How to take a beautiful photo on your phone. Preparing for the right frame

Tips from Jason D. Little, which I, the admincheg of the site, want to convey to you.

Most people think that good camera in hand guarantees a quality photo, but great photographers take great photos no matter what camera takes the photo. A professional can take a photo with a camera phone that beginners will never take with an expensive "reflex camera".

Given the ubiquity of camera phones, and their ever-increasing quality, there are many people who are quite content to have their mobile phone also serve as their only camera. Even Jason D. Little himself admits that he takes more and more pictures with his phone.

But still, you need to learn a few rules in order to get a quality photo taken with your mobile phone.

1. "Vision". The main advantage of mobile photography is your increased mobility. You can spend much more of your time just watching, choosing or wandering around an interesting place. The phone has a minimum of settings, so you need to learn how to "see" and feel the subject.

2. Legs. Use your legs. Have you ever used the zoom feature on your phone? If yes, then you remember how terribly blurry pixels are. It's all digital zoom. And why do we need legs?.. That's right, turn the legs into a means of approaching the object. So, forget about the lenses, if you want to shoot big, get closer.

3. Searching for the light. Despite the fact that the light sensors in phones are improving every day, they are still far from the "DSLRs". To compensate for this, you need to learn how to find good lighting, whether it be natural (wait a bit for the cloud to pass) or artificial (turn on the lights in the room).

4. Don't forget the rules. Composition matters the most. Now phones have learned to help photographers with an additional grid. But the main thing is the "rule of thirds". Use it. Train your skills and then you will feel the edge and be able to do beautiful photo by breaking them.

5. Don't forget the mirror. Make friends "SLR" with a camera in your phone. Sometimes with the help of a camera phone you will find a good shot for the "SLR", and sometimes a camera phone will help out if you need to take a quick photo.

6. Maintenance . Most people are very sensitive to their things, especially cameras, they constantly wipe the lenses with a special cloth and regularly check the charge of the battery and sometimes even several. Don't forget that the same rules will work well for your camera phone. Do not go hunting with a half-empty charger and be careful with fingerprints on the camera glass.

7. sound assessment. Of course, although progress does not stand still, camera phones are still far from "DSLRs", but take a sober look at the world. What do you need a camera for? Modern camera phones have almost killed the market for digital "soap dishes", and many used soap dishes. Do not rush to buy a "SLR" if you need to be photographed only for social networks. Save your money for something more useful.

How to photograph correctly

Many of my friends keep their blogs and are constantly puzzled by the replenishment of the blog with beautiful photos. How to properly photograph an object on a mobile phone and get high-quality pictures? 6 simple secrets from a professional photographer read below.

1. Light

Take pictures during the day with window light. You will get the natural color of the objects and the pattern that is pleasing to the eye. Sit at a distance of half a meter to a meter from the window on the side. We do not need direct sunlight, so if the sun is shining directly through the window, draw light curtains to make the light more diffused.

If the shadow side of the picture looks too dark (contrast), then use a reflector - it will fill in the shadows. A regular sheet of drawing paper is perfect for this purpose. Put it on the shadow side and get a more uniform pattern in the light.

2. Background

Beginners in photography are often given away by a sloppy back of a photo. Use a neutral, clean background, remove unnecessary items. The most popular and easiest to get beautiful photos are white, gray and wooden backdrops in natural color.

You can buy ready-made, usually double-sided. Make a photophone yourself or just use your desk, bed with a beautiful blanket, etc.

3. Angle

At the initial stage, when shooting with a phone, it is easiest to shoot from above. The phone camera should be parallel to the background plane. This rule also works for a professional camera. I often climb on a stool for a good shot, this allows me to capture objects with minimal distortion, which is typical of phone cameras.

4. Additional items

To make the picture look interesting, complement it with decor and related items. For artists, you can include brushes and paints in the picture, for writers, beautiful notebooks and pens, food photographers can use the ingredients of the dish, bloggers often add flowers, perfumes, drinks in beautiful dishes. Anything that can fill the picture with atmosphere and add to the viewer's sense of it can be used.

Add additional items one/two at a time and be careful not to overload the shot.

5. Do duplicates

By adding new item take a picture in the frame, then try to move it and take another take. Thus, by adding/removing/moving your props, you will be able to achieve the best composition of the shot. You can build a diagonal, a circle or randomly lay out all the objects, the main feeling of the viewer should be a sense of harmony. At the initial stage, you can ask friends for help and show them your experiments, ask them to choose the best shot. Such tips from the outside are invaluable - you will quickly learn to look at your photos as if from the outside and catch the moment when everything went well and you can not change anything.

6. Color

Use at first no more than two / three colors in one picture. The brightest spot is the red color, you need to work with it especially carefully and try to balance it. Neutral achromats are: black, white and gray, they can be included in any combination and proportions.

In one photo, only muted pastel colors will look harmonious, or vice versa, only bright and clean ones, with the help of color you can easily convey your mood to the viewer. The main thing is not to mix everything together, there is a risk of getting a visual mess.

Cameras on phones have improved a lot over the past few years, thanks to better sensors and smarter image processing. The multi-camera revolution also brought improved zoom capability and depth of field that had hitherto only been found on DSLRs.

However, having a good camera is only part of the road to success. The rest is up to the photographer, so we're posting these few tips on how to beautiful photos to a phone that you may not have known about.

Shoot a lot...

I used to be a professional photographer and came to the conclusion that the difference between a good and a bad photographer comes down to the number of shots taken. Agree, if you take 100 photos, there are sure to be several photos that everyone will like?

So the next time you take a photo, don't be lazy and click the shutter again, it should become a habit. With excellent backup function Google Photos, the pictures taken will not clog the device's memory. small change position, focal point or angle when shooting and in the future there will be plenty to choose from.

Try burst shooting or 4K recording

Burst mode is very useful when shooting children, group shots (there will always be someone who asks for a retake), athletes or home devices. Play with the shutter speed, a fast shutter speed (about 1/1000) will literally freeze time, and a long shutter speed of 1/15 will allow you to get artistic blur.

I also recommend that you try shooting 4K video and then choose the frame you want to take as a photo. The easiest way to do this is to press the camera shutter button while filming. There are several pre-installed video players (for example, Samsung) that allow a frame during clip playback.

If your phone doesn't have this feature, try a third party app like AndroVid.

Learn all about the camera in your smartphone...

This is one of the most valuable advice. Whether your phone is old or new, take the time to learn all the features of the camera app. In the end, you can’t seriously talk about beautiful photos from your phone if you shoot everything in auto mode.

Take for example the cameras in Huawei phones, tap to focus the camera on an object, and then drag your finger out of the focus area to expose. Every brand of phone has these hidden features, Nokia and Samsung can access them by clicking the plus icon in the camera mode menu.

Install a third party camera app

The stock camera app isn't always perfect and may not have many features. In the shop Google Play, there are a huge number of decent third-party camera apps.

These applications will give you more advanced settings, which will give you more space for creativity. If you need a camera manual control and histogram, try Footej Camera. Need a camera with a built-in editor? I recommend Candy Camera. Even if you don't need the features available in third-party apps, they can still take beautiful photos with ease.

Regular readers should be aware of the unofficial camera app. You won't find it on Google Play, but it's a fantastic app (if your phone has support). Another application that deserves attention is Open Camera.

Still using flash?

Smartphones have made great strides in shooting in low light conditions, so in principle, you can practically not use the flash. Too often flash ruins what could have been a really great photo.

In fact, most flagship smartphones can shoot without a flash most of the time. So, the next time you're shooting in a twilight or low-light environment, try taking a few shots with flash and a few without.

Of course, there are times when you can’t do without a flash, but again, this doesn’t stop you from experimenting. Just remember that many professional photographers shoot darker photos on purpose because they can be more expressive. Dark images can also be more memorable than light ones.

Know when and how to shoot in the sun

Use the rule of thumb to try not to shoot people in the sun. Of course, there are exceptions, for example, if you want to create silhouettes or just experiment. However, try to get the sun to illuminate your subjects, rather than directly hitting the camera.

Speaking of the sun, I recommend trying to photograph during the so-called golden hours (just after sunrise or before sunset). Try it, and most likely the pictures will be great colors. Everyone knows that the sunset itself looks great in pictures, and I'm sure you will get great shots. Also try focusing on the horizon and the sky for some really gorgeous colors.

Turn on the grid and use the rule of thirds

One of the most important photography techniques is to use the rule of thirds. The rule of thirds means dividing the camera's viewfinder into nine sections. The grid for the camera is in all phones, find it in the settings and turn it on.

This rule is based on the fact that key objects should ideally be located at the intersection points of the lines. Choose which objects are the most important and try to place them along the intersection lines.

Obviously, following this rule will take you up a notch as a photographer. But do not get hung up on this too much, in some cases they will not work out, use them, for example, if you plan to use your photos on Instagram.

Use HDR more often...

Now almost every phone has an HDR mode that combines best plots three frames taken at different exposures. When using this mode, the picture will get more detail in the shadows and highlights of the scene. Some phones have auto mode HDR, in others they need to be turned on manually (for example, in Huawei).

HDR is best used with landscapes and urban scenes where the combination of bright skies and dark shadows can ruin a photo. If you do not use HDR, then in the picture you can not see what is in the shadow.

HDR image processing speed has increased significantly over the past few years, but with the advent of AI cameras, this mode has become less relevant. Since it is not always possible to see the difference between HDR and a standard shot taken on an AI camera. But in most budget phones it is still relevant. When shooting HDR, keep your phone still a little longer than when shooting normally, otherwise the picture may come out blurry.

Google's Pixel phones show that HDR photos (more specifically, HDR+ mode) are very useful when capturing night scenes. Thus, this mode is not limited to daytime scenes.

Explore manual mode

Manual or professional mode for beginners may seem like one of the most difficult features. But apart from reading articles about him, one of the most simple ways learn all about manual mode is to spend time and study everything yourself.

Here are short tips for using manual mode.

  • slow shutter speeds should be used in the dark, but during this time the camera should be held still.
  • ISO stands for light sensitivity. A lower setting should be used during the day, and a higher setting in the dark. So too high level the picture will be noisy, i.e. very grainy.
  • Aperture - how much big gap in the shutter, the amount of light entering the matrix depends on its value.

Just remember that with a long exposure, the phone must be as still as possible, otherwise the frame will be blurry. When shooting, try to fix your hand as much as possible or lean on something and hold your breath, then the blur will be minimal. Fix your phone on a fixed surface and use the timer to eliminate any camera shake. Or you can try the following tip...

Buy a long exposure tripod

Photos with long exposures in most cases are gorgeous, they show more details. The point is that the shutter opens for a long time and if the camera is not fixed, this will lead to inevitable blur. Some phones, such as the Huawei P20 Pro, use AI stabilization, allowing you to take pictures with shutter speeds up to 4 seconds.

One of best solutions is to buy a tripod for a mobile phone, you can use it to shoot with long exposure and absolute stability. You can buy a tripod on AliExpress, you can buy a good Xiaomi selfie stick tripod, it costs about 1200 rubles. Even if you don't intend to use a tripod, a selfie stick will always come in handy.

Wipe the lens before shooting

Lens glass often plays second fiddle to other phone features such as aperture, sensor resolution, and a second camera. But it is another important factor when it comes to high-quality photos, as low-quality and dirty lenses can spoil the picture.

Therefore, make it a rule to wipe the lens before you start shooting. Of course, the sleeve is not the most the best way It's best to carry a microfiber cloth with you. Once you get into the habit of cleaning your lens before shooting, you'll notice more good shots.

Use the auto-correct feature in Google Photos

Google Photos is more than just a photo backup service, as it has a lot of photo editing tools. These tools allow you to adjust everything from lighting and color to applying filters and changing orientation.

However, despite all these possibilities, I recommend simply using the "auto" option (click on the "Change" button, then click on "auto"). Once applied, the photo will look aesthetically more pleasing than the original shot.

Install another photo editor

Google Photos has a lot of photo editing options, but you can install other photo editing app as well. I, for one, am a big fan of Google's Snapseed photo editor.

The editor has a large number of tools, ranging from RAW editing and support for S-curves to changing the head tilt and white balance. It also has filters, the ability to crop and auto-correct.

Want some more good photo editors? I advise you to look at the list of 15 best photo editors for Android for 2018.

Remember that you can always cut

Back when I first started shooting with my phone, I had an aversion to cropping photos. I think it was due to the fact that phones used to have low resolution cameras and after cropping the photos looked terribly noisy. However, one of the most obvious tips is to simply crop what you don't want in your shot.

Now the phones are filmed in high resolution and after cropping, the image quality does not deteriorate. Therefore, do not be afraid to capture the unnecessary in the frame, then you can always cut it out. If you didn’t think about the rule of thirds during the shoot, you can follow it after the shoot by cropping the photo.

Creating a selfie, like working on a self-portrait, can rightfully be called one of the art forms. After all, the knowledge of the world always begins with the knowledge of oneself. If you urgently need a beautiful photo, and to help with this, no one was nearby - it does not matter. You can always take a beautiful selfie. And for this it is not at all necessary to have a phone of the latest model with the most modern camera - it is enough to follow a few simple rules.

Anyone can take a selfie

AT recent times the question of how to take a beautiful picture of yourself has become very relevant. Not a single beauty goes out without a mobile phone, they take gadgets with them on any vacation or event. Mobile phones equipped with cameras, and some models have two. At the same time, the front camera is specially designed so that the girl can beautifully photograph herself. How to do this will be discussed in this article.

Hand position

Hands are a part of the body that is undeservedly deprived of attention when creating a selfie. However, the shots can be given a certain mood if you experiment a little with the position of one hand on the body or face. Also, do not forget that there should not be turned palms in the frame. Hands need to be removed only from the side. Incorrect positioning of the free hand can degrade the photograph. After all, hands convey stiffness, tension. If you wish, you can take some object in your hand - for example, a toy or a flower.

head turn

Those girls who are thinking about how to take a beautiful picture of themselves should remember: a skillfully created selfie should be indistinguishable from a photo taken by a friend or girlfriend. No one will guess that this is a self-portrait, and not the work of a professional photographer. First of all, you need to choose the right angle. And one of the most profitable options is a head turned half a turn. So you can visually reduce the face, emphasize sharp cheekbones. If you try to shoot “like a passport”, then the result is unlikely to please. The camera can even demonstrate those disadvantages that would be invisible from other angles.

Since it is beautiful to photograph the face of oneself - this is the most simple task for selfie lovers, here, in order to get a good selfie, it is enough to observe the most simple rules. Sometimes you can turn your head even a few millimeters to the side. This will be imperceptible, but it will significantly affect the perception of the photo.

Many girls are interested in how to take beautiful pictures of themselves at home. In any setting, when taking a selfie, it is important to adhere to the main rule: the eyes should be expressed as clearly as possible, and other parts of the body should not be distorted. To do this, you need to either turn your head to the side, or slightly raise your chin. Sometimes when creating a selfie, the nose turns out to be too enlarged. This can be avoided by holding the camera slightly up.

standing photo

By following these simple rules, you can solve the problem of how to beautifully photograph yourself at home. Poses for selfies, as well as for ordinary photography, can be very different - standing, lying, sitting, with emphasis on any surface. One of the most popular postures is standing. The only feature of taking a selfie in a standing position (as in most other positions) is that you need to stand in front of a mirror to take them. Those who would like to take a selfie in this position should remember: this should not be a “at attention” position. Try to keep all the muscles of the body in a relaxed position, but keep your back straight. If you don't want to appear older, you should avoid leaning forward towards the camera. If you get too close to the lens, then skin imperfections can become noticeable in the photo.

One of the most popular standing poses is called "Triumphant". To perform it, it is worth bending your arm above your head and bending one leg. The chest should be as tucked up as possible and slightly tilted forward. Another pose that all selfie lovers like is called "Supermodel". To perform it, you need to lean on a tree, a car or the wall of a house and cross your legs. The free hand can lie on the wall or play with the hair. To make a beautiful photo in a standing position, it is best to concentrate all the weight of the body on one leg, while simulating a calm walk.

How to take good pictures of your feet? Taking photos of legs

The first thing to remember when creating a photo like this is about beautiful shoes. It should match the color of the skin as much as possible. You can visually lengthen the legs with the help of shoes beige colour. Also, before taking a photo, you can use a bronzer - a tool that will give the legs shine and beautiful shade. Another way to visually lengthen your legs is to stand on tiptoe.

For many girls who love to take selfies, the question is how to take a beautiful photo of their own legs lying down. To make the photo really aesthetic, you should use the previous tips - white skin is unlikely to be attractive in a selfie. If there is no bronzer at hand, you can solve the problem by simply wearing beige tights. You should not choose tights with a high content of lycra - because then the legs will shine unnaturally in the photo. At the same time, it is worth remembering that a photograph of legs in shoes will always look much more aesthetically pleasing than without shoes or boots. In addition to the bronzer on the legs, you can apply a little body oil or cream with mother-of-pearl particles.

Take a photo of yourself sideways

We looked at how to beautifully photograph yourself from different angles. There was one more pose - sideways. Of course, for many it will not be the most convenient, but it is quite possible to take a beautiful photo using a mirror. On such a selfie, the figure always looks slimmer, fat folds, as a rule, are almost invisible, the girl seems taller.

However, from this angle Special attention should be given to clothing. It must be true to size. After all, if the clothes are tight, then it will be difficult to move. If things are too big, baggy, it will add weight.

To take a good selfie, you need to stand sideways to the mirror, and try to arch your back in the shape of the English letter S. It is better to put your free hand on your hips or waist area. In this pose, the weight of the body should be distributed only on one leg, and the other should be as relaxed as possible. Also, if you have long beautiful hair, they can be demonstrated on a selfie. To do this, you need to throw the mop on its side and bow your head a little.

Selfie in a dress

Such photos always turn out very feminine and beautiful. It doesn't matter what length or color the dress is, the shots will be filled with positive energy. When creating such a selfie, it is worth remembering that clothing should be combined with the external environment. For example, if you are wearing an evening dress, then it will not be entirely appropriate to be photographed against the backdrop of the kitchen. You need to stand straight, put your free hand on your waist or take the hem of your dress with it. If you need to show off your figure with a selfie, then you should prefer a tight dress and stand sideways to the mirror.

What is best to avoid

Consider a few rules, without which it is impossible to photograph yourself beautifully. As soon as some ladies forget about these elementary principles, their photos come out not as aesthetically pleasing as they could be.

  • Firstly, you should not build “bow lips” - it looks unnatural and can be unpleasant for many visitors to your social media page.
  • Also, girls should not take pictures from low points - it is better to hold the camera higher. Low angle shots are more suitable for guys.
  • Also, do not retouch photos using blue, purple, red and other shades. As a rule, this is done using special plugins. But all of these colors used to be used by professional photographers as parodies of classic work.
  • Since it is almost impossible to photograph yourself beautifully on a phone in a dark room, you should choose more illuminated places for selfies. You should avoid taking selfies in any dark rooms or dark places outdoors. No matter how high-quality cameras are, in dark places they can ruin photos.


You can take a photo in our time at any time - after all, almost everyone has modern man have a smartphone with a built-in camera at hand. But the pictures do not always live up to expectations: either the light is dark, or the outlines are blurred or distorted. To capture important moments for you on your phone with high quality, you need to learn a few rules.

9 tips for taking good photos with your phone

A good photo on the phone is real!

So, we list the basic rules of photography on your favorite gadget:

1. Quality camera

If you have a goal to often take pictures on your phone, you need to initially choose a gadget with a good camera. Here you need to pay attention not only to the number of megapixels, but also to the camera optics, the presence or absence of autofocus, flash. Also of particular importance is the shooting speed (the so-called time to wake up from standby until a picture is taken). It is convenient if using the button on the case you can create a picture in one click.

2. Cleanliness of the lens

Before taking a picture, check that the objective lens is not dirty. Crumbs, dust, fingerprints can spoil the clarity and focus, as a result, spoil the frame.

3. Good lighting

The main postulate of photography is correctly built light. With ideal natural light, almost any suitable device can take a decent, bright and juicy photo. But if there is not enough light, then there is a high probability that the picture will turn out to be dim.

This is where the flash comes to the rescue, but you need to use it carefully: if you bring it close to the object, you can get highlights, if it is far away, there is a risk of making an underexposed frame.

A significant disadvantage of using flash is the red-eye effect. Also, in poor lighting conditions, you can use a conventional LED flashlight to illuminate the object from above and White list on the side to avoid harsh shadows.

4. Correct position relative to the sun

Also watch the sun! The photographer cannot stand facing him, as there will be glare in the picture. A winning position is the sun behind or to the side.

5. Forget about the zoom

Remember that digital zoom spoils the picture quality. Do not zoom in with the buttons, but rather come closer to the object yourself.

6. Think about composition

It is also important to follow the composition. Do not "litter" the horizon, place it in the frame just below the middle. If you are shooting a person, you want them to be in focus, not nearby objects.

See that the emphasis on the background is not excessively large, otherwise it will be lost main character or subject. Use the golden ratio rule, it is used by all professional photographers.

7. Create resilience

When shooting, stabilization is important. If your hands are shaking a little or you are filming an object in motion, find a foothold or place your hands on your torso. Shooting at insufficient lighting or photographing moving objects, hold the gadget with two hands.

8. Use of special programs

To diversify the picture and improve its quality, as well as add interesting effects, crop an unnecessary background, you can use special editor programs. You can download them or use the online versions.

9. Take lots of pictures from different angles

Take more shots so you have plenty to choose from later. Please change angles. This way you can showcase the item.

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