How to make a pen: a step-by-step master class for making a ballpoint pen with your own hands. What can be done with a pen? What can be done from old fountain pens

For the idea to use this garbage, the prize was given to my nephew!My little nephew is a real Plushkin! He collects everything that catches his eye. Some wires, pencils, beads, pieces of something... Of course, old ballpoint pens also fall into this huge collection of rubbish. It is almost impossible to reduce this pile of garbage in any way - a scandal for the whole house. :But you can try to negotiate. Convince, change a bunch of something for one object of interest to him, or offer to do something!Once I went into his room and found that the child made a small circle of plasticine into which he sticks cones from ballpoint pens. To the question "What will it be?" the answer was given "Can't you see? It's a vase!"As a result, I exchanged all his supply of pens with my nephew and dragged him to my room 🙂 After that, I opened the drawer in which I keep what it is a pity to throw away 🙂I needed 14 cones from old pens (the same!), a tube of superglue, a small cd-200 Mb disk and a whole bunch of different beads.I smeared the base of each handle with glue and attached it to the disk in a circle with an indent of half a centimeter from the edge of the disk. The handles were glued not strictly up, but with an outward inclination.What are the beads for? And the beads sat on the glue and filled the gaps between the handles! You can glue them tightly, you can leave gaps between them. Whoever likes it. The main thing is that the beads should be of different shapes and sizes - then the vase turns out to be fun! Well, you need to work more carefully with glue so as not to stick your own fingers and not leave glue stains on the outside of the vase.I decorated the tops of the handles with the same beads.It turned out to be a very funny thing. Of course, you can’t pour water into it in any case! But put a dry bouquet, or brushes / pencils - it’s quite possible!Z.Y. Recommended for those who have a lot of free time! 😉

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Making a beautiful simple pen and making it original is easy. The most original ideas you can think of.
To make a beautiful pen, you need to take the pen itself, decor material and glue. You can decorate by wrapping it with a narrow satin ribbon, attach a flower or a bow made of paper or fabric to the upper edge. Get an original designer thing. Such a pen can be an interesting gift made with soul.

The idea to braid the handle with multi-colored threads using the macrame technique, and if also with original weaving, is a chic option for a stylish girl.

You can decorate your pen as you like with any beautiful things, rubber bands, stickers, feathers, rhinestones. Everything you want.

What can be done with a pen

The body of a ballpoint pen can serve as a material for various crafts.

  • You can make an original stand for a mobile phone. To do this, you need four to five pens and rubber bands for money. Twist the three handles with a rubber band so that you get a stable tripod. Screw one or two handles horizontally to the two legs, depending on the thickness of the phone. Install the resulting structure slightly at an angle and put your smartphone on it. Watching videos is very convenient and hands free.
  • From a pen and four simple pencils you can make. From pencils with the help of rubber bands, assemble the base in the shape of the letter "T". Attach the old pen to the bottom of the letter. The function of the bowstring will be performed by an elastic band. As arrows, you can use old empty rods. Here is a toy for the boys is ready.
    Many probably remember multi-tiered chandeliers with transparent plastic pendants.
  • You can do it the same way. You will need a plastic circle attached to the lamp, and a lot of multi-colored transparent cases from the handles. Stationery is fixed in a circle with wire or paper clips. When you turn on the lamp, the lampshade will look like a crystal, and scatter multi-colored light.

How to make a pen with your own hands

How to make a 3D pen with your own hands

Such a pen can be made from a regular glue gun. First you need to disassemble it and remove the pushing mechanism, it is better to saw off the lower part of the pistol handle. Then you need to reduce the outlet. You can stick a paperclip in there and tape it so that it does not fall out. The next step is to attach a mini fan, these are found in various devices and are sold in stores as spare parts. Small alligator clips are attached to the fan wires, we will use them to connect the battery. Now you need to fix the krone battery on the bottom of the gun. Use plastic zip ties and glue to secure all parts. That's all - a 3D pen with your own hands is ready. You can try to draw.

For a fountain pen, you need the pen itself. You can take turkey or goose, they are large. Paint with dyes in any color you want. Available in several colors at once. The feather cover above the base must be removed so that it is more convenient to hold when writing. With a sharp knife, cut off the lower part of the feather under the cone. It is very hard and you can write with the resulting tip.

You can also use a calligraphy pen. It must be attached to the prepared turkey feather, and the junction should be decorated. Made in this way, the pen will be more durable.

DIY gel pen

  • A gel pen can be made just like a simple one. Any material can be used as the body for the rod. Just insert the gel rod into the manufactured flask.
  • The gel pen is an aquarium, a very interesting option and the core can be changed. For manufacturing, you will need a transparent flask with a wooden stopper. We make a hole in the cork according to the size of the gel rod. The cork can be painted if desired. Pour water into the flask and add glycerin. The more glycerin, the slower the decor inside will float. Pour into a flask filled with liquid, various sparkles, stars and, of course, foil fish. We insert the rod into the cork and close the flask with it. Pen - the aquarium is ready.

How to make a paper pen

A pen made of paper can be of a wide variety of colors. To make it, you will need an A4 sheet and a rod. Cut off part of the sheet at an angle so that when you twist the rod, you get a beveled spout. We take the rod, coat it with glue, when it sticks tightly, we begin to twist it tightly. Finish with glue. You can color the pen however you like. You can draw various patterns. Be sure to varnish the handle so that the paper does not rub off during use.

The rod in such a pen will not change. Finished, make a new pen.

How to make a pen pencil

To create a two-in-one pen and pencil, you will need a pen, a simple pencil. We disassemble the pen. Cut off half of the pencil, maybe less. Now you need to insert the part of the pencil into the body of the pen. Naturally, it will not fit there, so it needs to be cut a little with a clerical knife. They inserted a pencil and tied it tightly with electrical tape. Now we cut the rod from the handle to insert it into place and assemble the handle. Now you do not need to look for a pencil to draw something, you will always have it on the back of the pen with which you write.
Do not throw away the rest of the pencil, you will need it next time.

How to make an invisible pen

To make an invisible pen, you first need to do. It is not difficult to make such ink at home. To do this, you need a dilute solution of copper sulfate. It has a slightly bluish tint, if you write something to them, it will not be visible. To read such a letter, you can hold the paper over ammonia.
You will have to write with such ink using a fountain pen, since it will not work to fill them into the core. And if someone manages to do this, they will still flow out, because they are very liquid.
Spy ink can also be made from lemon juice, and will show up when the letter is heated up with an iron.

How to make a pen write

If suddenly your pen has stopped writing, and there is still a lot of ink, you need to do the following.

  1. Disassemble the pen, pull out the writing tip and blow from the other end. Perhaps there were just air bubbles.
  2. Without disassembling the pen from the end with which you write, pull the ink towards you with a suction movement. It also helps a lot, and you won't get dirty.
  3. You can just breathe on the writing tip, perhaps the ink has thickened a little. From warm breath they will become thinner.
  4. A radical solution is to replace the rod, it could be defective.

From any item that we use at home or at work, you can make a unique decorative product that will not only surprise, but also delight its owner.

A huge number of different products that have already lost their main functions simply lie and gather dust at home or are thrown away during general cleaning. But many of them can be given a second life by creating a cozy corner in the house or decorating a children's room, if you use simple tips. These things include an ordinary ballpoint pen, from which you can make a lot of the most unusual things.

Each student spends a lot of ballpoint pens over the years of study, throwing away those that have run out of paste and using new ones. The same can be said about adult office workers, who spend as much as ballpoint pens during their service. But do not rush to throw away pens that have stopped writing, but rather collect them and make something completely unusual.

  • The very first thing that can be suggested to be made from a pen is crossbow. Yes, a real medieval crossbow, but in a modern manner and truly safe. For boys, such a crossbow will become a favorite toy and even a real gift. They can make it under your strict guidance, and if you want, you can make it yourself, delighting your beloved child with an unusual gift that does not require any large funds, but will surprise no less than an expensive toy.
  • To create it, it is enough to prepare an old ballpoint pen and then buy 4 of the most ordinary pencils. Now fasten two pencils together with an elastic band, tape or electrical tape, with whatever is at hand. Do not rush to connect them, the edges of the pencils should turn out to be even.
  • Once you've glued the pencils, lay them crosswise so that one is in the center and the other is off to one side. Do it like an airplane. After that, you should get the base of a wooden crossbow with wings.
  • Finally, it was the turn of the old pen. Unroll it and take it apart, and make a barrel out of an empty flask. The only condition when choosing a handle will be its same diameter along the entire length. Once the barrel from the handle is ready, attach it to the base of the crossbow. Attach the elastic to the edges of the created wings, it will become an improvised, but strong bowstring. Install a rod from the handle into the barrel, which will imitate an arrow and fire the first shot. And then give the finished crossbow to your son.

Knowledge is power, and in life it will be useful to everyone, but sometimes there are situations that without cribs can't get by. They are sometimes needed even in order to simply remember what you studied at the exam. And an ordinary ballpoint pen can help with this. It can be used instead of small notes, simply by writing on it the necessary dates in history or formulas in physics.

In order to write the necessary information, you can use an awl or a simple needle wrapped in thread. But, of course, it’s better to know the lessons without prompts and take them without cheat sheets, then in life it will be much easier to achieve your plan.

Do-it-yourself pen stand

  1. But besides such an unusual use of pens, you can also make exclusive stand, which can surprise even a real designer. To do this, you will need a lot of ballpoint pens, super glue and an old CD. Take the cones from the handles and attach them to a small disc with glue. Place the cones at a distance of 0.5 cm from the edge.
  2. Decorate the outer side of the disc with beads. They should have a variety of colors, sizes and shapes. This will give the stand a bright, cheerful and beautiful appearance. At the bottom of the stand you can tie a beautiful satin ribbon bow and tie the same one at the top.
  3. On ballpoint pens arranged in a circle, if desired, you can glue various decorative elements, such as rhinestones, small figures, beads, or weave a beautiful ribbon into them. You will definitely not be able to find such an elegant stand in any office supply store.

How to make a butterfly pen

  • From the pen, you can not only make various interesting decorative interior items, but you can also transform it so that when you use it, it evokes a lot of pleasant feelings. Such very simple crafts include a pen with a butterfly. It can decorate your desktop or become an original gift for your beloved mother, grandmother, sister, daughter or friend.

  • To make such an unusual pen, you will need a ballpoint pen itself, scissors, colored and bright wrapping paper, transparent matte tape, silver and black strong wire, and markers.
  • First of all, cut out the silhouette of a butterfly from colored paper, then color it with markers. To make a butterfly look like a real one, you need to get acquainted with ideas on how to achieve this effect.
  • Twist the antennae, and the body of the butterfly is made of black wire, attach the wings to it, using small pieces of adhesive tape.
  • Now attach the silver wire to the bottom of the butterfly. Using bright wrapping paper, make a flower bud for the butterfly to sit on. Once it's ready, attach it to the handle. Decorate its petals with small beads that will become dew drops on the leaves.
  • Then glue a few beads to the wings of the butterfly with adhesive tape and fix it on the flower or on the handle itself. That's all - the pen with the butterfly is ready.

Everyone knows that the accumulation of unnecessary things only clutters up the apartment and does not allow you to live normally. But almost every person has a lot of things that could have been thrown away a long time ago. A striking example of such items that are no longer needed, but it is a pity to throw them away, are old ballpoint pens. Usually they are postponed in order to subsequently replace the rod with a new one, but they forget to do it. But few people know that a lot of useful things can be made from old pens. Consider the most popular and attractive options.

Throw away as useless or apply correctly?

In the last century, no one threw away scribbled pens. My grandmother carefully collected them all and went to the store to buy new rods to replace. She did not always do this, and as a result, a huge number of empty pens accumulated in our house.

I wondered if it was possible to apply them somehow, and found many interesting options:

  • original decoration;
  • decor for a table lamp;
  • toy for a child;
  • jewelry in the style of "do it yourself";
  • stand for pencils.

Important! It is better if there are many different pens with an ended rod in the arsenal of the home master. This will give you the opportunity to be creative and create unique crafts.

In fact, there are quite a few options where you can use this simple item. People do not even think that such a trifle as a body from an old writing instrument can diversify our lives.

What can be done from pens for the house?

Craft lovers will definitely appreciate the various crafts made from the bodies of old ballpoint pens. Women needlewomen can experiment by creating unusual and original decorations that are suitable even for festive events, if they are made with high quality and with love.

original decoration

You can easily create eye-catching decorations for your home from the bodies of old pens. For example, decorate a clockwork with a dial along the contour with multi-colored pens or felt-tip pens, after removing the caps.

Another option, more complex, would be the construction of an unusual night light in the form of randomly assembled handles with transparent cases. They are assembled into a single structure using a dense fishing line. The form can be any.

An LED strip is pulled through each body from the rod and connected to the power supply so that they can flicker in the dark. It is better if the night light is assembled from a large number of identical handles with a transparent body.

Table lamp decor

The original shade for a table lamp can be made from handles matched to each other, which will be fastened together with wire or glued with resistant glue. Pens with a transparent or translucent body look attractive. They create a magical flicker of light in the room.

Each handle is carefully coated with glue and the next case is glued to it, rounding the structure. In the toga, you should get a round shade that needs to be attached to a table lamp. You can take a plastic bottle or a jar as a template, along the contour of which the handles will be glued. Subsequently, the bank will need to be removed.

The resulting design must be reliableattach to table lamp frame with the help of a wire. The light bulb should be inside the structure and flicker through the housings from the handles. This decor looks very original and pleasing to the eye.

child toy

Little girls will be interested in miniature dolls. To do this, form the head of a future doll from a small ball, cover it with a cloth, draw a mouth, eyes and nose. The old handles will serve as the body of the doll. With the help of a dense fishing line, the torso, arms and legs are formed, connecting several old handles together. Hair is formed from threads, and a dress or other clothing is formed from small pieces of fabric. The doll is ready.

DIY Jewelry

Here you can show maximum imagination. You can simply string multi-colored caps on a fishing line and create an unusual necklace in a modern style, or cut the bodies of multi-colored plastic handles into large beads and show your creative thinking: the resulting beads can be alternated, strung on a thread or created from them in bright patterns.

Important! For lovers of beading, working with such beads will be a new original activity, thanks to which you can create unusual things and jewelry.

Pencil stand

To make an original stand, you will have to stock up on glue, a thick sheet of cardboard or a small piece of chipboard, as well as a certain amount of old ballpoint pens. A bottom is cut out of chipboard or cardboard, it can be round, square - it depends on the desire of the master.

Next, you need to glue the cases of old handles to it with reliable glue. They are glued vertically, preferably gluing also among themselves, so that the structure is stable. Subsequently, the resulting stand can be varnished or left unchanged.

Each hostess can independently dream up on the topic of using old ballpoint pens. But you can definitely say what to throw away material,so valuable for home crafts, not worth it.

Summer will soon begin and parents will need to come up with various activities for their children every day. On one of the evenings, you can arrange a real master class on how to make a writing pen yourself from materials available at home.

For any person, it is a pen that is a necessary thing almost throughout life. Therefore, after looking at a photo of a homemade pen, it is not at all surprising that there is a desire to try to complete all the steps and make a pen on your own.

Paper pen: how to make

Take one plain sheet of paper in the classic size - A4. It is necessary to measure 14 cm from its longest side. This is a little more than the length of any plastic rod used.

On the other side, approximately 10-12 cm is measured, which is less than the rod. This is an important point that must be observed so that the lower part of the handle can be made in the usual shape of a known cone. Next, the marks are connected by drawing a line. Subsequently, it is necessary to cut the sheet along it.

On that side of the sheet, where 14 cm were previously noted, it is necessary to apply glue, carefully wrap the prepared rod.

It is important to follow the instructions on how to make a pen without deviating from it in anything. After the glue dries, the paper is wound as tightly as possible around the entire rod, and its edge must be additionally smeared with glue so that in the future your craft will never unwind during work.

During the work, make sure that the cone is formed only at the bottom of the stationery, since the other part must be as even as possible. If for some reason this cannot be done, it will be possible to correct the situation with a knife.

The created pen can be painted with absolutely any acrylic paint for beauty. It is advisable to choose acrylic, because after it dries, it will not dissolve with water.

If you decide to use watercolor / simple gouache while decorating the handle, then be sure that the part of the handle that you cover with them must be additionally varnished. Otherwise, you may get your hands dirty while using the pen.

Ready-made stationery can be pasted over with beautiful paper, which today is often used in scrapbook / gift wrapping.

An interesting idea is to use a glossy magazine or foil tape, which is popular lately, for pasting the pages.

From prolonged use, it happens that the paper begins to rub off. In order to avoid a repetition of this situation with the paper used for the pen, it is best to additionally paste over it with transparent tape or varnish it.

Of course, today in any store you can buy a simple pen, but if you are looking for what you can make a pen at home, then you are an admirer of the exclusive, and in combination with a large number of different master classes, where you can learn how various crafts are created and stationery including, you can create a pen that no one else will ever have. At the same time, such a pen can even be given to a friend as an author's gift.

Wooden handle

Looking through various original ideas for homemade pens, you have probably already stumbled upon the option of a wooden handle and so now it's time to dwell on it in more detail.

What materials may be needed?

A few metal tubes, a simple rod, a mechanism that will later be used for a pen, some wood blanks, sandpaper and glue.

All actions will need to be performed using a lathe. Therefore, thinking about how to make a frame for a pen on your own, take care of finding it in advance.

Keep in mind that the use of any finishing materials will affect the color of the wood. Therefore, before you start applying them to the finished product, it is best to test on any waste. This will avoid unexpected results.

A band saw, like a cut-off machine, is potentially dangerous if used incorrectly, so it is important to use them as carefully as possible and follow all safety requirements.

Don't let the fumes of various varnishes/adhesives have a negative impact on your health. It is better if they are used exclusively in a ventilated room, and as far as possible from materials that are flammable.

During operation, after stripping the metal tubes, be sure to lubricate them with good quality glue.

In the absence of wooden blanks, you can create them yourself using the online lesson.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that today more and more people are asked how to make a pen with their own hands every day, which is explained by a number of different factors. Having learned how to make it yourself, it will be possible to present the pen as a gift to a business partner or one of your friends.

The creation of even ten such pens will cost several times cheaper than ordering them at any enterprise.

Photo ideas of homemade pens