How to move a cabinet on linoleum. How to move a heavy cabinet: folk and modern methods

Sometimes in Everyday life there is a situation when you need to move a bulky object within a room of a house or apartment or on a terrace. There can be many reasons: just undergoing repairs, moving or rearranging furniture for any purpose, for example, to optimize the space of the home or ergonomics on the terrace. And here comes serious problem– how to move heavy objects, such as a closet, armchair or sofa, without much effort, without damaging the floor and without tearing your back?

Of course, if, for example, a terrace board is made using a wood-polymer composite, which can be found on the website, then it will be more resistant to abrasion. This material has strength and plasticity, it is also called "liquid wood". But once again dragging furniture is not even worth it.

Eight powerful ways

1. Prepare a rug, rug or heavy bag - a material that can slide on the floor. Cut the selected material into small pieces corresponding to the size of the legs, put them under the legs of the cabinet or other furniture and start working. To put the material under the legs, you should use the principle of the lever in practice: lift the cabinet on one side with the help of a board and put the material, then repeat the manipulations with the other side. Now furniture can be safely moved to the right place without fear of scratching the flooring.

2. Apply dish soap to the floor. You can replace it with laundry soap, body gel or shampoo. On a damp, clean floor, moving the cabinet will become much easier.

3. Take lids off plastic bottles and put them under the legs of the furniture. This is done so that the friction between the floor surface and the legs is significantly reduced, it will be possible to move the furniture without special efforts. A similar effect will be given by milk packaging - paraffin, which covers their surface, will facilitate the task.

4. Cut raw potatoes into circles, make a hole in the middle of each corresponding to the diameter of the cabinet leg. The starch found in potatoes is a good lubricant that can be used to move heavy furniture.

5. Take ordinary wet rags, put them under the legs of the cabinet.

6. Prepare a thick and long wool rug - it will help drag the cabinet over the threshold. This method involves the participation of two people in the process: one pulls the edge of the rug, the second supports the cabinet and pushes it forward.

7. Buy a special device in a furniture store - a furniture conveyor. The device is designed for quick and easy movement of furniture items around the house or apartment.

Agree, quite often in our life there are situations when it becomes necessary to move a heavy object from one place to another. Of course, it can be anything, but the main emphasis in this material, I will do it on the furniture, the site, after all, is furniture. So: moving, repairing, just rearranging in order to optimize the living space - all this is connected with the need to “move your favorite closet” from its main location to another one that is more convenient for you. How to do it, no damaging the flooring and without undermining your precious health?!

  1. An old felt boot, rug or rug will come to the rescue - any material that slides well on the floor. Cut one of the above into small rectangles, put under the legs and go .... In order to slip the material under heavy furniture, you can use "principle of leverage" . Its essence is that, with the help of massive board lift the cabinet on one side, put felt on it, and then do the same on the other side. So the furniture will move much easier, it will slide on the floor without damaging it. The same method can be used if you need to move, for example, washing machine or refrigerator. I saw how ordinary slippers of these materials once saved the situation: they were put with the sole up, with the felt to the floor and off we went…
  2. Every housewife in the house, however, like every owner, has nylon covers. covered with outside paraffin, they will serve as excellent "skates" for your furniture.
  3. A wet rag will also make it much easier for you to rearrange.
  4. One of my friends, who rearranges furniture from place to place at least twice a year, came up with special bags, which she herself cut from an unnecessary piece of tarpaulin. A strap from an old shopping bag is attached to them. From the outside, the rearrangement process looks like this: first, the bag is placed under, say, a sofa, then the husband “pulls the strap”, and the wife secures it. They say it's very convenient.
  5. Some advise applying any detergent to the floor. In general, it is quite logical for those who are familiar with the elementary laws of physics. By reducing friction, we make our task much easier. fit laundry soap, dishwashing gel, shower - in general, everything is limited only by your imagination. And for the future, any object that is difficult to lift is easier to move on a wet, clean floor.
  6. Similar to the previous method, but with great harm to the floor, you can process the entire path of your journey with paraffin or wax. Only it is unlikely that this will subsequently make life easier for your wife. By the way, milk bags are also treated with paraffin, draw your own conclusions ...
  7. A long and at the same time thick woolen rug will help to move furniture over such an obstacle as thresholds. It will look like this: one person pulls the protruding edge of the rug, the other supports and pushes the furniture forward. So it will be easier to overcome a multi-level obstacle.
  8. I heard that many people practice putting lard skins or thick slices of raw potatoes under the legs of furniture. Maybe, of course, there is a rational grain in these methods, but still, they do not seem successful to me. Firstly, heavy furniture, especially from solid wood, can simply crush these food products, and secondly, think about how you will then pull them out of there.
  9. By the way, let's not forget about the old jeans, which it’s not a pity to throw away: the “butt” under the furniture, the legs in the hands and pull, pull ...
  10. Well, the very last option, for the rich, so to speak, - furniture conveyor . The device is designed specifically for quick and easy movement of interior items around an apartment or house. This pleasure costs about one and a half thousand rubles.

Every person in life is faced with the need to move furniture during repairs, general cleaning or just to improve home space. Most of the problems arise when transferring a weighty environment. The question of how to move a heavy cabinet without legs as safely and efficiently as possible puzzles many owners of apartments and houses. To solve this problem, there are many folk ways and special devices to facilitate the movement of furniture.

Everyone who has had to move heavy furniture without auxiliary means knows that this requires skill, a lot of strength. To make the cabinet slide freely, you must first move it from its resting place. To do this, you should completely unload the wardrobe from things, removable shelves, fix the doors. Carry out a quick simple cleaning rooms is to wash the floor with any detergent to obtain a clean, rough surface.

Adhering to the simple laws of physics, the cabinet begins to move when the points of contact between the floor surface and the bottom of the furniture are minimal, the flooring is smooth, the product is empty. Given this, the sliding of an object along the base of the room increases many times without causing damage to the floor covering. Speed ​​up the movement of a heavy cabinet flat floor in the right place, you can use simple improvised means.

raw potatoes

The simplest and affordable way movement of the cabinet is a well-known and beloved potato. A raw root vegetable is perfect as a sliding substrate on a floor covered with laminate, linoleum, parquet. Potatoes, depending on the tactics used to move the cabinet, are cut in two ways:

  • circles with a thickness of 5 - 7 mm;
  • into two parts.

By distributing the chopped root crop under the bottom of the cabinet, where the halves are stacked cut to the bottom, it can be easily moved around the room. The starch contained in the potato, without leaving scratches on the floor, is a good lubricant for sliding. The remaining traces of starch are easily removed with a damp cloth.

wool rug

To facilitate the movement of furniture, use a thick woolen or felt rug. Despite the fact that this method is considered effective, not requiring much effort, the preparation process itself is considered laborious. You will need at least two people to tilt the cabinet back and slide the fabric under the base.

By evenly distributing the fabric, you can quickly move the cabinet across parquet and laminated floors. With light efforts of hands, successfully stretch through the threshold of the room, while protecting the floor from scratches and damage to furniture. In addition to the rug, you can use a camel blanket or a woolen blanket.

In order to overcome the threshold without damaging it, it is necessary to put a lumber slab 18 mm thick on it, equal to the width of the opening and along a length convenient for rolling.

wool rug

The cabinet must be lifted and a rug placed under it.

Nylon covers

To reduce friction during the movement of furniture will help one of the most common household items, which is available in any household, these are polyethylene lids. Soft, flexible backing pads lubricated with wax or soap, easily placed under the base of the furniture, provide a smooth glide.

Slightly lifting the heavy cabinet and placing the lids under the bottom in the right amount move it around the room with minimal effort. Such a simple device is reliable, as safe as possible for any kind of floor covering. Alternatively, milk bags made from high-strength polyethylene film, are characterized a high degree slip, strength.

Nylon covers

Paraffin, wax and laundry soap

It is no less effective to move a piece of furniture with the help of paraffin or wax, which are indispensable items in everyday life and reliable assistants in difficult situations. The products used as a lubricant, forming a thin, strong layer on the surface, provide easy sliding. All that needs to be done is to rub the floor with paraffin, wax or laundry soap along the pre-planned lines of movement.

The prepared soap solution from laundry soap and applied to the surface will also allow you to quickly carry out the planned rearrangement. Surface cleaners are removed with warm water.

The floor should be rubbed with wax or laundry soap

Today, for easier movement of weighty pieces of furniture, a special device has been created that allows you to independently solve the problem of rearrangement without physical costs and the services of movers. With the furniture conveyor, which is easy to maneuver, even in the smallest spaces, you can:

  • move the item to any place;
  • protect walls, floor, cabinet from bumps, scratches;
  • save time for rearrangement;
  • move quickly on any floor covering;
  • move furniture with maximum weight.

The principle of operation of a home loader is simple. A hardened steel lever with a rubber grip lifts cabinets of any size and weight. Transport platforms with rotating platforms on eight wheels are placed under each corner of the product. Silently, accurately and quickly furniture is transported to the planned place in the room.

Furniture moving set

Moving furniture with a conveyor

Modern methods

Lashing straps are widely used to facilitate the lifting and placement of bulky pieces of furniture. The device is a textile polyester tape with a ratchet tensioning mechanism, fixing end fittings. Via universal design you can move a heavy cabinet both without legs and with legs. Belts are characterized by elasticity, lightness and ease of use.

Soft textile tape when grasping the cabinet, securely holds it during transfer. When using them, you only need to hold the portable furniture with your hands. The equipment is designed for two people. Lifting equipment is used as a jack for lifting furniture. Modern design, having minimum thickness paws are able to lift an object to a height of 14 cm.

To move a large cabinet, it is recommended to use a small rolling cart with a comfortable handle and nylon wheels that protect the floor surface from damage. Field-proven equipment does not require Maintenance and additional assistants. With the help of this technique, the movement takes place with minimal physical costs, regardless of the weight of the product and significantly saves time. The design, equipped with ball bearing discs, has the ability to rotate. When moving along uneven surface can self-balance.

Precautions for Moving Furniture

During the rearrangement of furniture, safety precautions must be observed. Compliance with the elementary rules for lifting and moving large furniture reduces the risk of injury and the cabinet falling. To do this, you need to calmly and rationally think through all the actions of movement, evaluate your physical capabilities.

March 7, 2018
Specialization: master in construction drywall constructions, finishing works and installation of floor coverings. Installation of door and window blocks, facade finishing, installation of electrics, plumbing and heating - I can give detailed advice on all types of work.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to move furniture around the room or from room to room. And if everything is simple with small structures, then massive cabinets are much more difficult to move, especially if they have no legs and there is nothing to grab onto. In the article we will talk about several options for carrying out work that will help you cope with the task without damage to health and without damaging the floor.

Means for moving cabinets

Before you get acquainted with the methods of carrying and moving furniture, you need to disassemble preparations which must be carried out before starting work:

  • First of all, you need to remove all the contents. It doesn't matter if you work alone or with assistants, clothes add a lot of extra bulk. In addition, when moving, things inside may fall or tip over if some jars or something like that are stored there. When taking out things, lay them out so that they do not interfere with further work;
  • Removed all removable shelves and rods. Remove only what is not fixed, you do not need to disassemble the cabinet from the inside, as this may cause it to lose its rigidity. These elements also weigh quite a lot, removing them will greatly facilitate further work. Try to make the structure lighter without losing the strength of the frame;

  • Opening doors are better to additionally fix. So that they do not come off at the most inopportune moment and do not interfere with carrying, it is worth sticking them with ordinary or masking tape. The same applies to sliding doors, they are attached with tape to the sides;
  • The structure must be moved from its place of rest. It is important to slightly move the cabinet from the place where it stood, this will greatly simplify further work. In addition, it will help to estimate the weight of the structure, so that you can figure out how many people it will take to move the furniture;
  • The floor in the room must be washed. The cleaner the surface, the easier it is to move heavy objects over it and the less chance of damage. Small particles that get between the bottom of the cabinet and the floor can scratch the surface and leave clearly visible marks on it. Remember that furniture cannot be moved if the floor is freshly painted, you need to wait at least a week for the layer to gain strength.

When the preparation is done, you can proceed to the main stage. Below are the main options for carrying out the work, carefully read the information and choose what is best for your situation.

raw potatoes

The easiest folk remedy, tested for decades and well-proven. Potato allows you to independently move furniture without damaging the flooring. To get the job done, you need to do a few simple recommendations below:

Illustration Description
Potatoes being prepared. Everything is quite simple: several tubers of approximately the same size are selected, it is better to choose large options, as they are more convenient to use later.

Potatoes are washed thoroughly to get rid of sand, because if it gets on the floor while moving, then on paintwork scratches may remain.

Washed tubers must be dried or wiped with a dry cloth.

Potatoes can be cut in two ways:
  • Circles 10-15 mm thick, this is the most common solution;
  • In halves, when the cut off part is adjacent to the floor, and the top is placed under the cabinet, a less popular solution, since the tubers are often crushed under the weight of the furniture.

    Cut the potatoes just before use so that the surface is moist.

How to move furniture:
  • The furniture is slightly raised and a few pieces of potatoes are placed under the bottom. The heavier the structure, the more linings need to be done so that they do not crush under the weight of the furniture;
  • The cabinet moves gently along the floor, due to the potatoes it will not damage the coating and will easily pass even several meters;
  • When the furniture is in its place, you need to check its position and, if necessary, make adjustments, it is better to move it right away, while the lining is still under the bottom;
  • The structure is lifted, the potatoes are removed. The floor is wiped, as whitish traces of starch will remain on it.
Salo skins can be used instead of potatoes. To do this, cut out small squares that are placed under the bottom and allow the cabinet to literally slide over the surface.

After finishing work, greasy stripes from the floor are removed with a soap solution or water with the addition of detergent.

This method is suitable for such types of coatings.:
  • Linoleum;
  • Laminate;
  • Parquet and parquet board;
  • Plank floor if the wood is well sanded and there is no gap between the elements large cracks and fluctuations.

wool rug

Another technique that has been used for more than a decade. Its main features are:

Illustration Description
A carpet made of wool or thick felt is used. Ideally, if its size is slightly larger than the size of the cabinet, although 2-3 elements can be placed if they are small in size. It is better to use old products so that you are not afraid to damage them during the work.
Let's figure out how to move furniture in this way. You need to start with preparatory actions:
  • One edge of the furniture rises, it is necessary to lay a rug under it. It is better to do the work together, since holding the closet and pushing the rug with your foot is not the easiest thing to do;
  • The rug moves so that it is located under all the supports. If you are using carpet, then it is easier to cut it into pieces and put it in the corners.

Two people move furniture, one person pulls on the rug, and the second pushes the furniture from behind. This option allows you to ensure uniform movement, if you just push the cabinet, the substrate will slip out and you will have to re-cover it and lift the weighty structure again.

Furniture conveyor

A new way of moving furniture, which appeared relatively recently, but gained great popularity due to the following reasons:

Illustration Description

Simplicity and reliability. The conveyor is a set of a special lever that lifts furniture and four rollers with rotating platforms.

All elements are sold in a set, often they can be rented, in many cities such a service is provided.

The lever has a special wheel, thanks to which it does not damage the floor when it stops. The element is made of hardened steel, so you can lift even a large cabinet without fear that the device will not withstand and break.
It will not be difficult for you to rearrange the furniture in your house or apartment. The work is done by only one person, the correct algorithm is very simple:
  • The lift rolls under the cabinet, it should be strongly pressed with one hand, and it will lift the furniture according to the lever principle;
  • With the second hand, a platform is substituted under the raised angle, after which the cabinet is lowered onto it;
  • At other corners, similar actions are performed;
  • The furniture is simply transported to the right place, after which the platforms are removed from under it.

Other cabinet movement options

Let's deal with some solutions that are used in the process of work and have proven themselves well:

Illustration Description
Nylon covers. Perfect solution, which is very easy to use: from 4 to 8 covers are placed under the bottom of the cabinet, depending on the size of the structure, after which you can carefully move the furniture. Plastic pads glide well on smooth surfaces and prevent damage.

Lids cost a penny, and you can buy them at any hardware store.

Paraffin, wax or laundry soap. These options are used as follows: the surface on which the furniture will move is rubbed abundantly in the direction of movement of the cabinet. It is important to rub the base well so that the surface is slippery.

This method is only suitable for smooth and hard surfaces, if the floor sags or has irregularities, then it will not be possible to move the furniture in this way.

Rolling pins for dough. Can be used as rollers that are placed under the bottom of the cabinet and on which the furniture rolls in the right direction.

When moving, it is necessary to constantly put rolling pins and remove those over which the structure has already passed. To cope with the work, you need 4-5 rolling pins.

Precautions when moving furniture

Regardless of which work option you choose, you need to follow safety precautions and follow a few simple recommendations:

  • Do not lift heavy items or attempt to move heavy cabinets without special tools. This is fraught with damage to the flooring and injury, especially the limbs and back suffer. Even the simplest options like potatoes greatly simplify the work and allow you to keep your property safe and sound;
  • vacate the premises. At a minimum, it is worth clearing the path along which the cabinet will move from everything superfluous. Otherwise, you run the risk of tripping, which is highly undesirable when you move heavy construction. As recommended above, all dirt must be removed so that the floor is clean, smooth surfaces are wiped with a damp cloth;

  • Check the correct position of all devices used. If you are using any pads, then you need to make sure that they do not move and stay in place. When using special devices put them not on the very edge, so that when you start moving, they do not slip out from under the bottom. Even if you're moving a small piece of furniture, it's best to have someone supervise it as it moves;

  • Keep a steady posture. Do not make sudden movements and do not pull the furniture, so as not to injure yourself. It is especially necessary to work carefully in situations where you have to keep the cabinet in an uncomfortable position, since the risk of injuring your back increases significantly. It is better to do everything slowly, but carefully.

If you understand that it will be very difficult to lift and move the cabinet on your own, then it is better to invite assistants or involve movers. Health is more expensive anyway, remember that.

Movement of the cabinet depending on the floor covering

Above, we figured out what options for carrying out work are, now in a nutshell we will tell you for what conditions this or that solution is suitable:

  • For soft surfaces(carpet or carpet) options with rollers are more suitable: a furniture conveyor or kitchen rolling pins. As a last resort, you can try lids, but they are not always suitable for work;
  • For smooth surfaces(laminate, linoleum, parquet) any of the options described above is suitable. But it is better to choose something simpler, the same potato helps a lot in such work.


Now you know several ways to move cabinets and you can choose suitable option for your furniture. The video in the article will tell you some important aspects of the topic in more detail, and if you have questions, write them in the comments.

March 7, 2018

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Each owner of an apartment or a private house can independently move furniture with small dimensions and weight. Such a need arises during repairs or when an idea arose to modify the interior. Sometimes apartment owners start a general cleaning, during which it is required to clean the floor in inaccessible places. With large dimensions of furniture, rearranging it can cause a lot of problems, especially if the interior items are solid and massive.

Difficulties in rearranging furniture

Property owners often do not know how to easily move furniture in own apartment. Do it yourself work in the absence of experience can lead to negative consequences, the main of which are:

  • Damage structural elements such as legs and door handles.
  • Deterioration appearance interior items due to scratches on the facade or side surface.
  • Potential risk of tearing linoleum or carpet, scratching laminate or parquet.
  • The ability to damage the wallpaper on the walls, chip off corners doorways or scratch the joints.
  • The most unpleasant situation can arise if the owner of the apartment did not calculate his strength and was injured. It is very easy to tear your back when working with weights.

In order to avoid such negative cases, there are a large number of ways. Compliance with safety regulations, the use of a special professional tool or folk methods helps to rearrange interior items, regardless of the floor covering and without outside help.

Ways to rearrange furniture on soft surfaces

The question of how easy it is to move furniture alone, if a soft floor is laid on the floor, is considered quite difficult. The lack of a smooth surface implies a high friction force, so heavy objects have to be rearranged using special or home-made improvised means.

Tools for moving furniture on soft surfaces

The best option for organizing the rearrangement of large and heavy objects in an apartment is the use of manual mechanisms. With their help, it is possible to perform work quickly and efficiently, without damaging the facades and flooring. The most sought after are:

  • Furniture conveyor, made in the form of a small jack and independent stands with wheels. The lever raises the corners of the cabinet or sofa, under which the wheels are installed big size. At the end of transportation, the product is removed from the supports in the reverse order.
  • garden cart right size it can help a lot with the transition. To do this, you need to lift one edge of the cabinet and roll a trolley under it. The assistant holds the second side of the cabinet and monitors the balance during transportation.
  • Furniture stores sell special stands designed to move furniture precisely on soft surfaces. The lower part of the pads is made of plastic, which easily slides on a carpet or rug.

Any of these methods is equally in demand, and each owner independently chooses an option depending on their capabilities.

Folk ways of rearranging furniture on a carpet or carpet

Despite the presence of a soft coating, you can easily move the furniture in the apartment with the help of improvised means. Every house has plastic lids, which can be substituted under the legs and carry out the movement of furniture with a lot of weight. You can replace such coasters with food foil folded in several layers. Both methods are suitable for furniture with separate legs.

Another option is to use empty milk bags. Putting the packaging at corners allows you to rearrange not very heavy items. In the presence of pieces of fiberboard or old linoleum, become possible job with furniture without legs. The material is placed under the corners and with the help of ropes or belts moves along the carpet. The presence of several wooden rolling pins allows you to roll a cabinet or sofa on a soft carpet. One person shifts the rolling pins in the direction of travel, and the second pushes the product forward.

How to move furniture on linoleum and other smooth surfaces

The question of how to move heavy furniture on linoleum arises most often due to the prevalence of the coating. It is quite easy to scratch or tear the material both with furniture legs and the bottom of the cabinet. Therefore, the use of special or improvised means when performing work is mandatory.

In most cases, the use of a silicone lubricant, such as WD 40, will do. First you need to make sure that there are no marks on the coating. After that, you can safely apply grease on the way the cabinet moves. Other types of lubricant will also work, especially if you put extra smooth material under the legs.

An excellent option is to use a non-slip rug from the bathroom or hallway. The product is turned upside down, and furniture is installed on its base. With this method, the rearrangement is greatly facilitated. Special furniture stands are also suitable, with the help of which the task is greatly simplified.

How to move furniture without scratching the laminate using improvised means

Similar methods can be used to move cabinets on laminate or parquet. When using a lubricant, be sure to check the composition for the absence of a negative effect on the material. After completing the work, the remaining grease is thoroughly washed off the surface. Stands for furniture, the use of a conveyor or trolley are also in demand, if possible.

Sometimes apartment owners use such exotic methods as putting on old pants or wet rags, chopped potato wedges, pork skins. Treating the floor surface with soapy water is also considered a rational and effective way.

Despite the mass of options with self-rearranging furniture during repairs or moving, it is quite difficult to secure interior items and flooring on your own. In order to completely eliminate such risks, it is best to contact the Gazelkin cargo taxi. Our employees will quickly and efficiently perform work, guaranteeing the safety of property. Departure of specialists is carried out at exactly the appointed time, and the cost of the service is available to any client.