Air traffic jam in the battery what to do. Do not warm the batteries? It can be fixed

Is heating included, and the battery in the house is still cold? The sensor on the car dashboard shows higher values \u200b\u200bthan usual? And in that, and in another case, there is a possibility that air accumulated in the battery or radiator, which interferes with their normal operation. Fortunately, this often arising problem is easily solved. Using several simple tools, the radiator in your machine or the battery in your home will soon do what they are intended - effectively dispel heat.


We descend the air from the battery in your home

    Speak your battery diagnostics. At the top of the battery, it is from there and you need to pull the air - it is cold air. Therefore, when you turn on the heating (or when it turns on thermal networks), or the entire battery, or the upper part will be cold, while the bottom will be hot. Unfortunately, a completely cold battery may also point to other problems (they are described below - read them before continuing). Otherwise, it is necessary to lower the air from the battery. Be careful - batteries can be very hot. Protect your hands when you check the temperature of the battery.

    Find the radiator key. If you decide to release air from the battery, you first need to find something to open the "air valve". Look for a small valve at the top with one side of the battery. On this valve, there is usually a small square part that can be rotated to adjust the valve. The radiator key is an inexpensive metal tool that is necessary for the opening and closing of air valves. They can be bought almost in any economic store. Find the radiator key suitable for your battery size, or look for a small key in your toolkit or any other tool suitable for the size of the size valve.

    • In some modern batteries, the valves are designed in such a way that they can be rotated using a conventional flat screwdriver. Many batteries are Maevsky's cranes with needle-type shut-off valve. To open such a valve, you need to install the key into a special thread, and slowly scrolls it counterclockwise.
    • Before you continue, make sure that you have a radiator key, a screwdriver or a wrench (you may need several tools), - in general, what will allow you to open valves on each battery in your home. When it comes to breaking, it is better to lower the air from all batteries in the house.
  1. Disconnect the heating. Before you drop the air, be sure to disconnect the heating system (if it comes to a private house, it is easy; if you live in an apartment building, you will have to wait for spring when heating will turn off the heat networks), since the working heating system can enjoy all The system is even more. The contents of the battery should be completely settled before you start it. Wait a while so that heat in the heating system dispersed, then check the battery for heating. If any part of the battery is still hot, wait until it completely cools before proceeding to the next step.

    Open the battery valves. Make sure that both intake and exhaust valve are in the "open" position. Then insert the radiator key (screwdriver or other tool) to the required location of the air valve located at the top of the battery. Turn it counterclockwise to open the valve. There should be a hissing sound - if so, you do everything right, the air leaves the battery.

    • The opening of the air valve will allow you to release cold air, which prevents the liquid to the package through the pipes connected to the heating system.
  2. Collect water from the valve. As a rule, when the air comes out of the battery, water drips out of the air valve. You will need a kitchen towel, or some rag to collect any drops. Instead, you can use a small bowl or plate.

    Wait until the water will stop dripping from the air valve. When the air valve goes a steady water flow (and not a mixture of air and water drops), it means that you have released all the air that was in your battery. Tighten the air valve again (turn clockwise), and make sure that there are no leaks. Use a rag to wipe any water that spilled around the battery.

    Repeat this process with each battery in the house. To make sure that the entire heating system is increasing, it is best to remove air from all batteries, even if the problems arose only with one. In order for the heating system to work properly, you need to regularly lower the air from the batteries. Most often enough to lower the air once a year, as well as after each repair or any modification in the heating system.

  3. If you have a boiler system of heating, check the boiler pressure level. Recommending excess air from the batteries, you reduced the total pressure of the heating system of your home. If the pressure falls too low, then heat may not reach some of the batteries (especially those located on the upper floors of your home). To restore the pressure of the heating system, it may be necessary to add to the water boiler.

    • For the purpose of heating, the dwelling is quite enough pressure in 0.8-1 bar. The higher the pressure, the higher the height to which your system can send heat. Too low or too high houses may require a lower or higher boiler pressure, respectively.
    • If your boiler has an automatic filling system, it must automatically maintain a pressure of 0.8-1 bar without your intervention. If not, add water manually - open the boiler water supply valve until the pressure indicators rise to 0.8-1 bar.

    We produce air from the car radiator

    1. Look for signs pointing to the fact that the car's radiator has failed. The air from the car radiator must be deleted for the same reason as from the home battery - an air traffic jam was formed in the car cooling system. As a result, antifreeze ceases to effectively circulate, which leads to overheating of the car. If you are watching one or more of the signs listed below, then, most likely, you need to remove air from the radiator of your car.

      • Undorrhematically high temperature on the dashboard temperature sensor.
      • Liquid flowing from the radiator.
      • Strange smells emanating from the engine, especially sweet smells (due to the fact that antifreeze flows and / or burns).
      • In addition, it may be a good idea to release air from the radiator after replacing spare parts in the cooling system or after maintenance. During maintenance in the system, air can be hit - follow the temperature indicators after any changes in the cooling system.
    2. Find and loosen the car air valve. Some cars have air valves embedded in the cooling system and operate by means of air, just like air valves on a home battery. Check your car instruction manual to find out where to find the air valve. It is usually located at the highest point of the cooling system to most effectively produce air, which usually rises up.

      • To release the air from the car radiator with an air valve, simply loosen it until you hear the hissing sound of the outgoing air. Use some rag to collect any thumping coolant, and then tighten the valve again when a stable jet of coolant is added from it.
      • In some cars not Special air valves. Do not worry, release air from the radiator of such a car is possible, but in other ways (read below).
    3. Before raising the car, do not forget to loosen or remove the cover from the radiator.
      • In some car models, the radiator can be positioned not in front - if you are not sure, refer to your machine manual.
    4. Perform procedure "Cleaning and Filling" . After you released the air from the car's radiator, add a new cooling fluid quite well. Perhaps the air that was inside, artificially increased the amount of coolant displayed by appliances - in the system there may be a shortage of coolant, which you have not even suspected. Remove the old coolant from the system, and add a new one, according to any instructions specified in the instruction manual for your car. The following are general instructions for replacing the coolant in cars:

      • Give the engine to completely cool.
      • Place the drainage container under the radiator drain valve to collect the old cooling fluid.
      • Fill the automotive radiator with water, then drain it from the drain crane.
      • Close the drain faucet and add a new cooling fluid - usually a mixture of 50/50 from antifreeze and distilled water (non-tap water, as it may contain dissolved substances).
      • Release air from the radiator again to remove any air that appeared in the process of cleaning and filling.
    • While performing this procedure, the old clothes are the liquid from the battery or the radiator can be very dirty.

Owners of apartment buildings and everyone who has central heating has rarely faced air traffic jams in heating systems. This is expressed in the appearance of various noise, poor heating of batteries and corrosion of metal parts.

It is characteristic that even from the perfectly designed and performed central heating system periodically needed air. Its appearance inside is possible not only due to the possible poor tightness of the system, but for other reasons.

Causes of air entering

Consider the reasons why air traffic jams arise:

  1. In the case of repair of heating.
  2. In apartments, it is fairly difficult to carry pipes right away by filling them with water.
  3. This problem is often found at the warm floors, in cases where their lines are made, not quite horizontally.
  4. The appearance of gas in water is always associated with an increase in its temperature. In autonomous heating systems, it does not remain there, however, if the coolant is constantly updated, the problem will appear again and again.

Defining a problem

To identify air traffic jams in heating you need:

  • try to the touch of the battery, and in the case when the surface of the surface is cold or barely warm, it will mean the air is in the system;
  • in case the room temperature decreased without any causes;
  • if bouffaging is heard in the radiator.

Check whether the system needs in the batter is very simple, tapping the metal on top of the battery, after which, the same, to do in its lower part. At the site of the traffic jam, the sound will be more ringing.

Consequences of heating enforcement

If you do not pull the plug in time, a long-term contact with oxygen will adversely affect metal, and it can be covered with a scale, and destruction starts. In addition, the enforcement of the system affects the circulation of water, as a result of which some places are overheated and other things are heated.

There are various methods for gas blending, and the priority of this or that should be given depending on the selection of the coolant. And also, on the method of circulation of water in the system: naturally or forcibly.

As a result, an air valve is used, which allows you to pull the air plug from the radiator or the Maevsky crane.

How can you pull the air

Systems with forced circulation are used at the top of a small air collector for blending. However, it is possible to worry only if the feed pipe will be at an angle in the direction of the coolant movement.

In this case, air traffic jams that climb with it will come out through a number of special valves.

To date, the use of manual and automatic ways is more often used to descend the air and flow of water into the system. Manual devices (cranes of Maevsky) are highlighted by compact sizes.

Should be considered: You can fly only after the cooler will cool.

Features of automatic air drainage

In order to conduct air booming in, such as a warm floor in the house, no human participation.

High performance does not reduce severe sensitivity to impurities in the coolant, so their installation is made with filters. Filters are installed both on the feed line and on the return. In order to most effectively remove the air, their design has a step due to which it allows you to remove oxygen from each instrument group.

If the pipes were mounted in a private house slightly at an angle in the course of the water movement - the turret mechanism allows you to take heating with a large coolant consumption, and increases pressure.

Removal of air through a slut in aluminum, bimetallic and cast-iron batteries

The advantages of aluminum batteries are affordable price and excellent thermal conductivity. But aluminum is not a completely successful material for heating, due to its ability to react and highlight hydrogen.

When such a battery is delivered, a crane of Maevsky will help solve the problem of resetting the air surplus. In order to drive out hydrogen from the inside, such batteries are covered with a special film, but this is enough for some time, and then the gas removal does not occur.

Bimetallic radiators are another excellent invention. Where the inner parts relate to water, another metal is used, and the ribs are made of aluminum. In cases where the thermostat is installed on the radiator, opening it, you can pump the system and drop oxygen. Slipping such radiators is similar to other varieties.

Details of the use of thermostats in heating radiators are considered in this article:

Cast iron batteries are also delivered through the crane of Maevsky or the automatic air vent, thanks to which you can remove the plugs in the tubes.

Use of crane Maevsky

The device is very popular due to its simplicity. If the aircraft system, it helps to blow air surplus in the heating tube. Maevsky's crane is a compact comfortable air vent, which is mounted on the side of the battery. When the pipes are delivered, you should take a screwdriver and a small container, because in addition to the release of the air, some water will flow.

It's important to know: Air shortens the life of the water pump!

A screwdriver needs to unscrew the faucet and substitute the container. Further, if the reason for delighting took place, you will hear hiss after which the air will start going out with water drops through air. Fully lowered air will be when the small streak of water flows through the scope. This will increase the service life of the boiler. While the system is pushing the gases, water drops may occur.

Using automatic air vent

For ease of blending, you can install this device, especially on bimetallic batteries. It has a float, a tightly closing hole of the discharge in the presence of water in the water system. When air intake, the float is lowered and releases it out.

True, in order for the devices to work correctly, the use of only very clean water is recommended, which in the heating systems will almost not meet. Therefore, you need to put filters.

Before that, you need to go to a lot of time. However, even this will not be able to guarantee you the correct operation of the mechanism, because sometimes it will need to be cleaned.

Note: There are cases when the battery needs to shake a little for air sale. In the bottom of the battery can install a regular crane with a squeeze in the plumbing. If you need to release air, you open the crane and allow water. This allows you to drive it through the system, and pushes the air through the system of the air vent.

If the installation places of heating have an incorrect slope, you can put additional air vent.

In the water supply system, the appearance of air is also possible, which negatively affects its work: pipes and adapters are destroyed, air in the pipes can provoke hydrate, cracks and a pipe burst. Relief from the air in the water supply system helps ball valves, valves, automatic air vents, Maevsky valves.

See the video in which a specialist tells how to determine the enhancement of the system and how can I pull the air with batteries:

Residents of private houses and inhabitants of urban apartments are regularly faced with the problem of delivered batteries. Especially often this phenomenon occurs at the beginning of the heating season or during repair work. Of course, you can call plumbing from the management company, but it may be possible to wait for quite a long time. How to pull the air from the battery yourself and restore the health of the heating system?

Signs of aerial traffic

It is possible to understand that air has accumulated in the battery, it is possible for several signs:

  • Uneven heating radiators. It may touch a separate battery or the entire heating system of the apartment. In the first case, the delivered part of the radiator will not be heated. In the second, the plug will interfere with the normal circulation of the coolant through the system, why some batteries will be hot, and others are significantly colder.
  • Hissing or bugger in radiators is a clear sign of the presence of an excessive air in them.

What is dangerous air in the battery?

Before you understand how to release air from the battery, it should be understood as he got there and what is dangerous.

In addition to reducing heating efficiency, air appearance in batteries may result in the following problems:

  • Metal from which radiators are made, with air contact more corrosion. Therefore, the service life of the heating system is significantly reduced.
  • The difference in the temperature of various elements of the pipeline can lead to its destruction.
  • The resource of the circulation application is significantly reduced. Under normal conditions, its bearings are in water, when air intake significantly increases friction, leading to the device breakdown.

Causes of reinstateness of batteries

The reasons for air entering the system can be several:

  • In an apartment building, it happens most often when the system is filling in the coolant. According to the rules, the process should be carried out quite slowly, with constant air blending, but in reality is not always the case.
  • Incomplete tightness of the heating system. In this case, you will have to burst the air constantly until the disadvantages are eliminated.
  • Conduct various kinds of repair work. If at least a partial palate pavement was produced, some amount of air will inevitably fall inside. Therefore, after such events, it is necessary to lower the air from the heating battery.
  • Low quality coolant: Increased content of air dissolved in water can lead to the formation of an air traffic jam.

Elimination of air traffic jam

Special valve, located usually on its end, will help to store air from the battery. In old models you will need a radiator key. In modern models, Maevsky crane is installed, to work with a simple screwdriver or a special small metal or plastic key, which can be bought in a business or construction store ..

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • To the radiator you need to substitute a fairly roomy container. When air bleed from the battery, some kind of water will be set out. It is better to not allow it to hit the floor.
  • In the films and in life, you can observe the podplikovy water, wet from the head to the legs. Indeed, this operation may be accompanied by splashing water in the system under pressure. It is not only unpleasant, but can also harm the walls of the walls or furniture. It is quite simple to solve the problem: you need to hang on the valve with a rag that will delay all the splashes, and water quietly stalks in a bucket or a basin.
  • A key or screwdriver carefully unscrew the valve until the clear hiss of the outgoing air is heard.

  • As water starts, water will begin to drip. We must wait until it does not stick with a thin trickle. The crane can be closed as soon as the air will stop bubble in this jet. Usually this operation takes 5-7 minutes.

Council. If you do not want to repeat the air boom procedure too often, then follow the advice of professionals and take a minimum of 2-3 buckets of water. This will be guaranteed that the air from the radiator is completely removed.

Very convenient device - automatic air vent. Here the procedure takes place without any participation of a person: when air accumulates, the float is lowered closing the drain hole. After the breaking of the float returns to the place. An essential drawback of such devices is increased demands on the quality of the coolant. Therefore, in apartment buildings with centralized heating, they are rarely installed, as they quickly fail.

And if there is no shrink valve?

Sometimes there is no drain valve on the radiator. It usually concerns old cast iron batteries, where his role is played by the plug. In this case, the work is complicated, but not so much so that it is impossible to fulfill it yourself.

  • It is necessary to stock up with a gas or adjustable key, with which you can unscrew the plug.

Important! Be sure to overlap the access of the coolant to the radiator from the riser. This is done if the plug turns completely. The water pressure then simply will not allow it to insert it into place, and this will be wrapped by subloping of neighbors.

  • The main problem is that usually the plug prevents the thick layer of paint and hardened pacle. It is possible to solve it using kerosene or lubricant for threads. We apply it to the connection and wait for 15-20 minutes.
  • Gently turn the cap and descend the air in the same way as in the case of Maevsky's crane. Do not forget about the container for water and about a rag that prevents splashing.
  • When you twist the plugs, you should not forget to apply the seal on the thread, for example, FUM tape to eliminate the leakage of the battery in the future.

To facilitate this difficult task, many owners put a regular crane in the past in the past. He did not add aesthetics, but the procedure facilitated significantly.

In private houses, an expansion tank is used to eliminate air traffic jams. After the water descending, the faucet opens, and in most cases the plug disappears. If this did not happen, it is recommended to increase the temperature in the house so that the coolant boils. Then the problem of delighting will accurately disappear.

To ensure a guarantee, it is enough to carry out an excess air whipping procedure for all batteries twice. After that, the heating system will function normally.

Sleave air from the battery through the valve (video)

How to lower the air from the battery: step by step instructions. Signs of aerial traffic. How to put air if a meshevsky or plug crane is installed.

Understanding how to pull the air from the heating system will help not stay in winter without heat

There are no cases when the radiators are suddenly stopped during the heating season. One of the reasons for the system failure is a air traffic jam, and then a problem arises before tenants, how to lower the air from the heating battery to restore the circulation. There are several effective ways to normalize heating and how to lower the air from the system. At the same time, the procedure should be determined depending on the type of heating system and the particular air accumulation site.

The appearance of air traffic jam

It is easy to find that a heating system has been formed in the heating system, easy enough. Signs of importing system:

  • in pipes and radiators, bubble sounds are heard;
  • batteries or do not warm at all, or heated only to half;
  • in some rooms it is hot, and in other heat does not pass.

It means that the air has become blamed everything, and how to pull it out from the heating system, you need to decide according to where it was accumulated. Air bubbles always accumulate in the upper part of the heating system, so most often cooled radiators in the premises on the last floor. To find the location of the air plug location, you need to consistently feel the feed pipeline and all batteries by checking the degree of their heating. Also advise to pull the pipe with a hammer and determine the sound where emptiness originated, but it should be done carefully, so as not to damage the paint layer on the pipes.

As a result, finding a problem place, you can already choose a method, how to descend the air from the heating radiator or, if necessary, from the pipeline.

The air cork not only prevents the circulation of the coolant, but provokes corrosion of metal pipes. The presence of air in the system negatively affects the operation of the circulation pump.

Where the air appears in the system

The reasons for the formation of air traffic can be both natural and associated with improper design of the system and poor quality installation.

Naturally emerging reasons:

  • when heating the coolant is released dissolved in the liquid air, it rises up and forms a plug;
  • gas bubbles appear in the process of reacting hot heat carrier with some types of metals (in particular, aluminum);
  • due to evaporation, the liquid level in the open expansion tank is reduced below the critical value;
  • air does not have time to completely exit pipes and batteries when it is too fast filling with water difficult to configure the system.

It is important to know how to pull water from the heating system if necessary and then fill it again so that in this case, the air remains in the pipelines and radiators.

In addition to natural reasons, the appearance of air traffic jams also leads:

  • incorrect layout of horizontal pipes and installation of radiators;
  • pressure drops in the feeding water supply;
  • poorly sealed compounds;
  • worn out of old pipelines;
  • fault of the expansion tank.

When during the operation of the heating system, it turns out that it was originally designed incorrectly, it would have to redo it. But to urgently restore the flow of heat, you need to decide how to pull the air from the heating system.

Elimination of air traffic jam

If the heating is properly designed, then how to pull the air out of it, will not be labor. You can arrange so that the booming air blending will occur automatically, as it accumulates. For this serve special devices - air vents installed at critical points. In other cases, you need to purchase skills, how to lower the air from the heating system in manual mode.

It matters:

  • open or closed system type;
  • natural or forced coolant circulation;
  • upper or lower version of pipe wiring;
  • are the slopes of pipes horizontally compliant.

Radiator Radiant Crane

In apartment buildings, residents do not have a question how to pull the air from heating, the specialists of the management company should be worried about this. Although the heating is so arranged in the old five-story buildings that it is possible to pull the air from it only through the radiator in the apartment of the upper floor, and this periodically accounted for the tenants. More acute the problem of mapping for owners of private houses, having autonomous heating - the air is periodically necessary to pull the air. To lower the air from the radiator of water heating, the needle air valve is used, the so-called. Crane Maevsky. Such a device is installed in the upper end of the radiator battery, instead of a plug. Sometimes it is also used to descend the air from the tube of the heated towel rail. Various models of Maevsky cranes are somewhat different, so before you pull the air in heating radiators, you need to get acquainted with the instructions. Open the valve of the crane or a horn key, or a conventional screwdriver, or just with hand.

Consider how to drain the air stop from the heating battery with the help of Maevsky's crane installed on it:

  • prepare tools (key or screwdriver) and water collection capacity;
  • open a completely thermostat, then unscrew the crane of Maevsky to the half turn;
  • air will begin to go through the valve with a slight hiss;
  • substitute the container and keep the valve open, as it is necessary to lower the air from the heating radiator until water flows;
  • when a dense weaping of water can be tightened.

If, after you lowered the air from the heating battery, it is still poorly heated, drain through the same crane of the 200 coolant gram to finally remove the air stopper.

Sitting the air through the expansion tank

In private houses, the device of heating systems can be different, it depends on the features of the planning of buildings. For different types of systems, appropriate expansion tanks are used - open or closed. Therefore, individual homeowners more often have to think about how it is more expedient - to lower the air from the heating radiator or through the expansion tank .

In the open type system, air bubbles have free output through the expansion tank installed in the attic. If the heating is working normally, the air from the system is not necessary, since it comes out itself. But the liquid gradually evaporates, and the water level in the open expansion tank can fall so low that an air stopper will appear at the top of the feed pipeline. In this case, the circulation of the coolant will slow down or completely stop, and in this situation it should be about how to pull the air from the heating system.

To drive out an air stopper, you can add water to the expansion tank on top, but it is better to replenish the volume of fluid in the system through the bottom crane connected to the water supply system. The water coming from below will fill the emptiness in the pipe and squeeze the air out through the opening of the expansion tank.

During the heating season, it is necessary to ensure that the expansion tank is constantly filled with water by approximately 2/3 of the volume, and with a decrease in the level of water.

In closed systems, membrane expansion tanks are used. Sometimes there is a break of the membrane, and then the air is entering the system. If it is possible to establish that the reason for carrying is a faulty expansion tank, it will have to be replaced. But before starting repair, before the water from the heating system, you need to prepare everything you need to leave the house for a long time without heat.

What should be the right system of the system

When designing, it should be envisaged that air can accumulate in horizontal pipes, and how to pull it from the heating system will be a difficult task. Therefore, it is important that the top feed pipe has a small bias, ranging from the riser and then along the movement of the coolant. At the highest point, a device is installed that allows you to lower the air from heating. It can be a regular crane or crane Maevsky, but it is better to use an automatic air vent. In a more complex configuration, the heating system the air vents are mounted in all places where the problem of vesting can occur. Then the question will not arise how to lower the air in one or more heating radiators, since the accumulating bubbles will be pulled out from each group of the components of the system of elements.

The return pipe must be laid with a slope towards the boiler. This is done to combat air traffic jams, as well as in order not to guess what way to pull water from the heating system when repairing the repair.

If the heating system is equipped with a circulating pump, then there is no need to comply with the slope of pipes. And yet, for the efficiency of the system, it is desirable to lay pipelines with the right slope.

Finally, you can recommend that you always apply to specialists about problems with heating. They know how to design a working system and advise how to pull the air accumulated in heating radiators. But the homeowners themselves should have the on the eve of the heating season to produce a prophylactic inspection and verification of their heating system.

How to lower the air from the heating system: crane, batteries, radiator

We descend the air from the heating system: air traffic jams, troubleshooting, radiator flip valve, expansion tank, correct system system.

Removing air traffic jams from the heating system: how to lower the air from the radiators?

Air in the heating system is an obstacle to its normal functioning. With this problem, residents of apartments and houses face, as a rule, at the beginning of the heating season. Noise in pipes, cold batteries, corrosion of metal elements - this is the result of the formation of air traffic jams. And this happens even with a perfectly designed and properly mounted heating system. Why this happens and for what it is necessary to make air removal from the heating system in a timely manner - this will be discussed in this article.

Why does air appear in the heating system?

Many of our compatriots are familiar with the concept of "air traffic jams". This phenomenon is remembered at the beginning of the heating season, when warmth is drunk in the houses, and in the apartments of the upper floors, the batteries are often not heated or heated only at the bottom, and in the upper - absolutely cold. Where does the air appear in the pipelines? The reasons for bringing may be several:

  • repair work (assembly, disassembly of the pipeline), during which air appearance is inevitable;
  • non-compliance during installation of the magnitude and direction of the linker of pipelines;
  • reduced pressure in the water supply: water level falls, and the resulting voids are filled with air;
  • when water heated, the bubbles contained in it are highlighted and rising into the upper part of the pipeline, creating air traffic jams there;
  • the heating system is incorrect: after summer downtime, the pipes should be filled with water not quickly, and slowly, producing simultaneously moving the air from the heating system;
  • unsatisfactoryly sealed joints of pipelines through which the coolant leak occurs. The flow in these places is unlikely to flow, since hot water is immediately evaporated. It is through loose seams and air to the system is suused;
  • fault air intake devices;
  • connecting water "warm floor" to the heating system whose pipes are located at different heights.

Air traffic removal methods

Since one or more of the listed factors may be present in many homes, then the issue of air removal in the heating system necessarily faces. This operation can be performed in various ways. It all depends on which circulation of the coolant is dealing - natural or forced.

In the heating system with natural circulation (meaning the upper pipe wiring), the resulting air plug can be removed through the expansion tank - it is in the highest point in relation to the entire system. The supply of the feed pipe should be made with a lift to the expansion tank. With the lower layout of the pipes, the air is removed in the same way as in heating systems equipped with a circulation pump.

Wash air from the heating system with natural circulation using the expansion tank

In heating systems with a coercive coolant circulation mode at the highest point, an air collector is installed, specially provided for the air descent. In this case, the feed pipe is paved with the rise in the coolant rate, and the air bubble-rising bubbles are removed through air cranes (they are installed at the highest points). In all cases, the return pipe must be laid with a slope in the direction of draining water for accelerated emptying if repairs are needed.

Types of airlighteople and places of their installation

The air vents are manual and automatic. Manual air ventures or cranes of Maevsky have small sizes. They are usually installed on the end of the heating radiator. Regulate the crane of the Maevsky using the key, screwdriver or even manually. Since the crane is small, then its productivity is small, so it is used only for local elimination of air traffic jams in the heating system.

The air vents for the heating system are two types: manual (crane Maevsky) and automatic (work without human participation).

The second type of air vent - automatic - work without interfering. They are installed both in a vertical position and horizontal. They have high performance, but have a sufficiently large sensitivity to pollution in water, so they are mounted along with filters and on feed pipelines, and on the reverse.

Automatic air vents are installed in the heating systems of a closed type through the line of pipelines at different points. Then the reset of air from each group of devices is made separately. The multi-stage monitoring system is considered the most efficient. With proper laying and competent installation of pipes (under the desired slope), remove the air through the air ventures will simply and trouble-free. Removal of air from heating pipes is associated with an increase in the coolant consumption, as well as with an increase in pressure in them. The water pressure drop indicates a violation of the system's tightness, and temperature differences - the presence of air in heating radiators.

Determination of the placement of traffic jam and its removal

How can you understand that there is air in the radiator? Usually, the presence of air indicates outside sounds, such as bouffaging, water flow. To ensure a full circulation of the coolant, it is necessary to remove this air. With full recent system, it is necessary to determine first the place of formation of traffic jams, tapping the hammer over heating devices. Where there is an air traffic jam, the sound will be more ringing and strong. Air is assembled, as a rule, in radiators installed on the upper floors.

Using that the air in the heating device is present, you should take a screwdriver or key and prepare water tank. Opening the thermostat to the maximum level, you need to open the valve of the crane of Maevsky and substitute the container. The appearance of light hissing will mean that the air comes out. The valve is kept open until water flows and only then closed.

Elimination of air traffic jams in the heating battery using the Maevsky crane installed on it: the valve opens with a special key or manually and kept open until water

It happens that after this procedure, the battery warms not long or not enough. Then it needs to be purged and rinsed, since the accumulation of garbage and rust can also cause air appearance.

If, after the air shutter, the battery is still badly heated, try to merge about a 200g of the coolant to make sure the air traffic jam is performed. If it did not help, but it is necessary to blow and rinse the radiator from possibly accumulated dirt

If after that there is no improvement, you need to check the level of filling the heating system. Air traffic jams can also be formed on pipe bends. Therefore, it is important in the installation process to observe the direction and the magnitude of the bias of laying pipelines. In places where the bias for any reason differs from the project, additionally install aircraft valves.

In aluminum radiators, air traffic jams are formed more intensively due to poor quality material. As a result of the aluminum reaction with the coolant, gases are formed, so they must be regularly removed from the system. In such situations, it is recommended to replace aluminum radiators to devices from better-quality materials with anti-corrosion coating and install air vent. In order for the heating of the rooms is normal, before filling in the heating system with water, it is necessary to take care of the removal of air that impede the normal movement of the coolant from it, and then in winter in your house will be warm and cozy.

Removal of air from the heating system: all about the descent of the air traffic jam

Causes of air appearance in the heating system, ways to remove it. Types of air vent and places of their installation. How to detect and remove an air stopper

How to lower the air from the battery if there is no crane Maevsky

Most often with the heating system in the house there are no problems. But sometimes suddenly in the house becomes cold or strange sounds arise in the heating radiator. What can it be? Unfortunately, in this case there is air in the heating system, which means that air is needed from there. Today you will learn how to do it without crane Maevsky.

Enforcement in the battery: what it is and how to determine

What is enforcement in the heating battery? Under this concept, air accumulation is meant, and most often in the upper part of the heating radiator. Such a situation becomes a problem and quite frequent for those who live in high-rise buildings on one of the last floors. The reasons for the occurrence of such trouble can be several:

  • Carrying out repair work on the site / in the neighboring floors. In case, in a residential square, work with heating pipes were carried out, the likelihood of a small air flow system was large.
  • There was a leakage of the coolant on some of the sites (which means immediate checking system to eliminate leakage).
  • Feature of the system of warm floors. The problem of the enforcement system is indeed a frequent pattern in the presence of a warm floor system, especially if it has a complicated scheme and many branches.

  • In water having a high temperature, air is contained and the more often the coolant is updated in the system, the higher the probability of a malfunction.
  • If the appearance of the air "traffic jam" coincides with the launch of the overall heating line - with a greater share of the probability, it is possible to say that it is the start of the system that caused recent.

Council. If you live in a private house, then, in principle, it is not necessary to get hard to worry about the enforcement of the system (if it is small), the fact is that in private heating systems most often the coolant changes extremely rarely, and it means that the air must be independently scribified within a few days.

Determine the presence of air "traffic jam" is simple enough. For example, if the water temperature in the battery has dropped sharply or the battery has become cold only partially, it may even start the bubble - all this is signs of delight.

Rest of air without crane Maevsky

On most home heating batteries, there is a special device that helps as easier to simplify the task of air boom - the crane of the Maevsky or automatic valve.

But here is the question: what to do, if such a device is simply missing on the battery? If you just like this picture before your eyes - most likely, cast iron batteries are installed in your house. On such batteries, a simple plug is often installed, which was spinled on the pack-covered panel. In addition, it was also filled with a layer of paints during the staining of heating batteries.

Remove it in order to access the heat carrier located in the system, it seems difficult. For this reason, the simplest way out of the situation can be considered an appeal to the neighbors from the last floor of the house (they will certainly have a crane of Maevsky on the battery). But if neighbors, for example, have left or you yourself are the tenant for the last floor and there is no crane? In this case, you will have to resort to the "Dedovsky" method of streaming air from the heating system.

So, you need to stock basic, bucket and plenty of rags. In addition, after all, after all, it's not to take this "barrier"), you will need an adjustable key to unscrew the plug and some kind of solvent for paint. Otherwise, you just can't move the plug with the "dead" point.

So, first apply to the place where the plug is installed, solvent and wait 15 minutes. After that, you carefully start moving the velocked key along the thread until the plug is fed. You will hear how the air starts to burst. When the sound drops (a sign of lack of air), be sure to turn the "Fumka" layer plug and insert it into place. If you wish, you can slightly paint the interface of the plug with the battery.

You learned about how quickly and quite simply can be copped with the task of moving the air from the radiator of heating in the absence of the crane of Maevsky. Good luck!

How to lower the air from the battery in the heating system, if there is no crane Maevsky

Sometimes strange sounds arise in the heating radiator. There is an air in the heating system. Tell me how to pull the air without crane Maevsky.

If in autumn - the winter battery season remains cold or barely warm, then, most likely, the heat supply system is delivered. In any case, for the owner of the property, there will be no extra information, how to lower the air from the heating batteries to prevent situations where the functioning of the equipment is ineffective.

Specialists advise: before running the heating system, it must be properly prepared. If in apartment buildings this procedure is performed by utility officers, then the hosts of the private sector have to provide themselves with heat independently.

The danger of the presence of air traffic jams in batteries

When browser appears in the instrument, this suggests that there will be problems with heat supply and it is necessary to immediately solve the problem as the air from the heating radiator. Its unnecessary presence will be a barrier for normal operation of the heating system. In addition, the corrosive process will begin on the walls of the batteries.

When the circulation pump is mounted in the heating circuit, the air plug is likely to break and its functioning. If the system works correctly, the sliding bearings located on the shaft of the pump equipment will be constantly in the working environment.

When replanting, the effect of "dry friction" appears, which adversely affects the sliding rings, which will bring out the shaft. Therefore, it is so important to own information, how to properly burst air from the battery. If you take the necessary measures on time, then it will be possible to prevent damage to the heat supply structure.

How to determine the presence of an air traffic jam

Before proceeding to the release of air from the heating radiator, first of all, it is necessary to deal with the cause of its appearance in the circuit.

Usually convulsion occurs:

  • after the incorrectly made filling system with the coolant;
  • when errors were allowed when installing;
  • if there is insufficient pressure in the circuit, or a low-quality coolant in which dissolved oxygen is present.

Also, the causes of the occurrence of the air traffic can be:

  • a loose connection of the elements of the system, as a result of which the device sucks air from the outside;
  • the absence of an air vent or it is installed, but incorrectly functions;
  • carrying out repair work related to the replacement of radiators, risers, locking elements, as a result of which air got into the system.

The presence of convulsion is indicated by the following signs:

  • presence in the radiator of bubble and hissing sounds;
  • decrease in heating degree;
  • the uneven heating of the sections is in areas where the air is gathered, they can be cold.

The above situations happen often and with such problems all the owners of apartments or private households are facing. Therefore, it is so important to deal with how to release air from the heating battery, because it can be made on your own, without the sanitary service. As practice shows, usually an air traffic jam appears in radiators located on the upper floors of the building.

But sometimes the reason for delighting is associated with the installation of a poor-quality heating device and then after air booming, the problem will appear again and again. The fact is that there are materials for the manufacture of batteries that contribute to the emergence of gases. In this case, the problem is solved only by buying a new radiator.

Sitting air from heating devices

Before the air from the radiator and from the system, it is necessary to familiarize themselves with the peculiarities of this procedure and prepare tools and materials. It is important to understand how to keep air from the battery correctly. It is necessary to have a special key that helps to open the air valve on the battery. Best of all, the radiator key is suitable for such work - it can be bought in a business store.

If you have to work with a modern battery, then a simple screwdriver is suitable. You should also prepare a container for draining the coolant and several rags in case of an unexpected situation.

The instruction on the correct air shutter with the battery looks like this:

  1. First inspect the battery and find a small valve (crane Maevsky). It is located at the top of the instrument, sometimes there are several such devices.
  2. Unscrew the valve until the air is broken down. It is necessary to act carefully and smoothly.
  3. Under the valve is substituted with a container.
  4. It should be waited until all the accumulated air will come out. This is evidenced by a subtle stream of water that stopped bubble. According to some specialists, it is necessary to drain about 2 - 3 buckets after the coolant will begin to drain without gases. It is necessary for reinsurance, so as not to hold this procedure again.
  5. Valve spin back.

In addition to the crane of Maevsky, it is possible to make air from the battery using automated air vent. They are intended for heat supply systems and remove traffic jams on their own.

These devices are characterized by compactness and reliability, but care must be taken, because the valves are unattended and even a minor violation of the process can lead to the flooding of the basement or the attic.

Sometimes there are situations when, when installing the heating system, special products were not installed, designed to eliminate convulsion. To release excess air from the instrument, a gas or adjustable key is required to unscrew the plug.

You need to do this job slowly. If the plug is not unscrewed, and such situations most often occur with cast-iron radiators, a special lubricant should be applied to the thread. After a while attempts repeat. After you managed to unscrew the plug, act as as well as with a conventional crane.

At the end of the work, the plug is returned to the place, without forgetting to wind onto the thread of Flax or Foney tape, which will allow preventing the leakage and ensure the tightness of the connection.

If the air gathered in the system of heating a private house, the descent of the coolant is produced using an expansion tank. This container is located in the highest point of the heat supply design. After the water is descended, you should wait a bit, then unscrew the tap on the tank.

As a rule, when the temperature is raised in the battery, the plug is removed independently. If the actions are completed to no avail, then the water in the heating circuit should be brought to a boil and then the air will certainly be released.

Knowing how to pull the air from the heating and system batteries, you can avoid multiple problems. In order to prevent such a procedure, it should be carried out before the heating period. According to experts, it will be enough of the specialists in two times (for verification and control). If defects or failures are detected in the design, then the number of descents is greater.

When aluminum radiators are installed in the apartment, then the water is designed before the heating system, making the life of the instruments at times.

Preventive actions

Of course, know how to batter air from the battery correctly. But it is much better that the system enclosure occurred as much as possible. To prevent the occurrence of this problem, you need to install the air vent.

Air collectors for heating systems are two types:

  • manual - crane Maevsky;
  • float - automatic.

Each of these devices can be installed anywhere where there is a risk of air traffic jam. The crane of Maevsky has a traditional configuration, and auto-air vehicles can be in an angular or direct version.

In order not to solve a hastily problem, how to release air from the radiator and to carry the heat supply system, it is necessary to mount the air vent on each radiator.

The manual type device makes it easy to eliminate the air plug, usually placed from the end side of the battery. To do this, you need to have a special key. The performance of the manual air vent is small and therefore it is used for heating systems operated at home.

Second-type air vents operate in automatic mode. When they are used, nothing is required to unscrew or open, since the device does it yourself. It should be installed strictly in a vertical or horizontal position.

But the automatic valve intended for descent from the heating system of excess air, there is a drawback - it has a high sensitivity to various contaminants. Therefore, its high-quality work can provide an additional filter that will protect the device from them.

If air gathered in the heat supply structure, one should certainly determine the reason for the appearance of this problem, especially if there were no such situations before. The main thing about this, not only to eliminate the air plug, but also take all the necessary measures so that it does not appear again.

First of all, it is necessary to check the heating device for tightness, it may be necessary to tighten the bolts somewhere, change the nuts, better process the joints of the joints. There are cases when the air vent or automatic air separator is mounted or the automatic air separator broke.


It should be noted that the problem associated with bringing the heat supply system to date is quite relevant. It often occurs both in private households and in urban high-rise buildings. The reasons for the formation of air traffic jams a lot.

As already mentioned, it is very important to figure out why they appeared and know how to correct the air from the battery so that such situations do not occur in the future. By installing a special device - the air venture can be forgotten about this problem and thereby extend the life of the heating system.

Often in the first days after the start of the functioning of the heating system, it is found that some batteries are not fully working. The reason for this may be enforcement of elements. The solution of this problem in apartment buildings is the task of workers of the HISK. But not always they perform it in good faith. And in private households, troubleshooting completely falls on the owners' shoulders. Consider how to pull the air from the battery yourself.

Before finding out how to pull the air from the heating system, we'll figure it out why it accumulates there. Main reasons:

  • repair work - during the parsing / collection of elements in them, air inevitably falls;
  • incorrect launch of the heating system in an apartment building - according to the pipe standards, it should be filled with water slowly with simultaneous exhaust air;
  • a loose fit of the system parts or poor sealing of joints - the coolant imperceptibly flows and evaporates, and the air is drawn out of the outside;
  • reduced pressure in the pipeline, leading to the formation of emptiness and filling them;
  • increased oxygen in the coolant - gas bubbles are always present in water, but if there are too many of them, air traffic jams can be formed;
  • incorrect connection of the warm floor system - the location of the branches at different heights;
  • incorrect work or absence of an air vent on the battery.

In addition, the low quality radiator can lead to the accumulation of air. They are distinguished by the available price and high thermal conductivity. But the metal actively enters the reaction with water, as a result of which hydrogen gas is released. The problem of rapid corrosion partially solves the film, which is covered from the inside of aluminum, but it disappears over time. A more reliable, durable and expensive variant - bimetallic batteries in which aluminum is combined with steel that cannot be exposed to water.

As a rule, the inhabitants of the last floors in apartment buildings are faced with a problem with the problem of increasing the batteries. When heating oxygen, dissolved in water, climbs up, forming traffic jams. In private houses with an open heating system, air bubbles are freely overlooking the expansion tank at the top point of the system, so the air usually does not accumulate, with the exception of some cases.

Signs of air traffic jams and its harm

To suspect the presence of an air plug in the radiator by the following features:

  • the air temperature in the apartment is significantly lower than that of the neighbors;
  • the battery is heated unevenly - a part in which there is air remains cold;
  • hissing and bulling sounds are heard.

Due to the accumulation of air in the radiator, the operation of the heating system is disturbed. Possible consequences:

  • reducing the effect of the battery - the air in the room is not warming up to the required level with a significant energy cost;
  • damage to the elements of the pipeline due to the difference in temperatures - some parts remain cold, others - overheat;
  • acceleration of corrosion of radiators due to long-term contact of the metal with air;
  • the failure of the circulation pump under the influence of the effect of "dry friction".

Tip: Detect aircraft aircraft by tapping the battery with a metal object. In the plug zone, the sound will be higher and ringing than in the water filled with water.

How to release air from the battery?

The answer to the question of how to pull the air out depends on the type of air vent. These devices are necessary to facilitate excess gas removal from the system. They should be mounted in those zones where there is a risk of cork formation, or, more comfortable - on each battery. Possible options:

  • (manual regulator);
  • automatic (float) system.

In addition, a watershed tap or a cap can be installed on the battery.

Crane Maevsky

Maevsky's crane is a needle-type shut-off valve. It is mounted in the end of the radiator at the top. If you need to pull the air, it should be unscrewed using a special key that you can buy in a shopping store, or a conventional screwdriver. Some models are equipped with a plastic handle, you do not need tools for opening.

Stages of air removal work:

  1. Put a shut -tented valve with a container for collecting a coolant.
  2. Smoothly unscrew the crane of Maevsky. At the same time, the air will go out, which will be accompanied by hissing. It is necessary to wait for the emergence of a uniform flowing of water - this is a sign of eliminating traffic jams. Usually it takes 5-7 minutes.
  3. Close valve.

In the process of lighting water can begin to go under pressure, splashing in different directions. It is necessary to put a rag on the aircraft that the liquid absorbs into it and smoothly flow into the container. It should be borne in mind that water can be hot enough, it is important to avoid it to get into the skin.

Important: Before the opening of the crane, Maevsky does not need to overlap the entire riser of the heating line or wait for the cooler of the coolant. These actions are not only superfluous, but also reduce the effectiveness of the discharge due to the pressure drop in the heating system.

Automatic air vent

If an automatic air vent is installed, then the question is how to properly pull the air from the battery, does not occur. This is a device that can have a straight or angular design, works offline. It is mounted on the radiator strictly vertically or horizontally.

The automatic air vent is equipped with a float, which hermetically closes the valve under the condition of a sufficient water level in the system. As soon as air accumulates in the battery, the float is lowered, the hole opens, and the gas goes out. That is, the discharge occurs without the participation of a person.

The disadvantage of such an air removal device is susceptibility to water quality. The presence of impurities in the coolant leads to an emergency breakdown of the mechanism. In this regard, the filters should be used. In addition, it is necessary to periodically replace the sealing ring and brush the valve needle. Otherwise, water can begin to leak.


Not easy task - to release air from the heating battery, if the air is missing, and the plug is installed instead. Before starting work, overlap the coolant access to the radiator.

Modern sectional batteries are equipped with upper plugs. No need to remove the fitting. It is gently slowly tightening it by making several revolutions, and wait until the air comes out. Previously all adjacent surfaces are worth protecting with rags.

Slide the old cast iron radiator is more difficult, since the plug usually fixed the pacles and paint on it. Algorithm of actions:

  1. Apply a slight solvent on the site of fitting and battery. Wait 10-20 minutes.
  2. Put under the hole bucket. Put rags on the floor.
  3. Using the adjustable key, unscrew the plug (incompleteness) to start out the air.
  4. Completing the thread with sealing material and spin the plug.

It is important to do everything neatly. If you do not block the water and remove the fitting completely, then hot water is poured under pressure.

It is possible to determine that the air cork is eliminated, by estimating the temperature of the batteries. Sections that were used to be cold should warm.


In many old batteries, there are ordinary watershed cranes. When the valve is unscrewed from the opening, water begins to flow, and with it the accumulated air comes out. It may be necessary to merge several buckets of the fluid to remove all excess gas.

To facilitate work, it is desirable to use a long flexible slog: one end to attach to the crane, and the second is to omit in the toilet. The valve must be opened as much as possible to provide high water flow rate.

A private house

When an air traffic jam in need, it is necessary not only to work with each battery separately, but also remove from the entire system as a whole. The procedure may differ slightly depending on whether the heating system is used open or closed. But in general, it comes down to the fact that air is produced with the help of one of the methods described above.

Air traffic jams reduce the efficiency of the heating systems and increase the risk of breakdowns. Remove excess air from the radiator can be independently. The easiest way to do is if the manual air vent is installed. In the future, it is important to find out the cause of the problem and eliminate it. In difficult situations, it is better to contact employees of housing and operating offices.

With the first collision with the problem, how to strip air from heating batteries, video will help you avoid mistakes.