Mother's prayer about the child's sick of Our Lady. Prayer for the Mother of God before the icon of her "Education"

Prayer Parents for Children's Blessing
Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, bless, consecrate, Save this Choot my (name) by the strength of the life-giving your cross.

Prayer Angel Keeper
The Holy Guardian Angel of my Chad (names), cover them with your cover from the Demon arrows, from the eye of the seductor and save their heart in angelic cleanliness. Amen.
The Angel of God, the keeper of the Holy - the moth of God about the children of my!

Prayer for raising children
God and the father of all things! Teach me to raise children given to me by your goodness, according to your free will and promote me the grace of this main responsibility!
Yes, the court will not be comprehet of me for the negligence of my in the raising of children, but you will cover me and their eternal mercy of yours, and your father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit, I glimpse with them. Amen.

Mother's Prayer for Children's Blessing
Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, prayers for the sake of the Mother of Your Mother hear me, a humble daughter yours (they).
Lord, in the grace of your power of Chado my (name), hindle and save his name for your sake.
Lord, forgive him all the sins, free and unwitting, who committed by him before you.
Lord, to mention it to the true path of the commandments of your and the examples of him and enlighten it with the light of your Christ, to save the soul and healing of the body.
Lord, bless him in the house, near the house, in the field, work and on the road and every place of your possession.
Lord, keep it under the root of your holy from the flying bullet, a knife, poison, fire, a flood, from deadly ulcers and from in vain death.
Lord, to protect him from visible and invisible enemies, from all sorts of trouble, evils and misfortunes.
Lord, healed him from all diseases, to cleanse all sorts of bad (wine, tobacco, drugs) and facilitate his mental suffering and grief.
Lord, give him grace of the Holy Spirit for many summer life, health and chastity.
Lord, give him my blessing to pious family life and pious childbirth.
Lord, give me a humble daughter of your parent blessing for Chado my in the upcoming morning, days, evenings and nights of yours for the sake of yours, for your kingdom is eternally, all-way and omnipotently. Amen.
Lord have mercy!
(12 times)

Prayer about the family
The laddy is predicted, take my family with my seven, allotted in the heart of my wife and Chad of our world, love and rejection to the whole kind, prevent anyone from my family to separation and grave separation, to inexpressible diseases and premature and premature and sudden death. And our house and all of us living in it, save from fiery mentaling, thieves attack, any evil, and we are buying and separately, clearly and weakly glorify your sacred name, now and is constant, and forever. Amen.

Prayer for children
The Most Holy Master of the Virgin Mother of God, Save and Save Under the Blood of Your Chud (Names), His Risa Your Motherhood, keep them in fear of God and in obedience to parents, the mind of my Lord and your son, let them give them useful to salvation them. I hand them with your maternal look at yours, Yako you are the divine cover to children yours. Mother of God, enter me into the image of your heavenly motherhood. Healing spiritual and bodily wounds of my children, my sins applied. I hand the children of my wholesmory to my Jesus Christ and your preching, celestialism. Amen.

Daily Prayer for Children's Health
Lord Jesus Christ, let the mercy of yours on the children of my (names), save them under your hands, cut from any evil, away from them all the enemy, open their ears and eyes, give them to mild and humility of them. Lord, we all create your own, pity the children of my (names) and turn them into repentance. Save, Lord, and have mercy of my children (names), and enlighten your mind with the light of the mind of your Gospel of yours, and to mention yours on the path of the commandments of yours, and teach them, the will of yours to do your own, I will eat our God.

Prayer about healing a sick child
Oh, Mother Mercy! You see cruel grief torrenting my heart! For the sake of the sorrow, when you pierced when a terrible sword was in the soul, with the bitterness of your sufferment and death of the Divine Son of yours, I pray you: Having a poor child, sorry and fading, and if the will of God and his salvation are not confused Divorous in the Almighty Son, a doctor's shower and teles. Oh, Loving Mother!

Review, as the face of my child pale, how the whole body is burning from the alendness, and soar over it. Yes he will be saved God's help And it will serve with the joy of the heart to your only beehive son, the Lord and God to His. Amen.

Prayer for children
The merciful Lord Jesus Christ, you give you chad of our granted to us, our prayer will fulfill. I ask you, Lord, save them with the way you are by weight.
Save them from the vices, evil and pride, and so will not touch the souls of them, nasty you. But faith, love and hope for salvation to give them, and let them be elected vessels of the Holy Spirit, and it will be holy and inappropriate before God's life path. Bless them, Lord, yes, they strive every minute of their life to fulfill your holy will, so that you, Lord, could always be with the Spirit of your saints. Lord, to teach them to pray to you, so that the prayer was supported by him, ridestly in the grief and consolation in their lives, and we were saved by prayer and we, their parents. Your angels are always stored. Yes, there will be children our little to the grief of their neighbors, and they will fulfill the commandment of your love. And if they sin, then the arms of them, Lord, bring repentance to you, and for their inenectible mercy forgive them. When their earth's life end, then take their own in the heavenly monastery, where they behave with themselves and other slaves of your favorites. Prayers of the Mary of Your Mother of the Virgin and Naznodeli Mary, Saints (all the holy patrons of the family) and all the saints, Lord, have mercy on us, IKO is declared the inspired by the original father and the Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit, now and are confused and forever. Amen.

The disease never brings nothing good, especially hard in the family is experiencing a child's disease. Parents do not find peace when their defenseless child suffers. Despite all the achievements of science and, in particular, medicine, do not forget about faith.

Mothers tremble relate to the physical and spiritual well-being of their children, because they know them for 9 months longer than everyone in this world. When a child is sick, his mother sick with him, so his mother's appeal to the saint is particularly powerful. But the Father should read the prayer for the health of the ill-friendly child, and do it better not once.

How to read the prayer for the health of the child?

Not strict rules And restrictions regarding reading prayer, but still it is not just words, but appeal to the saints, so you need to be respectful. It is not necessary to go to the temple to pray for the healing of the sick child, but if there are icons in the house, then do it better in front of them. It is extremely important to focus on her request and not distracted by stimuli. Therefore, it is recommended to pray alone.

The dismissive attitude towards the saint can insult them, do not be lazy to get up from the sofa to read the prayer. Before the icon, you can put a candle or keep it in your hand while reading prayer. But the most important thing is sincerity. Prayer will definitely be heard if the words come from the heart itself, and the intentions are clean.

Prayer Jesus Christ

First of all, read the prayer for the health of the child to the Lord, because he is omnipotent and merciful. There are several prayers that are usually read before survey or a child examination, but the strongest is considered to be a prayer to Jesus Christ for health to the child:

Lord Jesus Christ, let the mercy of yours on the children of my (names), save them under your hands, cut from any evil, away from them all the enemy, open their ears and eyes, give them to mild and humility of them.

Lord, we all create your own, pity the children of my (names) and turn them into repentance. Save, Lord, and have mercy of my children (names), and enlighten your mind with the light of the mind of your Gospel of yours, and to mention yours on the path of the commandments of yours, and teach them, the will of yours to do your own, I will eat our God.

Prayer for the Blessed Virgin Mary

It is impossible to bypass the face of the Virgin, the mother of Jesus Christ himself. Her love and kindness does not know borders, and therefore it will not leave an innocent child in illness and his mournful mother. Very often women read prayers for a sick child for the Most Holy Virgin:

Oh, Mother Mercy!

You see cruel grief torrenting my heart! For the sake of the sorrow, when you pierced when a terrible sword was in the soul, with the bitterness of your sufferment and death of the Divine Son of yours, I pray you: Having a poor child, sorry and fading, and if the will of God and his salvation are not confused Divorous in the Almighty Son, a doctor's shower and teles.

Oh, Loving Mother! Review, as the face of my child pale, how the whole body is burning from the alendness, and soar over it. Yes, he will be saved by God's help and serve with the joy of the heart to your only beehive son, the Lord and God to his own. Amen.

Prayer Matron Moskovskaya

Most often with an Orthodox prayer for health and healing, children turn to the Matron of Moscow, which was a healer and in life. Prayer Matron Moscow is read about the healing of the baby:

On the blissful mother of Matrono, the soul in the sky before the throne of God is coming, the body is already on the earth, and this is more than grateful to the wonders of the wonders. Watch now with a merciful, sinful, sinful, in rabbits, diseases and sinful temptations, the days of His dependent, the comfort of us, desperate, heals our moths, from God for our sin, to save us from many troubles and the circumstances, the mind of our Lord Jesus Christ forgive us all our sins, lawlessness and fall, imži, from youth, who is even before the real day and an hour of the sorry, and your prayers are graceful and grandie And confessed and forever. Amen.

Prayer Prev Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary "All Morning Joy"

About the Most Holy Master of the Virgin of Our Savior of our Savior, all mournful glades, sick visits, weakness and intercession, widows and sierah patrons, mothers saddened all-to-wear comforter, babies of wealthy fasteners, and all the harmlessness is always ready! You, about the blessing, giving all the grace of all overgrown and deliver all the sorrow and diseases, in the middle of the muddy sorrow and the disease has undergone ESI, look at the free suffering of your Son Your Beloved and Togo on the Cross Purpose, Fair Weapon Simeon Protded Heart Your Password . The taste of the mother, about Mati, which is a moles of our prayer, comfort of us in the sorrowfulness, Ioko is faithful to the joy of Guodatatian: the precloser of the Blend of the Trinity, the slander of your son, the Christ of our God, Mozheyshi, are ashable. Sorry for the sake with faith heart and love from the soul, you fall to you by Jaco Zaritsa and Vladychitsa, and the psalomski you dare to you: I hear, deck, and have you, and your ear of your ear, hear our mission, and save us from working out troubles and sorrow: you bo The petitions of all the faithful, sophisticated joy, executables, and the souls of their world and consolation are served. CE WHIRCH WORK OUR AND SRESS: Yavi Your mercy is yours, you have a consolation of our hearts, show and surprise our sinful wealth of the mercy of your mercy, give us tears of repentance to the cleansing of our sins and quenching the wrath of God, and with a clean heart, consistency and Hopefully incommodate, to your petition and intercession. We accept, globally, our Vladychitsa The Mother of God, a zealous disbursement, you are brought, and do not remove us unworthy from your blessing, but I will give us a getting rid of the sorrow and illness, protect us from all the hits of the enemy and slander of man, wake up the assistant restlessness Owner, Yako Yes, under your Material Pokrov, always be the goal and keeping your intercession and prayers to your son and God to our Savior, the Savior and Honor, the honor and worship, with its original father and the Holy Spirit, now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Prayer before the icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary "Mammal"

We accept, Mrs. The Virgin, the tear praying of your slaves, to you driving: Zirima to the Holy icon, on the hands of your and the male of our son and the God of our. Gentlemen Jesus Christ: More and painlessly gave birth to him, Obach Maternia Grief Weighs and Immovers of Sons and Divorces of Human Seems: Towel Warm Fallen to the Clause Difference Differently, the Molimyer's Molim, Mellace: We are sinful, convicted in Diseases. People in Naughty Ours, Mostly, and compassionately stand out, the babies are our, tire and boring them, from the county of the illness and bitterness to get rid of them, give them health and blessings, and there will be a nourishment from the strength by virtue of the over the way, and feeding them will be joyful and The consolation, Yako and now the concept of yours from the mouth of the baby and the Lord will make his praise. O Mother's Son of God! Owning on the mother of the Sons of Human and the Slendless People of Your Songs: The Diseases Fixing us soon heal, putting the sorrow and sorrow of the quench, and do not despise the tears and the sinks of your slaves, hear us on the day of the sorrow before the icon and deliverance, and the day of joy and deliverance We accept the grateful praise of our hearts, worship our soles to the throne of your son and our God, and my graciousness will be a sin and weaning our own and try the grace of his lead the name of him, Yako and we and we, and our chada, we will glorify you, merciful intercession and faithful hope Our genus, forever of centuries. Amen.

Prayer before the icon of the Blessed Virgin "Healer"

We accept, about the Major Master of the Mother of God, the Ladyman of the Mother of God, Siaia Prayers, with tears now bringing you unworthy slave your slave, to your workbook, the singing of being remedied with as a moutigation, I can be the very beginning of our Introduction. By Komu Vegeto Bo Vast, the fulfillment of CWORSH, chagrin of facilitates, the weakness of the health of daruenes, rarely and sucks the healing, from the shameless demons of the rogue, out of the offense of delight, levery, and the little children of Milouseski: Also, Mrs. Ladychitsa Virgin Mary, and Everyone has a multi-dying passion of the doctor: all of BO is possible by the petition to your son, to our God. Oh full of mother, the Most Holy Mother of God! Do not make sure to pray for us unworthy workers of your, the famous tasks and honoring you, and those who are defeated with the molded image of yours, and the hope of cautiously irrevocate and faith is incomprehensible to you, navigasy, and in the eyelids. Amen.

Prayer Saint Nicholas Wonderworker

Oh kind of our shepherd and the Bogomdrome mentor, St. Nicholas, St. Nicholas! You hear us sinful, you are praying for you and calling on your assistance to help: you will have a weak, disgraceful, dead, all slander and wisely from a little glady: Fur, waters, not to leave us in the sinful captivity of our way, let's not be in joy of our enemy And I would not die in the evil deeds of our. Moths about us unworthy of our and Vladyka, you are with a challenging faces of the prestigations: you will make it a challenge of our God in the present life and in the future either, but we will not pay us on our business, and on the impurity of our hearts, but for our goodness we will reward us . At your bole, a petition is hopefully, your concern is urged, your intercession to the aid, and to the MEDIA DIVERSE Freshly, help help: save us, pleases, from evils that are on us, yes for the saints of your prayers will not attack us, and yes Do not wash in the punching of sinful and in the Tine of our passions. Moli, St. Nicholas, the Christ of our God, let us give us peaceful life and leaving sins, souls our salvation and grandgrieness, now and are confused and forever. Amen.

Prayer to Saint Panteleimon Healer

Oh Holy Martyr and Healer Panteleimon, God Milostivago imitator! Winning and hear us sinners, before sacring your icon of diligence praying. We succeed in the Lord God, hees from the angels of the prestige in the sky, to resolve our sins and the limits. Healing diseases of the shower and bodies of the slaves of God now commemorated, the current and all Christians of the Orthodox, to your intercession of flowing. Behold, the sin of our sake, Luhee obsessed the ESMA many few favors and are not imaginary help and consolation: to you, they are resorting, IKO is given to the grace praying for us and heal any illness and any disease. Give us to all our holy prayers for your health and blessing souls and bodies, the surveillance of faith and piety and all the time to rescue and save the great and wealthy mercies, weighing the great and wealthy mercies, we will glorify the governance of all the best, Divnago in our saints of our God, Father and son and saint spirit, forever. Amen.

Prayer to the Holy Righteous Simeon of God Application

About the great waters of God and God-seeming Simeon! The throne of the throne of the tsar and the god of our Jesus Christ, the bold of IMASH to him, on the arms of your own for the sake of salvation, who spent the famous. To you, the recruitment, IKO a multi-communal concept and strong about us prayer, we resort to sin and unworthy. The moths of his goodness, Jaco, will turn his anger from us, righteously according to our us on us, and our despite of our loans, will turn us on the path of repentance and will approve of us on the path of the commandments of their commandments. Fences the prayers of your life in the world our life, and in all blessing the good hasty of as soon as possible, all the gods demanding to us. And Jacques Alder Veliky Novgorrad, the phenomenon of the miraculous Icons of Treaty, from the dedication of the mortgago movement, tako and now and all the hazards and weight of the country, who are interested in all sorts of misfortunes and misfortunes and the supreme death of your victim to save, and from all the enemy of visible and invisible covers . [Save in the world, health and grace of our sovereign of our sovereign, Emperor Nikolai Alexandrovich, and His Power] and the whole kingdom of Russian Budi stronghold firm and strengthened, Yako yes, a quiet and silent life, live in every piety and clean, and taco in the world Runningly, in the eternal reached peace, the ideal of the heaven of the kingdom of Christ of our God, Jesh, every glory, with his father and the Most His Spirit, now and are also confeded and forever. Amen.

Any mother is hard to see children's diseases. Easy the state of the baby and save him from the disease will help the prayer for the health of the child. In these cases, the mother pray for their children.

You can ask for any saint - maybe some kind of God fell in love with you more than others, or in your family traditionally accepted in all sorrows to resort to the help of a particular saint.

The patients are usually asked by the Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon - during the earthly life he was a doctor, and he was honored from God many wonders of healing in his limitless faith. Pantelemanovon is asked about healing from all the hands, especially - from the unchalled and other magic.

It should always be remembered that the only God is able to admit human illness - he is capable of being healing.

Saints themselves, whose help we are resorting - the intercessors and intermediaries between the Almighty God and us, sinful people, it is important to warn all the parents who pray for the health of children - so that they do not show the inapplicious disrespect for God.

How to pray right?

If you pray (it doesn't matter, the maternal is a prayer for a child's health, or a request for the success of the work started) - Keep your soul clean, do not believe in fortune telling, spells, do not talk and burn out, refuse all pseudo-plating actions that you are offered to commit . Do not be afraid to seem naive or look silly - ask and ask the priest about the actions offered to you on the side - he will definitely tell you what is right and useful, and what is an objection to God.

Types of prayer

Prayer O. strong health The Most Holy Mother of the Virgin is pronounced in the temple or Celino (at home). It is usually customary to ask for the help of that saint, before whose icon is being made, but if there is no such possibility - ask for help from any place and position - strong motherful prayer Stores children per minute danger, even if you are far from icons.

Prayer for the Most Holy Theotokok "About strong health"

"To the Virgin Diligence today, the truth, sinning and humility, and in penalties, in repentance is called from the depths of the soul: Vladychitsa, Pomso, they are merciful, sweat, die from many of the lacerations, do not turn your slaves in the same way, the Ma Bo and the hope of Imam. My tsarice preparing, my hope The Mother of God, the privifulity of the sirah and strange subsidiaries, grieving joy, offended by the patroness! See my mischievous, seeing my sorrow, Pomping Jako We are mighty, shames are strange. Miscellaneous of my weight, allow the one, Impo Volishi: Yako is not imaming your help, don't you, not a dream of the Santa, nor Bogia comforter, tokmo to you, about the Bogomati, Yako and save me and covered in eyelids. Amen."

At the same time, it should be distinguished by the impossibility of reading a prayer before the icon and a simple laziness. If you pray at home on the sofa, while not sick and you can get up in front of icons - you make a sin, there will be no proc.

St. Nicholas, the world of the Lycian wonderworker, became famous for many miracles at his earthly life, and relentlessly helps anyone who comes to him for help - especially the mother, asking for children, the saint loved his children very much and always defended them and defended them. He can also pray for health and salvation of children.

Prayer Nikolai Wonderworker "On the Health of Children"

"O good our shepherd and the Bogomdrome mentor, St. Nicholas, St. Nicholas! We hear us the sinful, who are praying for you and calling on your assistance to the ambulance: Wang we's weak, deadly caught, all slander deprived and mind from a little glady: sweat, pleases, not leave us in the sinful captivity of life, so we will not be a joy of our enemy and do not die in the evil deeds of our. Moths about us unworthy of our and Lord, you are with a challenging faces of the prestigations: you are a challenge to us with our God's God in the present life and in the future either, but we will not pay our hearts and on the uncleanness of our hearts, but for our goodness we will reward us. Your prediction is hopefully, your concern is praised, your intercession is called to the aid, and at the MEDI DIMENDER WITH YOUR FINDING, AIDS RESEVE: Rob in us, pleases, from evils that are on us, yes for the sains of your prayers will not hurt us and not In the bunch of sinful and in the Tine of our passions. Moli, St. Nicholas, the Christ of our God, let us give us peaceful life and leaving sins, souls our salvation and grandgrieness, now and are confused and forever. Amen."

The Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon - the Great Ratio of God, lived in the pagan Rome and suffered for faith in Christ. At the same time, he was a man respected, famous Lekarem, who healed children and adults of medicine and faith. Panteleimon milked myths about the strength of idols, exposed demons, which acted through them.

Prayer Panteleimonu "On the Health of Children"

"Oh Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon, God of the Milostivago imitator! Winning and hear us sinners, before sacring your icon of diligence praying. We succeed in the Lord God, hees from the angels of the prestige in the sky, to resolve our sins and the limits. Heal disease the shower and bodies of the slaves of God are now commemorated, the providers of the upcoming and all Christians of Orthodox, to your intercession of flowing. Behold, the sin of our sake, Luhee obsessed the ESMA many few favors and are not imaginary help and consolation: to you, they are resorting, IKO is given to the grace praying for us and heal any illness and any disease. Give us to all our holy prayers for your health and blessing souls and bodies, the surveillance of faith and piety and all the time to rescue and save the great and wealthy mercies, weighing the great and wealthy mercies, we will glorify the governance of all the best, Divnago in our saints of our God, Father and son and saint spirit, forever. Amen."

Therefore, the healer of Panteleamon has a special force for healing various kinds of evil commits, conspiracies and the like of the terrible consequences of witchcraft.

Read the lives of Saint Panteleimon aloud - it is written in a slightly fascinating form, learn about it useful and to you and child.

Mother Matron Mother was crippled (she was deprived of vision), but at the same time he always helped in healing ailments to those who resorted to her help. Mothers are used to asking for their children from a blissful mother, which always helps rebel even from the most severe illness.

Prayer Matron "On Children"

"On the blissful mother of Matrono, hear and now we have, sinful, who praying to you, speaking throughout the life of your enjoyment and listen to all the suffering and grieving, with the faith and hope for your intercession and assistance to residing, emerge, and wonderful healing to everyone feeding; Now you do not care about the mercy of yours to us, unworthy, rolling in the multi-world world of Sea and NIGHDAGE Obtaining consolations and compassion in sorrowfulness and help in the diseases of bodily sickness: our diseases are healed, get rid of temptations and tormenting the devil, passionately Cross, demolish all the importance of life and not lose the image of God, believing Orthodox until the end of our days to preserve, hope and hope for God is strong, and non-estate love for the neighbor; For us, we were able to achieve the kingdom of heaven from the life of this to the kingdom of heaven with all the welfare of God, glorifying the mercy and the goodness of the father of heaven, in the Trinity of Solimago, the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, forever. Amen."

Not only in Christianity there is their mother prayers about the health of children: Muslim mother pray in their own way. The main thing is what muslim prayers About children is sincerity to Allah and humiliation in front of him. On prayer you need to get the answer - the theologian Islam says so.

Maternal orthodox prayer On the health of the sore child creates miracles. We offer strong and very rare prayers to the Most Holy Theotok about the healing of children. These prayers must have a mother about healing any diseases from their children.

Miraculous prayer for the health of a sick child to the Most Holy Virgin

"On the Most Holy Master of the Virgin Virgin, save and save under the hands of your children (names), all the detachments, socklocks and babies, baptized and unnamed and in the waters of the mother wearable. By covering their religion of your motherhood, keep them in fear of God and in obedience to parents, the mind of My Lord and your son, let them give them a useful to rescue them. I hand them with your maternal look at your own, Yako you are the divine cover of the slaves yours. "

Strong church prayer for healthy children of the Blessed Virgin Mary

"Mother of God, let me in the image of your heavenly motherhood. Allow soul and bodily wounds of my children (names), my sins applied. I am handing a child my wholehegable Lord to my Jesus Christ and your preching, celestial patronage. Amen".

Does Christian prayer help for the patient before surgery?

Yes, it helps, but only if you sincerely believe in the Lord God and repent of our sins. Before the operation, you need to go to the temple to confess, will come and take a blessing for the operation. Order Sorokoust about health, prayer. Read "Canon repeated to the Lord to our Jesus Christ", canons for the Most Holy Theotokos, to the Guardian Angel. Everyone to forgive, ask for forgiveness, to reconcile with everyone, to order in the temple of Prayers about health, Akathists.

Miraculous prayer readable for the patient before surgery

"Vladyko Almighty, the Holy King, is punishing and not killed, independent, and remove the uncomplynny, bodies of people sorrowfully praying to you God, our servant of yours (name) is unimportant to visit your grace. Forgive him any sin, free and not free.

Her God's medical strength of the Siem of Heaven was sent to Yezhu managers Ohmi and the hand of Your Lekary (name) and the need for the need for a safely of your body fear of your slave (name) completely healed, and all the invasion of the hostile is far away from him. Erend him from the Horde of the painful and give it to hell with the soul and bodies of life-gaining and creative will be your will. Your Bo eat is a pretty to save our God and you are the fame of the Father and the Son and the Son and the Smart Spirit. Now and confessed and forever. Amen".

Purpose of Religion - Salvation human soulHowever, Neil Smelzer argues that another purpose is equally important: a man gained a sense of life.

Does this mean that the life of an atheist is meaningless, or religion gives the meaning of existence to those who are unable to find it independently? Many countries, in large numbers, eating beef steaks and steaks, how much they insult the religious feelings of the Hindus, who reveal a cow as a sacred animal, and how does this relate to religious tolerance, which is now proclaimed by each of the world churches? Curious at the same time, how the movement for a single church intends to eliminate such contradictions: to prohibit the beef to eat or deprive the cow of the status of the sacred animal.

Mother praying for a child with a huge zeal, love, hope and faith, and this is exactly what the gentlemen is able to chite about the gift of good for her Chad. As they say in the saying, prayer can get from the bottom of the sea. After all, no one loves a child as soon as his mother. Everyone can turn away from him when he stumbles into the glimpse, falls in life, but not a mother. She wore him under his heart, he listened, as he moved, shuddered, waking up from crying at night, when everyone slept in the house, burrow large love To the child than to the Lord.
Mom is the only person in the world that loves just for what you are. Whatever happens, condemns the act, but not you. The love of her faceless, alarming of a comprehensive. The one who keeps the mother's prayer, for there is no stronger feelings, the strength of thoughts facing God than the thought of a woman who praying for his child.
Hot parental prayer, truly, can work wonders. The daily prayerful labor of mother or father will also not leave the Lord without award. And in joy, and in trouble, and in the everyday worries of the Lord next to us and our children, it is important to remember this and teach this unceasing memory of your children.
It is necessary to pray for a child from birth and even earlier, but it is impossible that prayer petitions are only about health, material well-being and successes in this life - first of all, they should be about the salvation of the soul, for they do not know what way the Lord will lead our Chado to this goal: perhaps through heavy diseases, misfortune, disappointment.

Through the grief mothers, the Lord recalls the duty to pray for their children. I would like to give an example from the book "Tears of Mother", which tells well about this topic, leading real examples from church history and history from life. It hurts such words in the soul that the mother should show the Lord after the resurrection or his child next to her, or the fastened legs from the constant crankshaft prayer about his salvation.

Prayer parents for the blessing of children

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, bless, consecrate, save the child my strength of your life-giving your cross
(and impose a criste).

Prayer for the Guardian Angel

Holy angel keeper of my chad (names), covering them with your cover from the Demon arrows, from the eye of the seducer and keep their heart in angelic cleanliness. Amen.

Prayer to the Mother of God

About the Most Holy Master of the Virgin Virgin, save and save under the blood of your children (names), all the detachments, sorties and babies, baptized and unnamed and in the waters of mother wearable. By covering their religion of your motherhood, keep them in fear of God and in obedience to parents, the mind of My Lord and your son, let them give them a useful to rescue them. I hand them with your maternal look at yours, I can Yako you are the divine cover of your slaves.

Mother of God, enter me into the image of your celebrity motherhood. Allow soul and bodily wounds of my children (names), my sins applied. I am handing a child my wholehegable Lord to my Jesus Christ and your preching, celestial patronage. Amen.

(+ icon)

This Akathist is a real find for all moms; Regardless of whether they are carrying their child under the heart or already bring up grandchildren.

As a mother escales the peace of his child and the Mother of God will calm each of everyone who appeals to her with the words of prayers in his spiritual and bodily sorrows, and hesifies his heavenly help and defending Chadam Mothers, protecting them in life path From all sorts of temptations and misfortunes.

With great joy, place it on our website.

Prayer for a sick child

Oh, Mother Mercy! You see cruel grief torrenting my heart! For the sake of the sorrow, when a terrible sword was pierced when a terrible sword was gone into your soul with the bitterness of your sufferment and death of your Divine Son, I pray you: Having a poor child, sorry and fading and, if not disgusting, then the will of God and his salvation, work out to be healthy Divorous in the Almighty Your Son, a doctor's doctor and a body, who healed all the disease and every sort of toathy, squeezing over the tears of the mother, sobbing about the loss of the only son, awakened him from death and gave it it. Oh, Loving Mother! Reviews, as the face of my kid, how they burn all the veins of him, and dying over him, and he will not kidnap his death at the dawn of life, but it will be saved by God's help and serve with the joy of his heart to your only beehive son and God and God. Amen.

Wash the baby's face very good, and before bedtime it slightly sprinkling the crib. It is also necessary to remember the procession that the mother should be imposed on the kid.

Sometimes in the pads, the petals of flowers, consecrated from the icon or the holiday of the Trinity, or the Assumption of the Mother of God are sewn.(flowers from icons can be taken in our temple after large holidays - ask on duty in the temple)

In the room where the child sleeps, any Orthodox sanctified icon must be located and, desirable, the lamp.

Prayer to help for an affected drug addict or alcoholism

Lord Jesus Christ, the son of the only begins of your father, you are the Returns of the Returnist Usts. You can not create anyone without me. My Lord, Lord, I faithfully in the soul of my heart to you, I fall to your goodness: the whole of my sins, and are not a dream of a sinning, but you will coordinate with me for your grace. Fences of my son (daughter, and my daughter) from the disastrous imagis's disintegration, through the addiction from the work of the Say of the enemy, from a shameful commitment to Durman's infant, and maintain it (her, they) from any evil. Yako is yours there is a kingdom and strength and glory, with the original father and with the Most Holy Spirit, now and are also confessed and forever. Amen.

To any prayer, especially in such complex situation, Pray also and in your own words, it is imperative how you can never lose hope!

Prayer about drunk and in Durana

Lord, the proud of graciously on the slave of yours, pretended by the prestige of Durana and the carnal merry. Give him to know the sweetness of abstinence and fasting and the fruits of the Spirit derived from it.

And those who experience grief: a disease or tolerate grief for their relatives, children suffering from alcoholism and drug addiction, we advise you to read on one head of the Gospel per day. Before and after read this short prayer:

Save, Lord and Having a Rab (slave, slaves) of yours (yours, yours) (names) with the words of the Divine Gospel, what are the saving of your slave (...). They fell, Lord, the thorns of all his (her, of mine, of our, their) sins, and yes it will alllete in him (...) the grace of yours, which is cleansing, illuminating the whole person in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

This is a very powerful tool as a real medicine. Over time, it will definitely be fruitful. Checked multiple times. If you are reading the Gospel and do not understand anything. Do not confuse at the same time. The main thing from you is required constant and effort. You do not understand, but the demons understand very well.

Also, in the fence of our church there is a grave of Ierie Evfimia. We all believe in the virtue of his prayer and the intercession of it for us before God, so always ask his help. Go to his grave, ask, tell us about your trouble, in the temple, put a candle on the rest of the servant of God of Eutemy. If you can, order a memorial service in his name (Ierie Evfimia).

Batyushka always helps, and in his lifetime, said: "Can I refuse to ask?".

Give you the God of patience, love and faith in your prayers.

This prayer is practiced on the basis of this instruction in Sacred Scripture: "Truly, I also tell you that if two of you agree on Earth to ask for anything, then anything asked, it will be from the father of my heavenly, for where two or three are collected in my name, there I am in the midst of them" (MF . 18, 19-20), when with any serious position: Diseases, misfortune, disaster, etc. - Two or more Christians agree together to pray to the deliverance of anyone from the comprehensive misfortune. It is recommended to read it four times a day (in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening and night), which, and those faces with whom you agreed to pray until it comes, by the grace of the Lord, the execution of asked in prayer.

And further - serve alms. Almighty is different: it is bread, and the products of the beggar, the same homeless, this is the help of your pensioner neighbor, or first-graders, who really wants new paints or toy. Just remember - you do it for yourself, and therefore, do not be proud and do not wait for gratitude! And, most importantly, do not tell anyone about it and do not advertise, otherwise, what is the sense? Alms do not necessarily be financially manifest. This and help buy medicines in a neighbor pharmacy, visiting the patient in the hospital and consolation good word, It is and feed homeless dogs and cats.

Like any prayer, the prayer of the parents for children may be reasonable and unreasonable AP. Iaakov says: "ask and don't get, because ask not for good" (JAK 4, 3).

Sv.ottsi say: "Carefully pray about the external fate of the life of the Christian." This also applies to the prayer of parents, and in particular, to the case, when parents pray to recover the deathly sore child. It happens that the Lord saves parents from the future of the fact that he takes children at an early age.

Therefore, parents are needed in these cases humble humility with all-known fisheries of God, and their prayer about sick, no matter how hot it is, should always end in the words of the Lord in the Garden Garden: "... However, not my will, but will be yours" ( LC 22, 42).

In such cases, it is necessary to remember the story of how one mother prayed with despair about the recovery of the two sons lying in a deadly feather. In a subtle dream, the Lord opened her the future of her sons on earth. She sees them with adults behind a rampant porushka in the cab. In a quarrel, they rush on each other and knives apply to each other fatal wounds.

Of course, in addition to cases, when in the will of God, children die despite the prayers of their parents, there are even more cases when the diligent prayer of the parents wonderfully saved the deadly sick child. It must be remembered that the prayer of parents for children has special strength before God: hot love drives and hot prayer. And the hot prayer will not remain not heard by God.