What material is better to strip the house outside. Wooden house facing Outside: Cheap options

Select the material and technology of the facade of the house should be at the design stage. The modern market offers a lot of various materials, so to equip the facade in accordance with a certain budget or designer idea will not be difficult. Selecting the material for finishing the facade of a private house, you should consider the two most important factors. First, the house should be harmonized with the surrounding area, look aesthetic and in accordance with the tastes of the owner. Secondly, the facade material should be for home protection, playing the role of an additional insulation and soundproofer, as well as protecting the carrying structures from moisture, sunlight and other negative impacts. Not every finishing material will cope with the tasks set, so we will stop at the best options.

Types of facade structures

Among other things, when choosing a facade material, it is necessary to consider what the building is built, the principle of organization of the facade decoration may depend on this. For example, for wooden houses, they advise the ventilated facade.

It is customary to share facades for such types:

Depending on whether the gap remains between the outer wall of the house and finishing material, the facades are divided into:

  • ventilated;
  • non-ventilated.

Ventilated facade

Ventilated facades It is assumed to have a ventilation gap between the facade material and the wall or if it is used. The clearance is necessary for free circulation of air and discharge extra moisture, which condenses or comes out of the house through the walls. The wall material of the overlap remains completely protected by all atmospheric effects. A similar facade is better equipped when the walls breathe. It involves the installation of finishing material directly to the wall. Sometimes the facades are classified simply on the ventilated and "wet", although it is not entirely correct.

Now we can move to the materials that are widely used when finishing the facade of the private house.

№1. Stucco for finishing facade

Number 3. Facing brick

The most popular materials for finishing the facade always entered and enters. It is clear, for this purpose it is not an ordinary construction, but a special decorative, which is called.

Ceramic brick

Ceramic brick produced from clay by firing it is well known to each of us. Facing his variety is striking with a large variety of colors and textures, but this is not the only dignity of the material.


  • durability;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • good sound and thermal insulation characteristics;
  • resistance to temperature differences, sunlight, fire;
  • relative cheapness.


Hypersed brick

Such material is obtained by using, sewer and some special additives by semi-dry pressing. Externally, he resembles a ceramic brick, but in many respects ahead of it.


  • durability and durability;
  • good geometry;
  • frost resistance;
  • a large assortment;
  • easy processing.

The water absorption of such bricks at the middle level is about 5-6%, and to the obvious disadvantages of the material it is worth attributed to high thermal conductivity, the ability to change color and high weight over time, which affects transportation.

Silicate brick

Facing silicate brick is made of cement-sand mix by the method of autoclaving, special additives can be used. Due to the simplicity of production and low cost of raw materials, silicate brick is considered one of the most affordable materials among other types of bricks.


  • high strength;
  • accurate geometry;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • good sound insulation qualities;
  • low price.


№4. Porcelain stoneware for facades


  • durability;
  • the widest range. You can find a tile of any size, colors and textures, as well as imitating stone, brick and other materials;
  • resistance to negative factors of the external environment;
  • fire resistance;
  • relatively low weight.

Mount the tile can be both a "wet" method, as well as equipping the ventilated facade.

№6. Concrete facade tile

The material is made on the basis of cement, quartz sand, filler and additives.


  • durability and moisture resistance;
  • strength and rigidity;
  • big choice;
  • relatively low price.


№7. Decorative siding

Siding is one of the most inexpensive, easy to handle and modernmaterials for the facade of the house. It has excellent decorative qualities, sold in a wide range, boasts a decent durability (up to 50 years), excellent sound and thermal insulation qualities. Siding can be awarded any surface and even to improve the long-built house.

Main types of decorative siding:

  • vinyl;
  • wood;
  • metal;
  • cement.

Vinyl Siding

It is made of polyvinyl chloride, can mimic stone, brick, wood and other natural materials. - One of the most popular facade facade materials is used in domestic private construction. Most often.


Often, the advantages include resistance to mechanical damage, but a strong blow is able to disrupt the integrity of the material. Among disadvantages A large linear expansion coefficient, which must be taken into account when installing, low thermal insulation qualities and the complexity of replacing the damaged element in the case of repair.

Separately stands out ground Siding. It is completely identical to vinyl, but it is distinguished by an increased thickness: 3.5 mm against 0.7-1.2 for ordinary PVC siding. Due to this, resistance to mechanical damage increases, which makes the material one of the best prices for price and quality for.

Wooden siding

Metal Siding

It is made of aluminum or steel, which are covered with a layer of primer and polymer coating. In private construction used infrequently due to the high price. For facing at home is better fit steel sheets with zinc protective layer and polymer or powder coating.


  • strength;
  • durability (up to 50 years);
  • resistance to temperature differences;
  • nonseasing;
  • resistance to any weather whims;
  • high aesthetics;
  • relative ease of installation.

In addition, metallic siding due to protective coatings is resistant to corrosion, but if such a coating is damaged, it is worth waiting for the appearance of rust. Naturally, it is not necessary to talk about the heat and sound insulation qualities.

Cement Siding

The material is obtained by mixing and pressing cellulose and cement fibers. Cement siding on its decorative and operational qualities can replace stone.


  • high strength;
  • resistance to precipitation, sun rays, high and low temperatures;
  • fire resistance.

Among minuses Large weight, installation complexity, high cost and insufficiently wide selection of colors and textures.

№8. Sandwich panels

It is a multilayer material consisting of two layers of rigid material (usually metal) and a layer of insulation between them. The whole "sandwich" is connected by the hot pressing method, the surface of the panels can be smooth, embossed or decorative.


Of the minuses only high price.

№9. Facade cassettes

Metallic facade cassettes are widely used to facilitate the facades of administrative buildings, but more recently are used in private construction. The material is easy to learn in characteristic appearance: it is square or rectangular elements made of metal (steel, aluminum, less often copper) with a polymer coating.


  • high reliability and durability;
  • aesthetics;
  • large selection of sizes and colors;
  • resistance to negative environmental factors and fire.

Metal cassettes can be used for cladding the old and only elevated buildings, mounted on the frame. The only minus is a high price.

№10. New and non-prolonged materials

In addition to those materials that have become traditional in the field of facing facades, there are more innovative and even more progressive. The most interesting of them:

  • concrete Siding. It is made from cement, sand and dyes. The material has an excellent appearance and a pleasant rough surface, it is a durable, but heavy enough, so it will require amplification;
  • clinker thermopanels Consist of conventional clinker tiles and a welded layer of expanded polystyrene, and this is an excellent insulation. With external appeal, such a finish becomes an additional heat insulator. Disadvantage - high price;
  • glass panels - Popular option for shopping centers and administrative buildings. For the arrangement of the private house only in the event that you love bold solutions.

The choice of finishing material for the facade should be preceded by a multifactoric analysis, including the climatic features of the region, the type of house, the features of the area of \u200b\u200bthe site, own preferences, the material of the walls, their own requirements and preferences. Fortunately, choose from what.

The facade is the main part of the building on which, first of all, pay attention to all who comes to the house, as well as random passers-by. With the help of high-quality finishes, you can give the building a worthy look and ensure that the house is standing out against the background of other similar buildings with its sophistication and originality.

Nowadays, having a variety of finishing materials and using special tools and finishing technology, you can convert a real masterpiece into a real masterpiece. To create a high-quality facade, a serious professional approach is needed, accurate calculation and considerable funds.

The appearance of housing in many ways depends on the personal preferences of its host. Even before deciding than to bind the facade of the house, it is important to take into account the functional requirements in relation to these structures, as well as the bearing capacity of the building walls.

Modern exterior finishing materials

For professional reconstruction of the facade, the modern construction industry offers various facing materials, the installation of which is carried out according to the appropriate technologies. With the help of such a finish, you can eliminate various building defects and achieve excellent results - fix geometric deviations and irregularities, repair the dilapidated facades, insulate the building and perform decorative finish.

Such materials are:

  • porcelain tiles or clinker tiles;
  • natural or artificial stone;
  • plastic panels;
  • siding;
  • block house.

Traditionally, the facades of residential buildings are separated by plaster with subsequent painting. The plaster is usually applied to a predetermined base, and in the event that the plaster layer is greater than 12 mm, the reinforcing mesh is used. This method will prevent the formation of cracks in the plaster during the operation of the building. The trimmed surface can be smooth or decorative. Special rollers and stamps are used to give the applied layer of decorative effect.

There are so-called wet plaster formulations with various decorative splashes and color pigments. As a result of such a plastering, the surface becomes rough and does not need painting.

Plaster combine with decorative stone - natural or artificial. The use of decorative stone can be fragmented, for example, at the corners of the building, on the base, window openings around the perimeter, columns or protrusions of the structure.

Finishing with natural stone

Natural stone in the finishing of the facades is used as an independent material. It is placed on the cement solution, and the seams are filled with grout and align the extender. This is a dear and time-consuming type of finish, but due to the durability of the material facade for many years will have an excellent look. The facade, decorated with decorative stone, smooth or brushed, will resemble a medieval castle.

Not everyone can afford to separate the house with natural stone. In this case, artificial stone is used for cladding as an alternative. This material can be imitating expensive stone rocks of a variety of color scheme. It is sometimes an artificial stone and not distinguish from natural, so this facade will look expensive and luxurious.

The advantage of this type of finishes compared to the natural stone is that the cost of its acquisition is much lower. This material is not lit, not subjected to rotting, has a relatively small weight.

Clinker tile, imitating clinker brick, is also successful for finishing facades. It is not afraid of temperature differences and atmospheric influences. This finishing material is made from natural components in a variety of color shades and textures.

Facing brick

Also, a facing brick is used to finish the facade.

This finish performs not only a decorative function, since the layer of brick is closed insulation.

Thermopanels with clinker tiles

With the help of clinker thermopadals, you can simultaneously solve two tasks - insulate and separate the facade of both a new building and already operated. The facade from clinker panels is practically no different from the facade of natural bricks, and construction costs are significantly lower.

In order to prevent damage to the finishing materials by atmospheric precipitates, drainage should be built.

Finishing with ceramory

Porcelain stoneware, or artificial granite, is used for facing ventilated facades. This material is distinguished by durability, the ability to withstand atmospheric and chemical impacts. Finishing with a stoneware is made at any time of the year. Thanks to natural ventilation, condensate is not formed, and the mold and fungus do not develop.

The ventilated facade in the cold period reduces the thermal conductivity of the house, and the walls do not heat the wall in the hot season. Metal bearing profiles that are resistant to corrosion, vertical and horizontally fasten to the walls of the building. Then the insulation is mounted and with the help of special fasteners, porcelain stoves without visible seams or seams. This facade does not need additional care.

The front board or the House unit is used most often for wooden houses, and sometimes for houses from foam blocks. The reconstruction of the dilapidated facades with the help of these materials will overhaurately transform the appearance of the house.

The facade, lined with natural resistant wood, will serve much longer. In addition, this material is environmentally friendly. And with the help of various impregnations, you can not only save wooden material, but also give it the desired shade.

Block House with a timber imitation will give the facade a view of a building made of natural wood, and will create additional thermal insulation.

Before proceeding with the facade finish with wood materials, they need to hold them under the sun for several days. Such acclimatization is necessary in order for the wooden products to be in the process of operation, and the gaps did not appear.


Lining - cheaper wood finishing material. Also lining the facades of cottages or baths that are perfectly combined with the surrounding nature.


Inexpensive facade finish can be performed using siding or facade foam. From the English language Siding is translated as "lining". Siding is vinyl, base, metallic and wooden.

  • Based siding is used to cover the building base. For this purpose, panels with a thickness of at least 3 mm with imitation of natural building materials (stone or facing brick) are suitable.
  • Move from polychlorvinyl (PVC). This material is resistant to mechanical damage. Also, choosing siding, you need to avoid bright colors, as the vinyl products are sensitive to ultraviolet.
  • Metal siding is quite durable and resistant to external influences material. Use most often for the facade of the facades of industrial buildings.
  • Wooden siding is a natural material, and therefore the most expensive. It is an eco-friendly, but not durable.

You can buy siding in a variety of colors. Polyvinyl chloride panels (PVC) are produced with imitation of various materials. The most popular siding is under a tree or under a brick. The advantage of the material is that it has a little weight and is easy to mount it.

Siding installation is made on a layer of insulation, but it can be without it. This modern material is widely used for finishing houses, residential country buildings and when repairing old-eyed facades. Siding is an excellent waterproofing material that is capable of protecting the walls of the house.

Panels with decorative elements

Panels with decorative elements made of reinforced foam of qualitatively and relatively inexpensively, you can finish the facade. Such panels are both insulation and decor.

Decorative elements, such as moldings, eaves, bales, pilasters, are suitable for finishing classic facades. These elements are made of foam with protective coating. Their installation is made on a plastered surface with a special glue.

As can be seen, in order to produce the facade reconstruction, there is a wide variety of finishing materials. The choice need to be guided, above all, the financial side and personal preferences. Also criteria for selection are protective functions of material from weathering, environmental friendliness and simplicity in installation and subsequent care. The main thing is that the beauty of the facade is preserved.


In this video, it is described about the outer decoration of buildings:


Answers to a question than to separate the country house outside, a lot, in fact, as much as there are finishing materials and methods of their laying, that is, even more than enough that sometimes it makes it difficult. But given the secondary meaning of such a residential building in our lives, we will limit ourselves to the most popular options that can be found in the Russian Federation.

So, we will consider several ways to meet in more detail on siding and demonstrate you video in this article, which will help to understand the essence of these issues.

Beautiful cottage

Facing options

  • Of course, lumber are quite available and very popular in Russia, therefore, the decoration of the country house outside the wooden lining is quite acceptable option for many inhabitants of the Russian Federation. Such a cladding made according to GOST 8242-88 is not only beautiful, but simultaneously serves as excellent insulation and sound insulation, and with proper treatment with bactericidal and moisture-resistant substances, it can serve from 10 to 20 years.

  • Well-known materials for wall decoration at the cottage outside, these are different, the price of which is quite acceptable for the average inhabitant, although it depends on the composition of the mixture and brand of the manufacturer.
    All such facade facing mixtures can be divided into:
    • silicone
    • acrylic
    • cement-sand
    • and decorative plaster.

The choice of such compositions more depends on personal preferences. The finished coating, as a rule, is distinguished by waterproof, temperature stability, vapor permeability, a significant operational resource and a large variety when choosing colors and shades.

  • The fastest for assembly, these are summer houses from the container block, the facing of which can be from a sandwich panels or from a metal professional flooring, as in the photo above. It is installed there by the manufacturer, in the manufacture of prefabricated elements and you will not have to solve this question yourself.

  • In the XXI century, the finishing of the country house with siding was popular in our country, but this material is also different - it is wooden, metallic, cement, base and vinyl siding. The word comes from English siding - the outer facing and at the same time performs two functions - aesthetic (scenery of the cottage facade) and utilitarian (protection against atmospheric precipitation, wind and temperature differences).

We will tell about the installation of such a cladding in detail below.

Installation of vinyl siding

First of all, you should take care of and for this you can go in two ways.

  1. First, install a horizontal cut from the tree on the wall to insert mineral wool or foam between the rails.
  2. Secondly, to do without preliminary doom and immediately install brackets for the frame, on which the same insulation will be held.

Recommendation. If you decide to mount siding on a metal frame, then you make no sense to install a preliminary horizontal wooden cut.
So you can save on the material and get the equivalent insulation effect.

After laying the insulation, any of the above-described methods, mineral wool or foam (does not matter) it is necessary to close the windarrier - this can be a special thin tarpaulin or a vapor-permeable film, which is stacked by the rough side inside (the price of them is approximately the same).

If the insulation laid between wooden rails, then the windbarrier is naked to them a stapler, and if he has gone to the brackets, the film is fixed in the same way. If necessary, the insulation can be additionally fixed by the fungus-dowel in the right places.

The distance between the frame profile, which is mounted vertically, should be at least 30-40 cm, so that the vinyl bar does not bete under the influence of strong wind gusts, therefore, the rows of brackets must be attached to this distance. Vertical between consoles should be observed a similar distance - so the framework will be hard and reliable.

Recommendation. Corner profiles should be installed so that they are at a distance of 10 cm from the edge.
To do this, you can create a virtual plane on two conjugated walls at the top of the frame - the imaginary intersection point of the planes is just a starting point.
In the future, this will make it easy to install an angular profile.

Installation of siding, as required by the instruction, begins with the installation of all necessary profiles, in any case, these are starting, finishing, corner, aboutkeeping and J-Trim profiles. They are fixed on the self-tapping screws with a press washer. For wooden frames, you can use nails.

After fixing profiles, the installation of siding panels is starting, fastening them with self-draws with a press washer, as you see it in the photo above. Since you have already decided than to separate the walls in the country, then you should know that siding has a property to expand when heated and narrowed during cooling, therefore, the fastener holes are made oblong (temperature buffer).

Screwing should be screwed exactly in the center, leaving it slightly deteriorating to leave the space for the deformation movement.


In case you need to connect power tools, and the country area is not electrified, then the rental of the diesel generator will save the situation for the cottage. But for finishing siding you can do without a power grid. Successful mounting work!

The wooden house was traditional housing in Scandinavia and in Russia for centuries, not so long ago, he again entered the fashion. The structure of wood is environmentally friendly, built faster than stone, it does not have stuffiness and humidity. Its disadvantages are low fire resistance and mushroom exposure. After construction, a shrink may occur to 6%. During this period, especially if the house was built at impaired, it is worth thinking about an additional trim.

Video - than to sew a wooden house

What gives the cover of the house outside

  • Raising fire-resistant, resistance to pests and chemical impacts
  • Improving appearance buildings
  • Insulation and protection against drafts

To achieve these conditions, refractory materials with low thermal conductivity and gyroscopic are usually chosen. For insulation, mineral wool and foam, wooden lining, siding, heat-insulating plaster, block house and even facade brick are decorative materials.


It is especially necessary to insulate the house in the northern regions, in the south it is often possible to do only with a trim, it also insulates a little home.

The main advantage of the insulation of foam is its price and simplicity of use. The shortcomings are much more. The vapor permeability of this material is 10 times lower than that of the Minvati, therefore, when using expanded polystyrene, you need to think about the ventilation system. A tree under it can start rotting, the material "does not breathe." Such savings can lead to much greater costs in a few years.

Mineral wool - more common and environmentally friendly material. Warm wooden house on a frame scheme:

  1. Close up of emptiness between bars.
  2. Lay the vapor insulation layer (rubberoid, foil, plastic film).
  3. Make a frame - nailed to the walls every 0.4-0.6 m bruks 50 by 50 mm.
  4. Place mineral wool, filling out all empties.
  5. Put a layer of films for insulation from wind and water.
  6. Top with a house.

Additionally, to attach minvatu to the frame there is no need, it will stay between the layers itself.


Wooden covering includes lining, timber imitation and block house. Different materials for the price and appearance, all three eco-friendly, perfectly absorb street noise, heat the room and look natural. There is also an option to be plating with plaquen or "finishing quarters". But these materials do not have thorns, so when installing may occur.

It is worth using for internal work. The most expensive and beautiful block house, it easily endures the temperature differences, looks outside as a rounded log. Lining - a frequent choice of mass market, looks a little simpler. Make the sheath of larch wood, oak or pine. In order for the texture by the tree for many years, you need to soak it with refractory makeup, check and paint.

Sheat technology is the same for all three finishing materials. The tree is nailed with cloves, glue or fasten on the hooks. Sewing need from bottom to top. The first board is attached to the frame, the second is put on the groove on the crest first. Wooden wedges pressed the top to the bottom along the edges and the middle, then nourish, and the wedges take off. Thus reach the roof. Work can be performed only in dry weather.

Siding can be made of metal or vinyl. The first is less durable, but it is easier metal and successfully confronts corrosion. It does not need to be painted, the dye is introduced into the production stage. The second coolers quickly and heats up in the sun, when they hit it, dents and scratches appear on it, then it can start corrosive.

Installation starts from corners. Attach self-drawing to the crate, from the middle of the panel to its edges. Between the nail and siding cap, you need to leave a gap of 5-7 mm, since the material is expanding when heated. When installing siding in the frost, the gap should reach 10 mm. Elements connect twisted 2 cm.

Tile rarely use for walls, usually finish the foundation and corners of the house. The tile is fixed from the lower corner of the crate, then move horizontally. The row is fixed with self-draws. The next rows are inserted into the locks of the tiles of the first, then adhered again with self-draws. Another tile can be glued on special compositions.

Corners can be folded in flashes or jack. When attaching a mustache must go at the level of the walls for the walls, the installation is performed by entering the tile by 30 mm.

Facing with stone and facade brick

The stone finishes greatly takes the house, weak foundation may not withstand the additional load. At the same time, the house becomes warmer, it is not susceptible to burning. Artificial stone is much easier and suitable for any kind of foundation. Works are made only after a complete shrinkage of the house, not earlier than one year after construction. The gap between the brick and the wall should be at least 5 cm.

As we see, the types of decorative decoration set. The choice is to make, based on your own budget and climatic conditions. Perhaps your home does not require additional finishes and insulation, and it is enough just to paint.

If a wooden house in the country is built from a bar or logs, then in some cases it will be useful to additionally decorate decorative material for finishing facades. The article will tell when it is the outer decoration of a wooden house not only will have a positive effect on its appearance, but also increase the thermal insulation parameters of the structure. You will learn how to protect wood from the negative environmental impact (precipitation, sun, temperature drops, etc.) and what materials can be selected for this.

Wooden house on the cottage after facing the facade is literally transformed

What gives the construction of the building outside

The covering of a wooden house outside allows you to solve the following practical and aesthetic tasks:

    increasing the attractiveness of the appearance of the building;

    improving the thermal insulation properties of the walls;

    raising fire safety due to an increase in resilience to fire;

    improving sound insulation;

    protection against rodents (mice, rats, etc.);

    protection against eating insects tree;

    protection against adverse environmental impacts (moisture, ultraviolet radiation, temperature differences);

    minimization of damage from malicious microorganisms causing rotting;

    minimizing the cost of finishing the facade (time-consuming operations for the processing of natural wood are excluded).

Facing allows you to turn the age construction to a new modern house

What can you choose

Today, the owners of cottages for the skin of the house can choose the appropriate finishing material for facades, taking into account their financial capabilities, desired technical parameters and design solutions. Most often, the following technological solutions are considered as options for skin sheathing:

    metallic, concrete or vinyl siding;

    vinyl base siding;

    block house, oven, imitating profiled timber or rounded log;

    facing brick;

    lining, a house covering board having a joint-groove compound;

    polyvinyl chloride panels (PVC);

    fibro cement plates and siding (composite material from wood fibra, mica, cement, quartz);

    thermopanels from polyfoam, mineral wool and extruded polystyrene foam (including clinker thermopanels);

    porcelain plate;



Staining the facade of the house - one of the variants of wood protection from negative environmental impacts

As you can see there are many options than to sew a wooden house outside, an overview of materials for facades will help learn the features of the application of this or that technology.

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service selection and installation of outdoor decoration and insulation of turnkey houses. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-rise country".

Vinyl or metal siding

It is thin steel or aluminum strips having a decorative protective coating. It is attached to the crate, or a special metal, or on the wooden bars treated with impregnation. On the longitudinal sides, the castle is provided for the joints, and for attaching perforation to the crate. The main advantages of this material include:

    simple and quick installation;

    a wide range of colors, textures;

    not exposure to panels to rotting;

    ease of care;

    significant improvement in thermal insulation parameters of buildings;

    protection of facades from moisture impact;

    installation of panels can be carried out at any time of the year;

    it is not subject to the appearance of colonies of microorganisms;

Metal siding is modern and technological material that is resistant to any operating conditions.

    it is not attractive for insects, they will not damage it;

    safety for humans (not toxic);

    retains long time initial species;

    resistant to temperature drops;

    does not burn.

Facing brick

With it, a very beautiful exterior decoration of a wooden country house can be provided, but a brick finish is a rather laborious process that requires strengthening the foundation of the structure. Also, this is a fairly expensive option of the trim, but for this, the owner of the cottage receives:

    excellent frost resistance;

    improving thermal insulation;

    long service life of the building and its plating;

    minimal absorption of moisture;

    attractive familiar appearance;

    strengthening the bearing capacity of the building.

Block house

If you need to create a simulation that the house is built from logs or timber, the optimal solution is the use of block house. Its main advantages are uncomplicated installation, long service life, improved soundproofing and thermal insulation of the building.

Outside Block House is difficult to distinguish a rounded log or profiled timber

It should be noted that the naturalness of the material requires antiseptic processing and fire impregnation of the boards, and the cost of block house is more than siding.

Fibro cement decorative panels

This is a relatively new finishing material. The composite panel has high strength and resistance to temperature and humidity drops. It has a fairly high weight, so it can only be used by structures that have enough carrying ability. Protective decorative coating on the plates is three types: acrylic, photoframic, hydrophilic ceramics. It can be both matte and smooth. Mounted plates using special guide mounting slats, fixed on the wall by cleimers.

Fibro cement decorative plates - a simple and inexpensive alternative to natural stone


For these purposes, special facade plaster is used, it has the following advantages.

    good adhesion to various reasons;

    long shelf life without loss of properties;

    lack of toxic substances;

    resistance to atmospheric and mechanical effects;

    does not absorb pollution;

    surface pollution is easily cleaned by washing;

    there are modifications with the property of self-cleaning;

    paropropusability, which is positively reflected on the microclimate inside the house;

    ample opportunities for design (many colors and textures);

    simple technology for preparing composition for plastering.

Watching has one drawback - this is a time-consuming process that requires certain skills and knowledge. In addition, it is possible to stucked only in dry weather in the warm season.


If it does not require imitation of a timber or a rounded log, then the building can be listed with lining. The operational parameters of it are exactly the same as a block house, the only difference is the appearance. These are profiled planed wooden boards. On one side of them there is a groove, and on the opposite - comb. C from the help of the plank is connected to each other when installing. In the manufacture of the lining will be dried, the antiseptic processing passes.

The main advantages of this material are naturalness, durability, resistance to rotting, good heat and sound insulation. The covering of it thanks to the groove-crease compound is a practically monolithic wooden shield. It is made of such breeds of a tree like pine, oak, alder, birch, cedar, abashi, etc.

Using staining or staining, lining can get the most bizarre colors

PVC panels

The main advantage of polyvinyl chloride panels is their low cost. This material does not require special care, it does not rot and is not subject to corrosion. It is not attractive for rodents. By fire danger, PVC refers to weakly flammable materials. Plastic stable moisture. The widest range of panels in size, color, texture allows you to implement almost any designer solutions when we are trimmed. They have a small weight, so they are easy to mount.

Polyvinyl chloride panels (PVC panels) at first glance are quite unlike plastic

The disadvantages of PVC include the burnout of it in the sun, but this is solved through a special coating in the manufacture of panels. Due to the constant drops of temperature or severe frosts on the surface of the panels, cracks are formed. Polyvinyl chloride elements are easily deformed due to mechanical effects, and at negative temperatures, it can be cracked due to a strike. With strong wind, due to the vibration of panels, they can be a source of noise.


Thermopanels are solved at the same time two tasks - thermal insulation and decoration. They are made by applying to the insulation (foam, mineral wool, extruded polystyrene foam) decorative coating imitating natural stone. This coating is not fuel and practically does not absorb water.

The popularity of clinker thermopadals is growing every year, they are competing facing bricks

Clinker panels occupy a separate place among product data. They are obtained by pressing the clinker tiles into the polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam basis. Clinker panels perfectly imitate brickwork. They have a small weight compared to brick, and the service life is about half a century. Installation they also do not require significant labor costs.

Video Description

For the installation of thermopanels, see the video:

Video Description

Visively about the choice of facing, see next video:

Final output

The modern market offers many technological solutions for facing the facades of country buildings. The choice of the most acceptable one must be carried out on the basis of the financial capabilities, design features of buildings and operating conditions. To do this, it is better to contact the specialists.