Impregnation of the handle of a small infantry shoulder blade. How and from what to make a reliable handle for a shovel? Which tree is best for a shovel handle

Mass production of spade handles, as is common in purely profit-oriented economic models, constantly sacrifices quality and technological details of the process in favor of quantity. Of course, everyone benefits if you buy a new shovel every season, and not every few years.

A shovel handle that is not made correctly will quickly lose its necessary qualities, and, as usual, it will have to be manually brought to condition again and again. Until one beautiful moment it just won't crack along its entire length or just won't break. Therefore, today we will understand the mistakes of mass production that leave us without a handle to a shovel. And we will solve the problem: from what and how to make a handle for a shovel yourself.

1 Shank for a shovel - flaws in mass production

Woodworking companies, as a rule, will never tell you that, in the pursuit of profit and quantity, they are constantly forced to violate necessary steps technologies for production wooden products on at least a few points:

  1. Instead of solid solid wood, shovels were made from waste.
  2. Transport humidity is the maximum degree of drying, which is absolutely unacceptable in the production of high-quality and durable garden tools. The result - drying out, the handle from the shovel is covered with cracks, the diameter decreases, and the holders become loose.
  3. Sharpening of the working end is done on the arithmetic mean diameter of "any shovel". The result is a loose fit of the shovel on the handle.
  4. Any "decor" applied to the handle from a shovel: paint, putty, thermal film, etc. are designed not to extend the working life of the product, but only to mask production flaws, increase the final cost or hide the original material from which the shovel handle was made.

2 A good handle for a shovel with your own hands

We will need:

  • hammer;
  • saw;
  • plane;
  • sandpaper;
  • glue;
  • impregnation;

For a shovel with a handle, you first need to determine for yourself two things: your diameter and length. Initially, gotta get this thread, (if you make a solid, not a glued stalk), so that its diameter is almost twice the required.

Naturally, the fibers should be as straight as possible. That is: there should be no knots, no bends, no forks on it. Then dry in the sun for about 15 days. The diameter will decrease slightly. Then, making sure that the wood is dry, we remove the extra layers with a planer, bringing the diameter of the handle to the final thickness we need.

Now we sand it with sandpaper, impregnate it, let it dry for as long as it is written on the impregnation bottle, varnish it and let it dry again, following the instructions. It is better to cover with varnish twice, thereby increasing the tensile strength of the handle.

Now sharpen to right size, we process the cut point with impregnation, let it dry, then coat it with epoxy around the circumference, and put it on itself. We fill it with resin, and hit the handle on a hard surface several times, allowing the shovel to sit at the desired depth. After a day, the resin will dry and.

If instead of a solid branch it is decided to use boards, then do not forget about a few points. The board is taken dry. Then cut circular saw on the bars, and put to dry.

If you took a raw board, then after sawing the bars you need to tie them together along the entire length so that the drying blanks are less deformed. Then the bars will need to be glued together, dried well and then done according to the previous scheme.

In addition, there is the question of the moment, which is constantly discussed: whether to cover the handle with paint or varnish. On the one hand - to increase the service life and in terms of corrosion resistance - yes, it's worth it.

But users note that additional processing surface gives a considerable moment of sliding and scrolling in wet palms. And this is the cause of dropsy, calluses, etc.

Professionals, however, advise using impregnation and sanding the surface instead of varnish and paint. First in large fractions, then small ones to polish the cutting natural way. Then, gradually absorbing moisture from the palms, properly selected wood will only become stronger and harder over time.

2.1 Making a handle for a shovel using a drill (video)

zhab about a small infantry shovel, which is often called a sapper, caught fire and decided to please himself by buying such a shovel.
In my city I found for sale a 1941 Comintern spatula.

The blade is excellent and in good condition.
A little time passed and I decided to buy a royal spatula with a rectangular tray "Choduar" 1915. - ordered online.
The shoulder blade was warehousing with real warehouse dust and dirt, I had to wash it with Comet, then I was very surprised, because the water turned into green color. One of the colors began to literally wash off.

You can read more about the manufacturers of these blades at zhab Shodures "Choduard" 1915 and "Comintern" 1940

I decided to clean both blades of excess paint. Under the paint, you can find pockets of small rust, which is warned by a great fan and collector of blades. ra85733 "Red-headed cat" . He cleans the blades with a carburetor cleaner, which has bad smell and therefore it is desirable to use it not in the apartment. I decided to clean the steel tray with an unnecessary knife just by scraping off the paint, I also cleaned the handle.
After cleaning, I wanted to polish the handle with skins, starting with the roughest and ending with the smallest (I started with P60 and finished with P2500). After these procedures, the tree began to simply shine! The handles became just white, of course, the "scars" from the tree did not go anywhere, and there was no need for this.

"Red cat" used a tool to impregnate the cuttings SCHAFTOL® Scherell EXTRA DARK and wax. I decided to try soaking the cutting with shelf oil, and top coat make Danish Oil according to the recipe

A shovel is one of the main tools of a gardener, because nothing can be done without it. Only she is able to dig a hole for planting a tree or potatoes. The quality of this tool depends on the time spent on the work. In this article, you can find out what types of shovels exist and how to make them at home.

Most Popular Shovels

Owl shovel. This type of shovels is used for carrying and picking up something loose, such as sand and gravel, manure and compost.

There is also a type of shovel for snow removal - its blade is slightly wider than usual.
Without them two in the country simply can not do.

Shovel blades

The blade of the shovel must be strong and strong, so that it was almost impossible to bend the shovel when working in the garden. To do this, they are made of stainless steel or titanium.

Stainless steel is the most popular because it good quality and is inexpensive. In order to check its quality, you need to knock on it - if you hear a ringing, then this is a first-class material.

You should not buy shovels, the scoop blades of which are made of aluminum - this will not justify its price and will quickly become unusable.

But titanium blades are quite rare - primarily because of their cost. But in the work they justify every penny invested in the purchase.

Shovel shapes

For loose earth rectangular shape with a slightly rounded blade.

For clay soil rectangular with a slightly elongated and pointed end. It is easy for her to cut the roots of plants.

Perfect for digging a hole or trench rectangular with an elongated and sharp blade.

For those who cannot overload their back, a shovel is suitable - American. It has a curved handle and a concave scoop blade.

It is best, for convenience and comfort in work, to have all types of shovels. But not everyone can afford such an assortment. Therefore, you should pay attention to a shovel capable of performing all tasks, from digging the soil to excavating holes and trenches - a universal bayonet.


The materials from which the handle is usually made are plastic, metal or wood.

Pro wooden handle. When choosing a cutting, you should focus on several things:

  • no cracks;
  • grinding quality;
  • the absence of any protruding knots;
  • the tree from which the stalk is made: pine, oak, ash, birch and others.

About the metal stalk. Such cuttings are the most durable. It is impossible to get a splinter from a metal handle, which cannot be said about a wooden one. It is best to cover the handle with an anti-slip coating before use.

How to make a shovel by hand?

What you need to make:

  • cutting;
  • sealant (eliminates backlash);
  • scoop blade;
  • paintwork (will increase the service life);

Process. First, sharpen the cutting with a knife, remove all excess wood. Adjust cut diameter and then fit overall size. Everything is done with sandpaper. Lubricate the treated stalk with stain and dry for 10 hours. Cover with paint.

Next, you need to fill the stalk. To do this, wind the seal around the handle, insert the holder and knock on something hard so that everything falls into place. The last thing remains - to connect the handle with the scoop with the help of bolts or nails.
You should be careful with a homemade shovel, because it is not as strong as a purchased one.

To work with a shovel comfortably, you need to choose it according to your height - in height it should reach the elbow or about 8 cm higher.

Any tool requires maintenance. Clean the scoop after each use and store in a dry place.

A shovel is a tool without which both gardening and gardening are inconceivable. construction works. However, in the process of using a good, comfortable shovel, few of us think about such a detail as the handle. We pay attention to it only when it makes work difficult: it starts to stagger, cracks, or even becomes unusable for one reason or another. Causes inconvenience and inappropriate length of the handle, too short or, conversely, long.

So, let's talk about how to choose the best shovel handle.

What should be the handle for a shovel?

As we all know, shovels are bayonet and shovel. And the cuttings for them are also different - this must be taken into account when buying. There are several selection criteria good cutting for a shovel:

  1. One of the main ones is the material from which the stalk is made. For bayonet shovels, wooden handles are usually used, and for modern shovels, plastic and aluminum are quite acceptable. No less popular today are shovels with a stainless steel metal handle - they are considered the most durable. When buying a wooden handle, inspect it from all sides: it should not inspire fear in the form of notches, knots, wormholes and all kinds of cracks. As for the wood species, hardwoods are leading in quality - for example, birch, ash, alder. Beech cuttings for shovels "do not like" moisture - after work they should be brought into the room. There are also different types of wooden cuttings: top grade does not allow the presence of knots, unlike the first and second.
  2. The shape of the handle is usually straight, but shovels may have curved handles or have a handle at the end for more comfortable work.
  3. The diameter of the handle for a shovel can be different and ranges from 34 to 40 mm. It depends on the type of shovel (with a forked or T-handle, with a ball or hemispherical head or with an iron rod), as well as on its purpose (gardening, construction or handling).
  4. The length of the shovel handle should be selected individually. Take the handle in your hand and imagine how comfortable it will be for you to work with such a shovel.

    What trees are best for making cuttings for garden tools?

    The standard handle length varies from 900 to 1400 mm.

How to plant a cutting on a shovel?

If you have chosen the stalk correctly, then it will not be difficult to put it on the bayonet of the shovel. It will easily fit into the shovel by about 2/3. And in order to advance the pointed part of the handle to the stop, you need to make several strong blows with a shovel on a hard surface.

If the wooden handle is too wide for the metal hole in the shovel holder, it can always be hewn with a planer, sharpening one end of the handle a little.

Many craftsmen prefer to make cuttings on their own. It's easy if you have a carpentry tool. In this case, for greater reliability, it is better to fix the result of connecting the bayonet with the handle. a self-tapping screw or an ordinary nail (in many industrial shovels such a latch comes with a bayonet).

And finally one more important question: Is it necessary to process the cuttings for shovels with something? Most gardeners advise to refrain from treating the handle with varnish, paints and impregnations, since it is the handle that experiences all the force of hand friction during any work. If desired, it can only be processed with wood stain - it will give it the desired color and emphasize the structure of the wood. After processing, it is advisable not to use a shovel for a day, so that the stain is properly absorbed into the tree and does not paint the hands.

The quality of a gardening tool affects its service life, the quality of the work result, and, importantly, labor productivity and fatigue. If the handle of the shovel is rough, then it is imperative to wear gloves, but if it is poorly attached to the shovel, then you have to watch and make an effort to keep them together. But the biggest trouble can await a gardener or builder if an imperceptible knot leads to the fact that the cutting, unable to withstand the load, breaks in your hands.

Specialized gardening centers often offer a mass-market tool already stocked and planted on a cutting. But if you need something special and you have already found and purchased the tool you need in the factory packaging, then no big problems buy shovel handles from the manufacturer if you know which handle you need and how to choose the right one.

For a shovel right choice the cutting is the most important, because it is the shovel that experiences the greatest stress in gardening and other household work.

What wood are spade handles made from?

This applies equally to the bayonet shovel and to the scoop. The strength of the cutting itself and the possibility of its strong attachment to the shovel are very important. In addition, the handle of the shovel should lie comfortably in the hands. Sometimes the handle of the shovel is varnished, this helps to protect the wood from excessive moisture, and hands from friction. Summing up, we can say that you need to refuse to buy a shovel handle, on which you noticed:

  • knots;
  • chips and notches;
  • cracks;
  • rot and wormholes;
  • roughness.

The seller will help you choose a handle for a shovel, knowing the type of your shovel: shovel or bayonet. Bayonet, in turn, are divided into rectangular and rounded; soviet - for construction, earthworks and for snow removal. different types shovels have a different thickness of the tray web and nozzle, they require a handle of different thickness.

Picking up a cutting that is required for other garden tools in an online store is somewhat easier. All types of hoes and choppers are manufactured in accordance with a single GOST 19598-74, so the manufacturers of cuttings have to adhere to the same GOST. Although the load on the chopper is less than on the shovel, the above quality criteria should be followed when choosing. In addition, cuttings for choppers and hoes are made in different lengths according to the purpose of the tool, their length can be 120-140 cm.

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garden chopper

The garden hoe is a super-efficient tool for weeding garden plants and the garden in general. With this tool, gardeners carefully weed plants that are in close proximity to each other, planted in narrow rows of horticultural crops. No other tool will give such an opportunity - the shovel is too big, the rake too. Choppers are different: large, small, medium, whole combisystems (Gardena) and so on. All of them are united by one thing - the presence of a good handle, which allows you to work comfortably.

common chopper

A chopper is designed to remove weeds and loosen the soil. A very effective tool that must be in the arsenal of the gardener and gardener. The handle is usually made from ash (American grade), birch, or other hardwoods.

Often, a special coating called Anti Stick is applied to the blade of an ordinary chopper. Thanks to this, the soil does not stick to the metal, and you can work in the garden even after rain.

Combisystem Gardena 9

Maybe, the best way improved chopper.

Shank for a shovel

The tool is a straight blade with sharp edges, like a saw (on one side). The other side of such a chopper is three long prongs, like a pitchfork. Thanks to this versatile and combined system you can do the following:

  • Sprinkling with earth rows of potatoes and cabbage;
  • Weed control at all stages of growth;
  • Processing and leveling of land;
  • Furrowing and so on.

With the universal Garden system, a handle 130-150 cm long is suitable. The exact size is determined by the height of the user working with the tool.

Combined Gardena 7 system

Combined chopper

Universal chopper with a working size of 7 centimeters. An excellent tool for working with the earth and processing various horticultural crops. One side of the Garden 7 chopper is made in the form of a heart, and the other side is in the form of two teeth. Like the Garden 9, the chopper does an excellent job with various works in the garden.

Holder or handle

The best cuttings for a chopper

The holder is an important component of the chopper. It becomes especially relevant to bring garden tool back to normal when spring comes. It is at this time that it is recommended to pay attention to the chopper, update it and replace the cutting.

As you know, nothing can replace the effect of a good cutting. Thanks to a properly selected handle, even the most intensive work in the garden will not cause fatigue and discomfort.

You can buy cuttings for a chopper from us at the most low prices. Whether it's a birch handle or an ash one, it will be different. high reliability, guaranteed service life and excellent additional properties.

With us, the client will find the best chopper handles. We have been selling cuttings from high-quality wood species throughout the country for a long time. Without knots and irregularities, without defects visible and invisible to the eye - these are the handles of our production.

The best cuttings

The handle for shovels and other garden tools must be made with high quality, otherwise problems cannot be avoided. The wrong handle, one has only to "check" it for a solid effort, it breaks in an instant. What is the reason? Is it really all about strength, or are there other quality criteria?


The shank should be under the size. This is one of the most important rules. It is believed that the ideal size of the handle should imply the correct height:

  • First of all, you need to pay attention to the shoulder of the employee. Approximately for our person, the height of the handle should vary between 140-180 cm. If the height is higher or lower, then the length of the handle should be changed accordingly;
  • If the stalk is being prepared for a shovel, then you can make it shorter. The fact is that raking various bulk objects or other things with a long shovel is extremely inconvenient, but with a short one, on the contrary, it is easier. This also applies to pitchforks. If you are going to carry hay bales with them, then it would be better to plant them on a short handle, but you need to load the bales on the carriage with long pitchforks;
  • If the shovel is a sapper, then naturally, the handle length indicator should decrease to extreme values. As a rule, it is 70-80 cm, maybe even less.


Birch is the best cutting

The second rule of a good cutting is the quality of the material. You need to know what types of wood are best suited for this. In this case, the product will receive not only the appropriate strength, but also appearance will be level. Let's look at the most popular types of wood used to make cuttings:

  1. Pine is considered the most simple material, the abundance of which on the market is sometimes surprising. On the other hand, it is understandable, because pine is considered a soft material, which greatly facilitates the manufacturing process: the material is quickly and efficiently processed, polished and looks beautiful. Only now pine has one drawback that casts a huge shadow on all the advantages of this wood, like a fly in the ointment in a barrel of honey - reliability. Pine products are not suitable for shovels and pitchforks, as they will not last long. Over time, the material weakens, the handle breaks at the first serious effort.
  2. Birch is strong, cheap and easy to get in our country. In addition, with high strength, birch is incredibly light, which is a fundamental factor for a tool.

    How to choose the right shovel for different occasions

    Birch can withstand heavy loads for a long time, does not break even if heavy soil is improperly dug up. Wood processing is also easy: birch is easy to plan and the fibers are removed evenly. True, birch products are polished much longer, but the quality of the cuttings is much higher than pine.

  3. Ash and oak - the best varieties wood. Only ash is too expensive, and oak is heavy.

Beech and larch also have disadvantages, as they have a high density. If you need a quality cutting, please contact the best manufacturer quality cuttings from birch in the Far East. We have promotions, take advantage of them!

A shovel is the tool without which both gardening and construction work is inconceivable. However, in the process of using a good shovel, few people thought about such a detail as a handle. As a rule, we begin to pay attention to it only when it makes work difficult, that is, it begins to stagger, dry out, or even become unusable for one reason or another. It can also cause inconvenience, both too short a handle and too long.

We select the size and material of the workpiece

First of all, you need to decide on perfect size. As a rule, the height should be exactly on the shoulder of the worker, that is, depending on your height, the total size of the shovel should be 140 - 180 cm. But you can make it a little shorter, especially in cases with shovel when the handle is too long during subsequent operation can cause some inconvenience.

And for a sapper shovel, we reduce the size to 70 - 80 cm, but if this is a field shovel, then even less.

Now we need to decide on the material for the handle, because it depends not only on how durable the future product will be, but also on its appearance. Some types of wood, with further drying or when wet, can even lead.

What wood is better to make a shovel handle from?

Birch. Strong, cheap and simple material. Of the light breeds, the most best option. Strong enough, will not break even when digging heavy soils. It is also good in processing, it is easily chipped, and the fiber is removed evenly.

Pine. It is the most primitive material, which is full on the market. It is easy to process, polishes effectively, and looks quite beautiful. But unfortunately, the handle from this breed also has its drawback. Namely, with a more or less normal effort, it can crack on the first bitch.

Ash. Quite expensive, but high-quality wood species. It is not profitable to make cuttings from this material in large quantities, since the cost is quite high. Compared to pine and birch, the density of wood of this species is 1.4 times higher.

Oak. It is quite expensive, durable, but at the same time heavy material. The main disadvantages of the material from this breed can be called high density. But in this case, it all depends on the purpose of the tool. For example, if a shovel with an oak handle is to be used when leveling the foundation or when cutting roots, then this product may be the most suitable solution.

How to make a handle for a shovel with your own hands?

In order for a do-it-yourself shovel handle in your own technical specifications not inferior to factory performance, attention must be paid not only to its fit, but also to anti-corrosion treatment.

by the most simple solution Of course, the purchase of a blank is, but you can do it yourself.

1.Search for material

To make an even holder that would really satisfy your requirements, choose a branch with a diameter 2 times larger than the required diameter. If possible, choose without knots, bends and ramifications so that the fibers are as even as possible.

2.Fit to the right size

First of all, the cutting must be dried. 20 days in sunlight will be enough. Next, with a planer, we remove the required amount of wood. Align under the bar or level, scroll and align with the axis. In this case, there is no need for extreme exact dimensions, but at the same time it should not be made curved.


To avoid chipping with a special machine or by hand, we grind. First, we pass with a coarse-grained sandpaper, then with a fine-grained one. Next, we impregnate with a special suspension for wood, which can be purchased at almost any specialized store. During the day we let it dry, after which we pass the entire area in 2 layers with varnish and again during the day we leave it to dry.

It is worth noting that the last procedure is not necessary, but it will be much more pleasant to work with a shovel with a handle treated with varnish.

How to properly plant a cutting?

First of all, comfort during work will depend on the planted handle. In cases where there is no backlash and scrolling, working with such a shovel will be much more pleasant. So, how to properly plant a shovel handle?

1. We sharpen

We measure the diameter of the hole. As a rule, they are made under a cone, but they can also be straight. In the second case, it is necessary to measure the diameter - this figure should be in the middle of the future sharpening or even at a distance of 1/3 from the bottom. Next, at an angle of 20 - 25 degrees on the emery, we remove the wood. You can do it with a knife, but for evenness it is also recommended to sand it with sandpaper.

2.Drowning and protection

So that the attachment point does not rot in a few years and does not lose its strength, we fill the treated surface with impregnation. Then let it dry for 12 hours, then soak it in epoxy resin. It will act as a kind of sealant.

3. We score

Immediately after pouring the resin (you can also use bitumen for this purpose), we hammer in the holder. To do this, insert it into the seat, turn the shovel up with a scoop, and then hit a hard (thick metal or concrete) surface. At the same time, remember that the blows must be sharp. After about 5-7 strokes, the bucket should sit on the handle (to the level of the beginning of sharpening). During the day, let the resin dry (pouring a lot of hardener is not recommended) and can be used.

When you decide on the length of the cutting, also include in this size possible changes after the work is done (about 10 cm will sit in the bucket), and therefore it is recommended to do it with a margin. You can saw off the stalk at any time, but you can’t build it up.