Official duties of the freight forwarder.

It seems that the profession profession can master anyone. What can be easier - take the goods, deliver from point A to the point B on time and pass. Even profile education is not most often necessary for this. Nevertheless, few people deliberately want to become a freight forwarder. Denis Korneev, head of the structural division of the forwarding company "Special Gruzavtotrans", told Rjob about the "pitfalls" of the profession, the peculiarities of career growth and salary, which rarely pleases applicants.

Without education and experience

The main work of the freight forwarder is the support of goods and goods. They must be delivered to the recipient safe and preservation, on time and in accordance with the documents. Therefore, the expeditionary will have to issue documents about accepting and issuing goods, keep accounting and filling out the form of statistical reports adopted in the company. To learn this simply, therefore, people often become expeditions with absolutely any education and even without it.

In a profession, people come in different ways, differences only in whether the choice is conscious or according to circumstances. There are two ways: Classic, when the university gives the basis of the profession, theory, and work in the forwarding company - practice, and the second way when the forwarder becomes unoligious - choose work with minimal requirements for experience and education. This is a way to profession through the so-called "stool dispatch". The meaning of their work is that in one place to find goods, in another - transport, and make money on the price difference. Now a similar business went into the past, but the meaning of the forwarding is many distant from the profession, people see in this - in mediation.

But for employment, a large company still needs to receive a diploma. Usually there is enough average vocational education Specialty "Organization of transportation and management on transport" or "commodity products and examination of the quality of consumer goods." Higher education You can get in the specialty "Management" or "Technology of Transport Processes".

Driver, loader and lawyer in one person

Depending on the specifics of the company, the forwarder can perform many additional features. Usually by less companyThe more responsibilities are pinned for each employee - it becomes universal. The expedition is not only accompanied by cargo, but also to sit behind the wheel, ship and unload goods, to make a route and organize cargo storage, as well as responsible for adherence to legal and customs rules Cargo transportation.

If the company offers a forwarding service, then the manager's responsibility includes full list The actions of the client manager - from receiving calls, harmonizing the conditions and terms of transportation to the finalization of documents and complaints. If the freight forwarder works in the state of a manufacturing or trading company, its functionality is limited to tasks that descend on top of the delivery director or, depending on which the company is subordinate to the forwarder. The work of the forwarder requires a large luggage of knowledge from various industries: geography, transportation technology, finance. Therefore, the standard requirements for applicants are an experience or minimal skills to work with rates, paperwork, search for free vehicles.

Intensive but mobile

Since education for the freight forwarder is not so important to the fore personal qualities: Good memory and attention to prevent errors in the documents and not lose the cargo. For the same reason, accuracy, responsibility and perfection is important.

Despite this, the work of the forwarder is associated with. The very essence of the profession implies mobility.

Most freight forwarding companies impose standard professional demands for applicants. Differences are in the requirements for the personal qualities of the candidate who depend on the personal vision of the head and the characteristics of the team. Sometimes dynamic and active employees with higher payments are needed with a greater amount of work, and sometimes thoughtful and hardworking, which will cope with large volumes of paper work.

Material responsibility and inadequate customers

The advantages of the freight forwarder profession include except for low demands for applicants and a permanent novelty of tasks. This work certainly do not name the monotonous and boring. But the pros most often overlap the main minus -. If the load is lost, if it is stolen, or the forwarder will misunderstand the documents, then any shortage will have to compensate from your pocket.

The main stereotype is that the freight forwarders are useless, and they can easily be replaced by the Uber type program. In fact, this is not the case, since the freight forwarders take responsibility for transportation, and the program will never be able to do this. In addition, the freight forwarder is absolutely dependent on the client. It does not matter, the inner is a client or external, in any case he is always right. Even if this client is not always adequate, which, unfortunately, is also found in the work of the forwarder.

Without career and salary prospects

In the profession of the freight forward there is no career ladder, and therefore tangible prospects. No matter how well the employee did not fulfill his duties, he will not be able to get an increase. The only opportunity to change the position is to learn and change the specialization. For example, retracted in logic or. In addition, there is a horizontal career development, when, remaining logistics, the employee goes into a larger company.

Employment after the forwarding company usually occurs either in the structures of logistics operators, or Inhaus - in the logistics departments and transport management of trade and manufacturing companies.

The salary of the forwarder is also difficult to attribute to the advantages of the profession - it varies from 15 to 30 thousand rubles in the regions and up to 50-60 thousand rubles in the capitals. The exception is percanic and international transportation, where the preliminary coefficient can be used.

An ordinary employee of the forwarding company in Moscow and St. Petersburg receives significantly more than in the regions. This is explained by the minimum entrance barrier to a profession available for most people. Therefore, the level of wages affects the geographical sign primarily, and only in the second - sectoral.

Low requirements for applicants and the absence of prospects largely determine the circle of those who usually come to the profession. Students and novice employees are becoming freight (for example, logistics or merchandise) who need experience and practice. And their colleagues are often middle-aged people and, by the age of age discrimination or the lack of work experience, have to seek part-time. But many are suitable for such an employment option. Employees are ready for a modest salary for many years to work in a company that does not require anything supernatural - even the most elementary development and training.

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Forwarder is a profession, whose job duties include: getting, support and delivery of various goods, as well as the design of the necessary transport documentation.

At one time, after graduating from the institute, I worked as an expedition. Then this work seemed very interesting to me. It would be more, you needed, just-going, ride in the car, consider the goods and receive salary.

In general, of course freight forwarding is a very responsible job.. First, you depends on the delivery time from point A to the point B. Secondly, as a rule, the freight forwarder is the person financially responsible. And thirdly, of course, the accuracy of the cargo's assortment depends on you. In the latter case it is extremely important that the number of irons coincides with what is written on paper. Of course, if instead of the irons you will bring computers, then the trouble is not big. However, as a professional freight forwarder - it will not decorate you.

After six years of study in Baumansky, get on the distribution to some "box" did not really want. Continuous sitting per desk and so over the past sixteen years have quite tired. Getting diploma had to be at the beginning of the 90s. A young specialist relied on the "grid" a little more than 20 Soviet rubles. In the days of the developed socialism it would be quite enough to exist. But at the beginning of the 90s, when the subsistence minimum has already passed for 500 wooden.

In the forwarding work there is its own romance. Usually, the main time of work accounted for nonsense. You can smoke on a passenger seat, drink beer and have fun by chauffy bikes for a long time In traffic jams. Cell Phones There were still rarity, but the plugs have already met and personal communication replaced everything.

Were in this work and their subtleties. Most likely, over time, they did not have changed. The load must be accepted and put as accuracy as described on the papers. The ability to understand the transport invoices is not the most difficult duty. Movement on Russian roads, also contributes its own adjustments. A respected employee of the auto inspectorate or any other person in the pursuit is not much difficult to find your shortcomings, allowing you to play nerves. Starting a couple of times on the penalty area and I had to. Communicate on the topic of ransom - you won't come up worse. For your back the cargo is not a low cost, and you depend on the solution of this little man. The pleasure of such an "intelligent" conversation is not very large.

But, everything pays off. First, of course, experience. Communication with people, the ability to negotiate with the loaders and storekeners, stand on time on the loading. First school of real life I got here. Over time learned and earn. As a rule, road means are given. Correctly distributing them, you can save and, by agreement with the manual, put on your own account. Forwarder, as we said, the face is financially responsible. And for this, they also pay good. But, and the loss of cargo wrigumes, most likely with you. Troubles may notice in the most unexpected places, especially in long-distance move. There were cases of banal theft. Keep your ear eld. Once from me, giving a couple of restless watches, a driver with a carbon carot was fled. When I have already practically said goodbye to the salary for the next year, and came ran to the conditional place, the car was there. The driver, yawning, asked where I was gone. In a short "friendly" conversation, it turned out that he lost me and decided to drive himself. Cell phones were rare.

In general, having spent a couple of three years of life, acquiring a beer rummy and a beam of gray hair, you can learn a small capitalist. But, the profession of the freight forwarder is, nevertheless, not what mankind dreamed of.

Alexander Garanin

The freight forwarder is one of the most popular professions in the labor market. Timely and high-quality delivery is especially necessary for those cargoes that have a limited shelf life. The national economy in which the freight forwarder works, is called Logistics. The subject of logistics is to study, develop and apply in the practice of the most rational approach to the process of movement of goods into small, medium and long distances. Logistics also provides for the study of local and international legislation in the field of transportation of goods. After all, B. different regions The world has sometimes a variety of transportation requirements.

Professional freight forwarder also participates in the development of cargo transport routes. Most often, such a specialist is called the logistics, which is most true when determining this profession.

Traditional profession in the modern labor market

The freight forwarder is sometimes called a person accompanying the cargo throughout its route of transportation and responsible for the safety and integrity of the goods trusted. On the fact of such an employee, it is more correct to call the courier, but in the ads on work, the vacancy is most often called the expeditionant. This is characteristic due to the fact that the freight forwarder is most often determined by the route of the movement of cargo by prior coordination with the management of his company.

The main document used by freight forwarders in their work is called the transport invoice, in which data on the time and place of shipment of goods, destination, nominal value and weight are recorded. The signature of the forwarder in the invoice is a confirmation that the cargo is properly packed and does not have visible defects. Since the signatures of the transport invoice forwarder, an employee in this position is full of material liability in accordance with the clauses of the country's legislation and its personal employment contract.

Forwarder rarely has the right to receive cash For delivered goods. Such a measure is valid for the security reasons for the expedition itself, because the route of transportation of goods may well be a robbery.

Forwarder and related professions

In some organizations of the driver-forwarder or sales representative with the function of the freight forwarder. Such professions are provided by firms sending goods within the region or specializing in the carriage of the same type of goods at small distances. In view of the small turnover of funds or low value of goods, employers have come up with such professions, which does not violate the law. The duties of the driver-forwarder are the development of a route, delivery and responsibility for the cargo, and the sales representative with the obligations of the freight forwarder not only reaches the client base and concludes contracts, but also directly independently delivers the goods.

The obligations of the forwarder should examine every person who is interested in such activities as well as persons who are already in this position. In order not to have complaints from the authorities or customers, it is necessary to accurately comply with all the rules and requirements that are presented to the employee at such a work.

Information about freight forwarders

For each driver applying for the position and obligation of the freight forwarder, certain requirements and standards are enshrined in which the age of the employee includes experience and perhaps experience in a similar position. Typically, the complexity and exclusivity of duties is determined by the salary and requirements that are presented to a specific employee. When making a job, it is necessary to prevent a person in advance about what conditions it should work, and the reasons that determine the probability of dismissal of the employee are prescribed.

What the freight forwarder does

Takes all measures to ensure a technically good condition of the vehicle entrusted to him. If necessary, he must inform the special section that any functions have dropped out of the norm or a more unpleasant situation has been held, providing for the global damage of an object or other costs. In some cases, a requirement is made to the forwarder, if necessary, to independently produce small repair of the vehicle, so in this position each employee qualifications may be different. This includes the duties of the forwarder driver.

What is obliged to know how this employee

Create a safe atmosphere and avoid sophisticated situations In order to ensure complete safety not only the vehicle, but also the goods or passengers, which the freight forwarder must take to the destination. It is impossible to leave the car and leave, while not taking care of the connection of insuring devices and alarms. All vehicle doors are blocked not only during the exit from the car, but also at each stop, departing to the parking lot.

Additional reader duties

Forwarder performs a cash maintenance technical status The vehicle is ideally, and if necessary, tracks the faults and promptly reports to the manual or in a special department where the device is fixed. Uses the vehicle according to the instructions and does not deviate from its execution even in those situations when there is a chance that you can retreat from the rules.

How the freight forwarder works

Timely sends a vehicle to pass the planned technical inspection and controls the implementation of the minimum or complicated service in specially designated service center or in any firm that provides such services. This includes the duties of the forwarder driver.

Independently supports the purity of the car as a whole. Often it helps to keep the company's image in excellent condition. If necessary, it is necessary to carry out operations for washing the surface or the inner part of the car, however, the planned cleaning takes place in a special center or refers to specialists in the allotted section from its own company.

The freight forwarder should remember that the cleanliness should be maintained not only on the vehicle's surface or in its cabin, but also in part of the motor and other internal design, so sometimes this employee must remember the need to clean the motor or replace the oil in various car compartments. To do this, he should also contact a special service center.

Major prescriptions

After the end of the work shift, the freight forwarder must fully complete the work, that is, to put a car on the parking place allotted for this or to order into any parking space. It is impossible to leave a car unattended. Before leaving the car, you should put it on the alarm, block all the doors, and it is also desirable to check the health of its condition and appreciate the opportunity to ride it all the next shift. It enters B. functional responsibilities Forwarder.

Takes goods from specially designated premises. Usually, it is necessary to visit special warehouses, which is the main route and the responsibility of the freight forwarder. When accepting goods, you should use special accompanying documents and independently check the correctness of the product reference, to check the quality and amount of products with statement, only then put your signature and carry products to the next destination.

What should not forget to make a forwarder

Control the integrity of common packages or serviceability of bags on each product. If necessary, if possible, you can control the quality and all characteristics of the goods itself, as well as check the full configuration in devices. The price and consistency of products are being taken to specific characteristics in order to deliver specifically those things that were ordered. This includes the duties of the driver-forwarder.

Check the quality and serviceability of the workloads, that is, to ensure that the loading and unloading of the goods happen as carefully and gently, and also to check that the products do not fall, but was transferred and stacked correctly in order to avoid claims to the supplier or the company that produced products.

If there is a question about what is included in the obligation of the freight forwarder, you should pay attention to the following information. It should control that during transportation the cargo is fixed as correctly, its location favorably affected the quality and integrity of the goods, as well as check the possibility of packaging to withstand the assigned load. If necessary, the freight forwarder, the official duties of which are quite wide, should be corrected by the work of movers in the process of its implementation, which is a very responsible event. This includes the duties of the driver-forwarder.

What should the freight forwarder

Do the design of all necessary documentation, which reflects the process of receiving and passing the goods, as these papers are not only important information for suppliers and recipients, but also serve as a reporting link to provide a positive impact on the activities of the forwarder, proving the correctness and timeliness of its actions. The freight forwarder is a trustee and at the same time a representative of the enterprise that entrusted it to the supply of its own or cubs.

Before departure, the forwarder is carefully working carefully, and if necessary, coordinates the route with the older officers. It must provide the most quick and safe delivery of goods. It is also important to take into account the availability of the road in terms of fences or the presence of traffic jams. If there is a head or freight forwarder works in a large group, he must coordinate his opinion on moving with the immediate boss.

The maintenance of travel sheets is included in the obligation of the freight forwarder. In addition to the need to deliver the goods correctly and in a timely manner, it must fill all the documentation and oversee the process of movement of goods. It assumes a great responsibility, however, with the knowledge of his duties and accurately followed by this employee will be able to perform work correctly.

You probably have often met the concept of a transport and expeditioning company. If everything is clear from "transport-", what is "-Expeditional"? Who is such an expedition? Do managers have the right to call themselves forwarders? Try to answer using the laws Russian Federation.

Forwarding activities in the Russian Federation regulated, mainly by three laws: this is the Federal Law No. 87-FZ of 30.06.2003 "On Transport and Expeditionary Activities", Government Decree No. 554 of September 8, 2006 "On Approval of Transport and Expeditionary Rules" And Chapter No. 41 of Part 2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (documents are available for download in Microsoft Word format).

The Civil Code establishes mainly only the very concept of transportation expedition, introduces the concept of a transport expedition agreement and indicates the presumption of the guilt of the freight forwarder (that is, not the client proves the guilt of the freight forwarder, and the forwarder is obliged to prove its innocence).

Government Decree No. 554 of September 8, 2006 determines the very concept of the forwarder - this is a person who performs or organizing the implementation of the transport and forwarding services determined by the contract for the transportation expedition. In addition, there is a definition of freight forwarding services, they are understood by services for the organization of transportation of goods, the conclusion of cargo transportation contracts, sending and receiving cargo, as well as other services related to shipping. In addition, the main forwarding documents are established: this is an order of an expedition, forwarding receipt and, if provided warehouse services, warehouse receipt. According to the resolution, the forwarding documents are an integral part of the transportation expedition agreement and they are compiled in writing. FROM full list For forwarding documents and requirements for their design, you can read, reading the order of the Ministry of Transportation of February 11, 2008 No. 23 "On approval of the procedure for registration and forms of forwarding documents" (document in Microsoft Word format).

The Federal Law "On Transport and Expeditionary Activities" establishes the obligations of the freight forwarder and the client. In particular, Article 4, paragraph 4 reads: "When taking the shipment, the freight forwarder is obliged to issue an forwarding document to the client, as well as to submit the originals of the contracts concluded by the forwarder in accordance with the Transport Expedition Agreement on behalf of the Client on the basis of a power of attorney issued by him."

What follows from this statement? If you split down the items, then:

  • the freight forwarder is obliged to take the cargo;
  • forwarder issues a forwarding document (forwarding receipt);
  • the freight forwarder is obliged to provide the Customer of the Originals of Contracts (for example, the contract for the transport of cargo concluded with the transport company).

Of course, the entire dispatcher, not present on the loading, does not. Therefore, it cannot be called the freight forwarder in accordance with the Federal Law and the Government Decree. But thanks to the abolition of licensing in the field of freight traffic (Federal Law No. 80-FZ of July 2, 2005), no one checks the correspondence of the name of the actual activity. However, after acceptance Federal Law №272-ФЗ, dispatchers began to call themselves more often in applications and contracts with "clients" or "customers".

In the field of trucking, there is practically no control of the state, which is why there is a similar confusion in the names and terminology. In fact, those services that dispatchers have are agency or information services, but not forwarding and the more non-shipping services. Remember this.

Summarizing the above: the freight forwarder can be called physical or entitywhich takes place and passing the cargo, controls the loading and unloading operations, the counts of the number of places, carries out visual or other control of the loaded goods, and also produces other actions to fulfill the contract of transportation expedition.