What is more environmentally friendly linoleum or laminate in the house. Which is better: laminate or linoleum? Expert advice! Which is warmer: laminate or linoleum

If the repair is focused on affordable flooring, then you will have to choose from two options - laminate or linoleum. In both options, the price is almost the same, but the materials have their advantages and disadvantages. To make it easier for you to make a choice, let's look at the coatings individually and compare their performance and aesthetic characteristics.

Modern linoleum is associated with artificial materials. However, Frederick Walton, the inventor of this flooring, conceived it solely as natural coating. For a century and a half that have passed since its inception, linoleum has been ousted main component- linseed oil. Natural linoleum is still used today, but as binder The most commonly used is polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Compare Absolutely natural linoleum with a laminate it makes no sense, due to the obvious advantage of the latter. Therefore, further we are talking only about the coating with a PVC base. Conventionally, it can be classified into three categories.

  • Household linoleum. The thickness does not exceed 4 mm. It has a complex structure - more often it is a foam material, on top of which there is decorative layer with protective surface. This type linoleum has a short service life, which is offset by a low price and a soft base.
  • commercial linoleum. The most dense canvas with maximum wear resistance. The appearance of such material is given less attention, so the choice of pattern and colors is slightly limited. The surface is sometimes specially treated to reduce slip.
  • Semi-commercial linoleum. The structure is similar to the household version, but protective layer thicker and is at least 0.7 mm thick.

The cost of linoleum is strongly influenced by the presence or absence of a base of insulation.

What is the linoleum in the apartment

Basically, the pattern of linoleum imitates natural materials, - wood, marble and natural stone. Linoleum options for the kitchen often use a pattern that imitates ceramic tiles.

Care and appearance

With an imitation of a coating made of natural material, the laminate copes many times better. Floors made of laminate look attractive primarily because they are very reminiscent of classic parquet. In addition to imitation of wood, there is no fundamental difference between a laminated board and linoleum.

The photo shows a nice imitation of wood, but laminate is cheaper than natural parquet

Maintaining the original attractiveness of the laminate is much more difficult. It practically does not fade in the sun, but requires careful care. These floors need to be washed. by special means. Linoleum is enough ordinary water.


Which is cheaper: linoleum or laminate? Depending on the characteristics you need, there are several answers to this question. High-quality linoleum is practically not inferior to laminate in price, but on average, linoleum is usually cheaper. The use of natural materials in a laminated board implies a high environmental safety, but also sets the price bar a level higher than the minimum cost of linoleum.


Both materials have unique characteristics, and each of them can be successfully used in certain conditions. That is why it is most effective to use different rooms different types floor coverings. If we are talking about a balcony or loggia, then linoleum will look better, and in the room and living room, it is more profitable to use laminate. In any case, when choosing a floor covering, start the search from the very cheap option not worth it, because the main source of savings is its service life.

You have planned and decide which is better: laminate or linoleum? Yes, it is really difficult to determine the leader: the price of laminate good quality and linoleum is almost the same. Each material has its pros and cons, it is necessary to analyze the characteristics in more detail along with the visual perception. Before choosing, you should decide for which room the coating is selected, important role play permeability, humidity, the likelihood of mechanical impacts. In today's review, the editors of Nomius.ru will try to help you choose between these two materials, revealing some of the nuances of operational parameters. You just have to choose the color.

Depending on the thickness of the layer and the purpose of linoleum, three categories can be distinguished.

Category Description
DomesticLayer thickness - no more than 4 mm, coating with a complex structure of foam material. On top of the linoleum is covered with a decorative layer that performs protective function.
CommercialThe floor covering has a denser structure, due to which it has increased wear resistance. Sometimes manufacturers treat the surface to reduce slip.
semi-commercialIts composition is very similar to commercial, but with a thicker (up to 7 mm) protective layer, which makes semi-commercial linoleum the most popular on the market.

Foundation structure

According to its structure, the coating can be divided into the following types:

  • homogeneous, or single layer,- it is made from granules with the addition of dyes. Its thickness is no more than 2 mm, the pattern is applied not on top coat, but throughout the thickness. This explains the low abrasion of a single-layer material. It is suitable for high traffic areas. It is important to remember: the thinner the layer, the higher its wear resistance;
  • heterogeneous- this is a more versatile linoleum, it can contain up to 6 layers. The thickness of the coating reaches 6 mm. The top layer is only made of PVC, sometimes granules are added during the production process, due to which the material acquires a 3D effect. For reinforcement, polyurethane can be included in the composition, which improves wear resistance.

Coating thickness

Thickness is one of important parameters linoleum, can reach up to 0.7-5 mm. Material with a thickness of up to 1 mm is quite rare, and it is not suitable for apartments and houses at all. Perfect option for domestic purposes, opt for linoleum with a thickness of 2-4 mm, and it is important to remember that heat and sound insulation will depend on this parameter. In addition, the characteristics of a thicker base are much better.

This should be known! You can come across such an opinion that durability is primarily affected by the thickness of the coating, but this is a delusion. The increase in service life is affected by the thickness of the protective layer, to be more precise, its abrasion period.

Linoleum classes for wear resistance

Wear resistance is the ability to withstand mechanical and physical exercise that occur during operation. Another indicator is abrasion, which determines the time for reducing the thickness of the upper protective layer over the entire period of use. The laminate class, depending on its purpose, consists of two numbers:

  • the first digit is the scope of coverage: residential, office or industrial premises;
  • the second digit (1-4) is the intensity of the load.

For residential use, class 21-23 coverage should be chosen, class 23 has the best performance. For offices, grades 31 and 32 are intended, but for shopping centers and shops, the choice must be stopped at grades 32 and 33, their characteristics are much higher.

Linoleum: pros and cons

In order to objectively compare in the future what is better - laminate or linoleum in the house, you need to analyze their parameters: service life, wear resistance, environmental friendliness, heat, noise and moisture insulation, injury risk and price. Let's highlight the main advantages and disadvantages of linoleum.

  1. Affordable cost - almost anyone can afford such a purchase.
  2. Moisture and steam impermeability - in connection with which it is recommended to lay it in kitchens, corridors and bathrooms.
  3. High wear resistance, resistance to mechanical damage. He is not afraid of women's heels and movement.
  4. High sound and heat insulation - the coating is equivalent to wood in these qualities.
  5. No additional protective layer required.
  6. Injury safe - even the glossy coating has additional protection against slipping.
  7. Linoleum can be laid on a substrate or arranged under it.
  8. The drawing on the coating is carried out by adding a dye to the material, in connection with this, the pattern will remain for the entire period of operation.
  9. Easy care - can be used during cleaning.

For an objective assessment, the negative aspects of linoleum should also be noted:

  • it consists of artificial materials, all layers are glued together, there is also rubber in the composition. Only in some species can be found in the structure natural fabric. Therefore, a rather specific smell emanates from it, passing through 2 weeks after laying;
  • on the coating there are stripes from shoes with black soles, which are quite difficult to remove;
  • requires prior .

The main characteristics of the laminate

Laminate is a great alternative parquet board but at a much lower cost. In addition, it has undoubted advantages that are characteristic of parquet.

Board device

A high-quality laminate with a thickness of 5-11 mm consists of five layers, budget coatings can have only 3 layers. Consider the composition of the material 31−33 classes.

Layer Description
UpperMade from malamine (acrylic) resin. It performs a protective function, the higher the coating class, the thicker this layer.
2nd layerPaper layer with a decorative pattern.
3rd layerMoisture resistant film.
4th layerThe basis of the laminate - HDF-panel, this is the carrier layer, all the main characteristics of the coating depend on it: sound and heat insulation, moisture resistance. It contains a lock to connect the panels to each other.
5th bottom layerMoisture resistant kraft paper impregnated with polymer resin.

Manufacturers can add or change layers to improve specifications.


Laminate is widely used in all residential premises, the only exception is, as well as in offices, warehouses, shopping malls. Manufacturers produce coverage in six classes: 21-23 are intended for housing, 31-33 - for public institutions. For a hallway in an apartment, it is recommended to use a higher one - class 23 or 31, but for a bedroom where the load is low, you can save money and limit yourself to class 21. There is another coating class - 34, it appeared in 2005 and is characterized by increased strength, due to which its service life is much longer.

Strength criteria

The strength criteria of the laminate are determined after testing, in which the panel is fixed to special device and act on it with an abrasive disc. Two indicators are needed for the study:

  • after what number of revolutions the first scratches will appear;
  • after what number of revolutions will the complete destruction of the upper layer occur.

The arithmetic mean of these values ​​determines the quality standard of the laminate.


If we compare laminate with linoleum in appearance, it is difficult to single out a leader in this characteristic. Manufacturers offer imitation of wood, parquet, stone and tiles in both coatings, a variety of colors, tint solutions.

Laminate: advantages and disadvantages

For an objective assessment of both coverages, we single out positive traits and disadvantages of laminate.

  1. High wear resistance, resistance to abrasion, mechanical stress.
  2. Fire resistance is higher than that of linoleum.
  3. Easy care - no special tools are required for this.
  4. Anti-allergenic - environmentally friendly materials are used in production. In this regard, it is recommended for laying in children's rooms.
  5. Simple installation - laying on a substrate or "warm floor" is acceptable.
  6. Service life at correct selection and laying can reach 20 years.
  7. Low cost - it is affordable for the average buyer.

The disadvantages of laminate should include:

  • it is important to correctly determine the wear resistance class of the laminate for each room; for this, you should first study the main characteristics and recommendations of the manufacturer;
  • required preliminary preparation bases to perfect evenness;
  • laminated panels do not tolerate excessive moisture. After installation it is recommended butt joints process with special means with a protective function;
  • if broken, swelling of the surface is possible, the appearance of a creak during operation;
  • coverage cost high class can exceed the price of even a parquet board.

We compare the parameters and draw conclusions what to choose: laminate or linoleum

To determine which coating is better, you need to compare all the pros and cons of linoleum and laminate. The decisive word will not be the cost at all, but the purpose of the premises for which the material is selected, because it is from right choice and depends on the durability and quality of use.

Laying complexity

Linoleum or laminate: which is cheaper to operate

Linoleum of different classes is still cheaper than laminate with the same characteristics, this is due to its composition: environmentally friendly materials are used for the production of panels. But with regard to operation, it must be borne in mind that, if the linoleum is seriously damaged in a conspicuous place, it will be necessary to replace the entire canvas, while with a laminate it is possible to replace the deformed section with a similar one.

Which is more expensive: linoleum or laminate

The cost of some classes of laminate can exceed the price of linoleum by approximately 2-2.5 times.

Which is better: laminate or linoleum, according to an expert

We have analyzed all the main parameters and have already determined for ourselves which of the materials is better. I wonder if our conclusions will coincide, which is better in an apartment: laminate or linoleum, according to a professional? According to experts, the laminate has undoubted advantage- environmental friendliness, a wide variety of textures, durability, resistance to mechanical damage. Otherwise, linoleum shows the best performance: it is easy to maintain, install, moisture resistant, it has higher sound and heat insulation.

Output! Linoleum is best for office space, loggias, kitchens and entrance areas. Laminate must be chosen for bedrooms, living rooms and hallways, as it has a more presentable appearance.

Which is better: laminate or linoleum, according to reviews on the forums

If we analyze consumer reviews, their opinions on popular sites are divided approximately equally. Someone likes the moisture resistance characteristics of linoleum, someone likes the environmental friendliness of the laminate. Therefore, before choosing what to lay on the floor in the apartment, our advice is to analyze the relevant topics on construction forums, see what consumers are dissatisfied with over time, and only then make a choice in favor of one of the materials. Many speak in favor of linoleum thanks to simple care, however, at the same time they emphasize that the price matters, since "the more expensive, the better."

More on MasterGrad: http://www.mastergrad.com/forums/t14152-linoleum-ili-laminat/?page=4.

But the next consumer speaks specifically about the environmental friendliness of the laminate.

More on ForumHouse: https://www.forumhouse.ru/threads/318083/page-2.

Another opinion is in favor of linoleum for a family with small children, although coating defects were found after repair during operation.

And in conclusion, we offer you to get acquainted with another opinion of a professional on the video.

Have you thought about it too? So we are colleagues. No wonder they say that the problem of choice makes a person unhappy. For several days I puzzled over this question, calculated, cut out, looked for where it was cheaper. As a result - bought a laminate. To be honest, I was originally leaning towards linoleum. There were several reasons for this. But, after weighing all the pros and cons, considering all the costs, taking into account the advantages and disadvantages, I came to the conclusion that the laminate is more suitable for me. In this review, I'm going to explain why I came to this decision. At the same time I will show how best to choose a laminate what to pay attention to, what is generally required home master in order to lay the cover yourself. Believe me, unlike, which is better to entrust to professionals, any person with arms, legs and, of course, a head can handle laminate flooring.

Frankly, at first I wanted to cover the floors in my linoleum. At that time, it seemed to me that such a coating would turn out to be cheaper, last longer, and lay it somewhat easier and faster than laminate. However, over time, I became more and more convinced that the latter has many advantages that linoleum lacks.

Let's try to compare these two coatings according to the main characteristics.

Thermal conductivity

If you put thin linoleum on concrete base, then on such a floor it will not be very comfortable to walk barefoot. Cold. A stone - even an artificial one - is a stone. Yes, and playing sitting on the floor with a child would also be very problematic. Look, not the cheapest linoleum has a thickness of only 2-3 millimeters:

If you put it right on concrete screed, then walking on the floor barefoot will be cold even in summer, not to mention winter. Of course, even among inexpensive options there are instances with a thicker substrate. The thickest linoleum that could be found in the OBI store had a thickness of 4.2 mm

However, even such a layer will not be a panacea. In addition, the cost of this particular linoleum is 799 rubles per square meter:

Mentally multiplying it by 103 square meters, which had to be covered, adding about 15% for trimmings that inevitably remain during installation, I received an amount of about 95 thousand rubles.

But not even these considerable expenses stopped me from buying. In the end, the coverage is not bought for one year, and you can spend money. The matter was quite different.

I was not sure that by putting such linoleum on a concrete base, it would be possible to walk barefoot on the floor - the way we are all used to. Of course, you can put the coating on a porous heat-insulating substrate, but in this case, when walking on the floor, you will feel as if you are walking through a swamp, sinking slightly at every step. This will be especially felt at first, until the substrate is accepted. And what will the floor look like in those places where the legs of the furniture press on it? Can you imagine?

You can also first cover the floor with some kind of wood-plywood layer, and put linoleum on it. But this option had to be immediately dismissed, since, on the one hand, the doors would have to be reinstalled, on the other, significant additional expenses somehow did not fit into my plans.

In addition, the store simply did not have suitable option linoleum with the roll width I need - 3.5 meters. The ones that were available I didn't like. Either too bright, or with a pronounced pattern, which should be selected when connecting individual pieces, for example, in doorways, this is a long story and a waste of material.

In a word, having trampled in the linoleum department, I realized that nothing suits me here. I don’t know about you, but I absolutely don’t want to see such a picture under my feet in the next 5-10 years:

Like in some district clinic :).

With laminate, the situation is somewhat different. It is based on the so-called hardboard. To put it simply, it is wood dust bound with resin and compressed when exposed to high temperature. The thermal conductivity of the material is very low. Laminate itself is a good heat insulator, insulation.

In addition, it is thicker than linoleum on average two to three times. The usual thickness of a laminated plank is 8mm. There are a little thinner (6-7 mm) and thicker - (9-11 mm). But, as you can see for yourself, even the thinnest laminate is thicker than the thickest linoleum. In addition, the laminate is laid on a substrate with a thickness of 3 mm. Even if over time it takes over, becomes thinner, we will still have a thicker coating with an additional heat-insulating layer.

Thus, in terms of thermal conductivity, the laminate looks more attractive.

As for the price, the average budget options laminate cost about 400-600 rubles per square. This is roughly comparable to linoleum with a thickness of about 3 - 3.5 mm. The benefits of laminate flooring are obvious.

Moisture isolation

If you properly spread the linoleum and do without unnecessary joints, then such a floor will perfectly "keep water". This means that it can be washed with an ordinary mop with water without fear that the liquid will penetrate into the substrate and some unpleasant processes will begin there. In addition, if you accidentally spill water from the kettle, it will also remain on the surface. You can collect it without much difficulty.

Of course, all this works until we make holes in the linoleum. Not on purpose, of course. For example, they dropped a knife - a small hole, but it turned out. Moved unsuccessfully heavy cabinet- dig a bigger hole. They stumbled with a slipper at the junction of two pieces in doorway- you understand what happened. There is no need to talk about moisture insulation. Gradually, in such places, a focal accumulation of mold can form, and this is not very pleasant.

Photo from the Internet

If you "heat" the room in accordance with all the rules, in the sense that there is plenty of water and slippers float on the surface at the level of the window sills, then the linoleum will have to be "raised", turned over and dried. In principle, there is nothing impossible in this, but to wield with a piece of flooring with an area of ​​​​20-30 square meters, and even alone it will not be very convenient. Especially when you consider that it will be necessary to put the furniture somewhere for a while.

Thus, the convenience of linoleum in terms of containing liquid is not in doubt only if it is new. Over time, the coating loses its wonderful properties and at some point must be replaced.

If we are talking about laminate, then its water resistance does not stand up to criticism at all. Spilled water quickly finds the gaps between the individual boards and penetrates down, where it meets the substrate. If the latter is laid correctly, then the water remains on its surface and then gradually dries out. If this happened once and the water is quickly removed at least from the surface of the coating, then nothing bad will happen. With regular exposure to moisture, the laminate begins to swell with all the ensuing consequences.

In part, the problem is solved by a special gel that impregnates the joints, but this is still not a panacea.

On the other hand, laminate has one undeniable advantage: the whole covering consists of individual boards. If any specific coating elements are swollen or scratched, you can easily replace them with new ones. The main thing is to have some emergency stock. In the case of linoleum, you will have to change the entire coating or arrange a beautiful patch.


If we talk about inexpensive single-layer versions of linoleum, then their sound insulation is almost zero. In thicker multi-layer versions, especially in the presence of a fleecy or porous layer, the sounds are partially muffled.

Laminate laid directly on a concrete floor has more worst performance. But usually it is laid on a substrate, which somewhat improves the situation. One way or another, laminate is a rather noisy material. Try to sprinkle something small on it, such as details from children's constructor Lego, and you will immediately understand what I mean.

In other words, in terms of sound insulation, linoleum looks like a better choice.

How much does laminate cost

This is an important question. In part, we have already discussed it and found out that if you do not chase super-quality, do not aim at imported materials, then the cost of a laminate can range from 400-600 rubles (for 2017).

Of course, there are more expensive, good and beautiful boards. For example, here is this German laminate that imitates the structure of a stone (in the middle in the picture). Its surface is cold and embossed:

Or this creative one:

After all, if you have money, why not buy real parquet?

At the other extreme is an inexpensive and fairly simple laminate, having a thickness of only 6 mm:

But the closest attention should be paid to those types of laminate that are sold at a discount on the stock. Them common price indicates that this is not the worst representative in its class, and a discount of up to 30-50% makes the purchase much more pleasant:

Of course, its thickness is 7 millimeters, but since the floor in my house is properly leveled, it will be enough. One could even put a "six", but I'm not ready for such expensive experiments yet.

Based on the cost of the laminate on the stock, total cost for covering an area of ​​103 meters amounted to approximately 42 thousand rubles, taking into account a 10% margin for trimming.

In addition to the coating itself, you need to purchase a substrate. Depending on the taste and wallet, you can choose either a simple material - blue porylex (a roll of 50 square meters costs 885 rubles), or denser expensive polymers (gray and pink, 15 square meters at a price of 600 rubles with kopecks), or even cork (10 square meters, thickness 1.5 mm, cost 1055 rubles):

You will also need adhesive tape to glue the substrate. You can use a special, metallized one, which prevents the penetration of water between the sheets of the substrate and supposedly has thermal insulation properties. But regular or even masking tape is fine. They are cheaper, and the result is almost the same.

Still need files for. The OBI store offered two options for paintings. One was suitable, and the other was categorically not good. Take a look at these paintings:

Their teeth are directed downwards. This is right.

Now let's look at this option:

The teeth are directed upwards. They will tear out pieces from the boards, spoil the surface. Of course, the sawn edges are usually placed against the wall under the baseboard, but it is still much more pleasant to work with canvases with the teeth pointing down.

Pay attention to the special gel for grouting cracks between planks. It is especially appropriate where there is a risk of water getting on the coating. For example, in the kitchen, in the hallway, at the entrance to the bathroom, etc. The cost of such a package is 299 rubles. It is enough for about 5 square meters of surface. Add to cart right amount tubes.

Finally, OBI stores offer a special French plank - a thrust bar for "tamping" already laid parts of the coating. Such a bar is needed so as not to knock with a wooden or rubber hammer on the edges of the laminate planks themselves. They can be easily deformed. But if you lay a French bar, then it becomes much more convenient to work, the risk of deformation of the coating elements is reduced.

This miracle costs nothing: 379 rubles. Because it's France!

Well, of course! Nowhere nearer such pieces of wood simply can not be obtained. You have to bring it from overseas. On the other hand, you can buy it, and then boast to your friends that they used Newest technologies according to the European standard.

By the way, the same bar, but with a set of wedges, already costs more than 500 rubles. Because it's France!

The last thing that may come in handy is a film with which you will close the already laid laminate so as not to immediately trample it with your dirty boots :)

An important feature: how to choose a laminate

Not being a great specialist in working with these coatings, I first looked at several options for myself based on the thickness and pattern.

But my friend the seller came and said that the samples I had chosen were "not very good". I started to object, but with just one argument he won me over to his side.

Look at this photo. Here, as best I could, I tried to show such an important part of the board as the castle:

See the sideboard on the right? So here it is! On the other side of the board there is also a ledge of the corresponding shape. If you correctly connect adjacent boards, then they will hold tightly to each other. If you try to separate them, making efforts only in the horizontal plane, you will most likely fail (unless you are a strong man).

Now let's look at this option:

Although this is a more expensive version of the laminate, there is almost no rim here. It's not very good. Over time, with careless movement, you can easily arrange a gap in flooring. For example, they were walking somewhere on the floor and braked sharply.

Laminate locks have appeared relatively recently. Previously, they did not exist and the planks were attached to each other with glue. It is believed that the castle is more handy thing, since it allows you to quickly install the coating and, if necessary, just as quickly remove the damaged board, replacing it with a new one.

Yes, you guessed it right - for this you have to disassemble half the floor. However, this is not difficult to do even for a person who has never touched a laminate before. They simply dismantled it, replaced the problematic element, assembled it back, screwed the baseboards into place. EVERYBODY!

If the boards were glued together... I don't even want to think what a long and "creative" process it would be.

So, when choosing a laminate, pay attention to the locks. The more relief they are, the calmer you will walk on the floor.


Following practical advice my acquaintance seller from OBI, I bought a laminate for a promotion. He had good price, excellent locks, and the thickness is 7mm. in my particular case was quite appropriate.

In total, 40 packages weighing 600 kilograms were required for a 103-meter house. I had to order delivery - I feel sorry for my car.

In the next article, I will show you the process of laying laminate flooring. You'll see, everything will be very simple... if you know how :)

When choosing a finishing material for rooms for various purposes often the question arises which is better to choose. The dilemma usually arises between laminate and linoleum.

What is laminate

Laminate can easily imitate parquet, while its quality indicators are much higher

Laminate is a modern flooring that perfectly imitates parquet and massive wooden board or ceramic tiles, and is also available in stylized versions "under the stone", "under the skin" and "under the metal".

The laminated board is represented by four or five main layers:

  • soundproof underlay;
  • a stabilizing layer that increases stiffness and protects the material from deformation;
  • carrier or main HDF layer, providing sound and heat insulation, as well as equipped with a locking system for docking with adjacent elements;
  • paper decorative layer with a pattern that imitates natural or artificial finishing materials;
  • upper protective layer based on acrylic or melamine resin, which makes the surface resistant to wear.

Despite the fact that the laminate consists of several layers, its thickness is only 6–12 mm. At the same time, their soundproofing properties directly depend on the thickness of the plates.

The presence of a castle click systems or Lock facilitates the process of mounting a laminated board and makes the grip as reliable as possible.

Advantages of quality laminate:

  • environmental safety and naturalness;
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • durability and ease of maintenance.

What is the difference between linoleum

Linoleum is laid or glued on a flat, dry base using polymer mastics or special adhesives.

Traditional linoleum of natural or synthetic type can be represented by expensive heterogeneous or cheaper budget finishing material.

Main groups:

  • natural varieties based on linseed oil, pine resin, oak bark powder, crushed limestone and natural dyes;
  • polyvinyl chloride types are represented by materials on non-woven, fabric and foam bases, and can also be made in baseless, single-layer and multi-layer versions;
  • colloxin (nitrocellulose) varieties are a thin baseless material with high moisture resistance and elasticity;
  • glyptal finishing material on a woven basis has high soundproofing and heat-insulating properties;
  • two-layer rubber relin has an excellent level of elasticity and moisture resistance, but is not used for finishing in residential premises.

Linoleum is produced in the form of rolls with a length of 6 to 45 m, a width of 0.5 to 5 m and a thickness of 1.5 to 5 mm (special linoleums for laying in industrial, warehouse, public or sports facilities have a thickness of up to 8–9 mm ).

Natural linoleum is the most environmentally friendly finishing material of all types of this coating; has high wear resistance, low flammability, abrasion resistance, antistatic, relatively long service life.

All PVC linoleums are classified depending on several criteria represented by the structure, the presence or absence of a base and the scope.

Advantages of high-quality modern roll material:

  • excellent water resistance and sufficient density;
  • good antistatic;
  • a wide range of design options.

What is better to choose

Both laminate and linoleum are offered by the market in a wide range consumer properties and prices

The choice between laminate and linoleum, according to experts, is made depending on the importance for the consumer of such parameters as sound insulation, insulation, ecology, moisture resistance and cost.

For home

In the conditions of private households, it is equally important to use both materials for arranging flooring.

They have fairly high thermal insulation performance, but cheap linoleum models are flammable, which must be taken into account if there is a fireplace or other open fire heating system in the house. In addition, linoleum and laminate are perfect for arranging in country house"warm floors".

For an apartment

For the flooring of the bedroom, dining room and living room, it is advisable to purchase a solid laminated board, which has a more stylish, modern and attractive appearance.

It is desirable to make the floor surface in the kitchen and in the children's bedroom or playroom more practical, reliable and durable.

For giving

In summer country houses seasonal operation, as well as on balconies and loggias without a stable heating system, it is recommended to lay only modern laminate.

The use of rolled flooring in the flooring, which does not have sufficient resistance to temperature changes or high humidity, will require too frequent replacement of the finishing material.

Video: What to lay - laminate or linoleum

High-quality laminated board and high-quality linoleum have almost the same price, but the appearance of the laminate seems more expensive and presentable. However, if desired, you can always perform quite a budget floor finish. good linoleum imitating an expensive laminate.