What is liquid linoleum. Liquid linoleum: do-it-yourself self-leveling floor Liquid linoleum self-leveling floor

On the construction market There are many types of floor coverings. Stands out liquid linoleum which appeared about five years ago. The term is insignificant, but for this a short time many masters have already paid attention to it.

Such material is also known under another name - self-leveling floor. This cover is reliable. With it, it is possible to create original drawings, which are skillfully used by interior designers.

Such linoleum needs a specific type of installation, which is different from the laying technique of other types of coatings. This article will reveal:

  1. Information about the types, the characteristics of bulk floor. Their advantages and disadvantages.
  2. Application rules with instructions.

Types of self-leveling floors

So what materials are liquid linoleum made of? Of these, the most popular are:

  • methyl methacrylate. Prepared from the same name. It has a high resistance to low temperatures, good UV tolerance. It can be used for laying industrial sites and freezers. The material is also used outdoors, as it is resistant to external factors.
  • cement-acrylic. It is positioned as a very durable liquid linoleum, which includes cement and acrylic compounds. It can be used in industrial workshops with a heavy load on the floor. Not afraid of high moisture and heat, tolerates temperature changes well.
  • Polyurethane liquid linoleum. Relatively popular subspecies. Can be used in combination with many formulations. Normally tolerates high humidity, so it can be laid in the kitchen or in the bathroom.
  • Epoxy. This composition is based on . Handles aggressive hits well chemicals, so it can be used even in laboratory conditions. Among the shortcomings, there is a low resistance to mechanical stress compared to other subspecies of the composition.

Pros and cons of self-leveling polymer floor

Bulk polymer floor has both advantages and disadvantages. The privileges include:

  1. High strength. Such a coating will not wear off and will not be damaged by mechanical action.
  2. Wide scope. It shows itself well in a residential building, at industrial facilities and in places with an active flow of people.
  3. Waterproof. This coating has a one-piece water-repellent layer. Handles direct water intrusion. According to the characteristics, it is most like a tile.
  4. Seamless. The visibility of the seams often spoils the overall impression of the repair. If you do not want to observe such shortcomings, then pay attention to self-leveling floors.
  5. Designer variations. Liquid, as opposed to rolls, allows you to fully express your creativity. From original drawings to hand-painted or 3D images.
  6. Resistance to high temperatures. The composition is positioned as heat-resistant. He is not afraid of burning, so it is often used in industrial areas.
  7. Harmlessness. All components are non-toxic, and therefore they are completely safe for the health of the master.
  8. Ease of maintenance. You can wash such floors with any household chemicals, and all the dirt is wiped off them in a couple of minutes.

But liquid linoleum has its drawbacks.:

  • relatively high price;
  • difficulty in application;
  • limited range of colors.

What rooms are used?

Such floors have found their application in any rooms. Many still treat such material with suspicion, but in vain.

In comparison, laminate and other floor coverings are damaged quickly. Self-leveling floors, on the contrary, can be installed in the kitchen or bathroom without the risk of deterioration for many years. A stable monolithic surface does not absorb liquid, which means that the risks of swelling of the material are reduced to zero.

On what surfaces can it be applied?

This composition interacts well with most floor coverings. Lay liquid linoleum on a wooden floor, on concrete, on tiles, porcelain tiles and other surfaces.

As you can see, manufacturers do not set any restrictions in this direction. The only caveat: when laying on any type of surface, take into account all the manufacturer's recommendations for its pre-treatment.

Popular brands

Basically, these mixtures are sold in hardware stores. For example, liquid linoleum in Leroy Merlin is represented mainly by products of such brands:

  1. Streamline Chemicals;
  2. Texil;
  3. Epithal.

They differ in the composition and design of the drawings. By technical specifications The goods of these brands are equivalent to each other - no better and no worse.

How much does it cost and where to buy?

Bulk polymer floor is expensive building materials. The exact price of the composition varies depending on its exact subspecies.

For example, a thin coating of epoxy resin will cost about five hundred rubles for square meter. The same version of polyurethane is sold in stores for 300 rubles per 1 square. The price of a thickened epoxy floor starts from a thousand rubles. As you can see, the polyurethane subspecies will again not cost so much - from 800 rubles per square meter.

The highest prices are hung on methyl methacrylate floors with a thickness of three millimeters. For one square meter of such a floor, you will have to pay from one and a half thousand rubles.

Buyers Choice

According to the statistics of building stores, a self-leveling polyurethane polymer floor is taken more often than other types. Buyers are attracted by the price of coatings made of such material - it is lower with the same unusual design.

The second most popular coating is based on epoxy resin. Such floor surfaces are also durable and do not cost too much.

Before you prepare liquid linoleum with your own hands, you need to determine what type the purchased composition belongs to. Conventionally, it is divided into two categories:

  • Single component. Positioned as a self-leveling screed. Before drawing does not need preliminary preparation.
  • Two-component is already needed for finishing. These compounds are made from different materials. Demanded - polyurethane. Before application, pre-treatment of the base is required.

Preparation of liquid linoleum is done according to the manufacturer's instructions. Before applying the composition, it is necessary to clean the surface.

Liquid linoleum laying technique

Laying liquid linoleum is carried out with strict adherence to the following instructions:

  1. We prepare the rough base. Remove debris and dust from it. If the base is with cracks and depressions, then it is leveled by pouring a self-leveling compound. It takes 48 hours for the floor to dry completely.
  2. We prime the base. We prepare two-component bases according to the instructions from the manufacturer. The primer is applied with a roller so that all areas are carefully worked out. This will help remove residue from the coating. construction dust and significantly increase the adhesion of the compositions.
  3. Additional leveling with epoxy putty. The mixture is kneaded, then poured onto the floor and leveled with a spatula. If at the same time there are irregularities, they are recommended to be sanded and walked over the coating with a vacuum cleaner.
  4. We knead the mixture for pouring the floor strictly according to the instructions on the package. First you need to make base layer white color. We apply the composition to the base and level it. Important: you can only move on such a mixture in shoes called “paint shoes”. There are special spikes on their soles.
  5. Filled layer processing. To do this, you will need a roller with needles. The purpose of the task is to remove excess air, the bubbles of which can remain inside.
  6. Decoration. To create the desired pattern, you need to print large format images. On one side of the picture there should be an adhesive layer. He will join the base of liquid linoleum.
  7. On top of the picture fill finishing layer, it must be transparent. Apply it according to the same principle as the base ball.

Try to work fast. A sluggish process will cause the polyurethane material to harden too quickly, and you will not have time to correct all the shortcomings.

You can use the frozen self-leveling floor no earlier than two days after its arrangement. In this case, it is necessary to provide the room with maximum protection from vibrations and air currents.

Before complete hardening, it is absolutely impossible to enter the room and subject the floors to mechanical stress. Do not try to speed up the curing time with a hair dryer or other heating devices. This will cause cracks to form in the flooring.

One of the main problems when working with such material is the difficulty in choosing a design. Therefore, we advise you to see what liquid linoleum looks like in the photo. Here are a few interesting ideas, which can really be realized in many houses or apartments.

In Moscow, you can buy liquid linoleum in building markets. When buying, check the expiration date of the product and compliance with its storage conditions. Read the material manufacturer's instructions. There are indicated valuable advice for proper interaction with the composition. Only in this way will you achieve an effective result.

In order to better navigate proper cooking and applying the mixture, we recommend that you study the video tutorials. A visual demonstration of the algorithm of work, where the masters reveal the secrets proper styling liquid linoleum, will help to understand all the intricacies:

Do you know other ways to install a self-leveling floor? Share them in the comments to the article to help readers find best method of all those offered.

Which will satisfy every member of the family living in a private house or apartment, quite often becomes very difficult. This, with the modern assortment of materials on our shelves, is natural. But, as it turned out, there is a possibility of a compromise between lovers of exclusivity and supporters of conservatism. We are talking about liquid linoleum. Many are now asking themselves the question: what is it? Today, our editors decided to give an answer to it and, together with the reader, try to figure out whether it is worth considering such flooring as a priority.

Read in the article

What is liquid linoleum: the main characteristics of the material

Speaking specifically in terms of composition, liquid linoleum can be compared with self-leveling floors, which have been presented on the Russian market for several years. The main difference between similar materials is only that it serves as a rough material that is designed to level the surface. It turns out that by appearance these compositions are identical, but, in fact, are intended for different purposes, which means that the methods of their use, as well as surface preparation, are strikingly different.

The characteristics of this material are truly amazing. The name is completely inappropriate here, especially when it comes to more expensive mixtures. The only parameter by which these two materials can be compared is the need to level the surface before laying (application).

Features of laying the mixture: possible difficulties

Elementary laying of liquid linoleum cannot be called. The main difficulty lies in the preparation rough coating to filling. It's not enough just to sweep here. Experts also recommend, then rinse it with water with any soapy composition. The fact is that the slightest debris that remains on the rough fill will subsequently emerge. This will lead to bumps and roughness on the finish surface. The last stage of the floor in 2 layers with intervals of 6-7 hours between applications.

Helpful information! It is quite possible to lay liquid linoleum on wooden surfaces. However, here it will be necessary to pay special attention to the quality of waterproofing.

The nuances of decorating bulk coating

Often liquid linoleum is placed in office space, wherein, special attention no one cares about decorating. A simple addition of a certain color is enough. But this question is more important. In these cases, after laying the main layer, they begin to apply a decorative one, which can be ordinary sequins. desired color. But the most difficult (at the same time, the most beautiful) will be the option in which such a layer is a colored or plain pattern. It is printed on a printer.

After decorative layer applied, laid transparent, consisting of quick-drying, which gives gloss and strength to the floor covering. Although the resin mixed with the hardener dries in a few hours, it is not recommended to use the surface for a few more days. Depending on the composition and thickness of the layer, this period can reach 20-25 days.

Interesting to know! Quite often, the method of self-drawing is used for decoration. In this case, you can get an exclusive coating, but this method requires skill. Often professional artists are involved for such purposes.

Possible mistakes made by novice masters when pouring

Very often on the Internet you can find negative feedback about one or another composition of liquid linoleum. Such problems arise not through the fault of the manufacturer, but only due to non-compliance with the technology of pouring or drying the coating. It makes sense to consider in more detail the main mistakes that can be made in the production of such work.

Failure to comply with the proportions and method of mixing the mixture

On the packaging of the composition, the exact proportions of the components used in the preparation of the composition are indicated without fail. If they are not met, you can not even think about any quality of the final result. But, even if everything is done in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, the composition can be spoiled if the mixing speed is too high or, conversely, slow. This parameter is also indicated on the packaging (if it matters for a particular composition).

Improperly prepared surface, or incorrect assessment of one's capabilities

About the need careful preparation The subfloor has already been mentioned, but labor productivity is also worth noting. The fact is that the finished composition polymerizes quite quickly. Therefore, when mixing its excess amount, the master may simply not have time to work it out or level it. But correcting a mistake is much more difficult than preventing it.

This is the most common mistake made. Typically, such mixtures are recommended to be dried at a temperature of 5ºС to 25ºС and a humidity of 60-65%. If the percentage is less than 50%, drying will occur much faster, which will lead to cracking of the surface. An increased temperature will lead to the same result.

Separately, it is worth noting the presence of drafts in the room. They will lead to unevenness and fragility of the finished floor covering.

Poor quality of the rough floor screed in terms of strength

Such an omission will not allow liquid linoleum to withstand mechanical damage. As a result, this will lead to the fact that the floor covering will become unusable long before the expiration date guaranteed by the manufacturer. That is why experts recommend completely removing and replacing if its strength does not inspire confidence.

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Advantages and disadvantages of liquid linoleum over conventional

In order to make it easier for the reader to navigate the difference between floor coverings, we will analyze their pros and cons in tabular form. Let's start with the positives.

How can you make sure positive qualities liquid linoleum has much more. Its only disadvantage is the high cost of the material, which often scares off the consumer.

Summing up

Despite the many nuances and the rather high complexity of laying liquid linoleum, such material is becoming more and more in demand among Russian consumers. This is due not only to high operational characteristics modern compositions, but also the aesthetic appearance of the final result. One can only hope that in the near future the cost of liquid linoleum will gradually decrease.

Thanks to modern solutions exists huge number room design variations. V Lately the idea of ​​liquid linoleum began to spread at a high speed, and if you decide to get acquainted with this qualitatively new type, you will surely discover new frontiers in design skill. So, liquid linoleum is a recent novelty, which makes it possible to create the style of a room in any direction, depending on the personal preferences of the owners.

Purpose of liquid type linoleum

If we draw a parallel of comparative analogues between rolled linoleum and a liquid product, then we can conclude that there is one thing in common between them - the integrity of the entire canvas. There is a distant similarity in external indicators, but if you touch the surface, you can understand that this is not so. This liquid material, when in contact, is insanely similar to, if we consider the other parameters, it is worth noting that there are differences in all directions. If there is a need for a detailed reflection of the essence of this raw material for the floor, you can express yourself.

The first manufactured linoleum was used strictly for the purposes of industries. The developers set themselves the goal of creating a solid solid base for flooring, which would not be subject to abrasion and could easily be used in outbuildings - industrial, warehouse buildings. Then designers came up with the idea to decorate plain, unattractive-looking floors with a pattern, and the number of people who wanted to use improved materials for decorating their homes increased significantly. Moreover, the increase in the number of consumers of this product occurred exponentially.

Varieties of bulk products

The modern market space and competing manufacturers offer several forms and types of self-leveling floors, which are classified by fillers and are:

  • cement-acrylic;
  • polyurethane;
  • tarry.

Basically, liquid bulk linoleum is used for industrial purposes, although polyurethane products are used for high-quality design decoration residential buildings. This is not surprising, because the material is durable, light, thanks to which it is possible to imitate natural coating without damaging your wallet. The thickness of the product also varies, and this indicator fluctuates in a small range of 1-7 mm, but if you follow the recommendations of the repair workers, for a traditional load it is recommended to choose a material with a layer of 1.5 mm. This value is enough for the smooth operation of the coating over the next decades.

Advantages and disadvantages of liquid linoleum material

Comparing this type of material with other elements, it is worth noting that there are huge differences between it and other types of flooring. Let's consider its positive aspects.

  1. The strength is quite large, because the products are traditionally not subject to mechanical influences. This positive feature gives the material superiority over, ordinary linoleum, .
  2. An important advantage that liquid linoleum has is its price. It is quite optimal for all the conveniences and advantages that can be obtained by giving preference to this particular material.
  3. The first feature as the main advantage allows this group of products to have a virtually universal scope of use. These are personal housing, industrial facilities, warehouses, workshops, airports.
  4. Waterproof - this high-quality polymer floor is distinguished by the fact that its tooling includes a layer that promotes water repellency, so the product can withstand direct contact with liquid, and this property allows it to dominate.
  5. No seams in the cover. Regardless of the configuration and area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, this species products will provide a flat and smooth floor without joints, and this is a definite plus in terms of aesthetic indicator.
  6. abundance design solutions: compared to the classic variations, this opens large space to maintain creative works, because it is possible to design unique individual solutions within any solution. You can choose, as well as pick up drawings of any subject.
  7. Fire resistance - this is due to the fact that the coating is related to the group of non-combustible elements, so this type of finish is boldly used at social and industrial facilities.
  8. The lack of toxicity is another undeniable plus. If it is rational to observe the features and technologies of application, as well as the preparation of the material, it will 100% comply with all safety standards for the health of not only adults, but also children.
  9. Ease in care procedures makes raw materials indispensable even for the laziest people. You can wash it with any household chemicals. The smooth surface of the material makes it easy and simple to deal with different types pollution.
  10. Long service life - this indicator is achieved due to high strength characteristics. Plus or minus - decide for yourself, because many people think that for such a long time the floor can get bored. On the other hand, you do not have to spend a lot of time and money to re-lay it.
  11. Definitely: if you decide to buy liquid linoleum, you will not regret it. But in order not to have to deal with various pitfalls, it is necessary to consider in advance the negative aspects in using the material. This is a relatively high price and difficulties that may arise during installation. There is also an insufficiently wide selection of products within the color framework. Is it worth choosing linoleum, each person decides for himself, and many who have used and use it give best reviews and recommendations.

    Features of preparation and operation

    Within the framework of modern hardware stores, you can choose between two types of floor coverings - with one component and with two.

    1. One-component products are used for preparatory activities grounds for any kind of material. In another way, these elements are characterized as self-alignment screeds. They are characterized by high strength, and with the help of these products you can create a perfectly smooth type of surface.
    2. Two-component compositions are used exclusively for the finishing arrangement of coatings. If we consider the composition, we can distinguish epoxy floors, cement-acrylic and products made on the basis of polyurethane.

    Such distinctive features indicate only that in the course of the selection it is necessary to have the most careful attitude to the composition and type of material. Before creating the conditions for the formation of a qualitative foundation, it is necessary to carry out a number of activities.

Floor coverings on the modern market are presented visibly-invisibly. Have you ever heard that floors are not laid, but poured? Such flooring is called self-leveling floor or still liquid linoleum.

Indeed, in appearance, the self-leveling polymer floor resembles linoleum, and to the touch, it looks like a smooth tile. It differs from other coatings in its solidity, smooth surface, has no seams and gaps. The color shades are varied: the liquid linoleum self-leveling polymer floor can be bought in mostly neutral calm tones - light green, gray, beige, light brown. Service time of a self-leveling floor - more than forty years. There is no need for liquid linoleum, put carpets. The floor is magnificent in beauty and thermal performance, light and refined. In addition, this self-leveling polymer floor is safe for health, which makes it possible to actively use it in residential buildings. True, the cost of the bulk polymer floor "Liquid Linoleum" cannot be called cheap.

Liquid linoleum can be mounted on concrete, cement screed, ceramic tiles, wooden base. The surface must be even. This can be checked with a level in all horizontal directions. Tolerance considered 4 mm. To prepare the floor you need:

Dismantle skirting boards;

Via grinder or a metal brush to get rid of the old coating;

check wood flooring on humidity, it should be no more than 10%;

Clean all cracks and sand the floor of a large sandpaper to ensure stronger adhesion between layers, then fill large cracks with a building mixture;

Remove dust and debris industrial vacuum cleaner and wash the floor with cleaning powder to degrease;

Check horizontality with a level.

At the end of the surface preparation, it must be primed. Porous and dry surfaces are primed several times to completely close the pores. The primer is applied with a wide brush or roller. The next layer only after complete drying of the previous one. A day later, the floor is “poured” onto the resulting base. The consumption of the self-leveling polymer floor "Liquid linoleum" in residential premises is 1.5 kg / m 2 with a coating thickness of 1 -1.15 mm.

In order for the self-leveling floor to spread well over the surface, you must adhere to the proportions indicated by the manufacturer in the instructions. Bulk polymer floor "Liquid linoleum" you can buy with home delivery. Correct plasticity of the solution is the key to good spreading.

Too rare a solution can provoke the formation of cracks and chips, disrupt the drying of the floor and reduce its strength. Therefore, it is recommended that the pouring of the self-leveling polymer floor be carried out by specialists.

The technological development of mankind does not stand still and is periodically replenished with new discoveries and scientific research. This development applies to all industries, including manufacturers of flooring materials. A striking example of new technologies in the production of flooring is liquid linoleum, which is better known to the layman as a polymer-based self-leveling floor.

What is liquid linoleum?

Liquid linoleum or self-leveling floor is a synthetic multi-component mixture that is produced in liquid form and is designed to cover any type of base. Depending on the components used, liquid bulk linoleum is of three types:

  • methacrylate;
  • Epoxy;
  • Polyurethane.

In appearance, the finished coating is practically no different from ordinary linoleum, but gives much more opportunities for designers. According to physical indicators, a self-leveling polymer floor can be compared with ceramic tiles.

For your information. In production and storage areas, methacrylate and epoxy coatings are commonly used. Bulk mixtures based on polyurethane used in residential and public buildings.

Features of laying liquid linoleum

The standard procedure for laying the material is very simple and can be done independently without the involvement of outside specialists. Laying can be done on any type of surface, wood, concrete or ceramic tiles, it is enough just to properly prepare the base and follow the laying technology.

Bulk linoleum makes it possible to make a unique design by installing a printed image, which is placed on the surface of the base and filled with a transparent polymer composition. It is better to involve competent specialists in this type of decoration, which is why the price of the floor increases significantly.

For your information. The most popular types of transparent polymer coatings are the brands EpoxyFlooring, GlassFloor, Zemezit UR 35 and Polymerstone.

Prices for liquid linoleum

thin layer epoxy coating will cost about 450-500 rubles / m2.

A thin-layer polyurethane coating will cost a little less, about 300-400 rubles per meter / m2.

The cost of a full-fledged epoxy floor with a thickness of 2-3 mm will cost 1000-1200 rubles. per meter/m2.

The cost of installing a self-leveling polyurethane floor with a thickness of 2-3 mm will cost a little cheaper - 800-900 rubles.

The most expensive option would be a self-leveling methyl methacrylate floor with a thickness of 3 mm, about 1500 rubles.

Also, highly filled polymer floors will cost 1100-1500 rubles, depending on the components and layer thickness.

Prices are indicated at the rate of 1 $ = 66 rubles.

Advantages of liquid linoleum coating

The liquid type of linoleum has a number of significant advantages over many other types of coatings, which include:

  • No seams. The polymer composition forms a perfectly even monolithic coating, which does not need joints, as it fills the entire room.
  • Ease of installation. It is known that laying ordinary linoleum in a non-standard room with irregular geometries is very difficult. WITH liquid material there are no such problems and you do not need to spend a lot of time cutting the canvas and adjusting the pattern.
  • Color options. Resin floors do not limit your choice of color in any way, since there are more than 200 shades of dyes for it, which can be added to the composition before pouring. It is also possible to create unique images with a 3D effect. The coating can be glossy or matte, smooth or rough, depending on personal preferences and the style of the room.
  • Wear resistance. The thickness of the protective layer of ordinary linoleum is no more than 0.3 mm, and liquid linoleum itself is protective layer and can reach up to 1.5 cm in thickness, which makes it an almost eternal coating.
  • Impact strength. Using a self-leveling floor - liquid linoleum in an apartment or a private house, you can be sure that the coating will not have any damage throughout the entire period of operation. Even if you drop a hammer, a sharp object on its surface, or move heavy furniture, no marks will remain on the floor surface.
  • Safety. The bulk coating does not burn and does not support combustion, and also does not emit toxic components under high temperature exposure, which makes this coating environmentally friendly. The coating can be safely used in medical institutions and children's rooms.

Even if somehow damage has appeared on the coating in the form of a scratch or dent, it is very easy to repair it. It is enough to fill the dent with a new layer and align with common plane polishing method. Scratches are also eliminated by polishing with special machines. To consolidate the material, we recommend watching the video on laying the polymer floor.