Options for heating a private house without gas and electricity. How to heat a house if there is no gas - a comparison of the effectiveness of various options

Natural gas has penetrated so deeply into our lives that without it it is difficult to imagine the development of civilization, and in particular, heating a country house without gas. Gas is cheap to produce, transport, and doesn't need to be processed to turn it into heat. But even now there are regions and settlements that cannot use this natural resource. Therefore, to heat their homes, people are forced to use alternative ways receiving heat.

Unfortunately, there are still settlements in which there is no gas supply.

What fuel can be used to keep the house warm, and the heating process was not burdensome for the owner? Many heating options have been used by mankind for a long time, but some are innovative. Therefore, we will consider all solutions, as well as their advantages and disadvantages.

If not gas, then what?

The most accessible, cheapest and efficient heating country house without gas - wood heating. In rural areas, this method is most relevant due to the availability of material. Firewood also requires warehousing and storage, which is not a problem in the countryside. Devices for burning wood - conventional stoves and solid fuel boilers. The stove has the advantage that you can cook food on it, and you can even sleep on the Russian stove!

The principle of operation of the boiler on wood or other solid fuels is to heat the coolant that circulates through the heating system and heats the house. For concentrated heat release, radiators, batteries or registers are used. Solid fuel boilers are also developing in several directions - there are gas generating models, pyrolysis units and classic devices operating according to a simplified scheme.

Solid fuel heating systems are affordable and easy to install. The boilers are equipped with automation systems that increase the safety of operation, which cannot be said about furnaces. If there is no gas and firewood in the area where the house is built, then heating can be arranged by other means, for example, with the help of electricity.

Electric boilers offered by domestic and foreign manufacturers, reliable in operation, durable in operation, maintainable and have a high efficiency. The disadvantage of these devices is that the cost of electricity in light of its consumption by the boiler will be high, and the larger the house, the higher the costs.

An alternative to familiar and traditional stoves and boilers is the use of innovative, environmentally friendly technologies. This is the fuel that nature itself has prepared for us, and it almost does not need to be processed. For example, a heat pump that operates on the temperature difference between soil layers at different depths and temperature environment on the surface.

The heat pump is increasingly used in country houses, as it does not require fuel for the winter, it is environmentally friendly, technologically advanced, durable and relatively cheap. Flaw heat pump- the cost of the device and its installation, but it is comparable to the savings in the operation of the heating system, since it does not incur any additional costs - for repair, maintenance and preventive maintenance of equipment.

Solar batteries, wind generators and geothermal sources are the prerogative of mountainous regions, but people live in the mountains, so the percentage of use of such unusual heat sources is very high. For example, in Russia, electricity generated from such natural sources used by about 15% of the population.

Heating the house with a traditional stove

Furnace heating is still in demand today, since the operation of the furnace does not depend on electricity, the presence of a gas pipeline or liquid fuel. Buying firewood in rural areas is not a problem, there is plenty of space for storing logs and logs. Most often, heating a country house without gas, on wood or coal, has two goals - the actual heating of the premises and cooking. In order to be able to cook on the stove, the firebox is equipped with a special cast-iron stove with removable dampers.

Of the advantages - in operation, the oven is the most primitive device, and its care is appropriate. It is necessary to clean the chimney and ash pan. If the stove is fired with wood, then the chimney is cleaned once a month, if with coal, then the chimney can be cleaned once for the whole heating season- it depends on the brand of coal. Anthracite and semi-anthracite are hard and high-calorie grades, leaving little soot behind. Chicken charcoal has a high ash content, and you will have to clean the chimney every few weeks, just like when using firewood.

To build a stove in a house, you need refractory bricks, sand and clay. Metal parts are grates, valves, doors for loading fuel and cleaning the ash pan, a stove for cooking. The design of the Russian stove also provides for a sleeping place. The Russian stove is structurally different from a conventional stove - it retains heat longer, and at the same time it is more convenient to cook food. The Russian stove can be used not only as a heating device, but also as the main element for decoration classic interior in Russian classical style.

Furnaces of any design also have disadvantages. When burning firewood, you need to load them constantly - once every 3-5 hours. Coal burns longer, but the furnace will have to be loaded 2 times a day. Since the stove is almost always built in a residential area, dirt and debris will have to be cleaned constantly. Just like cleaning the ash drawer every day, and cleaning the chimney several times during the entire heating season. The fire hazard of the structure is also high, there is a risk of poisoning if used improperly carbon monoxide. In addition, the furnace takes up much more space than a boiler or boiler. If you do not use water heating together with the stove, then the heating of the premises will be uneven.

Advantages and disadvantages of solid fuel boilers

A solid fuel boiler is a heat engineering unit, the body of which is made of cast iron or heat-resistant steel. Thermal energy is released during the combustion of coal, peat, wood or waste from the woodworking industry. The efficiency and safety of a solid fuel heating unit has been proven by practice. The premises are heated with a coolant, which is poured into the heating system connected to the boiler.

The advantage of a solid fuel boiler is that it works on various materials.

The advantage of such a device is that the fuel for it is inexpensive, respectively, and the cost of thermal energy is low. 1 kW of heat produced by a solid fuel boiler is 4 times cheaper than 1 kW of energy generated by gas combustion, 8 times cheaper than using liquid fuel, 17 times cheaper than energy from an electric boiler.

Non-volatile, it does not need to be connected to either the gas line or electricity. If the boiler is equipped with automation, then most often this is an independent device. The unit is easy to install, operate and repair.

Among the shortcomings noted: the need for manual loading, ash content of the fuel (which causes the need for constant cleaning of the boiler and chimney), and the need for constant visual monitoring of the operation of the boiler. The large inertia of the unit refers to both pluses and minuses. The boiler warms up for a long time and warms up the heating system for a long time, but it also cools down for a long time, maintaining heat in the house.

Liquid fuel boilers - advantages and disadvantages

To operate the boiler on liquid fuel, you need ordinary diesel fuel, fuel oil, kerosene, vegetable oils(rapeseed) or engine oil recovery. This condition already makes the use of the boiler expensive. In addition, to install the boiler, you need a separate room equipped with ventilation, since all types of liquid fuels have a specific smell and are fire hazardous. If the boiler is installed incorrectly, it can smoke, and in the cold season, liquid fuel requires heating or storage in a warm room.

Benefits - high efficiency, allowing the installation of oil-fired boilers in large rooms. A long break between loads of flammable liquid allows you to largely automate the operation of the unit.

Heating with an electric boiler

An electric boiler is a compact device with high efficiency. Ecological cleanliness in operation, constancy of the energy carrier, and operation are the main advantages of electric units. Heating of the heat carrier happens by means of the built-in heating elements. The cost of an electric boiler correlates with the cost of gas equipment, boiler maintenance is minimal.

An electric boiler is a good, but expensive way to heat a private house without gas.

Disadvantages - the allocated electric power is not always enough for the full heating of the premises. If electricity is often cut off in the region, then there is no alternative to heating. Although the cost of equipment and its installation is relatively cheap, the monthly electricity bill in winter will be high.

Alternative heating

Space heating with a heat pump is the latest development in this area. processes heat from the bowels of the Earth, from air or water. The unit is environmentally friendly and highly efficient: 1 kW of spent power generates 5-6 kW of useful power.


Expensive installation of a vertical earth loop. Even the standard equipment of the pump in the installation will cost 400-500,000 rubles.

Solar collectors are used to convert solar energy into heat. Structurally, solar collectors can be flat and vacuum. The environmental friendliness of the device is an undeniable plus. Disadvantages - the operation of the collector depends on weather conditions, the installation of the system is expensive, as well as maintenance. The main requirement for a heated building is good thermal insulation, which makes the use of a solar collector even more expensive.

What is the best heating method?

To calculate heat, two units of measurement are used - gigacalories (Gcal / h) and kilowatt hours (kW / h). Also, regional authorities often use kilojoules (kJ) for calculations. Following the generally accepted calculations in gigacalories, it is possible to determine the cost of Gcal / h for any room. So, for heating a room of 150 m 2, you need to spend 16 Gcal per heating season, or 2.5 Gcal per month. Determining the price of 1 Gcal can be carried out by a comparative method.

  1. For example, let's take gas, the cost of which 1 m 3 in 2014 was 4 rubles. The calorific value of network gas is the sum of the calorific value of the mixture that makes up network gas. Therefore, the specific heat of 1 m 3 of a gas mixture lies in the range from 7500-9600 Kcal. Gas boilers have an average efficiency of 90%, as a result, we get the cost of 1 Gcal of heat in the range of 600-700 rubles. If there is no main gas, then bottled gas cannot solve the problem - the composition of the gas is different, and the equipment will have to be redone. When comparing the cost of 1 Gcal of a propane-butane mixture (balloon gas) and the cost of natural gas, it can be seen that the gas mixture is 4-5 times more expensive.
  2. The specific heat of combustion of liquid fuel lies within 10000 Kcal/kg or 8650 Kcal/l, since the density of liquid fuel is different, especially considering the time of year. The efficiency of the boiler on liquid fuel is 90%. At a cost of 1 liter of diesel fuel of 33 rubles, 1 Gcal will cost 3,300 rubles. Conclusion - heating on liquid fuel will be an expensive pleasure. Given the trend of constant growth in prices for diesel fuel and fuels and lubricants, this is not the most economical way heating of a country house.
  3. Coal is a cheap fuel, and the efficiency of solid fuel boilers is often more than 80%. Anthracite is the most expensive brand of coal, and cheaper coal can be used for heating a house - DPK brands (long-flame, large stove), DKO brands (long-flame large nut) or chicken coal. A ton of coal costs an average of 6,000 rubles. The specific heat of combustion of coal is 5300-5800 Kcal/kg. Calculations show that the cost of 1 Gcal for heating with coal will be 1200-1300 rubles.
  4. Using peat for heating a house will cost more. The specific heat of combustion of peat is 4000 Kcal/kg. This means that the cost of 1 Gcal is 1300-1400 rubles.
  5. Pellets are one of the types of solid fuel. Pellets are produced from woodworking industry waste in the form of granules. They are convenient to use in solid fuel boilers with automatic loading. The specific heat of combustion of pellets is 4.2 Kcal/kg. With the cost of pellets for 1 ton of 5,000 rubles per ton, the cost of 1 Gcal will be approximately 1,500 rubles.
  6. Electrical energy is the easiest way to heat a house without gas. The efficiency of an electric heater tends to 100%. 1 Gcal is 1163 kWh. Therefore, at the current price of electricity for the village, 2 rubles per 1 kWh, 1 Gcal will cost approximately 1,600 rubles.
  7. You can reduce the cost of using electricity for heating by operating a heat pump. The heat pump works on the principle of a refrigerator - the refrigerant evaporates at low positive temperatures. The route is laid along thin long tubes in the ground or at the bottom of a natural reservoir. Even in extreme cold, the correct calculation of the required depth of pipe laying will not allow them to freeze. Having reached the house, the refrigerant begins to condense and gives off the heat accumulated from water or soil to the heating system. The movement of the refrigerant is controlled by a compressor that is powered by electricity. The average electricity consumption of the compressor is 300 W to generate 1 kW of thermal energy. The price of 1 Gcal of heat will be 880 rubles.

The conclusions are obvious and unambiguous - in order to organize economical heating country house without gas, it is best to use a heat pump or solid fuel in any form.

Green homestead: Using natural gas is the most economical way to heat a wooden cottage. This fuel, among all other alternatives, is cheap, and the boilers on it are extremely easy to operate. But how to organize the heating of a private house without gas, because not everywhere there is main gas pipelines. What are the alternatives to this fuel, which of the options is the most profitable?

Using natural gas is the most economical way to heat a wooden cottage. This fuel, among all other alternatives, is cheap, and the boilers on it are extremely easy to operate. But how to organize the heating of a private house without gas, because not everywhere there are main gas pipelines. What are the alternatives to this fuel, which of the options is the most profitable?

Ways to organize heating in a cottage

The most common in domestic country houses autonomous system home heating is water. It uses water heated in a boiler or furnace as a heat carrier. After heating, with the help of batteries and pipes, it gives off heat to the premises, creating in them comfortable conditions.

Heating systems, depending on the scheme for connecting heating devices, are divided into:

  • Single-pipe - with series connection of radiators, according to which the coolant is supplied and removed from the device using one pipe;
  • Two-pipe - with supply and return lines and a sequential scheme for connecting devices to pipes, according to which the coolant is supplied to the device with one pipe, and the other is discharged.

Both types of heating systems come with an upper and lower type of wiring. The first option provides for laying the supply pipe above the location of the devices receiving the coolant, the second, respectively, below.

The location of the pipes relative to the heating devices can be vertical and horizontal, on the basis of which the heating system takes the technical term of the same name. The first type is used mainly in multi-storey buildings or in one-story cottages with an attic, within which it is possible to install an expansion tank and lay a pipeline to supply the coolant through a separate branch to each device.

A horizontal heating circuit is built in small private buildings. The reason is insufficient performance and length restrictions - the network cannot be more than 30 linear meters in length.

Connection of risers to radiators is carried out according to a one-sided or two-sided scheme, i.e. with pipe connection on one or both sides. If in a vertical single-pipe system the batteries are connected on one side, then it is called a reverse circulation circuit. The latter variety is not recommended for systems with steel or cast iron appliances.

Main elements standard system heating in a private country house are: heating boiler, radiators and heating medium supply pipelines

According to the type of water circulation in pipes, heating systems are of two types:

  1. Natural - imply gravity flow of the coolant due to the laws of physics.
  2. Forced - suggest the presence of a circulation pump to create a circuit of the carrier of thermal energy from the boiler to the appliances, and after cooling in the opposite direction.

The first option is simpler than the second in design and installation. But the supply of heat in a natural system is not amenable to automatic regulation, the coolant in it moves through the pipes due to gravity and the difference in densities of cold and heated water. But unlike the forced option, it is non-volatile.

In the event of a power outage, the heating system with natural water circulation will continue to function properly if its main unit is a non-volatile boiler. The pump, which requires power from the outlet, is also not in it.

However, gravitational pressure has its limits. The heating capacity with natural circulation is simply not enough to supply the coolant to the branched circuits. Sometimes it is not enough to supply heated water with the temperature required for heating at a distance between the radiator and the boiler of 25 m, if the pipeline is made of a material with high hydraulic resistance: steel or cast iron.

If wooden house has a small area, then a natural system is enough for it. However, a large cottage of two or three floors requires more powerful option with a pump that will pump hot water to all rooms remote from the boiler on all floors.

In addition to using gas, the coolant can be heated by electricity or by burning other types of fuel. Also heating system in a private house where there is no connection to a gas main, it is often organized using convectors, infrared heaters and heat pumps.

The choice of a particular method of arranging a heating system depends on many factors. The climate of the region of residence, the quality of home insulation, as well as the availability of one or another type of fuel are important here.

Heating circuits with steam and heated air circulating through them are arranged according to identical principles.

Of particular note is the "warm floor" system, which is a network of pipes with a circulating coolant under flooring. The main advantage of this option is that as a result of heat from below, the air in the room warms up optimally at the level of human growth, and not somewhere under the ceiling.

An alternative to gas: choosing a water heating boiler

Natural gas is far from the only type of fuel for autonomous heating systems. Boilers also burn solid or liquid fuels as fuel. It is also possible to use electricity for heating water. Some prefer traditional wood or coal stoves, while others prefer clean electricity. But it is worth remembering that in case of interruptions in the networks, there will be zero sense from electric boilers.

Option number 1: Solid fuel

Solid fuel stoves and their more modern counterparts, boilers, are the oldest and most popular way to heat private homes in areas without gas. It can be both traditional Russian stoves and modern industrial boiler equipment with various automation.

As solid fuels are used:

  • firewood;
  • straw briquettes;
  • peat;
  • coal;
  • wood pellets.

Such equipment is cheap and easy to operate. Fuel is also not particularly expensive. However, as a result of its combustion, rather large volumes of ash are formed, which must be constantly disposed of. Plus, you have to visually control the operation of such equipment, which takes a lot of time.

On the one hand, the cheapness of fuel, and on the other, regular cleaning of the furnace and chimneys. There is no single decision “for” or “against” here. But in a situation of living near coal deposits or near a forest, the choice in favor of solid fuel boilers or stoves is obvious to many, and often the only possible one.

As an option for a solid fuel unit, you can safely consider a fireplace, although there is a strong opinion about its low efficiency. However, the fireplace correct device it is not only a decorative element of the interior, but also a good alternative to gas boilers. Moreover, it is absolutely non-volatile, which eliminates interruptions in heating in case of any problems on the power grid.

Traditional fireplace means air heating only the rooms where it is located, but nothing prevents pipes from being connected to it to heat the coolant

Most fireplaces are designed in such a way that they can heat only one room. However, the standard fireplace design can be supplemented with a coil around the chimney, which will heat the water for the radiators of the heating system. And you can immediately dilute the warm air through the rooms using air ducts with adjustable dampers.

Fireplace heating is highly inert. It takes a lot of time for them to warm up a private house. The best option is to heat the fireplace constantly. However, in this case, you will need a lot of firewood. But all these minor inconveniences are more than offset by the opportunity to observe the process of burning logs and the aesthetics of your own hearth.

Option number 2: Liquid fuel

In terms of efficiency, liquid fuel (diesel) boilers differ little from gas counterparts. However, they are larger and heavier. Their installation requires a separate non-residential premises. It is strictly forbidden to install them in a cottage under the stairs or in the kitchen.

During the combustion of oils of vegetable origin and petroleum products, significant volumes of harmful emissions. The boiler room for these installations must be equipped with high-quality ventilation and a chimney system. Plus, with improper installation and operation, they can begin to smoke.

For heating private wooden houses The following types of liquid fuel are used:

  1. Kerosene.
  2. Diesel fuel.
  3. Processing of fuels and lubricants.
  4. Fuel oil.
  5. Biofuel from vegetable oils.

Due to the specific smell and the high probability of ignition, it is recommended to store such fuel outside the cottage. But in winter, liquids freeze on the street, so you will have to make a separate heated room for such fuel or organize its preheating. And this is an additional and significant expense.

Among the advantages of using liquid fuel equipment for heating, it is worth noting high efficiency, no need to issue permits for installation and autonomy of work. However, the high price of fuel interrupts all these advantages. Arrange heating wooden house without gas with the help of a diesel boiler is only in cases where there is no other alternative, and it is not even foreseen in the future.

Option #3: Electricity

Electric boilers do not require a chimney. They are safe and compact. The heating of the coolant inside them occurs due to the heating element. Electric boilers can be used as both the main and additional source of thermal energy. They are easy to use and efficient, but heating with their help is quite expensive.

If the power grids in the village do not please with the constancy of voltage, then choosing an electric boiler for heating your own wooden house is risky. At some point, you can be left without lighting and a heating system at the same time. The only option in such a case is a backup diesel generator.

Not always allocated by power engineers is enough to fully heat the cottage. And pulling an additional power line will result in a serious waste of money. Installation and heating electrical equipment is relatively cheap, but the latter consumes a lot of electricity. If you plan to equip heating in a private house without gas with an electric boiler, then you should prepare in advance for a serious increase in electricity bills.

How else can you heat a wooden house

To create comfortable conditions in the rooms of the cottage, you can use other methods of heating. There are a lot of novelties in the market of autonomous heat engineering now. Some of them have a high price, but have high efficiency. And others involve the use of alternative energy sources.

Infrared heating options

The main feature of IR heat sources is not the heating of air, but of objects and surfaces in a heated room. Already from the heated furniture, walls and floor, heat is transferred to the air masses in the room. As a result, at minimal cost electricity manages to create the most comfortable conditions in the home.

Infrared electric heaters are sold as:

  • hanging panels in enclosures various shapes;
  • film devices for ceiling or floor mounting;
  • floor models (a la a regular radiator).

IR heaters operate in automatic mode. It is enough to plug them into the socket and set them to the desired temperature. Installation of wall and ceiling models is extremely simple, all necessary fixings. Difficulties can only be caused by the installation of a “warm infrared floor”. But with strict adherence to the instructions, everything is done elementarily.

Film heaters under the ceiling are an excellent alternative to gas boilers: economical, no oxygen is burned in the room and completely safe from the point of view of fires

IR heaters allow you to quickly create a reliable and efficient heating system in any private house where there is no gas. When compared with a heating electric boiler, they save 30-40%. Moreover, the heating of rooms occurs an order of magnitude faster, almost instantly.

Infrared heaters can be used as the main heat source or complement other cottage heating systems. Diversity model range makes it possible to fit them into any interior, and if necessary, quickly increase the thermal power.

Among negative aspects IR electric heaters - static electricity, which contributes to the attraction of dust, and a considerable initial capital investment. Nothing much can be done about static, and equipment costs are always paid off due to low power consumption.

Heat pumps as a useful addition

Among the alternatives to gas for heating a wooden house, heat pumps stand apart, extracting it from environmental subjects. Structurally and technically, this air conditioner is the opposite. Only the heat pump does not cool the air, but heats it. And all the necessary thermal energy it generates through the judicious use of free natural resources and phenomena.

Heating based on a heat pump for a private house without gas is the maximum savings on energy resources. But in our latitudes, this type of heating can only serve as an addition to the main heating network.

The disadvantage of heat pumps is their dependence on the presence of voltage in the outlet. They will not work without a constant power supply. Plus at severe frosts their effectiveness is drastically reduced. In warm regions with winter temperatures around zero, the return on them is excellent, but in Siberian conditions they are of little use.

Heat with low potential can be collected by heat pumps from:

  • outdoor air;
  • land through wells or pipe systems in the ground;
  • water (any nearby body of water or wells).

Heat pumps are good. However, you have to pay a lot for “free” energy by purchasing expensive equipment. For a large house, the costs can exceed a million rubles.

Solar energy and windmills

Another option for “green” energy is solar panels and collectors. The former generate electricity, while the latter, using the rays of the sun, heat the coolant for supply to the in-house heating system. They do not need any gas to work, they only need constant wind and cloudless weather.

In the future, electricity and the heated coolant can be used to heat a private house by installing a heating system in it with radiators and various electric heaters. Solar plants are generators of electrical and thermal energy. The heating of the rooms itself is carried out thanks to a variety of heating appliances that connect to these generating devices.

In turn, wind generators convert wind energy into electricity. And then the heaters are connected to the power supply.

The main disadvantage of all these clean energy sources is that they depend on external factors. Cloudy weather and calm negate their effectiveness. As an additional source, they are quite a suitable option for heating a private house without gas, but building the entire heating system on them alone is not worth it.

What is the most economical heating

From the point of view of fuel costs, the most cost-effective option after the main gas is the option with firewood. Cheaper fuel for boilers, stoves and fireplaces is hard to find. Then comes coal, and then electricity and diesel. In the case of alternative energy, the costs for this item are generally zero or minimal. However, one should not forget here the cost of heat engineering units for heat generation.

In the aggregate of all costs, heating a house without gas is the cheapest thing to do with electricity. But this only applies to cottages with good insulation, as well as situations where the capacity of existing networks allows you to connect heating electrical equipment. In other situations, it is better to opt for more traditional solid fuel stoves or boilers. published

When starting to build a private house, you should decide in advance how the room will be heated. Many sites cannot be connected to gas. Therefore, their owners have to think about how to provide heating for a country house without gas.

Wood heating

This type of heat supply system has not lost its relevance in the construction of a private country house. At the location country house often there is no pipeline. Buildings are located far from the gas pipeline. There is no way to connect to it. Therefore, wood-fired heating boilers remain relevant, and wood-burning installation heating furnace- a convenient way out of the current situation.

The principle of operation of a wood-burning stove - heating without gas, is as follows: firewood is laid in the stove, set on fire, the stove equipment heats up, and the heat thus obtained begins to heat the room.

This type of heating is primitive, however, it is characterized by a number of significant advantages:

  • fast heating wood stove;
  • there is no need to install radiators and lay pipes.

Among the wide variety modern models boilers that are used to organize a wood-fired heating system, it is recommended to opt for domestic-type pyrolysis boilers. These boilers are gas generators, operate on the principle of combustion of pyrolysis gases. Operates without the presence of electricity.


  • large dimensions of the furnace installation;
  • the presence of a constant required supply of firewood;
  • the need for proper laying of the furnace, organization of smoke channels;
  • danger of combustion products;
  • uneven heating of the room.

Use of coal

Efficient heating without gas and wood can also be provided with coal. This method is typical for areas where there is no access to a gas main, and coal is easily available and in large quantities. Modern solid fuel boilers are available with a modernized design along with regulation sensors temperature regime, high efficiency and low emissions harmful substances.

Solid fuel boilers are characterized by a simple design. It is presented:

  • a firebox where the process of burning coal takes place;
  • a heat exchanger where coal is heated;
  • grate.

Housing materials

The heating heat exchanger can be made of cast iron and steel. In accordance with this, solid fuel boilers are presented on the market in steel or cast iron. Steel boilers are inferior in cost to cast iron ones. Cast iron boilers do not have an expiration date. Breakdowns occur only due to improper operation or severe mechanical damage. Boilers on coal have their own characteristics. The system is completely non-volatile, profitable, because the boilers have a high heat output. Coal is convenient to store, use and transport.

solid fuel boiler

Its popularity is very high for the reason that such units are able to provide a sufficiently high level of heat in a private house at relatively low operating costs. Heating a cottage using such boilers makes it possible to achieve the highest level of safety for the life and health of family members.

An important factor is the low cost of using this equipment - it is possible to install solid fuel boilers in both commercial and residential facilities. The use of solid fuel boilers for heating country houses without gas is characterized by reliable and easy-to-use equipment, the service life of which is very long.

Oil boiler

Another way to organize heating of a private house without gas is to use liquid fuel boilers. Diesel oils are most often used as fuel, which is why such boilers are also called diesel.

Liquid fuel boiler device.

There are boilers that operate on other liquid forms fuels, which include rapeseed oil, kerosene and other petroleum products. Depending on the design features, steam and hot water boilers are distinguished, with the first models boasting easy installation and relatively small dimensions.

Among the main positive qualities of heating a house or a summer residence by means of liquid fuel boilers can be attributed a high level of environmental friendliness and safety. In addition, the installation of the boiler is not very difficult, because there is no need to obtain numerous certificates and permits.

The most important thing is the high efficiency, which reaches at least 92%. For this reason, such liquid fuel equipment can be used to heat both large and small buildings.

Pellet system

This heating system without gas appeared on the domestic market relatively recently, however, due to its numerous advantages, it has already managed to win a huge market share.

Speaking about the pellet heating system, it is worth highlighting such positive qualities as the possibility of heating a country house or a summer house using environmentally friendly and safe products. In addition, they can be stored almost anywhere in your home, as they do not have a bad effect on the human body and do not emit harmful substances. You should be aware that the installation of such a heating system will not require contacting special services or departmental commissions to obtain the necessary permission.

Electric heating

Increasingly popular in today's time is heating a cottage with such a coolant as electricity. The advantage is that this system heating is mounted quickly. This is convenient for workers and for the owners of the house or cottage. If you use a nightly, cheaper tariff, you will get a fairly economical solution for heating your home.

At the moment, there are a huge number of a wide variety of types of equipment that allow you to use electrical energy for heating a cottage. The most popular are electric convectors, which can be installed in any room of your cottage.

Electric convectors

Heating convectors boast high power, as well as the ability to be mounted directly into the floor, which frees the room from the presence of these devices and increases the free space in the room.

infrared panels

The leading position is occupied by electric infrared heating on private dacha. The use of infrared panels allows you to raise the temperature in any room to the required level, moreover, such panels can operate automatically, even if the owners are not at home at that time. Therefore, your house will always be heated and heated to the required temperature.

Thus, heating a house without the use of gas is due high level safety and environmental friendliness, as well as quite economical due to the possibilities of various heating equipment. If you need high-quality, reliable and safe heating, then your choice is alternative gasless heating.

Heating a private house outside the city these days can be organized in different ways. In this article, we will consider in sufficient detail ways of heating a home that do not involve the use of electricity, as well as mains and liquefied gas.

Furnaces made of metal and brick - work without electricity and gas

The most convenient type of fuel is natural gas. With it, you can heat any area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house, public buildings and even huge production facilities. Not surprisingly, the vast majority of private home owners choose gas as their fuel. And what to do in cases where there is no way to connect it? Freeze in a country house? To use electric heaters, paying huge monthly sums for consumed kilowatts? Of course not! There are many options that make it possible to organize high-quality heating of a private house without the use of gas and electricity.

Heating of a country dwelling can be done by:

  • heating stoves (stone, brick, metal) and fireplaces;
  • solid fuel units;
  • heat pumps;
  • natural renewable heat sources (windmills, solar panels).

The easiest way is to build a classic brick oven in the house and use it for heating. Here it is important to correctly position such a structure in the home. Ideally, it should be in the center of the house so that its walls open into different rooms. You can heat the stove with coal or wood. The first option is more rational. Charcoal burns for a long time and releases a lot of heat. There will be more trouble with firewood. They will have to be harvested on their own or bought in large quantities, as the wood burns out very quickly.

We note right away that an ordinary person is unlikely to be able to build a brick oven with his own hands. Its installation requires the creation of a foundation - a dirty, lengthy and laborious procedure. Yes, and it will not be easy for a home craftsman to make the correct brickwork. A reasonable alternative to classic heaters are ready-made stoves made of metal.

In specialized stores, a chic assortment of cast-iron and steel potbelly stoves is presented. They are highly efficient and look great. Thanks to this, factory-made metal stoves allow not only to heat the house economically, but also to make the residential interior original. Both an ordinary stove and a ready-made potbelly stove are easy to equip with a coil. It will heat water that can be supplied to radiators installed in different rooms Houses. With this approach, we will get economical heating, powered by wood or coal.

Fireplaces can also be used to heat homes. But only if the dwelling has a small area. Big house with many rooms and households. The fireplace will not be able to heat the rooms. In most cases, such heating structures play a decorative role.

Solid fuel boilers - an advanced version of a traditional stove

According to experts, the most reasonable option for heating a country house that is not connected to the gas supply system is to install a solid fuel unit. Moreover, for the dwellings of interest to us, it is recommended to choose simple boilers produced in a fully non-volatile version. In such installations there is a special thermostat (mechanical), equipped with an elementary chain drive. It is this device that controls the air flow that ensures the combustion process of the fuel.

Solid fuel boilers are economical and easy to operate equipment, but potentially unsafe. Therefore, when installing it, the following mandatory requirements must be observed:

  1. 1. The branch pipe to which the boiler return is connected is always located below the incoming pipe. Often, to comply with this condition, it is necessary to dig a special pit. And install a solid fuel unit in it.
  2. 2. Particular attention is paid to the organization of the chimney. It is built so that the natural draft in the pipe is flawless in any weather.
  3. 3. The heating system is made strictly gravity-fed (in the language of professionals - gravitational). At its highest point, an open expansion tank is placed.
  4. 4. The unit must be equipped with a safety group.
  5. 5. Heating systems with a solid fuel unit should be designed by specialists who correctly select pipes of the required diameter and calculate the required slopes. Only in this case, the boiler and the entire heating complex will work trouble-free and durable.

In solid fuel units it is allowed to burn coal and firewood, as well as sawdust and other waste from the woodworking industry, special pellets, peat briquettes. The choice of fuel is large. Each owner of a country house has the opportunity to choose the most suitable option for themselves. Note that the efficiency of solid fuel boilers reaches 70–80%. But for conventional furnaces, this value does not exceed 55-65%.

Heating without fuel - is it possible?

Modern science has invented a completely unique option for heating private dwellings, which does not require burning wood, coal and other fuels. This method involves the use of a heat pump - a truly environmentally friendly, economical and efficient device. The uniqueness of this unit is as follows. It does not produce heat energy. But it only extracts it from ground and soil waters, soil, air and transfers it to the house.

A heat pump is a design consisting of compressor, throttle and heat exchange compartments, as well as tubes with freon. The unit works like the most ordinary household refrigerator:

  • tubes with freon are immersed in a pond or in the ground;
  • in water or earth, freon turns into a gas that rushes up;
  • in the compressor, the resulting gaseous compound is compressed, which leads to its heating to 75–80 °С;
  • then the heated freon through the heat exchanger gives off energy to the heating system.

After that, the gas is directed to the throttle compartment. In it, the temperature and pressure of freon decrease. It again turns into a liquid, which goes back into the water or earth. The entire cycle is then repeated many times. As a result, we have a constant source of energy directed to heating the house.

Heat pumps are different. They are usually divided into:

  1. 1. Air.
  2. 2. Earthy.
  3. 3. Water for heat extraction from underground sources or from land waters.

A heat pump uses electricity to operate. At the same time, the consumption of the latter for the operation of the installation described by us turns out to be small. In numbers it looks like this. To extract 9–11 kW of electricity from water or soil and transfer it to the heating system, it is necessary to spend about 2.5–3 kW.

These kilowatts will have to be taken from the household power grid or obtained from renewable energy sources. We will talk about them further. But first, we note that heating with a heat pump requires considerable initial financial costs for the purchase of expensive equipment and its installation. For this reason, heating technologies without fuel have not yet received widespread.

Wind turbines and solar panels - we generate electricity ourselves

For the operation of heat pumps and energy-dependent modern boilers, Electric Energy. Without it, high-tech units will not function. You can get energy yourself, without connecting to a centralized power supply. True, in this case, again, we will have to spend a lot of money on the installation of special equipment - solar panels or windmills. The first allow you to get energy from the sun, the second - from the wind.

Structurally, windmills are simple devices. They consist of a generator, a special wind turbine that captures wind energy, and a battery. But it’s not at all easy to build an efficient windmill that generates enough electricity to heat your home on your own. It would be wiser to purchase a finished design. And exploit it for a long time, beating off the money spent.

A similar situation is observed with solar panels. Home-made installations are not able to generate the amount of energy required to heat a house. And the purchased equipment is not cheap. For this reason, both windmills and solar collectors are most often used as auxiliary sources of "gratuitous" electricity. For full-fledged heating of a country house, their power is not enough. But they allow you to save on energy bills.

Thus, if there is no gas in your suburban home, do not panic. You can heat it up different ways- both classic (potbelly stoves, brick stoves), and with the help of modern technologies. Choose the option that suits you and let your home always be warm and comfortable!

Today, natural gas is the most affordable option for heating a private house, but what if, for example, the gas main is not available for your area? Under such circumstances, it is worth considering in more detail the alternative heating of a private house without gas and electricity. You can choose electricity, but, you know, the arrangement of such heating will be very expensive.

Modern technologies provide many opportunities for the implementation of this plan. A private house for living has many advantages: Fresh air, remoteness from urban smog, your own garden, garden. Such benefits of civilization as providing their homes with hot, cold water, reliable, well-equipped heating, are the main factors for owners of summer cottages, private houses. We strive to make your home a real family hearth, we do not skimp on high-quality building materials, we do everything reliably, for a long time. At the same time, the desire to save money, rationally invest money is a true, reasonable desire, especially if it concerns such an important factor as independent heating of a private house.

Most alternative heating units convert (convert) energy from fuel combustion into heat. Separate devices can simultaneously combine the functions of two units, for example, titanium and a boiler (furnaces with a water circuit). Other devices (for example, solid fuel boilers) can work, produce heat for more than a day on a single load of firewood. There are really a lot of options for alternative heating units, so let's take a closer look at the most convenient, frequently used installations that provide heating for a private house without gas and electricity.

Furnaces for heating a house with a water circuit

As mentioned above, these devices combine the technical qualities of the boiler and titanium. They work under steam pressure, are made of cast iron or steel, and can be used as an additional or main source of heating. The heart of the furnace is a heat exchanger located inside the heater. According to the principle of operation, this unit resembles a solid fuel boiler. Their differences are that during operation, all walls and channels are heated near the furnace, and the boiler heats only the coolant. It turns out that a furnace with a water circuit heats pipes, radiators during the furnace, however, the heated parts of the furnace itself continue to give off heat until they cool completely.

The main structural part of such a furnace is the register (heat exchanger). It is installed inside the firebox, heat passes through it, heating the whole house, it is to it that the water heating system is supplied. The configuration of the heat exchanger can be any, the main thing is that it freely performs its main function (evenly distributes heat, maintains the maximum temperature). The register can be made with your own hands, if you have the appropriate skills for this, “make friends” with welding machine. Most often they are made to order, according to individual characteristics, the size of the furnace.

Advantages of furnaces with a water circuit:

  • the possibility of heating large areas;
  • acceptable cost of equipment;
  • available fuel (coal, firewood, peat);
  • no connection required electrical network, since the operation of the entire system is based on natural circulation coolant.
  • low efficiency (when compared with a gas boiler);
  • lack of automation (exclusively manual control).

With the help of such a stove, you can heat the whole house, as well as connect a water-heated floor system. When purchasing this unit, pay attention to its power.

An alternative heating option is a stove with a water circuit, photo:

Boilers for heating a private house

A wood-burning boiler for heating a private house with batteries continues to be popular, despite the many modern heating units on the market today. The main factor is the availability of fuel (firewood). The efficiency of modern wood-burning boilers reaches 90%; using such a unit is no more difficult than using a conventional wood-burning stove. Remarkable is the fact that the familiar geyser, as well as a gas boiler were created following the example of a wood-burning boiler. The difference is the source of the flame, in the first case it is gas, in our case it is wood.

The principle of operation of this device is simple - water is sent to the boiler, bypassing the heat exchanger, heated and goes through the batteries. The level of pressure, the flow of water is regulated by taps. You only have to periodically remove the contents of the ash pan, which is located under the stove.

Solid fuel boilers for heating a private house can run on wood, coal, peat, briquettes, suitable household waste. The so-called disadvantage of such boilers is a short burning period and, consequently, heat generation from one load of firewood or other material.

Alternative heating option - solid fuel boiler, photo:

As an alternative, you can consider another unit that differs from standard solid fuel boilers in the volume of the combustion chamber, the special specifics of fuel combustion. wood boilers long burning for home heating can work on one load of fuel material for a day or more. Some models can work for 4-5 days when loading coal - only a similar type of boiler can provide you with such advantages. For wood-fired units, the model name ends with the letter S, and for coal-fired and wood-fired units there is a U at the end. The difference between such boilers is the material with which the combustion chamber is equipped. For units that run on coal, the chamber is made of heat-resistant metals that optimize the combustion process. The efficiency of such solid fuel devices is approximately 90%.

An alternative heating option is a long-burning boiler, photo:

Heat pump for home heating

Today, this equipment is gaining popularity, despite the rather high price of the unit itself, its installation. Heat pumps for home heating, the principle of operation of which is based on obtaining heat from the environment (air, soil, water), heating it, then transferring it to the house, operate from the mains. This device does not quite fit the specifics of our topic, since we are considering alternative heating of a private house without gas and electricity, however, due to its universal qualities, I decided to mention it.

This device can convert ambient energy into heat or cold (in summer it can work as an air conditioner to cool the air). As for heating, in this case, the heat carrier enters the pipeline, which is, for example, underground, where it heats up to a certain temperature, after which it gives off the accumulated heat energy to the internal circuit. The main function is the compressor - the heart of the heat pump. The freon located in the compressor is, as it were, an intermediary between the coolant, the condenser, and the heating circuit.

Heating of a country house, options for heat pumps, photo:

In order not to describe all the subtleties of thermodynamics, it is easier to generalize the principle of operation of a heat pump - it works like a refrigerator, only in reverse. These units are environmentally friendly, economical, they can have different functions, classified by type.

Hydrogen generator for heating a private house

Another representative of alternative heating is a hydrogen generator for heating a private house. It also requires electricity to operate. This unit is a powerful, silent, environmentally friendly device with which you can heat rooms with a large area. The principle of its operation is based on the combustion of hydrogen, while the atmosphere is not polluted with harmful substances, but only steam is released, which is harmless to the environment.

The installation includes a boiler, pipes, the diameter of which decreases after each branching - this factor is necessary for quality work hydrogen burner. During the operation of the generator, a catalytic reaction occurs - hydrogen interacts with oxygen and "gives birth" to water. Thus, there is an emission of thermal energy, which is sent to the heat exchanger, while the efficiency of such heating is 96%. Heating a private house with hydrogen generator can be produced both independently and additionally, interacting with other heating installations.

Hydrogen generator, photo:

Solar collectors - alternative heating option

The advent of new technologies motivates us to keep up with the times. People have learned to benefit from the environment, use it to improve the quality of life. To date, solar collectors for home heating can be considered one of the most successful developments in the field of heating installations. These devices are able to provide you with warmth at any time you want. The sun's rays are one of the most accessible sources of heat, and with the help of collectors, they can be converted into the heat energy needed for our needs.

During such a transformation, two types of energy can be obtained - electrical and thermal. With the help of solar collectors, you can heat water, heat a house, equip a floor heating system. Photovoltaic modules (another name for solar panels) have a slightly different principle of operation - they are aimed at generating electricity. In summer, with the help of solar collectors, you can provide your home with hot water, and with the onset of autumn and spring - with heat. It is worth considering that in winter the devices are ineffective, since the sun does not shine so intensely.

How to make heating in a private house using solar collectors? These units have a long service life (more than 15 years), they must be installed on the south side of the roof, and its area itself must be at least 40 square meters. At the same time, the truss system of the house must be reliable, durable, since the collectors have a significant weight. It is best to consider this heating at the stage of designing a home - multiple installation nuances require special attention. Naturally, you need to carefully calculate the number of devices themselves, their power.

Solar collectors, photo:

The set of the standard unit includes a vacuum collector, a controller, a pump for supplying heat carrier to the collector accumulation tank, volumetric water tanks, a heat pump, and an electric heater. Solar collectors for home heating are expensive and require significant material investments at the initial stage. The payback of such a system is 7-10 years. It should be borne in mind that the sun's rays do not appear at our request, which means that these units cannot be the only source of heat for the house. Along with their installation, the arrangement of another heating system will be required.

Summing up, I would like to say that alternative options for heating a home can allow any owner to provide their country or private home with heat, create comfortable living conditions. Even despite the significant cash costs at the initial installation stage, the above units are a more profitable alternative to traditional gas heating. Do not forget about the level of safety - statistics of accidents due to the use of gas heating speaks for itself. Individual devices can be a full-fledged replacement for the gas version, and some will well complement existing heating systems.

Alternative heating of a private house without gas and electricity today is a reality, but do not forget about improving the overall energy efficiency of the house (minimizing heat loss, eliminating all heat leaks).