How many plants are in the plantation stock. Set for growing plants "Promotion Plantation" - "How to grow a whole garden at home? Other seeds

I think it’s no longer a secret for anyone that it’s time to resettle the cities, and in fact everything is moving towards this. How such huge cities appeared is a relic of the past, when industrialization was going on and labor was needed. The governments of all countries made great efforts to destroy villages and attract people to the cities for factories. What do we have now? Now we have the fourth industrial revolution, which will destroy the working class. As you can see, workers are being replaced by robots everywhere. Soon there will be no need for drivers, I think everything will come to the point that manual driving, in general, will be prohibited. Since robots will drive faster and more clearly.

What should we do? simple working class. It is impossible to increase sales further and multiply offices. Soon the land will not be able to sustain such an economy and a consumer society. So it's time to return to earth. And silent propaganda is already underway. One of the echoes of this we see in the Tape. The “Plantation Promotion” has recently started there, that is, for a small amount of money and a discount card, you are given plants that you can plant at home. Cool? This is especially fun for kids.

Today we will plant these plants in this review of "Promotions Plantation". And below, see what has grown and how we transplant.

And now we have grown plants and we will transplant them.

Plant transplantation in Promotions Plantation!

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In this review, I would like to tell you about a very exciting promotion from the Lenta chain of stores, thanks to which I seem to love the garden and for the first time in my life I wanted to plant and grow something - this is the Plantation Promotion.

The essence of which is to grow plants right at home.

Terms of action:

Only from March 09 to April 19, 2017 make a purchase in the amount of 1200 rubles or more in Lenta hypermarkets or in the amount of 500 rubles or more in Lenta supermarkets

Present your loyalty card "Lenta"

Get 1 collection set "Plantation Promotion" for growing real plants

In total, you can collect 16 different plants - and here they are:

  1. Radish
  2. Arugula
  3. Peas
  4. Basil
  5. Cucumber
  6. Mustard
  7. Ipomoea
  8. Pepper
  9. Parsley
  10. Sunflower
  11. Tomato
  12. Beet
  13. Pumpkin
  14. Dill
  15. Spinach

I currently only have six plants, but I was lucky that they are all different and did not come across the same. The mission to collect the remaining ten I think is not feasible, but still I count on 4-5 more plants, because just the other day we are going to buy from Lenta.

Plants can also be obtained for the purchase of partner products participating in the promotion - you can find out about this on the pages of the catalog of the Lenta chain of stores.

The growing kit consists of natural elements: seeds, peat tablet, planting pot. Each kit comes with planting instructions and general growing tips.

Please note that each plant has its own individual growth period. The degree and rate of germination of the plant depends on the conditions of cultivation, watering, seed storage conditions. Do not forget to transplant the plant into a larger pot in time.

Please note: The peat pot, peat tablet, pot packaging and seed packaging are not intended for human consumption. We also ask you to be careful if you have individual allergic reactions to individual plants when growing them.

And here are my plants - cucumber, sunflower, beets, radishes, peas and basil.

They were in such cardboard boxes, inside a planting pot, a peat tablet and the seeds themselves - each bag of seeds is signed and the expiration date and the date until which the seeds must be planted are indicated.

All the necessary instructions for planting plants are located on the spread of our cardboard label.

There is also a ruler here for measuring the height of the soil - this is necessary for planting, but personally, after the first pot, I did everything by eye, and there is also a special plate with the name of the plant and the date of planting and transplanting, in order to stick this plate into our pot with plant and sign when it was planted.

For planting, in addition to our set, we will need warm water (I took boiled water), a bowl to soak a peat tablet in it, a spoon and a measuring cup.

I did everything according to the instructions, put the tablet in a plate and poured 40 ml of warm water on it, after which I waited for the tablet to swell and turn into a full-fledged soil.

She kneaded it with a spoon and began to put it in our pot.

I filled the pot without reaching the edge by 5 mm - 1 cm, it depends on how much earth came out of our peat tablet. Be sure to leave a little earth in order to cover our seeds with it.

I planted the seeds - carefully distributing them in a pot and covered them with the remaining earth, poured water - 1-2 teaspoons, after which I wrote the planting date on the plate - I have it on 04/01/17 and stuck it in our pot with a plant.

I did the same with the rest of the plants. After that, I put all the pots in such a small box for convenience and put it on a computer desk next to the window - here I have the brightest and coolest place, and direct sunlight does not shine here - the plants should be comfortable here.

Don't forget to water our plants.


If suddenly a peat tablet does not swell for you, then the water is not hot enough, I probably suffered with three pots, after which I went to boil the kettle and changed my plate to a measuring cup - since it was not too deep, the water did not completely cover a pill and because of this it did not swell and it was not soil, but rather just dirty water.

As soon as I changed the container and began to pour hot water, the process went much better and the earth became thicker and more of it than in the first three pots. Therefore, I advise you to take this into account.

Now it remains only to wait for my sprouts to sprout - as the plants grow, I will make updates and add photos! Therefore, if you are interested, subscribe and follow the growth of my plants with me!

I really liked this action very much, this time "Lenta" really tried not only for children, but this process will be interesting for both adults and teenagers. I have already planned here to buy larger pots, so that later I can transplant my plants and continue to grow them)

By the way, for this, you can buy everything you need in Lenta, there are now special boxes for seedlings as part of the campaign, so I’m thinking of buying them, but first you need to grow something, of course)

It is very captivating and relaxing). Now I have a second kind of hobby!

6 days have passed since the plants were planted, they were planted on 04/01/17, today 04/07/17.

Almost all sprouts sprouted, except for basil and cucumber, but today they also have small advances, it is clear that sprouts are hatching. Tomorrow I will transplant radishes, peas and sunflowers into seedling boxes, which I bought the other day in Lenta - if everything goes well, I will post photos of the transplanted plants here for further observation.

In the meantime, enjoy what I have grown)

By the way, I watered the plants every day (in the morning and in the evening, perhaps it was because of this that something grew in me).

Thank you all for your attention!


To bring the calendar spring closer, the Lenta hypermarket chain offers to grow something green.


The retailer has launched a “Plantation Promotion” – at the checkout for purchases, a collectible set for growing seedlings is handed over: seeds, peat tablets and a pot. Customers are offered to collect a collection of plants from 16 types of vegetables, flowers and herbs.

"Action Plantation" is conceived as a game for families with children. Pretending to be farmers and gardeners, children take care of plants and watch them grow with interest.

Lenta also released everything you need to care for a mini-plantation: pallets, watering cans, garden mini-tools and seedling boxes.


For the collection set, a branded packaging was developed. The design is a shell - a cardboard "sleeve". Its back is printed with instructions for planting, general recommendations for growing plants and auxiliary materials. The label is used as a reminder-identifier. It indicates the place and date of planting seedlings.

The timing of 15 seconds was not enough to familiarize the audience with the action. Therefore, we proposed to release two videos in turn: to the beginning and to the middle of the action. For the duration of the event, this will maintain the interest of buyers. The creative department has developed scenarios that play out situations of receiving a gift and playing the plantation itself. The plot is based on emotional family and children's images.

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Lenta has launched a website for the project, where you can learn more about the plants in the collection. The process of their growth is shown in a one-minute video, which we filmed using a centrifuge. The centrifuge took one shot at a set time, and three weeks later the shots were assembled into one dynamic video. In order for buyers to see how easy it is to grow a plant from the sets of the Plantation Promotions collection, we have filmed a step-by-step guide. It included elements of centrifugal photography.

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To bring the calendar spring closer, the Lenta hypermarket chain offers to grow something green.


The retailer has launched a “Plantation Promotion” – at the checkout for purchases, a collectible set for growing seedlings is handed over: seeds, peat tablets and a pot. Customers are offered to collect a collection of plants from 16 types of vegetables, flowers and herbs.

"Action Plantation" is conceived as a game for families with children. Pretending to be farmers and gardeners, children take care of plants and watch them grow with interest.

Lenta also released everything you need to care for a mini-plantation: pallets, watering cans, garden mini-tools and seedling boxes.


For the collection set, a branded packaging was developed. The design is a shell - a cardboard "sleeve". Its back is printed with instructions for planting, general recommendations for growing plants and auxiliary materials. The label is used as a reminder-identifier. It indicates the place and date of planting seedlings.

The timing of 15 seconds was not enough to familiarize the audience with the action. Therefore, we proposed to release two videos in turn: to the beginning and to the middle of the action. For the duration of the event, this will maintain the interest of buyers. The creative department has developed scenarios that play out situations of receiving a gift and playing the plantation itself. The plot is based on emotional family and children's images.

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Lenta has launched a website for the project, where you can learn more about the plants in the collection. The process of their growth is shown in a one-minute video, which we filmed using a centrifuge. The centrifuge took one shot at a set time, and three weeks later the shots were assembled into one dynamic video. In order for buyers to see how easy it is to grow a plant from the sets of the Plantation Promotions collection, we have filmed a step-by-step guide. It included elements of centrifugal photography.

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Not so long ago, with another major purchase at the Lenta hypermarket, we were given several sets for growing seeds, which surprised and pleased me at the same time, because I am very fond of gardening.

Since the purchase was for a very decent amount of money, they gave as many as 6 sets.

More about the conditions of the promotion

On the official website of the Lenta hypermarket, I found details about the conditions of the promotion: one set is given for a certain amount of purchases. You can read about which seeds participate in the conditions of the promotion in the screenshot below:

My seeds

The seeds that I got: pepper, peas, sunflower, morning glory, dill, cucumber.

I already had 3 types of seeds at home, or rather they grew successfully, though other varieties: cucumber, pepper and dill. But with morning glory, peas and sunflowers I encountered for the first time. The name "Ipomoea" had to be searched on the Internet, because I heard it for the first time. It turned out that this is a flower that is somewhat similar to a bell, very pretty, it comes in different colors.
Of course, it is preferable to grow all these seeds in open ground, but I am a typical apartment dweller, so I planted plants for the sake of experiment, not counting on a happy ending and fruiting, at least just to find out what quality the seeds I got.

Ipomoea. Details of planting seeds.

I decided to start the process of planting seeds with the very Ipomoea, the existence of which I first heard about.

As the manufacturer promised, the kit included everything you need for planting: a peat tablet, a peat pot, seeds and growing instructions - the same for all seeds:

Ipomoea seeds turned out to be of different colors (3 white, 1 black). I suppose because they were also collected from plants of different colors, although initially I was afraid that the black seed was spoiled and would not germinate:

I planted with a peat tablet for the first time. Acted strictly according to the instructions. I put the pill in a disposable plate:

Then she added 40 ml of water (two 20 ml syringes), and waited for the tablet to absorb water:

To make the soaking process faster, crush the tablet with a spoon, peeling off the top soft layer and allowing the water to soak the inner layers:

Then I poured the soaked soil into a peat cup with the same spoon, almost reaching the edge, and put the seeds in the corners:

After sprinkled with the remaining earth. The soil from the tablet was enough "tyutelka to tutelka" for this pot.
Then I stuck a sign, signed the date of planting and continued to deal with other seeds.

Of course, from the very beginning it was clear that this tiny pot would only fit one seed, but for the sake of experiment (to check germination), I “crammed” them all together into one container.
All the seeds hatched on the 3rd day after planting, all at the same time!

The rest of the seeds. Germination.

I will describe the remaining seeds in less detail, since the principle of planting is the same for all of them.
I planted half of the seeds on the same date - March 13, the rest the next day - March 14.
The appearance of all seeds was excellent: even, large, and in quantity no less (and sometimes more) than indicated on the package.






Despite the fact that the seeds were insanely cramped in their peat pots (the manufacturer did not think this through), they all, without exception, sprouted! Dill and pepper, of course, cannot be counted “over the heads”, but a lot has grown, and those that were 2-3-4 things in the package all hatched!

The sunflower has the hardest time: the sunflower has such a name that it should grow “under the sun”, and not on dull window sills near Moscow ... Therefore, it quickly stretched out and “drooped”, bent under the weight of its young leaves:

Best of all, in my opinion, green peas feel: they have a dense stem, many leaves and an excellent root system that has already sprouted through its peat pot:

Peppers hatched later than anything: just today, on the day of the photo shoot. And he has the largest “population density” in the pot, so I’m not sure that it’s even possible to pick it up normally, because, as far as I know, peppers are capricious guys before picking, and it’s preferable to plant each seed at once in an individual cup ... But I made sure that the pepper seeds are of good quality.

Ipomoea grows very stably, and all the seeds sprouted at the same time and now all 4 of the same growth. Just like twins, only one plant has a slight problem with the leaves due to the persistent seed coat, which did not want to go:

Cucumbers also hatched at the same time and quickly stretched out. I can’t imagine how to “unstick” them, but this already needs to be done:

Well, in dill, I had no doubt that it would sprout. It always sprouts with me, but it grows weak and short, I don’t know why myself ... I suppose that it is cramped in a home glass and needs more sun.


⦁ Since all the seeds are of high quality, it is better to plant 1 seed from each package in a gift peat cup, and either save the rest for the garden or prepare another separate container.
⦁ I did not soak any seeds before planting, and absolutely everything sprouted, which suggests that the attached instructions do not deceive, although they are the same for all seeds. I watered with a syringe as the soil dried out.
⦁ In any case, it's nice to receive such a small gift for your purchases. Today, after another trip to the hypermarket, my collection has been replenished: