Clematis preparing for winter. Reproduction of clematis in autumn and spring

How to cover clematis for the winter in the Moscow region

Clematis is of particular interest to many gardeners. This is justified - the flowering is very beautiful and, with proper care, is so abundant that you can refuse other flowers for decorating a garden or a gazebo, a wall. If you wish, you can create a wonderful composition for every taste by combining different shades together.
In addition, clematis (two other names are also common - lozinka and clematis) can be very different. Among the three hundred species, there are some that are radically different from each other. These can be herbaceous perennials or woody plants. Accordingly, the differences in the root system are significant. It is either fibrous or pivotal (in this case, the transplant is more complicated). In woody clematis, the shoots are faceted, and in herbaceous clematis they are rounded.
Clematis is not a difficult plant to grow. There are even wild species that are not afraid of 12-degree frosts - they not only feel good in such conditions, but also continue to bloom. However, with the deduced decorative varieties this is not the case. Preparing clematis for winter is an important event that should be taken with full attention. The health of the plant as a whole depends on this, as well as the time and splendor of flowering. In this case, the varieties can be subdivided into early-, medium- and late-flowering. The variety must be selected based on the climatic conditions of the region in which it is planned to grow this flower. For the Moscow region, the following are most often used: Niobe, Rouge Cardinal, Nelly Moser, Anastasia Anisimova, Elegy and others.

Preparing clematis for winter

It is best to prune clematis in the middle or late autumn, before the onset of frost. Most often, the end of October - the beginning of November is suitable for this event. It is better if the weather on this day is dry and calm.
The procedure will not be difficult if the plant is young. That is, in the first year of life, you need to perform short cut, leaving a shoot 20-30 centimeters high. In clematis blooming on last year's shoots, only the tops should be cut off, leaving long (1.5-2 meters) shoots. Clematis, which bloom first on old and then on new shoots (that is, twice a year), need to be cut shorter, leaving shoots no more than 1.2-1.5 meters. For plants blooming exclusively on young spring shoots, short pruning should be done in the fall, leaving 2-3 buds from ground level.
If you do not know exactly which variety clematis belongs to, you can resort to combined (also called universal) pruning. That is, leave one shoot long, about one and a half meters, cut the second one to 2-3 buds, the next one is long again, then short, and so on throughout the bush.

However, it should be remembered that regardless of the chosen pruning method, it is imperative to remove dry and broken shoots, as well as get rid of healthy, but unnecessary ones, in order to increase the ventilation of the bush.
Preparing clematis for winter includes one more stage, when it comes to a branched variety - removing the plant from the support. If you approach this procedure wisely, you can do it in 20 minutes. The main thing is not to braid the shoots between the bars of the trellis in spring, otherwise in the fall you will have to break the branches that have grown over the summer.

In the case of old clematis, pruning should be done at a height of one and a half meters from the ground. Remove all the wires that were used in the spring to tie the branches to the trellis. Cut off all leaves that interfere with the separation of the plant from the support with scissors. When the procedure is completed, all that remains is to thin out the bush and start hiding.

How to cover clematis for the winter in middle lane and in the Urals

The first step is to treat the ground near the flower with an antimicrobial agent and sprinkle it with wood ash. Clematis belongs to frost-resistant plants, therefore, you need to be careful with insulation - not to overdo it. However, this event is aimed not only at protecting the plant from cold and sudden temperature changes, but also from dampness, which causes rotting of the root system and the death of the bush.

First of all, so that during the thaw the roots of clematis do not get wet, you need to pour one or two buckets of humus under the bushes. If this is not possible, then just any land will do. The resulting mound will not allow water to flood the roots.
Asking the question - how to cover clematis for the winter in the Urals - you need to know that this event is not much different from the one in the Moscow region. Both there and there you can use different ways... The only difference is the thickness of the material layers. Of course, in the Urals, the shelter should be thicker due to the climatic features of the region than in the middle lane.
It is not worth laying shoots on bare ground - for this purpose, you need to equip a kind of "pillow" from any suitable material... They can become needles, cut branches (including clematis itself), wooden planks... The needles protect well from rodents, but at the same time they can start the process of soil acidification, which is harmful to the plant. To prevent this from happening, in early spring it must be removed.
For cover, you can use any nonwoven fabric... Lutrasil has proven itself very well in central Russia and in the Urals. You can wrap the shoots around them, and then lay them on a "pillow" of pine needles or wooden boards. Then cover with dry woody leaves and cover with spruce branches. Place pieces of slate on top. If it is not available, you can use the film. In this case, it must be covered with something dark so that the sun's rays do not pass through, creating temperature fluctuations. And most importantly - do not forget to leave ventilation on both sides to avoid clematis drying out.
If possible, special boxes should be used to shelter clematis. They are very good because they can be installed at any time convenient for the gardener. Then open the lid for free air access and leave it until frost.

If you are thinking about how to cover young clematis for the winter correctly, then it is still easier here than in the case of adult bushes. However, the procedure also requires care. First, the soil and the plant itself must be treated with a foundation and spud with humus, compost, sand or weathered peat. Next, cover with chopped spruce branches and a film that protects against moisture. You can go the other way - after clematis is sprinkled, install wooden box and put a roofing material or a film on it. Alternatively, cover the young cut bushes with inverted flower pots, and lay a layer of dry spruce on top.

Regardless of the age of the plant, one should remember important feature- you cannot cover clematis with sawdust for the winter! This material is completely inappropriate in this case, because this flower is afraid of dampness more than frost. Shelter with sawdust with a high degree of probability can lead to damping, because they first get wet and freeze, and then begin to thaw gradually, releasing moisture. Because of this, take shelter in the right moment becomes very problematic.

Now, it is important not to forget that you also need to shoot the shelter competently. In case of warming, slate or film should be removed. And only when the return of night frosts is impossible, remove the spruce branches completely. The plant must be released gradually so that it has the opportunity to harden. After that, the branches must be carefully straightened and pinned to the trellis.

If you did everything right, clematis will delight you with beautiful lush flowers that are hard to take your eyes off!

Clematis or clematis are loved by many gardeners. These vines received their popularity for their beautiful flowers, leaves, lush bushes and profuse flowering from mid-summer to the very frost. Grassy climbing plants can be used to decorate gazebos and verandas, fences and unsightly buildings. Look luxurious garden structures, which can be decorated with only one clematis stem. However, these plants must be properly cared for by giving Special attention care for clematis in the fall. How to prepare clematis for winter, breeding clematis and transplanting creepers in the fall, we will tell you in detail in our article.

TO preparatory work not just the pruning of bushes, but a number of procedures due to which the thermophilic plant will survive even in harsh winters. These procedures include:

  • tillage;
  • pruning branches;
  • insulation.

Everything preparatory activities should be carried out correctly and efficiently.

Soil preparation

So that the plant is not affected by fungal diseases next year, the soil late autumn processed with 0.2% foundation, 1% solution copper sulfate or potassium permanganate.

When frosts are established at -5 ... -7 degrees, the soil is dug up and insulated. It is necessary to insulate the soil precisely after the onset of subzero temperatures, because at this time no water will accumulate on the soil surface. This is the basic rule when preparing clematis for winter. Otherwise, when waterlogged upper layers the substrate, the plant may die. This is explained by the fact that the soil, moist on a warm day, freezes at night, turns into ice and literally tears the roots apart.

When to prune clematis?

When caring for most plants, pruning is required, which is especially necessary for thermophilic vines. This procedure allows you to beautifully arrange the shrub and fully develop the horse system, as a result of which you get abundant flowering. Pruning is divided into the following types:

  1. Formative - to improve flowering and increase branch growth.
  2. Sanitary - to remove dried, broken and diseased shoots that interfere with the development of the plant.
  3. Winter pruning protects the crop from freezing and promotes better wintering.

If sanitary and formative pruning is carried out in the spring, then clematis is prepared for winter in the fall.

Features of pruning clematis in the fall

How to prune clematis depends on the variety of vines, which are divided into three groups.

The first group of clematis

The first group includes the following varieties:

  • Vadas Primrose;
  • Joan of Arc;
  • Zhakmani Superba;
  • Carmen Rose;
  • Floralia;
  • Rosie Pegoude.

They bloom on the shoots of the past year, so they tolerate wintering well. They can not be removed from the supports, but simply spud.

Vines of this group should be trimmed minimally. The branches are simply shortened to a height of one to one and a half meters, and only underdeveloped shoots are completely removed.

Cropping the second group

This group includes plants on which flowers are formed at the beginning of summer on last year's shoots, and by autumn - on the branches of this year.

Varieties of the second group:

  • The president;
  • Lord Neville;
  • Ivan Olsson;
  • Barbara Dibley;
  • Barbara Jacqueman;
  • Cassiopeia;
  • Valge Daam;
  • Anna German.

They need light pruning, which is selected individually for each variety. In the first autumn after planting, young bushes should be cut no higher than 30 cm above the ground, and for adult vines, special technology is required. In any case, weak shoots are removed, and strong shoots are cut to a height of one meter, after which the branches are removed from the support and laid at the roots.

The third group of clematis

Buds on the vines of this group are formed on the shoots of the current year. Such clematis, in preparation for winter, require strong pruning. It is necessary to leave only 20-50 cm from the branches from the soil level. In this case, it is imperative to make sure that several pairs of buds remain on each shoot.

The varieties of clematis of the third group include:

  • Mephistopheles;
  • Luther Burbank;
  • Forest Opera;
  • Mercury;
  • Melody;
  • Viola;
  • Cloud;
  • Roco-Call;
  • Romance;
  • Cuba.

The climbing plant calmly tolerates the first frosts, but it is not worth delaying with its preparation for winter. After pruning and cultivating the soil, they begin another stage of caring for clematis - a shelter:

Experienced gardeners advise - before sheltering clematis in the fall, remove all leaves from the remaining shoots. Pests and viruses can remain on them, which are easy on sheltered plant will survive in the winter and begin to spread in the spring.

How to transplant clematis in the fall?

Transplanting clematis to another place in the fall is necessary in the following cases:

  1. For the rejuvenation of old bushes.
  2. To change the place if the planting in the spring was made at the wrong place.
  3. When it changes landscape design garden.
  4. If the vine began to fade, despite the fact that all the rules for care were followed. The cause of wilting may be the defeat of fungal diseases that occur when the soil is waterlogged. In this case, planting the bush in a new place and pretreating the roots with fungicides is required. Another reason for wilting is an overgrown plant that needs to be transplanted to another bed, where there will be more space for clematis.

Transplanted only if absolutely necessary hybrid varieties and plants are first years.

When to transplant clematis?

The timing of planting a plant in a new place depends on the region in which the vine grows. It should be borne in mind that the plant will need about a month for adaptation and rooting. Clematis should have time to take root before the first frosts, which occur in each region at different times.

How to transplant clematis correctly?

If the bushes are still young, then replanting them is quite simple. It is enough to dig them in a couple of bayonets trunk circle, remove the roots along with a lump of earth and plant in a previously prepared hole in a new bed. Before boarding root system should be inspected for rot and damage. Rotten roots are cut off and sprinkled with crushed charcoal.

It is much more difficult to replant overgrown adult plants, since they have a branched root system. Therefore, a bush with a large radius is dug in. But even in this case, some part of the roots will have to be chopped off.

Site preparation

To plant clematis, you need to choose a site that will meet the following criteria:

  1. Good illumination.
  2. A place where there are no nearby groundwater, and moisture does not collect in the soil. Clematis roots do not like waterlogging of the soil. They begin to rot even with a short stagnation of water, which is detrimental to the shrub.
  3. The site should be as calm as possible, otherwise the thin stems of clematis may break under the influence of the wind.
  4. The soil in the flower bed can be any, but its acidity should be within 6.0 pH.

In the place chosen for planting, holes are made with such dimensions so that the roots enter the hole, and it was possible to deepen the plant by at least 15 cm.If the drainage will fit into the hole, then it is made deeper.

The distance between the pits should be about one meter. For varieties of clematis that bloom with small buds, a distance of 2.5 meters is made between the holes.

After the shoot is planted and sprinkled with a nutrient mixture, it must be cut off so that it is convenient to cover it in the fall. A support is immediately established near the vines, the trunk circle is mulched and watered. After transplantation, clematis requires the same care as other plants of this species.

Reproduction of clematis in autumn and spring

Clematis can be propagated in several ways:

  • cuttings;
  • layering.

Propagation by green cuttings

Cuttings are best done in the spring during the budding period, when the vine has not yet bloomed and the shoots have a lot of strength. Used for cuttings grown after pruning lateral branches. The shoot is cut into pieces, each of which should have 1-2 knots. The upper cut should be 2 cm higher than the node. The lower cut is made at an angle of 45 degrees, and the cuttings are placed in a container with a root formation stimulant dissolved in water. You can use Zircon or Epin.

Before planting in the ground, the leaves are cut in half on the segments. The substrate for rooting cuttings should always be about 20-30% moist. To achieve this, it is made of two layers:

  • first, a mixture of peat and sand is poured into the container with a layer of 15-20 cm;
  • a layer of sand is used as the top layer, which should be about 6-8 cm.

It retains moisture well and allows air to pass through a mixture of crushed sphagnum moss and river sand.

The selected soil is watered with a solution of potassium permanganate and placed in a container. A stalk is planted in it, the node of which must be placed 1 cm in the soil. It is from this node that roots will begin to grow over time. It is best to plant each stalk in a separate pot. But, if the segments are planted in one container, then the distance between them should be about 5 cm.

Caring for the planted segments consists in maintaining the air temperature in the room within + 18 ... + 20 degrees. For better rooting, they need high humidity air, so the leaves should be sprayed every day.

Reproduction of clematis by cuttings in the fall

During autumn pruning can choose suitable cuttings and keep them until spring. In autumn, it is better not to plant them in the ground, since the development of the plant at this time is suspended.

Preparing cuttings:

  1. It is necessary to cut the shoot into segments and from the middle part select those that have leaves and 1-2 nodes on the sides.
  2. There should be 2-3 cm from the bottom to the knot, and 1-2 cm from the top.
  3. The leaves are cut in half and the cutting is cut at an angle.
  4. Before planting, the segment is processed according to the instructions of Kornevin, Heterooxin or another growth stimulant.
  5. For the development of the root system, a substrate consisting of sand and humus or peat (2: 1) is required.
  6. Each piece is placed in a separate container so that the knot is half above the ground.
  7. The containers are placed in a room with an air temperature within +25 degrees.

When caring for cuttings, it is necessary to keep the soil moist and spray the bushes twice a day.

Young clematis obtained after autumn cuttings should be stored in the basement or cellar until spring.

Reproduction of clematis by layering

The easiest way to propagate clematis is by horizontal layers.

Shoot rooting procedure:

  1. Dig a groove 10 cm deep next to the bush.
  2. Select an intact, whole stem, lay it in the groove and press down with hairpins made of ordinary wire.
  3. You can fill the escape with soil immediately. If the earth is not covered with earth, then after a while new shoots will grow a little in the places of the buds, which must be covered so that 20 cm of the unsprayed top remains above the ground surface.
  4. The shoots must be watered during the entire rooting period. The soil should not dry out.
  5. The grown shoots are covered with earth.
  6. In the fall, a branch with shoots is insulated.
  7. Next year, in the spring, you can dig them up and plant a new plant in the garden.

You can propagate clematis by layering from early spring to late summer. As a result of such reproduction, several seedlings can be obtained from one branch at once.

HOW TO PREPARE KLEMATIS FOR WINTER Save so as not to lose! Preparing the plant for wintering Preparatory work should begin in August. Clematis will need to be fed this month potash-phosphorus fertilizers ... Proportion - 50 grams of fertilizer is taken per bucket of water. You can cover plants from the end of October and throughout the first decade of November. Adult clematis tolerate short-term frosts quite well, but it is still not worth delaying the construction of the shelter too much. First, the vine will need to be cut. The height of the remaining lash can vary from 1.2 meters to 20 centimeters. The indicator depends on which group the plant belongs to (you will read about this a little below). It is imperative to cut off the foliage (clematis does not belong to deciduous plants, and in the spring it will look untidy) and dry shoots. After that, you can start building the shelter. How to determine the variety of clematis (by groups)? If you do not know the variety of clematis grown, then leave it in the fall without pruning. If live buds were found on the liana in the spring, then clematis belongs to the second group. In plants belonging to the third group, vines emerge completely dry from under the snow in spring. Shelter rules for clematis (depending on the group) The clematis of the first group include vines that form flowers on last year's shoots. The scourge of these varieties should be left intact. When choosing, you need to be interested in the winter hardiness of the variety. The most popular and viable varieties in this group are: · Pink Flamingo; Frances Rivis; · Markcham Pink. They can be left to winter without removing them from the support. Of course, everything is relative and depends on the growing region. An uncovered liana is unlikely to survive severe frosts. The lower part of the bush needs obligatory hilling to a height of thirty to forty centimeters. If suddenly unprotected stems die, then clematis will be able to recover. New shoots will come from the overwintered root collar. The nuances of the shelter of clematis of the second group Clematis, belonging to the second group, bloom on the shoots of both the current and last year. The first flowers are formed on last year's shoots. The second stream blooms on vines that have appeared in the current season. That is why it is advisable to keep the whips. In clematis of this group, pruning of shoots is carried out at a height of 1 ... 1.2 meters. Leaves are also cut. The base of the bush must be earthed to a height of thirty to forty centimeters. Roll the shortened and freed from the foliage into a ring, lay it on the ground and cover it with dry foliage. Then insulate the clematis with a double layer of dense covering material. Shelter of clematis of the third group It is the vines that are part of the third group that are found especially often in flower beds. Flowers bloom on the lashes of the current year, and therefore the plants can be cut short in autumn. The third group of clematis includes such varieties as: · Purpurea Plena Elegans; Venosa Violacea; BLUE ANGEL; · Blue River; Teksa: Polish Spirit. The scourge of the plant must be cut to a height of fifteen to twenty centimeters and covered with earth. Clematis do not need any additional shelter in most cases. It all depends on the winter temperatures in your area. Shelter of clematis and roses when growing together Quite often climbing roses and clematis are grown side by side on one support. The shelter scheme in this case is very simple. · Clematis of the third group should be cut short, and the base of the bush should be spud. After that, you can bend the shoots of the rose to the ground and cover them with lutrasil. · Clematis from the second group are pruned to the recommended height, remembering to remove the leaves. They spud the base of the bush and lower the lianas twisted in the form of a ring to the ground. Insulate with foliage and cover with one layer of covering material. Roses are laid on top and insulated with another layer of lutrasil. How to shelter young clematis Young clematis, regardless of group affiliation, need careful shelter. An immature plant can die in a winter with little snow. When organizing a shelter, it is advisable to adhere to some rules: 1. After a strong pruning, the plant must be spilled high. Additionally, insulate the mound with dry foliage or spruce branches, and lay the film on top. It will protect the soil from moisture. 2. Clematis can be hidden under inverted flower pots... And now they need to be covered with sawdust, spruce branches or shavings. 3. Before covering, it is advisable to treat the soil around the plant with a foundation and additionally sprinkle wood ash. 4. For hilling the bush, it is advisable to use compost, humus or weathered peat. Mice are very fond of hibernating under the shelter of clematis. However, they can severely damage the lashes. That is why, when insulating vines, it is necessary to lay the poison under the covering material so that the mice die. If you are against this method of getting rid of clematis from unnecessary neighbors, then you can use a more humane option. Sprinkle sawdust under the lutrasil cat litter... The persistent smell of urine will persist throughout the winter and will scare away rodents.


It is very important for beginner flower growers to know how to preserve planted plants during the cold season. After all, if, in the absence of watering or weeding, cultivated plants there is at least some chance of survival, then severe frost able to destroy plantings in one day. In this article, we will tell you how to properly cover a wonderful flower for the winter - clematis.

Clematis - how to cover for the winter?

It is possible to grow clematis in almost any region of our country, however, on condition that you have to cover it for the winter. Given the fact that winters in some areas can be long and harsh, this should be taken seriously. So, preparation for the cold weather should begin in the fall. It is during this period that young shoots begin to ripen and harden in all plants. Traditionally, in the autumn period, gardeners fertilize their "pupils", which contribute to the better ripening of the shoots. Clematis is no exception.

In addition, old leaves are removed in autumn. Keep in mind that for those varieties of clematis that form flowers on last year's shoots, it is imperative to preserve summer growth (look at the photo). Until the cold comes, it is advisable to cope with spraying - before the first frost, treat the bush with 1% Bordeaux liquid or 2% ferrous sulfate solution. Or use more modern drugs, such as Fundazole, which is diluted at the rate of 20 grams per 10 liters of water.

You need to start such work until the temperature drops below 5 degrees Celsius. These measures will protect the shoots from fungal diseases. The base of the flower must be spud; a mixture of sand and ash is best suited for this purpose. The components are mixed according to the following calculation - 250 grams of ash per bucket of sand. Already immediately before frost, in order to cover the flower for the winter, you need to bend the branches and cover the bush with coniferous spruce branches.

These materials absorb excess moisture. It is advisable to lay a layer of film on top of them. If clematis grow on the windy side, and you are seriously worried that gusts can damage the shoots, then create from wooden slats and the same film, protective cages that will absorb the entire blow of wind gusts. But, covering the bushes with foil, do not forget to leave air gap, otherwise the branches may be banned.

How to make a shelter for the winter - protecting clematis

Clematis is huddled to a height of 12-15 centimeters. If you grow low varieties, then at the same level you can prune shoots - in this case there is no need for protective structures from the wind. Optimal height trimming for tall varieties of clematis - about half a meter, as in the photo. The layer of peat, sawdust or manure should be no more than 22-25 centimeters. The film itself should be strong, but not thick.

Such a shelter for the winter will be quite enough for clematis (see photo). To properly build a shelter for clematis, it is better to watch the video. With proper skill, all actions can be performed in a minimum of time. For the information of those who are not familiar with clematis, this plant can easily survive in frosts of 35–40 ° C, if there is a good snow cover. In this case, you can do without shelter at all. However, you shouldn't risk it - thaws and then frosts can severely damage these plants even under snow.

By the arrival of the spring sun winter shelter removed gradually. Remove the tape first, and then everything else. The last to be removed are the coniferous branches and the peat layer. They should be stored until the cold at night has passed. Only after this can the shoots be slowly lifted. Video and photos on our website will help you master the shelter of clematis varieties for the winter.

How to choose the right varieties of clematis?

Clematis is a truly beautiful plant that pleases the eye with incredible colors during flowering. Landscape designers love it very much - with the help of this plant you can transform any wall vertical gardening... It is with this flower that arches or country arbors are often decorated.

Clematis can have both large and very small inflorescences, delight you with terry petals and a range from snow-white and pale yellow to bright crimson and purple. Without clematis, your house or gazebo will simply be faceless. So unpretentious plant can grow in one place for two decades. Of course, if it's right to take care of him all this time. It is especially important to care for winter period- even if the plant does not die, but seriously freezes, then it will stop blooming.

Pay attention to the varieties that bloom at different times - by planting early, middle and late flowering clematis on the site, you will ensure a constant play of colors from early spring to late autumn.

If you have a harsh climate, then pick up early or mid-early varieties of clematis. If the climate is temperate, then you can take those that bloom twice a year - in spring and late summer. The most popular varieties of clematis are Ballerina, President, Jeanne d'Arc... Those that bloom later than others can be planted in regions with warm southern climate.

Clematis are one of those flowers that require maintenance throughout the season. And very important stage for them - preparation for the winter cold. Florists should know what kind of care clematis needs in the fall, and then these plants will perfectly survive the frosts, and next season they will bloom well.

Planting clematis in the fall has its own nuances that should be taken into account so that the plant does not freeze after the onset of cold weather. Since frosts in different regions come at different times, therefore, plant clematis seedlings in the fall in different places falls in different months of autumn. Usually, young plants are planted in the second decade of September, then the seedlings will have time to take root well and winter well. But the main thing when planting clematis is the choice of healthy strong seedlings... It depends on how the flower will grow in the future, its active flowering.

When choosing planting material Consider the following:

  • healthy seedlings are not damaged (neither mechanical nor otherwise);
  • roots at young plant must be more than five;
  • planting material has several stems with healthy buds;
  • it is best to buy plants just before planting - in the first decade of September;
  • it is better to purchase those seedlings that are sold with a lump of earth.

Planting clematis in the fall has its own nuances that should be taken into account so that the plant does not freeze out after the onset of cold weather

The agricultural technique of planting a flower has some differences:

  1. When planting in the fall, seedlings should be buried in the ground for 3 - 4 buds. In this case, the plant will take root faster and better.
  2. The landing holes are deep enough (at least two shovel bayonets). A drainage layer is laid out on its bottom (up to 15 cm high). Any drainage material is taken: crushed stone, pieces of brick, etc.
  3. The next layer should consist of humus, leafy earth, complex mineral fertilizers, high-moor peat, river sand and wood ash.
  4. The distance between clematis vines should be at least 100 cm. In this case, the flowers will not interfere with each other.
  5. A special stake is installed in the planting hole, which will support the plant during the growth process.
  6. If the soil on the roots of the plant has dried up, then the plant is previously placed in a bucket of water.
  7. A layer is poured onto the drainage layer fertile land(up to 15 cm high), on which the plant is installed. The roots are gently straightened and only then covered with the remaining soil. The root collar is deepened into the ground by at least 10 cm.
  8. From above, the soil around the plants should be mulched.

Cutting clematis (video)

Breeding technology of clematis in autumn

Usually, in one place, this flower can grow for at least three decades, so the place for planting it is chosen especially carefully. In the south, including in Ukraine, it is not worth preparing for planting a place open to drafts and direct sunlight. Also do not plant clematis near buildings or a fence. It is better to choose a darkened area on garden plot protected from wind and sun.

The best soil for this plant is black soil or light loam, but heavy soils with a close occurrence of groundwater are not suitable for clematis. After all this flower does not tolerate stagnant moisture in the ground... The soil in the area where these flowers will grow must be fertile. If there are few nutrients, then fertilizers are applied to it before planting. You should not only fertilize the soil with not rotted manure - in this case, the roots of clematis can be severely damaged.

Usually, clematis can grow in one place for at least three decades, so the place for planting it is chosen especially carefully.

Reproduction of clematis by layering

The breeding process of clematis by layering is longer than propagation by cuttings. The easiest way to carry out such reproduction horizontally.The algorithm of actions in this case is as follows:

  • next to the flower, a trench is dug with a depth of about 9 - 10 cm, in which the liana is carefully placed. Clematis vines are very fragile, so this must be done carefully;
  • the shoot is covered with soil and slightly compacted;
  • so that the shoot does not straighten, it is attached to the bottom of the trench with pieces of wire;
  • watering is carried out regularly, the soil should not be allowed to dry out.

Usually sprouts from these shoots appear next spring... They are separated from the main shoot and transplanted to permanent place.

Although the reproduction of clematis is not a quick process (usually young plants begin to bloom 3-4 seasons after planting), however, these flowering vines pay off all the trouble of growing them.

The breeding process of clematis by layering is longer than propagation by cuttings

How to propagate clematis by cuttings

Cuttings for planting should not be taken young. Usually, slightly woody stems are taken for reproduction. And although such shoots take longer to take root, but with proper care prior to winter, these plants will grow roots and survive the frosty winter well.

  • Usually, for planting, cuttings are cut from the middle part of the shoot. Each such stalk is 10-11 cm long and has an internode with foliage and well-developed buds. 2.5 - 3 cm should remain under the internode, and about 1.5 on the top. The cut is made at an angle, and big leaves cut in half.
  • It is better to plant prepared cuttings in the spring so that they have time to take root during the season. Such cuttings are planted in the ground in this way. So that the internode was buried in the soil by 1 - 1.5 cm. It is from there that the roots of the flower will grow. It is better to moisten the soil after planting from a sprayer.
  • Each plant is planted in a separate pot. So the plants will take root faster and give roots. These plants are demanding on indoor air humidity (it should be up to 85 - 90%), so you need to spray the plants with water several times a day. Young clematis need Fresh air but not drafts. And the air temperature in the room should be kept at about 19 ° C. And already in the fall, when the roots have grown in the seedlings, they can be transplanted to a permanent place in the open ground.

Usually, slightly lignified stems are taken for breeding clematis.

How is the autumn transplant of clematis to another place

When planning to transplant clematis to a new place in the fall, you should first prepare the site. And only then transplant. Clematis is first watered to make it easier to remove it from the ground along with a clod of earth. Such a procedure must be carried out carefully so as not to damage the root system of the flower, otherwise it will hurt for a long time. Planting holes are prepared in the same way as for planting clematis seedlings... Drainage should be arranged at the bottom, then be sure to add a nutrient mixture.

A similar procedure should be carried out in the second decade of September, so that the plant has time to take root in a new place before the onset of frost.

Clematis care in autumn

Autumn work on the care of clematis includes the following activities:

  • pruning flowers before winter;
  • fertilization;
  • watering;
  • shelter of plants for the winter.

How to plant clematis in the fall (video)

How to prepare newly planted clematis for winter

Newly planted young clematis do not need feeding, since they have not yet spent useful material, which were brought under them when landing. One-year-old plants are pruned almost completely, leaving a trunk three tens of centimeters long on the surface.

but props are necessarily placed under these vines, so that the plant does not break off from the wind. Also, this plant needs to be covered for the winter in order to protect it from frost.

Rules for pruning clematis in the fall

Properly carried out pruning of clematis allows the root system to gain strength after growth and flowering before the coming cold snap.

Pruning of this flower is carried out in the following cases:

  • to remove damaged or dry branches (this is sanitary pruning);
  • removing excess shoots to form the main vine and required amount side shoots (formative pruning);
  • pruning before winter so that the plant survives the winter better and does not freeze.

Not all varieties of clematis are pruned for the winter. If the plant blooms on last year's shoots, then it is not subjected to winter pruning so that these vines can bloom next season.

Properly carried out pruning of clematis allows the root system to gain strength after growth and flowering before the coming cold snap

Autumn feeding and watering

Clematis are fed throughout the season. But at the end of the growing season, 10 kg of humus is introduced under each bush, to which a glass of wood ash is added. Such dressings are applied to the plant no later than October.

And here watering stops in autumn... This is done so that the moisture in the soil does not break the clematis bush when it freezes.

Shelter of clematis for the winter

Dried foliage, dry soil, high moor peat are suitable as a covering material. Be sure to put rodent repellent in the shelter. so that they do not damage the clematis shoots. On top, you can put a plywood box or wood shields, raising them above the ground so as not to damage the vines. From above, the shelter is covered with roofing material or polyethylene so that the precipitation does not wet the flower. The edges of the covering material are fixed so that it is not blown away by the wind.