The organizational structure of the management of the CHP and the main functions of the staff. Brief description of the work of the TPP, CHP

In thermal power plants, people get almost all the necessary energy on the planet. People learned how to receive electric current in one way, but still do not accept alternative options. Let them be unprofitable to use fuel, they do not refuse him.

What is the secret of thermal power plants?

Heat power plants It is no coincidence that remain indispensable. Their turbine produces energy by the simplest way using burning. Due to this, it is possible to minimize the costs of construction, considered fully justified. In all countries of the world there are such objects, so you can not be surprised by distribution.

Principle of operation of thermal power plants Built on burning huge amounts of fuel. As a result, electricity appears, which is first accumulated, and then it extends to certain regions. The schemes of thermal power plants almost remain constant.

What fuel is used at the station?

Each station uses separate fuel. It is specially supplied so as not to break the workflow. This moment remains one of the problematic, as transportation costs appear. What types does equipment use?

  • Coal;
  • Combustible shale;
  • Peat;
  • Mazut;
  • Natural gas.

Thermal schemes of thermal power plants are built on a certain form of fuel. Moreover, minor changes are made in them providing the maximum efficiency. If you do not do, the main consumption will be excessive, therefore, the resulting electrical current will not justify.

Types of thermal power plants

Types of thermal power plants - an important question. The answer to it will tell how the necessary energy appears. Today, serious changes are gradually made, where the main source will be alternative species, but so far their use remains inexpedient.

  1. Condensation (CAC);
  2. Heat-power center (CHP);
  3. State district power plants (GRES).

The power plants of the TPP will require a detailed description. Views are different, so only consideration will explain why this scale is being built.

Condensation (CAC)

Types of thermal power plants begin with condensation. Such CHPs are applied solely to generate electricity. Most often it accumulates, not immediately spreading. The condensation method provides maximum efficiency, so similar principles are considered optimal. Today in all countries allocate separate objects of large scale, providing extensive regions.

Gradually appear atomic installations that replace traditional fuel. Only the replacement remains an expensive and long-term process, since the work on organic fuel differs from other ways. And it is impossible to shut down a single station, because in such situations the whole areas remain without valuable electricity.

Heat-power center (CHP)

CHP are used immediately for several purposes. First of all, they are used to obtain valuable electricity, but burning fuel also remains useful for heat generation. Due to this, the heat plants continue to be applied in practice.

An important feature is that such thermal power plants are observed with respect to low power. They provide individual areas, so there is no need for bulk supply. Practice shows how profitable such a solution due to the installation of additional power lines. The principle of operation of the modern TPP is unnecessary only due to ecology.

State district power plants

General information about modern thermal power plants Do not celebrate GRES. Gradually, they remain in the background, losing their relevance. Although state district power plants remain useful in terms of energy generation.

Different types of thermal power plants provide support to extensive regions, but still their power is insufficient. During the time of the USSR, large-scale projects were carried out, which are now closed. The reason was the inappropriate use of fuel. Although their replacement remains problematic, since the advantages and disadvantages of modern TPPs primarily note large amounts of energy.

What power plants are thermal? Their principle is built on fuel combustion. They remain indispensable, although there are actively calculations on the equivalent replacement. Thermal power plants Benefits and disadvantages continue to confirm in practice. Because of which their work remains necessary.

Appointment of thermal power center. CHA concept

CHP (heat-power center) - Designed for centralized supply of consumers with heat and electricity. Their difference from the CAU is that they use the heat spent in the vapor turbines for the needs of production, heating, ventilation and hot water supply. Because of this combination of electricity and heat generation, significant fuel savings are achieved in comparison with separate energy supply (electricity generation on KES and thermal energy on local boiler rooms). Due to this method of combined production, a sufficiently high efficiency is achieved at the CHP, gaining up to 70%. Therefore, the CHP received widespread in areas and cities with high heat consumption. The maximum power of the CHP is less than the COP.

CHP tied to consumers, because The radius of heat transfer (steam, hot water) is approximately 15 km. Core CHPs transmit hot water at a higher initial temperature at a distance of 30 km. Couples for production needs with pressure of 0.8-1.6 MPa can be transferred to a distance of no more than 2-3 km. With the average thermal load density, the power of the CHP usually does not exceed 300-500 MW. Only in major cities, such as Moscow or St. Petersburg with a large thermal load density makes sense to build a power station up to 1000-1500 MW.

The power of the CHP and the type of turbogenerator is chosen according to the need for heat and the parameters of the steam used in the production processes and for heating. Turbines with one and two adjustable steam and capacitors were obtained the greatest application (see Fig.) Adjustable selections allow to regulate heat generation and electricity.

CHP mode - daily and seasonal - is determined mainly by heat consumption. The station works most economical if its electrical power corresponds to heat leave. At the same time, the capacitors enters the minimum number of steam. In winter, when the demand for heat is maximum, at the estimated air temperature in the opening hours of industrial enterprises, the load of the CHP generators is close to the nominal. During the periods when heat consumption is not enough, for example in summer, as well as in winter at air temperature above the calculated and at night, the electric power of the CHP, corresponding to heat consumption, decreases. If the power system needs electrical power, the CHP should switch to the mixed mode, in which the admission of steam increases in a portion of the low pressure of turbines and into condensers. The economy of the power plant is reduced.

The maximum generation of electricity with thermal consumption heat stations is possible only when working with powerful KES and HPP, which makes a significant part of the load in the clock reduction in heat consumption.

CHP - a thermal power plant that produces not only electricity, but also gives heat to our houses in winter. On the example of the Krasnoyarsk CHP, let's see how almost any thermal power plant works.

In Krasnoyarsk, there are 3 thermal power plants, the total electric power of which is only 1146 MW (for comparison, only our Novosibirsk CHP 5 has a capacity of 1,200 MW), but the Krasnoyarsk CHP-3 was noteworthy for me, the fact that the new station was not yet As the first and so far the only power unit was certified by the system operator and put into commercial operation. Therefore, I managed to shoot not yet duly, a beautiful station and learn a lot of new things for myself about the CHP.

In this post, in addition to technical information about KRUSTEC-3, I want to reveal the principle of work for almost any heat and center.

1. Three flue pipes, height of the highest of them 275 m, the second in height - 180m

The abbreviation of the CHP itself implies that the station produces not only electricity, but also heat (hot water, heating), moreover, heat generation is possible even more priority in our famous harsh winters.

2. The installed electrical power of the Krasnoyarsk CHP-3 208 MW, and the installed thermal power 631.5 Gcal / h

Simplified the principle of operation of the CHP can be described as follows:

It all starts with fuel. The role of fuel on different power plants can be coal, gas, peat, combustible shale. In our case, this is the brown coal of the brand B2 from the Borodino cut, located 162 km from the station. Coal is brought by rail. Part it is stored, the other part goes on the converable in the power unit, where coal itself is first crushed to dust and then served in the combustion chamber - steam boiler.

A steam boiler is an aggregate to produce a pair with a pressure above atmospheric from the continuously entering the nutrient water. It takes place for the heat of heat released during the combustion of fuel. The boiler itself looks pretty impressive. On KRUSTEC-3, the height of the boiler is 78 meters (26-storey house), and it weighs more than 7,000 tons.

6. Steam boiler brand EP-670, produced in Taganrog. Boiler performance 670 tons pair per hour

I borrowed from the website a simplified scheme of the steam boiler of the power plant so that it was clear to it

1 - heat chamber (firebox); 2 - horizontal gas - 3 - convective shaft; 4 - flue screens; 5 - ceiling screens; 6 - triggers; 7 - drum; 8 - radiation-convective steamer; 9 - convective steamer; 10 - water economizer; 11 - air heater; 12 - blowing fan; 13 - lower screenshots; 14 - slag chest; 15 - Cold Crown; 16 - burners. The diagram does not show the ashlar and the smoke.

7. View from above

10. The boiler drum is clearly visible. The drum is a cylindrical horizontal vessel having water and steam volumes that are separated by a surface called evaporation mirror.

Thanks to the large vapor capacity, the boiler has developed heating surfaces, both evaporative and steam-heater. He has a prismatic, four-born with natural circulation.

A couple of words about the principle of work of the boiler:

In the drum, passing the economizer, nourishing water falls, on the drain pipes goes down to the lower collectors of the screens from the pipes, along these pipes water rises up and, accordingly, heats up, because the torch is lit inside the firebox. The water turns into a steam-water mixture, part of it falls into the remote cyclones and the other part of the drum back. And there, and there is a division of this mixture into water and steam. Couples goes into superheatters, and water repeats its way.

11. Cooled flue gases (approximately 130 degrees) come out of the firebox to electrostilifers. In the electrostatic precipitors, gas purification occurs from ash, the ash is removed to the golden, and the purified flue gases go to the atmosphere. The effective degree of purification of flue gases is 99.7%.
In the photos are the most electrostilifers.

Passing through steamper steampers, heats up to a temperature of 545 degrees and enters the turbine, where the turbogenerator rotor rotates under pressure and, accordingly, electricity is produced. It should be noted that in condensation power plants (GRES) the water circulation system is completely closed. All pairs, passing through the turbine, is cooled and condensed. Turning into a liquid state again, water is re-used. And in the CHP turbines, not all couples falls into the condenser. Couple selection is carried out - production (the use of hot steam on any industries) and heatflow (hot water network). It makes CHP cost more profitable, but she has its own minuses. The disadvantage of thermal electrocontraws is that they should be built near the end user. The gasket of the heat paints is worth a huge amount of money.

12. In the Krasnoyarsk CHP-3, a direct-flow system of technical water supply is used, it allows you to abandon the use of a cooling edge. That is, water for cooling the capacitor and use in the boiler takes directly from the Yenisei, but before that it passes clean and desalting. After use, the water returns through the channel back to the Yenisei, passing the scattering system (mixing the heated water with cold, in order to reduce thermal pollution of the river)

14. Turbogenerator

I hope I managed to clearly describe the principle of the CHP. Now a little about Krastz-3.

The construction of the station began back in 1981, but, as we have in Russia, because of the collaps of the USSR and crises, the CHP did not work on time. From 1992 to 2012, the station worked as a boiler room - heated water, but electricity learned only on March 1 last year.

Krasnoyarsk CHP-3 belongs to the Yenisei TGK-13. About 560 people work on the CHP. Currently, Krasnoyarsk CHPP-3 provides heat supply of industrial enterprises and housing and communal services sector of the Soviet district of Krasnoyarsk - in particular, the Northern neighborhoods, "Burst", "Pokrovsky" and "Innokentievsky".


19. CPU

20. Even on KRUSTEC-3 there are 4 water boiler

21. Peephole in the furnace

23. And this photo is removed from the roof of the power unit. A large pipe has a height of 180m, that smaller is a trumpet of a starting boiler room.

24. Transformers

25. KRASTA-3 is used as a switchgear on KRASTEC-3, a closed distribution device with Eleginase insulation (ZRUE) by 220 kV is used.

26. Inside the building

28. General view of the distribution device

29. That's all. Thanks for attention

The supply of heat and electricity is one of the main objectives of the state. In addition, without generating electricity, it is impossible to imagine the developed producing and processing industry, without which the country's economy cannot exist in principle.

One way to solve the problem of lack of energy is the construction of CHP. Deciphering this term is quite simple: this is the so-called thermal power center, which is one of the most common varieties of thermal power plants. In our country, they are very common, as they work at organic fossil fuel (coal), whose characteristics are presented very modest requirements.


That's what CHP is. Decoding the concept you already familiar. But what features has this kind of power plants? After all, it is no coincidence that they allocate them in a separate category!?

The fact is that they produce not only electricity, but also heat that is supplied to consumers in the form of hot water and steam. It should be noted that electricity is a by-product, as the steam, which is served in the heating system, first rotates the generator turbines. The combination of two enterprises (boiler and power plants) is good because it is possible to significantly reduce fuel consumption.

However, the same leads to a rather minor "area of \u200b\u200bdistribution" of CHP. The decoding is simple: as not only electricity is served from the station, which with minimal losses can be transported by thousands of kilometers, but also a heated heat carrier, they cannot be placed at a significant distance from the settlement. It is not surprising that almost all CHPs are built in close proximity to the cities whose residents they are heated and illuminated.

Environmental importance

Due to the fact that during the construction of such a power plant, it is possible to get rid of many old urban boilers, which play an extremely negative role in the environmental state of the district (a huge amount of soot), the purity of air in the city is sometimes possible to increase the order. In addition, new CHPs make it possible to eliminate garbage dilutions in urban dumps.

The newest cleaner equipment allows you to effectively clean the emission, and the energy efficiency of such a solution is extremely large. Thus, the separation of energy from the combustion of tons of oil is identical to that volume, which is allocated during the disposal of two tons of plastic. And so this "good" is enough for dozens of years ahead!

Most often, the construction of CHP assumes the use of fossil fuels, which we have already spoken above. However, in recent years it is planned to create which will be mounted in the conditions of hard-to-reach regions of the Far North. Since the supply of fuel is extremely difficult, nuclear power is the only reliable and constant source of energy.

What are they?

There are CHPs (photos of which are in the article) industrial and "domestic", heating. It is easy to guess from the name, industrial power plants provide with electricity and warmth large manufacturing enterprises.

Often are built even at the stage of the construction of the plant, making up a single infrastructure with it. Accordingly, the "household" varieties are elevated near the city's sleeping microdines. In the industrial transmitted in the form of a hot steam (no more than 4-5 km), in the case of heating - with hot water (20-30 km).

Station Equipment Information

The main equipment of these enterprises are turbine units that translate mechanical energy into electricity, and boilers responsible for the development of a couple that rotates the flywheels of the generators. The turbine unit includes both turbine itself and a synchronous generator. Conbins with a backpressure of 0.7-1.5 MN / M2 put on those CHPs, which are equipped with heat and energy industrial facilities. Models with a pressure of 0.05-0.25 MN / m2 serve to provide household consumers.

QPD issues

In principle, all generated heat can be used completely. That's just the amount of electricity that is produced at the CHP (deciphering this term is already known to you), directly depends on the heat load. Simply put, in the spring-summer period, its development decreases hardly to zero. Thus, the counterparts are used only for supplying industrial facilities, in which the consumption value is more or less uniform throughout the entire period.

Installation of condensing type

In this case, only the so-called "selection pairs" is used to supply consumers, and everything else is often simply lost, scattering in the environment. To reduce energy losses, such CHPs should work with minimal heat release into a condensing installation.

However, since the USSR, such stations are built, in which hybrid mode is constructively provided: they can work as conventional condensing CHP, but their turbine generator fully admits operation in the oppression mode.

Universal varieties

It is not surprising that it is the installation with condensation pair received the maximum distribution due to their versatility. So, only they make it possible to almost independently adjust the electrical and thermal load. Even if the heat load is not at all foreseen (in the case of a particular roast summer), the population will be supplied with electricity for the same schedule (Western CHP in St. Petersburg).

"Thermal" varieties of CHP

As you could already understand, heat generation on such power plants is characterized by extreme unevenness throughout the year. In the ideal case, about 50% of hot water or steam is heated by consumers, and the rest of the coolant is used to generate electricity. This is how the south-west CHP in the northern capital works.

Heat leave in most cases is performed in two schemes. If an open option is used, then hot steam from turbines goes directly to consumers. If the closed operation scheme was selected, the coolant is supplied after passing the heat exchangers. The selection of the scheme is determined on the basis of many factors. First of all, the distance from the object provided by heat and electricity, the number of population and season is taken into account. Thus, the South-West CHP in St. Petersburg works in a closed scheme, as it provides greater efficacy.

Characteristics of the fuel used

It can be used solid, liquid and since the CHP is often built in close proximity to major settlements and cities, it often has to use quite valuable types, gas and fuel oil. The use of the same as such coal and garbage in our country is quite limited, since it is far from all stations a modern efficient air-reading equipment is installed.

To clear the exhaust of installations, special solid particulate trap are used. To disperse solid particles in sufficiently high layers of the atmosphere, build pipes with a height of 200-250 meters. As a rule, all the heat and power plant (CHP) stand at a fairly large distance from water supply sources (river and reservoirs). Therefore, artificial systems are used, including in their composition of cooling towers. The straight-flow supply of water is extremely rare, in very specific conditions.

Features of gas stations

Gas CHP are mansion. The heat supply of consumers is carried out not only due to the energy, which is produced during combustion but also during the disposal of heat heat, which are formed. The efficiency of such installations is extremely high. In some cases, atomic stations can be used as the CHP. This is especially common in some Arab countries.

There these stations play two roles at once: provide supply to the population with electricity and technical water, as they are simultaneously performed by functions and now consider the main CHP of our country and neighboring countries.

South-West, St. Petersburg

In our country, Western CHP is fame, which is located in St. Petersburg. Registered as OJSC "South-West CHP". Construction of this modern facility pursued several functions at once:

  • Compensation for a strong deficit of thermal energy, which prevented the intensification of housing program.
  • Improving the reliability and energy efficiency of the urban system as a whole, since it was with this aspect that St. Petersburg had problems. CHP made it possible to partially solve this problem.

But this station is also known for the fact that one of the first in Russia began to correspond to the strictest environmental requirements. For the new enterprise, the city government allocated an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 20 hectares. The fact is that the construction area remaining from the Kirov district was assigned to construction. In those edges there was an old ash collection from the CHP-14, and therefore the area was not suitable for the construction of housing, but it is extremely successful.

The launch took place at the end of 2010, and at the ceremony there was almost all the city's leadership. The two newest automatic boiler installations were introduced into operation.


Murmansk is known as the base of our fleet on the Baltic Sea. But it is also characterized by the extreme severity of climatic conditions, which imposes certain requirements for its energy system. It is not surprising that the Murmansk CHP is in many ways a completely unique technical object, even on the scale of the whole country.

It was commissioned back in 1934, and since then continues to properly supply residents of the city with warmth and electricity. However, in the first five years, the Murmansk CHP was an ordinary power plant. The first 1150 meters of the heating mains were laid only in 1939. The case in the launched Nizhne-Tulskaya HPP, which almost completely overlap the needs of the city in electricity, and therefore it was possible to release a part of the heat generation for the heating of urban homes.

The station is characteristic of the fact that all year it works in a balanced mode, since its thermal and energy production is approximately equal. However, under the conditions of the Polar Night, the CHP in some peak moments begins to use most of the fuel precisely to generate electricity.

Novopolotsk Station, Belarus

Design and construction of this facility began in August 1957. The new Novopolotsk CHP should have solved the issue of not only the heat supply of the city, but also to ensure electricity built in the same area of \u200b\u200bthe oil refinery. In March 1958, the project was finally signed, approved and approved.

The first was put into operation in 1966. The second was launched in 1977. At the same time, Novopolotsk CHP was modernized for the first time, its peak power increased to 505 MW, and a little later laid the third-time construction, completed in 1982. In 1994, the station was translated into liquefied natural gas.

To date, the modernization of the enterprise has already invested about 50 million US dollars. Thanks to such an impressive monetary infusion, the company not only was fully translated into gas, but also received a huge number of completely new equipment, which will allow the station to stop still dozens of years.


Oddly enough, but today it is obsolete CHP that are truly versatile and promising stations. Using modern neutralizers and filters, it is possible to heat the water, burning almost all the garbage, which produces a settlement. At the same time, a triple benefit is achieved:

  • Dumps are unloaded and cleared.
  • The city gets cheap electricity.
  • The problem with heating is solved.

In addition, in coastal areas, the construction of the CHP, which will simultaneously be plastic desirers at the same time. Such a liquid is quite suitable for irrigation, for livestock complexes and industrial enterprises. In short, the real technology of the future!

How is the CHP? CHP aggregates. Equipment CHP. Principles of CHP. PGU-450.

Hello, dear ladies and respected gentlemen!

When I studied at the Moscow Energy Institute, I lacked practice. At the Institute, you have a case mainly with "pieces", and I have already wanted to see the "glands". It was often difficult to understand how one or another aggregate is arranged, never before seeing it. The sketches offered by students do not always allow you to understand a full picture, and few people could imagine a true design, for example, a steam turbine, considering only pictures in the book.

This page is designed to fill out an existing gap and provide everyone who is interested. Let not be too detailed, but the equipment of the heat-electro central (CHP) is provided on how "from the inside". The article considers the type of PSU-450 power unit for Russia, which uses a mixed cycle in its work - a steam-gas (most of the CHP is used only by the steam cycle).

The advantage of this page is that the photos presented on it are performed at the time of construction of the power unit, which made it possible to extract the device of some technological equipment in a disassembled form. In my opinion, this page will be most useful for students of energy specialties - to understand the essence of the issues studied, as well as for teachers - to use individual photos as a methodological material.

The source of energy for the operation of this power unit is natural gas. When combustion of gas, thermal energy is distinguished, which is then used to work all the equipment of the power unit.

In total, three energy machines operate in the power unit scheme: two gas turbines and one steam. Each of the three machines is designed for the nominal electric power generated 150 MW.

Gas turbines on the principle of action are similar to engines of jet aircraft.

For the operation of gas turbines, two components are needed: gas and air. Air, from the street, comes through the air intakes. The air intakes are closed with lattices to protect the gas turbine installation from birds from entering and all garbage. In them, an anti-proper system is mounted, which prevents the altitude of ice in the winter period.

Air enters the input of the gas turbine installation compressor (axial type). After that, in the compressed form, it enters the combustion chambers, where natural gas is supplied except the air. In total, two combustion chambers are installed on each gas turbine installation. They are located on the sides. In the first photo below the air duct is not yet mounted, and the left combustion chamber is closed with a cellophane film, on the second - the vehicle is already installed around the combustion chambers, the electric generator is installed:

On each combustion chamber, 8 gas burners are installed:

In combustion chambers, the process of combustion of the gas-air mixture and the release of thermal energy occurs. This is how the combustion cameras "from within" look like - just where the flame is continuously burning. The walls of the chambers are laid out with a refractory lining:

In the lower part of the combustion chamber there is a small viewing window that allows you to observe the processes occurring in the combustion chamber. The video below demonstrates the combustion process of the gas-air mixture in the combustion chamber of the gas turbine installation at the time of its launch and when operating by 30% of the rated power:

The air compressor and gas turbine are on the same shaft, and the turbine torque portion is used to drive the compressor.

The turbine produces more work than required for the compressor drive, and the excess of this work is used to drive a "payload". As such a load, an electric generator with an electric power of 150mW is used - it is electricity produced in it. In the photo below "Gray Shed" - it is just an electric generator. The electric generator is also on the same shaft with a compressor and turbine. All together rotates with a frequency of 3000 rpm.

When passing a gas turbine, combustion products give it some of their thermal energy, but not all the energy of combustion products is used to rotate the gas turbine. A significant part of this energy cannot be used by a gas turbine, so combustion products at the outlet of the gas turbine (exhaust gases) carry a lot of heat with them (the gas temperature at the gas turbine outlet is about 500° FROM). In the aircraft engines, this heat is extremely discharged into the environment, but on the power unit under consideration it is used further - in a steamyl cycle. For this, the exhaust gases from the output of the gas turbine "blow up" from the bottom to the m. "Boiler utilizers" - one for each gas turbine. Two gas turbines - two boiler utilizers.

Each boiler is a construction height in several floors.

In these boilers, the thermal energy of the exhaust gases of the gas turbine is used to heat the water and turn it into steam. Subsequently, this pair is used when working in a steam turbine, but a little later.

For heating and evaporation, water passes inside the tubes with a diameter of about 30mm located horizontally, and the exhaust gases from the gas turbine are "washed" these tubes outside. This is where heat transmission from gases to water (pair):

Giving most of the thermal energy a pair and water, the exhaust gases are at the top of the boiler-utilizer and are removed by chimney through the roof of the workshop:

On the outside of the building, the chimneys from two boiler-utilizers converge into one vertical smoke tube:

The following photos allow you to estimate the size of the chimneys. The first photo presents one of the "corners", which the chimneys of the recyclars boiler are connected to the vertical trunk of the chimney, on the other photographs - the process of mounting the chimney.

But back to the design of the utilizers. The tubes for which water passes inside boilers is divided into many sections - pipe beams, which form several sections:

1. The economic sector (which on this power unit has a special name - the gas heater of condensate - GPC);

2. Evaporative plot;

3. Steam-heating area.

The economizer site is used to heal water from order temperature. 40 ° the temperature close to the boiling point. After that, the water enters the deaerator - the steel container, where the water parameters are supported by such a way that the gases dissolved in it are intensified in it. Gas are assembled at the top of the tank and removed into the atmosphere. Removal of gases, especially oxygen, is necessary to prevent the rapid corrosion of the technological equipment with which our water contacts.

After passing the deaerator, the water acquires the name "Nutrient Water" and enters the inlet of nutritional pumps. This is how the nutrient pumps looked like when they had just brought to the station (their total 3pcs.):

Nutrition pumps have an electric drive (asynchronous engines are powered by a voltage of 6 kV and have a capacity of 1.3mW). Between the pump itself and the electric motor is hydromefta - unit, Allows you to smoothly change the frequency of rotation of the pump shaft in wide limits.

The principle of operation of hydromeflues is similar to the principle of action of hydromefet in automatic transmission of cars.

Inside there are two wheels with blades, one "sits" on the shaft of the electric motor, the second is on the pump shaft. The space between the wheels can be filled with oil to different levels. The first wheel rotated by the engine creates a flow of oil, "hit" in the reservoir of the second wheel, and involving it in rotation. The more the oil is flooded between the wheels, the better "clutch" will have shafts among themselves, and the greater the mechanical power will be transmitted through the hydrumule to the nutritional pump.

The oil level between the wheels is varied using T.N. "Chat pipe", pumping oil from the space between the wheels. Adjusting the position of the barn pipe is carried out with the help of a special actuator.

The nourishing pump centrifugal, multistage. Notice, this pump develops the total pressure of steam turbine and even exceeds it (by the size of the hydraulic resistances of the remaining part of the boiler-utilizer, hydraulic resistances of pipelines and reinforcement).

It was not possible to see the design of the working wheels of the new nutritional pump (since it was already assembled), but on the territory of the station it was possible to detect parts of the old nutrient pump similar design. The pump consists of alternating rotating centrifugal wheels and fixed guide drives.

Still guide drive:


From the yield of nutrient pumps, nutrient water is supplied to. "Drum-separators" - horizontal steel containers intended for separation of water and steam:

On each boiler-utilizer installed two drums-separator (only 4 on the power unit). In combination with tubes of evaporative sections inside boilers - utilizers, they form circuits circulation of a steam mixture. It works as follows.

Water with a temperature close to the boiling point enters the tubes of evaporative sections, proceeding along which it is fitted to the boiling point and then partially turns into pairs. At the exit of the evaporative plot, we have a steam mixture that enters the drums-separators. Special devices are mounted inside drums-separators

Which help to separate couples from water. Course is then fed to the steam heating area, where its temperature increases even more, and the water separated in the drum-separator (separated) water is mixed with nutrient water and goes back to the evaporative portion of the boiler-utilizer.

After the steamper segment of the pairs from one boiler, the recyclarator is mixed with the same ferry of the second utilization boiler and enters the turbine. Its temperature is so high that the pipelines by which it passes, if you remove heat insulation, - light in the dark with a dark red glow. And now this steam is fed to the steam turbine to give it some of its thermal energy and make a useful work.

Steam turbine has 2 cylinders - high pressure cylinder and low pressure cylinder. Low pressure cylinder - two-way. In it, steam is divided into 2 streams working in parallel. In the cylinders are turbine rotors. Each rotor, in turn, consists of steps - disks with blades. "Hitting" in the blade, steam causes the rotors to rotate. The following reflects the overall design of the steam turbine: closer to us - a high pressure rotor, further from us - a two-way low pressure rotor

This is how the low pressure rotor looked when it was only unpacked from the factory packaging. Notice, it has only 4 steps (and not 8):

But the high pressure rotor at closer examination. It has 20 steps. Also pay attention to the massive steel turbine case, consisting of two halves - the bottom and top (on the photo only lower), and the studs, with which these halves are connected to each other. So that when starting the case is faster, but at the same time, the steam heating system "flanges and studs" is used more evenly, see a special channel around the studs? It is through it that a special flow of steam is passed to warm the turbine housing when it starts.

So that steam "hit" in the rotor blades and forced them to rotate, this couple must first be sent and accelerated in the right direction. For this, T.N. Nozzles lattices are fixed sections with fixed blades, located between rotating rotors. Nozzle grilles do not rotate - they are fixed, and serve only for the direction and acceleration of steam in the right direction. In the photo below the pair passes "because of these blades on us" and "spinning" around the axis of the turbine counterclockwise. Further, "hitting" into rotating rotor blades of the rotor, which are immediately behind the snotty lattice, the steam transfers its "rotation" of the rotor of the turbine.

In the photo below you can see parts of nozzle lattices prepared for installation

And in these photos - the lower part of the turbine housing with the halves of nozzle gratings already installed in it:

After that, the rotor is embedded in the housing, the upper halves of the nozzle gratings are mounted, then the upper part of the case, then various pipelines, thermal insulation and casing:

After passing through the turbine, the pairs enters the capacitors. This turbine has two capacitors by the number of streams in a low-pressure cylinder. Look at the photo below. It is clearly visible to the lower part of the steam turbine housing. Pay attention to the rectangular parts of the low-pressure cylinder body, closed on top of wooden shields. These are the exhaust of the steam turbine and the inputs into capacitors.

When the housing of the steam turbine turns out to be fully assembled, a space is formed on the outputs of a low-pressure cylinder, the pressure in which when the steam turbine is running about 20 times lower than atmospheric, so the low-pressure cylinder body is designed not to resist pressure from the inside, but to the pressure resistance from the outside - t. e. atmospheric pressure of air. The capacitors themselves are under low pressure cylinder. The photo below is rectangular containers with two hatches on each.

The capacitor is arranged similar to the boiler-utilizer. Inside it is a plurality of tubes with a diameter of about 30mm. If we open one of the two hatches of each condenser and look inside, we will see the "pipe boards":

Through these tubes proceeds cooling water, which is called technical water. Couples from the witch of steam turbine turns out to be in the space between the tubes outside them (behind the pipe board in the photo above), and, giving the residual heat of technical water through the walls of the tubes, condenses on their surface. Condensate steam flows down, accumulates in condensate collectors (at the bottom of the condensers), after which it falls on the input of condensate pumps. Each condensate pump (and in total 5) is driven by a three-phase asynchronous electric motor designed to voltage 6kv.

From the exit of condensate pumps, water (condensate) is again entered on the input of economizer sections of boiler utilities and, thus, the steamyl cycle is closed. The whole system is almost hermetic and water, which is a working fluid, repeatedly turns into steam in boiler-utilizers, in the form of a couple makes work in the turbine to turn into water in the turbine condensers, etc.

This water (in the form of water or steam) is constantly in contact with the internal parts of the technological equipment, and in order not to cause them to quick corrosion and wear - is specially chemically prepared.

But back to the steam turbine condensers.

Technical water, heated in the tubes of steam turbine capacitors, on underground technical water supply pipelines is excreted from the workshop and is supplied to the cooling towers - so that the heat takes place in the vapor from the turbine, the surrounding atmosphere. The photographs below shows the design of the cooling toward, erected for our power unit. The principle of its work is based on splashing inside the cooling tower of warm technical water with stroke devices (from the word "souls"). Water drops fall down and give their heat air inside the cooling towers. The heated air rises upwards, and cold air from the street comes from its place at the bottom of the cooling.

This is how the cooling towers looks like. It is through the "gap" from the bottom of the cooling edge comes cold air for cooling technical water

The depth of the cooling gland is the catchment pool, which fall and where the droplets of technical water are harvested, released from stroke devices and gave their heat air. Above the pool is a system of distributing pipes, for which warm technical water is supplied to stroke devices.

The space above and under the fragrant devices is filled with a special packing of plastic blinds. The lower blinds are designed for a more uniform distribution of "rain" in the area of \u200b\u200bthe cooling area, and the upper blinds - to capture the small droplets of the water and prevent excessive tendering of technical water along with air through the top of the cooling tower. However, at the time of the prescribed photographs, plastic blinds have not yet been established.

Bo theorest, in height, part of the cooling towers is not filled and is intended only for creating thrust (heated air rises up). If we stand over the distributing pipelines, we will see that there is nothing above and the rest of the cooling round - empty

The next video transmits impressions of finding inside the cooling edge

At that time, when photographs of this page were captured, the cooling towers, built for a new power unit - has not yet functioned. However, there were other cooling towers on the territory of this CHP, which worked, which made it possible to capture a similar cooling tower in the work. Steel blinds at the bottom of the cooling towers are designed to regulate the flow of cold air and prevent the prevention of technical water in the winter period

Cooled and harvested in the cooling cooling towers, technical water is again fed to the inlet of tubes of the steam turbine capacitor to take away a new portion of heat and so on. In addition, technical water is used to cool other technological equipment, for example, electrical generators.

The next video shows how technical water is cooled in the cooling towers.

Since technical water directly contacts the surrounding air, dust, sand, grass and other dirt fall into it. Therefore, at the entrance of this water in the workshop, on the input pipeline of technical water, a self-cleaning filter is installed. This filter consists of several sections reinforced on a rotating wheel. Through one of the sections, from time to time, the reverse flow of water is organized for flushing it. Then the wheel with sections rotates, and the flushing of the next section begins and so on.

This is how this self-cleaning filter looks like from the inside of the technical water pipeline:

And so outside (the drive electric motor is not yet mounted):

It should be done here and say that the installation of all technological equipment in the turbine workshop is carried out using two bridge cranes. Each crane has three separate winches designed to work with cargoes of different masses.

Now I would like to tell a little about the electrical part of this power unit.

Electricity is produced using three electric generators driven by two gas and one steam turbine. Part of the equipment for the installation of the power unit was brought by vehicles, and part of the railway. Right to the turbine workshop, the railway was laid, in which the construction of the power unit was brought by large-sized equipment.

The photo below captures the process of delivery of a stator of one of the electric generators. Let me remind you that each electric generator has a nominal electrical power of 150mW. Note that the railway platform on which the electric generator stator was brought has 16 axes (32 wheels).

The railway has a small rounding at the entrance to the workshop, and considering that the wheels of each wheeler pair are hard on their axes, when driving on a rounded area of \u200b\u200bthe railway, one of the wheels of each wheel pair is forced to slip (since on the rounding rails have different Length). The video below shows how it happened when the platform was moving with an electric generator stator. Pay attention to how bouncing sand on the splas at the moments of slipping wheels on the rails.

Due to the large mass, the installation of stains of electric generators was carried out using both bridge cranes:

In the photo below shows the inner view of the stator of one of the electric generators:

And here was the installation of the rotors of the electric generators:

The output voltage of the generators is order of 20kv. Output current - thousands of amps. This electricity is excreted from the turbine workshop and enhanced the increasing transformers located outside the building. To transmit electricity from electric generators to boost transformers, such electrides are used (current flows through the central aluminum pipe):

To measure the current in these "wires", current current transformers are used (on third photos above the same current transformer is vertically):

The photo below shows one of the boiling transformers. Output voltage - 220kV. From their outputs, electricity is supplied to the power grid.

In addition to electrical energy, the CHP also produces thermal energy used for heating and hot water supply of nearby areas. For this, there are steam turbines in the steam turbine, that is, part of the pair is derived from the turbine without reaching the condenser. This, still enough hot couples, enters the network heaters. Network heater is a heat exchanger. According to the design, it is very similar to the steam turbine capacitor. The difference is that there are no technical water in the tubes, but network water. Network heaters on the power unit are two. Let's look at a photo with the condensers of the turbine. Rectangular containers - capacitors, and "round" - this is just network heaters. I remind you that all this is under steam turbine.

Putting in tubes of network heaters network water is supplied using underground pipelines of the network water into the thermal network. Heating the buildings of areas located around the CHP, and giving them their heat, the network water returns to the station again to be heated again in the network heaters, etc.

The work of the entire power unit is monitored by ACS TP "Ovation" of the American Corporation "Emerson"

But what does cable half-item look like, located under the room of the ACS TP. According to these cables in the ACS TP, signals come from a plurality of sensors, and signals are traveled to actuators.

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