How to correctly pick eggplant seedlings? Is it needed at all and when will it be held? Small nuances of the procedure for strong seedlings. Correct picking of seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, eggplant and flowers

For today, the topic of the article is eggplants: growing seedlings, picking seedlings. How to dive eggplants for seedlings? Is it possible to bury eggplants when picking?

Picking eggplant seedlings: is it needed?

Next stage - transplanting to a greenhouse or garden... This scheme is suitable for most varieties, it has been tried many times and gives good results.

REFERENCE! but some gardeners prefer growing eggplant seedlings without picking planting seeds that have been planted in individual pots, plastic cassettes or peat tablets.

Among arguments of opponents of the pick:

  • transfer weakens plants, many seedlings cannot recover from it and die;
  • there are varieties that do not tolerate picking;
  • procedure causes additional inconvenience, lengthening the process of growing seedlings.

Supporters classic way emphasize that picking has many advantages:

  • it stops the growth of seedlings, allowing them to accumulate nutrients for the development of ovaries;
  • when sowing into containers and subsequent picking weak plants can be discarded saving space for strong seedlings;
  • transfer to early age hardens plants by increasing their immunity;
  • moving will allow you to assess the condition of the roots and take urgent action if necessary.

For the procedure to be beneficial, it is important to carry it out carefully, trying not to injure the delicate roots. It is imperative to use drugs that support the immunity of seedlings and quickly heal accidental microtrauma.

Dates of the

When to dive eggplant seedlings? Most gardeners prefer to dive plants, when they unfold the first pair of real sheets... At this time, the seedlings are quite strong and viable, they survive the transplant without any problems.

In addition, at this time it is clear which eggplants develop faster, it is they who can be given preference by rejecting frail sprouts. This approach is important when transplanting into small greenhouses with limited space.

Young eggplants are taken out along with a lump of soil, which allows them to quickly adapt to a new place.

When cutting one seedling, its neighbors are not damaged... Reception is ideal for growing especially valuable varieties.

Early picking does not harm plants, but young eggplants cannot linger in containers for seedlings. The roots may overlap, after which the seedlings cannot be divided without injury. Overgrown roots break off easily, after which the plants may die.

Pick rules

How to dive eggplant seedlings? For young seedlings light nutritious soil is being prepared from a mixture of garden soil with humus. The soil should be light, nutritious, neutral or weak alkaline reaction... It is advisable to use the same soil with which the seed containers were filled.

For young eggplants small pots made of plastic or thick paper are suitable, it is possible to use containers that are self-rolled from the film. Too large pots cannot be taken, the soil in them quickly turns sour, the seedlings can get sick.

Peat cups won't work either., fragile, weak roots of eggplant cannot penetrate the dense walls from a mixture of peat with pressed cardboard. In addition, an excess of peat contributes to an increase in the acidity of the soil, eggplants do not like this.

Before picking eggplants in a container need to water well... Then each seedling is carefully pry off with a peg or a special narrow spatula.

If the center spine is too long, you can pinch it gently. It is worth considering that such a procedure will slightly delay the growth of seedlings, therefore pinching is indicated only for tall, strong, well-developed seedlings.

In a pot filled with soil, a hole is made where young plant... It is important that the hole is deep enough, the roots should not bend.

To help them straighten out, you can gently water the plant. warm water along the stem. The depth is moderate, up to cotyledonous leaves. The hole is filled with soil, the surface of the soil is lightly crushed with your fingers.

Final stage - dosed watering... The water should be warm, preferably boiled. You can use standing or rainwater and also epin solution. A special preparation enhances the immunity of seedlings, allowing them to quickly adapt to a new place.

The soil is sprayed abundantly with a spray bottle, you can use a fine-mesh watering can... After watering, the soil is sprinkled with a thin layer of peat. Seedling pots are placed on a pallet and placed in a warm, well-lit place. In the early days, they must be protected from drafts and direct sunlight.

After 10 days, the dived seedlings can be fed aqueous solution complex mineral fertilizer (mixture of ammonium nitrate, potassium sulfate, superphosphate).

It is advisable to combine top dressing with watering so as not to burn the delicate roots of the seedlings.

Transplanting into the ground: little tricks

When the seedlings acquire 6-7 true leaves, it is time to transplant to permanent place residence. Young eggplants can be moved to the greenhouse in mid-May, they are planted in the ground under the film closer to mid-June. Much depends on climatic conditions.

The soil should warm up well, capricious eggplants will not tolerate even a slight drop in temperature.

The ideal temperature for the soil is from 15 degrees, the air should warm up to 18-20 degrees during the day. Eggplants can be transplanted into heated greenhouses at any time.

Before moving seedlings it is important to prepare the ground... It is thoroughly loosened, plant residues and other foreign inclusions are selected from the soil. A generous portion of old humus is brought in. If the soil is too acidic, you can neutralize it with dolomite flour.

A washed-out will help lighten heavy loamy soil. river sand or peat. For disinfection, the soil is spilled with a hot solution of potassium permanganate or copper sulfate.

The surface of the soil is leveled, marked holes about 12-15 cm deep... The distance between plants should not be less than 45 cm. For larger and spreading bushes, this gap can be increased.

For the convenience of caring for eggplants, aisles 60-70 cm wide are left. A handful of wood (preferably birch) ash is placed in each hole. The day before planting, the seedlings need to be watered abundantly..

Transplant eggplant better in the morning, in warm weather... Plants are removed one by one from individual containers along with a clod of earth.

IMPORTANT! You don't need to shake off the soil from the roots, and you can't pull the seedlings by the stems. The pot must be carefully turned over, effortlessly removing the plant.

Cups made of cardboard or plastic can be cut to facilitate removal.

Seedlings with a clod of earth are set in the hole. Strong deepening is harmful eggplants, they need to be covered with earth just above the surface of the pots. The soil around the seedlings is slightly compacted. Plants are watered with warm water from a fine-mesh watering can.

Seedlings stretched upwards are a fairly common case when growing cucumbers. Overgrown sprouts are obtained if the light or temperature regime... So that the plants do not die, before planting it, it is necessary to follow some recommendations.

What to do with overgrown seedlings and why they have become long you need to know even before planting seeds. The reason may be the remoteness of the seedling pot from the window, and the wrong temperature in the greenhouse.

Overgrown seedlings are manifested in the elongation of sprouts even before the appearance of real leaves... For a number of reasons, the hypocotyl stem is pulled upwards.

It so happens that the sprouts can stretch very strongly, up to 10 cm in height. The seedlings are weak, if transplanted incorrectly, thin cucumber sprouts may die.

Observing the recommendations of experienced gardeners, it is quite possible to correct the situation. Until the moment of planting in the beds, thin sprouts can roll along the glass in the form of a spiral and sprinkle with soil to cotyledonous leaves. The stem will take root after 5-7 days. For this period, the seedlings need to be regularly watered and they will stop stretching.

Reception will slightly slow down the plant in growth. However, during this period it will get stronger and stronger.

Proper preparation for transplanting into open ground

If you do not carry out the above option of deepening in cups, it is necessary to plant the overgrown sprouts on a garden bed or transplant into open ground... It is worth noting the fact that, contrary to the rules, the seedlings are "overgrown" takes root well and gives good yields.

Transplanting cucumbers to a permanent place consists of the following rules:

  1. You need to remove the cups carefully, you can leave the paper bottom. It is impossible to completely put the cup inside the hole, since the paper will soak for a long time.
  2. With leaves you need handle carefully, weak seedlings can be easily damaged. If done correctly, the sprouts stored on the surface will quickly take root thanks to the fresh soil.
  3. The soil must be prepared in advance, enriched with fertilizers and ash. The temperature should be warm and stable and the soil well warmed up. In order for the sprouts to survive less stress, the soil can be pre-watered with warm water.
  4. Plant better in the morning or evening... Water with exclusively heated water. From the tap cold water will negatively affect the growth of cucumbers.

If you put water in metal buckets in the sun in advance, it will warm up very quickly.

Is it possible to deepen

The deepening method is considered effective if you lay and plant the sprout sideways or twist it in a spiral along the width of the hole. It is not worth digging in and placing the root too deeply.

Disembark to a depth of 5-7 cm... The roots that appear on the stem if you deepen it will begin to grow rapidly. The size of the bushes will gradually begin to recover, and lush foliage will appear.

Planting cucumbers in the holes

The wells must be prepared in advance, the soil must be loose and fertile... Inside you can put a remedy for bear, sawdust and ash. Pour the well with warm water, place the cucumber bushes there using the burial method. Sprinkle with soil in such a way that you get a depression in the form of a hole.

If you do not leave a depression, it will be difficult to water and fertilize. To prevent moisture from evaporating quickly, the hole must be covered with grass or straw on top. Some use a covering material with holes for this purpose. It is necessary to lay it on top of the soil before the seedlings are planted.

Post-plant care for elongated seedlings

  1. First of all, you need to ensure that the soil did not dry out... Moisture will promote the growth of new roots, drought is unacceptable.
  2. Weak elongated shoots can be tied up or put on the net so that they do not get rocked by the wind.
  3. Loosen and feed no earlier than 6-7 days... Loosening the bushes is done very carefully - this will saturate the soil with oxygen.

Why seedlings are pulled

The overgrowth of cucumbers is more often observed due to the lack of experience among novice gardeners.

Gardeners who have gained experience on their own mistakes share their secrets with others. They identify three main reasons:

  • violation of the timing of planting cucumbers for seedlings;
  • wrong light mode;
  • non-observance of the temperature regime.

If cucumbers are sown too early, the bushes will outgrow in anticipation of steady heat. Cucumbers are sown depending on climatic conditions after April 20.

Lack of light adversely affects the sprouts and the condition of the leaves, they acquire a pale green tint. Too much low temperature slows down plant growth, high - promotes abundant growth. An unsuitable temperature regime drives the sprout up.

If an ovary has appeared on overgrown cucumbers, it is better to remove the flowers after transplanting. Thus, it will be easier for the bushes to adapt to the new location.

What to do if the seedlings managed to stretch out

Having studied the cause-and-effect relationships of pulling seedlings, you can prevent this process. If the cucumber sprouts are elongated, they can be saved before transplanting to the main site.

The main measures to solve the problem:

  1. Add additional lighting, if necessary, use artificial light.
  2. If the cups are too tight to each other, or the planting is thick, they need to be thinned.
  3. Helps avoid pulling out sprouts potash fertilizers, ash and special means that affect plant growth if applied correctly.
  4. You can use the transplanting method in larger cups. In order not to injure the root, you can build up existing cups with strips of cardboard. Fill the voids with soil to the level of the first leaves.
  5. Overgrown cucumbers are carefully transported to land plot and transplanted by the burial method.
  6. Damaged bushes with a broken stem cannot be saved, the rest of the plants have a chance for a successful transplant.

As a top dressing you cannot use saltpeter, as it provokes the growth of the green part of the plant.

Overgrown cucumber seedlings are not a reason for refusing to plant them in the beds. To correct this situation, will allow proper care. Subsequently, in order to avoid pulling upwards, it is necessary to be attentive to the plants at all pores of cultivation.

Exists certain parameters planting vegetable crops, which should be taken into account in the process. Many amateur gardeners bypass the technical planting process, referring to the lack of time to study the nuances or the aspect that cucumbers are already sufficiently developed, therefore, one centimeter to the right, one to the left is not an obstacle to the development and formation of fruits. In this they are deeply mistaken.

Why is it so important to know at what distance to plant cucumbers, moving seedlings of seedlings into fertile soil? how much to deepen cucumbers during transplantation? How to place beds and other nuances? Cucumbers love order, like the whole vegetable garden. We need clearly delineated edges, beyond which no other representative of vegetables will go out, do not covet your territory by right. The root system of each vegetable crops has its own tendencies to development, branching and deepening, so it may not be enough of this or that place that will be allocated for it. Of course, one more important points for plants that should be taken into account, there are differences in their structure, so some advise to deepen directly to the lower bud, while others plant it superficially (again, due to the specifics of the root system in general), and still others follow some other rituals.

An important question remains: is it possible to deepen cucumbers during transplantation? The question is not easy, because there is no definite answer to it - you need to proceed from the situation that you have. When we examine the seedlings of cucumbers, expecting that they can already be transplanted into open ground, we are faced with such a moment: for some reason, the seedlings of cucumbers have overgrown, so its stem is very elongated, but the leaves have not yet formed. Such seedlings are not suitable for transplanting until the first leaves appear. Then an incomprehensible situation arises: is it worth replanting seedlings or waiting for the formation of leaves? In the end, it will still need to be transplanted, but the peculiarity of such a planting will be just the fact that we deepen the cucumber seedlings in the process of this procedure.

You need to deepen the seedlings of cucumbers to the cotyledons, and then feed the cucumbers with fertilizers so that they intensively begin to build up the apical mass. If, on the contrary, the cucumber seedlings have not grown very much and remained small, then they cannot be buried, but planted just superficially, around the edges, without sprinkling the soil mixture, waiting for the seedling to form and stretch out, then to add the mixed soil with fertilizers and close " thinned out "in the process of transplantation. You may be wondering what kind of fertilizers are needed and whether they will be "special" for such situations? Immediately I hasten to reassure you that the criterion for choosing fertilizers does not change, you can use the usual fertilizers for cucumbers, which you can read about in detail in other articles on the topic of growing, feeding or caring for cucumbers and their seedlings before and after transplanting. I hope this information will solve your problem and soon you will have new cucumbers, fully formed and tasty, according to the variety you have chosen.

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Video: How to plant cucumbers in open ground with seeds?

Video: When to plant cucumber seeds in the ground?

A pick at home is an important milestone its cultivation. In order to end up with healthy, well-developed seedlings, you must adhere to certain rules.

Features of the picking of petunia seedlings

The pick can be started in the phase of the appearance of the second pair of true leaves. To do this, prepare containers with a loose and moist substrate. Holes are made in it, into which the seedlings are placed. They are removed from the old container using tweezers. After transplanting, the seedlings are sprinkled with earth and watered.

Many people have a question: is it possible to bury petunia seedlings when diving? It will be useful to deepen it to the cotyledonous leaves. This will prevent the seedlings from pulling out and make them stronger.

A feature of petunia seedlings is its branched root system... When transplanting into a new container and subsequently, the roots must be provided with sufficient space. If this is not done, they will not receive the necessary amount of food.

The most the right option there will be a picking several times as the root system grows. Until the moment of planting in open ground, picking into larger containers will need to be done 2-3 times.

Picking petunias if the seedlings are weak

If you are dealing with weak seedlings or damage to the root system occurred during the pick, you need to help the plants to take root. To do this, after a week, it is recommended to add top dressing with a high content of phosphorus or monophosphate.

How to fertilize petunia seedlings after picking?

After the picking of petunia seedlings, it is fertilized with a complex mineral fertilizer containing an increased amount of nitrogen. This contributes to the growth of green mass.

In addition, it will be good to spray the seedlings with a root formation stimulator (radiopharm) 10-14 days after the pick.

In the future, it is necessary to apply fertilizers with a predominance of phosphorus and potassium.

Giving proper attention to the picking process will help you grow strong, healthy petunia seedlings.