How to make a polymer self-leveling floor with your own hands? Polymer floors: advantages and disadvantages Pouring polymer.

Floor coverings in this design are becoming increasingly common in civil and industrial construction. The reason for this is factors such as their exceptional strength and durability. In addition, polymer self-leveling floors are characterized by an extremely simple execution technology, which allows you to make them yourself.

The combination of the words “self-leveling floor” or 3D floor is familiar to many, but few know what these terms mean. How to arrange such coatings, how environmentally friendly and durable they are, and how to make them yourself. These and many more questions would like to be clarified by those who wish to acquire such a progressive floor covering.

On the advantages and disadvantages of polymer self-leveling floors

Like everything engineering solution, flooring made of polymeric materials has a number of advantages, but it is also endowed with certain disadvantages.

The advantages include their properties:

  • the elasticity of the coating, which determines their ability to endure building vibrations, both seismic and seasonal;
  • resistance of the polymer coating to any reagents and high humidity;
  • Fire safety;
  • simplicity of manufacturing technology, allowing you to make the coating yourself;
  • ease of maintenance and care;
  • long life cycle of the polymer coating;
  • despite the very smooth surface, such coatings are non-slip;
  • many options for execution, including original drawings and patterns.

The disadvantages include the following points:

  • A high-quality polymer floor is really expensive, but it has no equal in terms of reliability and durability. There are no full-fledged statistics on their operation yet, but the practice of application speaks of their high performance. Of course, if the installer does not chase cheapness and does not purchase low-quality material that is exposed to harsh ultraviolet radiation. As a result, clouding of the composition, the appearance of yellowness and loss of visual perception are possible;
  • for the installation of a polymer floor, a very even and solid base is required;
  • there are problems when you want to replace the floor covering with another. The high adhesion of the material and its strength characteristics make it almost impossible to dismantle it, the next coating will have to be arranged on top of the polymer one;
  • the polymer layer is very sensitive to the humidity of the base, which should not exceed 4%. During installation, the temperature in the room should not change by more than two degrees.

Classification of polymer floors

Separation of materials can be carried out according to various criteria. The most used is the classification according to the materials used:

  1. Self-leveling floors made of epoxy materials are the most popular due to their high elasticity and strength characteristics of the composition.
  2. Bulk floors from polyurethane, differ in the increased durability.
  3. Methyl methacrylate coatings are characterized by fast curing and increased coating strength. Most often used in industrial premises.
  4. Floors for the same purpose are made from urea, and there is no need to stop production, since they are applied by spraying.
  5. Polyester-based mortars are the cheapest and most unreliable way to install self-leveling floors, which cannot guarantee a positive result.

How much does a self-leveling floor device cost

The technology by which the polymer flooring is arranged is simple. The main labor costs in this case fall on the implementation of preparatory work. The final success of all work depends on the quality of preparation. Therefore, the price in each case depends on the amount of training and its content.

Therefore, in the market of services for pouring polymer floors, the price per square meter of floor ranges from 350 to 600 rubles and is determined after a thorough inspection of the object.

Self-leveling flooring technology

Before purchasing materials, you should decide on a number of points:

  • type and purpose of the premises;
  • the magnitude of the possible loads on the floor;
  • the need to introduce decorative elements into the composition of the coating;
  • the desire to give the floor certain properties - antistatic, anti-slip and others;
  • optimization of costs, taking into account the price-quality ratio.

Self-leveling floor tools

During the work you will need:

  • a container for the preparation of plastic mass with a capacity of at least 20 liters;
  • drill with adjustable speed and a special nozzle for mixing the components of the self-leveling floor. It is necessary to choose a nozzle along the length - it should provide mixing of the mass to the bottom;
  • a spatula designed to distribute the mixture in hard-to-reach places;
  • spatula in the form of a doctor blade for uniform distribution plastic mass on the supporting surface;
  • needle roller - to remove air bubbles from the plastic layer;
  • studded soles - for moving around the filled space with the least impact on the filling layer.
  • a solvent used to clean the tool from the remnants of the plastic mass. It must be selected, following the instructions on the packaging of the base material.

In addition to the above, you need to stock up on household rubber gloves to protect the skin.

Calculation of the amount of materials

Self-leveling floor is arranged different thickness, the average value is 1.5 - 3.0 mm. Also, the amount of material depends on the use of the filler, or what it is used for. quartz sand.

The calculation is simple: for 1 square meter of the floor surface, 1 liter of polymer mixture is required with a layer thickness of 1 mm. Accordingly, the need is recalculated at the planned thickness. The result must be multiplied by the density of the composition, which is indicated by the manufacturer on the package. Usually it is 1.25 - 1.40 kg / liter. Wanting to reduce consumption, the manufacturer often includes a filler in the composition, achieving a density of up to 1.70 kg / liter.

With a filler in the composition, the consumption of plastic is halved.

Preparing the base for the 3D floor

The main requirements for the supporting surface on which polymer floors are installed are their strict horizontality and humidity level. Therefore, for a concrete floor, it is better to use a semi-dry screed, on top of which you need to make a leveling layer up to 5 mm thick. This will allow you to get a fairly even horizontal surface. In the material of the leveling screed, fiber chips should be used as a reinforcing additive. The finished floor must be thoroughly dried. Further:

  • surface concrete screed must be cleaned of dust with an industrial vacuum cleaner;
  • remove grease stains and dirt, using solvents if necessary;
  • when working with an old concrete base, it is necessary to cut the detected cracks and fill them with epoxy, and only after that do a leveling screed;
  • the porous surface must be treated with sealing - this is a solution with strong penetrating properties.

It is traditionally believed that the surface of an old wooden floor is not suitable for polymer self-leveling floors. However, with some preparation, in a residential environment, this is quite possible. For this you need:

  • open the floor, inspect the logs, if necessary, replace or repair the unusable ones;
  • close the floor, additionally strengthen the fastening of the boards;
  • remove old paint;
  • close cracks in the boards and the gaps between them with putty on wood, dry, sand the repair sites with sandpaper;
  • remove dust from the surface, arrange a leveling self-leveling screed.

The next steps are the same as for concrete base, and for wood.

Surface primer

What kind of primer is needed for a specific floor material is always indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging of the base material. These recommendations must be followed carefully. The primer is applied to the surface with a fine-haired roller or, for small areas, with a paint brush. Quartz sand is added to the composition of the soil. This increases the adhesion surface of the main floor and the base. After the primed surface has dried, a second coat of primer must be applied.

Polymer coating

Stir the finishing composition in accordance with the instructions on the package. In this case, it is imperative to achieve the highest possible uniform mixing using a drill with a nozzle.

At the end of mixing, the resulting mass must be poured onto the floor and dispersed along the supporting surface with the rule. After that, the applied layer is carefully rolled with a spiked roller. This operation is needed to remove air bubbles and evenly distribute the plastic mass over the floor surface. Moving along the floor during the pouring process is possible only on needle soles.

If there are signs of thickening of the composition, work with it must be suspended. On the surface of the layer, you need to place decorative elements of the 3D floor: shells, coins, pebbles, and other things that the performer wants to see on his floor.

The final transparent layer of the coating is applied after the previous one has cured. Moving along the newly created surface is possible on the second day after pouring, full operation - on the eighth day.

Application area

Self-leveling polymer floors can be used in premises of any purpose, both domestic or industrial, and office.

The main limiting parameter for 3D floors is their high cost. But at the same time, there are such positive aspects as high strength, durability, as well as beauty of execution.

The simple technology of the device allows you to do them yourself. I wish you success!

V Lately The technology of applying polymeric floor coverings is gaining more and more popularity. The second name of the technology is self-leveling floor. This partly explains the manufacturing technology. The finished composition is not mounted, but poured onto the prepared floor surface.

Polymer floors

Bulk polymer floors do not contain cement. This greatly speeds up the installation process. The polymer mixture consists of two, in some cases three phases.

The basis of the mixture is acrylic, polyester or epoxy. The most resistant to external damage mixtures, which include epoxy.

In addition to the main component, the mixture includes the following elements:

  • hardener;
  • granite chips or gravel;
  • colored pigments.

Advantages of polymer coatings

Consider the main advantages of this type of coating:

  • short polymerization period;
  • high level of elasticity;
  • impact resistance low temperatures;
  • high level of wear resistance;
  • long service life;
  • ease of use;
  • safety for human health;
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • variety of textures and shades;
  • the possibility of installing a three-dimensional coating.

Technology Disadvantages

Speaking about polymer floor coverings, it is impossible not to note their inherent disadvantages:

  • high cost of materials;
  • installation complexity;
  • high cost of installation work;
  • when installing polymer coatings on a new foundation, it is necessary to withstand a break before installation for at least 1 month;
  • vapor tightness;
  • when installing the coating on a cement base, it is necessary to additionally apply a layer of waterproofing material. Otherwise, due to vapors penetrating the concrete, the coating may be damaged.


Polymer flooring has the following characteristics:

  1. The absence of connecting seams leads to a high level of hygiene. The cover is easy to clean both wet and dry. Seamless technology prevents the spread of insects indoors. The material does not absorb moisture and retains an aesthetic appearance for a long period of time.
  2. High level of resistance to various chemicals. Alkaline and acid solutions are not able to destroy the finished coating.
  3. Lots of modifications. Any end result of surface appearance can be achieved. The coating can be either smooth or rough.
  4. Diversity colors. The ability to create a unique design of the coating. Three-dimensional drawing technology is also popular.
  5. High level of strength. Thanks to the polymers that are part of the mixture, it is possible to achieve strength equal to the strength of the concrete base.
  6. High level of elasticity. Due to this, the surface is not subject to external damage.
  7. The material does not support combustion.
  8. Durability. If you follow the basic rules for caring for the coating, you can achieve a long period of its use.

The main types of polymer coatings

Do-it-yourself polymer floors are applied using two main technologies:

  1. Thin coating. The thickness of the applied mixture does not exceed 0.35 mm. This technology is suitable for work in standard rooms with an average level of load on the floor surface. The mixture can be used as a final coat or under a waterproofing mixture.
  2. Coating with a high level of filling. Its average thickness can reach 4 mm. This technology is intended for installation of coatings in buildings with an increased level of load on the floor. Differs in the high level of firmness and durability. Possible various options surface decor with additional inclusions.

Installation work

To fully familiarize yourself with how to make polymer floors, you need to study the main stages of work:

  1. Preparation of materials for work.
  2. Base surface treatment.
  3. Floor priming.
  4. Finish coating.

Preparation of materials for work

The work is done with the use of metal tools. In order not to damage the polymer coating, it is recommended to pre-soak them in an acetone solution for 6 hours.

During installation, the roller must also be moistened as often as possible in a solution of acetone. This will prevent polymerization of the mixture residue on the roller.

Note! Work is performed only with dry tools. Use contaminated - unacceptable.

To install the self-leveling floor, you will need the following tools:

  • plastic roller;
  • bucket;
  • paint spatula;
  • rule;
  • shoes with specialized soles;
  • mixer;
  • squeegee - regulates the level of coating thickness;
  • facilities personal protection- work with toxic materials. Therefore, protective gloves and a respiratory mask must be used during installation;
  • a vacuum cleaner.

Base surface treatment

Before starting work, you must first prepare the base of the floor. It must be level and free of chips and cracks.

Polymer coating can be applied to any type of substrate. However, before applying it, it is imperative to prepare the surface for work.

First of all, it is worth checking the evenness of the coating. To do this, you need to use the level.

Note! Deviations from the level should not exceed 4 mm.

Processing features depend on the type of floor surface.

  1. Working with a wooden base. Surface cleaning, moisture check. It is necessary to remove the baseboard, paint and stains. The surface should be sanded. Dust and dirt are removed with a vacuum cleaner. To prevent damage to the polymer surface, it is necessary to apply a layer of screed to the wooden surface. It will prevent damage from natural deformations of the wooden surface due to temperature differences. Fill not recommended bulk mixture too thin layer.
  2. Working with concrete surfaces The floor should be leveled, cleaned of dust, paint and dirt, then additional polishing of the surface should be carried out. If the base is severely damaged, it is recommended to apply a new one on top. In this case, the polymer mixture is applied 3 weeks after the completion of the installation of a new screed.
  3. Work with the ceramic surface. It is necessary to check the strength of the coating. To do this, each tile is tapped. If the result is ringing, the tile should be removed. The place must be primed and covered with a layer of putty. Then the surface is degreased and primed.
  4. Work with the metal surface. Base cleaning. Removing paint stains, grease and oil. Degreasing. Removal of traces of corrosion and rust by sanding.

Floor priming

Before applying the polymer mixture, the floor surface is primed. The base must be dry and free from dust. Priming is carried out 2 hours after the dust removal procedure.

The primer is carried out using a special mixture - impregnation. It is applied to the base with a roller. The primer will improve the adhesion of the polymer mixture to the floor surface. Impregnation is applied in one layer when working with a metal base, in 2-3 layers when working with other types of bases. Each subsequent layer is applied only after the polymerization of the previous one.


After the floor surface has been primed, it is necessary to give it evenness with putty. In this case, existing cracks and irregularities will be corrected.

It is necessary to start applying the polymer solution at least a day after priming the surface.

Work should begin from the farthest corner of the room, gradually moving towards front door. To ensure that there are no air residues in the applied solution, it should be treated with a spiked roller.

The mixture is applied in stripes. For ease of application, you can use a special hose. The liquid is leveled with a squeegee. Next, you need to compact the layer with a special roller. Work is done in shoes with metal studded soles.

Finish coat

After base layer mixture is applied, you should proceed to surface treatment with a finishing layer.

Finishing is carried out 48 hours after pouring the polymer solution. Polyurethane varnish can be used as a finishing mixture. It improves the quality of the polymer mixture and adds shine to the floor surface.

Application finish coat will significantly extend the life of the self-leveling floor. Lacquer should be applied in at least two layers. After applying each of them, it is necessary to withstand at least one hour to dry.

Note! The self-leveling floor is ready for use not earlier than two days after the finish coating has dried. If an increased level of load on the floor surface is foreseen, the polymerization period must be increased to one week.

It is quite difficult and time-consuming to equip polymer floors with your own hands. Many craftsmen recommend laying this type of floor, as it is considered environmentally friendly, shiny and durable. The composition of the mixture used contains several components, the main one, of course, is a polymer, along with which hardeners, dyes and granite chips are used.

More recently, a polymer self-leveling floor was used for pouring only in industrial buildings that had high rates of mechanical or chemical impacts. Over time, this material has been modernized. The excellent quality of the flooring and the attractive appearance played a role, now the polymer floor has become more and more popular. Many people do not use the services of specialists and prefer to create polymer self-leveling floors in their apartments on their own.

Varieties and features of self-leveling floors

To date, on construction market two types of self-leveling floors are in demand: polyurethane and epoxy.

Industrial floors made of polyurethane self-leveling coating are used as floor surfaces in warehouses, hangars and production facilities. Also sometimes this species floors are used in parking lots or in buildings of the food industry or a refrigeration industrial site.

Industrial polymer floors are distinguished by their high wear resistance, mechanical and chemical resistance. Due to their properties, industrial self-leveling floors perfectly cope with deformations from loads on their base.

Epoxy resin floors, which have a different name: "liquid linoleum", are also very durable and resistant to chemicals. Epoxy poured coatings have a smooth surface and a wide range of color solutions. The composition of the epoxy polymer material does not include solvents, so the coating does not have any strong odors.


Like any other building process, pouring a polymer self-leveling floor has several milestones, each of which must be performed with the highest quality, which in the end will be reflected in the effectiveness of the work performed.

The process of preparing the base for pouring

This stage is one of the most important, because the pouring of the polymer floor can only be carried out on a smooth and even surface, without any flaws and defects. This implies that before starting work, you need to make sure that there are no defects.

To do this, the surface is cleaned of dirt and dust while using a broom, but it is best to use construction vacuum cleaner. If gaps and cracks were found during cleaning, it is necessary to repair them. concrete mortar. If these defects are small size, then for sealing you can use putty. Complete leveling of the sexual base is carried out in several ways: in this case, either a grinder is used, or a new concrete screed is made.

After you have processed the base, it must be thoroughly dried and then treated with a primer. For this, only a special primer is used, with the help of which a surface with good adhesion properties is created. Also, when using a primer, small cracks and cracks can be sealed. For greater efficiency and reliability, it is recommended to prime the base in two layers.

After the priming process is over, it is necessary to lay around the entire perimeter wooden slats, in order to create an expansion joint.

Preparation of the polymer mixture

A mixture of self-leveling polymer floor is made from several components, which are usually found in two cans. For mixing them, it is better to take a separate container. But some people pour components from one jar to another. But still, it is recommended to mix all the components in a separate container.

We must not forget that in the process of mixing the components in the solution, a chemical reaction begins to occur, which entails the release of thermal energy. In order for the high temperature not to affect the quality of the polymer, it is necessary to place the container in which the components are mixed in another container, into which cold water must be poured in advance.

To mix the components, it is recommended to use a construction mixer or a special nozzle for a drill. Since the mixture tends to harden quickly, the mixing process should take no more than a few minutes. After thorough mixing, this solution must be applied to the floor.

Main stages, materials and tools

The process of pouring polymer self-leveling floors with your own hands consists of several steps:

  • Preparation of the concrete base;
  • Arrangement of the first - main layer;
  • Creation of the second, decorative layer;
  • Application varnish coating.

Basically, epoxy polymer coatings are applied to a concrete base, to which there are a number of certain requirements:

  • Be sure to have a flat plane, there should be no defects, in the form of cracks, etc.
  • There must be a waterproofing arrangement;
  • Be sure to have a clean surface, there should be no oil stains;
  • The moisture content of the concrete should not exceed 4%;
  • The screed must be made of M200 concrete at least.

Before you start working with a self-leveling floor, you must have the following set of tools and auxiliary materials with you:

  • A container that has a volume of about 30 liters in order to prepare the composition;
  • The presence of shoes with spikes (paint shoes), in order to be able to easily move around the treated surface;
  • The presence of a simple spatula for use in hard-to-reach areas;
  • The presence of a squeegee spatula, which is used to evenly distribute the solution;
  • The presence of a whisk, a drill with low speed;
  • The presence of an aeration roller (with spikes) to remove bubbles on a freshly laid coating.

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Decor elements

Almost all epoxy polymer coatings have good performance, and their decorative properties can surprise everyone.

This type of floor allows you to create a unique, beautiful and individual surface on your own. To do this, you need to buy decorative elements in advance, which can be taken as sea pebbles or small shells, coins or buttons. various shapes and colors.

In some places, this floor is designed in the form of an art system, using stencils and applying certain patterns with paints, which allows you to create polymer self-leveling floors with your own hands truly unique and inimitable.

In the process of all this, you can lay out a beautiful stained glass window. Such flooring has a huge number of ways to decorate.

The process of pouring a polymer self-leveling floor

To equip polymer floors with their own hands, they use mixtures of industrial and own cooking. For self-preparation of the solution, it is necessary to pour cement, sand and crushed stone into a previously prepared container in accordance with the proportions provided for in the instructions, then mix them thoroughly in a dry form, and then add water and then mix again until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

In order for the surface to be as even as possible, a special technological technique is used. This process involves the use of slats that are installed around the entire perimeter of the room. With this method, you can achieve an almost perfect surface. For lighthouses, T-shaped steel slats are taken, which are installed on quick-drying mixtures. Laser devices or hydraulic levels are used to determine and mark the surface. Visually, you can see the highest point at which an approximate mark is made. The floor level can be set with an excess of the total thickness of all layers, and it is also necessary to take into account the fact that for a screed it should not be more than 40 millimeters and less than 20 millimeters.

In order to make the process faster, you can use threads that must be pulled between the walls along the marks that were set when setting the required floor level.

Filling the floor is best done in stripes. When carrying out work, you need to take an assistant with you who will supply the solution. The pouring process itself is carried out in this way: a ready-made solution is taken and poured in strips between the beacons. After that, the rules are taken and the poured mixture is evenly distributed with them. The tool must be moved along the beacon rails, moving the mixture in waves. Thus, the distribution of the solution is carried out with the least resistance and most evenly.

After that, remove air bubbles from the polymer coating that appear when mixing the components. Usually a needle roller is used for this. Before pouring the floor, you can watch numerous videos about the correct sequence of work.

In the process of smoothing the mixture, it is necessary to carefully monitor that there are no defects, or rather, voids and depressions. It is necessary to start pouring from the far corner with a consistent movement towards the exit. The process itself is carried out in strips along the lighthouses until the entire surface in the room is filled. After the preparatory layer has dried, if necessary, the resulting surface is decorated, after which the second layer of the mixture is poured in a similar way, followed by the application of a varnish coating. Of course, for the implementation of the work, the supervision of a specialist is desirable, who represents what it is and how it is all done, but we hope that with the help of our instructions you will be able to carry out all the necessary work yourself.

Most homeowners planning to renovate or renovate flooring tend to focus on modern technology and the most popular design solutions. Often, in the process of choosing a floor covering, one has to face a number of difficulties, since a modern flooring material must meet many characteristics and be appropriate even in rooms where the floor covering will be subjected to a whole "set" harmful effects- from chemical to abrasive, without losing its decorative and hygienic characteristics. All these requirements are met by a polymer floor covering, which is very popular in modern construction sites and featuring high performance. Polymer floors, also called liquid linoleum, are a seamless finishing polymer floor coating applied to a concrete base, cement-sand screed, ceramic tile or wooden floor. Polymer floors, being a high-tech modern floor covering, have all the characteristics that are not characteristic of either concrete, or linoleum, or ceramic tiles and are relevant to present stage design development. Despite the fact that earlier polymer floors were considered only in the context of industrial premises, today, thanks to the use in their production process modern technologies, they have become relevant in residential areas. In connection with the relevance of polymer flooring, this article will consider its main varieties, their a brief description of, as well as advantages and disadvantages.

Varieties of self-leveling floors: a brief description

Mineral poured coatings

The demand for self-leveling floor is partly due to the wide choice of its varieties presented on the construction market. Modern manufacturers offer two main types of bulk coating: mineral and polymer. Mineral bulk coating is a cement mixture supplemented with a number of fillers, which largely determine its performance characteristics. The mineral self-leveling floor is a leveling compound that is used to prepare the surface immediately before laying. ceramic tiles, linoleum, laminate and other floor coverings.

There are three types of mineral mixtures:

  • Base mix designed for the initial leveling of concrete and cement surfaces with slopes up to 80 mm. Leveling the surface with the base mixture is not final, since it is necessary to make additional adjustments with the help of mixtures for the middle layer;
  • The average mixture is used as the main composition for leveling surfaces characterized by slopes of not more than 30 mm;
  • The finishing mixture is intended for the final leveling of the bases on which the flooring is laid.

Polymeric coatings

No less popular is another type of self-leveling floors - polymer coatings. They are characterized by their predominant use in rooms where increased requirements are imposed on the floor covering, such as resistance to mechanical and chemical influences, no tendency to abrasion and environmental safety. There are several actual classifications of polymer coatings that group the types of polymer coatings in accordance with a certain feature. Most often, polymer coatings are classified taking into account:

  • The binder component used in the composition of the mixture;
  • Degrees of filling and material thickness.

Consider the main types of polymer coatings for concrete floors.

In accordance with the binder used, the following types of polymer coating are distinguished:

  • Epoxy resin coating for the floor is characterized by moisture resistance, high strength and resistance to mechanical and chemical effects of acids, alkalis and oils, which not every floor covering can boast of. Usage epoxy coating relevant only indoors, in which certain sanitary and hygienic requirements are established. It is in them that conditions are created for the intensive impact of mechanical loads and aggressive liquids;
  • Epoxy urethane blends, the use of which is justified only in areas characterized by heavy traffic, such as platforms and parking lots. Being high-strength compounds resistant to abrasion, they retain their elasticity throughout the entire period of operation;
  • Polyurethane poured coating It is characterized by high wear resistance, resistance to high temperatures and chemicals, which leads to a long coating life, reaching 20 years. Distinctive feature polyurethane floors - smoothness and lack of seams, thanks to which they will never turn into a dust collector. This is the main principle of their high aesthetics. Taking into account these features, it should be noted that the polyurethane self-leveling floor is perfect choice for rooms characterized by constant vibration load and mobility of the floor, as well as frequent abrasive effects on the floor covering;
  • Methyl methacrylate coating characterized by the least popularity, due to the difficulties that arise in the process of its installation. Despite the fact that the methyl methacrylate coating is characterized by minimal resistance to mechanical stress, it still remains unrivaled for unheated premises.

In view of the above, we can conclude that there is a wide variety of polymeric materials for flooring. Despite the fact that the binder component of the polymer composition largely determines its performance, it is not the only factor that is guided by when choosing a self-leveling coating.

Important! Another important parameter characterizing the bulk coating is the thickness. During operation, a polymer layer of a certain thickness is erased annually from the surface of the polymer coating, which is determined by the composition of the polymer, as well as the intensity of the load and varies within 10-30 microns.

In accordance with the thickness and degree of filling of the coating, the following categories of polymer coatings are distinguished:

  • Thin-layer polymer coatings(thickness usually does not exceed 0.5 mm), also called painting by the method of application, are characterized by a minimum operational period and predominant use in rooms with minimal traffic, and, consequently, mechanical stress;
  • Bulk, also called self-levelling, being the most popular type of floor covering, are characterized by a thickness of 4-5 mm, a degree of filling up to 50% and universal performance;
  • Highly filled coatings(average thicknesses are 4-8 mm, but can reach 20 mm) are characterized by a degree of filling up to 90%, which determines their long-term resistance to high mechanical loads.

Polymer flooring: advantages and disadvantages

Despite the unpretentiousness of the polymer coating, it still remains one of the most aesthetic options for arranging the floor in any room. From the name it follows that the composition of the flooring includes polymaterials included in it in the form of a liquid and undergoing polymerization during its technological processing. Thanks to this feature, the surface is perfectly flat and uniform.

Important! Due to the fast polymerization of the composition, the operation of the floors can be carried out within a short period of time from the moment of laying the floor covering.

Advantages of polymer coating:

  • High elasticity, which makes the flooring resistant to intense shock loads;
  • Resistance to constant exposure to low temperatures, due to which polymer compositions can be used for arranging flooring in outdoor trading areas, for laying flooring on the territory of commercial organizations for various purposes, as well as in freezers;
  • High wear resistance, which determines the ability to withstand long-term mechanical loads without loss of original performance;
  • Resistant to high humidity and chemicals;
  • Long service life, which can exceed 40 years;
  • Easy to care for - flooring can be cleaned using plain water, without the use of special cleaning agents;
  • Non-toxicity and fire safety;
  • High aesthetic characteristics, lack of seams and absolute smoothness of the coating. The polymer coating acquires additional surface decorativeness and a unique special effect due to 3D varnish. Moreover, modern manufacturers offer a polymer coating with a textured surface and an original pattern.

Disadvantages of polymer coating:

  • In the process of surface preparation, which takes a fairly long time, difficulties can be encountered;
  • The polymer coating is characterized by a long service life, during which it can become morally obsolete or annoy the owner;
  • Difficulties encountered in the process of removing the floor covering;
  • Vapor resistance of polymer flooring;
  • Polymer flooring belongs to a fairly high price category, due to the high cost of the component materials that make up the polymer coating;
  • Despite the relevance of the previous paragraph, there are also cheaper varieties of polymer coating on the market, however, they are prone to rapid yellowing due to ultraviolet radiation;
  • Compared with traditional flooring, resin material design is not large enough;
  • In the process of repairing a polymer floor covering, difficulties may arise, since increased aesthetic requirements are imposed on it. Thus, if you are faced with the need for local repairs, it will be difficult to select the required color scheme.

Important! Polymer floors intended for laying on a concrete base and characterized by the absence of active waterproofing will soon peel off due to evaporation ground water that rise through the natural capillaries of concrete slabs.

The device of polymer floor coverings: a step-by-step guide

In order to avoid the repair of the polymer floor covering, ensuring it a long service life, in the process of arranging the self-leveling floor, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations of specialists. If you follow all the technological steps of the flooring installation, this process seems easy enough for you.

Materials and tools for arranging a self-leveling floor

To equip a self-leveling floor, you will need:

  • Several plastic buckets with a volume of 30 liters;
  • A drill equipped with a stirrer and characterized by large quantity revolutions (no more than 300);

  • Notched roller and spatula;
  • Special needle roller designed to remove air bubbles. Required amount tools is determined by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room - an average of 40 square meters. m of the room will require one roller;
  • Squeegee with an adjustable gap, which will be required to evenly distribute the mixture on the surface;
  • Paint shoes, which will be required to move on a freshly poured floor;
  • A solvent with which you will clean all tools after work.

Foundation preparation is a crucial stage in the arrangement of the self-leveling floor

It is important to carefully consider this stage of flooring, because otherwise, if there are uneven bases, this will cause deformations of the floor covering and its subsequent damage. The technology of preparatory work from the initial state of the base and the material from which it is made.

Preparation of the concrete base

  • Carry out a moisture test of the base, which should not exceed 4%;
  • If you have laid a new foundation, at least 28 days must pass before laying the self-leveling floor;
  • If you are dealing with an old concrete base, remove the old flooring, clean the surface of dirt, removing the remnants of mastic, paint, glue and oil stains;
  • Dust the concrete base and repair any irregularities, cracks, and potholes with a resin mortar. If small cracks and breaks are found, it is recommended to use an adhesive solution. To mask and remove the smallest defects, use a grinder;
  • Using a horizontal stick-level, check the levelness of the surface.

Training wooden base

  • Check the humidity of the wooden base - it should not exceed 10%;
  • Remove the skirting boards, as new ones will be installed during the installation of the flooring;
  • Clean the surface of varnish, paint and glue with a spatula, wire brush or grinder;
  • Open cracks and clean the floor with sandpaper, which will increase the adhesion of the surface;
  • Using an industrial vacuum cleaner, remove the remaining dust and degrease the surface with a cleaning powder;
  • Level the wood floor with cement screed or patch cracks with mortar.

  • The air temperature in the room where the floor will be poured should be from +5 to +25 degrees, and the humidity should not exceed 60%.
  • Any mixture for pouring polymer flooring in a garage or any other room is a two-component one, and therefore, they must be mixed in a clean bucket using an electric drill.
  • The application of the polymer mixture must be carried out only after the final drying of the primer, which will take about a day. It is recommended to start pouring the mixture from the highest point of the surface. To do this, the prepared polymer mixture is poured onto a primed base and spread over the entire surface of the base using a toothed roller. If bubbles form, remove them using a spiked roller.
  • The thickness of the coating on average should not exceed 1.5 mm, but in some cases it can be increased to 5 mm.
  • To move across the floor, you will need paint shoes. After waiting for the final drying of the first layer, proceed to applying the second, after which, after 12 hours, apply a layer of varnish.

Technology of pouring polymer flooring

  • Pour the prepared solution onto the floor surface and spread it over the entire area. To make the distribution more uniform, each subsequent portion of the mixture is distributed near the previous one with a wide spatula. To adjust the thickness of the applied mixture, use a squeegee;
  • To remove air bubbles that have fallen into the solution, use a spiked roller by passing it over the floor surface;
  • Pour the next portion of the solution and smooth it, thus filling the coating over the entire floor area;

  • After completing the work, cover the surface of the floor with plastic wrap, which will prevent dust from entering the floor that has not yet hardened, and will also make drying more uniform;
  • To enhance the decorative characteristics of the polymer coating, apply polyurethane varnish to its surface.

Features of arranging a 3D floor

A decorative option for a polymer floor covering is a 3D floor, which is a three-layer structure that includes three layers:

  • base layer;
  • Drawing;
  • The final one is the protective layer.

  • The installation of a 3D coating is generally no different from the installation of a traditional polymer floor covering. The first stage of installation also consists in preparing the base and is carried out in accordance with the above recommendations for self-leveling floors;
  • For the arrangement of the base layer, it is recommended to use a polymer coating or floor screed. It is important to determine the features of the future decor. Depending on whether it will be small or large, the color scheme of the polymer coating is selected. If the decor is characterized by the presence of a small pattern, the polymer coating will act as a background surface, which necessitates a responsible attitude to the selection of a color palette;
  • One of the most important stages is drawing an image. If you plan to paste the selected picture, select the image in such a way that its dimensions slightly exceed the floor area;
  • Sticking the picture is carried out only on a perfectly flat surface. At the same time, make sure that not a single bubble forms during the gluing process;

Important! To apply a complex artistic drawing, use the services of professional artists.

  • To fix the resulting image, apply a thin layer of varnish.
  • The thickness of the final protective layer should not exceed 0.5 mm. For its application, as in the case of a traditional self-leveling floor, a toothed roller is used, and a needle roller is used to smooth the resulting air bubbles. The operation of the polymer 3D floor can be carried out in a week.

Important! One of the biggest challenges you may face when decorating a 3D floor is blistering. Their appearance may be due to factors such as high humidity coatings, poor mixing of components and improper preparation of the mixture. To avoid this, it is recommended to use an electric drill equipped with a mixer attachment to mix the components of the mixture. To make sure that the humidity of the concrete surface is at the optimum level, use plastic wrap, laying it on the concrete and sticking it with tape. If after three days the film remains dry, you can start pouring the mixture.

Precautions in the process of arranging a self-leveling floor

  • Use protective goggles and gloves during work;
  • Avoid getting the mixture on open areas skin, as this may cause irritation;
  • Take care of effective ventilation in the room where the filling will take place, as the mixture has a sharp specific smell;
  • If you want to give the floor a shine, use special chemicals;
  • Normal cleaning of dust and dirt can be done with running water.

Features of the use of polymer floors in the premises, the types of coatings used, their disadvantages and advantages, preparation and installation on their own.

The content of the article:

Polymer floors are a modern and ergonomic coating for any type of premises. It is applied by pouring and get a perfectly flat surface. If the work is done correctly, then the finished floor will feel like a tile to the touch, and appearance looks like linoleum. The thickness of such a product can be from 1 to 7 mm.

The main types of polymer floors

On the market of modern building materials, you can find several main varieties of this coating, which differ in their characteristics and applications:
  1. Epoxy urethane floor. It is indispensable in rooms where there is a lot of traffic. It has great strength, but retains a certain level of elasticity.
  2. Polyurethane floor. Resistant to chemicals, temperature fluctuations. Such a surface does not collect dust, looks perfectly smooth and aesthetically pleasing.
  3. Epoxy resin floor. Differs in high resistance to attrition, and also to influence on it of alkali, oil, acid, moisture. According to sanitary and hygienic standards, it can not be used in all types of premises.
  4. Methyl methacrylate floor. Differs in significant installation requirements. At the same time, the strength to external influences slightly worse than other types of coatings. Because of this, this mixture is the least popular.

Advantages and disadvantages of polymer floors

The most important positive aspects of using such a coating include:
  • Ease of use, thanks to a perfectly flat surface of the coating.
  • Temperature resistance. Such a floor is not afraid of frost, drafts, or heat, so you can successfully install a polymer floor in a garage or even in a sauna.
  • Increased strength (wear resistance). Any type of polymer flooring lasts much longer than a number of other floor coverings.
  • A variety of interior solutions and application possibilities - pay attention to this when carrying out repairs in the room.
  • No need for waterproofing.
As for the possible disadvantages, it should be borne in mind that it is very difficult and economically impractical to dismantle such a coating. Therefore, the most simple option will install the next layer directly on top of the first.

In addition, this type of surface can hardly be called natural. Many potential customers are concerned about environmental safety this type of coverage. Rumor has it that self-leveling floors emit resins that are undesirable for human health.

But what experts say about this: of course, the polymer floor is not a natural material. But all the volatile substances that it contains evaporate at the stage of polymerization (hardening). After a week, that is, the period of complete hardening and readiness of the floor, it becomes 100% safe even for children's health.

In terms of sanitary and environmental characteristics, a self-leveling polymer floor is not inferior to many more familiar ones. natural materials. This is evidenced by the relevant sanitary conclusions and certificates of quality and safety issued by this variety coatings.

Tools and materials for pouring a polymer floor

What tools and materials are needed in order to independently fill any types of polymer floors:
  1. Myself polymer material in factory packing;
  2. Tank (bucket, basin, other container) for mixing;
  3. Wide construction spatula;
  4. Paint roller;
  5. Masking tape (adhesive tape);
  6. Construction level;
  7. Electric drill with a nozzle for mixing.
It remains to prepare the mixture, which will serve as the basis for the new flooring. In the composition of any kind of mixture, there is always a couple of components. They must be thoroughly mixed in a bucket or similar container. For mixing, you can use an electric drill, into which any metal pin is inserted instead of a drill.

Preparatory work before pouring the polymer floor

The service life and external data of the future coating will depend on how correctly the work on preparing the surface for pouring is performed. In other words, if you want the floors to please the eyes of the inhabitants for a long time pay the utmost attention to preparation. Neglecting this stage can lead to the fact that an improperly laid coating will eventually be subject to deformation and subsequent destruction.

You have to start with what different type grounds for different requirements. So, wood flooring must be sanded, and also ensure that it is necessarily dry. But such floors should not be primed.

Another porosity is different concrete floor or cement screed. Since they perfectly absorb moisture, such a surface must be primed. In addition, you will need a sealant to seal any cracks and seams as much as possible.

If on the floor is old concrete, then you have to remove the most upper layer and then sand the surface well. After sanding, use a vacuum cleaner to collect any raised concrete dust and particles.

At the stage of preparing the room and the floor surface, it is also necessary to take care of the ambient temperature. This directly affects the properties of the poured mixture and its drying. It is normal if the filling is carried out at a temperature of 5 to 25°C, while the humidity should be approximately 60%. If these conditions are not observed, then the floors will dry longer than expected.

In order for the future floor to have an ideal structure, a priming procedure is performed before pouring it. The primer fills any, the smallest pores and prevents the flow of oxygen, which will increase the life of the coating.

Some craftsmen add a little dry sand to the ground solution to increase the adhesive properties of the solution. In addition, the finished solution in this case acquires a slight roughness, and it becomes easier to work with it.

The primer is applied in an even layer using a construction roller. If required, then another primer layer is reapplied. To do this, you need to wait for the complete drying of the starting layer, and this is 12-16 hours on average.

Features of pouring a polymer floor with your own hands

Required information about kneading working mixture and its preparation is always placed by the manufacturer on the packaging of his products. It is better to purchase materials from one trade brand.

Before pouring the future floor, it is necessary to carefully prepare the base (base level). If this is a board, then you should check each of them and fix it so that none of them dangle. All cracks must be sealed with a cement mixture and sealant, otherwise the finished mortar will flow into them and lead to uneven coverage as a whole.

The thickness of the self-leveling polymer floor is based on whether it will self coated or will serve as a base for another material on top of it. With its help, differences in surface levels up to 30 cm are eliminated. Most often, the height of the finished polymer floor is 10 mm or slightly less.

In a container prepared in advance (usually a basin, a bucket) is poured warm water, after which the dry solution is poured. It is important to observe all proportions so that the coating has all necessary qualities after drying. The finished solution should not contain air bubbles or any kind of lumps. Its consistency is somewhat reminiscent of liquid kefir.

The prepared solution is gradually poured onto the floor base and spread evenly over the entire surface with a construction spatula. It is important to work with a partner, because you need to distribute the solution as quickly as possible. Another point: to move around the room you need to use special studded shoes. To do this, you can take any old shoes and attach to them along the cut of the board with adhesive tape. Self-tapping screws or nails are pre-packed onto each board.

After the solution is distributed over the surface of the room, it is carefully processed with a paint roller. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that all air bubbles are removed as much as possible - in this case, it will be possible to achieve the most even, smooth, glossy surface. It will take no more than 40 minutes to complete the work, because after this period the solution begins to set and it will be wrong to carry out further work.

The technology for the production of polymer floors should be organized in such a way that for each square meter of the floor surface in the room, the average dry matter consumption is approximately 1.5 kilograms. For pouring, you need to prepare protective gloves and goggles to protect yourself from harmful fumes. Good ventilation must be provided in the room - this way the resins will evaporate much faster, and the solution will dry out better.

After 2-3 days have passed after pouring the main polymer layer, you can start leveling the floor. This is the final part technological process. The thickness of the last layer should not be more than 3 millimeters. After the final drying of the final layer proceed to varnishing finished surface. It is best to use a varnish based on polyurethane. This will create additional floor protection and increased resistance to the aggressive effects of alkalis, acids, paints.

It will take about two days or more to completely solidify - it depends on the climatic conditions in the room. After the top layer is completely dry, you can start applying the decorative coating layer.

Another good thing about polymer floors is that you can use a variety of decorative elements on them. Absolutely any desired pattern can be used as an image based on different colors and shades. With well-organized work and careful study of the instructions, you can independently obtain a result that will not be inferior to the work of an experienced master.

Care of the polymer floor in the room

Caring for this type of coating is not particularly difficult - as if you have to take care of ordinary parquet. Usually a classic dry or wet mopping is enough to keep it clean.

To wash the polymer floor, household chemicals are used, which are characterized by a significant acid content. Such a tool is applied for 5-10 minutes on the floor surface, then removed. After that, the floors are washed with plenty of water. If there are stains from various contaminants on the surface, they are treated separately.

With regard to the processing of polymer flooring in industrial and commercial premises, here the intensity of their use can be much higher. In such cases, there are little visible cracks on the floor, into which dirt particles are packed. They lead to the fact that the floors fade and lose their former attractiveness. Therefore, it is first necessary to remove accumulated dirt and dust with the help of apparatus high pressure. Next, the floors are washed, after which they can be varnished to give the former glossy look.

However, in cases where the floors will be frequently exposed to harsh chemicals, additional protection is required. The device of polymer floors at this stage will be as follows: before pouring, the surface is covered with a special protective polish. It will require updates every 6 months. But it is impossible to leave detergents and other aggressive agents on the surface of polymer floors for a long time, since they are susceptible.

The polymer filler floor has proven itself well in those rooms where people walk barefoot or in light shoes. It is recommended to fill the floors with polymers in the bathroom, shower room, kitchen, bedroom and so on. In corridors and public areas, the coating will wear off faster due to contact with dirt and sand particles on the shoes. In such cases, the floors will have to be restored more often, which is associated with additional costs.

How to fill a polymer floor - look at the video:

Thus, the self-leveling polymer floor belongs to the finishing type coatings, which allow you to achieve a perfectly smooth and absolutely even surface that is resistant to abrasion and impact. This type of floor covering to a certain extent is still new for a domestic customer. This is used by construction companies and repair teams to get a larger reward for their services. But making polymer floors with your own hands is not so difficult if you follow these tips and approach the pouring process carefully.