East Africa - description, countries and features.

Eastern covers the countries of Africa east of the Nile with the exception of Egypt. In East Africa, the main watershed of the mainland passes and the largest deep rivers in Africa begin

The natural conditions are very diverse. Deserted, sultry, arid. Changes from tropical on the coast to arid in the central regions. Klimt is humid and tropical on the islands. Closer to the mountains it becomes temperate.

The main form of government is the republic

Dualistic monarchy

Low level of economic development

There are about 200 ethnic groups living in East Africa and there are four language groups... Due to large cultural and social differences, East Africa contains a significant potential for conflict, which has repeatedly expressed itself in past and current wars, including civil wars.

The Masai are a semi-nomadic African indigenous people living in the savannah in southern Kenya and northern Tanzania and southern Ethiopia (1 million people)

The Kikuyu are a people living in central Kenya. Population - more than 6 million people

Malagasy - people, the main population of the Republic of Madagascar (up to 20 million people).

Sudanese (Sudanese Arabs) - Arab people, the main population of Sudan. The total number is over 18 million people.

Amhamra, Amharians, Amara are the most numerous people of Ethiopia; their number is estimated at 25-30 million people

  • Among natural resources East Africa, it is necessary to highlight the availability of hydropower, tin, phosphates, iron ore, coal, diamonds, gems, gold, gas, nickel.
  • Agricultural products - coffee, sisal, tea, cotton, cashews, tobacco, cloves, corn, grain, tapioca, bananas, fruits, vegetables; cattle, sheep, goats are bred.
  • Kenya is flowers: for example, roses, carnations, alstroemeria, tuberose, arabicum, eringia, etc.
  • Coffee is Ethiopia's gift to the world. This country is the main producer of Arabica coffee in Africa. The second important culture is tea.
  • Ethiopia is the largest country in Africa in terms of livestock numbers and is also among the ten largest in the world in terms of this indicator. Ethiopia has 35 million cattle, 12 million rams and 10 million goats.
  • Ethiopia has 3.3 million hives and is the main producer and exporter of honey and beeswax in Africa. This industry provides excellent investment prospects.
  • Sudan accounts for more than half of the world's gum arabic production.

Agriculture is the main branch of the Ethiopian economy, providing 85% of jobs.

Fishing and forestry are also significant industries. There is great potential for investment in these industries.

Industry - small quantities of consumer goods (batteries, fabrics, soap, cigarettes), processing of agricultural products are produced. Several oil refineries, cement production, and ship repair shops have survived since colonial times.

Main industries - processing of agricultural raw materials, production building materials, consumer goods.

Agricultural production accounts for 60-80% of GDP

East Africa is a dynamically developing region international tourism... The most popular destinations here include the following Kenya, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Tanzania, Uganda, Seychelles, Mauritius. You can also talk about other tourist destinations, in particular Namibia.

Weaknesses: Low industrialization. Lack of foreign exchange for energy and spare parts imports. Droughts. Underdeveloped transport infrastructure

It is the second largest in the world after Eurasia and the first in its mystery and unpredictability. It lies between two oceans - the Atlantic and the Pacific, crosses the equator line, which is why the climate there is extremely dry and hot. The vastness of the eastern part of the continent is considered especially arid. Despite the fact that the Sahara and Kalahari are located in the north and south, it is here that the minimum amount of precipitation falls. Because of this, the flora is scarce, and tourism is not very well developed. The easternmost point of Africa is Ras Hafun Cape, which is located in Somalia. It is these lands that we will now consider in detail.

Cape data

The coordinates of the easternmost point of Africa are 10 ° 26 "north latitude and 51 ° 23" east longitude. It is located on the Somali peninsula, in the state of the same name. Many people point out that this country exists only in fact. In fact, development there is at an extremely low level due to the constant civil war. Most people live below the poverty line, many are engaged in sea piracy. The exact coordinates of the most eastern point of Africa give us the opportunity to see it on the map. On a large scale, it can be seen that the Hafun Peninsula (as the locals call it) is an inverted "figurine" of Africa itself in miniature. Its outline is the same as that of the main continent.

Relief and natural features

The easternmost point of Africa is a low-lying promontory. Its length is about 40 kilometers, and it is located in the northeast of the state of Somalia. The peninsula juts out with its shores in the Indian Ocean. Its coastline is not indented by bays, therefore there are no typically paradise beaches and cozy places for recreation there. On the contrary, the cape goes out to the open sea with its shores, which is often the reason strong winds and over the surface of the water, and on the eastern shores of Somalia. Storms and even tsunamis often occur, from which locals literally flee inland. Due to the same winds and intense heat, Cape Hafun, like all the countries of East Africa, is scarce in vegetation. Desert territories turn into savannas, where animals such as zebras, giraffes, elephants, lions and others are found. But this region is teeming with insects and reptiles. Centipedes, scorpions, poisonous snakes and other very dangerous reptiles are also found here.

Population of the region

Today, the easternmost point of Africa is inhabited exclusively by Ottoman Mamuds. Now they are considered local natives, but it is impossible to name them with accuracy the aborigines of these regions, since for centuries there, as well as throughout the world, the assimilation of peoples took place. About 25 thousand of Hafun's residents are fishermen - this is the main economic activity in the region. Locals rarely sell their catch, most often it is the main food for the men themselves and them and their families. A certain percentage of the population of the peninsula does not hesitate to engage in piracy. Considering the fact that Somalia is one of the world's largest, local pirates hijack entire ships, and the goods that are delivered to them are simply taken for themselves.

Economy of the region

Geographers claim that the easternmost geographical point of Africa is a corner of original, unique and unforgettable nature. Unfortunately, the local land is infertile, not suitable for recreation, and excessive heat and wind are even dangerous for the health of people who are not used to such conditions. But it is on this in recent times and the country's economy rises. Fans of thrills, adrenaline often come to Cape Hafun to take a safari tour, hunt for the local fauna, see those very unique and huge insects, learn how local fishermen trade and how modern Somali sea pirates live.

For those who decided to go to Cape Hafun

Given that the economic situation in Somalia is extremely deplorable, there are no exchange offices, no ATMs and terminals. Therefore, it is important for travelers to exchange currency in advance for the local Somali shilling. In extreme cases, you will have to pay here in dollars, Egyptian or Yemeni currency, but at the local exchange rate, which is extremely unprofitable. It is also important to know that hurricanes and tsunamis are frequent in the region. If such "bad weather" is approaching, you need literally half an hour to get to deeper points of the mainland, leaving the cape. Local hurricanes literally destroy all buildings and cause invaluable damage to the country.

Neighboring countries of East Africa

The original nature, which was described above, is characteristic not only of the lands of the most extreme eastern promontory of the continent. Similar landscapes are also found in neighboring countries. Some of them are more economically developed, those that have access to the ocean constantly receive tourists from different corners planets. East Africa refers to a region that is located in the corresponding part of the continent. Almost all states have access to they are united according to the geographical principle, as well as according to natural features. Therefore, for now we will list all the countries of East Africa simply in alphabetical order:

Population and languages

Modern anthropologists believe that modern East Africa was the cradle of all mankind. The map of this region has remained practically unchanged since the existence of the supposed supercontinent, therefore it is also assumed that many local residents are carriers of the most ancient types of DNA on the planet. Nevertheless, most of the population has long been assimilated both with the inhabitants of other regions of Africa and with the Europeans, who have repeatedly made their colonies out of these territories. Only the tribes of the Mahmuds and the natives, who are far from civilizations and lead a predominantly nomadic way of life, are considered original here. Local languages ​​are also a synthesis of European, mainly Romance, and local dialects. The most popular of the languages ​​on the east coast is Swahili.

Country borders

Now we will look at how the modern political map of Africa in the eastern part of the continent was formed and what influenced the formation of the borders we know. Despite the fact that the people here have the same roots, the number of traditions, rituals, beliefs and other cultural customs here exceeds 200. Over the centuries, it is for this reason that there have been constant clashes and armed conflicts between the tribes of the inhabitants of East Africa. This weakened the development of the region, did not give him the opportunity to improve. As a result, European colonialists came here, who at their own discretion, regardless of the cultural characteristics of certain peoples, established the boundaries of modern powers. That's why modern map Africa, in particular its eastern part, is just a formality that only aggravated the confrontation of local residents.


As it turned out, the easternmost point of Africa is by no means picturesque paradise... Despite the fact that Cape Khafun is washed by the Indian Ocean, here its waters are extremely harsh. Tsunamis often occur and sweep away everything in their path. Therefore, only lovers of new experiences, extreme and drive come here.

Some historians believe that exactly East Africa became the birthplace of human civilization. The borders of the subcontinent pass mainly by water - it stretches along the coast of the Indian Ocean, where the easternmost point of Africa is located - Cape Ras Khafun in Somalia. In the north it has access to the Red Sea, and in the west it is limited by the current of the Nile. Today, seventeen states are located in this region, including one of the largest island states - Madagascar and the Seychelles.

Weather and nature - local variations

There is no need to talk about any uniformity when assessing the weather features of this region - different East African countries are located in radically different climatic zones. The Seychelles are humid marine tropics that depend on the power of the monsoons, on the continent something similar can be found in Ethiopia or Tanzania. Somalia is mostly a hot desert, and Uganda has more rainy days than dry days.

This variation affects the local flora. East Africa is a savanna and tropical jungle, subequatorial forests and almost dead sands (although the latter are relatively few here). Animal world extremely rich, the region is home to many large and small mammals (including primates), birds, amphibians. On the territory there are large lakes (Tanganyika and Victoria), here the Congo, the deep-water Nile and the Zambezi originate.

Economic advantages of the subcontinent

The abundance of land suitable for pasture has made the countries of East Africa the leaders of the continent in terms of animal husbandry. In general, most of the income to the budget of these countries is brought precisely by Agriculture... Kenya exports fruit and tea, Madagascar - spices, Mozambique - citrus fruits, cashews and cotton, Ethiopia - olives and coffee. Where there is access to the sea, industrial fishing is developed.

The natural resources of the countries of the subcontinent are less rich than those of their neighbors, but there are also important minerals here. Rubies, diamonds and gold, fluorite and iron ore, cobalt and tungsten are mined in the region. The processing and textile industries are actively developing. The most important industry that brings significant income to most countries (primarily the island ones) is tourism.

The poorest country in the region is Somalia - there are few mineral resources, the amount fertile soils limited. In addition, constant armed conflicts and civil unrest make this state downright unattractive to investors.

List of countries in East Africa

Eastern Africa in equatorial and subequatorial latitudes. Most of the East. Africa occupies the East African Plateau. The climate is hot, seasonally humid, precipitation from 500 to 3000 mm per year. In Vost. Africa is one of the largest in the world ... ... Big encyclopedic Dictionary

East Africa- - EN East Africa A geographic region of the African continent that includes Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia and Somalia, and also Mt. Kilimanjaro and Lake ... ... Technical translator's guide

Eastern Africa in equatorial and subequatorial latitudes. Most of East Africa is occupied by the East African Plateau. The climate is hot, seasonally humid, precipitation from 500 to 3000 mm per year. In East Africa, one of the largest ... encyclopedic Dictionary

East Africa- East Africa. Physical map. East Africa, natural country in the equatorial and subequatorial latitudes of eastern Africa, between the Ethiopian Highlands in the north, the Congo Basin in the west and the lower course of the river. Zambezi in the south. On… … Encyclopedic reference book "Africa"

A natural country covering the eastern part of Africa in equatorial and subequatorial latitudes between the Ethiopian plateau in the north, the Congo depression in the west, the lower course of the Zambezi in the south, and the Indian Ocean in the east. Within the limits of VA completely ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

1) British (see Great Britain) and 2) German (see Germany) ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

Natural country in the eastern part of Africa. Within Vost. Africa is located Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti. Geography. Modern illustrated encyclopedia. M .: Rosman. Under… … Geographical encyclopedia

- (East Africa) 2nd World War After in Aug. 1941 15 thousandth English. the garrison located in Somalia was forced to evacuate from the country, gen. Wavell developed with gen. Sir William Platt and Sir Alan Cunningham a plan for ... ... Encyclopedia of battles in world history

Africa Orientale Italiana colony ← ... Wikipedia

Deutsch Ostafrika Colony of Germany ← ... Wikipedia


  • East Africa: Tanzania, None. Africa is a huge continent of the Earth, which is washed from all sides by the waters of the world's oceans: the Atlantic, Indian and Mediterranean Sea... Previously, the mainland was connected with Asia by Suez ... eBook
  • East Africa: Kenya, None. Africa is an amazing country, many secrets and mysteries are hidden behind its green forests and endless shrouds and hot deserts. Africa is called the cradle of humanity and it is believed that the most ...

Countries of East Africa Geographic features Geographical location Relief and minerals Climatic conditions Rivers and lakes Natural areas Population Questions Test Tasks State of Ethiopia State of Kenya Peredelskaya TV Geography teacher MOU Secondary School No. 5 Tuapse

Geographical features Distinctive features Exceptional diversity of nature Occupies the highest part of the mainland Occurs different variants Highlights of the countries of East Africa The largest faults of the earth's crust are located The largest lakes are located A large number of reserves and national parks A variegated national composition

Geographical position? Ethiopia? Kenya 0 ° Area - 1, 1 million km² Common border. Common neighbors are Sudan, Somalia. Capitals are large cities. Similarities Area - 582, 6 thousand km² Kenya, in contrast to Ethiopia: - has access to the Indian Ocean; - crossed by the equator; - smaller in area. Differences

Ras Dashen relief 4 620 m Ethiopia Kenya Kenya 5 199 m Most of the Ethiopian highlands. The highest point is Mount Ras. Dashen 4550 m, the fourth highest in Africa. The relief is extremely varied - from coastal plains to mountain peaks and volcanoes.

The relief of East Africa is the most seismic part of the continent. Mountains Kilimanjaro and Kenya - the highest peaks of the mainland are located along the fault line.

Minerals The most important minerals In Kenya, the mineral resources of Ethiopia - the base of the country is poorly understood. natural gas, gold, soda, platinum, fluorite, table salt, polymetallic and rare gold and rubies and other elements of ore, rock salt et al. Gold washer in Ethiopia.

The relief of Ethiopia The average height is 2000-3000 m. The highlands are sometimes called the "Roof of Africa". The eastern and southern edges of the highlands are steep ledges to a deep valley. Western - stepped, indented by the canyons of the Blue Nile and its tributaries. Seismicity is high.

Climatic conditions The climate of the countries is subequatorial. The average temperature both in winter and in summer varies within the limits of + 14 + 28 С, depending on the region. Despite the location of countries in low latitudes, at night

Climatic conditions Ethiopia. Mostly Kenya. subequatorial. In the northeast - Tropical desert and subequatorial semi-desert type prevail. Climate depression. The western Afar is one of the hottest regions on earth. Most of the highlands are around 23 ° C and average monthly rainfall. temperatures - from + 15 ° C to + 26 ° C on the coast. Rains fall in temperatures around the summer. Average annual 26 ° C, precipitation in summer. precipitation - from 200 - 500 mm in the plains to 1000–1500 mm in the north of the country, it is always hot and dry in the mountains. central and southwestern regions. Droughts are frequent on the plains.

Lake Rudolph, called by the locals "Basso-Norok" ( dark water), occupies a narrow tectonic depression up to 50 km wide and about 260 km long. Its area is 6, 4 thousand square meters. km.

River Tana The largest river - Tana (length - about 750 km) begins in the Aberdare mountains and, crossing the eastern edge of their foothills, forms a series of waterfalls. Large hydroelectric power plants have been built at the Sven Falls and downstream.

Lake Tana Source of the Blue Nile from Lake Tana The country's largest lake was formed in a tectonic basin as a result of damming lava flows.

River Abbay 1 The largest of the rivers in Ethiopia - Abbay, in the lower reaches called the Blue Nile, originates in the form of a small river Small Abbay, which flows into the lake. Tana, and leaving it, gradually turns into a full-flowing river.

The peoples of Ethiopia 1 2 4 3 There are 95 languages ​​spoken in Ethiopia! The skin color of Ethiopians is from light brown to dark chocolate, often with a reddish tint. The face is usually narrow, the nose is straight. Elongated body proportions are characteristic.

People of Kenya 1 3 2 4 Kenya is a multinational country with more than 40 different peoples. On the territory of the country, the boundaries of the main areas of settlement of the peoples of the 3 largest linguistic groups converge: Bantu, Nilots and Kushites. About 65% of Kenya's African population speaks the Bantu languages.

Ethiopia The capital of Ethiopia is Addis Ababa. The main industry is agriculture. In crop production, cereal crops prevail. The main export crop is coffee. Pasture farming is well developed. The industry is underdeveloped. These are mainly enterprises of the textile and food industries. In terms of economic development, Ethiopia is one of the poorest countries in the world.

Kenya The capital of Kenya is Nairobi. The main industry is agriculture. They grow coffee, tea, agave, corn. The main supplier to the world market is sisal. Meat and dairy farming is developed, in arid regions - herds of camels, sheep, goats graze. The industry is underdeveloped. Kenya is one of the leading countries in Africa for the development of tourism.

Agriculture Agave plantations Pyrethrum, or Dalmatian chamomile Sisal - agave fiber Harvesting coffee

Questions What forms of relief prevail in the countries of the Highlands, plateaus, faults of the earth's crust. East Africa? What are the highest points of the continent here Kilimanjaro (5,895 m), Kenya (5,199 m). are? What races prevail here? Equatorial race. Which East African country is Ethiopia home to? coffee? What natural area prevails in this part of Savannah. Africa? Which state has the same name with Somalia. peninsula of Africa?

Test 1. What natural areas prevail in East Africa? A. Tropical deserts B. Variable-humid forests C. Savannahs and woodlands D. Equatorial forests 2. Which country in East Africa is landlocked? A. Kenya B. Somalia C. Tanzania D. Ethiopia 3. In which country is Lake Rudolf located? A. Kenya B. Somalia C. Tanzania D. Ethiopia 4. In which country is the Amhara predominant? A. Kenya B. Somalia C. Tanzania D. Ethiopia 5. Agriculture in East Africa is more likely to suffer from these natural phenomena how…? A. Catastrophic floods B. Earthquakes C. Frequent droughts D. Strong winds responses

Test 1. What natural areas prevail in East Africa? A. Tropical deserts B. Variable-humid forests C. Savannahs and woodlands D. Equatorial forests 2. Which country in East Africa is landlocked? A. Kenya B. Somalia C. Tanzania D. Ethiopia 3. In which country is Lake Rudolf located? A. Kenya B. Somalia C. Tanzania D. Ethiopia 4. In which country is the Amhara predominant? A. Kenya B. Somalia C. Tanzania D. Ethiopia 5. Agriculture in East African countries is more likely to suffer from such natural phenomena as ...? A. Catastrophic floods B. Earthquakes C. Frequent droughts D. Strong winds

Tasks 1. Correlate countries, contours and capitals. 1 2 3 4 A. Tanzania Addis Ababa B. Kenya § Nairobi V. Ethiopia o Dodoma G. Somalia ü Mogadishu answers § 1 B o 2 A 4 C ü 3 D

Tasks 1. Relate countries and geographic objects... 1. Tanzania 2. Kenya A. Ras Khafun cape 3. Ethiopia 4. Somalia C. Lake Tanganyika D. Mombasa port B. Ras Dashen mountain. A. B. V 1. 2.. D 3.Answers 4.

Resources http: // ya-ru. ru / wp-content / uploads / maps_africa. jpg - map of Africa http: // www 2.luventicus. org / mapas / africaoriental. gif - map of the country of East Africa http: // www. addictedtotravel. com / Resources / Images / 2008/1 / b 4 fb 22 b 050944327 a 621 cdeceee 91 a 0 c. jpg - map of East Africa http: // www. africa. org. ua / images / ethiopia_map. gif - map of Ethiopia http: // www. gotoafrica. ru / maps / small_kenia. jpg - map of Kenya Maps "Physical map", "Climate map", " Political Map"," Natural zones "," Population "from the electronic supplement to the textbook" Geography. Land and people ”. Publishing house "Education", 2009 http: // sl. photo-traveler. net / Foto / Ethiopia-Djibouti 2009/221. jpg - Ethiopian Highlands http: // where-to-go. org / media / 1/20071202 -zonarazlomov. jpg - View of the Fault Zone http: // img. travel. ru / images 2/2008/09 / object 161747/290908 -28. jpg - Blue Nile canyons http: // img. travel. ru / images 2/2008/09 / object 161747/290908-30. jpg - Ethiopian Grand Canyon http: // img. travel. ru / images 2/2008/09 / object 161747/290908-30. jpg - view of the Nile valley http: // romantic-places. ru / pics / pic 897 -0. jpg - Ethiopian Highlands http: // trendymen. ru / places / voyages / images_3 / 7_Erta-Ale-Volcano-Ethiopia. jpg - Hell's Gate volcano http: // interest-planet. ru / uploads / images / c / 1/8 / c / 11 / a 3 f 9 c 63 b 60. jpg - Dalol volcano http: // s 41. radikal. ru / i 093/1010/6 e / 0 fe 674 b 5 de 64. jpg - Guyot volcano http: // s 002.radikal. ru / i 200/1010/15/28 d 014 d 48772. jpg - Paradise lake http: // i 074. radikal. ru / 1010 / da / 226 aa 4 fabc 6 c. jpg - crater fields http: // farm 4. static. flickr. com / 3292 / 2717175246_618 e 3 d 10 c 8. jpg? v = 0 - plains of Kenya http: // www. permex. ru / userfiles / Image / kenya. JPG - Kenya http: // www. ecosystema. ru / 08 nature / world / 37 ken / 01. jpg - northern part of the Serengeti plain http: // www. worldatlas. com / webimage / countrys / africa / afoutl. gif - contour map http: // byaki. net / uploads 1 / 1143151905_198964. jpg - Afar depression http: // www. mysticspot. ru / wp-content / uploads / envait 3.jpg - Lake Rudolph http: // dive. ru / _data / travel / 0005790 / image 005. jpg - Lake Rudolf http: // www. krugozormagazine. com / main / content / 7 -2010_Taina-1. jpg - Lake Rudolph

Resources http: // www. vseneprostotak. ru / wp-content / uploads / 2010/06/052010 pv. jpg - p. Tana http: // www. rv-prestige. ru / upload / iblock / 359 / -ssvd. jpg - p. Tana http: // www. risk. ru / i / post / 29 / 29141_full. jpg - Lake Tana http: // tourism-world. ru / uploads / news / 77 / lake_tana. jpg - Lake Tana http: // lah. ru / expedition / ephiop / tana / tl 05. jpg - the source of the Blue Nile http: // www. liceoberchet. it / ricerche / geo 5 d_08 / gruppo_c / testi / Lake_tana. jpg - Lake Tana http: // sl. photo-traveler. net / Foto / Ethiopia-Djibouti 2009/146. jpg - acacia forests http: // www. marshruty. ru / Photo. Files / b / 7/6 / f / b 76 f 4 d 6 bb 266 491 b 84 a 5872 bf 04 c 5570 / large / 226. jpg - Danakil Desert http: // i 302. photobucket. com / albums / nn 95 / sveta_by / LJ / 2 -2. jpg - savannahs of Kenya http: // files. begonija. lv / system / user_files / region_images / Nac. park% 20 gori% 20 Kenija_2. jpg - snowfields of Kenya http: // www. vostok-tour. com / africa 2.jpg - amhara http: // www. etnolog. ru / images / people / full / tigrai. jpg - tigers and http: // upload. wikimedia. org / wikipedia / commons / thumb / e / e 3 / Bedscha. jpg / 200 px-Bedscha. jpg - badge http: // photobucket. com / albums / ww 31 / Nikolya-super / Ethiopia% 20 exhibition / IMG_0787. jpg - galla (oromo) http: // bms. 24 open. ru / images / 1 e 94 732 ad 9 c 2 e 904 bf 7 bb 4 d 3 c 530 bd 84 - bantu http: // img-fotki. yandex. ru / get / 4110 / bsw 2100.9 / 0_2 ed 7 b_49 d 27 f 5 f_XL - nilots http: // upload. wikimedia. org / wikipedia / commons / thumb / 3/35 /% D 0% 9 F% D 1% 80% D 0% BE% D 0% B 4% D 0% B 0% D 0% B 2% D 0% B 5% D 1% 86_% D 0% B 8% D 1% 80% D 0% BA% D 1% 83. jpg / 200 px% D 0% 9 F% D 1% 80% D 0% BE% D 0% B 4% D 0% B 0% D 0% B 2% D 0% B 5% D 1% 86_% D 0% B 8% D 1% 80% D 0% BA% D 1% 83. j pg - kushites http: // www. svali. ru / pictures / 141 / r_p_25025 ae 501 d 1 cd 60144 cfc 30 f 7 e 2 f 699.jpg - Masai http: // www. selamta. net / Addis_Abeba. jpg - Addis Ababa http: // www. poedem. ru / images / catalogs / southafrica / Pic / Cities / johannesburg / Hillbrow. With. The 269 m. JGStrijdom. Tow er_Johannesburg_South. Africa. JPG- Addis Ababa http: // img 1.worldpoi. info / upload / pics / thumb / fs 400 x 300 px-4600424954 c 1 ccb 8 c 7 b 8 c 2921291147. jpg - waterfall on the river. Abbay

Resources http: // img. lenta. ru / news / 2008/04/21 / ethiopia / picturesmall. jpg - Prime Minister of Ethiopia http: // ostranah. ru / ethiopia_flag. gif - Ethiopia flag http: // ostranah. ru / ethiopia_emblem. jpg - coat of arms of Ethiopia http: // photo. kuda. ua / wpcontent / images / s / ethiopia / D 4 EEF 2 EEE 3 F 0 E 0 F 4 E 8 FF 20 DDF 4 E 8 EEEFE 8 E 82 E 20 CAEEF 4 E 5 E 9 EDFBE 520 EFEBE 0 EDF 2 E 0 F 6 E 8 E 820 E 2 FBF 1 EEEAEEE 3 EEF 0 FCE 520 DDF 4 E 8 EEEFE 8 E 8.jpg - coffee plantations http: // www. gerka. ru / wordpress / wp-content / uploads / 2009/09 / kofe-zeremonia-2708 -1 -150 x 150. jpg - coffee ceremony http: // farm 5. static. flickr. com / 4083 / 5095688835_fcd 0 b 846 e 1.jpg - Ethiopian livestock http: // www. secator. ru / ethiopia-avs / small / CRW_5626_JFR. JPG - Beekeeping http: // hainan 2007. users. photofile. ru / photo / hainan 2007/96054520 / xlarge / 107232673. jpg - weaving http: // images 3.webpark. ru / uploads 53/081204 / another_01. jpg - poverty http: // www. the-village. ru / 1273798411 / assets / article_image-image / 79/58/865253 / article_image-article. jpg - dwellings of Ethiopia http: // www. fotobank. ru / img / R 006 -2768. jpg? size = l - poverty http: // limpopo-tour. ru / foto / Ethiopia / ethiopia. jpg - poverty http: // www. vokrugsveta. ru / img / cmn / 2007/01/15/020. jpg - Ethiopian agriculture http: // www. indpg. ru / images / nik / 2008/06 / Pic / Zarub 1 -1. gif - map of Ethiopia http: // wyg. su / i / llustration / 7 / b / 7 bcb 2 feb-21 cd-36 de-b 3 bc-4 f 2 b 24374628. jpg - oil production http: // www. shirkunov. org / maps / kenya_mineral. jpg - a map of Ethiopia's mineral resources http: // www. vokrugsveta. ru / img / cmn / 2007/04/08/019. jpg - gold washer http: // kenyanview. com / IMG_0865_Nairobi_skyline. jpg - Nairobi http: // www. happytellus. com / img / nairobi-view-1_231. jpg - Nairobi http: // www. travel-profi. ru / images / flags / big / KE. jpg - Kenya flag http: // cultinfo. ru / fulltext / 1/009/001/232602174. jpg - coat of arms of Kenya http: // www. islamicpopulation. com / africa / Kenya "s% 20 Muslim% 20 Leaders% 20 Throw% 20 Support% 20 to% 20 Op position_files / image 002. jpg - President of Kenya

Resources http: // i 1. trekearth. com / photos / 43511 / slide-532 web. jpg - agave plantations http: // sanabis. ru / mat / kopna. jpg - sisal http: // medgrasses. ru / img / piretrum. jpg - pyrethrum http: // coffemanika. ru / wp-content / uploads / 2010/02 / Kenya_Coffee. Picking. jpg - collecting coffee in Kenya http: // www. ifad. org / photo / images / 10158_c 31 s. jpg - animal husbandry in Kenya http: // www. corbisimages. com / images / 67/7 E 2 B 57 F 9 -4 DD 1 -4 A 47 -B 86 D-3 B 2 C 9 C 87651 A / NW 002579. jpg - animal husbandry in Kenya http: // www. library. ru / 3 / focus / photos / camel_01. jpg - Camel breeding in Kenya http: // img. travel. ru / images 2/2007/03 / object 107514 / j 7.jpg - fishermen of Kenya http: // samysafari. com / wp-content / img / 28. jpg - safari http: // www. well. ru / upload / iblock / ac 9 a 0 aa 6 e 49561 d 35 dc 96 dc 109 c 8 c 1 e 3.jpg - nat. parks http: // www. turizm. ru / country_gallery / 92/154. jpeg - tourism http: // www. turizm. ru / country_gallery / 92/48. jpeg - tourism http: // www. ukrmap. kiev. ua / index. php? id = 388 & lang = ru - climatic map http: // upload. wikimedia. org / wikipedia / commons / thumb / 3/37 / Dejen_misura_da_cima_W. jpg / 300 px. Dejen_misura_da_cima_W. jpg - Rasa-Dashen city http: // limpopo-tour. ru / foto / Zair-Kongo / kongo. jpg - Tanganyika