Home workshop: DIY chip suction. Which construction vacuum cleaner to choose: device, types and selection criteria To collect dust from the machine

Wood has always been considered an environmentally friendly and safe material. Fine wood dust generated during the processing of a piece of wood is not as harmless as it might seem. Inhalation of it by no means contributes to the saturation of the body with useful microelements. Accumulating in the lungs and upper respiratory tract (and wood dust is not processed by the body), it slowly but effectively destroys the respiratory system. Large chips constantly accumulate near machine tools and work tools. It is better to remove it immediately, without waiting for the appearance of insurmountable blockages in the space of the carpentry.

In order to maintain the required level of cleanliness in home carpentry, you can buy an expensive exhaust system, consisting of a powerful fan, cyclone, chip catchers, a container for chips and auxiliary elements. But the users of our portal are not those who are used to buying things that you can do with your own hands. Using their experience, anyone can assemble an exhaust system with the capacity to meet the needs of a small home workshop.

Vacuum cleaner for collecting sawdust

A chip sucker using a conventional household vacuum cleaner is the most budgetary option of all existing solutions. And if you manage to employ your old cleaning assistant, who out of pity has not yet been thrown into the trash, then your inherent thrift has once again served you well.


My vacuum cleaner is more than fifty years old (brand - "Uralets"). It copes with the role of the chip sucker. He is heavy only, like my sins, but he knows how not only to suck, but also to blow. Sometimes I use this opportunity.

By itself, a household vacuum cleaner installed in a place of honor in the workshop as a chip sucker will be useless. And the main reason for this is the too small volume of the bag (container) for collecting dust. That is why an additional unit of the exhaust system must be located between the vacuum cleaner and the machine, consisting of a cyclone and a volumetric tank for collecting sawdust.


Easiest installationvacuum cleaner and cyclone. Moreover, you can use the most home vacuum cleaner. A separating cover can be used instead of a cyclone (cylindrical cone).

DIY sawdust vacuum cleaner

The scheme of the chip suction we are considering is extremely simple.

The device consists of two main modules: a cyclone (pos. 1) and a container for chips (pos. 2). The principle of its operation is as follows: a vacuum is created in the cyclone chamber with the help of a vacuum cleaner. Due to the difference in pressure inside and outside the device, sawdust, together with air and dust, enter the inner cavity of the cyclone. Here, under the action of inertial forces and gravity, mechanical suspensions are separated from the air flow and fall into the lower container.

Let's consider the design of the device in more detail.


The cyclone can be made in the form of a cover that is installed on top of the storage tank, or you can simply combine these two modules. To begin with, consider the second option - a cyclone made in the body of a container for shavings.

First of all, we need to purchase a tank with a suitable volume.

ForceUser FORUMHOUSE user,

Capacity - 65 liters. I took it according to the principle - volume and convenience are needed while carrying a filled container. This barrel has handles, which is very convenient for cleaning it.

Here is a list of additional elements and materials that we need to assemble the device:

  • Screws, washers and nuts - for fastening the inlet pipe;
  • Sewer pipe section with cuffs;
  • Reducing coupling (from the sewer pipe to the suction pipe of the vacuum cleaner);
  • A gun with assembly glue.

Do-it-yourself barrel vacuum cleaner: assembly sequence

First of all, a hole is made in the sidewall of the tank for the inlet pipe, which will be located tangentially to the body. The figure shows a view from the outside of the tank.

It is advisable to install the branch pipe in the upper part of the plastic barrel. This will maximize cleaning performance.

From the inside, the inlet pipe looks like this.

The gaps between the pipe and the tank walls should be filled with assembly sealant.

At the next stage, we make a hole in the lid, insert the adapter sleeve there and carefully seal all the cracks around the pipe. Ultimately, the design of the chip suction will look like this.

The vacuum cleaner is connected to the upper outlet of the device, and the branch pipe that removes the chips from the machine is inserted into the side pipe.

As you can see, the presented design is not equipped with additional filters, which does not greatly affect the quality of air purification.

day_61 FORUMHOUSE user

Made a chip suction based on the theme. The basis is a vacuum cleaner "Raketa" with a power of 400 W and a barrel with a volume of 100 liters. After assembly of the unit, tests were successfully carried out. Everything works as it should: sawdust is in the barrel, the vacuum cleaner bag is empty. So far, the dust collector is connected only to the router.

Whatever it was, but a cyclone still cannot stop a certain percentage of wood dust. And in order to bring the degree of purification to the maximum, some users of our portal are thinking about the need to install an additional fine filter. Yes, a filter is needed, but not every filter element will be suitable.


I think that after the cyclone it is not quite right to put the fine filter after the cyclone. Rather, you need to put it on, but you will be tortured to clean it (very often you will have to). There, and just a filter cloth rolls (like a bag in a vacuum cleaner). In my Corvette, the top bag retains the bulk of fine dust. I can see this when I take off the bottom sawdust bag.

A fabric filter can be created by attaching the frame to the top cover of the cyclone and covering it with dense material (you can use a tarp).

The main task of the cyclone is to remove sawdust and dust from the working area (from the machine, etc.). Therefore, the quality of cleaning the air flow from fine suspended matter plays a secondary role in our case. And, given that a standard dust collector installed in a vacuum cleaner will surely retain the remaining garbage (unfiltered by a cyclone), we will achieve the required degree of cleaning.

Cyclone cover

As we have already said, the cyclone can be made in the form of a lid that will be put on the storage tank. A working example of such a device is shown in the photo.

Razor logs FORUMHOUSE user

The design should be clear from the photographs. The plastic was soldered with an ordinary soldering iron using a fine steel mesh. The cyclone is quite effective: when filling a 40-liter barrel, no more than a glass accumulated in the vacuum cleaner bag.

Despite the fact that this cyclone is part of a home-made construction vacuum cleaner, it can be successfully introduced into the construction of a joiner's chip sucker.

Sawdust pipe

It is better to purchase the hoses connected to the chip suction from the vacuum cleaner. A plastic pipeline with smooth inner walls can be laid along the wall. It will connect the machine to the cyclone suction port.

A certain danger is static electricity, which is generated during the movement of sawdust through a plastic pipe: sawdust sticking to the walls of the pipeline, ignition of wood dust, etc. If you want to neutralize this phenomenon, it is better to do this during the construction of the sawdust pipeline.

Not all home workshop owners pay attention to the phenomenon of static electricity inside the sawdust pipe. But if you make the design of the chip suction in accordance with fire safety rules, then a corrugation with a built-in metal conductor should be used as a sawdust pipeline. Connecting such a system to the ground loop will help avoid problems during operation.

alex_k11 FORUMHOUSE user

It is imperative to install grounding on plastic pipes. Hoses should be taken with a wire, otherwise static accumulates very strongly.

And here is what one of the FORUMHOUSE users offers to combat static electricity in plastic pipes: wrap the plastic pipe with foil and connect it to the ground loop.

Exhaust devices

The design of devices that remove chips directly from the working bodies of the joinery equipment depends on the features of the machines themselves. Therefore, products made of plastic, plywood and other suitable materials can be used as exhaust elements.

In order to solve this problem, the tank body can be equipped with a metal frame, or several metal hoops of a suitable diameter can be inserted inside (as suggested by the user alex_k11). The design will turn out to be more cumbersome, but absolutely reliable.

Chip suction for multiple machines

The system based on a household vacuum cleaner has a low performance. Therefore, it can only service one machine at a time. In other words, if there are several machines, the suction pipe will have to be connected to them one by one. You can also install the chip suction unit centrally. But in order that the suction power does not fall, idle machines should be disconnected from the general system using dampers (dampers).

Choosing the right Festool mobile dust extractor is as easy as working with it. The ideal solution for individual tasks, thanks to the perfect coordination of all components of the dust extraction system.

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What dust classes do you have to work with?
All types of dust are divided into three main classes L, M, H.
They indicate the suitability of the dust extractor for working with certain types of dust and compliance with the maximum permissible concentration of harmful substances in the air of the working area (MPC). In addition, the classes determine what degree of air purification the filtration system must provide. When choosing a mobile dust extractor, you should be guided by the type of dust you are dealing with.

First of all, we recall a few advantages of dust extraction - work of the tool with a vacuum cleaner:

    Cleanliness in the workplace.

    A good view of the working area due to the suction of sawdust and dust from it.

    The service life of the tool itself, consumables: saws, cutters, abrasive wheels increase DIFFERENTLY.

    A significant reduction in the cost of secondary work - cleaning and tool cleaning.

    Enhancing your professional status in the eyes of the client due to "clean", which means more qualified and expensive work.

4. Consumables: filters and bags.
An important point in the selection of a vacuum cleaner (in terms of operating costs) is the material of the dust bag.
Bags can be disposable and reusable:

    Standard disposable bags are included with the vacuum cleaner. They come in paper or non-woven fabric. Paper bags are dustproof but can tear. Also, the paper bag does not allow you to use the maximum useful volume of the vacuum cleaner's container. In this regard, disposable bags made of synthetic canvas make much better use of volume. In addition, they are breathable: when you turn off the vacuum cleaner, they wrinkle, thereby compressing the dust a little, which ensures better filling of the bag.

    Reusable - made of durable multi-layer material and, thanks to the use of convenient large snap-on valves, can be quickly cleaned.

When choosing bags, remember that cheap bags are usually made of low-quality fabric that allows fine dust to pass through. And the adhesion of the bag fastening sleeve to the fabric bag itself can be weak. And this means that the bag at the moment of high load can simply come off, which threatens with an early replacement of the filter - the most expensive consumable part of the vacuum cleaner.

Industrial and construction vacuum cleaners can be operated without a bag. Such vacuum cleaners include vacuum cleaners having an automatic shaking or "self-cleaning" mode. The manufacturer Festool, for example, has such vacuum cleaners in the model name with the “AC” mark. The essence of self-cleaning consists in periodic vacuum discharge inside the vacuum cleaner, which is accompanied by a light pop. Due to this vacuum, the filter is shaken and cleaned of dust. With this design, the vacuum cleaner works without a bag. This is convenient from the point of view of saving on bags, but reduces the filter resource. By the way, there are vacuum cleaners, both with a manual filter shaking mode and with an automatic one. Automatic mode can also be permanent and disabled. This is necessary to be able to work with and without a bag. This option is more versatile and ensures greater safety of the filter.

Filters can be both for dry dust and shavings, and for wet or liquid consistency. By the way, almost all construction and industrial vacuum cleaners are adapted to collect water or liquid mud. In this case, only the presence of a special filter is required. And ideally, the presence of a sensor for filling the tank of the vacuum cleaner.
The filter is structurally made in the form of flat or cylindrical cassettes. It is believed that the higher the useful plane of the filter, the cleaner the cleaning. In fact, the effective filtration area through which the air is forced is directly related to the suction power and the hose diameter. The manufacturers themselves are trying to maintain the correct ratio between these parameters. And you and I, as users, should not even think about it in the same way as about why there is 220 volts in the electrical network now.

The most important thing that you and I should know and remember when choosing a vacuum cleaner for consumables is the following:

    a vacuum cleaner with a large supply of capacity - less often you need to clean and change bags less. A vacuum cleaner with a smaller capacity, on the contrary, is more expensive to operate with the same performance.

    if you are supposed to have both dry and liquid dust, then you need two different filters.

    if the filter (usually a cylindrical one) eats up the useful capacity of the vacuum cleaner's tank, then this means you have to choose between compactness and performance.

5. Additional equipment.

Optional equipmentfor industrial and professional vacuum cleaners for tools may be:

    Compartment or reel for hose and cord

    Additional tool and accessory holders

6. Additional features of the vacuum cleaner.

An important factor when choosing a vacuum cleaner for a tool is the presence of additional features:

    fastening of tools and accessories

    using the vacuum cleaner as a storage system when it is possible to fix cases with tools and materials on the vacuum cleaner

    using the vacuum cleaner as a mobile cart

    use of the vacuum cleaner as a complete mobile workstation.

Any additional function, of course, increases the cost of the initial cost of a vacuum cleaner, but at the same time it will save you time, nerves and other resources in the future. It is worth remembering that according to the experience of the Masters, the purchase of any additional option (possibility in the form of equipment) after purchasing the goods costs at least twice as much as if you purchased all this at once.

What else is worth paying your attention to is completeness of the vacuum cleaner.
The set of an industrial or construction vacuum cleaner for a tool, as a rule, includes as standard: a hose and a bag for dust (dirt, debris). But nozzles for cleaning premises may not be included initially in the package. Of course, it is better to immediately purchase a vacuum cleaner complete with nozzles and nozzles - the kits are always cheaper. But perhaps you need some kind of special nozzles or metal, rather than plastic, pipes. This is true, for example, for an industrial workshop. Then it makes sense to choose a set individually for your tasks.

IMPORTANT! The dust extraction branch pipe of the grinder and jigsaw, for the most part, has an outer diameter of 25 or 27 mm. Saws and milling cutters - 35, 36 mm. Therefore, the inner diameter of the hose connection must be appropriate. Construction vacuum cleaners initially have a larger hose diameter and a coupling with an inner diameter of 35, 36 mm.

1 example : Choose a vacuum cleaner for a carpentry workshop.
For a carpentry workshop, that is, for working with wood dust, ideally (from the point of view of adherence to labor safety standards), a class "M" vacuum cleaner is needed. However, according to Russian experience, most of the workshops are content with class "L" vacuum cleaners.
For full-fledged carpentry work within 1 shift, you need a vacuum cleaner with a useful tank volume of at least 15 liters, and optimally more than 25 liters.
or (for a small price difference, MIDI has almost twice the capacity of MINI).
If you have a dealership with a good flow of cars, then it will be more profitable for you to use a vacuum cleaner with a larger capacity, for example,
or - in the case of routine work.
If it is supposed to work on grinding aluminum (the body panels of some modern cars are made from it), then only an explosion-proof vacuum cleaner can be used here - for example:

3 example : Choose a vacuum cleaner for the wall and ceiling sander Festool Planex Lh225.
For work oriented to this machine, it is better to use a class "M" vacuum cleaner with an automatic filter shaking mode. In addition, if you intend to work a whole shift, then the tank must have a capacity of more than 30 liters (based on the performance of the Festool Planex grinder). Thus, the most suitable vacuum cleaner would be:
- Dust extractor FESTOOL CLEANTEX CTL 36 E AC-PLANEX with Autoclean system

In the woodworking industry, dust and shavings removal is an integral part of the general technical equipment of workshops and therefore must be calculated, designed and installed in accordance with a number of established rules.

Why is a dust extraction system so important?

Carpentry is always associated with the abundant formation of by-products. It would not be an exaggeration to call the amount of dust and shavings emitted as mind-boggling, because dust suspension in woodworking workshops is a real scourge that both home and professional craftsmen overcome with varying degrees of success.

But what is really the necessity and complexity of wood waste disposal? They are represented by a combination of a number of factors, each of which requires the solution of rather specific problems:

  • Problem number 1: low weight of waste products. Unlike the metalworking industry and even working with polymeric materials, wood chips and dust are very light, they slowly settle under the influence of gravity, and besides, the particles bond extremely poorly with each other due to static electricity.
  • Problem number 2: the complexity of the technological process. Even in a humble carpentry workshop, there is an impressive list of processing equipment: planers, thickness planers, saws, milling and grinding machines - each technological unit serves as a source of chips and dust. With such a variety, it is extremely difficult to organize an aspiration system.
  • Problem # 3: high variety of waste fractions. In the process of processing, chips, coarse and small chips, sawdust, dust and powder can be formed. It is difficult to imagine a single filtration system, at each stage of which particles of a certain size are retained, while the creation of a universal filter is seen as an even less likely prospect.
  • Problem # 4: Impact on processing quality. Both chips and microscopic dust can build up on the cutting edges or adhere to the surface of the part. All this negatively affects the cleanliness of the surface, in addition, the likelihood of contamination of the functional units of the equipment increases.
  • Problem # 5: The hazard of processing by-products. This is not at all about the fact that a colossal amount of dust settles on tools and materials or harms the respiratory system. And not even that the abundance of flammable particles is a negative factor in fire safety. Explosions in woodworking workshops are truly catastrophic, because a suspension of fine combustible particles in the air is nothing but an aerosol-type explosive, similar in destructiveness to an air-gas mixture. No kidding.

The conclusion from the above is as follows: any object of the woodworking industry should be equipped with a dust and chip removal system, and it is desirable that the execution of such a system be performed at a professional level.

General configuration

In general, two types of aspiration systems can be distinguished. The first one is the local filtering complexes, which are supplied with each of the units of the installed processing equipment. The advantages of local installations are most obvious when the equipment is located at a considerable distance on spacious sites. There is no need to lay main channels, there is no need to organize an air pumping unit with increased power. At the same time, there is an obvious benefit in energy saving, because the local filtration unit works only when a certain part of the equipment is involved.

Centralized chip and dust removal systems are also not without merit. They are most beneficial to use in cramped workshops, where space is limited, and the layout of the equipment is made as compact as possible. Each piece of processing equipment is connected to a main exhaust stack, which operates almost all the time the workshop is in operation, at least if at least one of the machines is involved. The advantages of centralized aspiration systems are most obvious with a high workload of production, but this approach requires a high-quality organization of the technological process. It is worth noting that the general system for the disposal of woodworking by-products requires less investment in the organization, but entails more significant costs in the process of use.

At the same time, the organization of hybrid systems is not prohibited. For example, the most involved parts of the complex, such as a circular saw, thickness gauge, milling machine and others like them, can be combined with a common dust removal system. At the same time, machines that are used from time to time, such as grinder or drum grinding, have their own local filtration units. The key rule is this: the issue of organizing a system for removing chips and dust should be put at the forefront when creating a closed woodworking workshop and carefully thought out before the final decision on the placement of equipment and the approval of the technological cycle.

How to choose an air pump

The heart of the entire suction system is the air pump. Regardless of whether the system is local or centralized, its efficiency depends entirely on the performance of this node. You can offer several options: an industrial vacuum cleaner, one or more channel vane fans, or one centrifugal.

In home workshops, vacuum cleaners are most often used as the central unit of the aspiration system. This is explained quite simply: firstly, the performance of such equipment is often quite enough, and secondly, the vacuum cleaner itself can be used to clean the workshop, or to quickly clean the workplace and tools. For such purposes, both industrial (construction) vacuum cleaners and household electrical appliances with a capacity of over 2-2.5 kW can be successfully used. It should be noted that there is a big difference between a vacuum cleaner and a chip sucker, but we will touch on this topic in more detail a little later.

Another type of aspiration systems involves the use of high-power duct fans. In fact, this option represents an attempt to adapt equipment for uncharacteristic purposes, nevertheless, such projects have the right to exist and, moreover, are successfully used in home and small production workshops. It must be remembered that inline vane fans are extremely vulnerable to the presence of solid particles in the pumped air flow, therefore they are always installed at the end of the cleaning cycle, in other words, such an air pump pumps already purified air, despite the fact that all elements of the system operate in a vacuum mode, but not pumping.

It is better to talk about the key parameters of the pumping unit in the context of comparing modern vacuum cleaners and chip extractors. There are three such parameters in total: power consumption, volume of transported air, or simply productivity, as well as created vacuum. Without going into technical details, the vacuum cleaner is more designed to tear off particles from the surface, while the chip suction is focused on capturing airborne particles flying out from under the working body, be it a milling cutter, a saw blade or a sanding belt. Among other advantages of the chip suction, it is necessary to highlight the presence of a collection bag of impressive volume, as well as the undemandingness of the presence of a separation unit, that is, a cyclone separator, as part of the system. At the same time, centrifugal fans, which are used in the vast majority of chip extractors, greatly lose in performance if there is a narrowing of the section in the piping system. Vacuum cleaners, on the other hand, as part of a general aspiration system, require jamming of outputs on equipment that is not currently being used. Therefore, systems based on vacuum cleaners are best used in tandem with hand tools or, for example, grinding machines, where the gripping area should be located as close as possible to the processing area for the most effective removal of fine dust, which is the most dangerous. In turn, centrifugal fans are especially useful because of the ability to pump air even with a high content of coarse particles, because the "snail" motor is located outside the flow.

Pipeline and flexible ducts

Both centralized and local aspiration systems require connecting pipelines through which the waste is moved from the capture zone to the filter unit. The list of materials suitable for the installation of a piping system is very wide.

Initially, flexible ventilation ducts are of the greatest interest. They consist of a polyethylene or polyurethane sheath reinforced with a spiral reinforcing cord. Flexible pipelines are so widely used due to ease of installation, low cost, no need to use swivel fittings and the ability to quickly change the configuration of the system. One of the most important advantages of flexible channels is the smoothness of the turn of the stave, which reduces the overall aerodynamic resistance.

However, flexible piping is not without its drawbacks. We must not forget that a sufficiently strong vacuum operates inside the channel, especially if the system is connected to a powerful air pump. If most of the outlets of the aspiration system are plugged, the pipeline can simply collapse, such cases are by no means rare. Also, due to the low mechanical strength, the channels are not recommended to be laid on the floor or in areas where they can be damaged. The most budgetary representatives of corrugated hoses have an internal ribbed surface, due to which, when the aspiration system is operating, the pipeline begins to whistle quite noticeably, while the resistance to air flow increases. It is also very common for them to adhere to the walls of dust due to the accumulation of static charge.

The advantages and disadvantages of rigid piping are exactly the opposite. Yes, in this case, a reliable fastening system is required, there will be more connections, however, due to the inner smooth surface of the pipes, blockages, adhesion of wet chips and a decrease in the flow rate do not occur in them. It must, however, be remembered that in terms of cost, rigid steel will cost significantly more than flexible ones, besides, the equipment connected to the aspiration system will remain immobilized. In view of the latter, a combination of rigid and flexible pipelines is often practiced: a dust extraction system is installed along the ceiling from metal or PVC channels of a round or square cross section, and then, using special branch fittings, a transition is made to corrugated hoses for connecting equipment.

Filtration systems

The most important functional element of the aspiration system after the air pump is the unit for filtration, absorption and disposal of processing by-products. In this regard, there are a fairly large number of variations, but only a few are suitable for home workshops.

The first and most important element is a separation filter, otherwise called a cyclone. Its main purpose is to separate the largest fragments, such as shavings and wood chips, so that only a suspension of small particles enters the further cleaning cycle. The cyclone filter device is primitive, which is why many craftsmen make it on their own, nevertheless, the purchased option provides additional advantages. For example, due to the distributed feeding, a more efficient settling of particles is achieved, in addition, in some models, the possibility of wet absorption is provided, which reduces the amount of fine dust at the exit.

Sometimes aspiration systems do not have a filter element other than a cyclone filter. For example, if air is discharged outside, a fine filtration system is simply not required. This approach is not always reasonable: in winter, when an exhaust system with a powerful air pump is operating, heat from the room is emitted almost instantly, which forces the installation of fine filters. In the simplest case, these are conventional collection bags that retain the main part of finely dispersed dust, this option is most typical for local installations. The highest quality of air purification is characterized by dust removal systems, the main unit of which is a vacuum cleaner with two or more cleaning stages. On-line vacuum cleaners can also be equipped with a wide range of cleaning elements, although paper bags and corrugated air filters of the automobile type are most often used.

Catchers and other accessories

In conclusion, it is worth talking about those elements that are given the least importance, although their importance can hardly be overestimated. We are talking about all kinds of sockets, receiving funnels and casings, as well as about the appropriateness of their use with this or that type of equipment.

As already mentioned, when working on grinding machines, an impressive amount of microscopic dust is formed. When connecting the aspiration system to such equipment, the main focus is on capturing precisely the smallest particles, while large chips can freely fall on the floor and then be collected manually or with a vacuum cleaner. If you use receiving funnels in such cases, the air flow from the working body itself will create turbulence and the capture of fine dust will only become possible if there is a sufficiently strong suction. It would be most sensible to eliminate the suction spigot and place the suction nozzle in close proximity to the treatment area.

But where sockets are really needed, it is in milling, turning and sawing machines, as well as on planing equipment. Here, the main emphasis is on drawing in large shavings and sawdust, therefore, the best option would be to equip the working area with a receiving casing that repeats the shape of the working body as closely as possible and adjoins stationary surfaces as tightly as possible. Please note that the optimal total cross-section of the gap on all sides of the casing should be 1.5-2 times the nominal bore of the channel with which the machine is connected to the dust removal system. At high values, the use of sealing brushes is recommended, this is especially important for milling equipment.

The process of mechanical processing of wooden blanks is always accompanied by the emission of dust or the scattering of shavings and sawdust. In modern power tools, it is possible to connect any installations for the collection and disposal of wood waste, but their purchase for domestic needs is not always justified. At the home level, a home-made device successfully copes with the problem of dust removal. Let's consider in detail the procedure for making a vacuum cleaner for a workshop.

Required materials and tools

The basis for the implementation of the project is an old household vacuum cleaner, from which the following components are used:
Engine part;
Power regulator;
Power supply wire;
Suction hose;

For the homemade body, a polyethylene barrel with a capacity of 50-80 liters is selected, always with a fixed lid. You will also need:
A piece of plastic sewer pipe with a diameter of 50 mm;
Plywood 5–10 mm thick;
Bolts and nuts M6 - 14 pieces each;
Galvanized sheet metal strip;
Air filter from a minibus;
Switch for 220 volts;
Threaded hairpin with washers and nuts;
Construction sealant;
Glue rods;
Drain corrugated hose for washing machine;
Wiring corrugation PND 32.

Docking units are made of plastic pipes and fittings, selected depending on the size of the nozzles on the tools and the diameters of the vacuum cleaner intake hoses.
Glue gun;
Locksmith keys;
Electric jigsaw;
Sharp knife;
Sealant gun.

The process of making a vacuum cleaner for a workshop
Having retreated from the top of about 100 mm, a hole is marked on the wall of the barrel for the inlet pipe and drilled with a drill. Then, with a knife, they give the hole an oval shape so that the inner end of the pipe is located close to the wall and is directed downward at a slight angle. Degrease the surfaces to be joined and, using a glue gun, fix the nipple in place.

In the same "hot" way, an adapter for a suction hose is fixed to the outer part of the pipe.

Using a jigsaw, cut out two circles from plywood with a diameter slightly smaller than that of the barrel lid. In the blanks, first make two holes for the bolts and fix the parts with them on both sides of the cover. Next, the remaining holes are drilled, the circles are removed and the burrs are removed with a sandpaper. A sealant is applied around the perimeter of the blanks, the parts are placed on the lid and the fasteners are fully installed. A hole is made in the center of the plywood circles for a hairpin, and a little to the side - for the air intake of the motor unit.

The metal mesh is removed from the air filter with pliers, otherwise it will become clogged with sawdust and interfere with the cleaning of the vacuum cleaner. One end of the cylinder is closed with a plywood plug.

The prepared filter element is fixed on the hairpin with a wing nut.

The motor part is usually round. Therefore, for ease of installation, plastic parts are cut out from the body of the old vacuum cleaner, in which the engine was located. Thanks to them, only one clamp, made from a strip of tin, is required to secure the unit to the barrel lid.

Place a power switch and regulator near the engine, placing the latter in a suitable box. It remains to connect the elements together with wires and connect the cable with a plug. After making sure that the connections are correct and that there are no exposed contacts, power is supplied and the operation of the device is checked.

The standard suction hose of a household vacuum cleaner is too short - it is extended with a corrugated wiring pipe or other similar product.

Manufacturing of nozzles and adapters

The cleanliness of the workshop begins with the workbench. For cleaning the workplace, a typical brush is used, which comes with a household appliance.

Connect the nozzle by means of a rubber adapter cut from a tube of the corresponding caliber, for example, from a branch pipe of a car cooling system.

One of the most wasteful power tools is the power planer. The bleed nipple at the tool is large enough, most likely, the vacuum cleaner hose will connect without problems.

The design does not provide for a filling sensor - at first you should look inside more often, not allowing the vacuum cleaner to overflow.

Cleanliness and order in a home workshop is the result of self-made work, achieved with a minimum of cash investment.

Working in a workshop requires special conditions. Any task, whether it is surface treatment, working on a machine or with a power tool, with wood or metals, inevitably leads to the formation of a large amount of solid waste. Industrial dust and debris reduce the quality of working conditions and safety, and can cause fire and fire.

Usually, small rooms are set aside for workshops. This means that workshop cleaning equipment must not only be powerful and tough enough to handle production waste, but also be compact, lightweight and manoeuvrable. These are the qualities that the universal industrial vacuum cleaners NTS eSwift from Starmix possess.

Universal workshop vacuum cleaners

The models of household vacuum cleaners familiar to us are not suitable for cleaning construction waste and large waste such as metal, wood or plastic shavings, since when working in a carpentry or any other home workshop, a large amount of garbage is often generated, which ordinary vacuum cleaners simply cannot handle. Household models do not differ in sufficient endurance, reliability and power, while industrial machines are originally designed for heavy loads.

In addition, NTS eSwift vacuum cleaners are versatile, which allows them to be used not only for cleaning wood workshops and garages, but also in everyday life. They are designed for everything from simple dust collection in rooms to serious cleaning during renovations. In addition to dry debris, Starmix vacuum cleaners are ideal for picking up liquids - specially designed attachments are available for this.

Workshop vacuum cleaners from our catalog:

Distinctive features of professional workshop vacuum cleaners:

  • High level of safety and comfort. The absence of debris and dirt and a decrease in the concentration of dust in the air makes work easier, improves visibility within the working area, and reduces the negative impact of debris particles on the human body. Safety measures state: the use of a power tool in a dusty room is unacceptable, because may cause a fire. NTS eSwift models allow you to use the vacuum cleaner directly during the work process, since the package includes a socket for a tool and 6 additional slots on the body, in which it is convenient to store the necessary accessories.
  • Significant savings in time and energy costs. Starmix NTS eSwift vacuum cleaners achieve perfect cleanliness in no time. Due to their low weight, dimensions and maneuverability (vacuum cleaners have a low center of gravity and are equipped with special rollers that are not afraid of obstacles) they are convenient to use even in small rooms. Also, each model has a large platform where you can comfortably arrange tools and small parts needed in the process.
  • Operational reliability. NTS eSwift vacuum cleaners are shockproof and resistant, have an optimized tank and are suitable for work of any difficulty level.

Benefits of using NTS eSwift vacuum cleaners

A comfortable working environment in a workshop depends largely on the right equipment. A too noisy, heavy and clumsy vacuum cleaner will only get in the way in a small workshop room. Collecting rubbish in the usual way - with a brush and scoop - will be time-consuming and will not achieve perfect cleanliness. A basic household model that is not designed for use in a workshop will quickly fail. And the industrial universal vacuum cleaner from Starmix, on the other hand, makes cleaning easier.