Practical tips on how to glue wallpaper in the corners: features, recommendations. How to stick wallpaper on the corners Rules for wallpapering in the corners

Now non-woven wallpaper or based on it is becoming more and more popular, and this is not at all surprising. They are distinguished by durability, ease of maintenance, soundproofing qualities. In addition, recently manufacturers have been producing wallpapers twice as wide as a regular roll, 1 meter wide and a few centimeters wide. Thus, it is possible to glue several times faster, and there are fewer joints.

But many people are afraid to buy non-woven wallpaper, because they are worried that they will not be able to paste them correctly, especially in the corners. Such unrest is absolutely groundless, because in order to glue the corners with high quality and beautifully, it is enough to know simple rules. Let's look into this topic in more detail.

What is non-woven wallpaper

In fact, these are wallpapers that are made from foamed vinyl, and interlining serves as the basis. This lining material is based on cellulose fibers, which must be at least 70% of the composition. Their main advantage is that they visually even out all the irregularities of the wall, making it perfectly even. Also, non-woven vinyl wallpapers isolate the room from extraneous sounds: the knocking and screams of neighbors behind the wall will become less noticeable.

Non-woven wallpaper or non-woven vinyl wallpaper can be painted several times and even washed with a sponge from dirt. And when you decide to make repairs and peel off the wallpaper, then only the top layer is removed, and the non-woven one will serve as the basis for pasting new ones.

Non-woven wallpaper is very practical, no special skills are needed to glue them. But there are a few tips that will undoubtedly come in handy for owners who decide to make repairs with their own hands.

How to glue non-woven wallpaper can be clearly seen in the video:

Gluing inside corners

Remember, the main rule for pasting corners is not to do it with one canvas, so that one part of the whole strip is on one wall, and the second on the other. In this case, non-woven wallpaper can stretch, and the result definitely does not hit you. This rule applies to both internal and external corners. The right decision would be to paste over each wall with a separate piece, which simply fit together correctly.

To glue competently, there are several ways that will undoubtedly lead you to the expected result.

Option 1. One of the easiest methods is to overlap the wallpaper in the corner. Thus, one sheet is glued with a spade of 1-1.5 cm, and the second one is exactly along the line of the corner, i.e. there is no gap between the wallpaper, and the corner is neat and visually even.

Attention! Non-woven wallpaper is quite dense and thick, so the cut will still be visible.

Option 2. This method is most often used in rooms where the walls are not quite right, and a little littered. The first sheet is glued with an allowance to the adjacent wall, so as to cover the entire corner. The width of the overlap depends on how uneven the walls in the room are. The second is also glued with an overlap, so that, observing the pattern, do not distort or displace it. After that, push a clear line with a level or any other even object, and make an accurate cut with a sharp clerical knife. Then easily remove the top excess strip.

The bottom part will be harder to remove, but just peel back the glued top part and you're good to go. After that, re-glue the edges with glue and carefully attach them in place. The whole procedure should be carried out as quickly as possible, and then you will get the perfect angle even on such uneven walls.

Option 3. One strip is glued to the wall with an overlap of about 2 cm. Then, using a plastic spatula, it is carefully driven into the depths of the corner. All folds and irregularities are eliminated quite simply: you need to make several cuts and overlap, thus removing the unevenness of the canvas and the wall.

Next, we take a long metal spatula, press it tightly against the corner and carefully cut off the excess material residues in one motion. The second strip is glued in the same way and cut off. If everything is done correctly and accurately, then you will get a monolithic seam that will be almost invisible to prying eyes.

Some options can be clearly seen here:

External corners

In addition to internal corners, in any room there are also external ones. Often these are window slopes or niches and ledges that cannot be ignored. They have their own characteristics of pasting. With the help of small secrets, gluing will become easy, and the corners will be neat and beautiful. The algorithm for pasting external corners is as follows:

Some more tips and interesting solutions to correctly glue wallpaper, including non-woven, on uneven walls, can be seen in the video:

In the end, I would like to say that non-woven wallpaper and non-woven base is a fairly dense and practical material that is very easy to glue. It is perfectly cleaned, and will delight the eyes of the owners for a long time.

Using the rule or a metal profile and a plumb line, find the most protruding point of the adjacent wall. It is important that the profile fits snugly against the wall and must be kept strictly vertical.

An angled spatula must be attached to the found point, and a profile should be attached to the spatula. Check with a plumb line that the profile is strictly vertical, then notches for dowels are made on the wall.

Then, using a perforator, drill holes in the wall, install dowels and fix the profile with self-tapping screws.

The next step is to apply putty on a corner pre-moistened with water. With the help of an angled spatula, putty is applied and an even angle is formed, excess gypsum must be removed.
When the putty layer dries, it is polished with zero sandpaper.

Method number 2.

A special metal or plastic perforated corner is installed in the corner, to the edges of which a mesh is attached. Countershults are mounted strictly vertically and fixed with a putty applied to the mesh. When the putty dries, it must be sanded.

Using these leveling methods will help prepare a perfectly flat surface for wallpapering in the corners.

How to glue wallpaper in the corners

When wallpapering, you will inevitably encounter the need to paste inside and possibly outside corners. It is the type of corner that affects the choice of pasting method, and not the type of wallpaper. It should be noted that the following methods are applicable only for plain wallpaper.
Let's figure out how to stick wallpaper in the corners of the room.

External corners

Modern interiors rarely have external corners, mostly internal ones. But if you still have to paste the outer corner, then recommendations on how to glue the outer corner with wallpaper will certainly be useful.

The sequence of gluing the outer corner:

  1. Prepare a canvas of such a width that it goes around the corner by a few centimeters.
  2. Lubricate the wallpaper strip and the surface to be glued with glue.
  3. Glue the trellis to the wall and carefully align. This is necessary to remove air gaps.
  4. Bend the strip to the other side of the corner. If wrinkles form on the surface, then a small incision can be made.
  5. Step back from the edge of the corner 0.5 cm and make strictly vertical markings using a plumb line and a pencil.
  6. Apply glue to the next sheet and stick it with an overlap, having previously aligned along the line.
  7. Using the guide, cut through the middle of the connected sheets with one cut.
  8. Remove the cut strips and roll the seam with a rubber roller.

Internal corners

The most suitable method for gluing inner corners is overlapping. The width of the sheet should exceed the width of the wall at the junction with an angle by 2-4 cm. Then the sheet is glued and a vertical strip is drawn on the strip at a distance of 5 mm.

The edge of the next sheet must match the vertical line when pasting. In the case when the seam is invisible, you can proceed to further pasting the walls. If the seam protrudes, make an incision and make it end-to-end, removing excess strips.

How to glue wallpaper with a pattern in the corners

The joint of the wallpaper in the corner can be almost invisible if the canvas with a clear geometric pattern or the blockage of the wall does not exceed 2 cm vertically.

However, you need to try to keep the pattern shift as small as possible. Below are the recommendations of professionals on how to achieve this:

  1. Cut off and docked according to the pattern with the last pasted canvas, place the trellis on the floor with the side with the pattern up.
  2. Measure the distance from the edge of the last sheet to the top and bottom corner.
  3. The difference can reach several centimeters.
    Mark points on the spread sheet with a pencil or small cuts. It is important to make a note where the top or bottom is.
  4. Add 5 cm to the obtained dimensions and cut off a piece of wallpaper of the required width.
  5. Dock the wallpaper canvas with the cut sheet and overlap, overlapping the minimum point from our measurement.
  6. The part that overlapped the mark must be cut off. Cut the sheet to length.
  7. Lubricate the sheet with wallpaper paste and glue it back to back with the last canvas, glue the overlap at the final stage. It is necessary to exclude the formation of wrinkles by working the corner and the seam.
  8. We draw several vertical lines with a plumb line, at a distance from the corner to the edge of the sheet. The step between the lines is 5 mm.
  9. Lubricate the next sheet with glue and fold it for impregnation.
  10. Glue the canvas in such a way that the central pattern matches perfectly. We glue the wallpaper, smoothing it towards the corner, focusing on the vertical lines.
  11. According to the resulting overlap, cut the connected parts using a metal profile and a sharp knife.
  12. Remove excess strips and roll the joint with a rubber roller.

How to glue non-woven wallpaper in the corners

The technology for gluing non-woven wallpaper in the corners is quite simple and the methods described earlier are applicable in this case. However, it is necessary to take into account a number of nuances when pasting walls with this type of wallpaper.

  • Do not try to cover both sides of the corner with one canvas. There is a possibility of wrinkles.
  • Non-woven wallpaper is always glued end-to-end.
  • When sticking non-woven wallpaper, glue is smeared only on the wall.

How to fix seams in corners

Quite often there are situations when, after wallpapering, the joints between them become visible. Let's find out how to fix the corners of the walls after wallpapering so that the joints are not visible.

A checkered or striped pattern will easily hide the joints, even if they are visible. Joints will be noticeably visible on plain wallpaper.

If you plan to paint the wallpaper, then the joint at the corners can be masked with a special sealant that can be painted in the color of the wallpaper.

Often joints occur on paper wallpaper. To avoid this, they must be glued immediately after applying the adhesive. Otherwise, shrinkage of the canvases and gaps cannot be avoided.

At the joints between the wallpaper at the corners, you can apply grout for tiles of the same color. You can also use a marker or pencil.

Moldings or special panels will help to make the wallpaper more attractive and hide the joint at the corners of the wallpaper, paper borders are a more budget option.

Technology for working with uneven corners

  1. Get wallpaper with a neutral pattern that doesn't require joining at the edges of the panel. The drawing probably does not match, which will look very unaesthetic.
  2. Give preference to non-woven wallpaper, because. they stretch perfectly, do not get wet, do not tear and are able to hide minor wall defects.
  3. Use a little trick - glue the uneven corner in two layers. Glue a strip 8-12 cm wide under the main trellis. This is necessary in order to fill the gaps formed when cutting the outer layer.
  4. You can use a paint grid to reinforce the corner and mask small depressions.
  5. To align the spade, it can be trimmed with a herringbone. The overlapped strip will hide the cuts.

Other features of pasting corners

Wallpapering corners will not be a difficult task if you take note of the advice from the masters involved in finishing work.

  • Carefully treat the corners with a primer. Instead of a special primer, you can use wallpaper paste, applied a few hours before the start of work.
  • Apply glue in the corners only with a brush, this will help to avoid unwanted gaps.
  • Heavy and thick wallpapers are glued with a special transparent glue.
  • Smooth out the wallpaper in the corners until all air gaps disappear.
  • Carefully move the edges of the sheets after cutting the seam and coat them with glue, because the adhesive mass will be removed along with the removed trimmings.

Wall decoration with wallpaper is the most popular option for decorating walls in rooms. Undoubtedly, wallpapering on even walls is quite elementary and requires only a little skill, but wallpapering the corners of a room is technically more difficult. Before sticking wallpaper with your own hands, you need to properly prepare the walls.

First you need to clean off old wallpaper or paint, apply primer to the walls and level their surface. And only then begin to paste over the corners with wallpaper.

So, repair specialists distinguish the following stages of this process:

  1. You need to start by leveling the corners, for this you can use putty and, after it dries, clean it with sandpaper. In order for the angle to be even, you can use a special device - a plastic corner, which is attached to the putty. Remember that if you do not get rid of uneven surfaces, the wallpaper may peel off.
  2. The next step is to apply glue - before gluing the wallpaper into the corner of the room, you must very carefully glue the entire height of the corner with glue. If the roller does not cope with its task and leaves unsmeared fates, it is worth using a brush.
  3. Direct wallpapering of corners with wallpaper - there are different lessons of specialists that help to properly wallpaper the corner of a room, it is worth listening to them, but for greater productivity, we will outline some of the features of this stage: competent finishers do not recommend gluing wallpaper in the corners with whole strips, this is due to the fact that they can distortions will appear and the joints will be uneven.
  4. The wallpaper canvas must be cut so that their side from the sides extends 50 mm onto the adjacent wall.

Glue must be applied to the strip of wallpaper and the corner of the wall. Next, you need to attach the wallpaper to the corner of the wall as follows - if the pasting process starts from left to right, then the left side is applied to the inside of the corner to evenly cover it.

At this stage, you need to clearly understand that you need to wallpaper the outer and inner corners in different ways.

outside corner

External corners can be glued in two ways: firstly, if the outer corner has a flat surface, you can not waste time on leveling it and immediately apply wallpaper to the corner, then use the level and measure the edge of the strip so that the remaining strips lie evenly; secondly, to glue the outer corners, you first need to lead the strip around the corner by 4-5 cm, and glue the next part of the wallpaper at the top. Using a clerical knife and a ruler, cut these layers vertically.

Inner corner

Internal corners require more attention. Wallpaper must be glued so that they go onto the adjacent surface by about 3 cm, but not more, otherwise they will go wrinkled. The fold and turn of the wallpaper must be coated with glue. Next, you need to measure the width of the wallpaper located on the adjacent wall, mark the allowance of the glued side, which is glued at a distance of about 2 cm from the corner and a vertical line is drawn through it with a plumb line - this will mark the edge of the glued wallpaper.

Alignment of the wallpaper is done by rolling, for this there are special rollers and spatulas.

All the above stages of wallpaper stickers in the corners go sequentially.

Corners on the walls on the wallpaper: what is it

Plastic wallpaper corners are a good finish for finishing corners - they have protective functions and give the corner a finished look.

Construction markets offer different decorative corners:

  • Corners with a width of 20 × 20 to 50 × 50 mm are suitable for corners that are subject to heavy wear;
  • Dimensions 10 × 10 or 15 × 15 mm will give a neat finished look to the wall - they are called decorative corners;
  • The corners may differ in color, may have the texture of wood or metal.

For arched outer corners, it is better to use corners with the following approximate dimensions: 5 × 17.7 × 17.10 × 20 and 15 × 25 mm. Plastic corners are recommended to be mounted with silicone sealant, it is colorless and has good adhesion. The length of the corners varies from 3 to 7 m, so it can be adjusted to individual sizes.

Plastic decorative corners help protect wallpaper from mechanical damage at the corners of the wall, in addition, they are not expensive and easy to install.

How to glue wallpaper in non-woven corners: features and tips

Non-woven wallpaper is particularly durable, but working with them is quite difficult, especially on corner surfaces, because. they are not elastic.

To paste over the corner of the wall with such wallpaper, when cutting off part of the wallpaper, it is necessary to make an allowance of 1.5 cm, this allowance must overlap.

You need to know a little secret - sticking non-woven wallpaper will be easier if you make equal cuts along their entire length along their edge.

Glue in this case is applied only to the wall, and the wallpaper must remain dry. In the work on decorating the corner with such wallpaper, it is better to first use the corner, then unnecessary crooked places will not appear. If the choice is made in favor of wallpaper with a pattern, in this case it is necessary to qualitatively adjust the pattern in the corners. In order to keep the pattern in the corners intact, you need to cut the next strip from the corner to fit the pattern of the already pasted wall.

Here are some tips:

  • It is necessary to make a small overlap on another wall;
  • It is better to hide the joints at the top of the corner;
  • Wallpaper with a pattern in the corners is better to glue on a plumb line.

Meter wallpaper is a wide non-woven fabric a little over a meter. This type of wallpaper helps to quickly paste over a large apartment and the selection of a pattern becomes easier. In order to stick meter-long wallpaper in the corners, you need to overlap up to 3 cm on the next wall. The rest of the procedure will not differ from the standard pasting of corners, which is described above.

How to glue corners on wallpaper: installation technique

Then proceed according to the following plan:

  1. The adhesion of the corners to the wall will be stronger if they are glued to the wall, and not to the wallpaper;
  2. Distribute adhesive material evenly on the inside of the corner;
  3. Attach and press to the desired area on the wall, remove excess glue with a napkin;
  4. Do not touch the corners until the material is completely dry.
  5. In order for the sealant to better grab on the site, you can fix the corner with adhesive tape.

How to glue wallpaper in the corners (video)

So, knowing the technology of gluing wallpaper in the corners, you can make high-quality repairs with your own hands and, in addition, help your relatives in this difficult task.

Wallpapering the walls of an apartment is a common procedure for most residents of our country. This is the most affordable and easy way to update the interior, but not many owners understand how to glue wallpaper in the corners of the room. Such a seemingly simple task stumbles upon a lot of difficulties when it is necessary to paste over corners with an uneven surface. Especially a lot of problems arise with wallpapers that require fitting according to the pattern. An exact match of the image in a crooked corner cannot be achieved, and the overall picture will be hopelessly spoiled. You can endlessly join individual canvases on the wall, but without careful leveling of the surface in the corner and preliminary preparation, it will be impossible to achieve an acceptable result.

To avoid difficulties in the process of gluing wallpaper, special attention should be paid to the preliminary preparation of walls and corners. Even minimal protrusions or recesses in the corner can give a serious distortion over a meter length, and several such errors make it impossible to fit - creases and gaps appear, as a result of which wallpaper with different patterns cannot be joined.

To prepare the surface for wallpapering in the corners, you will need to perform the following work:

  1. The first step is to clean the surface of old coatings, dust and dirt.
  2. If small indentations are found, they are eliminated with putty.
  3. If the wall is uneven, you need to find the point of maximum protrusion at the inner corner. Using a guide rail (metal profile) installed along a plumb line or level to an adjacent wall, a mark is made on which the angle is aligned with special building mixtures.
  4. If it is impossible to level the inner corner with mortars, it is recommended to install a special corner made of metal mesh, after which it is necessary to plaster the corrected place. In the same way, you can prepare the outer corner.
  5. Leveled and dried surfaces must be treated with sandpaper until a smooth surface appears.
  6. After obtaining the ideal surface, it must be treated with a primer. This item of preparing the corner for gluing is mandatory, although many owners who do their own repairs ignore this procedure. The surface treated with primer allows to achieve a higher degree of adhesion of materials, which is especially important when working with corners.

The preparation will allow you to solve the problem of how to stick wallpaper in the corners of the room with high quality. In the same way, it is recommended to prepare complex surfaces at the locations of doors, radiators and windows.

How to wrap corners

To successfully overcome the problem of corners, both external and internal, it is necessary to prepare a set of tools that will allow you to do this job with less effort. The following tools will be needed for gluing paper, non-woven and vinyl wallpapers:

  • plumb line or level to determine the vertical mark;
  • a wide spatula, as a basis for even cutting wallpaper;
  • stationery knife;
  • brush 150 mm wide;
  • roller, preferably on a long handle;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • rubber roller for rolling wallpaper;
  • container for dilution of glue and primer;
  • bath with a cuvette for working with a roller.

The technology for pasting the inner and outer corners in the room, proposed below, is valid only for plain products without a pattern that do not require image matching.


It is best to seal the inner corners using overlap technology. To do this, it is necessary to prepare a sheet with a width exceeding the width of the wall at the junction with the corner by 3-4 cm. This piece is intended for gluing the corner and a small entry into the adjacent wall.

After gluing the sheet, it is necessary to draw a strictly vertical line along this strip at a distance of 0.5 cm from the corner. This mark will be a guideline for the second sheet of sticker on the adjacent wall. To obtain a vertical, use a plumb line or a laser level.

The second sheet is glued so that its edge coincides with the vertical mark. If the seam is invisible, you can proceed to further pasting the walls, if it protrudes noticeably, you will have to make a leveling cut, for which a clerical knife and a wide metal spatula are used as a guide surface for the knife.

After trimming, the excess strips are removed, at the junction, the wallpaper is slightly diluted and additionally smeared with glue, after which it is joined again.


Modern projects practically do not provide for external corners in the space of the apartment, but in the previous series such corners exist, so you should consider step-by-step instructions for pasting such walls:

  1. As in the case of an internal corner, it is necessary to prepare a trellis with a width exceeding the space of the wall up to the corner by 4-5 cm;
  2. Glue is smeared with a sheet of wallpaper and the surface that is planned to be pasted over;
  3. The trellis is glued to the main place and carefully leveled, removing air plugs;
  4. After strengthening the sheet on the main wall, they begin to bend the wallpaper in the corner. If necessary, small incisions can be made to smooth out wrinkles that form when the surface is uneven;
  5. The next step is to make markings on the strip, stepping back from the angle of 0.5 cm. The markings must be strictly vertical, for which it is recommended to use a plumb line or a laser level;
  6. Glue is applied to the second sheet and the wall, after which, aligning the edge of the sheet along the line, it is glued;
  7. Using a guide (wide spatula, long metal ruler or profile), a vertical cut is made in the middle of the connected parts;
  8. The cut strips are removed, and the joint is additionally coated with glue and rolled with a rubber roller.

Each master involved in finishing works has his own set of optimal solutions to issues that arise in the process of pasting. Below are tips from professionals to help you understand how to properly glue wallpaper in the corners and avoid mistakes:

  • For pasting walls with dense roll materials, the most durable types of glue should be used, and you need to choose glue with a transparent structure;
  • The application of soil to the entire surface of the walls, and especially at the joints, is mandatory;
  • Often, fitting the pattern in the joint takes a lot of time, which leads to the drying of the glue, so it is necessary to add the adhesive composition in time in places where it has dried;
  • In old panel houses, significant deviations can be found in the corners. In this case, effective alignment is difficult to carry out, therefore, to facilitate the work, wallpaper without a pattern should be purchased to avoid fitting;
  • If there is no special primer mixture, it is recommended to use wallpaper glue to treat the surface before pasting. It is enough to apply it 5 hours before the start of the main work, as a result of which the setting of materials will be much more reliable;
  • Lubricate the corners with a brush. The roller will not be able to cope with the full processing of the entire surface of this assembly, which will adversely affect the setting of the material;
  • In complex pairings with large deviations, it is recommended to glue a strip of small (up to 15 cm) width before sticking the main panels end-to-end. Such a precaution will protect the connection when joining the wallpaper and disguise flaws in case of inaccurate fit. This method is used only for plain wallpaper without a pattern;
  • For those who still have difficulty imagining how to glue wallpaper in the corners without marriage, it is recommended to use non-woven wallpaper. They mask the flaws of problematic surfaces best of all;
  • If wrinkles form when smoothing the canvas, they can be carefully cut at an angle of 45 degrees, which will eliminate the unevenness and continue working;
  • The smoothing of the cloth is carried out until the air pockets are completely eliminated. Otherwise, these places will not stick and over time will lead to peeling of the entire trellis;
  • When using the method of overlapping wallpaper, followed by cutting off extra centimeters along the length, it is necessary to carefully remove the joints from the wall with a wide metal spatula, and again coat with glue, since when removing excess strips, glue is also removed from the wall. It is better to cut off the excess with a clerical knife, using a wide spatula as a guide base.

These practical tips will allow any novice home master to cope with difficulties and understand how to glue wallpaper in the corners of a room without mistakes.

Docking wallpaper with a pattern

Of particular difficulty is the work of wallpapering with a pattern. With minimal vertical wall errors, docking is usually successful. Pattern shifting is possible, but this shortcoming does not affect the overall picture.

For a better fit of two sheets according to the pattern, it is necessary to spread both tapestries on a flat surface with the front side to the top. Next, you should take measurements from the last glued sheet to the corner at the top and bottom. These distances must be set aside on the first sheet, and another 5 cm should be deviated from the marks obtained.

By connecting the points vertically, we get a fold line (first measurement) and a cut line (second measurement). On the second line, the excess wallpaper is cut off.

The resulting sheet is superimposed on the second sheet, intended for joining, and adjusted according to the pattern so that the minimum point along the width of the first sheet overlaps by 3-4 cm, after which the second sheet is cut to the required height.

When both sheets are ready, an adhesive is applied to them and to the walls and the finished parts are applied, neatly joining them according to the pattern. The process of smoothing trellises is described in the previous methods for pasting corners.

The overlap is cut off with a clerical knife and a guide base (trowel), the cut strips are removed, and the joint is additionally smeared with glue and rolled with a rubber roller.

If you decide to make repairs, get ready for a complex process that will take a lot of time and effort. And turning to professionals, it will also be costly in terms of finances. Therefore, in order to save your money, we suggest that you at least partially carry out the work yourself. For example, you can easily cope with such a process as wallpapering the walls. The only difficulty that you will have to face is the design of the corners of the room. As a rule, this work always causes difficulties.

Unfortunately, both owners of apartments in old houses and in new buildings face uneven corners. Often there are flaws on the walls that make it difficult to paste the wallpaper beautifully and quickly. What to do in such a difficult situation and how to glue wallpaper in the corners? Below you will learn about all the important points, and for clarity, you can watch the video.

Pasting corners: features

If you are pasting external corner protrusions, make sure that the wallpaper sheets fit snugly against the wall, so it is not recommended to glue the entire strip on the corner at once.

If the joint of the walls is bad, it will simply gather into ugly folds. Moreover, wallpaper should never end in a corner. It is necessary to leave a protrusion of approximately 3 cm (if necessary, cut it with a knife). In this way, you can achieve a perfectly even gluing. When using thick wallpaper for wall decoration, use a plumb line.

If there are switches or sockets nearby, remove the covers from them, turning off the electricity. Next, glue the canvas on top, then cut out circles of a smaller diameter than the casing itself. You can put them back when finished.

Preliminary preparation

It should be noted right away that all the preparation must be done long before gluing the wallpaper in the corners. First you need to remove the old finish, level the surface. To align the joints of the walls, use plastic corners, fixing them with putty.

Then the surface is treated with a primer, which can be found in every hardware store. The primer is applied with a roller or brush.

How to glue wallpaper in the corners: technology

It is impossible to glue all corners at once. Choose the one from which the work begins. To do this, prepare a strip of the required length and, depending on the type of wallpaper, coat with adhesive both one wall (when pasting with non-woven wallpaper) and the wallpaper (in the case of vinyl wallpaper). If you use plastic corners, you need to coat them with glue.

When processing the surface of the wall, it is necessary to capture an area slightly wider than the wallpaper (at least 5 cm).

Then you can start gluing the first canvas. If you are going to start pasting from left to right, you need to apply the left side of the canvas to the corner. The strip of wallpaper is located exactly along the entire length.

Then the canvas must be carefully leveled and all air must be expelled from it. This can be done with a plastic spatula or a special roller. After that, the entire wall is pasted over to the next corner.

Internal corners

Interior corners are the most common in rooms. For proper gluing, you must follow these recommendations.

The strip must be glued so as to capture not only the corner itself, but also a few centimeters of the adjacent wall. Next, it is important to press and smooth the wallpaper well using a lint-free cloth or sponge.

Then, using a ruler or tape measure, it is worth measuring the width of the wallpaper on the adjacent wall from the upper corner, folding back 3-4 cm. This is necessary so that you can glue the strip overlapping the previous one. Further along these points, using a plumb line or level, you need to draw a line along the wall. The canvas glued on it will be strictly vertical.

Next, you need to start pasting the adjacent wall. As noted above, the canvas is overlapped with the previous one along the drawn line. Further actions are traditional: the wallpaper strip is smoothed and pressed. Using a level, ruler or paint knife, it is necessary to cut through both layers of wallpaper in the corner, removing all trimmings. It is important to do this especially carefully. If it is difficult to pry off the edge of the wallpaper, you can carefully bend the second canvas, removing all unnecessary. After that, coat the folded canvas with glue, pressing it well and smoothing it out, getting rid of the air.

By resorting to this technology of pasting the inner corners of the room, you can make the joint in these places invisible.

External corners

In almost every room there are external corners (slopes). For easy and high-quality gluing, it is necessary to pre-align them with plaster. But to do this will not always work. In this case, without overlapping pasting, you will not be able to achieve the desired result. Consider how to wallpaper the outer corners in more detail.

First you need to glue the wallpaper canvas so as to capture 3-4 centimeters of the adjacent wall. Moreover, it is important that the wallpaper fits evenly and tightly against the wall and corner. For this reason, if necessary, cut them in several places.

After smoothing the canvas, cut off all excess wallpaper (vertically) with a sharp blade or knife, leaving a thin edge.

Then measure the width of the roll with a large ruler or tape measure and, stepping back about 5 mm, draw a vertical line using a plumb line or level. The next strip is glued on it. She will lay flat. As a result, you will get a small overlap. It will allow you to hide all the defects that occur after cutting the first strip.

Features of gluing wallpaper with a pattern

If your wallpaper has a pattern that is distinguished by good clarity (for example, some geometric shapes and forms, vertical or horizontal stripes), you need to make sure that wallpapering in the corners does not distort it in any way.

This can be done easily. It is only important not to forget about the need to perform a slight overlap on the wall. The canvases must be glued so that the edge lies exactly along the plumb line. Then trim the second edge of the canvas along the edge of the corners.

Most likely you will not be able to completely eliminate the shift of the pattern, as a result of which a slight distortion will remain. But only you know about such a shortcoming. To identify it, you need to carefully study the lines connecting the walls. If you strictly follow the instructions on how to properly glue the wallpaper, the canvases will lie exactly vertically, and slight distortions of the pattern will be invisible.

How to glue wallpaper in the corners of a room: some secrets

  • If your wallpaper is heavy and thick, it would be a good idea to arm yourself with a strong adhesive. It's good if it's transparent.
  • By following our simple tips, you will wallpaper the corners of the room perfectly. And they will look beautiful, even uneven wall joints. You just need to be patient and do all the work carefully.