogen into ammonia, which belongs to volatile compounds, occurs.

Important! First, nitrogen fertilizers are applied, and the ash is used after 5-7 days, when they are assimilated.

How to feed with ash:

  • stir 1 glass of ash in 10 liters of water and, until it settles to the bottom, pour the strawberry bush under the root (500 ml);
  • pouring from a watering can to wet the leaves, then immediately spray the ash through a sieve onto the leaves - part of the ash will be absorbed, and part, falling to the ground, will fall into the ground.

Reference! When burning potato tops from one hundred square meters, you get one bucket of ash. Ash can be obtained by burning cut branches, grass, leaves, but the content of trace elements in different types of ash will be different.

Fertilizers based on pharmaceutical preparations

At home, there are always means and preparations on the basis of which you can independently prepare effective and safe fertilizers for strawberries.

Fertilizer with ammonia

Ammonia is an excellent fertilizer that contains nitrogen compounds (ammonia). In addition, its specific smell is not pleasant to strawberry pests (strawberry weevil, May beetle larvae, aphids), and disinfecting properties help fight fungal infections.

To prepare a fertilizer solution, dilute 2-3 tbsp. l. 10% ammonia in 10 liters of water. Such a solution is suitable for watering the soil around the bushes and for processing the above-ground part of the plant.

Important! Work on the preparation of the product should be carried out either outdoors or in a well-ventilated room - ammonia vapors are very volatile.

Iodine based fertilizer

Iodine is an essential component for the life of all living organisms on Earth. It is also necessary for strawberries - it participates in nitrogen metabolism and, as an antiseptic, helps in the fight against diseases.

In practice, gardeners have tested various solutions based on iodine - 3 drops - 1 / 2h. l. for 10 liters of water. Each of the solutions benefits strawberries when processed to prevent fungal infections.

Folk ways of making fertilizers for strawberries

Among gardeners, fertilizer recipes are in circulation, which have been successfully used for decades and give a good effect.

Fertilizer with sour milk

Strawberries love soils with medium acid composition, and sour milk can be added to the soil to achieve the desired acid balance. The amount of milk depends on the pH of the soil, but, most often, a solution is prepared in a 1: 2 ratio.

A solution of sour milk is applied either to the soil, at a distance of 7-10 cm from the plant, or it is sprayed with a strawberry bush.

Reference! Strawberries are processed with a solution of sour milk in the spring and after harvesting the berries in mid-September.

Yeast fertilizer

The use of yeast is an easy and simple way to improve the structure of the soil without the use of chemicals. Once in the soil, single-celled organisms make organic matter more accessible, contributing to its rapid decomposition. The composition of the soil becomes richer in amino acids, trace elements, organic iron, nitrogen, phosphorus. Yeast feeding affects the growth of roots, which is important for the life of the plant.

Fertilizer preparation from yeast:

  • in a jar with a volume of 3 liters, put 12 g of dry yeast or 25 g raw, add 4-5 tbsp. l. sugar and pour warm water up to the shoulders;
  • mix the ingredients well, put the jar in a warm place;
  • when foam appears, pour the wort into a bucket (10 l) and add warm water to the full volume;
  • watering rate for one bush (under the root) - 0.5-1l.

When applying yeast fertilizers, you need to adhere to the rules:

  • yeast does not multiply at low temperatures, therefore, it is recommended to apply fertilizers with yeast at a soil temperature of at least + 20 ° С;
  • the fermentation process takes potassium and calcium from the soil, so it is imperative to add ash to the soil after feeding with yeast.

Bread based fertilizer

The yeast found in breads acidifies the soil, helps the strawberry root system to strengthen and get enough nutrition.

Bread should be soaked in water for 6-8 days, then a 1:10 solution should be prepared on its basis. Use as a yeast fertilizer.

Infusion of nettles and weeds

To prepare such a fertilizer, any weeds from the garden are suitable: nettle, sow thistle, clover, dandelions, wheatgrass, etc. Put the grass in a container and fill it with warm water, insist for 7-14 days, stirring the contents every day. The fermentation process takes place with the formation of foam on the surface of the liquid. When the liquid acquires a deep dark color and there is no foam on its surface, the infusion is ready.

You need to use a strong infusion for irrigation in a solution of 1:10, for spraying - 1:20.

An infusion of one nettle is prepared in the same way.

Fertilizing strawberries with mineral fertilizers

Mineral fertilizers differ in the rate of absorption of nutrients into the soil:

  • highly mobile - phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, nitrogen;
  • low mobile - boron, iron, manganese, copper.

The increase in yield is influenced by the spring application of mineral fertilizers:

  1. Use a mixture of ammophoska and ammonium nitrate (2: 1) in liquid form at 15g per 1m².
  2. Nitroammofoska is effective on clay soils (use according to instructions).
  3. Complex fertilizers Kemira Lux, Ryazanochka.
  4. Urea contains nitrogen more than other fertilizers - 46%. Interacting with air, it is converted into ammonia - a volatile compound, therefore, it can be used dry, sprinkling and embedding in the soil, or in the form of a solution (1 tbsp. L per 10 l). It can be used on soils of any composition, since the fertilizer has a slightly acidic reaction.
  5. Ammonium nitrate (35% nitrogen) is used in the form of a solution prepared according to the instructions for fertilization and for the destruction of infection in the soil. Fertilizer increases the acidity of the soil, so it must be used in combination with dolomite flour.
  6. Nitroammofoska (nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus) is applied in the spring, if superphosphate and potassium salt were not added in the fall.

Reference! Apply urea, ammonium nitrate, nitroammofosk in dry form, sprinkling on moistened soil in 1 tbsp. l. per 1m², or in the form of a solution - 1 tbsp. l. 10L for 1m².

When using mineral fertilizers, one should take into account the fact that excess nitrogen in the soil can accumulate in plants and fruits in the form of nitrates. Once in the body, nitrates, in some diseases, can be converted into nitrites - poisonous compounds, therefore, compliance with the dosage is mandatory when preparing mineral fertilizers.

Feeding young strawberries

Young plantings of strawberries, made in autumn, do not need to be fertilized in spring. But, if desired, you can apply top dressing in the form of a solution of 0.5 liters of mullein infusion (chicken droppings) and 1 tbsp. l. sodium sulfate in 10 liters. water. Consumption per bush - 1 liter.

Spring fertilizer for adult strawberry bushes

Strawberries, which have been growing on the site for several years, need nutrients, since the soil is depleted without fertilization and their lack affects the quality and quantity of the crop.

Top dressing options:

  1. In the spring, adult bushes can be fed with the same fertilizer as young plants, adding, when loosening, before watering, 2 glasses of ash per 1m².
  2. A good effect is given by spraying the bushes during the growth period with nettle infusion.
  3. One of the means: a composition of a solution of mullein and water (1: 5), a solution of superphosphate (60g per 10l), an ash solution (100-150g per 10l) pour into the grooves, 4-5 cm deep, dug around the bush. Then sprinkle the grooves with earth and sprinkle with water. Fertilizer consumption for 3-4m length - one bucket.
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Spring is a time of renewal, hope and work. Strawberry-related activities of gardeners usually begin in April.

After the ground dries up, you can go to the beds to carry out the spring renewal.

One of the important activities for gardeners is feeding strawberries in the spring, when the harvest of the year is laid.

Spring for strawberries starts in April.

Considered a cultivated plant, it has the habits of a wild plant, is cautious, waits for warmth, does not rush to throw out fresh leaves until the sun settles in the sky in springtime.

Note: there is no need to wait until the strawberries wake up, it is important to perform three types of work in order to count on a good harvest, preferably before it spills.

You need to spend:

  • cleaning;
  • processing;
  • top dressing.

After that, the strawberry is simply obliged to actively bloom and bear fruit. And the gardener should wait for an excellent harvest and, of course, regularly weed the beds if there is no covering material or mulch.

Lazy Gardener Tip: do not expose the earth, observe nature, the best mistress of the earth: you will not find a bare piece of land, it does not allow the soil to overheat and dry out. Buy a covering material, the waste is small, and the berry will be clean, and the weed will not break through, and the soil is protected.


If mulch was laid in the winter, it must be removed in the spring.

It was used during the winter as a warm blanket that must be thrown off when it gets warm.

Mulch should also be removed because it interferes with the heating of the rhizome, while the upper shoots are enjoying the sunlight.

Note: a large number of different pests, insects, weevils, pests accumulate in the old mulch. You need to remove the mulch before they wake up, and the air temperature has not exceeded 8 ° - 10 °.

The mulch is best burned along with the rotten leaves, while reducing the countless army of insect pests.


Strawberry pests

Spring treatment, starting with the destruction of mulch, should be continued by spraying with chemicals to combat:

  • gray and black rot;
  • powdery mildew;
  • leaf spot;
  • snails, wireworms, other pests that slow down plant growth and reduce yields.

Early spring application of Bordeaux mixture is widely used. This is a fungicide for the lazy. It is carried out at the end of March before the first shoots appear immediately after the snow has melted.

Responsible summer residents use a weak solution of potassium permanganate, sulfamide, sulfur. If in the past year there were many pests on garden strawberries, sulfuric acid can be used, it will keep only the roots of the plant alive, but this is a radical method that requires deep knowledge and preparation.

It should be noted: it is difficult and troublesome to work with chemistry. Processing is best done once a year with Bordeaux, comprehensively spraying the entire garden-garden completely from start to finish.

After winter, we actively rely on vitamins, winter exhausts not only a person.

Long periods of cold also leave their mark on plants that need to be fed with nutrients.

In the spring, fertilizers are applied, filled with minerals necessary for growth and productivity. The main thing is to observe the measure, to comply with the dosage requirements.

Spring feeding is necessary for the plant to become strong, healthy, resistant to pests and diseases.

The first feeding is carried out using:

  • manure;
  • humus;
  • chicken droppings;
  • fermented milk products;
  • nitrogen fertilizers;
  • potash fertilizers.

In most cases, strawberries almost completely deplete the soil in which they grow in three years, and in this case, a rich harvest can be expected only when feeding the plants, or when replanting them to new beds. Since feeding takes less time and effort, most gardeners prefer it. If the strawberries are more than three years old, then for a good harvest they need to be fed three times:

When the first leaves appear;

When buds appear;

When the berries themselves are set.

The most favorable time for the first feeding is mid to late April (depending on the climatic zone). You must first remove garbage from the beds: leaves, branches, etc. Next, spread manure, mullein or chicken droppings in a very thin layer around the seedlings (at the very roots) (so that the earth is visible through the top dressing), then fill the fertilizer with soil from above (the height of the soil is no more than a couple of centimeters).

The second feeding must be done no later than mid-late May, as soon as the first flowers appear. For the second feeding, use ash and iodine: pour a glass of ash with boiling water, strain and pour the resulting liquid from a bucket filled with warm water (10 liters). Add 30 drops of iodine to the water and pour 500-700 ml of the mixture over each strawberry bush.

The third feeding, as mentioned above, must be carried out before the ovary of berries. The best during this period is feeding in the form of infusion of weeds. It is done as follows: weed the beds, chop the weeds and fill a bucket with them. Fill everything with water and let it brew for a week in a warm room. Strain the mixture, dilute with water 1: 1 and pour the strawberries under the root per liter per bush. Some gardeners add yeast to this top dressing (200 grams per 10 liters of the mixture), but this should not be done. The fact is that you will not see a special result on the growth of berries from yeast, but you will make the soil stony.

How to feed strawberries in spring without chemicals

If you do not want to use purchased preparations as top dressing, then use either chicken manure (it is advisable to use it only in early spring), manure, mullein, or weed infusions, which necessarily include nettle. Two-year-old bushes can be fed enough in the form of ash (a glass of dry ash under the root of each bush), three-four-year-old ones need more abundant nutrition: humus mixed with sawdust, crushed pine bark, compost, etc.

1. Once the snow has melted and the ground is dry, clean the strawberry beds. Use a fan rake to rake last year's leaves.

2. Trim old leaves from bushes. Remove plant debris: mustache, flower stalks, dry berries. They may have diseases.

3. Thoroughly loosen the soil so that the roots breathe and the soil warms up better.

4. After loosening, the strawberries need to be fed. Any water-soluble product or organic fertilizer can be used.

5. An important procedure for caring for strawberries in early spring is watering the plant with hot water with the addition of potassium permanganate. Use 250 ml liquid at 60 ° C per bush. This solution fights insects and pests.

6. Very often strawberries are exposed to diseases, especially from spotting. It is better to deal with this in early spring with the help of special preparations. It is also recommended to use ash, because it copes well with pests and diseases. For prevention, sprinkle it on strawberry leaves.

7. Pour compost under the bushes and aisles.

Feeding strawberries during flowering

During the formation of berries, strawberries require a large amount of potassium. That is why the introduction of chicken manure, ash, or potassium nitrate in the form of infusions will be especially useful at this time.

Foliar dressing

Spraying with solutions rich in trace elements carried out at the beginning of flowering will allow the plant to gain additional strength. This will certainly affect the future harvest, because the berries will turn out to be larger. To carry out top dressing, a pinch of boric acid must be added to a bucket of water.

You can also use fully prepared fertilizers that are designed specifically for garden strawberries. Feeding with the use of such complex preparations will increase the yield up to 30%.

You can use the following composition:
- potassium sulfate (2 grams);
- potassium permanganate (2 grams);
- boric acid (1 gram);
- complex fertilizer for strawberries.

Dilute the mixture in a bucket of water and carefully process the bushes, paying special attention to the inside of the leaf. The fact is that it is its lower part that absorbs the greatest amount of fertilizer.

Strawberry yeast dressing
More recently, gardeners have discovered a new type of feeding - ordinary yeast. Fertilizer is versatile and can be used not only for strawberries.

You can feed the bushes twice during the whole season. To prepare the composition, you will need:
- fresh pressed yeast (1 kg);
- water (5 liters).

Just dilute the yeast with water and leave to infuse. Before feeding, take 0.5 liters of the finished infusion and dilute it again in 10 liters of water. For each bush, 0.5 liters of fertilizer under the root is quite enough.

If you wish, you can also use quick dry yeast. In this case, take:
- dry yeast (sachet);
- granulated sugar (2 large spoons).

Mix the sugar with the yeast and pour in a little warm water for the yeast to start working. Dissolve the mixture in a bucket of water and let sit for 2 hours. After that, water the strawberries, adding 0.5 liters of fertilizer to one watering can.

Top dressing during fruiting
Fertilizing strawberries during fruiting
You should not give up fertilizing during the fruiting period of strawberries. As practice shows, only the first berries are especially large. The second and third crop streams are not so beautiful anymore. Top dressing will help to fix such a nuisance. Of course, it's up to you to feed the bushes or not.

The following formulations can be used:
- dilute compost (4 kg) with water and water the plants under the root;
- Pour dry mullein (3 kg) with water and let it brew for several days, then water the bushes;
- dissolve chicken droppings in water, observing a ratio of 1:10, let it brew for 3 days and water the plants without touching the leaves and berries.

Useful Tips

Summer feeding of strawberries during flowering and fruiting is essential if you really want to get a high-quality berry harvest. But it is important to remember:
- Feeding blooming strawberries can be carried out only once, using any of the selected formulations.
- Top dressing using organic matter allows you to get not only a high-quality, but also a completely safe harvest. After all, the berries do not receive any "chemistry".
- Any fertilization must be carried out on wet soil. Ideally after a good rain or watering.
- If you carry out the usual feeding, then try to prevent the solution from getting on the berries and leaves of the plant

Rules according to which spring feeding of strawberries is carried out

In addition, fertilizer for strawberries in the spring is permissible to dig in between the rows. The depth of such a hole is supposed to be done at 8-10 cm. After fertilization, all the bushes must be well watered.

Foliar feeding of strawberries in spring will be the most effective. Since during this period the leaves are actively growing and there will be practically no loss of fertilizer. Moreover, such dressings are supposed to be done three times. First, on young green leaves, then at the beginning of flowering and complete such feeding you need to use green ovaries.

Moreover, spraying is carried out only after watering, so as not to wash off the fertilizer. And choose a dry day for this. It has been experimentally established that the lower part of plant leaves absorbs 10 times more fertilizers. Therefore, the treatment is recommended to be carried out on both sides of the leaves.

Foliar feeding of strawberries in spring

As an option, for spraying, you can give the following solution: for 10 liters of water, take 3 g of manganese potassium and 2 g of boric acid, add fertilizers that were used during planting. Such a mixture turns out to be suitable if the question of how to feed the strawberries in the spring before flowering is being decided.

When the first flowers have already appeared on the bushes, then the indicated values ​​for fertilizers are supposed to be halved. Plus, the use of potassium sulfate is allowed. It will take 2 g.

The main purpose for which the spring feeding of strawberries is carried out is related to the strengthening of the bushes and the acceleration of their growth. So that later strong ovaries form on them. Therefore, spraying with a solution of a mixture of trace elements is effective. There is no excess urea.

How to feed strawberries in spring without chemicals?

As a fertilizer for strawberries to increase the yield, you can use folk remedies. First on this list is wood ash. It serves as a source of potassium. Moreover, this is such a fertilizer that does not require preliminary preparation. It is enough just to sprinkle ash on the soil and loosen it. The optimal consumption is considered to be 200 ml of ash (this is approximately the volume of one glass) per square meter of the garden. This fertilization of strawberries is carried out in early spring, when flowering has already begun.

Continues the list of mullein

It requires preliminary preparation. First, pour manure with water in a ratio of 1 to 15, that is, take one manure for 15 liters of water. Leave the mixture for two weeks. Add urea to the infusion in the amount of a matchbox and wood ash (100 g) for every 10 liters of the mixture. Before feeding the strawberries in the spring, this infusion must be diluted.

Half a liter of such a mullein must be poured into a bucket of water and poured over strawberries. It is recommended to carry out such feeding during flowering. Repeat the procedure after 10 and 20 days. The third point is feeding strawberries in spring with chicken droppings. Such fertilizer is supposed to be prepared in the same way as mullein. Only the proportion is supposed to be slightly changed. So for 30 liters of water, you need to take 1 liter of droppings. Everything else is repeated unchanged.

The next thing to remember is the nettle infusion.

It has a beneficial effect on the growth of strawberries. You need to prepare fertilizer like this: cut the nettle; put it in a bucket; pour warm water; to cover with a lid; leave for a few days. This feeding of strawberries turns out to be most useful during the period when the crops have already been harvested from the bushes.

The fifth point of natural fertilizers is rye crusts. It is recommended to put them in a bucket, filling it 2/3 full. Pour water into a bucket and leave in a warm room for a week.

When fertilizing under strawberries, dilute it with water in a ratio of 1 to 3. The latter should be mentioned whey or any other sour milk product. To fertilize strawberries, it must be diluted (it is recommended to take 3 parts of water for one part of whey). It is worth noting that if organic mulch is regularly used on the site, then a large amount of fertilization is not required, sometimes feeding strawberries in the spring is not necessary at all.

Monitor the condition of the foliage. Because strawberries are more susceptible to soil quality rather than nutrient availability. Mulch and compost contribute to the fact that the soil is loose, worms actively reproduce in it. In such a situation, it is enough to add a new layer of compost or humus in the spring.

It is possible to get a good harvest of strawberries at their summer cottage only if the technology of its cultivation is observed. Plants should be watered, weeded and hilled on time. Also, strawberries are supposed to be transplanted to a new place from time to time. And, of course, this crop should be fertilized periodically. In this article, we'll talk about how strawberries are fed after harvest, as well as in spring and summer.

What fertilizers to use

Strawberries respond well to absolutely any kind of fertilizer, both mineral and organic. Wood ash, for example, is considered very useful for this plant. It contains just a huge amount of a wide variety of trace elements. Sometimes strawberries are fed with purchased complex fertilizers. For example, the well-known nitroammophos. It contains all the substances necessary for the good development of strawberries: nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Sometimes plants are fed with urea. This fertilizer does not burn the leaves and is inexpensive. However, you should use it carefully. In case of an overdose, the plants will no longer set fruit.

The most commonly used organic fertilizers for strawberries are cow dung and poultry manure. Experienced summer residents advise using these top dressing as carefully as possible. The fact is that they can contain weed seeds. Such organics are used both in dry form and in the form of tinctures. Mullein is prepared in a ratio of 1x10, solution of poultry droppings - 1x20.

There is one more answer to the question of what strawberries are fed with. You can use compost for these purposes. But only well rotted.

How many times per season do you need to feed

During the growing season, ordinary strawberries are fertilized at least three times. Young plants need feeding most of all during the growing period. Adult strawberries especially need nutrients during fruiting.

Top dressing in the first year

Fertilize strawberries, including the age of planting. For the first time, top dressing is applied under it in September - when preparing the beds. In this case, phosphorus fertilizers and organic matter are added to the soil in the area allocated for this berry. It is not recommended to use nitrogen fertilizers for this crop in the first year of growth. Otherwise, all the forces of the plant will be "thrown" on the development of leaves, and not berries. A good answer to the question of what strawberries are fed for a good harvest is a mixture of the following composition: 8-9 kg of humus, 80 g of superphosphate and 50 g of potassium salt. If used when planting next year, strawberries are not fertilized. But if desired, before fruiting, the bushes can be watered with a special mullein solution. For its preparation, take two glasses of manure and one tablespoon of ammonium. All this is stirred in a bucket of water and the garden is watered in the amount of one liter per bush.

Second year after planting: how to fertilize in spring

An excellent answer to the question of what strawberries are fed in spring are, first of all, nitrogen or complex compositions. This can be, for example, urea. It is bred in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. on a bucket of water and water the plants at the root. Very often, instead of urea, nitroammophoska is used in the same proportion.

Also, sometimes, to support the growth of green mass of plants, gardeners use organic matter: mullein or chicken droppings. They are used in the amount of half a liter of solution for each plant.

Summer feeding

Next, let's see how strawberries are fed during flowering and fruit set. During this period, plants require a lot of potassium. Therefore, wood ash will be the best type of feeding for them. You can also use potash nitrate or bird droppings. Ash is brought into the aisles in the amount of one handful per bush. Often a solution is prepared from it. For this, a glass of ash is poured into hot water (1 liter). The resulting mixture is infused for a day and poured into a bucket filled with heated water. Top dressing is carried out at the rate of 1 liter per bush.

Potassium nitrate is used in an amount of 100 g per 10 m 2. Poultry droppings are bred as standard. They should be watered strictly at the root.

How to feed strawberries in autumn

After harvest, the plants also need to be fertilized. Most often, ash is used at this time in the same proportions as in summer. You can add a little nitroammofoska to its solution - 2 tbsp. l.

An excellent answer to the question of what strawberries are fed in autumn is also urea. The use of this fertilizer promotes the establishment of new flower buds. Manure or compost can be used as mulch for strawberries before winter.

What you need to know

Thus, we have figured out how strawberries are fed after harvest, in spring and summer. The technology described above is considered standard. In this way, strawberries planted on nutritious garden soils are fed. However, many plots are located in areas with land that is not very suitable for growing garden crops. In this case, the plants just need to be followed. If the leaves of a strawberry suddenly turn pale, and it begins to bear fruit with very small berries, it means that it does not have enough nitrogen. That is, it should be fed with manure or urea.

If the strawberries are too acidic, some potassium fertilizer should be applied under the bushes. This can be, for example, wood ash or chicken droppings. If the leaves of the strawberry have acquired a reddish-brown hue, and its growth has slowed down, it is worth using phosphorus compounds.

How to fertilize correctly

So, you now know what strawberries are fed with. Next, let's see how to do it right. When performing an operation such as feeding strawberries, be sure to consider the fact that:

  • Fertilizer can only be applied to clean beds. That is, the planting should be cleaned of debris and all withered leaves should be cut off from the plants.
  • You cannot use any chloride fertilizers for feeding strawberries.
  • Lime the acidic soil under this crop is allowed only in the fall.
  • You can feed strawberries whenever you want. However, this should not be done more than once during the flowering period.
  • Urea, nitrophoska, etc. is what strawberries are most often fed with. Fertilizers are relatively environmentally friendly. However, their dosages should be observed exactly.
  • Chicken droppings should only be used in solution. When covered with dry, plants may stop bearing fruit.

Nettle infusion

The fertilizers described above are what strawberries are most often fed with. However, you can use other means for this garden crop. For example, recently, many owners of summer cottages prefer to use such a type of feeding for strawberries as nettle infusion. Prepare it as follows:

  • a bucket of chopped and mashed nettle is poured with heated water,
  • leave the solution to infuse for several days,
  • strain out the liquid.

The resulting infusion is used to treat plants for the first time in spring - when a bush is formed. It is also used to feed plants in the fall. As a result of the application of the infusion of nettle, very large and juicy berries grow on the bushes.

Thus, we have figured out how strawberries are fed after harvest, during flowering and fruiting. The use of all the fertilizers described above can significantly increase the yield of this crop. You can use any of them. The most important thing is to observe the dosage and application time.

Fragrant, tasty and healthy - a favorite of children and adults. How to grow such a wonderful berry in your garden and get a good harvest.

Many gardeners face difficulties growing strawberries. This berry can be capricious and requires careful maintenance. In order for the strawberries to be large and sweet, it is necessary to carry out timely feeding, watering and processing.

Spring work on the care of strawberries begins as soon as the snow has melted and the ground has dried out a little. If the beds were covered in the fall, then after the end of the frost, the shelters are removed. Next, you need to clear the beds from last year's debris, and the plants themselves from dried leaves. You should also trim off old mustaches and peduncles.

If some of the plants have died, they must be removed. A new one can be planted in their place, but only this must be done as quickly as possible so that the new bushes have time to take root before the onset of hot days.

The beds need to be loosened slightly, while not damaging the horse system. It is also necessary to update the mulch layer, if any. Pine needles, sawdust or wood ash are suitable for mulching. It will also help prevent certain pests, such as slugs, from growing in your garden beds.

Cut leaves and dry grass should be removed away, or better burned, in order to get rid of last year's and diseases. It is better to process the peeled bushes immediately, in order to prevent diseases. To do this, you can use Bordeaux liquid or other preparations containing copper. This procedure can be carried out 2 times in the spring.

Spring feeding of strawberries

Feeding strawberries in spring plays a major role in the future harvest. It will help the plant revive faster after winter and form new buds. But it is worth noting that feeding must be timely and in the correct amount. With an excess of fertilizer, the plant will overgrow, and the color and fruit will be weak and late.

Fertilizing young bushes

Top dressing of young bushes planted last year can be skipped in the spring or done with the following solution: dissolve 0.5 liters of chicken manure or cow dung in a bucket of water and 1 tbsp. spoon of sodium sulfate. Water the plants with this mixture - 1 liter for each bush.

Fertilizing adult strawberries

After 2-3 years, the soil in the beds becomes not fertile and the plant has nowhere to take useful substances. Therefore, in order to harvest a good harvest, you need to know when and how to feed strawberries. In the spring, feeding is done 3 times:

  • When the first 2-3 leaves appear
  • Before the color starts
  • During fruit formation

The first fertilization is applied in mid to late April, depending on the region. Organic fertilizers are ideal for such feeding: mullein or chicken droppings. They need to be scattered under the roots of the bushes, and a little earth should be put on top (about 2-3 cm). You can also make a liquid solution. Take a bucket of water and dissolve not 1 liter of manure. Water each bush with the resulting slurry (1 liter under the bush).

Ordinary yeast is an excellent remedy. They contain a large number of useful substances: amino acids, proteins, minerals. Feeding with yeast will ensure good growth and strengthening of the root system. It is necessary to dilute 200 g of live baker's yeast in 0.5 liters of warm water, let them stand for 20 minutes. Then pour the mixture into a container with 9 liters of water. Water each bush abundantly with this solution.

The second feeding should be done during the strawberry season. For this, it is better to take mineral fertilizers. They have a positive effect on the flavor and size of the berries. The strawberries will be large, beautiful and sweet.

For feeding, you need to prepare a solution: 2 tbsp. tablespoons of nitrophosphate, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of potassium and 10 liters of water. Each bush should be watered with such a solution under the root system. Enough 0.5 l of the mixture for each plant.

Now there is a huge selection of mineral fertilizers that can be purchased in specialized stores. But they must be used strictly according to the instructions on the package. The wrong dosage will harm the plant.

Weed infusion will be a good tool for the third feeding. After weeding, you need to collect the weeds, chop them up and fill them with water. Let it brew for about a week in a warm room, and then pour over the strawberries. Such feeding is absolutely harmless for both plants and people. But it will help increase the number of fruits and have a positive effect on the taste. Weed fertilization will protect plants from some harmful insects. An excellent top dressing is nettle infusion.

Foliar feeding of strawberries

With spring feeding, not only the root system is often fertilized, but also the bush itself.

Strawberries are sprayed with nitrogen-containing solutions or organic matter. Top dressing promotes good growth and enlargement of the ovary. When spraying, nutrients are absorbed directly into the foliage. It is necessary to carry out the procedure in dry and calm weather, in the evening.

There are two types of mineral compositions of fertilizers: highly mobile and low mobile. The former, which include phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and nitrogen, are distinguished by their rapid absorption. They instantly enter the roots, buds and foliage. The second - this is iron, boron, copper and manganese, act more slowly.

Therefore, it is important to spray the plant with special care so that the nutrients get to the right place.

Which fertilizers to choose - mineral or organic?

Many gardeners have a question: what is the best way to feed strawberries in spring - organics or minerals?

The mixtures are quite effective and give good results. But they must be used correctly and with extreme care. The instructions should be followed and overdose should be avoided. This can have a detrimental effect not only on the harvest, but also on human health. Do not add minerals later than 12-14 days before the first fruits ripen.

Feeding with organic matter will not provide the ovary of very large berries. But on the other hand, it is safe for the human body. In addition, manure and chicken droppings can be applied in any amount. Plants will take from them as many nutrients as required, not more.

It is very good to saturate the soil with wood ash. It can be used for root nutrition, as well as foliar feeding. For this, an ash extract is used.

Post-harvest strawberry care

The fruiting period of strawberries is rather short. Plants stop bearing fruit in mid-July.

And it is from the end of July to September that the foundation is laid for the next year's harvest. Therefore, during this period, strawberries also require proper care:

July and August is the time when plants begin to form new leaves, old leaves that have fulfilled their function die off, and intensive whisker growth begins. It is necessary to carefully cut off the old foliage, leaving only the young and the hearts. The mustache should also be trimmed.

After being put in order, the soil needs to be fed. It is good to use organic fertilizers - cow or horse manure. This will improve the structure of the soil and help the plants overwinter.

It is very important to remember about strawberries after the end of the harvest. The soil must be protected from drying out. Water it abundantly, but not too often.

Regularly remove the mustache from the plants so that the bushes do not spend all their energy on forming new rosettes. Trimming the mustache promotes the formation of new buds.

Watch the video to learn how to care for strawberries in spring.

If by autumn the bushes have healthy overgrown leaves, this will provide a good wintering and a high yield for the next year.

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Victoria (aka strawberry) is a favorite berry of many, with a rich and sweet taste. It contains many useful components, such as vitamin C or folic acid. If you want a fragrant and healthy berry to grow on your site, then you will need to provide it with appropriate care. Today we will talk about how and with what means Victoria is fed.

Terms of introduction

Before proceeding to feeding Victoria, you should qualitatively prepare the plant for future procedures. The soil and bushes around the plantings must be processed immediately after the snow melts and the soil is completely dry. At the same time, trimming of the whiskers is required, as well as cleaning of all yellowed leaves. The latter should be done manually - it is better to refuse to use a rake. If there are damaged parts on the bush, then they will need to be removed. Only then can you take a rake and clear the required place with it.

When in the spring season all the bushes are cleaned, they are treated for various diseases to which the culture is susceptible. Usually, iodine, potassium permanganate and boric acid diluted in water are used for this. And now let's take a closer look at what seasons Victoria is usually fed.

In the spring

With the onset of spring, the first feeding is carried out until the formation of buds. To begin with, standard care is required - you need to clean out the foliage, as well as remove already dried shoots. For the first time, it is recommended to fertilize strawberries with a fairly saturated mullein (manure), prepared from fresh raw materials. This fertilizer is prepared in this way:

  • you need to collect 1 liter of water in a bucket, and then dilute the fermented mullein in it;
  • if you do not turn to the mullein, then the first feeding is permissible with urea - for this purpose, 2 tablespoons of this mineral agent are diluted in a bucket of water, and then all the bushes are watered by 0.5 liters;
  • Victoria fertilization should be carried out after the rain, when the ground is still wet (in such conditions, the mullein will be absorbed much faster, and it usually simply spreads on dry ground).

Of course, there are many different types of fertilizers, however, mullein is the most popular. Many summer residents turn to this natural remedy. The manure contains a large percentage of phosphorus and nitrogen. The last component has a positive effect on the growth and development of planting, and phosphorus allows the ovaries to form actively. There are several basic rules for caring for Victoria in the spring.

  • Primary feeding is very often carried out at the very beginning of spring using a special preparation called "Horus" (at the rate of 12 g per bucket of water). After half a month, one more treatment is required for characteristic diseases.
  • In order to prevent Victoria's diseases, as well as to avoid the appearance of spots on them, they often turn to Topaz - 6 ml of the product will be needed for a bucket of water.
  • You can use a foliar dressing called "Plantafol" at the rate of 20 g per 10 liters. water. Means such as "Brexil Mix" or "Megafol" have a similar effect.
  • In order for the ovaries to form more actively, it is permissible to use the Boroplus agent and add 10-15 ml of it.

For spring feeding, such effective means are also used:

  • boric acid;
  • yeast;
  • ash.


Phosphorus and potassium are precisely those components that are especially needed by Victoria in the summer, during the period of her active fruiting. For this, it is permissible to use various solutions, for example, ash, which is highly efficient. If you laid ash in the spring, and you almost ran out of it, then you should turn to mineral types of fertilizers. Experts and seasoned gardeners advise turning to specialized mixtures that are designed specifically for berries.

Simple universal fertilizers for vegetables and flowers are not suitable, because their content contains an insufficient amount of trace elements. Better to turn to the more effective potassium nitrate. To do this, you will need to take 1 teaspoon of granules and dilute them in 10 liters of water. In summer, it is also permissible to use boric acid, thanks to which the plant will give even more inflorescences - here you need to take 1 teaspoon in a bucket of water.

If the rainy weather persists for a long time in summer, and the sun is rarely shown, then the plantings may be affected by the fungus. To avoid such troubles, you should mulch the land in the areas between the rows, as well as under the berry bushes themselves. For this reason, the fruits may be slightly dry, but they will not be afraid of the fungus from the soil.

It is important not to forget that during the fruiting period, it is impossible to use various chemical agents for pests in any case. It is permissible to spray plants only previously for preventive purposes.

We must not forget that in the summer of Victoria, sufficient watering is simply necessary, since during this period the berries are gaining their weight. Nutrients must dissolve in water and flow directly to the fruit.

If there is not enough water, then the feeding will not be absorbed as it should. As a result, the berries will not be very tasty, and their sweetness will be replaced by acid. If the weather is clear without rain in the summer, then strawberries should be watered about 3-4 times a week. This is necessary so that the soil is moistened to a depth of 10-12 cm.

In autumn

Many summer residents are wondering how best to feed Victoria so that it will give a rich harvest next year. Before proceeding to the autumn planting care procedures, you need to think about how long the berry grows in one place. If within 3 years, then it is better to transplant it. Otherwise, the fruits will grow small, and the yield will gradually decrease.

In the autumn, phosphorus fertilizers are most often added. The element is bound by the earth so that it remains in it until the next spring. A good solution in this case would be a supplement such as superphosphate. It can be added to the soil in a dry state by preparing the furrows around the bush, or diluted with water and watering the recesses, and then covered with earth. The process of dissolution of superphosphate occurs during the day, therefore, this agent is previously soaked and stirred from time to time, after which they proceed to watering.

Potassium will be needed so that the bush will comfortably survive the winter without negative consequences. It is permissible to add potash dressings for strawberries in September. If for this purpose we turn to natural wood ash, then at the same time it will be possible to achieve both loose soil and a decrease in the level of its acidity.

But nitrogen should not be introduced closer to winter, because it activates the growth of green mass. For this reason, the plant may simply die in the cold. For the winter, Victoria bushes should be mulched and wrapped in plastic wrap.

What fertilizers do strawberries need?

Various means are used to feed Victoria. Let's take a closer look at the most popular of them.

  • Urea. This is a top dressing in which a large percentage of nitrogen is present. In addition, it contains components such as hydrogen, oxygen and carbon. Urea must be applied directly to the ground or used as a mixture, because upon contact with air, it simply dissolves, turning into ammonia.
  • Ammonium nitrate. It is a nitric acid salt containing 35% nitrogen. Ammonium nitrate makes the soil more "acidic", so it must be combined with a special dolomite flour.
  • Nitroammofosk. Complex fertilizer containing potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. You can turn to this tool in the spring only if potassium salt or superphosphate was added to the soil in the fall.
  • Mullein. Some of the properties of mullein (manure) were mentioned above. It is a highly effective nitrogen fertilization.

  • Bird droppings. This is an effective organic fertilizer, which contains a very high content of useful microelements. The litter contains phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium and other necessary components.
  • Humus. This fertilizer is a waste of various origins. Humus can also be called simple manure, which has lain for about 1-2 years.
  • Wood ash. It is pointless to add this popular fertilizer in the spring without the use of nitrogen fertilization. Wood ash contains all the elements Victoria requires, only nitrogen is absent. If you add both ash and nitrogen-containing agents at the same time, this can lead to undesirable reactions, because ash is an alkali, and nitrogen, in combination with it, turns into rapidly evaporating ammonia.
  • Yeast. Some summer residents use proven means and feed Victoria with yeast, which is involved in the rapid decomposition of organic matter in the ground. It is only worth adding such components to warm soil, since the optimum temperature for their decomposition is +20 degrees. In the process of yeast fermentation, the soil loses a lot of potassium and calcium, therefore, immediately after processing with such agents, ash fertilizer should be used.
  • Nettle. A good top dressing for Victoria is nettle tincture. Thanks to such a tool, the yield of Victoria significantly increases, and the berries grow larger.
  • Ammonia. This remedy can be found at any pharmacy. Ammonia is a very effective substance, because it contains a nitrogen compound - ammonia.
  • Iodine. Many summer residents feed Victoria with iodine. You can use an alcohol-containing composition, which not only prevents many plant diseases, but also acts as a nitrogen catalyst.

At the beginning of the summer cottage season, in the spring, as soon as the snow melts, strawberry bushes are fed for the first time. In this case, top dressing should stimulate the growth of young leaves and shoots, and therefore contain nitrogen. We will tell in the article why it is important to feed strawberries in the spring, how to carry it out in various ways.

Features of spring feeding strawberries

In the first year of cultivation, strawberries do not need to be fed - the fertilizers that were applied during planting will be enough for them. In subsequent seasons, the culture must be fed in a timely manner. What and when? It depends on the age of the strawberry. In the second and fourth years, it should be mineral and organic fertilizers; on the third - only mineral.

Tip # 1. Fertilizers need to be applied directly under the bushes, adding two centimeters of soil, and in the aisles to a depth of 8-10 centimeters. Then water the bushes thoroughly.

You can also carry out three foliar feeding:

  1. On young leaves.
  2. During flowering.
  3. On the ovaries.

What are the benefits of strawberry yeast feeding

Spring feeding cannot be neglected

Relatively recently, it became known that yeast perfectly fertilizes all types of plants. They contain ¾ water and dry matter. In addition, they contain proteins, carbohydrates, fats, nitrogen, potassium and phosphoric acid. Amino acids are present in proteins, saturated and polyunsaturated acids in fats.

Strawberries fed with yeast receive the cytokinin, auxin, thiamine, and B vitamins that they need so much. In addition, this berry is enriched with all macro- and microelements - copper, calcium, iodine, phosphorus, potassium, iron, zinc, therefore it develops well and bears fruit.

You can feed strawberries with yeast twice a season. One 5 liter bucket is enough for 10 bushes. A pack of yeast weighing 1 kilogram is diluted with 5 liters of water. Pour 0.5 liters of the mixture under the bush. From dry yeast, top dressing is done as follows: 1 pack and 2 tablespoons of sugar are diluted in a small amount of warm water and the mixture is added to a bucket of water. Insist 2 hours.

Iodine as spring feed for strawberries

Regular iodine can prevent some diseases in strawberries by adding just a few drops to the fertilizing solution. Iodine is an antiseptic, therefore it is able to prevent the appearance of various bacterial diseases and rot in plants. For watering and spraying, a 10% alcohol solution of iodine is used.

Strawberries are fed with iodine in early spring to stimulate growth and to prevent gray mold and powdery mildew. Also, a solution of iodine is sprayed on the leaf. The concentration of iodine for foliar dressing should be less, otherwise the plant can be burned.

Top dressing of strawberries in spring with saltpeter

Strawberries need nitrogen fertilizers for good growth and flowering, as well as for obtaining a bright red large berry with an excellent taste. If there is not enough nitrogen, then the leaves will become pale, and the berries will turn out to be small and tasteless. Nitrogen is found in ammonium nitrate and urea (carbamide). Saltpeter here acts as a fertilizer together with ammonium sulfate and calcium nitrate.

Tip # 2. If there is no time to alternately add the necessary minerals, you can use a nitroammophoska.

The first time strawberries are fertilized in early spring. A solution consisting of ammonium nitrate and urea (1 tablespoon), diluted in 10 liters of water, is poured under each strawberry bush (0.5 liters). It must be remembered that an excess of this fertilizer leads to the loss of sugar in the berry.

Potash fertilizers are also important for strawberries. They increase its shelf life, improve its taste, and increase its sugar content. In spring, strawberries need to be fed with potassium nitrate, wood ash, potassium chloride, potassium sulfate. For this, the so-called tuk is suitable - mineral substances that must be mixed into the soil to saturate the soil with nutrients. Inorganic fats are:

  • nitrogen: with ammonium nitrate, urea;
  • potash: with potassium sulfate, potassium nitrate.

During the second spring feeding, strawberries can be fed with the following fertilizer: 1 tablespoon of potassium nitrate per 10 liters of water. You can feed strawberries under the roots, or you can directly on the plant, using liquid dressings.

Urea for proper strawberry fertilization

This top dressing is suitable for all types of soil. Carbamide (urea) ensures a healthy harvest due to its high nitrogen content. When using it, the main thing is to observe the dosage. If you add more than necessary, then the berries can become tasteless and watery.

If the dosage is exceeded, the strawberry leaves curl and turn dark brown. In this case, the plants need to be watered abundantly and limited to sunlight.

Why nettle is useful as a fertilizer

Nettle contains potassium (34%), magnesium (6%), calcium (37%), vitamins A, B, E, K, phytoncides, tannins, organic substances. All of them are useful for the full development and growth of strawberries. They are easy to digest. Vitamin K is involved in photosynthesis, increases plant immunity.

Nettle is used in the form of an infusion - fermented plant mass. How to cook it? Young leaves and stalks of nettles should be put in a barrel (non-metallic), filled with water and left to ferment for a week or two, stirring daily without fail. The resulting mixture is diluted with water: half a liter of infusion per 10 liters of water. Strawberries are watered with this mass.

Foliar feeding of strawberries in spring

You can prepare such a solution: for 10 liters of water, take 3 grams of manganese potassium and 2 grams of boric acid and add the fertilizers used during planting. This mixture is good for feeding strawberries before flowering. When the first flowers appear, the amount of ingredients must be halved by adding 2 grams of potassium sulfate to the mixture.

When to feed strawberries

In three years, strawberries completely deplete the soil on which they grow. Therefore, in order to ensure a good harvest, you need to either feed the plants or transplant them to a new place. Read also the article: → "". The first option is preferable, as it takes less effort and time. Approximate portions of fertilization on sod-podzolic soils for strawberries are indicated in the table:

Soil security Compost (manure), t / ha Nitrogen (N), kg d.w / ha Phosphorus (P2O5), kg d.w / ha Potassium (K2O) kg a.w / ha
Low 60-80 50-60 100 80-120
Average 40-50 30-40 80-60 50-80
High 30 10-20 40 25-40

If your strawberries are more than 3 years old, then you need to feed them three times to ensure a good harvest:

  • when the first leaves appear;
  • when the buds appear;
  • when the ovaries appear.

The most suitable time for the first feeding - depending on the climatic region - is mid to late April. First of all, remove debris from the beds - branches, leaves, etc. Around the roots of the seedlings in a very thin layer (through top dressing the earth should be visible) spread manure, chicken droppings or mullein, and fill the fertilizer with soil 2 centimeters high on top.

The second feeding is carried out in mid - late May, when the first flowers appear. It is good to use iodine and ash: pour a glass of ash with boiling water, strain and pour the resulting liquid into a bucket filled with 10 liters of warm water. Add 30 drops of iodine and pour 500-700 milliliters of the resulting mixture over each bush.

The third feeding is carried out before the ovary of berries. During this period, the best feeding is the infusion of weeds. They do it like this: weed the beds, chop up the weeds and fill a bucket with them; pour them with water and let it brew for a week in a warm room; Strain the mixture, dilute with water in a ratio of 1: 1 and water the strawberry bushes under the root (1 liter per bush). Some gardeners add yeast to such feeding (200 grams per 10 liters of mixture). But you should not do this, since this will not particularly affect the growth of berries, but the soil will become rocky.

How to feed strawberries with folk remedies

Fertilizing the soil is the most necessary for the plant, both before planting and during growth, is a must-have item of care

In addition to ready-made industrial dressings, summer residents use folk remedies for fertilizing strawberries. Everyone knows how important organic material is for plants - manure humus, chicken droppings, peat, herbal infusions and even food waste. All of these fertilizers contain a large amount of nitrogen, which is necessary for the strawberries to be large, sweet and juicy.

Tip # 3. Chicken droppings are used in liquid form: 1 liter of droppings per 10 liters of water. Such a solution must be infused for three days, otherwise you can burn the plants.

Strawberries can be fertilized with fermented milk products - for example, whey. Milk contains more than 19 useful amino acids, as well as minerals, calcium, sulfur, nitrogen, phosphorus. The most beneficial environment for the development and fruiting of strawberries is a slightly acidic soil. And it is in this sense that fermented milk products are the most correct decision, since they make such soil. It is recommended to use them together with manure, humus and ash. It is good to sprinkle strawberries with milk - this will scare away pests from it - aphids, ticks.

Fertilizers from bread have a very good effect on the growth and development of strawberries. They are prepared simply: dried bread is soaked to a state of fermentation in water - ripening will occur after about 6-10 days. This solution is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. Yeast will create favorable conditions for strawberry growth. In addition, the yeast acidifies the soil, and the berries receive the necessary nutrition and become large.

It is advisable to feed the strawberries with herbal infusions several times a season. For this, in addition to nettle, burdock, mint, wormwood, various garden weeds are suitable. It is good to add onion skins to them. All this is folded into a net and lowered into a barrel of water. Close with a lid and leave for one to two weeks. The resulting infusion is poured over strawberries under the root. This top dressing provides strawberry bushes with the substances necessary for full growth and fruiting.

Experienced gardeners advise periodically sprinkling strawberry bushes with warm dandelion infusion (500 grams per 10 liters of water). This contributes to the elimination of pathogens and insect pests. Alternatively - infusion of garlic (200 grams of garlic in a bucket of water).

Benefits of mulch for strawberries

This is a very effective and economical way to feed strawberries. Its advantages:

  • firstly, there is no need to weed out the beds;
  • secondly, the berries remain healthy and clean;
  • thirdly, the soil remains moist for a long time, so you can water the plants less often.
  • Fourthly, after rain, a crust does not form on the soil, which means that its friability remains.

Heading "Question-answer"

There are many different feedings that you can either buy in a special store or use folk, time-tested methods.

Question number 1. How to increase your strawberry harvest?

Feed the strawberries with live yeast: 2 packs per 10 liters of water. Or humates. If they do not contain iodine, then add 10 drops per 10 liters of water. Today, bags with iodized humates are sold, the contents of which must be diluted according to the instructions. Iodine protects plants from insects. You can also mulch strawberry beds with well-rotted manure.

Question number 2. What to do to prevent the berries from lying on the ground?

To prevent strawberries from getting dirty, the soil around the bushes after flowering should be covered with fresh sawdust, then poured with a solution of ammonium nitrate or urea at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water, and then watered with clean water.

Question number 3. Why are the strawberries dry?

First, when making the beds, put drip irrigation under the film, and only then plant the strawberries. Be sure to pay attention to the fact that the heart does not die, but does not protrude too much. After planting, treat the beds with Epin. If the heart is withered, new bushes can be planted in this place. It is advisable to cut off the foliage after planting for better rooting without damaging the heart. Do not cover the top with foil!

To get a rich harvest, you need to follow a lot of rules. This applies to all fertile plants, which also include Victoria.

By giving special fertilizers at the right time and on the right day, which, in turn, must be carefully selected, you can grow "monsters". The whole body of "green friends" uses the nutrients that are given to him. Thanks to this, it becomes larger, and the quantity and quality of the crop increases.

As it turned out, the issue of food is very important in such matters. In the case of Victoria, compounds that have potassium and others in their structure, important trace elements are needed, will perfectly play their role.

Potash and other dressings

With the help of top dressing, which has a potassium structure, you can purposefully influence such parameters as:

  • Pest resistance, which ultimately does a good service - more fruit is retained;
  • The berries will taste brighter and more juicy.

If you do not use these organic compounds, some points (mostly negative) may arise, namely:

  • The emerging leaves, which are very young, wither quickly, not bringing any benefit to their owner;
  • The same situation is with the shoots, which usually die at the end of the season.

In addition, you can use urea. Having many useful qualities (for growing), it will give more strength so that growth is very high quality. Also, people use chicken droppings, it is previously diluted with water, or wood ash, or even nitrate with calcium at all.

Nitrogen nutrition

Without eating and not using special compounds that have such an important chemical element as nitrogen, plants run the risk of becoming faded, similar to diseased plants. In addition, the fruits will be more lethargic, weak and extremely small. And what to say about the taste - so they will not exist at all, Victoria will be simply tasteless.

In order to prevent this from the future Victoria, products that contain nitrogen are perfect. So, among such saviors there are:

  • Calcium nitrate - has, as mentioned above, potassium, as well as nitrogen;
  • Ammonium sulfate is an equally important dietary supplement.

But that's not all, because this is not enough. In addition to this, magnesium with phosphorus comes in handy.

You can make it easier and buy a set of such vitamins. They will have everything you need. But don't forget about natural supplements. Although mostly used by lovers of everything "real" Also not a bad option, by the way! And no chemistry at the same time!

Ready-made preparations, vitamins for full development

As for the drugs, there are only a few of them, while they differ both in their composition and in the principle of action and method of use.

So, there are only five of them:

  • The first is Azofoska. Suitable for use on any ground or ground video. Therefore, in the people it is universal for all cases;
  • The second quality product is Ryazanochka. It looks like vitamins for humans. Only by the principle of use, there are few differences. These are tablets, mainly for throwing them into water, where they will dissolve;
  • The third additive is Ammofoska. If we talk about the merits, then it lacks various components that have negative characteristics, which in turn can harm the future Victoria;
  • The fourth drug is potassium monophosphate. They are watered with strawberries, because top dressing dissolves in water without any problems;
  • The fifth are granules, on the market they are referred to as "Kemira Lux". The composition of the granules indicates the presence of such chemical, and for this case even very useful, elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. And as mentioned above, these are the most necessary components for the full growth of Victoria. Due to their shape, they fit into the soil, and there is no need to add water specifically for them. The whole process is dry.

Several traditional feeding methods

If we compare natural and industrial preparations, they are almost the same in terms of effectiveness. Although there are cases when the first option is still better suited because of its "features". Those. unnatural remedies sometimes cannot help solve the problem, no matter how expensive they are.

Also, an important factor, like money, will play in favor of naturalness. Yes, the first method of fertilization will come out at a much lower cost than the second. This is influenced by the production method, which chemical elements are used, etc.

It is not surprising why, over time, there have appeared so many different ways among the craftsmen who grow such fruits.

Among the useful, and, incidentally, environmentally friendly fertilizers, you can single out wood ash or a solution of yeast. An important role can be played by specially prepared decoctions, from such seemingly simple leaves, for example, nettle or mullein.

Among the champions of the natural remedy is chicken droppings. Fermented milk products can serve as a good catalyst.

Using all of the above methods, you can do without "chemistry", without refusing anything to strawberries.

So, the method of processing with wood ash is as follows:

  • The ash must be covered with a layer of hot water. The ratio is approximately 1 to 5;
  • After pouring, wait until the mixture has cooled;
  • Next, pass the mass through a sieve;
  • The liquid passed through the sieve can be watered safely.

Of the most important here is the aforementioned potassium. Plus, you don't need a lot of it. Just a glass is enough. In addition, in addition to the liquid solution, you can use the dry method. To do this, cover with ash when loosening the desired soil. Still, the first method is more effective.

Effective yeast solutions

As for the yeast solution, the process looks a little different with it, namely:

  • Usually one kilogram of yeast is taken, which is poured and diluted with five liters of water;
  • You need to wait for the mixture to infuse;
  • After, take half and dilute in a bucket of plain water;
  • Apply half a liter of liquid to one bush with Victoria.

In addition, there is another way:

  • Take a regular bag of yeast (this is instant - fast yeast) and a couple of tablespoons of sugar;
  • Mix it all with warm water;
  • Wait a little for it to be infused;
  • In a bucket of water, pour out the yeast and sugar and leave for 2 hours;
  • If there is a watering can, then on one such, pour half a liter.

If yeast is used, it is used twice a season.

Top dressing during the flowering period in spring

For Victoria and similar plants, this spring moment is very important, because it is at this time that she begins to bloom. Therefore, it is important to monitor her and properly care for her, using all the accumulated knowledge in the right order. In addition, it requires more different components for more fruitful flowering.

Among the required operations in spring, one can single out quite frequent watering and weeding of berries. It is recommended to water it at least once a week. It is very important to monitor her, her condition and how she looks, because various pests (where without them) or diseases may appear.

After the first fruits appear, you need to properly monitor them. To do this, a lot of wooden sawdust is poured onto them. Straw may also work. This is done for a reason, but to reduce the risk of berry rotting. Because everyone wants to get a lot of large and tasty Victoria berries, then do not forget about this point.

Well, the main point among all will be, perhaps, feeding. It needs to be done very often. Especially before flowering. It is at this moment that you need to use the above fertilizers, which will allow you to get a high-quality harvest.

With this, in principle, everything is clear, but do not forget about rainy days. In the rain, it is better to cover the flowers with a film, because without this the flower will be cold and the chance that it will get sick increases. In addition, it will save him from a lot of moisture.