Len Natural is the history and properties of the fabric. Lyon in Russian tradition

Short story flax

The first famous textile product is considered by archaeologists in September 2009 in a mountain cave in Georgia fragments of linen yarn and fibers, some of which were painted. Age of finds 36,000 years BC e.

IN Ancient Egypt, in the pharaoh era (3,000 years before N. E), Len played a key economic role. It was made from it a variety of textiles, including Veson - the finest, almost transparent, but at the same time a durable white linen fabric for clothing, which provided comfort in the heat and was pleasant in the sock.

The linen canvas massively used to wrap the body in the burial and "accompaniment" of the soul of the deceased in eternity.

The next triumph of flax is the Phoenicians (12-y-8th century BC. E.) - Great navigators and the first exporters of linen fabrics and linen. They bought flax in Egypt and brought him to Greece, Rome, Brittany, England, Ireland and Spain. Channels, drowns along the Nile to the Red Sea for about 1700 BC. e., allowed to establish a new transport route of Visson: ships from Tira to India and then to China.

Julius Caesar, winning and conquering Gallov (50 years to N. E.), was struck by high-quality linen fabrics produced in Flanders (the historical region on the territory of modern Belgium and France) the population of this country called himself "Bel" CH ", which in Celtic Language meant "Lingerie." And priests - Druids, who wearing white linen linen, also called "Belek". In connection with which, Julius Caesar, the inhabitants of Flanders began to refer to Belgi.

Karl Great in 789 (the 8th century n. Er) gave an impulse for the production of bed linen, making a special decree. In his Capitulaires (the first book of laws that are grouped by chapters) indicates that each family in France must have the equipment necessary for the manufacture of linen fabrics.

Wilhelm Conqueror (1027-1087), Duke of Normandy, in 1066 (11th century AD) claimed the English crown. His wife, Queen Matilda, embroiders an epic story about this event on the famous tapestry from Baye: 70-meter fabric, thanks to which you can judge what life was at that time.

At the beginning of the 13th century AD. Weaver named Batist, from the village near Cambra (France), improves flax fabric weaving techniques. The fabric is successful and begins to export to Flanders, Holland, Italy, Spain and England. Linen fabric of batter weaving, or the batter has become a "kings cloth" and used for the manufacture of nasal scarves, table and underwear ...

At the time of Louis XIV pay special attention Crow and finishing clothes. At this time, the exquisitely embroidered and lace finish of daily or night underwear, which is visible from under the top dress. By the same time the appearance of the word "Ling", or underwear, meaning a "thin linen shirt".

Unfortunately, 17th century AD Marked with a sad event. Cancellation of the Nante Edic (1685) led to the fact that 6,000 Protestant weaves and laces were forced to leave France and go to Holland, Switzerland, Germany, England and Ireland.

In the 18th century, during the reign of Louis XVI (1754-1793), Krnolin appeared. It was necessary to raise skirts and attach the carrier of this product completeness and soreness (these features testified about the health and ability to give birth to the heir). Krinolin did from horsehair and flax.

Flax to enhance tissue strength, also added in the manufacture of velvet. It is due to the presence of linen threads, preserved in good condition before today's day So many clothes, furniture, table and other linen from the velvet of this period.

So far, one of the most expensive fabrics - the brocade is done manually. But in 1806, French Weeks from Lyon - Joseph-Marie Jacquard created a car that allows you to automatically raise the threads during weaving and produce brocade analogue. So with the beginning of the 19th century of the industrial revolution, a jacquard cloth appeared.

Napoleon 1st to stimulate the development of the French linen textile industry, offered an award in one million francs in the golden inventor of a spinning machine for flax. The decree was published in the newspaper "Gazeta".

Two months later, Philip de Girard came up with a decision, and on June 12, 1810 filed a patent application. He was so sure that he would win the reward that he took the money and in 1811 built two textile factories in Paris. Unfortunately, as a result of the fall of the empire and change regime, he became bankrupt and went to prison for debts.

In the 20th century, 90% of European linen fabrics were intended for the textile market (60% on clothing, 15% on bed linen, 15% on furniture and interior design).

Currently (21st century), due to technical capabilities, 10% of flax is used in eco-building (in the form of chipboard, building blocks, sound and thermal insulation materials) and in production composite materialsused in manufacturing window Rams (for resistance and insulation), sports equipment and equipment (mountain bikes, helmets, skiing, sketches, snowboards, tennis rackets that absorb vibration), passenger cars (rearview mirrors and door fastenings - For lightness and hardness), stationery, medical supplies.

The unique properties of flax made it one of the most popular cultures. We will talk about flax dolt and creating fabrics from it. Almost 30% of the stem is fiber, valued by the needlewomen of all times and peoples.

Rus loved linen fabric. Depending on the release, it could be used for the finest clothes of the highest classes, and for the manufacture of sails. Flax plantations were so great that in 907 they allowed to equip a two thousandth Armad Of Oleg.. Thanks to the set of trade routes, it was possible to sell flax abroad, as a result, it was imprisoned more and more. A brief historic footnote will allow you to make sure:

  • XIII A century: Chronicles and diplomas have retained information on the expansion of sowing areas under the flax;
  • XVI century: the first factory manufacture of ropes has been launched; In the same age, through Narva and Arkhangelsk begin to export products for the Western European consumer;
  • XVII century: flax supplies abroad achieve such a significant scale that a monopoly on the export of linen products is introduced in the country;
  • XVIII: A royal decree published to increase the number of factories. Fiber and threads exported to Western Europe, become one of the main financial flows aimed at the treasury.
At the beginning of the 20th century, Russia is the largest producer and supplier of linen products in the world. You just imagine: almost 80% of all flax on the world market belonged to Russia! 27 districts throughout the country have made this industry by their main income.

Cuckoohouse snapped - it's time to sow flax

Sowing was held from the second half of May to the beginning of June, when the earth of the fundamental and generously is hydrated to spring rains. At this time, proper notes were given, beliefs and rites. What are the only eggs in the seeder, which put to the seeds allegedly for greater whiteness of future fibers? And moreover, they certainly needed to eat, without going off the field when the seeder devastates. And for Len-Dolgunhawn to bear long and strong fibers, before eating the eggs threw up, as far as the strength had enough, and sentenced: "Grow, Len, above the forest of standing!". If we take into account the scale of production, then the rite apparently worked.

Side-sophisticated Lena care did not require: it was enough to buy. But at the same time, if presenting the hectares of bluish flowers, generously arched by weeds, then the prospect is not the most irrelevant. I do not think that men took an active part in this process, so it remains only to envy the endurance of our women.

The beginning of September gave the start of harvest. The process was called "Terembulation": Light yellow stems were pulled out with roots and connected in small sheaves with a diameter of 20-30 cm. The collection time played a very large role: if you rented flashes or remove ahead of time, the quality of the fiber was not as needed, significantly Distinguishing on the worse. A good measure of maturity was the leaves: when they began to push a little, then, it means, it's time to start cleaning. They pulled out small beams, at the same time removing the remnants of weeds, linked and placed in the field. The options for the drying for drying were somewhat, but the most "running" was drying on jerseys, in a suspended state, or in parallel rows, when the tops of the sheaves of one row relied on the tops of the neighboring.

At the next stage, the seeds were offended. It was done right on the field, special sticks with thickening at the end - kichigami. And it was done with a fair improvement in the characteristics planting material: Seeds took only with long stems.

Calculation and soaking

A very important process was a lying, or a moss. The result should be a slight branch of fire (solid part) from soft fibers used in needlework; But in different provinces, the process was passing differently.
Take, for example, the Vologda province: there the dried sheaves were spread on the fields. An ideal condition for lying was the alternation of good weather and rain, and if more and the dew in the morning, it is very good.
In Petrozavodsk, the use came otherwise. They were chosen to be chosen with a quiet flow in which it was cleaned. What a river will not fit - there have been their secrets:
  • milling in the lake bleached fibers;
  • if Lena beat the frost, then the red shade was hidden by soaking in the river with dark water;
  • if plants containing tanning substances grow on the shore, then in such places flashed, the fibers found unnecessary rigidity;
  • not soaked flax next to coniferous trees.
Not the last place in the soaking of linen shens took the time of dive. If it is detained, then even water with the most better qualities will give an unimportant result. And the early frosts were the most real misfortune, because long-looking in the water reduced the strength of linen fibers, and it was necessary to wait until warming. The tricky people could afford to wait next year and soak the sheath as it should be, but this is a rarity: mostly all in a hurry to have time until winter.

Sheaths pressed reliable oppression (jerles, bruises, logs), and left to swell.

And lydzka, and the urine lasted from the week to month, depending on the weather. The readiness was checked on the handustrians of the raw materials: a small amount of flax of the miles and tremble, checking how the campfire moves. Poverty flax in front of meat was rid of the rotor smell, a little squeezed the water and the beams were hanging on drying.

If the soaking or lying from the weather fell to the late autumn, then the sheaves were often sued in Riga or a bath, sitting on the sheep on the rigs. High-quality drying was very important: Sober Flax turned into a pass. The process occupied 10-12 hours, very rare day.

Mine, duck and cheese

For meat and quain used special devices. The furry served a log with a cut-off longitudinal groove, to one side of which was attached long wooden knife. The process looked as follows: Flax stems put in the groove, and with force they lowered the knife on them, thus squeezing the fire. Sometimes one meant was not enough, and the procedure was repeated with more subtle instruments acting on the same principle. The malls were installed on the street. The process itself was already in cold weather, but despite this, one woman could handle the day to two pounds of stems.

The purpose of the tripping was separating the bonfire particles from the fiber and its distribution. It was easy to beat the bundle of the fibers about the pillar, but more often they took a special threshing: a knob of a knife shape. It will be severe or light, depended on the quality of flax: strong, healthy fibers demanded more powerful quinta, and vice versa. The bundle was taken in one end, and on the second was beaten by trepal. Then the process was repeated with another end, and finally turned the beam inside out and cried the core. It remained to sort the fibers in quality and color. The remains of fire and scraps of fibers were either burned or caught with them walls. From the bumps could be fat rough ropes To dress the same flax.
Chesia had common features, but in separate provinces, the tool and the duration of the process differed:

  • - The middle part of Russia: fiber cleaned twice: wooden ridge and brush;
  • - Northeast: Three- and fourfold filled with brush.
PO appearance Very much resembled round painting brushes, it only consisted of a rigid bristle and a wooden handle, a wedged resin and a leather funnel covered. For their home, even children were able to make. More accurate and beautiful bristles were made by artisans and exhibited for sale.

Chesnia was trusted only by the mother of the family, or an experienced master. Depending on the quantity, swinging was given fiber for different purposes, from the coarse cloth-rod to the finest threads for towels. The word "Len" was called only those fibers that remained on the crest after a long multiple combing.

Closer to the end of the autumn, the woman showed each other the first wounded flax. The girls were especially trying to boast of skill, because their future mother-in-laws could be on the "loaf".

Spinning and weaving

The spinning season lasted long five months. Decorated with thread and spinning patterns, often being family value or groom's gift, as well as spindle - here are satellites straight. They hurt everything, from Mala to Great: young girls had his lesson - telly to marriage so much to have enough to tailoring dowry. Manual spinning is very long and painstaking process: an experienced master from morning to night could telly only 300 m yarn. Per 1 sq.m. The canvas left to four days.

The spiner itself could be conditionally divided into two parts: the one to which the Cudel is attached, and the one on which was sitting in the right. With you, she left the thread left, which was wound on the spine on the right. And this is such a L-shaped self-dye design, which appeared in the XIX century, could not oust: the quality of the thread was much higher. After spinning ready Material Sorted: Threads made by small sparkles went to ducks, and thin and durable were meant for sewing.
Studied threads used for weaving. In the outstanding, the cross was installed - the weaving machine, which was a P-shaped crossbar, to which the filaments of the base were attached and subsequently wounded the finished tissue. In the lower part of the frame, another crossbar was established: its role is the distribution of the bases of the base, even from above, odd from below (and vice versa). The free ends were associated, and the load was suspended to tension the base. Cason was put under a slight inclination so that the gap remained between the threads. The rear threads were attached to another crossbar. If she lay on the grains, then a natural distance remained for passing a duck between the threads, and if it tipped it on himself, the artificial gap was formed, in which the ducks stretched again; In this case, the front threads went back. Using the color thread and alternating colors and weaving methods, the craftsmen created beautiful geometric patterns.

Whitening and dyeing

If the threads did not paint, then the canvas opened gray. In this form, it was used only in extreme cases. For sewing, a bleached canvas usually used:
  • before the cloth cloth, a thread mixed in the balls;
  • the finished canvas for 15 hours were bleached in liquor and left an open air for several days, after which it was once again digested in liquor and washed.
Before sewing clothes, an additional gloss was imposed: painted fabric in different colors. Natural dyes were used: bark and roots, flowers and leaves, clay, soot and other technicians. Maybe the colors were not as bright as we used to, but the naturalness of the paint and the fabric was worth it.

Fairy tales, stories in pictures, riddles, songs, proverbs, shallows about Len. Enterprise about the world around!

In this article you will find:

  1. Story for children in pictures about growing and processing flax.
  2. Video for babies "As a shirt in the field has grown."
  3. Video film about Russian traditions of growing flax.
  4. Fairy tale GK Andersen "Lyon".
  5. Russian folk song On the cultivation of flax "We sowed, sowed Lenok."
  6. Schedules, riddles, sentences about flax.
  7. The presentation for classes with children "As a shirt in the field has grown: growing flax."

Linen Grow more than a thousand years. In order for Len to turn into canvas, it takes all year it - from harvesting to a new sowing. From flax, not only fabric, but also burlap, ropes, ropes, sails, fishing nets, and from seeds - useful linseed oil.

Luck grown hard. Even the proverb is such - "Lyon loves a bow."

Lyon was considered in Russia healing Plant. It was Lona who was finished with newlyweds, so that no illness was terrible. It was in the linen canvas taken newborns. Leaves tied out wounds. Even now there is a belief that if you sew the seeds of flax, it will protect it from the evil eye.

What is done by clothes: as a shirt in the field has grown. Materials for classes with children.

How to grow flax?

As a shirt in the field rose - video for kids.

What made clothes? Temple, crumpled, trees (according to A. Ivich's story). For children 6-10 years old.

1. How is it different from cotton?

Ask at home linen towel or a piece of canvas. It is likely to be. Stretch it and look through the matter. Almost nothing can be seen: tissue tight, smooth, no lumen. And through cotton matter, which is made of cotton, you will see all the furniture in the room. There are lumen in the fabric: in some places it is more slow, in some places.

What is Len, you know: a plant, like cotton. It is not growing in the south, but in the north in a temperate climate. Lyon is not so capricious as cotton. He doesn't need a lot of the sun. He can wait until the rain goes, "he does not need to serve water on the morning breakfast.

2. What is such a lob, or what are the fibers for linen threads?

Sweet flashed, rose stalks upstairs. The thin stalk of the Linen structure is the same as the trunk big tree: from above - bark, and under the crust - what? Lob!

Do you know what Lub is? This is the mild and flexible part of the trunk. Their birch loobs make baskets for mushrooms, from the Luba linden spilled before Napti.

In the linen stem lob consists of strong, long and very thin fibers. From these fibers and bend threads.

3. How to collect flax seeds?

If the bread is followed - everything is clear: the harvest should be removed when the grain, the seeds will divert. And with flax it is impossible to wait until the seeds are ripe, - the fiber will load and the threads from it will turn out bad.

What about without seeds? After all, then the next year will be sowing nothing! Yes, and not only for sowing need linen seeds - oil is squeezed out.

That's what came up with: harvesting the flax crop before the seeds are ripe, and then leave Luck lying on two weeks in the field. During this time, the seeds mature, and the fiber will not deteriorate.

4. Collect flax fibers? What machines help people in work?

Rye and wheat cut off. And Lyon is twisted from the ground with the root so that the entire stem is preserved. It is called "Take luna". Hands to telee - the work is long and hard. Now we have cars - linottern. Interesting name, right? Why are they so called? Because they help a person - Luck Terench!

First, the steer of Terebed Luck in the field - on "Claim" (from the word "to string", "free"). Seeds rose. But not only for this lay flax on the jacket. The fact is that the fibers of the Luba are very firmly glued together, and the entire lob is firmly glued with wood, with the inside of the stem. Therefore, get the fibers of the stem is not at all easy. While Lyon lies in the field - crumbling fungi grow in the stem, which destroy the glue. They soften it. But the whole glue they can not remove.

When the seeds are doser lyon Molotat - They are knocked out from mellowlock. And straw - flax stems - lower in the river Or again put in the field, under the autumn rains.

In wet stems, living creatures are breeding - bacteria. They are such tiny that they can be seen only under the microscope. These bacteria are powered by glue, which fastens fibers. While luna mock, the bacteria "eat" the whole glue.

Now how much work was with flax: they were torn it, they were drowned, threatened and uringed. But that's not all!

Now lyon is necessary dry but drying to split the lob on the fibers.This is done in the car. She is mount Lyon. What do you think, what is it called? (Try to come up with a child different variants, praise it for the wordness, and then tell me how people agreed to call this car. It is called "Fly". Why? Because she does Lonn). Linen straw passes between round shafts. Louba in the car - the meal is separated from the crust and wood.

And then Lob is sent to another car, which will flutter flax. Asking the child how such a car can be called. Yes, she is called a breeze! Very interesting and accurate name! Trepping flax - it means to knock out the remnants of wood, glue from a loose and divide the lob on separate fibers. The work of dust looks like knocking out dust from clothing.

Now the insidious, urinary, dried, crumpled, tper flax can be sent to the factory.

At the factory will be spin, so such a factory is called ... what do you think, how? Spinning because they are hiding on it! On a spinning factory from thin fibers of flax twist threads.

Then on the weaving factory from threads weaving fabric. From flax make not only cloths for clothes. Linen fiber is very dense, so even sails do out of it!

And then on the sewing factory from the fabric saute Beautiful clothes, bed linen, curtains, tablecloths, napkins.

And from short linen fibers that were not useful for yarn, they will make a pass. For what is needed tow? It canopate - plug creams.

From residual flax stems called "Campfire" Make fuel and paper. By the way, it is from the name "Kostost" the name of the month "October" in some languages \u200b\u200b(for example, Belarusian or Lithuanian), because October is the time of processing spinning plants. In the Belarusian language, this month is called "Castrychnik".

That's how long the path is doing linen From the field to the store, in which we buy beautiful linen things. Therefore, they say that the shirt in the field has grown!

In one of the schools of the Cargopol district of the Arkhangelsk region, children and teachers restored the entire growing cycle of flax. About Russian traditions you will learn from this video - the TV shows "Craft". Be sure to look at her record. At the end of the video, you will see all the tools of labor that used to be used to handle flax, see how they act as people used.

Video: Growing and processing flax. Russian traditions.

The project in kindergarten "As a shirt in the field has grown"

And in one of the kindergartens, the teacher with children decided to find out on his experience, how the flax grows and how the shirt turns out from it. About them research project You can learn from this video. Unfortunately, the author of the video does not indicate the number of kindergarten, nor the city, nor the name, name and patronymic of the teacher.

The whole process of growing linen is very well transmitted in the Russian folk dance song "We already sowed, sowed the Lenok", which can be learned even with children preschool age And which they sing with pleasure.

Songs, poems, riddles, shafts and fairy tales about Lyon.

Russian folk song of the spring ritual cycle "And we sowed, sowed Lenok"

In the dance, movements are depicted - Sowing and processing flax.

Initially, only girls were performed in tradition, the boys did not participate.

  • Girls are in two lines and opposite each other and walk in rows.
  • On the first two lines of each check-in show movements according to the words of the song (sow, canopy, rut, etc.).
  • For the words, "Chebotaged" fell their feet and danced to the words "My White Kuzuzook".
  • On the words of the china "Len My, Len" one of the lines goes 4 steps forward to another line,
  • On the words "white flax" this line makes 4 step back - returns to the place.
  • On the words "right on the mountain", the other line makes 4 steps forward.
  • On the words "On the left on a cool", this line returns back.
  • On the words "Len Green" everything is not the place and, as if show by hands on Len.

Audio recording of this song you will find in our group VKontakte "Development of a child from birth to school" (see section "Community Audio Recording").

We are sown, sowed flax,
And we, sow, sentenced,
Chebot was whipped:
You manage, manage, Lenok,
you manage my white kuzh (a) leek,
Chorus. Lyona My, Lon, White Luck,
On the right on the mountain, on the left of the steep, Lyon is my zila.
And we pololol, luna polol,
We pololi, sentenced,
Chebot was whipped:
You manage, manage, Lenok,

Chorus repeats.
Here we praise, praised Luck,
and we dreamed, sentenced,
Chebot was whipped:
You manage, manage, Lenok,
You manage, my white kuzulyuk,

Chorus repeats.
And we got shed, Slly Luck,
and we got shed, sentenced,
Chebot was whipped:
You manage, manage, Lenok,
You manage, my white kuzulyuk,

Chorus repeats.
And we urine, uringed luna,
and we urine, sentenced,
Chebot was whipped:
You manage, manage, Lenok,
You manage, my white kuzulyuk,

Chorus repeats.
We dried, dried flax,
And we dried, sentenced,
Chebot was whipped:
You manage, manage, Lenok,
You manage, my white kuzulyuk,

Chorus repeats.
And we are miles, malli flax,
and we miles, sentenced,
Chebot was whipped:
You manage, manage, Lenok,
You manage, my white kuzulyuk,

Chorus repeats: "Len My, Len", etc.
And we tremble, Trepali Luck,
and we trembled, sentenced,
Chebot was whipped:
You manage, manage, Lenok,
You manage, my white kuzulyuk,

And we are Cheschal, Chesled Lon,
And we Cheshed, sentenced,
Chebot was whipped:
You manage, manage, Lenok,
You manage, my white kuzulyuk,

And we went wild, rushed luna,
and we went wild, sentenced,
Chebot was whipped:
You manage, manage, Lenok,
You manage, my white kuzulyuk,

And we have fabrics, failed flax,
and we weed, sentenced,
Chebot was whipped:
You wear, wear, Lenok,
You wear my white kuzulyuk,

Chorus repeats.

And we sewed, we sewed Lenok.
And we sewed, sentenced,
Chebot was knocked out.
So managed, I managed, Lenok!
Here I managed my white kuzulyuk.


K. D. Ushinsky "As a shirt in the field has grown" (text from the book "Native Word")

She saw Tanya, as his father spread her hand in the field with small brilliant grains, and asked: "What are you, toy, do you?" "But I sow Lenok, a daughter: a shirt will grow and Vatuke."

Tanya thought: never she did not see the shirts in the field grew.
Two weeks were covered with a strip of green silky grass, and Tanya thought: "Well, if I had such a shirt!" Two moms and sisters Tanya came the stripes. Alone and every time they spoke the girl: "You have a glorious shirt!"

A few weeks have passed: the grass on the strip rose, and blue flowers appeared on it. "The brother Vasi has such eyes," Tanya thought, "but I didn't see such shirtaches for such a shirtaches."

When the flowers are faltered, then the green heads appeared on the spot. When the heads climbed and dried, the mother and sisters tanya have grown up all flax with the root, imposed and put them on the field.

When the pros is lyon, then he began to cut off his head; And then they soles in the river headless beams and even the stone was dulled on top, so as not to surface.
Sadly watched Tanya, as her shirty shirt; And her sisters here again said: "Nice you, Tanya, a shirt will be!"

Two weeks were taken out of a flax from the river, dried and began to roll first by the board on the gum, then weave in the yard, so that the Kostridge flew from the poor flax.

Wrapped out, began to scratch the iron ridge, while it became soft and silky. "You have a glorious shirt!" - again taana sisters said. But Tanya thought: "Where is the shirty here? It looks like Vasi's hairs, and not on the shirt. "
Long winter evenings have come. Sisters Tanya was put on luna on the ridges and began to spin from it. "It's threads! - Tanya thinks. - And where is the shirt? "
Winter, spring and summer passed, autumn came. Father installed in Zeba Crosna, pulled on them the basis and began to weave. There was a promptly shuttle between threads, and here Tanya saw himself, as canvas comes out of the thread.

When the canvas was ready, it became frosting it in the cold, to spread in the snow; And in the spring, they spread it on the grass in the sun and sprinkled with water. A canvas from gray white, like a boiler.

It came again winter. Schied the mother of the shirts from the canvas; Sisters began to sew shirt sisters and put on Tanya and Vasya new, white as snow shirts.

Linen. Tale G. H. Andersen

Lucky bloomed wonderful blue flowers, soft and gentle, like wings of moths, even more tender! The sun caressed him, the rain was watered, and the flax was also useful and pleasant as young children, when the mother will first resist them, and then kisses, children from this are good, good and lun.

- Everyone says that I got rid of glory! - said Lyon. - They say that I'm still stretching, and then a great piece of canvas will come out of me! Oh, what is I happy! Right, I am happier everyone! It's so nice that I am fit for something! The sun comes and revitalizes me, it feeds rains and refreshes! Oh, I'm so happy, so happy! I am happier everyone!

- Yes Yes Yes! - said stakes of the hedge, - you still do not know the light, and we know, - you hang, what are we bumping! And they covered complaints:

Do not have time to look around
As a song end!

- Not the end! - said Lyon. - And tomorrow again will warm the sun, the rain will go again! I feel that rag and color! I am happier all in the world!

But once there were people, grabbed Luna for the top and pulled out with the root. It hurt! Then he was put in the water, as if they were going to drown, and after those kept over the fire, as if they wanted to face. Horror what is!

- Do not always live in your pleasure! - said Lyon. - You have to suffer. But you wonder!

But the flares accounted for very badly. What was not done with him: both miles, and tuskali, and trembled, and scribble - yes just do not mention! Finally, he found himself on a hill. LJ! Here I misfortune all my thoughts went away!

"After all, I've been extremely happy for so long! - he thought during these torments. - Well, you have to be grateful and for the good thing that fell to us for a lot! Yes, you need, you need! .. 0x! "

And he repeated the same thing, even hitting a weaving machine. But finally came out of it big piece Magnificent canvas. All flax to the last stalk went to this piece.

- But it is unmatched! I really did not think, did not guess! How I, however, lucky! And the stakes are all told: "You don't have time to look back, as a song is an end!" Many of them meaning, nothing to say! Song is not the end! It just starts now. That's happiness! Yes, if I had to suffer a little, then now from me and something happened. No, I am happier all in the world! What am I now strong, soft, white and long! It probably better than just grow or even blossom in the field! Nobody cared for me there, I only saw the water that I was in the rain, and now I put a servant to me, every morning I turn to the other side, every evening watered from the watering can! Sherself PASTORSHOCH kept her speech and said that there is no better piece in all the folot! Well, is it possible to be happier me!

The canvas took to the house, and he fell under scissors. Well. Gone to him! He was cut, and Croili, and cole needles - yes, yes! It is impossible to say that it was nice! But from the canvas, twelve couples came out ... such accessories of the toilet, which are not customary in society, but in which everyone needs. Whole twelve couples!

- So when only I got something! That's what was my destination! Why is it just grace! Now I will benefit the world, but in this case, everything and the essence, in this all and the joy of life! We are twelve couples, but still we are one whole, we are a dozen! So happiness!

Passed year, and the underwear was worn out.

- Everything in the world is the end! - it said. - I would have been glad to serve as yet, but impossible is impossible!

And so the linen broke out on the rags. They were already thinking that they had completely come to the end, so they were hit to chop, mine, cook, squeeze ... An, look - they turned into a thin white paper!

- No, here is a surprise so surprise! - She said. "Now I am thinner than the former, and I can write." What will not write on me! What happiness!

And they wrote on it wonderful stories. Listening to them, people became kinder and smarter, "so well and cleverly they were written. What happiness that people could read them!

- Well, this I did not dream in a dream when I was blooming in the field with blue flowers! Said Paper. - And if I could think at that time that I would fall into a share, happiness to carry people joy and knowledge! I still can't come to my senses! I do not believe yourself! But it is so! The Lord God knows that I myself have nothing to do with it, I tried only with the weak forces of my defective to take place! And now he leads me from one joy and honors to another! Whether I'll think about it: "Well, that's the end of the song," the new one starts for me, still the highest, better life! Now I think to go on the road, get around the whole world so that all people can read written on me! So it should be! Before I had bluish flowers, now every flower flourished with a finest thought! Has me there is no one in the world!

But the paper did not go on the journey, and got into the printing house, and everything that it was written on it was reprinted in the book, but not one, but hundreds, thousands of books. They could benefit and please infinite more People than one paper on which the stories were written: running over white light, she would have pulled halfway.

"Yes, of course, so it will be or rather! - I thought picked paper. - It did not come to my head! I will stay at home to rest, and I will read me how old grandmother! After all, everything is written on me, the words glasses with a pen right on me! I will stay, and the books will run around Bella! This is the case! No, as I am happy as I am happy! "

Here all individual sheets of paper collected, tied together and put on the shelf.

- Well, you can now whock on the laurels! - She said. - Does not prevent you from going with thoughts and focus! Now just I understood how it follows that I have! And know yourself - a big step forward. But what will happen to me later? One thing I know - which will certainly move forward! Everything in the world is constantly going forward, to perfection.

On one day, the paper was taken and jumped into the stove; She was decided to burn, since it could not be sold to a petty shop on a wrapper for oil and sugar.

Children survived the slab; They wanted to see how the paper flashes and how the ash will begin to go off and get out one behind the other playful, shiny sparks! Extremely guys run home from school! After all, the teacher comes out - this is the last spark. But sometimes they think that he has already come out - no! He comes out a lot of time after the last schoolboy!

And now the fire covered paper. How she flashed!

- UV! - She said and at the same moment turned into a column of the flame, which was swayed in the air highly high, Lonn could never raise so highly of his blue floral heads, and the flame shone with such a dazzling gloss, which could never shine a white canvas. Letters written on paper in one moment they are called, and all the words and thoughts appealed to the flame!

- Now I caress right to the sun! - said the flame, as if by thousands of votes of prases, and swayed into the pipe. And in the air, tiny invisible creatures, easier, air flame from which were born were born. They were as much as the flowers had ever been on flax. When the flame went out, they once again sucked on black ashes, leaving on it shiny traces in the form of gold sparks. The kids ran out of school, a teacher came asleep behind them; Loom to look at them! And the children sank over the dead ashes:

Do not have time to look around
As a song end!

But invisible tiny creatures said:

- The song never ends - that's the most wonderful! We know this, and therefore we are happier everyone!

But children did not hear a single word, and if they heard, they would not understand. Yes, and not! Do not know the children!

Proverbs about Lyon

Ask children why about Lona say so?

  • Lona loves bow.
  • Lyon handle loves.
  • We will lay Lyon - Marry Gold.
  • Light will succeed - so Silk. And it will not be possible to lie - so the teeth are pitch.
  • What lies longer (i.e. longer) - the income is more.
  • Much flax - money crust.
  • Who in Lyon is dressed - wait to a hundred years.
  • Lena exhausions - flax and fool.
  • Mni Lyon Dolla, fibers Bow.

Riddles about Lyon.

Why is it stated about flax in a riddle: how did he "go to the crude earth"?, What kind of "I found a blue hat"?

  • Mal baby, he went to the cheese, found a hat with a blue hat.
  • They beat me, killed me, all the ranks produced, put on the throne with the king.

Site and shakes about flax

  • Staying flax on the field, sentenced: "Laying, Lenok White as snow, soft like silk."
  • In compulsory rainy weather they said:

Khmarina - Khmarar,

Do not bey, yes yar.

And Bay Rutter -

Redema and repear!

  • Walking next to the field, on which luna sowed, the children sentenced - wanted:

Bottling, Bel Lenok,

Thinks, mines and high!

Up - Growing,

Down - rooted,

With flower blue,

With the root of gold!

I introduces children with how "the shirt in the field has grown" show the child beautiful linen things that you have or your grandmother at home in the store. Remember, together with the children, what a long way went flax from the seed to the linen tablecloth or linen towels.

That is why it is necessary to treat things very carefully, because the labor of a large number of people is invested in their creation. And without this work, we would not have such beautiful and useful things!

I hope that the materials of this article will help you in classes with children at home, in kindergarten, in the Children's Center, at school.

Presentation "As a shirt in the field rose: growing flax"

Presentation with all pictures articles available for editing and convenient for classes with children, you can download:

  1. here on this link,
  2. in our group, VKontakte "Development of a child from birth to school" (see section "Documents" section under the group's videos).

In it you will find pictures from this article in high quality to consider them with children and other useful materials.

The fairy tale for the younger preschoolers about flax "as a criterion pants got" (voiced filmstrip)

Many other useful and interesting materials for classes with children in familiarization with the outside world You will find in the heading

Russian traditions, songs, lullabies, cubs, folk Games for kids You will find in the heading

To new meetings on the site "Native path"!

Lyon in Russia has long been considered the subject of national fishery and trade. Along with furs, honey, the wax of the product from it was sold at the bargain, they sold back abroad. The first linen products appeared on the Volga region, and then spread everywhere. Lyon is cultivated in the Leningrad, Ivanovo, Kirov, Vologda and other regions of Russia, including Udmurtia. Lena is an ancient culture, noble, beautiful. During flowering on the field, a tender blue blue is developing.

In Russia, there are two main varieties of Lyon-Dolgian and Kudryash. In Udmurtia, a greater preference is given to spinning flares. In 2007, Udmurtia became the leader in Russia in the sowing areas of flax. Lokombain is simultaneously terebit flax and separates its heads, and then the straw spars himself. The inflorescences ripen seeds that are widely used for different needs. In the historical chronicles of 1849, it is mentioned that Vyatsky Llya was considered one of the best in Russia. Vyatka flabbing, seeds and canvas, sold in different provinces and cities of Russia

Flax seeds go to the manufacture of the most valuable linen oil. Of them produce high-quality oils and varnishes. Fibers for the manufacture of tissues are obtained from the plant stem, such fibers are called luban. The length of the stem reaches see

Made of linen fabrics various options clothes. Linen fabrics are very fermented, but this factor is not a disadvantage, since the reference of flax products is a fashion attribute to date. Linen fabrics are very fermented, but this factor is not a disadvantage, since the reference of flax products is a fashion attribute to date.

Under the motto "Linen Rhapsody" in 2009, a collection of clothing models, performed by students of Schwechnika PU 12, took part in the XVII international competition of designers and fashion designers "Textile Salon" with the participation of the model agency M.Razina "Club Business Woman", whose president is popular Artist of Russia, Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation Academician Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Zaitsev.

Laboratory practical work If the sail whites over the wave of silver, if the girl is in a bathtub dress, if ship tackles do not rush in a storm, this is Lyon, these are our gifts to you for happiness. If they rush the arrow in heaven aircraft, if you see a tablecloth of the finest work, if in the house of the hostess delicious Slavs: it's lynks, these are our gifts to you for happiness.

Choose the correct answer 1) To obtain linen tissues, fibers are used: 1) to obtain linen fabrics use fibers: a) animal origin a) animal origin b) vegetable origin. b) vegetable origin. 2) To produce linen fabrics, use: 2) for the production of linen fabric use: a) stem, a) stem, b) the fruit, b) the fruit, c) root. c) root. 3) What of the listed qualities does not possess flax? 3) What of the listed qualities does not possess flax? a) well absorbs moisture a) well absorbs moisture b) well keeps warm b) well keeps warm c) keeps the shape of c) well keeps the form d) with the fabric evaporates moisture d) with the tissue evaporates d) Antics rotting E) Durable E) Durable g) Cool g) Cool s) Malosmint h) Malosmint 4) Oil, Olif, varnishes are made of: 4) Oil, Olifu, varnishes are made from: a) stem, a) stem, b) Seed part, b) seed part, c) root part. c) root part. 5) When primary processing, for what purpose, the linen straw will first urinate, and then dried and crushed? 5) When primary processing, for what purpose, the linen straw will first urinate, and then dried and crushed? a) In order to change the color A) to change the color b) so that the adhesive stuff b) so that the adhesive substances are collapsed in) so that the fiber is better separated from the wood. c) so that the fiber is better separated from the wood .. Why are flax fibers called lubyany, and not seed?. Why are flax fibers called lubyany, and not seed? 7. What properties has a linen fabric, if more from it is recommended to make a tablecloth, towels, napkins. Linen fabric is well dispersed and keeps the shape, absorbs moisture. 7. What properties has a linen fabric, if more from it is recommended to make a tablecloth, towels, napkins. Linen fabric is well dispersed and keeps the shape, absorbs moisture. 8. The birthplace of flax is considered? India 8. The birthplace of flax is considered? India 9. In which regions of Russia is growing flax? Leningrad, Kirov, Vologda, Udmurtia, etc., 9. In which regions of Russia are flax? Leningrad, Kirov, Vologda, Udmurtia, etc.,

Blue, blue, purple, sometimes pink and white flowers on long stems, smoothly loose fields - the fantastic beauty of gentle overflowing flax flax can only be seen until noon, under the hot sun flower folded or creep. Lona flowers only a few days. But then the beautiful thing that people learned how to create from it, turned out to be extremely durable, reliable and durable!

The history of flax cultivation has more than ten thousand years. Egyptian priests were worn out of flax, Mummy Pharaoh was wrapped in the finest linen fabrics, preserved to the present day. In the 7th century BC on this fabric, the "linen book" of the ancient Etruscans was written.

"How many Thracian men were excellent in the reign were fast on their ships, so different of their wives were in the textile: their goddess Athena herself taught all the needleful arts by opening them a lot ...", "Homer's weaving chammed, who dressed in linen clothes of the young man and virgic virgin. There is a version that the argonautov campaign itself for the "golden rune" was a campaign for the secret to create the finest yarn from flax, appreciated by the weight of gold.

In the future, humanity was fascinated by the industrial production of artificial and synthetic tissues - in pursuit of the cheap and speed of manufacture current qualities Natural materials that preserve human health and not thinking about the tremendous harm for the Earth, which causes mining raw materials, its processing and disposal of such products.

Our generation is already very clearly visible, to which results this trend leads. Therefore, we are again interested in the initial and eternal purpose of flax - his contact with our body. Today, scientists are seriously engaged in researching flax, finding out more and more amazing properties.

No cloth - neither wool nor Silk, or cotton (not to mention artificial) cannot compete with flax. The advantages of linen products are determined by features chemical composition and the buildings of flapping and provide excellent hygienic and consumer properties Fabrics: High hygroscopicity, lightweight, low electrified resistance, resistance to aging (light shine), friction resistance and multiple bends, which cause its durability (linen products are inherited by grandchildren and great-grandchildren!).

Modern studies confirm that flaxseed products have a number of unique biomedic properties.

Ability to coal the life of microflora

Studies conducted in Russia showed that the netherized fabric is able to fully delay the growth and reproduction of the colonies of bacteria and fungi. In addition to the viability of microflora on the surface of the linen fabric, the antimicrobial activity of linen-based dressings was also estimated - it turned out that it was almost twice as much as cotton.

Compatibility with live biological objects

Biological studies on animals and extensive clinical trials (more than 700 surgical interventions, incl. On the heart) showed that the netherized surgical thread after healing seam for 2-3 months is absorbed and absorbed by the body without any allergic consequences. This is especially important with intra-premium operations, since even protein surgical threads (silk) are encapsulated and require removal after healing of the seam.

Ability to stop bleeding.
It was actively used at the beginning of the last century in front-line hospitals, where flax bandages were used to stop bleeding. Modern clinical trials confirmed that linen dressings stop the blood faster, do not adhere to the wound surface, no submission is observed under them, i.e. Microflora development.

Anti-Role effect
Prolatory is a peptic necrotic process that develops in weakened patients on those areas of the body that are exposed to pressure. Upon contact, the surface drying, pulling out the necrotic decomposition products, decreases the effort when removing linseed fabrics from the surface of the proligence - thus, the timing of the healing and the appearance of fresh epithelium is reduced by 2 times.

Beneficial effect on the thermoregulatory mechanism of the body
When operating moderate severity, the humidity of the air under man's clothing after 10 minutes. Up to 100% increases, the body temperature is increased by 1.5-3 C. With such loads, abundant sweating occurs. Air permeability and high thermal conductivity of linen materials creates optimal thermal conditions for the body, cardiovascular activities (heart rate decreased by 20-40 blows per minute!) And breathing. In the conditions of hot climate in people with fast walking in linen clothes of sweat loss per 1 h 50-100 g less than in cotton clothing, and leather temperature below 3-4 C.

Beneficial effect on the state of the muscular system of man
"Muscles" are cars that transform chemical energy into mechanical work and warmth. In the figure, the curves of measurement of the frequency of human muscles in flaxwear and clothing from the chemical fiber. As can be seen, in the first case, the condition of the muscles is relaxed, and in the second there is a muscular fatigue.

Beneficial impact on immunity and human skin
Requirements that until recently presented to material for clothing Buyers and manufacturers are known: it should be fashionable, keep shape, be pleasant in the sock, easy to care and, if possible, inexpensive. As far as he is harmful for a person, it was thought of this last time or did not think at all. But such a danger exists. And the matter here is not only in the nature of the material, but also that under the influence of an unfavorable environmental situation, human immunity is reduced. The results of modern studies indicate a decrease in the negative environmental impact when using flaxseeds as bed linen - a growth of immunoglobulin is recorded. Currently, about 5% of the European population suffers from neurodermitis, from 15 to 25% - atopic skin diathesis. In patients with neurodermit, there is an allergy to wool, cotton, synthetic fibers. Irritant is not only the material itself, but also chemical substanceswhich were used in its production and finishing. And here flax turns out to be the safest material.

The ability to absorb free radicals is due to the presence in flax fiber lignin aromatic nature
It is known that free radicals are usually formed as a result of the effects of ionizing radiation and cause premature aging and tumor diseases. The use of ligni-containing materials into everyday life to protect against ultraviolet radiation (especially in areas of ozone holes) contributes to the preservation of people's health.

Absorption of soft ionizing radiation
A completely unique property of textile liquid-containing materials. It is due to the presence of a ligninogo-water complex in the linen fiber (2.5-5.5%) and impurities of rare metals salts. As studies have shown in this direction - the linen-linen fabric can weaken the intensity of weak ionizing radiation by 10-15%, and after special treatments, almost completely suppress electromagnetic radiation. The decrease in static electricity is verified by tests on the Russian Antarctic Station "East". When using linen fabrics in the interior, a decrease in the potential of static electricity 3-4 times was recorded.

These are the unique properties of flax. We listed only part of them, but this is pretty to view your wardrobe and fabric economy. Now it happens, the world is experiencing another linen boom, its popularity, despite the fact that Lyon Nedozhev - it is quite difficult to raise and process - rapidly growing. And in the people there is a belief - if a person is tired, you need to wear underwear and clothing from flax, and the strength will restore, the mood improves. Let's try!?