Subordination of the personnel department at the enterprise. Organization of the personnel service


In our time, which is called the age of information technology, of particular importance in all areas human activity plays information. Increasing attention is paid to awareness of a particular object, be it a large company or a person. Without complete information, it is practically impossible to solve serious problems, to achieve the realization of one's goal.

Each company has such a structural unit as the personnel department. The efficiency of the enterprise largely depends on the professionalism of the employees, the reception of which is carried out by this particular unit. Employees of the personnel department must quickly and efficiently collect information about a person, process and verify it, and then provide it to superiors. The sooner management receives information, the sooner it will be filled workplace, and the enterprise will work without stopping work. The functional role of the personnel department in the enterprise is very large for the reason that it is in the personnel department that we find the information we are interested in about the workers and employees of the enterprise.

But information is not everything. In a constantly changing environment, you need Special attention pay attention to the dynamics of changes in information and the fastest access to it. We should not forget about the convenience and ease of use of the data obtained. The processing time of information can sometimes exceed the time of its receipt, which leads to a slowdown in decision making. Now this is especially true in human resources departments, working poi - the old fashioned way, where time is lost searching for the necessary information about workers.

All of the above is almost impossible to imagine without the use of modern means, the collection and processing of information. It is with the use of computer technology that high results are achieved in the speed of obtaining information and the convenience of working with it. This whole process of moving from old operating principles to information technology is called automation.

A personal computer reduces the time of operations, and with special software, it is possible to perform some functions in automatic mode.

The purpose of automation of personnel accounting allows to solve the following problems:

eliminate errors with incorrect input,

eliminate errors when summarizing,

eliminate delays in data processing.

minimize paper documents, etc.

With proper use of the software, you can reduce the workflow to a minimum, reduce the amount of intermediate documentation.

Thus, we can conclude that the topic of this course work is very relevant at the present time.

The purpose of this course work is the choice of ready-made software for the personnel department of the company "Agro - V".

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following main tasks:

Give a description of the personnel department of the enterprise;

· compare several personnel programs;

justify the choice of software;

The activities of the personnel department in the enterprise.

The main tasks and functions of the personnel department in the enterprise.

In the structure of any modern enterprise, the personnel department occupies one of the most important and significant positions. There is even a theory that it is the personnel department that is the face or hallmark of the company, because the first place where a new employee gets is just this department.

Personnel management is the activity of people performing functions in an enterprise or organization that contribute to the most efficient use of human resources to achieve the primary goals of the enterprise (organization).

Personnel management of an enterprise (organization) is carried out by a group of specialists performing the relevant function as personnel officers, as well as heads of all line departments performing the function of managers in relation to their subordinates.

The purpose of the personnel department is to contribute to the achievement of the goals of the enterprise (organization) by providing it with the necessary personnel and effective use their qualifications, experience, skill, efficiency, creativity.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the tasks of the personnel department are:

1) organizing the selection, recruitment and hiring of personnel, the necessary qualifications and in the required volume;

2) creation of an effective system of full-time employees;

3) development of career plans for employees;

4) development of personnel technologies, etc.

Today, personnel work consists of a whole range of organizational measures and competent steps aimed at maximizing the use of the professional abilities of personnel. If the company's employees are properly motivated and interested in the effective performance of their duties, the company will be able to conduct a productive struggle with competitors. It is difficult today to imagine a successful company without a personnel department, whose work at the enterprise is to maintain, record and support personnel.

The main functions of the personnel department in the enterprise include:

Determination of the company's needs for personnel and selection of personnel together with the heads of departments;

analysis of staff turnover, search for methods to combat high level fluidity;

preparation of the staffing of the enterprise;

registration of personal files of employees, issuance of certificates and copies of documents at the request of employees;

a complex of operations with work books (receiving, issuing, filling out and storing documents);

Keeping records of vacations, scheduling and registration of vacations in accordance with current labor legislation;

Organization of employee appraisals, preparation of career plans for personnel;

· Preparation of plans to improve the qualifications of workers.

Structure and relationships of the personnel department

The structure of the personnel department of the enterprise and its number is determined by the director of each company, depending on the total number of personnel and the characteristics of the activity. The decision to create or liquidate structural divisions of the personnel department itself is made by the head of the department, who also approves the provisions on the joint work of divisions.

To effectively perform its functions, the personnel department must constantly interact with other departments of the enterprise:

Issues of remuneration are resolved with the accounting department, documents and copies of orders for dismissal, enrollment, business trips, vacations, incentives or penalties for employees are also submitted there;

· the legal department provides employees of the personnel department with information about the latest changes in the current legislation, provides comprehensive legal support;

· On personnel issues, the department constantly interacts with all structural divisions of the company.

If the work on accounting personnel at the enterprise is carried out poorly or of poor quality, this leads to the most serious consequences - the interaction between individual divisions is disrupted, the work of departments is deteriorating. In general, this leads to a decrease in the efficiency of the entire company.

A qualified human resources officer is like a family doctor, whose range of duties includes solving many important issues. Many managers of small enterprises, in an effort to save money, entrust the functions of a personnel specialist to ordinary personnel managers. Such a decision is fundamentally wrong, because the conduct of personnel records management should be entrusted to a competent specialist in this particular area. Only an experienced personnel officer will be able to determine in time whether a particular employee is suitable for the position he occupies, and will tell you where such an employee can be transferred. Well-considered HR decisions ensure effective organization labor at the enterprise and adequate career growth of each of its employees.

1.2 Organizational structure of the enterprise LLC "Agro - V"

Full name: Agro-V Limited Liability Company;

Short name: Agro-V LLC;

Legal address: Republic of Buryatia, Zaigraevsky district, Unegetey village, Zavodskaya street 5.

The main goal of the enterprise is to provide residents of Buryatia with high-quality locally produced fruits and vegetables.

The company employs 91 people, including 16 specialists and employees, 60 people are employed in the production of canned goods, 13 people are employed in the cultivation of potatoes and vegetables.

Director functions:

1. Management in accordance with the current legislation of all types of activities of the organization.

2. Organization of work and effective interaction of production units, workshops and other structural divisions. Ensuring that the organization fulfills tasks in accordance with the established quantitative and qualitative indicators, all obligations to suppliers, customers and banks.

3. Organization of production and economic activities of the organization based on the use of methods of scientifically based planning of material, financial and labor costs, maximum mobilization of production reserves.

4. Takes measures to provide the organization with qualified personnel.

5. Promotes the best use of the knowledge and experience of employees, the creation of safe and favorable conditions for their work, compliance with the requirements of labor protection legislation.

6. Resolves all issues within the limits of the granted rights and entrusts the performance of certain production and economic functions to other officials - his deputies, heads of production units, as well as functional and production divisions of the organization.

Functions of the chief engineer:

The technical department is responsible for:

1. Technical equipment of the enterprise.

2. Ensuring the effectiveness of design solutions.

3. Development and production of technical drawings.

4. Analysis of the need for new tools and equipment.

5. Economic justification for the need for re-equipment.

6. Placement of orders for new equipment in third-party organizations.

7. Organization of equipment acceptance.

8. Control over the supply of equipment.

9. Organization of storage facilities in accordance with the requirements of labor organization, safety regulations, sanitation, fire safety.

10. Warehousing, storage and accounting of equipment.

11. Distribution of equipment at the request of structural divisions of the enterprise, etc.

The main functions of accounting are:

1. Accounting for the material assets of the enterprise, as well as carrying out reports of funds spent on the purchase of wearable production elements.

2. Accounting for costs at the enterprise and labor costs.

3. Accounting for financial activities and all internal and external monetary transactions.

4. Conducting internal control of finances and organization of accounting work in different departments.

5. Drawing up reports and summing up balance sheets for the past period.

Tatyana Kimovna Potemkina is the Deputy Director for Production, and is accordingly responsible for the normal functioning of the production department.

In accordance with the tasks assigned to it, the department performs the following functions:

1. Work on operational regulation using computer technology of communications and communications, the progress of production, ensuring the rhythmic release of products in accordance with the production plan and supply contracts.

2. Development production programs and calendar schedules for the production of products for the enterprise and its divisions, their adjustment during the planned period, the development and implementation of standards for operational production planning.

3. Operational control over the course of production, over the provision of production with technical documentation, equipment, tools, materials, components, transport, handling equipment, etc., as well as over the preparation for the production of new types of products.

4. Daily operational accounting of the progress of production, the fulfillment of daily output tasks finished products by the number and range of products, control over the condition and completeness of work in progress, compliance with the established norms of backlogs in warehouses and workplaces, over the rational use of vehicles and the timeliness of loading and unloading operations.

5. Taking measures to ensure the rhythm of the implementation of production schedules, to prevent and eliminate violations of the production process.

6. Timely registration, accounting and regulation of the fulfillment of orders for cooperation and intershop services.

7. Monitoring the fulfillment of mutual requirements and claims of the enterprise's divisions, analysis of the results of their activities for the previous planning period in order to identify opportunities for a more complete and uniform utilization of capacities, equipment and production areas, and a reduction in the production cycle.

8. Identification and development of technical innovations, scientific discoveries and inventions, best practices that contribute to the improvement of technology, the organization of production and the growth of labor productivity.

9. Preparation of thematic reviews on the state and trends in the development of production, by comparison results achieved with the results of activities and practices of similar domestic and foreign enterprises.

10. Conducting an inventory of work in progress.

11. Development of measures to improve operational planning, current accounting of production and mechanization of the dispatch service, the introduction of modern means of computer technology, communications and communications.

12. Implementation of methodological management of the activities of other structural units on production issues.

In the staff of the plant, it is not uncommon for an employee to combine two positions in his person.

Rice. 1 Organizational structure of Agro-V

As mentioned above, at the enterprise one employee combines several positions. And the function of the personnel officer is performed by the director of the enterprise.

The whole process of hiring an employee, registration, staffing, etc. is done manually without using IS.

To facilitate work with employees of the enterprise and to reduce the document flow in personnel policy, in order to speed up the entire process of activities in working with personnel, it is proposed to introduce software into this enterprise.

There are three programs to choose from:

1) "Employees of the enterprise 2.7.6"

2) "Personnel" from BukhSoft

3) "Mini-frames"

The reasons for choosing these programs for Agro-V are simple. The company does not have additional funds to buy expensive software, and there are no funds to train staff in a complex program.

Similar information.

From this article you will learn:

  • What is the function of the HR department?
  • What documents are required for the activities of the personnel department
  • What are the features of planning as a type of activity of the personnel department

Human resources departments in organizations are usually included in the personnel management services and perform their functions. But their duties are not limited solely to formal work relating to the relationship between the employer and the staff: record keeping, office work, etc. Perhaps in Soviet times everything was exactly like this, but now the activity of the personnel department is a diverse and multifaceted work. Let's consider it in more detail.

Functions and activities of the personnel department

The human resources department plays a significant role in the company and its position in organizational structure enterprise reflects the importance of its activities. Some even believe that HR is - business card organization, its face, since it is with this unit that every new employee who is hired faces.

The main function of personnel departments is the search, hiring of personnel and ongoing interaction with the workforce. Limiting the activities of the personnel department only to the selection of new employees and their registration for work is an unfortunate decision for business. Without close interaction with the existing team and knowledge of the specifics of the functioning of the company, it is impossible to correctly recruit a new staff.

In our time, work with personnel is a set of organizational and other measures and actions that are necessary for the fullest use of business abilities, skills and abilities of staff. Competent, motivated and interested in fruitful work staff is the goal of any human resources department. It is difficult to imagine the functioning of a successful modern organization without this unit that selects, records and accompanies employees.

The activities of the personnel department at the enterprise are aimed at performing the following functions:

  • identify the need for new employees, search and hire employees together with the heads of departments;
  • analyze employee turnover and look for ways to reduce it;
  • draw up staffing schedules for specialists;
  • draw up the personal files of employees, at their request, issue the necessary certificates, photocopies of documents;
  • carry out all operations with work books: accept, store and issue them, fill them out in accordance with current standards and registration norms according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • create a vacation schedule, deal with their accounting (also in accordance with labor legislation);
  • organize appraisals for staff, prepare career development plans;
  • create plans for staff development.

Necessary documentation for the activities of the personnel department

  1. Staffing (Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Before starting to recruit staff, the personnel department is obliged to form and approve the staffing table with the company's management. Based on it, the number of current vacancies is already determined. You can rely on this document when arguing in court the legality of dismissing an employee to reduce personnel. Staffing will be required by the court in any case relating to employment relations, and if this request is ignored or an incorrectly drawn up schedule is submitted, then the employer loses the chance to win the dispute.

  1. Labor contract.

The preparation of a package of personnel documents begins with an employment contract concluded with an employee in writing, signed by both parties. It should reflect working conditions and remuneration that are consistent with labor legislation and satisfy both the employer and the employee. Registration of these papers is one of the most important tasks that the personnel department solves in its current activities.

  1. Labor regulations.

This internal regulation is mandatory for any company. It establishes the procedure for hiring and dismissing personnel, lists of rights and obligations, the responsibility of the employer and employee, the mode of work and rest, ways to motivate employees, types of disciplinary sanctions, and many other aspects of labor relations.

  1. Order (instruction) on employment.

Based on this document, a new employee is allocated a workplace, the necessary property is assigned to him. The personnel department prepares it together with an employment contract in the name of the employee. Personnel officers and the immediate supervisor of the new employee introduce him to business correspondence, necessary acts, etc.

  1. Labor books.

This is the main document reflecting the labor activity and experience of a citizen. When applying for a job in a company, a person is obliged to present it (except when he is hired for the first time or his employment contract does not imply a full-time part-time job). The employer, represented by employees of the personnel department, must keep work books for each employee who has worked at the enterprise for five days or more. The storage of work books also has its own requirements: it is allowed only in metal safes or cabinets, to which only a responsible specialist (appointed by special order) has access.

  1. Book of accounting of work books and inserts in them.

In this book, the worker signs upon dismissal and receipt of labor. It must be laced and numbered, contain seals and a signature. This is overseen by the Human Resources Department.

  1. Full liability agreement.

The activities of the personnel department include the signing of contracts with employees on full liability. This is done in cases where an employee receives any material assets for storage, processing, sale (vacation), transportation, use in the course of production. Only an adult citizen can be financially responsible.

  1. Vacation schedule.

Employers are required to maintain a vacation schedule for employees in accordance with the form No. T-7 (approved by the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee No. 1 of 01/05/2004). In addition to formal requirements, legislative norms apply to this document. This is the observance of the right of certain categories of workers to leave at a certain or chosen time; granting leave to persons working part-time, simultaneously with their leave at the main place of work, etc. Documenting rest time is part of the activities of the personnel department, as well as accounting for hours worked.

  1. Regulation on wages.

One of the goals of the HR department is the rational use of available human resources, taking into account the specifics of the company's activities and the current market situation. For this, systems of rationing and remuneration are usually used. The accepted procedure for remuneration is fixed in the internal regulatory act of the enterprise - the Regulation on remuneration.

  1. Award Regulations.

This is another internal document of the company regulating the issues of remuneration. It is prepared by the personnel department, and approved by the head of the organization by special order. Bonuses - additional, above the standard salary, cash payments to employees - are necessary in order to encourage them for high-quality productive work and motivate them for further professional development.

They are awarded to those employees who meet pre-approved bonus conditions. This circle of persons, as well as the conditions for issuing bonuses and their size, respectively, for each position or specialty (or the limit value), are described by the Regulations on Bonuses.

  1. Timesheets.

They are actively used in the activities of the personnel department regarding employees with flexible schedules, for whom it is necessary to constantly calculate the total work time. Documents of this type take into account the time actually worked per month for each such employee (for each day of the month), indicate his full name and personnel number.

These timesheets are maintained by a timekeeper or other employee who is obliged to engage in this activity by order of the company's management. Accounting for hours worked is necessary for the full-fledged activity of the accounting department that calculates salaries and the personnel department that controls the work of personnel.

  1. Regulations on the protection of personal data of employees.

This document contains information about the goals and objectives of the company in the field of personal data protection, in which departments and on what media this information is stored, in what ways it is collected and processed, which employees have access to it, what activities are carried out to protect data from unauthorized access by company personnel and third parties. The Regulation on the protection of personal data of employees prepared by the personnel department must be signed by the head of the company.

Planning as an activity of the personnel department

Planning has two aspects. In a general sense, this is the name of the activity aimed at developing the strategy and policy of the company, as well as the selection of methods for their implementation. In fact, this work comes down to writing plans - official documents of a certain type.

An important component of this activity of the company is personnel planning. Its tasks are to provide the company with human resources in the right amount and quality, optimal use of the available workforce, improve social relations in the enterprise.

There are two approaches to HR planning:

  1. Independent (at companies that cook, they select staff).
  2. Subordinate to the main plans - financial, commercial, production (for all other organizations).

Therefore, personnel planning, as a rule, is secondary and is determined common system drawing up a corporate plan, and the implementation of activities related to personnel are included in other programs, being their addition and concretization.

Activities such as personnel planning make it possible to determine:

  • the company's need for staff replenishment: how many employees will be needed, where and when, what training they should have;
  • professional qualification schemes for any position in each department (requirements for different categories of employees);
  • ways to reduce unnecessary workers and attract needed ones;
  • optimal use of personnel according to their potential;
  • strategies for personnel development, improvement of their qualifications;
  • models of fair wages, methods of motivating employees, providing them with social bonuses;
  • costs for the set of measures taken.

Like any other planning, personnel is subject to a number of principles.

The key rule today is to involve as much as possible in the planning process. more personnel of the company and as early as possible, from the very beginning of the plan. For social projects formed by personnel departments, this principle is paramount, for all others it is desirable.

The second rule of planning activities for personnel management is constancy. The economic activity of the company is continuous, the staff is also in constant motion, so planning should be an ongoing process, not a one-time action. In addition, this principle contains the requirement to take into account the prospects and continuity (that future plans are based on previous ones). The results of the execution of past projects should be taken into account when building new ones.

The principle of constancy of planning, which the personnel departments in the enterprise are subject to in their activities, ensures the implementation of the third rule: flexibility. Flexible plans (including personnel plans) are those in which any decision can be adjusted at any time if necessary. This quality is achieved by the presence of so-called pillows that provide freedom of maneuver (within reasonable limits, of course).

Another important principle personnel planning - cost-effectiveness: the costs of the activities of the personnel department for the analysis and preparation of plans should not exceed the effect of their implementation.

Formation of the necessary conditions to fulfill the plan - at least important rule any planning.

All these provisions are universal and apply at any managerial levels, not only in relation to personnel. And in each case, of course, there will be its own specifics.

So, when planning the activities of any department of the company, we must take into account the principle of bottlenecks: the overall productivity of the team corresponds to the performance of the laziest and slowest worker. However, at a higher level, when it comes to the activities of the entire company, this principle does not work.

One of the goals of the HR department, which carries out personnel planning, is to ensure the best disclosure of the potential and full use of the abilities of employees, their motivation, taking into account the consequences management decisions taken in the company (social, financial, etc.).

Nowadays, the personnel is the main factor influencing the efficiency of the enterprise. The success of planning can be judged by whether the company's strategic goals have been achieved.

In the structure of any modern enterprise, the personnel department occupies one of the most important and significant positions. There is even a theory that it is the personnel department that is the face or hallmark of the company, because the first place where a new employee gets is just this department.

What is included in the functions and tasks of the personnel department of the enterprise?

The main function of the personnel department at the enterprise is the selection of personnel and constant work with the team. If the tasks of this unit will include only direct hiring, without collecting information about the working life of the team, such an enterprise will achieve little in business.

Today, personnel work consists of a whole range of organizational measures and competent steps aimed at maximizing the use of the professional abilities of personnel. If the company's employees are properly motivated and interested in the effective performance of their duties, the company will be able to conduct a productive struggle with competitors. It is difficult today to imagine a successful company without a personnel department, whose work at the enterprise is to maintain, record and support personnel.

The main functions of the personnel department in the enterprise include:

  • determination of the company's need for personnel and selection of personnel together with the heads of departments;
  • analysis of staff turnover, search for methods to deal with a high level of turnover;
  • preparation of the staffing of the enterprise;
  • registration of personal files of employees, issuance of certificates and copies of documents at the request of employees;
  • a complex of operations with work books (receiving, issuing, filling out and storing documents);
  • keeping records of vacations, scheduling and registration of vacations in accordance with current labor legislation;
  • organization of employee appraisals, preparation of career plans for personnel;
  • preparation of plans for improving the qualifications of workers.
Structure and relationships of the personnel department

The structure of the personnel department of the enterprise and its number is determined by the director of each company, depending on the total number of personnel and the characteristics of the activity. The decision to create or liquidate structural divisions of the personnel department itself is made by the head of the department, who also approves the provisions on the joint work of divisions.

To effectively perform its functions, the personnel department must constantly interact with other departments of the enterprise:

  • with the accounting department, issues of remuneration are resolved, documents and copies of orders for dismissal, enrollment, business trips, vacations, incentives or penalties for employees are also submitted there;
  • the legal department provides employees of the personnel department with information about the latest changes in the current legislation, provides comprehensive legal support;
  • on personnel issues, the department constantly interacts with all structural divisions of the company.

If the work on accounting personnel at the enterprise is carried out poorly or of poor quality, this leads to the most serious consequences - the interaction between individual divisions is disrupted, the work of departments is deteriorating. In general, this leads to a decrease in the efficiency of the entire company.

A qualified human resources officer is like a family doctor, whose range of duties includes solving many important issues. Many managers of small enterprises, in an effort to save money, entrust the functions of a personnel specialist to ordinary personnel managers. Such a decision is fundamentally wrong, because the conduct of personnel records management should be entrusted to a competent specialist in this particular area. Only an experienced personnel officer will be able to determine in time whether a particular employee is suitable for the position he occupies, and will tell you where such an employee can be transferred. Balanced decisions of HR specialists ensure efficient organization of labor at the enterprise and adequate career growth for each of its employees.

V Soviet time the duties of the personnel department were only office work and reporting. The changed modern economy requires a more serious approach to personnel work. Although the HR department is component the overall functionality of the enterprise, the work of personnel officers significantly affects the life of the organization. The basic law of the personnel officer is the regulation on the personnel department. It should reflect all the principles and nuances of work, because errors in personnel records management often become the cause of litigation, fines and instructions from supervisory authorities.

Why do you need a human resources department

The personnel department is an independent structural division of the company. In small companies, a lawyer or a secretary can take over the HR work, but it should be mentioned that the responsibilities of an HR officer increase every year. For this, you need to “thank” the various departments of the state, which are constantly modernizing or developing more and more new forms of reporting documents that complicate office procedures, which leads to an increase in paper work.

Today, personnel work includes not only office work, but also work directly with a person. After all, the well-coordinated work of the company as a whole depends on the qualifications of the employee. Now there is a shortage of engineers and technical workers. A competent personnel officer will not wait for qualified personnel to appear on his own, but will look for him and select him for a specific staff unit.

Why do you need OK

In this way, QA is the most important link in ensuring the main task of the enterprise- the production of goods or services for the purpose of providing consumers and making a profit. Not the right staff- no profit .

It is clear that a lawyer or a secretary simply will not be able to perform all the tasks of the personnel department, especially in conditions of "churn". Therefore, you should not chase two birds with one stone, because if a part-time worker makes mistakes in personnel documents, the organization faces a fine of 50 thousand - and this is for each mistake.

Goals and objectives of the personnel department

The capacious concept of “HR Department” is often difficult to tie to the scale of small enterprises, where the number of employees is comparable to the scale of the tasks being solved. However, no one canceled issues related to the main activities of the OK. Therefore, the decision of personnel issues “falls” on the head of either the founders, or is entrusted to a hired director. What if they don't have any experience? This is what happens in life. The success of a business in such conditions is fundamentally dependent on the degree of understanding of personnel work.. The statistics of closing small enterprises reflects the inability in most cases to establish personnel work.

The conclusion is simple - the personnel department in one form or another must solve its inherent tasks. Let it be even one person in a small enterprise, but this person should not be random. Only a person who understands the specifics of working with personnel is able to ensure the smooth operation of the enterprise. This person does not need to have a degree. It is quite possible to grow a personnel officer in the course of the formation of an enterprise. If only a person had a desire to understand this work.

Goals and objectives OK

The goals and objectives of the personnel officer are to provide the enterprise with employees to solve production plans.

However, the long-term practice of the work of the OK shows that these goals and objectives are actually quite extensive.

A staff member has many responsibilities. In large organizations, the personnel department employs several units, For example:

  • HR manager;
  • clerk;
  • timekeeper;
  • personnel manager;
  • and the head of the department, who coordinates the work.

Each HR department has its own responsibilities. HR manager must:

  • supply the enterprise with employees, according to the staffing table;
  • communicate with recruitment agencies and the labor exchange;
  • form a personnel reserve.

Clerk it is necessary:

  • register the reception, transfer, combination, dismissal of an employee;
  • fill in, accept, issue, store work books and issue copies of them to employees;
  • draw up vacation schedules;
  • arrange vacations, call from vacations;
  • receive and issue sick leave;
  • prepare personnel orders and acquaint employees with them.


  • draws up and calculates timesheets;
  • draw up certificates of absence from work.

HR manager:

  • monitors the implementation of the rules of the labor schedule (fixes absenteeism, lateness, violation of discipline);
  • organizes training and advanced training of personnel;
  • provides certification of workplaces (if the enterprise does not have a labor protection engineer).

Chief OK:

  • coordinates the work of the entire department;
  • prepares reports requested by state and municipal departments;
  • draws up the nomenclature of the affairs of the department;
  • draws up a staffing table.

As you can see, personnel work is not only work with papers (of which everything is added), but also work with people. A in order for the work to be coordinated, it is necessary to develop a clear algorithm. For this you need position on the personnel department, which fully describes personnel records management.

Regulations on the personnel department

This is a document in strict accordance with which the personnel officer must work. in a clear position
is prescribed:

  • the structure of the personnel department;
  • its goals and objectives;
  • rights of OK employees;
  • relationships with other departments of the company;
  • responsibility of OK employees.

The position must be approved by order of the head of the company and stored in the affairs of the personnel department.

Regulations on OK

The position outlines all the duties of the department, but if there are several OK employees in the staff list, their duties are indicated in job descriptions or directly in employment contracts.

For your comfort you can download the regulation on the personnel department (sample), just keep in mind that sample - typical. It is better to develop a position specifically for your company, where all its features are taken into account. Some personnel officers work on labor protection, payroll, and work with other documentation of the enterprise. Therefore, these responsibilities should also be included in the position.


1. The concept, tasks and functions of the personnel service

2. Basics of the personnel service

2.1 Regulations on the personnel department

2.2 Job descriptions of personnel department employees

2.3 Structure and forms of personnel service

2.4 Labor rationing for HR workers

3. Normative acts regulating issues HR records management in Russia

4. Documents of the personnel service

4.1 Employment contract

4.2 Personnel orders

4.3 Employee ID card

4.4 Work book

4.5 Logs of accounting and control and internal official correspondence


List of sources used


The theme of the course work is "Organization of the work of the personnel service."

Human Resources is the calling card of an enterprise. The first step of a person in an enterprise is personnel service. A person tends to remember the beginning and end of different events. This has been established by psychologists. For each person you just need to find their place. In one place, the employee is ineffective, and in another - brilliant. In each one can find abilities that will allow a person to work in a certain area with maximum efficiency.

The relevance of the topic is justified by the fact that the correct organization of the activities of personnel services will depend necessary set personnel, rationality of selection and personnel strategy plan, required amount personnel, so that in the future it would be able to carry out personnel policy, preventing the reduction or dismissal of personnel.

The purpose of this course work is to analyze the organization of the work of the personnel service in the enterprise.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

identify the tasks and functions of the personnel service of the enterprise;

to study and analyze the normative documents regulating the activities of the personnel department;

explore the features of personnel documentation.

The object of research is the personnel service of the organization.

The subject of the work is the documents regulating the work of the personnel service of the organization.

The course work consists of an introduction, four chapters, a conclusion, a list of sources used, an application.

1. The concept, tasks and functions of the personnel service

Personnel service (personnel management service) - a structural unit authorized to carry out personnel management and organizational and methodological management of personnel management measures implemented at the enterprise.

Currently, personnel services can perform the following functions:

· planning of labor resources - determination of the need for personnel depending on the strategy of the organization, search for specialists, creation of a reserve of personnel;

· staffing - selection of candidates and selection of personnel from the reserve group;

· organization of office work - preparation and execution of personnel documents (contracts, orders, work books, etc.), organization of work with them (registration, control, current storage, nomenclature of cases, examination of value, preparation and transfer to storage in the archive);

· carrying out certification of employees of the organization;

· training, retraining and advanced training of personnel;

· analysis of movement and staff turnover;

· identification of social tension in the team and its removal;

· coordination of work to stabilize working conditions and observe safety measures;

· discipline management.

In recent years, it has been proposed to include in the functions of the personnel service the organization of remuneration, which implies attestation of jobs, the determination of the structure of remuneration and the structure of benefits, systems of labor indicators, and analysis of the labor market.

The main tasks of personnel work at the enterprise can be divided into the following areas:

.The accounting and control direction of personnel work involves the solution of the following main tasks:

· admission of employees to the enterprise;

· accounting of employees;

· dismissal of employees;

· work with temporarily absent employees of the enterprise (who are on vacation, absent due to illness, who have gone on business trips, etc.).

2. Planning and regulatory direction:

· selection (search and selection) of employees for the enterprise;

· placement of employees of the enterprise;

· movement of employees of the enterprise;

· promotion and adaptation of employees.

3. Reporting and analytical direction of personnel work:

· study of workers;

· assessment of the work of employees;

· analytical work;

· preparation of reports.

4. Coordination and information direction:

· professional training (training and retraining) of employees;

· organization of reception of employees of the enterprise (on official and personal issues);

· work with written appeals of employees of the enterprise;

· archival and reference work.

5. Organizational and methodological direction:

· documenting the activities of employees of the enterprise;

· personnel work in the divisions of the enterprise;

· HR planning;

· personnel management.

All tasks of the personnel department are determined by the specifics of the work of the organization, while taking into account:

· the size of the organization;

· line of business (manufacturing, trade, services to the population);

· strategic goals of the organization;

· stage of development of the organization;

· number of staff;

· priority tasks of work with personnel.

Construction principles modern system personnel management are:

· the effectiveness of the selection and placement of employees;

· fair remuneration and motivation, remuneration not only for individual, but also for collective achievements;

· promotion of employees in accordance with the results of work, qualifications, abilities, personal interests, needs of the organization;

· fast and effective solution personal problems.

The work of personnel services has two directions: tactical and strategic.

As part of the tactical direction, the current personnel work is carried out:

· analysis of the state and planning of staffing needs, development of staffing tables, implementation of recruitment, evaluation and selection of personnel;


· planning for the next personnel transfers and layoffs, current accounting and control, training, retraining and advanced training, formation of a reserve for promotion, promotion of organizational values ​​and education of personnel in their spirit.

The main activity of personnel services is the formation of labor resources: planning the need for them and organizing practical recruitment activities, resolving conflicts, and pursuing social policy.

The essence of personnel work is to determine what exactly, by whom, how and with the help of what should be done in practice in this moment in the field of personnel management. The solution of these daily tasks is based on administrative methods.

The strategic direction of the work of personnel services is focused on the formation of the personnel policy of the organization - a system of theoretical views, ideas, requirements, practical measures in the field of work with personnel, its main forms and methods.

Based on this chapter, we can note that the personnel service is an obligatory link in the organization of an enterprise and the tasks of the work of the personnel service depend on the activities of the enterprise. And also the correct organization of personnel records management is the key to the prosperity of the enterprise, but the work of the personnel service is not limited to accounting and statistics, as it is the basis for analysis and planning of the enterprise's potential.

2. Basics of the personnel service

1 Provision of the human resources department

One of the first steps in organizing the work of an enterprise is drawing up a regulation on the personnel department. It includes the tasks, functions, rights and obligations of the organization's personnel.

· The Regulation on the Human Resources Department includes several sections:

· general provisions;




· relationships with other departments of the enterprise;


· a responsibility.

In chapter " General provisions» indicates the subordination of the personnel department to the director of the enterprise.

The "Tasks" section contains clearly formulated areas of activity of the department, the most important of which are the organization of work to ensure the selection, placement, use of workers and specialists; formation of a stable working team; creation of a reserve; organization of personnel accounting system.

In the "Structure" section, the procedure for developing and approving the structure of the department, its size, areas of work and assigned divisions of the department are indicated.

In the "Functions" section, functional responsibilities in the field of personnel work:

· development of staffing plans;

· registration of reception, transfer and dismissal of employees in accordance with labor legislation;

· accounting of the personnel of the enterprise;

· storage and filling of work books, documentation of office work;

· control over the execution by the heads of departments of orders and instructions for working with personnel;

· study of the movement of personnel, analysis of staff turnover, development of measures to eliminate it;

· analysis of the composition, business qualities of the company's specialists in order to rational use;

· creation of conditions for improving the educational and qualification level of specialists;

· work on creating a reserve for promotion;

· preparation of proposals for improving the placement and use of workers;

· preparation and systematization of materials for the attestation commission;

· preparation of materials for the provision of workers, specialists and employees for promotion and rewarding;

· taking measures for the employment of laid-off workers;

· monitoring and instructing employees of the personnel department;

· organization of control over the state of labor discipline and internal labor regulations;

· Maintaining all HR records.

The section “Relationships with other departments of the enterprise” contains a list of documents that are received by the HR department and documents that are sent from the HR department to other departments.

From other divisions, the personnel department receives applications for the admission of workers and employees, ideas for promotion, vacation schedules.

Information about violators of labor discipline, copies of orders for admission, movement within the enterprise, dismissal of personnel, changes in labor regulations, information on labor discipline are sent from the personnel department to the divisions.

In the "Rights" section, the main powers of the personnel department are indicated:

· the right to demand from all departments of the enterprise the materials necessary for the full-fledged work of the personnel department;

· the right to receive employees of the enterprise on issues of admission, movement and dismissal;

· the right to communicate with other organizations on recruitment matters;

· the right to demand from other units the mandatory implementation of those instructions that are provided for by the regulation on the personnel department.

The section "Responsibility" establishes the responsibility of the head of the personnel department for the performance of the functions assigned to the department and the responsibility of the employees of the department, which is established job descriptions.

2.2 Job descriptions of personnel department employees

The job description of an employee of the personnel department, like any other job description, in accordance with paragraph 5 of the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of February 9, 2004 No. 9 “On Approval of the Procedure for Applying the Unified Qualification Handbook for the Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees” consists of three sections: “Job Responsibilities”, "Knowledge Requirements" and "Qualification Requirements".

The duties of the Head of Human Resources are:

· management of the work of the department;

· ensuring the performance of work;

· development necessary documentation, suggestions, recommendations, instructions;

· ensuring the rational use of material, financial and technical means;

· carrying out work to protect information constituting a trade secret;

· ensuring a rational distribution of the load between the employees of the department;

· creation of conditions for staff development;

· monitoring compliance by employees with the rules of internal labor regulations, rules and regulations of security, production and labor discipline;

· making proposals to encourage distinguished employees, imposing penalties on violators of production and labor discipline;

· ensuring the preparation of statutory reporting.

The head of the HR department should know:

· resolutions, orders, orders, other governing and regulatory documents of higher and other bodies relating to the activities of the department;

· fundamentals of economics, organization of labor and management;

· internal labor regulations;

· rules and norms of labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

In budget organizations, there are qualification requirements for setting wages. For example, having a higher vocational education and at least 5 years of work experience. For commercial organizations, such requirements can only serve as a guideline in setting wages.

As a rule, the staffing of the personnel department has the following positions: head of the personnel department; personnel inspector; psychologist; HR specialist and others.

2.3 Structure and forms of personnel service

The organizational forms of the personnel service can be as follows:

· personnel management;

· personnel Management;

·Human Resources Department;

· Human Resource department;

personnel center.

Office work in the personnel service can be carried out by one person - the inspector (manager) for personnel or the secretary of the head.

When choosing the organizational form of the personnel service, the manager must understand that his decision is determined by the staffing of the organization.

Depending on the number of employees, organizations can be divided into three categories:

)Large, when the organization employs several hundred (thousand) employees;

)Medium, when the composition of employees does not exceed three hundred people;

)Small, consisting of several employees.

In large organizations, especially those with subsidiaries in the regions of , it is recommended to create a personnel department, personnel management, and medium - personnel departments. In small organizations, work with documentation on personnel may be assigned to inspectors (managers) for personnel or to secretaries of the head. In this case, the performance of this function should be reflected in the job description of the inspector or secretary.

The structure of the personnel service and its staffing depend on a number of factors, the main of which are:

industry affiliation of the enterprise;

the place of the enterprise in the economy (world level, state, regional, local);

level of centralization of management;

type of enterprise (local company, holding);

determining economic indicators;

the number of employees of the enterprise;

the concept of personnel management;

personnel policy (priorities, strategy, tactics);

state of the regional labor market;

availability of regional educational infrastructure;

sex and age of employees;

technological features production;

the level of professional training of personnel service specialists.

Depending on the size of a particular organization, the following organizational forms of personnel work are distinguished:

· an independent structural unit with direct reporting to the head of the organization or his deputy;

· performance of the functions of the personnel service by an individual employee of the organization;

· performance of the functions of the personnel service in combination with the performance of other work.

In small companies (up to 100 people), two personnel officers are enough; in medium-sized organizations (up to 500 people), it is advisable to create a personnel department of three or four personnel specialists; in larger companies (over 1,500 people) from seven to ten service employees personnel.

Figure 1 - The structure of the personnel service of the enterprise

In the course of interaction with other departments of the organization, the personnel department receives from them applications for the admission of workers and specialists, ideas about incentives, vacation schedules, etc.

From the personnel service to the departments are sent:

) information about violators of labor discipline;

2)copies of orders for the admission of new employees, movement within the organization, dismissal of employees;

)copies of orders on the approval (change) of the Internal Labor Regulations;

)information related to issues of compliance with labor discipline.

From the accounting department, the personnel department receives a staffing table, calculations of the need for labor, salary certificates for processing pensions for age, disability, survivors, etc.

In turn, the personnel service submits to the accounting department information on the payroll number of employees, absenteeism, staff turnover, a time sheet, orders for admission, transfer and dismissal, sheets of temporary disability for payment, information about regular vacations of employees, etc.

The Human Resources Department is generally vested with the following powers:

· require all departments of the organization to submit the materials necessary for its work;

· accept workers, organizations on issues of relocation and dismissal;

· interact with other organizations on the issue of recruitment;

· demand from other departments the obligatory implementation of those instructions that are provided for by the regulation on the personnel department.

The regulation on the personnel department establishes the responsibility of the head of the personnel department for the performance of the functions assigned to the department and the responsibility of the employees of the department, which is established by job descriptions.

2.4 Labor rationing for HR workers

For employees of personnel services, as well as for employees of other structural divisions of the organization, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation guarantees:

· state assistance to the systemic organization of labor rationing;

· the use of labor rationing systems determined by the employer, taking into account the opinion of the elected trade union body or established in the collective agreement.

Rationing of labor (labor standards) - these are the norms of output, time, service. They are established for workers in accordance with the achieved level of technology, technology, organization of production and labor. The employer is obliged to provide normal conditions for the employees to fulfill the production standards. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Articles 159, 160, 163) defines what applies to such conditions:

· good condition of premises, structures, machines, technological equipment and equipment;

· timely provision of technical and other documentation necessary for work;

· proper quality of materials, tools, other means and items necessary for the performance of work, their timely provision to the employee;

· working conditions that meet the requirements of labor protection and production safety.

Performance standards for each employee of the personnel service, in accordance with his official duties, as well as the number of employees of the personnel service can be calculated using the "Intersectoral aggregated time standards for recruitment and accounting of personnel."

In this chapter, we found out that the basics of the personnel service is to organized work employees of the enterprise, including employees of the personnel department. Designated the functions for which the HR department is responsible and the relationship with other departments in the organization. We also got acquainted with the hierarchy in the personnel service.

3. Normative acts regulating the issues of personnel records management in Russia

Table 1 - Acts regulating the procedure for working with personnel documents:

No. p / p. Name of the document and date of its approval Useful information for an employee of the personnel service 1 Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Adopted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation on December 21, 2001. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation in the field of documentation: - Establishes the mandatory application of a number of legal acts; internal labor regulations, vacation schedule, etc. (Art. 123, 190, etc.). - Defines the documents that document personnel procedures: admission, transfer, termination of an employment contract, vacations, incentives and penalties for employees (Articles 67, 68, 84, etc.). - Establishes the deadlines for processing documents and the procedure for familiarizing employees with them 9st. 14, 67, 68) - Introduces the obligation to develop documents that should regulate the procedure for transferring personal data of employees (Article 88). - Establishes the procedure for coordinating documents or taking into account the opinion of a representative body (Articles 8, 136, 190, etc.). No. 8. Article 609) Fixes the obligation to document information, establishes the obligation to provide information government bodies. Article 5. Documentation of information A document received from an automated information system acquires legal force after it is signed by an official in the manner prescribed by law Russian Federation. Article 15 joint-stock companies"(Article 89) and the Federal Law "On Limited Liability Companies" (Article 50) Define the obligations of companies for the storage of documents and their composition. The law establishes not only the obligation to store documents at the location of its executive body, but also the obligation to transfer documents to state storage. “The society is responsible for streamlining the documents, must carry out work on their safety in accordance with the instructions and recommendations of the archival authorities of the Russian Federation.”4 RF Government Decree No. 225 of April 16, 2003 “On work books”. Decree of the Ministry of Labor and social development RF dated October 10, 2003 No. 69 “On approval of instructions for filling out work books” Establishes the rules for maintaining and storing work books, preparing work book forms and providing employers with them. Establishes the form of the work book and the form of the insert in the work book, as well as the general procedure for their maintenance. design. In addition to the rules for processing documents, the issues of the technology of their processing and the order of storage are considered here. Can be used in commercial organizations for development internal instruction on office work.6Album of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for accounting for labor and its payment. NIPI statinform of the State Statistics Committee of Russia, 2004. Unified forms of primary accounting documentation apply to legal entities of all organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, and for accounting for the use of working time and settlements with personnel for wages - to legal entities of all organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership , except for budgetary institutions. 7 A list of standard documents generated in the activities of organizations with an indication of the retention periods. Rosarchiv. 2000. Contains a list of almost all possible reorganization of documents, indicating their retention periods. 8GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for paperwork.” It is advisory in nature. Defines the general requirements for the execution of documents and the composition of their details9 Basic rules for the operation of archives of organizations. Approved by the decision of the Collegium of the Federal Archives of February 6, 2002. The main document that establishes the system for storing documents in office work and archives. They regulate the technology for the preservation of documents, contain requirements for the nomenclature of cases, establish the procedure for their preparation, approval, approval, use and storage.10 All-Russian classifier professions of workers, positions of employees and tariff categories OK 016-94 (OK PDTR). It allows you to encode personal and biographical data about employees, information about education, position, etc. It is used to fill out a number of registration forms (T-2) used in the personnel service. 11 All-Russian classifier of specialties by education OK 009-93 (OKSO). Designed for coding information about specialties, specializations, areas of knowledge (sciences), areas of training. 12 All-Russian classifier of information about the population (OKIN). accounting forms. Filling in information about age, citizenship, nationality, languages ​​​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation and foreign languages, the degree of knowledge of languages, marital status, etc. must comply with the wording included in the classifier.13Single qualification guide positions, managers, specialists and employees. It creates the basis for the development of job descriptions. personnel department employees. This is a kind of methodological guide for determining the cost of working time for work performed by the personnel service. It also serves to justify the number of employees of the personnel service. In addition, it contains a list of all the necessary documentation operations, outlines the sequence of work with documents, establishes the technology for registering documents, and the order in which they are stored. Contains recommended forms for the recruitment and accounting of personnel, including registers of registration of those liable for military service.15 Decree of the Federal Commission for the Securities Market of July 16, 2003 No. societies.16Federal Law No. 152-FZ of July 27, 2006 “On Personal Data.” Regulates relations related to the processing of personal data legal entities with the use of automation tools or without the use of such tools. Determines the procedure for obtaining, storing, processing, using and transferring personal data of employees (including).

Some of these documents apply to state and budget organizations, but in the absence of regulatory framework are recommended for use in commercial organizations and can be used as methodological assistance in the preparation of local acts of the organization.

After the process of familiarization with the regulations governing the issues of personnel records management in Russia, I can conclude that the number of these acts is quite sufficient for the coordinated work of the organization of the personnel service.

personnel office work accounting service

4. Documents of the personnel service

The activities of the organization's personnel service are an integral part of such an important and extremely responsible area as documentary support for management. There is a certain regulatory and methodological framework that regulates the correctness of paperwork, the construction of workflow in an organization, etc.

The terms “personnel documentation” or “personnel documentation” mean a range of documents containing information about the employees of the enterprise and the activities of the personnel service: personal and accounting documents, organizational and administrative, planning and reporting and statistical. Personnel documentation is the primary source of information about the length of service of citizens and, in this regard, is directly related to ensuring their constitutional rights.

Personnel documentation belongs to the category of long-term storage documents.

Documents of the personnel service are divided into the following categories:

· Personnel documentation (created in the process of fulfilling the duties of the personnel department to document work with personnel. Documentation on personnel is always “tied” to a specific employee and reflects the specifics of his position (profession), employment conditions, labor results, etc. .).

· Administrative documents (this type of internal documents includes orders and orders of the head. With their help, the head of the organization exercises the authority to manage the organization provided for by the charter of this organization. Orders of the first official of the company are divided into two independent groups).

· Documents confirming the work activity of the employee (the purpose of these documents is to reflect as accurately as possible the work experience of the employee).

· Information and settlement documents (maintained by the personnel department to record the personal data of employees, to secure information related to their work activities).

It is also important to know that the following unified forms for personnel records are currently in force, the maintenance of which, in accordance with paragraph 2 of the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated January 5, 2004 No. 1, is mandatory for all organizations operating in the territory of the Russian Federation, regardless of forms of ownership:

labor contract;

No. T-1 - order (instruction) on hiring an employee;

No. T-1a - order (instruction) on hiring employees;

No. T-2 - personal card of the employee;

No. T-2GS (MS) - personal card of a state (municipal) employee;

No. T-3 - staffing;

No. T-4 - registration card of a scientific, scientific and pedagogical worker;

No. T-5 - an order (instruction) on the transfer of an employee to another job;

No. T-5a - order (instruction) on the transfer of employees to another job;

No. T-6 - an order (instruction) on granting leave to an employee;

No. T-6a - order (instruction) on granting leave to employees;

No. T-7 - vacation schedule ";

No. T-8 “Order (instruction) on the termination (termination) of an employment contract with an employee (dismissal);

No. T-8a - an order (instruction) on the termination (termination) of an employment contract with employees (dismissal);

No. T-9 - an order (instruction) to send an employee on a business trip;

No. T-9a - order (instruction) on sending employees on a business trip;

No. T-10 - travel certificate;

No. T-10a - official assignment for sending on a business trip and a report on its implementation;

No. T-11 - order (instruction) to encourage an employee;

No. T-11a - order (instruction) on the promotion of employees;

No. T-12 - timesheet and payroll;

No. T-13 - time sheet;

No. T-49 - payroll;

No. T-51 - payroll;

No. T-53 - payroll;

No. T-53a - payroll register;

No. T-54 - personal account;

No. T-54a - personal account (svt);

No. T-60 - a note-calculation on granting leave to an employee;

No. T-61 - a note-calculation upon termination (cancellation) of an employment contract with an employee (dismissal);

No. T-73 - an act on the acceptance of work performed under a fixed-term employment contract concluded for the duration of a certain work.

4.1 Employment contract

An employment contract is concluded in writing between the employee and the administration represented by the head of the enterprise and contains the main details:

document's name;

place of compilation;

The contract is drawn up in two copies, one remains with the enterprise, and the second is given to the employee.

4.2 Personnel orders

Personnel orders are the most important document that is drawn up in the process of documenting the functions of the personnel service. Orders formalize the admission, transfer and dismissal of employees; provision of vacations, business trips; changing conditions and wages, assigning categories and changing personal data; incentives and penalties.

Orders for personnel are issued on the basis of a written justification (for example: an employee’s statement, a marriage certificate indicating a change in the employee’s last name, a memorandum)

The employee's personal application for admission, transfer or dismissal is written by hand or on the letterhead of the organization. The application shall indicate: the name of the structural unit, the name of the type of document, the date, the addressee (position, surname, initials of the head), text, personal signature, transcript of the signature. Further, the resolution of the head and a mark on the execution of the document and the direction to the case are affixed to the application.

The text of the order on personnel does not have a stating part (the verb "I order"). Personnel orders begin with an administrative action. Accept, appoint, transfer, dismiss, change the surname, grant leave.

There are individual and consolidated orders by personnel. The individual ones contain information about one employee, the consolidated ones contain information about several employees, regardless of what management actions they fall under. Consolidated orders should not contain information with different retention periods. It is desirable to allocate orders for the granting of vacations and business trips that have short term storage. Orders on rewards and punishments are issued on an individual basis.

Each item of the order on personnel must be formulated in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

When hiring, the amount of remuneration (salary, allowance) is set and, if necessary, the conditions for admission: temporarily, with probationary period.

When transferring to another job, a new position and division, type of transfer, reason for transfer (in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), change in wages are indicated.

Upon dismissal, the reason for dismissal, according to the articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

When granting leave - its type, duration, start and end date.

For business trips - the date and duration of business trips, the place of destination, the name of the enterprise.

With rewards, punishments - the reason and type of encouragement or penalty.

Each paragraph of the order must end with a reference to the written basis for the administrative action.

Orders on personnel are brought to the attention of the employee against receipt. Employee familiarization visas can be located either after the text of each paragraph of the order, or after the signature of the head.

The draft order on personnel is coordinated with officials, such as: the chief accountant, with the heads of structural divisions, a legal adviser.

Orders for personnel must be registered. The registration book is used as the registration form. The registration book indicates: the date and number of the order, who signed the order. Due to the difference in the terms of storage of orders for personnel, it is recommended to number them according to the following rule. To the serial number of the order is added letter designation(to distinguish it from the order for the main activity).

The information contained in orders for personnel (information about work and incentives) is entered into work books.

The order (instruction) on hiring is one of the unified forms of primary accounting documentation, the use of which is mandatory for all organizations. (Appendix No. 1)

The order (instruction) on the transfer to another job (form No. T-5) is used when registering the transfer of an employee from one structural unit to another. To be completed by an employee of the personnel department in one copy. (Appendix No. 2)

The order (instruction) is endorsed by the head of the structural unit of the former and new place of work and signed by the head of the organization. Based on this order, the personnel department makes notes in a personal card, work book and other documents.

On the reverse side, marks are made about the undelivered property and material values ​​​​accounted for by the employee at the previous place of work.

The order (instruction) on granting leave (form No. T-6) is used to process annual and other types of leave provided to employees in accordance with the Labor Code, current legislative acts and regulations, the collective agreement and vacation schedules. (Appendix No. 3)

It is filled in two copies: one remains in the personnel department, the other is transferred to the accounting department. Signed by the head of the structural unit and the head of the organization.

Based on the order to grant leave, the personnel department makes notes on the employee's personal card, and the accounting department calculates the wages due for the leave. When granting leave without pay, next to the indication of the number of days of leave, “without pay” is indicated. In the "Accrued" section in column 1, empty lines indicate the months for which wages were accrued.

4.3 Employee ID card

A personal card (form No. T-2) is filled in in one copy on the basis of documents (Appendix No. 4):


military ID;

work book;

based on an employee survey.

Free rows can be filled with data at the discretion of the organization. After filling out the "General Information" section, the person applying for a job signs a personal card and puts down the date of filling.

Section 1 also indicates the names and dates of graduation from the second educational institution of higher or secondary vocational education.

When filling out section 2, military service is recorded indicating the position.

In section 3, with each entry made on the basis of an order, the administration is obliged to familiarize the employee against receipt.

When filling out section 4 "Certification" of the personal card, all columns and columns are filled in. They indicate:

· date of certification;

· decision of the commission, for example: “transfer to a position”, “send for advanced training”;

The Reason column may be left blank. Alternatively, it may contain an order of the organization to send an employee for certification or an order to approve the results of certification.

Data on advanced training are recorded on the basis of documents submitted by the employee.

Section 5 "Professional Development" specifies:

· start and end dates of training;

· type of advanced training;

· name of the educational institution, faculty of advanced training at higher educational institution, advanced training faculty at a secondary vocational educational institution, advanced training institute, advanced training courses at the ministry, advanced training courses at enterprises, research and design organizations, higher and secondary vocational education institutions, advanced training institutes and their branches);

· type of document (certificate, certificate);

· the column "Basis" may be blank, or it may contain an order of the organization to send an employee for advanced training.

Similarly, section 6 includes information on professional retraining indicating the specialty (direction, profession) in which retraining takes place.

When filling out section 7 "Incentives and awards", it is necessary to indicate the types of incentives applied to the employee (both at the level of the organization and at the level of ministries and departments), as well as list state awards.

Section 8 "Vacation" keeps records of all types of vacations provided to the employee during the period of work in the organization. The basis for making entries are orders for the provision of vacations.

When filling out the vacation table on the basis of the order, only the start date of the vacation is entered. The end date of the vacation is entered after the employee returns from vacation. This is due to the fact that in the event that an employee is called from a vacation or interrupted, the “End Date” column will contain the date the employee leaves for work, and not the planned end date of the vacation by order.

In the same table, leave without pay is necessarily noted. It is taken into account when calculating the length of service, which gives the right to the annual basic paid leave, since, according to Art. 121 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it does not include the time for granting unpaid leave to an employee if their total duration exceeds 14 calendar days during the working year.

Section 9 "Social benefits" should indicate the list of benefits and their grounds provided to the employee by the Federal Law, by-laws and local regulations of the organization.

Section 10 "Additional information" is filled in if necessary:

· information about studying at part-time (evening), correspondence, external studies departments of institutions of higher and secondary vocational training (you should also put down the dates of admission to an educational institution and its graduation);

· information about a working disabled person indicating a certificate, a disability group and the date of its establishment (change), the reason for the disability;

· conclusion of the expert commission on the conditions and nature of work.

After the employee is dismissed from the organization, entries are made in section XI of the reason for dismissal, which indicates the decoding of the reason for the dismissal of the employee in accordance with the exact wording given in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the date of dismissal, the number of the dismissal order.

When closing the T-2 personal card, the personnel officer puts his personal signature with its transcript and indication of the position. The employee himself signs in the same way. The signature of the employee in this case confirms his agreement with all the entries made in his personal card.

4.4 Work book

According to Article 66 Labor Code RF work book of the established form is the main document on the labor activity and work experience of the employee. During the entire period of the employee's activity in the organization, information about him is reflected in this document. (Appendix No. 5)

Working with work books and making entries in them are strictly regulated: according to Art. 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the form, procedure for maintaining and storing work books, as well as the procedure for preparing work book forms and providing employers with them, are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 225 “On work books” approved the form of a work book, the form of an insert in a work book and the rules for maintaining and storing work books, preparing work book forms and providing employers with them. Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 10, 2003 No. 69 approved instructions for filling out work books.

According to these rules, the employer is obliged to keep a work book for each employee who has worked in the organization for more than five days, if the work is the main one for the employee. For an employee entering work for the first time, a work book is entered, which is filled out in his presence within a period of not more than a week from the date of employment. The employer-individual has no right to make entries in the work books of employees, as well as draw up work books for employees hired for the first time.

To prevent the use of fake work books, the Government of the Russian Federation ordered the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation to approve the procedure for providing employers with new forms of a work book and an insert in it, and employers to ensure accounting of work books, as well as forms of a work book and an insert.

The following information is entered in the work book:

About the employee

· about the work they do;

· about transfers to another permanent job;

· on the dismissal of an employee;

· grounds for termination of the employment contract;

· about awards for achievements in work.

Information about penalties in the work book is not entered, except in cases where dismissal is a disciplinary sanction.

At the request of the employee, information about part-time work is entered in the work book at the main place of work on the basis of a supporting document.

All entries on hiring, transferring to another permanent job, dismissal, awards and incentives are entered by the administration in the work book after the order is issued, but no later than a week, upon dismissal - on the day of dismissal. Entries in the work book must correspond to the text of the order. Records of the reasons for termination of the employment contract must be made in strict accordance with the wording of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation or federal law and a reference to the relevant article, paragraph.

When registering a work book, the title page containing information about the employee is first filled out. Surname, name and patronymic and date of birth are indicated on the basis of a passport or birth certificate.

Education - secondary, secondary specialized or higher - is indicated on the basis of documents (certificate, certificate, diploma). A record of incomplete secondary or incomplete higher education can also be made on the basis of relevant documents.

The profession or specialty is recorded in the work book on the basis of a document on education.

After indicating the date of filling out the work book, the employee certifies with his signature the correctness of the information entered.

The first page of the work book is signed by the person responsible for issuing work books, and after that the seal of the organization on which the work book is filled out for the first time is affixed.

Changes in the entries in work books about the last name, first name, patronymic and date of birth are made by the administration at the last place of work on the basis of documents (passports, birth certificates, marriage or divorce, on changing the last name, first name, patronymic.) And with reference to the number and date of documents.

These changes are made on the first page of the work book. One line crosses out, for example, the former surname and new data is recorded.

Recordings are carefully ballpoint pen, black, blue or purple.

In the case when all the pages of the relevant sections are filled in the work book, the work book is filled with an insert.

The insert is sewn into the work book, filled in and maintained by the administration of the enterprise at the place of work in the same manner as the work book.

An insert without a work book is invalid.

About each issued insert on the first page of the work book, a stamp is placed at the top with the inscription: “Insert issued” and the series and number of the insert are also indicated here.

With each entry made on the basis of an order in a work book or insert, on hiring, transfers to another permanent job and dismissal, the administration of the organization is obliged to familiarize the owner of the book (insert) against receipt in the personal card form No. T-2, in which be an exact entry from the work book (insert).

When an employee is dismissed, all records of work made in the work book during his work in the organization are certified by the signature of the head of the enterprise or a person specially authorized by him and the seal of the enterprise. The administration is obliged to issue to the worker or employee his work book on the day of dismissal with a record of dismissal made in it.

4.5 Logs of accounting and control and internal official correspondence

Registration journals (books) are maintained in organizations to record personnel documentation (orders on personnel, work books, personal files, identity cards). The correct accounting of the document (with the assignment of a specific number and with a mark on the date of registration) gives it legal force (the force of proof), with the help of which the employer can confidently win in a labor dispute with an employee.

The Human Resources Department maintains registration of personnel documents and uses the following registration forms or they are maintained by other authorized persons:

· register of employment contracts;

· register of orders for the admission, transfer and dismissal of employees;

· journal of registration of orders for granting leave;

· journal of registration of orders on business trips of employees;

· journal of registration of travel certificates;

· job registration log;

· register of local regulations;

· book of accounting for the movement of work books and inserts to them;

· income and expense book for accounting forms of the work book and an insert in it;

· journal of registration of orders on incentives and imposition of disciplinary sanctions;

· journal for issuing certificates on personnel;

· sick leave register;

· register of industrial accidents.

Forms of some magazines and books are approved by official bodies, while other forms are developed by the organization itself.

For example, the form of the book of accounting for the movement of work books and inserts to them was approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 10, 2003. No. 69. A personal affairs register or a medical examination register does not have a recommended form, therefore it is developed by the organization itself at its own discretion.

When organizing the storage of personnel documents, their social and legal nature is primarily taken into account, since it is these documents that are mainly used to satisfy the social and legal needs of citizens (in particular, to confirm work experience).

Internal correspondence in the organization is used to document all personnel decisions. For example, in order to bring an employee to disciplinary responsibility, it is required to obtain explanations from the employee.

If we are talking about encouraging an employee, his immediate supervisor sends an idea to the head of the organization about encouraging the employee.

With the help of internal official correspondence, there is also an official exchange of views between the officials of the organization, between the officials and the management of the organization.

In this chapter, work was carried out to familiarize with the documents of the personnel service, as well as an analysis and description of these documents.


The scope and timeliness of all work depends on the provision of organizations with labor resources and the effectiveness of their use. Therefore, the role played by the personnel service in the organization is so important.

One of the most important functions of organizing the work of the personnel service is the function of accounting for documents regulating the implementation of all tasks facing personnel managers.

The problem of working with electronic information becomes relevant. Therefore, the first step in order to improve the personnel service is the introduction of information technology into the management process, which will create archives of electronic databases and combine the flows of electronic documents.

The key to the success of the organization is effective staff, so specialists are in demand. Often, the HR manager becomes a conductor of new ideas, introduces the manager to advanced methods of personnel management, and solves all organizational issues.

Today, it is important for the personnel department not only to correctly fill out personnel documentation, but also to achieve timely filling of vacancies in order to maintain the production volume at the proper level. The system of work with personnel should be planned in such a way as to constantly achieve an increase in the workforce of the enterprise of those people who have good knowledge and skills and ensure that there are more and more such workers.

As a result of the work, the following tasks were performed: identifying the essence of the personnel service of the enterprise; study and analysis normative documents regulating the activities of the personnel department; study of the features of personnel documentation.

After completing the tasks, the following goal was achieved: analysis of the organization of the work of the personnel service at the enterprise.

List of sources used

staff office work

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