Ferroli boiler: malfunctions, warranty repairs, error codes and troubleshooting. Varieties and correction of malfunctions of Ferroli boilers Ferroli boiler is operating

Ferroli boiler errors and their codes

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Possible errors and causes

This article contains all possible malfunctions and options for their elimination, as well as error codes for Ferroli boilers. All information is read in the following order: code - name - possible malfunction... If you have any additional questions, please leave them in the comments to this article.

Error A01 - There is no signal about the presence of a flame.

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The number of ignition attempts is assumed, which directly depends on the type of combustion chamber and the gas used.

Error A02 - False signal about the presence of a flame.

If the burner is off, and the flame monitoring system within 20 sec. finds the ionization current, then the automation of the Ferroli boiler fixes the error. If there are currently no requests to ignite the burner, the torch icon flashes, if there is a request, the icon is on.

Error A03 - Ferroli boiler overheating.

The error occurs if the emergency thermostat overheats. If at the moment of overheating the burner does not work, an error will not occur.

  1. The temperature of the emergency thermostat is more than 105 C (if there are no requests for ignition at the current time, the error is not recorded).
  2. The burner went out due to high temperature v heating system(90C - in heating mode; 95C - in test mode and hot water supply), but the heat exchanger continues to heat, the automation blocks the boiler, if within 10 seconds. the temperature on the protection sensor will be more than 105 C.
  3. If the safety sensor registers a temperature of more than 105C (heating / frost protection mode), the boiler automation will count down a 30-second interval. If during this period the temperature of two sensors (the heating temperature and the emergency thermostat) does not drop to 100C, the automatics generates an error.
  4. The boiler is blocked when there is a request to ignite the burner. If, during the occurrence of a flame, the temperature of the emergency thermostat is higher than 100 C, the automation enters a 10-second standby mode, and only then gives an error signal.

Error A06 - The flame goes out 6 times within 10 minutes.

Low pressure in the gas circuit. Check the gas inlet pressure. The nominal gas inlet pressure must be 20 mbar.

Damaged or malfunctioning ignition / ionisation electrode - Replace the ignition / ionisation electrode if necessary.

The fan blows out the flame on the burner. The fan is not working properly. Check the voltage supplied to the fan (voltage should be 220V).

Malfunction of the control board. Restart the boiler. If the error is repeated, replace the control board.

Error A09 - Defective gas valve.

During operation, the automation monitors the operation of the gas valve (checks the current). If a discrepancy is found, then a malfunction signal is generated.

Break in the gas valve supply wire. Check the gas valve wires for damage.

Gas fittings (gas valve) defective. Ring the gas valve coils for interturn short circuit and open circuit. The coil resistance of the modulating valve should be ≈24 Ohm, shut-off 65 Ohm. Replace the gas valve if faulty.

Error A16 - Malfunction of the gas valve.

If the burner flame does not extinguish within 5 seconds after the gas valve is closed, the boiler automation generates a fault signal.

Defective gas fittings (gas valve) - Ring the gas valve coils for interturn short circuit and open circuit. The coil resistance of the modulating valve should be = 24 ohms, shut-off 65 ohms. Replace the gas valve if faulty.

Error A23 / A24 - Failure of board parameters.

The value of the email parameter is set incorrectly. boards.

Error A41 - Lack of dynamics of temperature change (heat carrier or DHW water).

Preset time interval Combustion control is carried out by measuring resistance to plans.

Error A51 - Malfunction in the air intake / exhaust system.

The error occurs if the heater goes out within 10 seconds after the expiry of the control time. Before restarting the boiler, the automation maintains a pause "d4" for 5 minutes.

Error F04 - Overheating of the flue gas thermostat (Ferroli Domiproject DC).

If at the moment of boiler operation the contacts of the flue gas thermostat are disconnected, the burner immediately goes out and gives an error signal.

After 20 minutes, the microprocessor monitors the status of the flue gas thermostat. If the contact is closed, the burner will start up. If there is no contact, the boiler will remain blocked.

Pneumatic resistance in the smoke exhaust system is increased. Check the smoke exhaust system for mechanical impurities. Check the boiler draft interrupter for dirt.

Overheating of the flue gas thermostat - you need to wait for the sensor to cool down and restart it.

The thrust rolls over. When installing, consider the "wind rose" of your area.

Incorrect control board setting. When starting up for the first time or when replacing the control board, it is recommended to set the value of parameter b03. For an open combustion chamber, b03 = 1.

Error F05 - The fan is not connected (only in Ferroli Domiproject DF boilers).

When a request is made to ignite the burner, the control equipment checks the fan load. If the load is not detected, then after 15-20 seconds the automation generates an error. During operation and the presence of ionization, the absence of fan load leads to the immediate shutdown of the discharges for the ignition of the burner. If the connection is not restored within 15-20 seconds, a fault signal is generated.

If an error occurs during the initial start-up of the boiler, the chimney may have been installed incorrectly.

  1. Check the polarity of the connectors to the contacts of the air pressure switch.
  2. The diaphragm is incorrectly selected for the boiler (the diaphragm allows to narrow the cross-section of the smoke exhaust channel). Replace the diaphragm. When choosing a diaphragm, follow the instructions for the boiler.

Error F08 - Overheating of the heat exchanger of the extract air.

When the temperature in the heating circuit exceeds 99 C (for 5 seconds), the extract air temperature sensor is triggered. The error disappears when the coolant temperature drops to 90 ° C.

The control is carried out by an overheating sensor and an extract air temperature sensor. The error is saved in the error history menu. It is not displayed on the display and Ferroli does not lead to blocking of the boiler. The error is recorded by the extract air temperature sensor.

Error F08 has the same reasons as A03, it occurs before the appearance of error A03. You can find out that the F08 error occurred during operation by going to the Hi error history menu (see the service parameters menu).

Error F10 / F14 - Short circuit or open circuit of the target of the heating water temperature sensor.

If happens short circuit or a break in the target of the extract air temperature sensor (the signal disappears for 3 seconds), a command is sent from the control board to turn off the burner.

Check the resistance of the semiconductor sensor. Nominal resistance of the sensor at room temperature~ 10 kOhm.

Short circuit in the circuit "Heating air temperature sensor - control board", if necessary, replace the sensor.

No signal between the contacts of the extract air temperature sensor and the connector of the control board. Disconnect the extract air temperature sensor connector from the connector on the control board, and then reconnect them for normal contact.

  • Short circuit in the connecting cable;
  • Break in the connecting wire.

Error F11 - Short circuit or open circuit of the DHW sensor.

If there is a short circuit or an open circuit in the DHW temperature sensor (lasting 3 seconds). The burner will not light up only in DHW mode... The Ferroli boiler is able to continue operating in heating mode.

Error F14 - Malfunction of the NTC safety sensor of the heating circuit.

The combined extract air temperature sensor consists of 2 identical sensors, both sensors have an overheating protection function. A malfunction of one of the sensors (short circuit or open circuit for 3 seconds) entails the disconnection of the burner ignition commands. Check the resistance of the semiconductor sensor. The nominal resistance of the sensor is 10 kOhm.

Short circuit of the extract air temperature sensor. Check the quality of the connection of the connector of the extract air temperature sensor to the control board.

Error F20 - Combustion control.

The error is related to the quality control of combustion (only in Domiproject D F boilers).

Combustion control is carried out by measuring the flame resistance.

The smoke exhaust system is not working correctly.

The fan is defective or not working correctly.

Gas valve defective or not working correctly.

The low voltage in the network (alternating current) has dropped below 180 V, the boiler automation generates an error. The error is cleared as soon as the voltage rises above 185 V.

Error F35 - Current frequency error.

The control board runs from alternating current frequency 50Hz / 60Hz. If there is a discrepancy between the selected frequency and the frequency of the current in the network, the boiler automation generates an error.

Error F37 - Pressure drop in the heating system

The pressure switch contacts opened for more than 5 seconds. The pressure in the heating circuit has dropped below 0.8 bar.

Leakage of coolant in the heating system. Check the heating system for leaks. Repair leaks and energize the system.

The extract air pressure switch is defective. Replace the extract air pressure switch if necessary.

Error F39 - Short circuit or open circuit of the sensor outside temperature

The error occurs if an outside temperature sensor is connected and the weather-compensated function is active. A sensor malfunction does not result in the shutdown of the burner ignition commands.

Error F43 / F41 - Activation of the heat exchanger protection.

The fault occurs both in heating and DHW modes. If, when the burner is switched on, the heating intensity of the heat exchanger is higher than that set by parameter (P15), the extract air temperature sensor gives a fault signal. Burner shutdown occurs with a delay (12 s - in heating mode; 20 s - in DHW mode, 0 s - in "Comfort" mode. The error clears itself as soon as the temperature of the heating circuit sensor drops to 45 ° C.

  • There is no circulation of the coolant (the pipeline is clogged, the pump is faulty);
  • Air in the heating system;
  • Same reasons as A03.

Error F42 - Protection in the event of a difference in the readings of the extract air overheating sensor and the extract air temperature sensor (combined sensor)

If the difference in readings between the emergency thermostat and the extract air temperature sensor is absolute value exceeds 12 ° C, the boiler automation generates an error.

Error F50 - Malfunction of the gas valve modulation coil

If the current on the modulation coil is below the minimum threshold, or if the circuit is open, the Ferroli boiler automation generates an error.

Ferroli floor standing boilers malfunctions and their elimination

If you are not 100% sure what the problem is and that you can solve it, immediately contact the service center for diagnostics and troubleshooting.

Damaged or malfunctioning ionisation ignition electrode

  1. Check the ionisation ignition electrode for dirt.
  2. Make sure that there is a nominal (3.0 + 0.5 mm) gap between the burner and the ignition / ionisation electrode.
  3. Check electrode cable for mech. damage.

Malfunction in the gas fittings. Check gas valve coils. Short circuit or open circuit is possible. The resistance of the coil of the modulating valve is 24 ohms, the shut-off valve is 65 ohms. If damage is detected, replace the gas valve.

Insufficient ignition power

  1. Adjust the ignition power in service menu(parameter P01).
  2. Malfunction or damage to control board - Ignition transformer not working.
  3. Restart the device, if the error persists, replace the control board.
  4. Check grounding - There must be no potential on the housing.
  5. Too much condensation leads to blockage - Clean condensation from the combustion chamber and from the ignition / ionisation electrode and burner.

Malfunction of the ignition-ionization electrode

  1. When there is no combustion, the control board fixes a signal about the presence of a flame.
  2. Check the wires of the ignition / ionisation electrode for mechanical damage and breaks.
  3. Check the circuit Ignition / ionization electrode - control board for short circuit.
  4. The ignition / ionisation electrode is in contact with the burner.
  5. Control board defective - replace.

Ignition sequence

  1. First attempt: voltage is applied to the gas valve and ignition transformer (P01).
  2. If a flame is found, then the boiler automation starts to control the modulation. If no flame is found, then after the end of the d03 timeout, a second ignition attempt is made.
  3. At each next start, the sequence of the automation functions is the same as described earlier. If, upon completion of all ignition attempts, the flame is not found, the automation gives a signal about a malfunction, error A01 lights up on the screen.
  4. If the burner has been successfully ignited, but then the flame has gone out, then before starting the ignition again, the Ferroli boiler automation waits for about 50 seconds, d03 lights up on the screen.
  5. If one of the burner starts was successful (the torch was found), and then the power supply to the gas valve disappeared, then the ignition must be repeated.
  6. If there is excess moisture in the combustion chamber, the electrode of the ignition transformer will be shorted to ground.

There is no gas flow to the burner

  1. Shut-off valve closed. Open all shut-off elements that are installed on the gas pipe.
  2. If an initial start-up is being carried out, check that the air is bled from the pipeline.
  3. Check the inlet gas pressure upstream of the gas valve. The standard pressure is 20 mbar.
  4. Check the compliance of the set values ​​min. and max. of the gas pressure on the injectors to the required standard values. And if necessary, adjust the boiler according to the gas pressure.

No flame on the burner

Insufficient gas pressure in the gas pipeline or lack of it.

  1. Check the gas inlet pressure upstream of the gas valve.
  2. Gas pipeline airiness. Check that air has been bled from the gas line.
  3. Gas valve defective. Check the gas valve and replace if necessary.

Main burner nozzles clogged

  1. Clean the main burner and pilot burner nozzles.
  2. Gas valve defective. Replace it if necessary.
  3. One of the safety devices has been triggered.

Gas valve malfunction

If a fault is found, replace the gas valve.

Gas valve sticking

Put a piece of silicone hose on the fitting located on the front of the gas valve and create excess pressure.

Pilot burner does not light up

Gas does not flow to the burner, insufficient gas inlet pressure

  1. There is no gas.
  2. Gas supply valve closed.
  3. Air in the gas pipeline. Bleed the air.
  4. Insufficient gas pressure. Check the gas inlet pressure.
  5. Adjust the gas pressure.

Blockage in the gas supply system

  1. Pilot burner nozzle clogged. Clean the nozzle with compressed air.
  2. Gas valve filter clogged.

Low voltage in the power supply network

Check the power supply parameters. In case of a discrepancy between the network parameters and the nominal values ​​(2206/50 Hz), install an autotransformer-voltage stabilizer.

Insufficient pilot flame

Insufficient gas inlet pressure

  1. Check the gas pressure in the gas line - adjust the gas pressure to the pilot burner.
  2. Pilot burner nozzle dirty - clean nozzle with compressed air.

The combined sensor (extract air temperature sensor / emergency thermostat) turned on and stopped the boiler

  1. Emergency thermostat in wall-mounted boilers Ferroli Domiproject is switched on at a temperature of 105C. You need to wait for the device to cool down and restart it.
  2. Malfunction or incorrect operation of the overheating sensor - replace the sensor.
  3. Weak water circulation in the heating system - check the pressure in the heating system. In a cold heating system, the pressure is 1.2 bar.
  4. Air in the heating system - de-air the system.
  5. There is no circulation in the heating system - open all shut-off valves that interfere with the required circulation of the coolant.

Circulation pump malfunction

  1. Circulation pump does not reach the required speed. Check the characteristics of the electric network, rated voltage - 230 ± 23 6.50 Hz. In case of voltage surges, connect the boiler to the network through an autotransformer-voltage stabilizer. Check the resistance of the stator winding of the pump electric motor for an open circuit or short circuit.
  2. The pump runs normally, but there is not enough pressure. There may be mechanical damage to the pump impeller. Replace the pump if damaged.
  3. The supply to the circulation pump is normal, but baptism does not occur. Check pump for seizure. To do this, unscrew the plug from the front of the pump and turn the rotor shaft of the pump motor with a screwdriver.
  4. Nutrition circulation pump missing - the control board is damaged. A restart of the boiler is required. If the problem persists, replace the control board.

Arbitrary shutdown of the pilot burner

Insufficient gas inlet pressure - check the gas pressure in the gas line.

Pilot burner system defective or not working correctly

  1. Pilot burner nozzle dirty.
  2. The thermocouple is defective. Replace thermocouple.
  3. Injector dirty. Clean the nozzle with compressed air.
  4. Check for a short circuit or "open" the gas valve coil, which is responsible for the operation of the pilot burner.
  5. Broken wire connection between thermopile and gas valve coil.

Flares in the main burner; poor gas combustion

  1. Insufficient air flow into the room.
  2. Combustion chamber dirty.
  3. Burner dirty - check burner for dirt and clean.

Heating water temperature does not increase

  1. Insufficient gas inlet pressure.
  2. Poor heat dissipation from the heat exchanger.
  3. Insufficient boiler output.

The boiler does not maintain the set temperature.

Control thermostat defective - replace thermostat.

Malfunction or short circuit of one of the temperature sensors (thermistor for heating water / hot water temperature)

  1. Check the resistance of the semiconductor sensor. The nominal resistance of the sensor is 10 kOhm at a temperature of 25 C.
  2. Short circuit in the circuit "Heating air temperature sensor control board, if necessary, replace the sensor.
  3. There is no signal between the contacts of the extract air temperature sensor and the connector of the control board. Disconnect the extract air temperature sensor connector from the connector of the control board, and reconnect them for normal contact.
  4. Short circuit of the DHW temperature sensor - check the quality of the connection of the DHW temperature sensor connector to the control board.

Malfunction of the safety NTC sensor of the heating circuit

The combined extract air temperature sensor consists of 2 identical sensors, both sensors have an overheating protection function. Failure of one of the sensors (short circuit or target rupture for 3 seconds) entails the shutdown of the burner ignition commands.

Fan defective or not working correctly

  1. Check the fan wires for mechanical damage.
  2. Measure the voltage supplied to the fan (voltage should be 220V).
  3. Check the connection of the connectors to the fan contacts.

The smoke extraction system is not working properly

  1. Too high pneumatic resistance in the fume extraction system. Check the smoke exhaust system and the boiler draft interrupter for mechanical impurities.
  2. When carrying out installation, take into account design features smoke exhaust systems. It is required to install a smoke exhaust system with the condition that there are no turbulences of air flows and there is no reverse draft.
  3. Check the end of the chimney for icing.
  4. The flue gas temperature control sensor is damaged - replace the sensor.
  5. The control board is not working correctly - replace the control board.

Ferroli boilers - Experts answer questions


The Ferroli Domiproject f24 boiler worked normally for a year. Then he began to work intermittently. It works for a few seconds, goes out and lights up again, and so on all the time. Both during heating operation and during DHW operation. I checked the chimney system, everything is fine. Replacing the prestat gave nothing. I removed the plugs on the top cover of the boiler, it did not help. When I remove the casing of the sealed chamber, it works fine. What
could there be a reason?


If the boiler does not show any error and the voltage is more than 200 volts, then the heating heat exchanger is most likely clogged. You can check by connecting a heating sensor for a few minutes in the air or, which is easier, by reducing the gas with a tap in front of the boiler. If the combustion interval has increased, then flushing is needed.


The Ferroli Domiproject f 24 boiler does not cope, the coolant temperature does not rise above 40, and the potentiometer is 70. The heated area is 70m2. And indoors it is 12 degrees. What should be done?


This means there is not enough flow. Here's what you need to do: check the return filter, check the pump power and find out if the main heat exchanger is clogged.


When the heating system is turned off, the pressure in the system drops to 0 (approximately a day to 0.5 when the ECO is off; or to 0 when the ECO is on in a few hours) and the DHW is also cut off accordingly. I add water. The pressure drops again after a while. When the heating is on, the pressure does not drop or does not drop very noticeably. Make-up once every 1-2 months.


First of all, you need to pump the expansion tank with nitrogen - air up to 0.8 bar - with the pressure on the water pressure gauge in the boiler = 0. And then look for a leak, check the explosive valve, whether water is leaving it.


After installing the boiler Ferroli Domiproject 24 head hot water was almost at the level of pressure cold water... Six months later, the pressure dropped. What could be the reasons? If this is scale formation in the secondary heat exchanger, then how to flush it and how, as well as how to avoid scale formation?


This boiler does not have a secondary heat exchanger, here it is bithermal, and in it scale is formed in winter mode, especially when the flow sensor is not working and when hot water is leaking. You can wash it with sulfa acid, for example, or hydrochloric acid.


Please tell me, if the boiler is completely out, nothing burns and does not turn on, although the 220 comes on board, the fuses and varistor are intact, what has burned out?


Switching power supply on board.


The Ferolli boiler worked for 2 weeks normally, after the arrival of the master from service center for the first start, the hot water supply ignites and blows off the flame. If I screw on the gas cock, it works fine. The heating works normally and with the gas tap fully open. How to fix it?


If you can adjust the gas valve yourself, the instructions describe the procedure well enough, if you are not sure it is better to call a specialist again. It is necessary to adjust the MAX on the gas valve - with the "reset" button, go to the test mode, press the heating knob three times in the MAX if the flame breaks off with a key 10 counterclockwise, and then with the "reset" button go to the test mode, adjust the power for heating and ignition with the heating temperature knob -power for heating with a knob of water temperature-ignition. Procedure 5 minutes


Hello, I have a problem with the hot water supply, the ventilation hatches are turned off regularly, the ventilation hatches have already been opened and the heating is turned off with the hatches closed. How to be?


If everything is in order with the chimney, then the sensor - pressure switch must be checked.


Ferroli boiler in hot water supply mode. Periodically, in standby mode, the upper and lower LEDs start blinking (at the same time). When hot water is turned on after 3 minutes, the burner goes out, although the burner switch-on LED is on. Also, periodically, when hot water or heating is on, the upper and lower LEDs begin to flash alternately. Stabilizer ON-LiNE with inverter output
sinusoid and 220. The boiler has one heating season.


First, check the dual temperature sensor.


The Ferroli Domiproject boiler has been in operation for 1 month, it worked normally and in one night it began to make strange sounds similar to strong boiling (it was heard through closed door). The unit was turned off until the morning, in the morning I checked the pump, the supply voltage (there is a stabilizer) - everything is normal. I started the boiler - the sound returned, I think the scale was formed - I washed the heat exchanger, nothing helped - at a temperature of 40 and above, cacophony begins, if you open hot water - the sound disappears, you close it - it appears again.


Perhaps the filter on the return line is clogged, the flow through the heat exchanger is low - the heating system.


When the heating circuit heats up, above 55 degrees, the heat exchanger begins to make noise, as if boiling. Could the DHW temperature be exceeded due to a large circulation in the heating circuit? I set the temperature with a heating potentiometer from 45 to 60 degrees. For half an hour, the boiler was gaining temperature, then it began to emit hissing sounds, did not wait any longer, turned the knob to 55, the burner turned off.

I watched the parameters of the gas pressure, after ignition in the furnace, the pressure on the burner maximum, after about 10 seconds, drops to a minimum, so it burns for about five minutes then starts adding 10 pascal and stops. Somewhere at three millibars, it starts to make noise, it works for another three minutes, then after dialing a temperature of 55-60 degrees, it turns off.

I cleaned the boiler (pump, heat exchanger, furnace, filter) - it did not help, then I set the lower gas pressure setting to 40% lower than the passport one - the noise disappeared at 60 degrees. Paradox - take off the cover closed chamber combustion - the boiler does not make noise. When you put it on, it starts to make noise. What could be?


Or scale in the heating circuit or some kind of dirt. It is necessary to rinse with a booster, if it helps - well, it does not help - install another heat exchanger or another boiler with separate heat exchangers.


I have the following problem. Ferroli boiler DOMIproject C24. When the hot water is switched off, the heating circuit circulation pump may not start. It does not turn on until the burner is ignited for heating. The water in the boiler boils and the red LED starts blinking. The boiler gets into an accident. This happens several times a day. How can you solve this problem yourself?


Clean the DHW flow sensor.


The 2A fuses on the Ferroli DOMIproject C24 boiler burn out. What can be done?


Just like that, the fuses cannot burn, you need to look for where the short circuit occurs, leading to the fuse burning. First, check the operation of the pump.


I bought a Ferolli boiler and installed it. Uninterrupted SMART APC 750. Hot water goes without problems. I turn on the heating, it gives an error "overheating protection has worked." The pump is not working. What to do?


Unlock the pump shaft. If that doesn't help, connect the pump directly. If it does not work, replace the pump. If it does not help, the fee is for repair.


There is such a problem. When the hot water is turned on, the Ferroli Domiproect F24 boiler periodically turns off the heating, and then starts again. What could be the problem? The board has been replaced.


It is necessary to adjust the operation of the gas valve - minimum power.


Tell me what could be. When I turn on the boiler, the red and yellow lights immediately turn on (they often blink, what can be in addition to the sensor? am I wrong?


If you bridging the wires, the error does not disappear, the sensor needs to be replaced.


Ferroli DOMIcompact c24 boiler. Reduces pressure to 0. No leaks in the system. It appears to reset when hot water is on. Cold water supply pressure 2-3 atmospheres. The boiler worked for two years.


There may be a breakdown between the circuits, and the pressure drops below the cold water supply pressure due to ejection. You most likely have a different problem! Expansion tank lost air. The heating system cools down and the pressure drops when you turn on the DHW.


Tell me, is it possible to adjust the minimum pressure switch so that the boiler turns on at a pressure of 0.8 bar?


There is an adjustment screw on the pressure sensor under the cap on the top.


Ferroli boiler Domicompact C 24 kW. There is a problem. The chimney is clean, the water and gas pressure is normal, but the boiler works as it pleases. I put 45C heats up normally, then like crazy. Turns on at any intervals. There is a leakage of the make-up tap into the heating system, but after the make-up I shut off the taps for supplying and dispensing hot water. What do you advise?


Repair the make-up valve, check the NTC sensor (replace). According to NTC data, the boiler is turned on for heating. When t changes, the NTC resistance changes. If the readings are incorrect, then the boiler is also inadequate. Alternatively, you can check the variable on the board.


Ferroli domicompact F 24 boiler, 4.5 years. The heat exchanger leaked last year. They called the master - sealed it. This winter, another problem arose: The heating temperature jumps set to 60 C, and the pipes are heated up to 80 C. The pressure at the same time rolls over to 3.5 bar. Or it drops to 0. Tell me what is the problem?


Replace NTC, bleed volume compensator and make maintenance.


The Ferroli Domicompact F24 boiler operates with the room thermostat jumper removed. The problem surfaced when I connected the thermostat (COMPUTHERM Q7 RF). For a while, everything worked fine, then after opening the contacts in the thermostat receiver, the boiler continued to work as it did. Depending on the position of the temperature regulator, heating takes place, heating is turned off, the pump drives water. Thermostat
connected correctly and works for closing-opening - checked by the tester.

Moreover, when to turn it off completely, i.e. the jumper is removed the boiler is working, the DHW regulator in which position is on off does not matter - everything is the same. Sometimes, after turning on the DHW, it turns off and then (as expected) works normally from the thermostat. Sometimes, after turning off the thermostat, it tries to start, but immediately turns off, so several times, after which the pump runs for 6 minutes and the boiler turns off. If possible, tell me what's the matter?


Check the wires going from the board to the room thermostat connector. When the circuit is closed (or the thermostat has closed the contacts) - the boiler operates for heating, when it is open - it waits for the contacts to close to turn on the heating.


There is such a problem: the Ferroli DomiCompact F24 boiler works perfectly from the 220V network, and when the Leoton 500 watt converter is connected, the gas does not ignite. What to do?


Turn the fork over.


I have a Ferolli DOMIcompact C24 boiler. Everything worked fine, and then suddenly, when the heating of the apartment was turned on, the pressure on the boiler began to rise sharply to 3 bar. To make it clearer: The boiler does not work - I set the pressure to 1 (I hear a clicking sound, the light stops blinking). I set the temperature to 40. The device starts up and starts heating the water.

Literally, in 5 minutes, the pressure rises sharply to 2.5 and more. (This was not the case before.) I drain the water from the system (through the tap on the return line), thereby reducing the pressure. And I do this until the water heats up to the desired temperature. When the water warms up, I drain the water from the tap and set the pressure to 2 bar. When the boiler works constantly at this temperature and does not turn off (in winter), the pressure remains unchanged (sometimes it increases slightly).

And when you turn off the heating of the heating system, the pressure drops below 1 and the device does not ignite. You have to open the make-up tap and get water in order to increase the pressure to start the boiler. It is summer now and the heating system is not working. I set the pressure to 1.5 to heat the water. This is how it has been for 2 months already. Tell me what is the problem?


The problem is the lack of air in the expansion tank.






If there are malfunctions in your ferroli gas boiler, it is not necessary to immediately call a technician for repair. It is worth looking into the instruction manual and find the error code displayed on the screen. There are indicated the possible reasons for the appearance of this code and methods of their elimination.

Ferroli gas boiler error codes and how to eliminate them

The domiproject, diva, domina models are the most popular among users of Ferroli gas boilers. If a malfunction occurs, its code appears either on the display of the unit, or on the control panel. Codes are divided into several types:

  1. Critical - are designated by the letter "A". When they appear, the operation of the unit is completely blocked. To eliminate this error, you must eliminate the cause of the code on the display. You can try to reboot the unit using the "Reset" button. Reboot will occur in 30 seconds.
  2. Not critical - marked with the letter "F". These include minor errors that the user can fix.
  3. Pauses are coded with the letter "D" and mean the intervals between different operating modes.

Consider what codes mean what and how you can troubleshoot. Critical "A" have the following meanings:

  1. A01 (in domina models the red light is blinking) - problems with the burner or no ignition. The malfunction can be eliminated in the following ways: check if gas comes from the gas pipeline - if not, call the gas supply company; make sure that the fuel pressure level is normal; when air accumulates in the line, their excess is drained; adjust the power.
  2. A02 (green light is on or flashing) - message about the presence of a flame in its absence. Remedies: restarting the unit, adjusting the power, checking the electrode wires.
  3. A03 (the red indicator is blinking) - the overheating protection has triggered (if the temperature of the coolant rises above 105 ° C, then the equipment is turned off). This error appears if the temperature has not returned to normal within 50 seconds. Restart the gas boiler. If the unit has not turned on, then you need to take the following measures: replace the main module, check the overheating sensor, diagnose the operation of the pump, release excess air, check the fluid circulation, check the connection to the mains.
  4. A06 - unstable flame. The problem can be eliminated by the following methods: reconfigure the gas supply, replace the burner diaphragm, change the ignition sensor, and normalize the fuel pressure.
  5. A09 - malfunction of the fuel supply valve.
  6. A16 - the valve allows gas to pass when closed. The valve should be repaired or replaced.
  7. A21 - malfunctions in combustion. The system needs to be rebooted.
  8. A34 - voltage drops. You can solve the problem like this: install a voltage stabilizer, connect a new coolant temperature sensor.
  9. A41 - the temperature does not rise. Tighten the sensor connectors.
  10. A51 - the chimney is clogged. It is advisable to check the presence of draft in the chimney: if there is one, check the operability of the draft sensor; if not, you need to clean the chimney.

Non-critical errors "F " have such codes :

  1. F04 (green light blinking) - smoke extraction is activated. Correct the position by stripping the contacts or replacing the smoke detectors or reconfiguring the module.
  2. F05 - incorrect fan connection. Inspect the wiring of this item. If necessary, tighten it.
  3. F08 - circuit temperature is above 99 ° C. The error will disappear if the heat exchanger cools down to 90 ° C.
  4. F10 / F14 - open or short circuit of the thermistor. Eliminated by repairing or replacing a broken part.
  5. F11 - the burner does not work in DHW mode, as the DHW thermistor has shorted. The problem is solved by replacing the faulty theristor.
  6. F20 - malfunctions of the electronic board. The reasons are as follows: incorrect parameter settings or board malfunction. In the first case, the boiler is reconfigured, and in the second, the board is replaced.
  7. F34 - malfunction gas boiler ferroli domiproject means a decrease in the voltage in the network below 180 V. After the normalization of electricity, the error will disappear or you should install a voltage stabilizer.
  8. F35 - current mismatch in the network and on the control board. Replace the existing board with a new one that matches the current frequency reading.
  9. F37 (yellow indicator flashes) - pressure drop in the heating system. Make sure that the unit is not leaking. Change the relay if necessary.
  10. F39 - short circuit of the external thermometer, breakdown of the thermistor. The problem is eliminated by the following actions: checking the contacts, insulating the damaged wiring, installing a new thermometer.
  11. F40 - the pressure in the heating system exceeds the norm. In this case, remove the filter of the relief valve and wash it out of blockages. If this part is defective, it must be replaced. You also need to check the performance of the expansion tank.
  12. F42 - overheating sensor and temperature show different meanings... It is necessary to measure the resistance of the DHW thermistor. Normal readings are 10 kΩ. If they deviate from the norm, the element should be replaced.
  13. F43 - the heat exchanger safety system has been triggered. Checking the operation of the circulation pump, bleeding air from the system.
  14. F50 - malfunctions of the gas fittings. The situation can be corrected by restarting the boiler. If this does not help, the electronic board should be repaired.
  15. Fh - air is removed by a circulation pump. Usually disappears after three minutes.

Most errors block the operation of the gas unit. In some cases restart heating device solves the problem. But still, you need to find out the true cause of the failures and eliminate it. Timely elimination of the cause of the malfunction will prevent significant damage to the unit and extend its service life.

2017-04-28 Evgeny Fomenko

The device and principle of operation of the Ferroli boilers

Gas boilers Ferrols are different high quality and operational reliability. They can operate on natural and liquefied gas. The boiler operation can be controlled directly from the device and remotely. Equipped with a self-diagnosis system that minimizes human intervention.

They have a high efficiency of 92%. The principle of operation of Ferroli boilers is to heat the heat exchanger with thermal energy, obtained as a result of gas combustion. Distinctive feature- the presence of a microprocessor control system, with the help of which the flame is controlled.

Copper heat exchanger coated with anti-corrosion aluminum composition, this type of heat exchanger is patented by Ferroli. The combustion chamber is steel or copper, covered with an anti-corrosion aluminum compound, with an internal environmental coating.

Equipped with an injection burner with stainless steel heads. The most popular models on the market are double-circuit boilers Diva, Divatop, Domiproject and Ferroli Domina 24.

Ferroli Domina's boiler 24

Domiproject has a pipe-in-pipe bithermal heat exchanger, a by-pass circuit in the heating system, a display on the front panel. Domina is equipped with a copper bithermic heat exchanger of increased power, by-pass system, light indication. Work from both natural gas, and from liquefied.

Major error codes

During the operation of the boiler, malfunctions and malfunctions may occur, the codes of which are displayed on the device display. Error codes with the symbol "a" lead to blocking of the boiler, they can be reset manually by pressing and holding the REZET button for 1 second. Codes with the “f” symbol are automatically reset after the malfunction is eliminated. The most common malfunctions on the Ferroli gas boiler are: lack of ignition (a01), triggering of the smoke thermostat (f04).


Error 01 - no burner ignition, the boiler does not turn on. Possible reasons and how to fix them are described below.

Gas does not flow:

Defective ignition electrode:

On Domina boilers, when this code occurs, two indicators are off, the red one is blinking.


Error 02, blocking - a false signal about the presence of a flame when the burner is off on the Ferroli, Domina and Domiproject models, the reasons for its appearance:

Defective ignition electrode:

  • Inspect the wires connecting the electrode and the board, measure the circuit between them for a short circuit.
  • Check the gap between the electrode and the torch, adjust if necessary.

Possible control board malfunction. in this case it is necessary to replace it. On Domina boilers, when this code occurs, one indicator is off, yellow is on, red is blinking.


Error 03 means boiler overheating, appears if the thermostat has overheated. The code will not appear if the burner was not working at the time of overheating. The safety device is triggered when the temperature in the heating circuit has exceeded 90 degrees, and the temperature of the hot water supply is more than 95 degrees.

Ferroli boiler thermostat

In the mounted Ferroli Domiproject C24 models, the sensor is triggered at a temperature of 105 degrees. If the unit does not start after cooling down, the following malfunctions are possible.

Sensor malfunction:

  • Wait for the unit to cool down and restart it.
  • Inspect the mechanical connections of the sensor, eliminate the malfunctions.
  • Check the sensor for short circuit and open circuit, if faulty, replace.

The circulation pump runs at partial power:

No coolant circulation:

On Domina boilers, when this code occurs, one indicator is off, green blinks, red - blinks


Error 04 appears when the smoke exhaust thermostat is triggered, the burner goes out, the boiler is blocked. After 20 minutes, the automatics checks the thermostat, if its contact is closed, the boiler remains in a blocked state.


Error 8 or error f08 appears when the heat exchanger overheats when the coolant temperature exceeds 99 degrees and disappears at 90 degrees. This code appears before code 03, it is not fixed on the display, it can only be seen in the code history. The reasons and remedies are the same as when code 03 appears.


Error 51 signals problems with smoke exhaust. The reasons and remedies are the same when code 04 appears.


Error a01 - no burner ignition on models with a display, the boiler does not turn on. Why it appears and how to fix it is described in code 01.


The reasons for the appearance of error a03 are the same as for code 03 on boilers with light indication, they can be eliminated in the same ways.

Boiler temperature control


Error a06 lights up when there is no flame some time after ignition, when the flame goes out 6 times within 10 minutes.

Occurs in the following cases:


Error a08 is overheating of the heat exchanger. Why it appears and how to fix the situation is described above in the description of error 08.


Error a21 means a malfunction of the combustion control system on Ferroli Domiproject boilers. With this error, the boiler can periodically light up and go out.


Error a51 warns of problems in the smoke exhaust system. For the reasons for its appearance and solutions to the problem, see the description of error 04.


Error d1 is not a malfunction of the boiler, the code means a delay before the next activation.


Error d2 is not caused by any malfunction, this parameter means the waiting time before the next heating cycle of the heating system.


Parameter d3 is not an error, it means a waiting time, about 50 seconds, before the next ignition.


Before restarting the boiler, the display shows the d4 code, which is not an error, it means a pause between starts of 5 minutes.


Error f04 appears in Ferroli devices Domiproject DC if the exhaust thermostat is overheated.

Exhaust gas thermostat

  • The draft in the chimney is broken... Clean the chimney.
  • Chimney installed incorrectly... When installing, take into account the design features that exclude air turbulence and reverse flow.
  • Sensor malfunction... Check the mechanical connection of the sensor wires to the control board. Use a multimeter to check if the sensor is in good condition; if necessary, replace it.
  • Defective board... If all of the above is in good condition and after restarting the boiler gives the same error, check the board, in case of malfunction, replace it.


When the boiler starts up, the fan does not turn on, the system generates an error f05 (f05).


Error f10 indicates a sensor malfunction in the supply circuit.

  • Sensor damage... Call the sensor contacts, if it is faulty, replace it with a new one.
  • Short circuit or open in the connecting wires. Check with a multimeter for a short circuit, check the reliability of the connections.

Since 1955, Ferroli products have been known to consumers all over the world. Gas boilers from this manufacturer are of high quality and reasonable cost. But only for 15 years this equipment has been sold in Russia. Over the years of the existence of products in the domestic market, gas boilers of the mentioned manufacturer have earned positive reviews from buyers and specialists who carry out installation work.

Positive reviews

The Italian technique of the Ferroli company is characterized by ease of adjustment, excellent design and ease of use. The company has been on the market for over 50 years, and this is not much when compared with other manufacturers. But during this time, the brand has become one of the European leaders in the production of heating equipment.

Consumers note that the equipment is constantly being modernized, and its appearance more and more attractive design... The devices meet safety and performance requirements, which is important for the consumer, as well as maintainability and ease of maintenance.

If you are also interested in the products of the Ferroli company, you can consider the gas boilers of this manufacturer in more detail. For example, mounted models are the most popular in Russia and are presented for sale in a wide range. They are compact and practical. According to users, such a boiler - perfect option for heating an apartment or house of medium size. The range of mounted boilers is quite wide, the manufacturer offers many models to the attention of users, this allows you to choose the desired configuration that will meet all the requirements. Owners of real estate of a more impressive area can consider Ferroli floor products, gas boilers of this line have high reliability and durability.

Environmentally friendly and economical

Such equipment is perfectly adapted to the conditions reduced pressure in system. But the PegasusF2 model has a two-stage burner, which ensures the efficiency of operation and the durability of the units. The air during the operation of such a device is much less polluted. This modification, according to users, can be used even for the installation of cascade heating systems. If you additionally purchase a controller, then create a system of 4 boilers, the total power of which can reach 1 MW.


Quite often in recent times consumers choose Ferroli devices. Gas boilers, which can be floor-standing or wall-mounted, must be operated according to the instructions. The company also includes an operating manual for each device. If malfunctions occur during operation, the consumer should contact the technical support specialists. As alternative solution the owner of the equipment should consult the user manual.

The most popular problems that can arise are low level pressure, the device will report this with error f37. In this case, the user should check the gas and water supply and clean the system. If you do not want to face malfunctions, then you must remember that when the equipment is disconnected from the power supply system or the gas main, the anti-freeze function will be disabled. In order to exclude damage from freezing, which can occur during a prolonged shutdown of the boiler in winter period, the water should be drained from the boiler, this also applies to the heating system, as well as the hot water circuit. Otherwise, water is drained only from the DHW circuit, and antifreeze is added to the heating system, while you should read the manufacturer's recommendations.

The operating instructions for the Ferroli gas boiler indicate the possibility of adjusting the room temperature, this can be done using an optional thermostat. The latter allows you to set a specific temperature. If it is necessary to adjust the temperature of the water in the heating system, use the remote control remote control or the interactive panel on the device.

Installation nuances

The wall-mounted installation instructions for which are presented in the user's manual must be installed in a room where the ventilation system is constantly operating. If the air flow is insufficient, the device will not be able to work properly, and the combustion products will not be removed. If such conditions are created, then harmful substances can enter the premises of the house, which can harm human health. If you purchased hanging equipment, you can use the bracket kit that attaches to the wall. A metal template can be supplied on special order to mark the surface of the suspension points.

Basic malfunctions and ways to eliminate them

The Ferroli gas boiler diagram will allow you to understand what design features possesses the purchased equipment. Some home craftsmen are also able to figure out the causes of the malfunction, as well as fix the problems on their own. If the device does not turn on, then there may be no gas in the network, but when the water pressure drops in the boiler, the main reason may be a malfunction of the circulation pump. Similar problems sometimes arise with insufficient ignition power, in this case it is necessary to increase it. However, damage to the electronic control board of the boiler cannot be ruled out.

If you purchased a Ferroli gas boiler, malfunctions may also be expressed in extraneous noise inside the device. Only the master is able to cope with such a problem, and it is necessary to contact the support service as soon as possible. If the water pressure drops, the water supply system may be clogged, so the plug should be removed immediately.

Sometimes the repair of Ferroli gas boilers is not required at all. If you are faced with the fact that the equipment does not turn on, then you can try to unplug the plug and after a few minutes plug it back in again. If after that nothing has changed, then you should contact the wizard for help.


In the event of a breakdown of the components of the gas boiler, you can replace them. For example, gas-burners quite often they are made of steel. Despite the fact that these components are highly durable, they can be damaged by mechanical stress.