The heat exchanger is clogged how to clean. How to clean a gas boiler: a few simple ways

By constructing Vacation home, each person thinks about how to effectively heat their home.

To achieve this goal, heating systems are installed, the main element of which is a heating boiler. A stable room temperature is largely dependent on the smooth functioning of the boiler.

In order for the boiler to work stably, it is necessary to carry out regular maintenance of the boiler equipment.

One of the types of technical maintenance is flushing the boiler unit from scale. In this article, we will talk in detail about what scale is, as well as how to effectively get rid of its presence in boiler equipment.

Why does scale appear

This type of pollution is the main problem in the operation of the boiler. Limescale forms wherever hot water is circulated.

In other words, it settles as a hard layer on the inner walls of the boiler equipment.

What triggers the appearance of scale? The reason for this clogging is very commonplace - the use of hard water as a coolant, which is well saturated with magnesium ions, calcium carbonate, iron oxide, and other various impurities.

When these elements interact with the inner walls of the heat exchanger, salts or bicarbonates are formed, which are the source of scale formation. It is also worth noting that important fact that on the walls, which are covered with this pollution, scale will appear even faster and faster.

The result of such an increasing action will be a narrowing of the channels for the circulation of the coolant, and this, in turn, leads to a loss of heat transfer and to a decrease in pressure.

Important information: 1 mm of scale increases fuel consumption by 10%!

Also, the negative effect of this pollution is that scale particles move freely through the heating system and, getting into the heating elements, can take them out of working condition.

Therefore, the following recommendation is very important: the scale removed in time will protect your heating boiler from breakdowns and failures.

Signs of limescale

In order to understand when it is necessary to flush the heating boiler from scale, you need to know the signs of its appearance in a gas or other type of boiler.

These signs are the following important points:

  • fuel consumption increases significantly with the same boiler operation;
  • characteristic crackling and micro-explosions are heard in the boiler unit;
  • the heat exchanger overheats significantly (poor return return waters does not cool this device);
  • heating elements of heating are unevenly heated;
  • circulation pump works with effort;
  • low head warm water in the tap (this sign is about the operation of a double-circuit boiler);
  • an increase in the time for heating the room at the same outdoor temperature.

When to clean up

For heating a cottage or country house the boiler is in full operation heating season and at the same time - 24 hours a day.

This is a sufficiently long period for the formation of a limiting amount of scale.

Also, unscheduled descaling can be carried out in the event that the above symptoms are found in the operation of the boiler unit.

How to clean

Descaling the boiler is called flushing. There are two main methods of descaling the boiler:

  • collapsible;
  • indiscriminate.

When using the collapsible method, you can sequentially dismantle parts that are contaminated with scale with your own hands. Then these parts are placed in a container with a reagent for several hours. After that, these units are thoroughly rinsed with water, and then reinstalled in place.

The name of the CIP method speaks for itself, in other words, the boiler is flushed from scale on the spot - without dismantling the contaminated parts. In this case, descaling of the boiler unit is carried out using a special device called a booster.

This device consists of the following components:

  • container for a chemical solution;
  • electric heater for liquid;
  • circulation pump.

Flushing the boiler from scale using a booster is carried out in the following order:

  • the boiler is disconnected from the fuel supply or, in the case of a solid fuel option, the device is allowed to cool down;
  • water is drained from the boiler;
  • detaches from heating system;
  • a booster is connected;
  • this device starts pumping the reagent through the boiler for 5–6 hours;
  • the waste liquid is drained;
  • the boiler is flushed and connected to the heating system.

It is also worth knowing that for effective removal scale by flushing with a booster, the entire volume of operations must be repeated several times.
the concentration of acidic solutions for flushing must be 1% per 1 mm of scale layer!

In this article, we tried to tell as much as possible in detail about how you can flush the boiler from scale yourself. We hope this will be very useful information for you.

Watch a video in which an experienced user explains how to descale a gas boiler yourself:

On which the efficiency of his work depends.

Over time, especially if the water in the boiler is hard, it clogs up and becomes unusable.

How to flush the heat exchanger gas boiler, can you do it yourself or is it better to contact the service?

When is it worth saving on it, and when not? In what cases is intervention required, and when is it worth looking for the cause somewhere else?

During combustion, inevitably, over time, a layer of soot forms on the heat exchanger, furnace walls and nozzles.

Nozzles are parts of a gas boiler on which a flame is formed and through which gas is supplied for combustion.

Before flushing the heat exchanger of a gas boiler, it is necessary to remove soot from it.

Soot is formed when low-quality gas is used. For example, in those designed to work from natural gas, use propane-butane gas, another gas.

Usually, services that offer to flush the heat exchanger of a gas boiler at home offer flushing without removing the heat exchanger. To do this, they have a special device that allows you to connect and pass a special cleaning solution through it.

As a result, after a while, from half an hour to two hours, the boiler is descaled.

In principle, the device is quite simple and consists of a small circulation pump and a system of pipes. If you have all the necessary parts, you can assemble it yourself. However, if you have to buy something, especially a pump, the idea will not pay off.

The fact is that the cleaning procedure itself costs from 500 to 1500 rubles in different cities.

Cleaning is required every 2-3 years.

Buying a pump will cost about 3,000 rubles, and it will pay off after 2-6 cleanings and 4-18 years.

Therefore, it makes sense to contact the service department.

The flushing solution consists of reagents that dissolve calcium salts.

The advantages of cleaning the heat exchanger without removing it - there is no need to waste time removing it, it is often impossible to remove this part, and this method is the only possible one.

Disadvantages - if the pipes are connected to the boiler on a rigid connection, or if they are stainless steel, which were assembled using inserts for welding, then it is often completely impossible to remove them and attach the cleaning pipes.

How to remove the heat exchanger, disassemble and assemble it, and put it back in place

This procedure may be required before cleaning the boiler from soot, or before cleaning the gas boiler heat exchanger at home with removal.

If the boiler is connected to the pipelines "tightly", then this method is the only possible one without cutting the pipes. Before removing the heat exchanger, you must read the instructions.

In most cases, it is necessary to remove the protective covers and then disconnect the heat exchanger from the pipes by loosening the latches.

Different boilers may have different design, therefore, the heat exchanger must be removed carefully, carefully recording the whole process, so that you can then put it back.

In some cases, it is not necessary to remove the nuts, and the heat exchanger has a collapsible design with latches or generally non-collapsible. In the latter case, it can only be cleaned using a special device that passes a cleaning solution through it.

After cleaning, the heat exchanger must be replaced. The instructions for the heat exchanger and the previously recorded removal process will help in this. You can fix it on paper in text, using drawings, photographs or video:

If desired, you can do the cleaning of the heat exchanger of the double-circuit boiler with your own hands, without resorting to the services of specialists. This procedure does not take much time, moreover, there is no need to spend extra money. The main thing is to follow some rules and know the principle of operation of a gas boiler. Spending only 2-3 hours of time, you can qualitatively clean the equipment from contamination.

A gas boiler heats up water when gas is burned in it. The structure's heat exchanger is a bent copper or steel tube. When the gas is converted to energy, the heat exchanger also heats up, transferring heat to the heating system. Heating is carried out thanks to special plates, they also help to raise the temperature and direct it to one of the circuits of a two-circuit system.

The heat exchanger is made from the following materials:

  • Copper;
  • Stainless steel;
  • Copper alloys.

This is because copper and its derivatives conduct heat well.

These plates tend to get covered with deposits due to contact with water, so they must be cleaned every two years before turning on the heating for the winter.

If the water is hard enough, you will have to descale the heat exchanger once every 2 years. You can do this yourself, having prepared the necessary tools in advance.

Cleaning methods: how to clean a gas boiler

To prevent overheating of equipment parts, breakdowns and an increase in fuel consumption, periodic flushing and cleaning of the heat exchanger and other elements is required.

The heat exchanger can be cleaned in several ways:

  • Manual cleaning, which involves removing the coil, it can be carried out mechanically, or you have to flush the pipe with a special compound that dissolves salt;
  • Cleaning with an acidic liquid using a booster;
  • A variant of hydrodynamic flushing with the use of increased pressure is possible.

Manual cleaning is done with a stiff brush and vacuum cleaner. For a double-circuit boiler, you should use an anti-salt liquid from limescale... First, the coil is removed, and after the procedure it returns to its place. Particular attention must be paid to the tightness test.

You can also clean the pipe with a booster. For this, a special solution is passed through it, which is able to remove even deposits of iron compounds. Finally, the acid is neutralized by another liquid, which is pumped through the pipes.

The hydrodynamic method allows you to effectively destroy plaque and deposits by increasing pressure and using abrasive substances pumped into the coil.

Procedure: how to clean the boiler from scale, carbon deposits and soot

If you decide to do the procedure for cleaning the structure with your own hands, before doing any work at home, you need to turn off the electricity, turn off the gas, close all the valves of the heating system and the boiler.

All actions should be performed carefully, disassembly and assembly requires special care:

  • The boiler cover is removed;
  • Next, you should remove gas burner, remove impurities in the form of carbon deposits from the electrodes, you can rinse the surface with water with detergent, rinse;
  • Clean the injector and nozzles with a soft hair brush;
  • Next, the fan is removed, and its blades are cleaned;
  • The wall of the AGV combustion chamber is removed;
  • The heat exchanger should be cleaned of soot, rinsed from limescale with citric acid or a special compound;
  • After dismantling the coil, it is necessary to clean the bottom of the boiler;
  • Then the filter is cleaned for cold water, purged and washed with clean water;
  • All parts are returned to their places;
  • The tightness of the AOGV is checked.

After completing all the necessary procedures, you can open the gas valve and turn on the electricity.

When the boiler has been running for a long time, soot deposits will gradually form on the burner. When it accumulates in large quantities, it can cause equipment malfunction. Therefore, you must periodically remove it.

For mechanical cleaning with small accumulations of dirt, you will need:

  • Brush;
  • Brush;
  • A thin needle.

The gas duct is wiped without fail. The surface of the nozzles is cleaned with brushes or a brush. A needle is used for the holes. In no case should the hole be enlarged, as the combustion process may be disturbed.

If there is a lot of carbon deposits, acidic solvents can be used.

Do-it-yourself cleaning of the gas boiler "Aton" (video)

Any gas boiler, even if it is produced by such well-known companies as Aton or Vailant, requires respect and care. Timely prevention, flushing and cleansing from different types pollution, is a guarantee of uninterrupted and long-term operation of this type of equipment. However, with independent work it is important not to forget about correct assembly and safety rules.

The essence of the work of the heat exchanger of a gas boiler is to heat up and maintain a stable temperature of heat carriers - special antifreeze or water. Heat carriers, in turn, circulating through the heating system, heat up the batteries, thereby saturating the interior space of the dwelling with warmth and comfort.

With intensive operation of a gas boiler, a sufficiently large amount of scale or insoluble deposits accumulates on the walls of the heat exchanger, which can eventually cause its breakdown. In order to protect themselves from such a nuisance, the owners of apartments and houses with gas heating, perform flushing. There are two ways to flush a gas boiler - manual (mechanical) and chemical.

Manual way

The manual method of flushing the heat exchanger is popular due to its low cost. In order to solve the problem, it is necessary to disassemble the boiler, remove the heat exchanger and rinse it with special cleaning mixtures. After flushing, it is necessary to install the heat exchanger again and assemble the boiler.

Despite all its availability, this method is not optimal, since when disassembling the body and mechanisms of a gas boiler, you can inadvertently damage its sealing elements and other parts. In turn, damage to the seals can compromise the tightness. household appliance, which is highly undesirable from a safety point of view.

Chemical method

The chemical method also makes it possible to efficiently clean the heat exchanger from scale accumulated on its walls. However, this method has a significant advantage, which is that when carrying out cleaning work, there is no need to disassemble the gas boiler and dismantle the heat exchanger.

It's smart and safe way, albeit more costly in financial terms. Its essence consists in connecting a special device to a gas boiler, which functionally resembles a pump. This device for some time drives special highly efficient chemical reagents through the heat exchanger of a gas boiler.

Definitely, chemical method it is worth the money spent on it, since the reagents destroy not only the plaque accumulated on the walls of the heat exchanger, but also effectively clean the pipes, taps, circulation pump and other elements of the gas boiler.

A heating boiler, like almost any technological equipment operating in difficult conditions requires periodic maintenance. One of the most important operations carried out during the maintenance of a gas boiler is cleaning its heat exchanger.

Heat exchanger is a metal (or cast iron) box with a built-in radiator, which is heated from the outside by the flame of the burner and transfers heat to the liquid flowing inside. If the heat exchanger is clean, then it works with maximum efficiency, giving almost all the energy received for heating. However, over time, various impurities begin to settle on the walls of the internal channels, which are compounds of salts dissolved in the coolant (scale). Particularly intensive education lime deposits occurs in the secondary heat exchanger of a double-circuit boiler if hard water is used in the DHW line.

Such contamination of the heat exchanger channels can lead to a number of unpleasant consequences:

  • Reduced boiler efficiency... Mineral deposits have a much lower thermal conductivity than metal, so much more energy will have to be spent on heating water. Accordingly, the gas consumption will also increase.
  • Overheating of the heat exchanger... The scheme of operation of gas boilers assumes that the coolant coming from the return line cools the internal cavities heating element... When scale appears, the cooling efficiency drops, the heat exchanger overheats and quickly fails.
  • Breaking heating equipment ... Mineral deposits on the inner walls of heat exchangers make it difficult for the coolant to pass through them. This creates an additional load on the circulation pump, which will quickly exhaust its resource if the narrowed channels are not cleaned in time.

Thus, timely flushing of the heat exchanger will help to save significant funds by preventing the breakdown of expensive components and ensuring the minimum required fuel consumption.

Heat exchanger cleaning interval

In different sources, you can find rather contradictory information about how often cleaning of various elements of heating boilers should be carried out. As a rule, the maintenance intervals are given in the instructions for the specific model. However, it should be borne in mind that these figures are approximate and are based on the most favorable operating conditions. In fact, flushing of heat exchangers may be required more often.

It is possible to assess how badly the heat exchanger is clogged by several indirect signs that accompany the operation of a gas boiler:

The design of modern boilers is designed for long-term use, and the cost of spare parts for them is quite high. Therefore, the heat exchanger must be cleaned immediately if the symptoms described above appear. Otherwise, the cost of maintaining heating boilers may increase significantly.

Cleaning methods for heat exchangers

The heat exchanger can be flushed different ways... Next, we will consider them in more detail, and at the same time we will note how to clean the heat exchanger of a double-circuit boiler, which is especially susceptible to the formation of organic deposits.

Manual cleaning

To solve the problem in this way, the heat exchanger must be completely removed from the boiler in order to gain free access to it. After that, it can be cleaned with various tools:

  • Mechanical cleaning... You can remove plaque from the inner surface using a stiff metal brush or a special scraper;
  • Flushingv special formulations ... Most often, heat exchanger parts are soaked in an acid wash solution. This method is especially effective for removing stubborn dirt, for example, in the ducts of double-circuit gas boilers.

The manual cleaning method is simple and effective. It can be used to flush the heat exchanger yourself. The only remark is that you must be careful when working with the sealing elements of the boilers and monitor the tightness of all joints.

Hydrodynamic cleaning

Gas boiler heat exchangers can be flushed without disassembling it.

Hydrodynamic cleaning is the process of mechanical descaling from the walls of pipelines using jets of water high pressure, which sometimes contain impurities of small abrasive particles.

Such a procedure is carried out using special installations that pressurize the line up to one and a half thousand bar. This is the most efficient, albeit quite expensive, way of cleaning heat exchangers.

Chemical cleaning

Chemical flushing of elements of gas boilers is that a solution for acid flushing is introduced into the system using a special device called a booster. Then this solution is run through the heat exchanger for several hours and cleans it. This method allows you to remove the most difficult types of deposits - carbonate scale and ferric iron.

To the disadvantages chemical cleaning include the high cost of the reagent, metal wear and a large amount of toxic waste.

Heat exchanger flushing fluids

In conclusion, we will consider the question of how to flush the heat exchanger of a gas boiler. Despite the abundance of recommendations in various sources Some care must be taken when choosing a cleaning agent.

Many experts recommend using hydrochloric acid for flushing. It removes limescale really well, but is a rather aggressive compound that can disrupt protective covering the inner surface of the heat exchanger.

In addition, there is evidence that rinsing with hydrochloric acid can cause the metal to become brittle.

Less hazardous for the heat exchanger material is lemon acid... It copes well with all types of deposits, as well as special reagents: DETEX, Cillit, Sanax and others.

Timely and proper care behind the elements of the heating system will increase its service life and reduce the cost of maintaining operability. Cleaning the heat exchanger, as one of the most important operations performed when maintenance boilers will make the most significant contribution to this process.