How to open a recruitment agency? How to open a recruitment agency: documents and requirements.

Opening a recruitment agency is not difficult and costly. If you wish, you can start to conduct it even from your own apartment. Drawing up a business plan with a preliminary detailed analysis market will reveal all the benefits and risks of this project.

Labor market analysis

Recruitment agencies are intermediaries between the employee and the employer. There can be many options for work, but there are only two main ones:

  • You are approached by an employee for help in finding a job;
  • You are looking for an employee for an employer.

At the initial stage of creating a business, engage in both types of activities. To understand what type of agency is best suited for this type of activity, it is worth conducting a market analysis.

It makes sense to open a recruitment agency in a city that has a sufficient number of residents and businesses. In small towns, as a rule, people get by with the recommendations of relatives and acquaintances when applying for a job, besides, the necessary assistance is provided by the employment service. The larger the city, the easier it will be to develop - there are more applicants and employers, and it is impossible to track all the vacancies.

Choice of agency activities

After analyzing the market and competitors, you can choose the main direction of your agency at your discretion. Of course, you can combine several activities.

Work with applicants - employment on applications

In this case, a job is selected for the applied specialist. In addition to direct employment, you can offer interview preparation services, help in writing a resume. Most often, the employment process does not occur after visiting one employer. In this case, if the candidate has paid a certain amount, he is offered other options for his employment. If the candidate goes to a certain position, then the contract states that payment for employment will be made after the payment of his salary. As a rule, such workers are valuable specialists with a high level of payment.

Work with employers - selection of the right employees

The employer receives an application to search for the specialist he needs. In such an application, all the requirements for the candidate are set - education, work experience, length of service, etc. If the agency has a suitable candidate in its database, it calls him for an interview, after which he sends him to the employer. If not, advertisements are given in the media, on Internet sites, television.

Payment here can be made in different ways. Best Option- conclude an agreement with the company that has applied for the selection of an employee. Employers are not very willing to do this, but it still happens. In this case, when finding a specialist, the company will pay you the amount laid down in the contract. It can be a percentage of his salary or a specific amount. It is very important to draw up a contract correctly, in which all these conditions will be spelled out, signed by both parties and sealed.

Mass employment

The application is made for a whole team of employees. This is practiced when the regions include "networkers", that is, enterprises whose head office is located in major cities- Moscow, St. Petersburg and others. These applications are very profitable. To participate in such a project, one must be quite famous in one's city, have impeccable reputation, as well as the staff that can cope with such a task.

Building a customer base

You should start building lists of potential customers even before the moment of registration, in order to get started faster. You can form such a base from your own home. If you worked in Human Resources or Human Resources prior to starting your business, this process will go faster for you. As a rule, former "personnel officers" already have potential clients, and there are connections with colleagues from other enterprises. You can hire a former employee of the personnel department.

* Calculations use average data for Russia


The purpose of this project is to open a recruitment agency for the implementation of a range of recruiting services in a city with a population of more than 1 million people.

The Russian labor market is becoming more mature, and therefore the popularity of recruitment services is growing. Today, almost all companies that are looking for employees use the services of recruitment agencies. Recruitment agencies in the labor market act as intermediaries between employers and job seekers, providing the first with the selection of a candidate according to the stated requirements, and helping the second to find a job.

Thus, opening a recruitment agency is considered promising direction business. The advantages include a relatively low initial investment, low operating costs, the possibility of doing business at home, and ease of organizing a business.

For the implementation of the project, a room is rented in a business center. The office area is 12 sq.m., and the rental price is 15,000 rubles. The office is equipped with the necessary furniture, the use of which is included in the rent.

The initial investment is 480,000 rubles. Starting investments are aimed at purchasing office equipment, software, an annual subscription to a regional database of employers and job seekers, as well as the formation of a working capital fund until the project reaches payback. The main part of the required investments falls on the purchase of equipment, the share of which is 48%. Own funds will be used to implement the project.

The financial calculations of the recruitment agency take into account all the income and expenses of the project, the planning horizon is 3 years. It is anticipated that after this period, business expansion will be required. According to the calculations, the initial investment will pay off after 9 months of work. It is planned to reach the planned sales volume on the 10th month of work. In this case, the net profit will be 158,000 rubles / month, and the annual net profit for the first year of operation will be more than 893,000 rubles. Profitability of sales in the first year of work - 34%.


The development of the Russian economy has led to the formation of a complex labor market system. The search for specialists has become an important task for many companies, which recruitment agencies help them to cope with. Acting as an intermediary between employers and job seekers, recruitment agencies are engaged in the professional search for suitable employees for companies and employment. Currently, almost all companies interested in finding personnel use the services of recruitment agencies.

The Russian labor market is becoming more mature: the structure of personnel services, the balance of supply and demand is changing. The popularity of services for the selection and provision of personnel is growing every year. At the end of 2016, the turnover of the recruitment services market amounted to 6.5 billion rubles. The total number of vacancies submitted to agencies decreased by 18%, but at the same time average cost services has increased.

Today in Russia there are 1,200 recruitment agencies employing more than 15,000 people.

It should be noted that 2016 was not an easy year for the recruitment services market: the unstable economic situation had a negative impact on the industry, which provoked a slight decrease in the market volume (by 5.8%). Many companies have abandoned the services of recruitment agencies in order to optimize costs, while others have tightened the requirements for hiring staff, which has complicated the work of agencies.

The main trends in the recruitment services market:

Growth in the number of "difficult vacancies" with high requirements for experience, competence and narrow specialization;

The impact of globalization on the labor market - more and more employees are looking for not only in other cities, but also abroad;

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Collaboration with freelancers and employees who can work remotely. The remote work market is actively developing in Russia. The number of vacancies offering such work is about 35% of the total share of advertisements;

Gradual automation of all HR processes. While this trend has not received widespread in Russia. According to statistics from the HeadHunter portal, today only 18% of companies invest in the development of this area. However, 50% of companies are ready to allocate a budget for the automation of HR processes.

High competition in the industry forces companies to narrow their specialization. The current market structure is:

recruiting agencies. They are looking for employees by order of enterprises and firms. Specialization can be narrowed down to providing services to employers from a specific business area;

specialized agencies. These are narrowly focused organizations that select workers of a specific specialization;

Job search agencies. This direction provides services to job seekers in the selection of work;

Headhunters are agencies that are looking for highly qualified employees.

More than 80% of the total number of recruitment agencies is occupied by recruiting organizations. They work on the order of the employer and select personnel for a vacant position according to certain parameters. The employer pays the agency a remuneration, which is 10-20% of the candidate's annual salary.

When opening your own recruitment agency, you need to understand the structure of the market and decide on the specialization of your organization. To do this, you should know which industries most often use recruitment services. At the end of 2016, the most active clients of recruitment agencies were:

Retail, restaurants, hotels - 17%

Consumer goods - 16%

Industrial production (fuel and oil refining) - 15%

IT, telecom - 14%

Industrial production (everything except consumer goods) - 12%

Medicine - 11%

Finance, banks, investments, insurance - 10%

Transport and logistics - 8%

Consulting and service - 6%

Construction and real estate - 6%.

From these statistics, it can be seen that companies from a wide variety of industries resort to the services of recruitment agencies.

If you want to start a business with minimum investment, then a recruitment agency might be a good option. If desired, you can organize work at home, saving on office rent. In this regard, the amount of initial investment in a recruitment agency can vary from 250 to 500 thousand rubles. As practice shows, the average payback period for a recruitment agency is from 3 months to 1 year. However, despite the seeming simplicity of the business, there are certain difficulties. Firstly, the market is considered highly competitive: in order to win your consumer, you will need to work hard for results and credibility. Secondly, the income from recruitment services is rather unstable. Thirdly, there is a risk of unscrupulous employers or applicants, as a result of which it is the recruitment agency that may suffer.

Table 1 summarizes the key advantages and disadvantages of a staffing agency to consider when planning a business.

Table 1. Advantages and disadvantages of opening a recruitment agency

Thus, we can talk about the attractiveness of this business. Recruitment agency is a specific business. It is not difficult to open such a business, it is much more difficult to turn it into a successful and stable income-generating enterprise. For a recruitment agency, the business qualities of an entrepreneur, his acumen and determination are important. Practice shows that profit can be achieved already in the second month of the agency's operation. If you want to open a business without investments and have sufficient organizational skills, then a recruitment agency will become an attractive business line for you.


This business project involves the opening of a recruitment agency that provides recruiting services. For potential employers, the agency can provide the following services:

1) CV screening. It involves working with databases, during which applicants' resumes are selected mechanically with filtering by education, age, work experience and other parameters.

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2) Selection of a candidate for a position. A better approach to finding a candidate for a position that involves an interview.

3) Refresher courses for personnel.

4) Evaluation and testing of personnel. This procedure is of interest to companies that want to improve the efficiency of their staff and get a reference for each employee. Personnel assessment is an indispensable tool for managing a company's human resources, which allows you to assess the potential, motivation, professional suitability and other parameters of an employee.

5) Personnel leasing is a form of cooperation with employees when the company is not required to conclude an employment contract with an employee. In this case, the recruitment agency itself concludes a temporary contract with the employee.

6) Outstaffing - a process in which the agency does not select employees, but draws into its staff the already existing personnel of the client company.

7) Outsourcing - the transfer by a company of certain business processes or production functions to be serviced by another company on the basis of an agreement.

8) Headhunting is a type of service with the help of which the agency is engaged in the selection of highly qualified specialists and their luring to the customer company. At the same time, the main task of the agency is to find a way to build relationships with the candidate and create conditions under which he will be ready for an offer.

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9) Employment of personnel dismissed from the customer company - a service in which the agency conducts a procedure for the employment of personnel dismissed from the customer company within a certain period and under certain conditions.

The main function of a recruiting agency is to search for employees for vacancies in companies that are clients of the agency. The key tasks of a recruitment agency are to correctly assess the requirements of the customer company and promptly select suitable candidates for the vacancy. In order for the agency to work effectively, it is necessary to have a large client base. Then, having received an order, the agency will be able to quickly provide the employer with several options at once. If the waiting time is delayed, then the client will simply turn to another recruitment agency.

AT general view the scheme of working with the agency's customer is as follows: the agency accepts an order from the employer to search for personnel, fill vacancies on time. If the specialists are approved by the employer, then after a probationary period of 1 month, the company pays the agency a remuneration, the amount of which is determined as a percentage of the annual salary of the hired specialist. Remuneration depends on the level of the vacancy.

The algorithm of the recruiting agency:

    Receiving an order from the employer

    Determination of requirements for a future employee

    Working with the database and selection suitable options among applicants

    If there are no suitable options in the database, you should place ads on the Internet.

    Selection of several worthy candidates. When evaluating candidates, the agency must verify the accuracy of the information they provide. Since there is a risk of receiving false information from the candidate, which entails losses

    Organization of interviews for selected candidates with future employers

    Receipt of payment for services after the expiration of the probationary period of the hired employee (1 month)

    In the event that the selected candidate is dismissed during the probationary period at the initiative of the employer, the agency undertakes to provide a free one-time replacement of the employee.

This project involves the creation of a recruiting agency that provides the following range of services: screening, recruitment from the external market, mass recruiting, staff leasing, outstaffing, outsourcing.

In the future, it is possible to expand the range of services: organize a business school, provide consulting services, engage in personnel training.


The target audience of the recruitment agency are companies that are interested in the selection of qualified employees.

Practice shows that the promotion of a recruitment agency is the most difficult stage in starting a business. The recruitment agency promotion strategy is quite specific, since direct advertising is ineffective in this case. Intense competition in the recruitment market important role reputation and advertising of the recruitment agency. Therefore, the basis of the marketing plan is a thorough study of the advertising campaign and methods of work.

It is impossible to engage in a business related to the selection of personnel without active, full-fledged advertising. At the first stage, promotional activities are aimed at informing potential customers about the opening of a recruitment agency. The main requirement for this promotion is target orientation at a minimum of costs. To determine the target audience, one should study the business environment of the city, identify the most promising industries and companies. Informing can be carried out through several channels: sending information to email potential clients, "cold" calls with offers of their own services, presentation of their agency with the provision of a portfolio or advertising booklet, participation in various business events, website promotion on the network.

Besides, milestone promotion is the formation of competitive advantages, because after receiving information about your services, the client must understand why it is worth choosing your agency. Competitive advantages may include:

Convenient office location;

Low cost of intermediary services;

Special conditions for regular customers;

Maximum operational efficiency;

Wide database.

Creating your own website. Many experts agree that the creation of a website and promotion through the Internet is the most effective tool for promoting recruitment agencies. Firstly, this tool simplifies the process of interaction with potential customers. Secondly, it enhances the business reputation of the organization. Thirdly, it facilitates the interaction of the recruitment agency with both parties: both with the customer company and with applicants. The website of the recruitment agency should indicate the list of services provided and their cost, working conditions, contacts. The cost of such a site will be about 30,000 rubles. In order for the site to be visited by a large number of users, it is necessary to bring it to the TOP of requests. For this, Internet tools such as SEO and SMM promotion are used. The cost of such services may vary, but the average is 15-20 thousand rubles.

- cold calls and mailings. You can independently select a database of potential customers to inform them about your services. In case of a positive reaction to the advertisement, it is necessary to conduct a presentation of the recruitment agency or provide advertising material that contains all the necessary information.

Posting ads and handing out flyers. This tool is aimed at attracting the attention of potential job seekers.

An indicative plan for the promotion of a recruitment agency is presented in Table 2. According to the calculations, it is planned to spend 75,000 rubles on the promotion of a recruitment agency. The main part of advertising activities is planned for the first months of the agency's opening. In this case, you can not save on advertising. Effective and competent promotion in the market is the key to the success of a recruitment agency.

An active marketing strategy allows you to accelerate the payback process of funds invested in opening a recruitment agency and provides the necessary level of sales. Usually, the agency has from 2 to 10 orders per month. The average income of a recruitment agency is 80-100 thousand rubles in the first months of work (if 3 orders are completed within a month). In the future, the profit is 100-200 thousand rubles. It is important to note that the first month of work passes with zero profit, since the customer pays for the services after the trial period.


How to open a recruitment agency from scratch? The algorithm for opening a project involves the following steps:

    Register a business as an LLC or sole proprietorship.

    Create a database

    Find an office

    Buy necessary equipment

    Hire agency staff

Let's dwell on each point in more detail.

1) Formation of the database. This step is the most important and time-consuming step. The efficiency and quality of recruiting services depend on the vastness of the database. When creating a database of a recruitment agency, the following recommendations should be taken into account:

The database is accumulated by selecting the monitoring of various advertisement sites with the search for suitable resumes and vacancies and entering information into the program;

Use of software designed to work with databases of recruitment agencies. On the this moment there are many programs that allow you to work with such databases: E-Staff Recruiter, Experium, 1C: Recruitment Agency, EFSOL: Recruitment Agency, Asper, OrangeHRM and others;

You can purchase ready-made databases. It is possible to purchase access to the databases of employment sites (,,, both in the format of an annual subscription at a cost and a monthly subscription, which will allow you to evaluate the effectiveness of the product. For example, the cost of an annual subscription to the HeadHunter database is 98,000 rubles in the Rostov region, and 583,000 rubles in Russia. Paid databases are constantly updated, so that the agency will always have up-to-date information.

It takes 2-3 years to form an extensive database.

Documentation is very important in the work of a recruitment agency, which also allows you to maintain a database. Table 3 shows the main documentation that is used in recruitment agencies.

Table 3. Basic documents of the recruitment agency



Contract for the provision of recruitment services

The contract regulates the relationship between the agency and the customer. Separately, the issues of guarantees and liability, as well as confidentiality and dispute resolution, should be spelled out. The more detailed the procedure for the relationship of the parties, the less the risk of disputes. It is recommended to show the contract template to a lawyer to make sure that the document is drawn up correctly.

Application for selection

This document describes the requirements of the customer to the candidate and general terms and Conditions his works. The application is the same full-fledged document that needs to be sealed and signed by the parties. It is more convenient to sign one contract, to which applications are then supported as annexes.

Questionnaire for the applicant

In case the applicant does not have a resume, the agency should have a template application that the applicant can fill out. These questionnaires are processed and later entered into the database.

Forms of reporting of managers of the recruitment agency

Managers' reporting allows you to track the structure of their work and evaluate the effectiveness of work on vacancies.

Management reporting on the activities of the recruitment agency

Management reporting allows you to systematize the work and includes: monthly reporting of managers; monthly reporting on vacancies that are in work; monthly financial statements. Maintaining these reports will allow you to control all work processes

Labor contract with a recruitment manager

Standard contract between employer and employee

Job description of the recruiting manager

The instructions describe all the functions that employees perform

Resume standard

The agency must have standard form resume sent to the client. Therefore, all CVs of suitable candidates must be re-formulated in accordance with this template and processed (in particular, the contact details of the applicant must be removed)

The structure of the conclusion based on the results of the interview

Some customers request not only a resume of a candidate, but a resume with a detailed conclusion from a recruitment agency. The conclusion should state why the candidate is approved by the agency, why it recommends the candidate, etc. For such a conclusion, a template is also required.

Maintaining this documentation will greatly simplify the work of the agency.

2) Office search. A recruitment agency does not need a large office - an area of ​​​​10-15 square meters will be enough. m. It is desirable that the office is located in a business center or in close proximity to it. Typically, offices in business centers are already equipped with furniture and all necessary communications, which reduces initial costs. It is better to locate the office in a busy area - ideally in the central part of the city.

Moreover, the work of the agency can be organized in the home office, thereby saving on renting a room.

For the implementation of the project it is planned to rent office space 12 sq. m., located in the business center. The office is equipped with the necessary furniture. The rent is 15,000 rubles per month.

3) Purchase of equipment. To ensure the activities of a recruitment agency, it is necessary to purchase equipment. To equip the office you will need minimum set furniture, computers, MFPs and telephones. To organize a small office, which will employ three people, it will take three computer desks, several office chairs, filing cabinet. The total cost of furniture will be 45,000 rubles. If you rent an office with furniture, this cost item can be excluded. The cost of office equipment will amount to 80,000 rubles. You can also save a little on technology by using your personal computer for work.

In addition, professional database compilation software must be installed on the computers. Annual usage cost software will average 50,000 rubles.

4) Recruitment. At the initial stage of the business, for the functioning of a recruitment agency, it will be enough to have two employees on the staff. It is good if employees are generalists, because when working with personnel, you will need the professional qualities of a marketer, sales manager, sociologist, and psychologist. Their salary is 10-30% of the concluded deals, i.е. the average salary of a personnel manager is 25,000 rubles.

In large recruitment agencies, the staff also includes psychologists, lawyers, a system administrator, and an accountant. Some of these functions can be performed by a manager, some can be delegated outside specialists in the event of such a situation. In this project, the entrepreneur performs the functions of an accountant, system administrator and manager. Cleaning of the premises is the responsibility of the business center staff and is included in the rent, so there is no need to include a cleaning lady in the staff.

When choosing employees for a recruitment agency, you should focus on the following requirements: higher education, developed sales skills, experience in working with an array of information, confident computer skills, knowledge of the basics of recruitment, communication skills, competent oral and written speech, activity, initiative.


When planning how to open a recruitment agency, it is necessary to take into account the legislative norms of business legalization. Recently, the activities of recruitment agencies are not licensed.

The initial stage of opening a recruitment agency is registering a business in government bodies. For reference commercial activities an LLC is registered with a simplified taxation system (“income” at a rate of 6%). For registration legal entity must pay a state duty of 3000 rubles. The costs of registering a business include the costs of printing and opening a bank account.

In addition to registering as a taxpayer, you must register with social funds. It is also necessary to open a bank account for mutual settlements with clients. It is recommended that you seek the services of a lawyer to draft a sample recruitment agency contract. The cost of legal services will be about 1-2 thousand rubles.

Types of activities according to OKVED-2:

74.50.1. "Employment Services"

74.50.2. "Recruitment Services"

The staff of the organization includes two managers-recruiters, whose duties include:

Selection of mass and line personnel;

Continuous monitoring and evaluation of the labor market. Maintaining a database;

Direct search for candidates;

Conducting interviews;

Questioning, assessment of personnel in terms of competencies and knowledge of the professional field;

Preparation of interviews with the management team, coordination of deadlines, organization of a meeting with the candidate;

Processing resumes and application forms of candidates.

The work schedule of the recruitment agency is from 9:00 to 18:00, days off Saturday, Sunday.

Table 4 shows the staffing and payroll of a recruitment agency. The total wage fund is 97,500 rubles.

Table 4. Staffing and payroll


The financial plan takes into account all the income and expenses of the recruitment agency, the planning horizon is 3 years. It is assumed that after this period, business expansion will be required.

To launch the project, it is necessary to calculate the amount of start-up investments. To do this, you need to determine the cost of acquiring equipment and software, advertising and the formation of working capital to cover losses in the initial periods.

In accordance with financial calculations, the project requires the involvement of Money in the amount of 480,000 rubles. The main part of the required investments falls on the purchase of equipment - 48%, the share of expenses for the first month of rent - 3%, working capital - 31%, advertising - 16%, and other items of expenditure - 2%. The project is funded by equity. You should pay attention to the amount of working capital - this should be a sufficient amount, since the organization will receive the first income only from the second month of work.

The main investment cost items are shown in Table 5. The Equipment cost item includes office equipment, software, and the acquisition of access to the regional database of applicants.

You can reduce the amount of initial investment by refusing to purchase a ready-made database and cutting advertising costs. In this case, the starting capital of a recruitment agency can range from 300 to 500 thousand rubles. However, it should be understood that by saving on advertising and the database, the agency complicates the work process and runs the risk of being left without sales in the first months. Therefore, it is recommended not to save on these items in order to ensure income from the start of the business.

Table 5. Investment costs

Expenses include rent, advertising, depreciation, payroll and other expenses (Table 6). The amount of depreciation is determined by the straight-line method, based on the useful life of fixed assets in 5 years. Fixed costs also include tax deductions, but they are not taken into account in the table, since their size is not fixed and depends on the amount of revenue.

Table 6. Fixed costs

Thus, fixed monthly expenses were determined in the amount of 129,300 rubles.


The investment attractiveness of this project can be judged on the basis of simple and integral performance indicators. The change in the value of money over time is accounted for using the discounted cash flow method.

The payback period of a recruitment agency with an initial investment of 480,000 rubles is 9 months. The average sales volume per month is 7 orders. Based on this, the net monthly profit of the project upon reaching the planned sales volumes will be 158,000 rubles. It is planned to reach the planned sales volume for the tenth month of operation.

The annual volume of net profit for the first year of operation will be more than 893,000 rubles. Return on sales for the first year of operation is 34%. The return on investment is 28%, and the internal rate of return exceeds the discount rate and is equal to 15.6%. The net present value is positive and amounts to 995,546 rubles, which indicates the investment attractiveness of the project.

The recruitment agency financial plan takes into account the optimistic sales forecast that can be expected due to access to the database and high efficiency advertising campaign.


To assess the risk component of the project, it is necessary to conduct a risk analysis. The risks of a recruitment agency are quite specific and require the development of specific measures to prevent them.

High competition in the market. Customer companies prefer to turn to trusted agencies that have a certain weight in the market, since initially the customer and the agency treat each other with distrust. Thus, the presence on the market of stronger agencies that have managed to establish themselves is a negative factor for the new agency. At the same time, standard measures of competition will not always be effective - for example, reducing the cost of services. The customer will not save on a service that requires guarantees and High Quality. This risk can be reduced by creating your own client base and creating competitive advantages: an extensive database, operational efficiency, convenient conditions for the customer and a loyalty program for regular customers.

An increase in the cost of rent, which will lead to an increase in fixed costs and may affect the financial condition. It is possible to reduce the likelihood of risk by concluding a long-term lease agreement and choosing a conscientious landlord.

Seasonality of sales. Seasonality in the work of recruitment agencies is not pronounced, however, it should be borne in mind that the less active months are December, April, July and August. This is due to the fact that during these months people are the least looking for work. This does not apply to employers' applications, but a decrease in the number of candidates complicates the work of the agency and carries the risk of non-fulfillment of the order. To minimize the risk of seasonality, it is necessary to actively work with databases.

information risks. The human factor has a huge impact on the work of the agency. In the process of work, the following problems may arise: the applicant provides false information about himself; the employer hired the candidate probation, and then hired him informally, hiding it from the agent. In the first case, the agency must verify all information provided by the applicant. In the second case, the agency must execute all transactions in writing and within the framework of the law, carefully prescribing the client's obligation to pay, or requesting an advance payment for their services.

Business underfunding. The specifics of the activities of recruitment agencies is that the agencies plan their budgets based not on the absolute amount, but on the degree of probability of receiving it. To minimize the risks of underfunding, a recruitment agency needs to legally correctly draw up all contracts.

Delay in payment under contracts. This risk is quite serious and can lead to financial problems. To minimize this risk, it is recommended to clearly define the relationship of the parties and methods of dispute resolution. In particular, provide for sanctions against the customer in case of non-compliance with the terms of payment for services.

The risk of the theft of the "database" of employers and job seekers by the employees of the agency when they are dismissed. To minimize the risk of database theft, it is necessary to provide personalized access to the database (user identification when logging in, the use of a "electronic key"), as well as the use of reliable software when creating the database.

Negligence of employees, leading to losses, lack of motivation, which leads to low work efficiency. Unsatisfactory performance of agency employees can lead to low sales and financial losses. To avoid this, systematic control, financial motivation, and standardization of personnel work are necessary. The easiest way to reduce this risk is at the recruitment stage. It is necessary to carefully select employees and offer them favorable working conditions that can attract experienced employees.

Generalized data on the analysis of the risk component of the project are shown in Table 7. Thanks to the quantitative risk assessment, it is possible to establish what managers should focus on and what measures should be taken to minimize losses.

Table 7. Quantitative Risk Analysis

A professional team is the key to the success of any business. Large companies are responsible for the selection of personnel. Therefore, the demand for the services of recruitment agencies is high.

We will figure out how to open a recruitment agency from scratch, what documents are needed for this, where to find employers and whether such a business is profitable.

The recruitment agency is the link between the employee and the employer. Agencies are:

  • Full cycle services for both employers and job seekers
  • Not full cycle work only for those who are looking for or offering a job
  • Highly specialized help to find an employee or find a job in a certain area - for example, in IT

What services does a recruitment agency provide to clients?

  • Handles a large number of requests. Employers get a lot of responses for some vacancies. Not all companies have the resources to consider them
  • Finds rare specialists. According to the announcement, such an employee cannot be found, but in a large database of a recruitment agency - for sure
  • Conducts trainings and refresher courses. The demand for such services is growing every year. Employers want to make employees not only smarter, but also happier
  • Helps job seekers to find a job. Competent personnel officers can make a "candy" from the resume of any applicant for a vacancy and prepare it for an interview

Experienced recruitment agencies can organize all of the above quickly and efficiently.

Is it profitable to open a recruitment agency

The costs of starting a staffing agency from scratch depend on which market segment you are targeting.

So, for an online recruitment agency, it is enough:

  • computer
  • phone
  • Internet
  • own website
  • Access to specialized sites

If you intend to conduct full-fledged interviews and meet with employers, you will also have to rent an office.

In addition, the new business will need funds to pay employees and promotion.

Let's say you decide to open a full-service recruitment agency in St. Petersburg. You will need:

  • Rent a room - 80’000 ₽ per month, payment for the first and last month of rent is immediately paid
  • Computers and furniture - 200’000 ₽
  • Phone and Internet - 1’000 ₽
  • Access to specialized sites - from 60’000 ₽ per month
  • Creating your own website - from 50’000 ₽

Put another 100,000 ₽ for repairs.

Total: about 491,000 ₽ is needed to open a recruitment agency.

It will be possible to “recapture” the costs at the expense of customers. Thus, the commission of reputable recruitment agencies can reach up to 25% of the annual fund wages hired specialist. With well-organized business processes, a recruitment agency pays off within the first year of operation.

Opening a recruitment agency from scratch step by step

When opening a recruitment agency, an entrepreneur needs to go through several stages:

  • Register with the tax office as an individual entrepreneur or LLC
  • It is better to rent a room with an area of ​​at least 20-30 m², in a place with high traffic and parking
  • Buy equipment and furniture
  • Pay for access to specialized Internet sites
  • Create your own website
  • Hire staff - people with specialized education, experience, self-confidence

In addition, a recruitment agency will need a package of internal documents - several types of reporting and contracts.

Basic documents of the recruitment agency:

  • Contract for the provision of recruitment services. It should contain all the conditions for interaction between the agency and the customer, including confidentiality issues.
  • Selection request. In it, the customer indicates the requirements for the candidate and working conditions
  • Applicant Questionnaire. Required if the applicant does not have a resume
  • Recruiter reporting forms. Needed to regulate the work of HR managers working in your agency
  • Management reporting - on vacancies, finances (losses and profits), advertising costs, etc.
  • employment contract and job description recruitment manager
  • Conclusion based on the results of the interview - to report to the customer for each candidate: I liked / did not like the applicant and why
  • Resume standard - so that all resumes that you send to the customer are formatted in corporate identity your agency

When all the formalities are met, start looking for the first customers.

Where can a recruitment agency look for employers?

To know about you, you need spend advertising campaign . Inform about yourself on all popular Internet resources of the city, order several banners, make business cards to leave them to potential customers.

pay attention to newly established organizations. New companies may need the services of a recruitment agency.

Meet. visit all profile events and make contacts among company recruiters. Some of them may bring you more than one client.

Study the market. Compose list of organizations with whom you want to cooperate. Make an individual commercial offer for each. Then arrange a meeting with the leaders of the organizations and try to establish yourself with better side. Leave a good impression of yourself, and sooner or later a client will come to you.

Opening a recruitment agency great idea for small business. Be active and competently build business processes - then success will not keep you waiting.

Attention! The free business plan provided for download below is an example. Business plan, the best way corresponding to the conditions of your business, you need to create with the help of specialists.

My name is Oleg Burkasov and I am from Ulyanovsk. 3 years ago I graduated from the Faculty of Law. After that, he got a job as an intern at a company that was engaged in the sale of soft drinks. After a month of internship, I was hired as a junior lawyer. But since the staff was small, I also had to perform certain functions of a personnel officer.

Recruitment business plan

History of my business

During his labor activity, I repeatedly turned to recruitment agencies, which saved me quite a lot of time. However, I will say from experience that not all recruitment agencies work efficiently and conscientiously.

After 2 months, I found real professionals in this field. Almost all of the personnel candidates they proposed successfully passed the interview and continued to make their career in our company no less successfully.

About a year ago, a leading KA manager, with whom we were on fairly friendly working terms at the time, suggested that I open my own recruitment agency with him. This is how my own business started.

A good business plan is the first step to a successful business.

We had a small initial capital and the first thing we had to do was to enlist the support of investors.

Having found the necessary people, we began to develop a business plan.

We had few funds and we could not afford to order a service from the relevant specialists to develop a specific plan on which further business was to be built.

Therefore, we decided to create it ourselves.

Thanks to modern technologies, on the Internet you can find and download a large number of ready-made project data and instructions for compiling them, which we actually did.

Of course, none ready business plan does not guarantee success.

Since, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances of the labor market, demand, seasonality, inflation risks and the like.

However ready plan became for us a good basis for its further development and provision on favorable terms for investors.

Why do you need a business plan

Thanks to the business plan, we calculated:

1. How much funds do we need to open and launch the project and the period during which investors' funds will be paid, with all stipulated by the agreement percent.
2. The main characteristics of the work of the agency.
3. What kind of premises, equipment and other inventory is necessary for work.
3. What personnel will be required.
4. Risk assessment.
5. Financial plan required for the implementation of our project (according to our business plan - 2 years)

Every aspiring entrepreneur must understand that without good business plan it is impossible to create a thriving business. This is the foundation on which further work is built.

Is it necessary to use the services of professionals when developing your own business plan.

By downloading the project finished business plan, on one of the sites, I, with my business partner already now, processed it, entered all the calculations and data on the project. But, before submitting to investors, I used the services of an economist.

Since none of us had experienced skills in the financial sector, and we needed an effective project that had to be supported by investors.

Thus, the development of a business plan for a recruitment agency was conditionally divided into the following stages:

1. Acquisition of a ready-made business plan template.
2. Self processing data.
3. Template processing by an economist.
4. Presentation of a working business plan to investors.

The total cost of developing your own business plan was 7,000 rubles.

I hope that the information that I have presented in this article, which was taken from my work experience, can help aspiring entrepreneurs, and especially those who are trying to start their own business with a minimum net capital.

Business from scratch. recruitment agency

Some useful information and a brief presentation of the recruitment agency business plan:

Sample recruitment agency business plan


All information and data of the business plan are not subject to viewing and disclosure by third parties, without the prior consent of the recruitment agency and the developers of this business plan.

Recruitment agency resume

The branch of work of the agency is the recruitment of personnel of a wide range of specialties.
The cost of the project is 4,000,000 rubles.
Payback period - 2 years
Investor income - 272533, 32 rubles, with an interest rate of 17.5%
The total amount of payments to investors for the payback period is 4,272,533.32 rubles
The return of funds by the borrower and the payment of interest - from the first month of work.
The start of the project implementation is after receiving a loan for the amount specified above.

To study the numerous experience of other entrepreneurs who have created their own successful business with a franchise in the section of our website:

The most successful and informative case according to the editors of the Russtarup portal:

An interesting experience of creating a business under the franchising program is presented

Characteristics of the recruitment agency

Providing HR services in the following areas:

  • Banking and finance;
  • Insurance;
  • Accounting;
  • Telecommunications and communications;
  • Construction and architecture;
  • Medicine and health care;
  • Transport;
  • Real estate;
  • Security and safety;
  • Logistics, customs and warehouse;
  • Science and education;
  • Secretariat, office;
  • Trade and sales;
  • Service sector;
  • HR specialists, business coaches;
  • Marketing and advertising;
  • Industry;
  • Jurisprudence;

Recruitment staff:
Director, accountant (part-time), HR managers (2 people), psychologist, additional services, cleaners and system administrator.

Table number 1. Potential of consumers of services of recruitment agencies in Russia

Agency premises and location

A room with an area of ​​30 sq.m., with a separate office where reception and conversations with clients will be held, as well as taking into account good transport accessibility to the office.

Equipment and inventory necessary for the office:

  • 2 computers, printer, fax, copier and scanner;
  • Software;
  • Necessary household appliances;
  • Tableware;
  • Office furniture.

The main stages of the project implementation:

The duration of the project is 2 years.
Signing of all necessary documents, including the investment agreement - 1-30 business days.
Getting a loan - up to 1 banking month.
State registration and passing all the necessary procedures related to the opening and start of the agency, for a period of 1-30 calendar days.
Search suitable premises, purchase and installation of equipment - 1-30 calendar days.
Search and training of working personnel - 1-30 calendar days.
Creation of the initial working base - 1-30 working days.
Marketing company - 1- 360 calendar days.

Marketing plan

Accounting for all the nuances of pricing policy, studying the labor market, analyzing the demand for different groups employees in different seasons, as well as the development of their own marketing program.

Financial expenses

Room rental - 1,100,000 rubles.
Purchase of furniture - 23,000 rubles.
Office equipment - 50,000 rubles.
Acquisition of a working car - 600,000.
Advertising - 40,000 rubles.
The salary of employees (excluding the salary of HR managers) is 600,000 rubles per year.
The salaries of managers are accrued depending on the results of the work performed + the minimum rate.
Unforeseen expenses that will be documented.

Financial plan

  • Service sales forecast for 2 years;
  • Volumes and cost of services provided by the agency;
  • Calculation of all costs and taxes.

Assessment of possible risk and its accounting

Conclusions and all calculations of the profit of the recruitment agency, which will serve as a justification for investing in the project.
Calculation of the total amount of profit for 2 years, gross profit, monthly expenses and profit of creditors.

  • Personnel decides everything
  • Specification
  • Stages of business organization
  • Payback periods

A recruitment agency is a specific business that does not require a large start-up capital. It is not difficult to organize such a business, it is much more difficult to turn it into a successful enterprise, with an impressive client base and a stable income. In this article, we will tell the readers of the site //site/ how to open a recruitment agency from scratch by providing step by step instructions with advice.

Personnel decides everything

For a recruitment agency, the business qualities of the organizer are important, his acumen and determination are more than the amount of investment. Opening a recruitment organization will cost a penny, but it may remain a penny enterprise that has no chance of becoming a serious business. To avoid failure, you need to know some of the nuances, step by step go from creating a working concept to its implementation.

serious companies, large enterprises qualified professionals are highly valued. Abroad, they are a real hunt. Promising young people come to the attention of corporations as early as the college stage. They are tracked by recruitment agencies. There is also an active fight against the “burnt worker effect”, which indicates the high cost of professional skills in the labor market.

Attention! The Russian labor market offers employment specialists a paradoxical situation. On the one hand, the unemployment rate is high, on the other hand, high demand for qualified personnel. This is especially true for large cities. Opening a recruitment agency in a city where there are no sources of income other than the public sector is a waste of time and money.

Accordingly, the basic principles of the personnel center:

  1. Look for large clients, customers.
  2. Immediately open an active and effective hunt for talented or at least capable specialists.
  3. Strive to expand your business. This does not imply the opening of branches, here the development of the service will be relevant - the effective selection of personnel that meets the requirements of the customer in the shortest possible time, which will attract new customers and leave competing agencies behind.