Flower Family happiness. Magic properties of homemade plants ... or which flowers can be, and what you can not have in the house

For the majority of people houseplants - Ordinary decor. Standing in pots, photosynthesis do, well, and okay. Observation women who are fond of breeding color will tell you that it is not at all. Room flower can become a real family mascot and bring happiness to the house. In this article you will learn what kind of houseplants bring family happiness.

10th place: Anthurium

Anthurium will reverend to the strong floor and gives it to representatives male power. Free to men the plant also brings success in women, married - happy family life in the house.

If you are a unmarried girl, to start this plant is at least because of his beauty and, of course, for future family happiness. The flower has a large dark green heart-shaped leaves, as if suspended on long narrow cuttings. If the plant properly care for the plant, it blooms yearly. Anthurium flower - fluffy white or yellow spikelet in red-pink ( see photo) or snow-saving car.

The maximum growth of the room plant is 80 cm. The leaves can grow up to 40 cm in length, the flowers - up to 20 cm. The long-liver can not call it: the flower dies after 3 years.

Important! Anthurium is very poisonous, so you need to fen his small children and animals from it.

"Male flower" Heat and light-affilome, which is not surprising: His homeland - central subtropics and South America. So that Anthurium felt at home and bloom better, spray it twice a day. Do not send a stream into the inflorescences of the plant: they can darken and crumble. Water flower you need once a week in winter and 2-3 times in summer. Anthurium has long been included in the top 10 bedroom plants of family happiness.

9th place: Oxalis

Oxalis or indoor acids ( see photo) It can only bring good luck - it becomes clear at first sight on the flower. The shape of the leaves resembles a giant clover painted with dark lilac in the middle. Therefore, the plant is customary to give a house for the holidays. In a special accompaniment, four-sheal acid, which adds an incredible luck to his owner.

The taste "luck" is slightly acidic due to the high content of oxalic acid. Leafs of plants can have a different color: green, lilac or two-color. At night and in cloudy weather they fold. Flowers with acids several times a year with charming small flowers:

  • pink;
  • yellow;
  • white.

Water this plant, your family "happiness" once a week, set a plant to multiple light, prevent temperatures above 25 degrees. From time to time to indulge the flower of mineral feeding.

8th place: chlorophytum

Chlorofitrum probably came across your eyes at least once: this is a luxurious magnificent plant with oblong leaves of juicy green. As soon as it is not called this sack of green: "Champagne splashes", "Spider", "Green Lilia", "Nepusna Fata". But most often the plant is called "family happiness"whose patron it is considered.

The flower can be not only a family talisman, but also to make a lot of favor to the house. It is proved that chlorofitrum moisturizes intensively and purifies air from malicious bacteria. The effect will increase, if you put a pair of activated carbon tablets in the root of the plant.

Para-triple pots with chlorofitrum, "rechargeable" coal, perfectly replace the air cleaner.

In addition, there is a large number of essential oils in its composition. Therefore, inhalation of the smell of the plant has a beneficial effect on nervous system And relieves stress. In a word, chlorofitrum literally discharges the atmosphere in the house. For this plant, you need to water more often and exhibit in the sun.

7th place: Calatea

Calatea at first glance looks restrained and even a few strictly. This is a real flower-ascetic: he is unpretentious in leaving and for a long time can do without watering. It is known that in the tribes of South America, where the Calatea come from, its strong leaves were often used for basket weaving. All this is perfectly consistent with the fact that Calatea is a patronage of a long and durable marriage and brings happiness to the house where she is cherished.

Large and fleshy leaves of the plant decorate the elegant pale pattern. By the way, a sign healthy flower It is a monophonic primary color and clarity of lines on the leaves.

The size of the room flower can reach 60 cm. Leaves length - up to 30 cm. By itself, with minimal irrigation, the settlement is able to hold out to 4 years. If the plant to engage and transplanted on time, his life becomes infinite.

6th place: aihrison

Aiihrison is a small shrub that is easy to recognize in a thick stalk and a variety of round and fleshy leaves. By the way, many of them resemble hearts. Perhaps also therefore the flower is called the "love tree". Romantics also adds the fact that in the wild, Aihirizon often grows up "through the rocks", that is, in clefts, where little is found.

The flower can reach a height of 30 cm. The color of the plant varies from juicy green to salad, with whiten, reddish or brown spots. In the photo - Aiihrison Guches.

In order for the deadline (second half of the spring), Aiihrison bloomed, you need to try well. Summer flower requires a temperature of 20-25 degrees and frequent watering, in the cool time of the year - 10-12 degrees and one watering per week. It is also necessary to spray with warm water from time to time and wipe the leaf-hearts. Then in the beginning of May you will get to the house bright inflorescence From small yellow or red "sunshine."

5th place: Mirt

Easy Mirt often give newlyweds. It is believed that he contributes to the world, friendship and confidence between husband and wife. Spouses, in the house of which there is a pool shrub, will always support each other, search for compromises and hold back even in anger. Family happiness will not leave this house. Perhaps the reason for the subtle soothing aroma of the plant. In addition, literally from the Greek "Mirt" is translated as "balm".

If you land a shrub as a room plant, it can reach 1 meter in growth. The plant is demanding: it is possible to place it only in a sunny place, but the light should be soft and scattered. Loves a moderate temperature: 17-20 degrees in summer and 7-10 - in winter. The watering should be so frequent so far to never swept. In addition, shrub needs regular spraying. By the way, you can cook tinctures and balms from the leaves of the adult Mitrat.

4th place: Hoya

Hoya - Castor from Asia. It is also called wax ivy. IN room conditions It is a mid-size shrub with stunningly beautiful spherical inflorescences. Hoya is a patroner of young lovers, tenderness and loyalty. During flowering, there is a sweet-dog nectar and exciting smell. Therefore, put it best in the bedroom.

In order for the flower to grow normally and not capricious, it is recommended to maintain a temperature of 22-25 degrees in summer and 10-15 in winter. Hoye needed multiple sunlight, but, in the extreme case, it will cost artificial lighting. It is recommended a periodic spraying and watering plants with estate water. Blooming Hoya releases inflorescences from small white flowers and purple asterisks in the middle. The house where Hoya blooms is considered happy.

3rd place: Chinese rose

The Chinese rose or hibiscus took the "prize" place for brings passion to the house. Moreover, all without disaster: if you are free, then you will soon meet a couple. If you already have a relationship, then love will only increase. In the photo - hibiscus on the strain.

A lot of interesting Asian traditions are associated with hibiscus. Large red, yellow and white flowers are wonderful on the background of black silky hair. Asian. Therefore, the latter actively use hibiscus as decoration. Flower over the left ear means a readiness for a new romantic acquaintance. Over the right - the girl is already busy. The most immodest can decorate themselves with flowers on both sides, hinting that it is not yet a guy to get to know another guy.

How much "passionate" is hibiscus, so he and thermo-loving. Let you do not confuse deceptive appearance of a typical deciduous shrub From a temperate strip: Chinese rose tolerates up to 35 heat degrees. In general, the flower is unpretentious, but in the period from the end of the spring until the middle of the autumn, more frequent watering is recommended as well mineral subcords. To the house to enter at the first night cooling.

2nd place: Uzambar violet

She is SENPOLIA, which is considered a symbol of endless love. Or love to the coffin, as you please. It is possible that the bet is made on the low look of this plant: small bushes with velvet leaves, and while flowering there are also small multicolored flowers in them. Little pots with violets are certainly a symbol of endless coziness and home heat. Bonus is a pleasant smell.

Baby, True, a little caprip. It requires a lot of light, only a soft dilated water, preferably with a mineral additive. Watered needed carefully - if shed water into soft leaves, they are drunk. Every 3-4 years, the violet should replant. Pink, white, purple - these colors decorated with violets a few months a year.

1st place: spathifylum

Who could get the first place in the ranking of the best 10 bedroom plants of family happiness? Of course, the main female patron - spathifulum ( on the picture). It is called it: "Women's Happiness." Lonely women give love, married - reborn feelings, fruitless - pregnancy, large families - peace and calm in the family, etc.

Spathifylum has narrow flexible stems, on which buds are formed during flowering. The stalks are fristed large, but thin and fatty leaves. Flowers plant with smooth white buds. By the way, sometimes the flower is called room "Lily" for similarity with Lily Calla.

Unlike Anthurium, extremely unpretentious. It grows normally at temperatures from 18 to 23 degrees. If it is hotter or cooler, it will simply "hang" at one stage of growth. In the photo of spatiflow with white flowers.

Like most plants, spathifylums need to be more often watering in the summer, and in winter, on the contrary, to reduce the flow of water. Spring flower can be transplanted.

Most people and do not realize that simple room plants can make their owner more successful, rich and happy, as well as bring peace to the house. However, this may not all plants. Find out what plant wears the honorable name -. Rating from 12 bedroom plants for good luck, money and family happiness further in our article will be interesting.

  1. Violet

Many people consider the plant in the world. If the apartment is decorated with a violet, then the household quarrels in it relatively rarely. And this beauty is considered a symbol of loyalty. If a person is tormented from spiritual experiences, then in this case it is recommended to start a white violet. She is able to provide noticeable help to a person in a difficult life situation.

  1. Wax Ivy, Hoya

Wax ivy in a variety of countries is taken to be awarded as a living Valentine. At the same time, it is a symbol of recognition in love. Such a flower is incredibly fragile and beautiful, and in the apartment it is best to arrange it in the bedroom.

  1. Aihrizon

If you wish to attract happiness and love in your home, then you should pay attention to such a not quite ordinary flower.

  1. Chlorophytum

Despite its not very spectacular appearance, chlorophytum is able to bring peace and mutual understanding in the dwelling. It's simple perfect choice For office decoration, where many people work. This flower will help reduce the amount of possible quarrels between them.

And it was also noticed that this plant can absorb harmful substances from the air. Therefore, chlorophytum experts advise to put in not so long ago a renovated room or where there is a completely new furniture.

  1. Anthurium

This flower is still called "male happiness", as it can very positively affect male potency. Anthurium knowledgeable people advise, decorate the sleeping room.

  1. Cyclamen

If nightmares often torment you at night, then cyclamen will help you get rid of them.

  1. Spathifylum

The second name of this "female happiness". It can help unmarried woman to start a family. And if the woman is married, but often quarrels with his spouse, then the flower will bring the world to this house.


  1. Hibiscus (Chinese Rose)

Hibiscus brings peace to the dwelling and is considered a flower of passion. Interestingly, he is the emblem of Hawaii and the symbol of Malaysia.

  1. Myrtle

Mirt is just an ideal gift for newlyweds. In the apartment where he grows, happiness reigns, peace and mutual understanding.

  1. Calatei

If her husband and his wife decided to break her marriage, then it was not allowed to help that the Calatea would help. She is able to preserve family happiness.

  1. Oxalis (Oxalis)

If you are alone, then the pussy will help you find your soul mate. At the same time, it attracts real, strong love.

  1. Acalifa

In the house where such a flower is, women become softer and feminine, and men are courageous and persistent.

Plants that attract trouble

Not every plant can be raised in its apartment. Some of them are better to go around the side.

If Ivy will grow in the nursery, then small children lose calm sleep. The power and energy of such a flower can survive from the house of an unreliable man.

Monster also has an incredible power, but not everyone will benefit. So, this plant is better to bypass by people who have problems with the throat. So that the monster become weaker, the blue lace is attached to it (for a larger effect, a small piece of rock crystal is fixed on it).

To acquire a flower only with selfish intentions in no case cannot. This step must be thoughtful. Love the plant, and it will surely answer you the same.

For example, I met the war in every home, was considered a symbol of well-being family lifeand after the war - turned into a "widow flower". There are many such examples. It is worth listening to K. folk wisdom, especially when we are talking about well-known plants.

Flowers that are worth growing according to the signs

There is a lot about indoor plants, some of them cause bewilderment. For example, it is believed that the flowers will be better to grow and blossom if they are not bought in the store, and steal, rebuild a twig from a beautiful, healthy chest.

To "soften" sin, parent plant Leave some coins.

If indoor flowers die steadily when good care - It speaks about the poor energy of the room or problems in the life of the owner. If the plant has long stood in the house and died without reaching the deadline for life - this bad sign, Warning of a possible serious disease of anyone from households.

Some colors absorb a lot of negativity and die by carrying out with them the energy mud.

For the office of the death of the flower in the pot - the leadership of changes in the company.

There are a lot of belief about the colors that can not be kept at home. According to folk signs, lianas, curly room flowers fall into the list of prohibited plants - they are considered "women's".

It is undesirable to take a gift of indoor flowers in pots. Together with the plant, the donor may be getting rid of his problems, betray them. For each pot with a flower, give a symbolic fee, then "the plant will decide" that they bought it, but the new owner, do not need the adversity of the former owner.

Having heard and superstitions about what flowers should not be kept in the house, do not rush to throw out indoor pets. If before receiving negative information, you did not have discomfort from the neighborhood with a "green friend", rejoiced by its bloom, you can ignore frightening cautions.

What flowers can be held at home

The question is whether it is possible to keep a rose at home, it is more likely to Chinese beauty. About hibiscus or Chinese rose there are awesome signs. It is believed that the appearance of flowers on the plant is a signal about the death of some of the households or their loved ones. But with good care and positive energy, hibiscus can bloom round year, the tragic consequences in this case will not be.

Recommended to keep in the house if the relationship between the spouses "dull". The flower will help return the outstanding passion. Positive people can safely acquire hibiscus. Positive interpretation of flowering plants:

  • For a young couple - add in the family;
  • For a girl for granting - an ambulance wedding;
  • For ladies aged - rejuvenation.

As for prickly plants (cacti, roses, roses), they can block positive energy and do not contribute to creating a pleasant atmosphere.

But signs about flowers in the house, on the contrary, recommend holding a rose in the room of a young girl. Rosette helps to keep the chastity of the young person, and the bridegroom attracted to the ladies. In the room of a married couple queen flowers harmonizes the relationship.

Home flowers not only please external speciesbut also attract monetary luck. Among such plants:

  • crasusla (money tree);
  • zamiculkas, geranium;
  • drazen Sander (happy bamboo);
  • lemon;
  • pahire;
  • szindapSus;
  • aucuba;
  • bougainvillea;

For amplification magic Power The selected plant must be placed in the southeastern part of the house, and carefully take care.

Choosing a green "Money Magnet", pay attention to other properties of plants. For example, Liana Szindapsus enters the list of colors, which can not be kept in the house, it is considered "Musicon".


Want to attract wealth to the house? Put the Crassoulu! This succulent with fleshy leaves is called cash tree. His oval leaves, falling, dry, acquire a silver shade, and become coins. There are signs how to put Tolstanka, so that it accompanies is monetary success:

  1. It is necessary to restress the process from the bustle of the rich people, and not buy a ready-made plant.
  2. It is necessary to plant the Crassus in a red pot, as a last resort in a green chestboard or black.
  3. On the bottom of the plant with a plant during the landing should be put a few large coins.

If the succulent "deign" to blooms - the owner can expect to improve the material situation. But if the leaves of the Crassus fall out or the plant fell ill - this is the forerunner of empty cash spending in the family, ruin. From a pot with a flower, you should get rid of or pay close attention to the ratio of income and expenses.


To keep this "exota" in the house is not only due to the rituals of monetary magic, but also to decorate the interior. Eternally brilliant leaflets are noticeably decorated with the room and improve the mood inhabitants.


Strangely enough, cacti are also considered monetable plants. The prickly inhabitants of the windowsill have aggressive energy, which increases the business grip of the host of the plant, improves mental abilities and prevents the "diligence" of money. And then according to the folk silence, they scare the thieves.


Happy bamboo - a symbol of financial well-being. To activate the magic influence in the monetary sphere, you must put in one pot of 5 sander stems.

If you need to attract happiness - there will be 3 stems enough to attract good health - 7 stems. Well, if you need everything at once - and it is possible to put 21 stem in one container.

Plants for well-being in the family

If you are looking for a loved one, and already lose hope for good luck, urgently deal with growing room colors, plant at least one plant that can attract well-being in a personal life. There are a lot of such room colors.


He heads a list of plants bringing success in love, room flower "woman's happiness". It is recommended to grow lonely people, especially unmarried female representatives.

Experts folk admission We are convinced that after placing the spathifylum in housing, following the flower:

  • a loved one will appear in the house;
  • the family will reign mutual understanding and peace;
  • a child will be born in a married couple, which could not have any children.


The "pair plant" for spathifylum has similar properties only in relation to men. Not in vain is called "male happiness." If your favorite face and has become passive, put an anthurium in the married bedroom. The plant will fill the house with positive energy, the man will take the spirit and remember that she is the head of the family, will begin to protect and protect the woman.


Another plant, which will assist the childless family to have a child. To do this, make a garland of 32 petals room Rose (better than bright red or pink colour), And hang it over the marital lies. You need to use flowers planted in the house at least a year ago. From his petals, you can also brew tea to strengthen the marriage bonds, and drink a drink of love together with my wife.


Four Sisters Acutes - Symbol of Good luck. It will come in handy of lonely women to fulfill the dream of a meeting of a loved one. Spouses next to Oxalis will find mutual understanding and will be able to save the family.


The keeper of the homely focus protects spouses from adversity, is a symbol of a happy family life.


"The tree of happiness" will protect your home, turns unworthy people, gives luck and success.


This miniature evergreen church is often greeted by newlyweds on the wedding day, as a symbol of eternal love and strong marriage. Unmarried Baryshne Myrtle is able to bring an ambulance.


"Green air conditioning" will not only refresh the air in the room, but also will help to gain stability in the relationship of the married couple. Lonely people helps to find harmony, sobering with his own thoughts.


The symbol of inexhaustible love, attachment and mutual understanding. In the house where scandals do not duck between her husband and wife, constantly sound reproaches, it is necessary to grow sensipolia. Tender flowers Assist to establish family life.

No one doubts the benefits of indoor health plants. After all, they decorate the interior with their own species, they raise the mood, enrich the air with oxygen. But taking into account the ancient believes, some flowers need to grow at home because they attract health.

Famous Lekari Scari and Kalanchoe. For the treatment of many ailments, juice of fleshy leaves is used. And if you are lucky to observe the bloom of the scarlet, it is a sign of recovery and rejuvenation of the body.

Flower pots with pelargonia (geranium) can be put in the bedroom, children's, living room, office - they will bring good luck, peace and well-being. Geranium falls into the category of colors attracting:

  • material wealth;
  • happiness in personal life;
  • career growth;
  • health.

Pelargonium leaflets are loved by people's leaders, find the inner and external use from diverse ailments.

Optional to grown indoor plants by zodiac sign. Often people need to strengthen the qualities that are well developed from other signs. But the landing of "his" colors, obeying the influence of the "your" planet - the right thing.

But what flower pots I advises to keep in the house of astrmedicine:

  1. Hibiscus (one of the room flowers of the lion sign) stimulates the activity of the cardiovascular system.
  2. Virgin plants. Aucuba Japanese, Birch, Monster, Asparagus, Astra, Philodendron, Bending Drazes - are needed to maintain health, they stabilize the work of the gastrointestinal tract. The drazes bent facilitates speech by stuttering people.
  3. Weighing plants (White Azalea, Mexican pepper, small-cexual chrysanthemum, hydrangea, crotone) have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and kidneys. Hydrangea helps keep a diet while weight loss, shape a beautiful body. Schloumberg makes movements light, joint - flexible, prevents diseases of the kidneys and adrenal glands.
  4. Capricorn plants (Elephant Yucca, Ficus Rubber, DRATS, Fascinous, Fat) Help wishes to lose weight and maintain a good figure. And the draisen also contributes to the health of the teeth and the musculoskeletal system, reduces the manifestation of symptoms for skin diseases.
  5. Aquarius plants (Tri-color Maranta, Indoor Maple, Puancetia) Help keep health (emotional and physical).
    Fish sign plants (magnolia, lily, orchid, geranium, papyrus cipers) well affect the state of nervous, lymphatic and endocrine systems, give a healthy sleep, create a cozy and soothing atmosphere.

By purchasing another room plant, think what changes in your life this acquisition can bring. After all, many colors along with their decorative function are also real magnets to attract happiness. We find out which room flowers makes sense to start, if there is a desire to attract love and family happiness in your life.

The plant is also called "Uzambar violet" and is distinguished by outstanding decorative qualities. However, as well as positive energy.

The flower is charming, pleasant aroma, quite corresponding to his cute appearance. In addition, the color of the petals of the Uzambar violet is very diverse: here are pink, white, and purple, other shades.


Typically grown homemade violets in small pots, perfectly fit into any interior. The appearance of this plant makes a touch of comfort to any housing.

Behind the plant, as well as all the representatives of violet, carefully need carefully. SENPOLIA needs abundant lighting, and for watering it requires only soft, warm water No metal impurities and chlorks. Every three years, the violet needs a transplant, and best of all will feel in a bright cool room.

Careful with watering this plant: you can not allow moisture from the outlet. Similar negligence can lead to the rotting of the leaves. If you care with love and accuracy, Satpolia will bloom continuously for several months.


Thanks to the presence in the house of this flower, a quarrel in the family will stop, and the love between her husband and wife will only increase.


The national name of this wonderful plant is "female happiness." Right spathifulum from the tropists of South America, but despite the exotic origin in leaving is easy.

Externally spathifulum is very beautiful and Elegance: he has a large leaves of a saturated dark green shade, white flowers, on thin high stems. In general, it looks like a flower exotic.


The main thing is to maintain high humidity in the room. To achieve a suitable level of humidity, it is recommended to often spray the flower, especially in winter when working radiators of heating. In addition, the spring is needed to transplant the spathimlum in a fresh substrate.

IMPORTANT: During the bloom, the spatiflow is prohibited.

Unpretentious spathifylum feels quite perfectly at a standard room temperature from +18 to +23 degrees. Watering the plant more often in summer hot days, in winter - minimal. It should be remembered that when the moisture is re-published and cool external temperature, the growth of the flower can slowly slow down, and the root rot.


Thanks to the positive energy influence of the Spathiflum, the unmarried girls easily find their second half. Helps the plant and get pregnant. In addition, growing this flower, you will be able to maintain the world in the house and in the house, and in the family - happiness and harmony.


The flower is the national symbol of Malaysia, and in China it is a recognized symbol of high art. The plant is also called " Chinese rose"For its charming large and very bright flowers that look especially beautifully opened completely.

In the Asian countries, female representatives often wear this bright red flower in their black hair.


Hibiscus - the plant is thermalized, so the content in the cool room is not suitable for him. However, the maximum that the flower can withstand - this temperature is up to +35 degrees, not higher.

It is very important when caring for a hibiscus to water it in time. Sufficient and timely moisturizing is the key to the prosperous development of the flower.

Late spring and summer, the plant will be wonderful to feel outdoors: on the balcony, in the garden. But as soon as the weather by autumn starts to deteriorate, the plant must urgently enter the house.


The appearance in the Hibiscus House promises an ambulance passionate love to its owner. And if you care for the plant there will be a husband and a wife together, it will help to revive their former feelings to each other and passion. Hibiscus growing unmarried girl will lead to the formation of a dense ringer of fans around it.

In addition to the positive impact on the love sphere, Hibiscus also activates the owners of the house, stimulates them to work, move forward, increases energy. And if the owner of the flower is too modest and commissioned, it cannot succeed, hibiscus will make it more confident, persistent.


Favorite many home flower, "The symbol of the meshness", as sometimes it is called.


When growing a flower it is important to remember that geranium exudes a strong and sharp fragrance that can even cause headache. It is therefore placing the plant is better not in the bedroom and living room, but in the corridor, on a warmed loggia.


Geranium lifts the mood, gives confidence, helps to cope with stress better and faster, overcome depression. Growing this flower, you can be sure that big scandals and heavy, painful clarification of relationships in the house will be avoided.

Geranium contributes to the joint in the dwelling of family calm, peace and coziness. In addition, it contributes to the flower and the growth of material well-being.


Evergreen shrub plantFucking in a flowering period with small white buton. Mirt has outstanding healing properties and can be used in treatment. His fragrance calms and configures on a positive wave (see photo).


Growing the Mirate is easy, but these room plants require regular trimming, formation. The substrate in the pot always should be a little wet, besides, regular spraying of the shrub is needed.


The presence of Mirta's house makes the Union of her husband and wives are successful. That is why in many countries for the wedding newlyweds give this flower in a pot.


The plant name is still "wax ivy" for it unique volumetric flowers, indeed, as if made from wax. Usually in room conditions they grow such varieties as "hauy meat" or "hauy is beautiful."

Getting hauy from India. Outwardly small size Shrub with small volumetric flowers, forming inflorescences. The flower has a gentle beautiful aroma and surprises unusual decorative flowersAs if wrapped from translucent plasticine.

The bloom of Hoya begins on the 3-4th year of his life, and the painting of her flowers can be both white and pink. But the shape of buds is the same in any case. Interestingly, the plant blooms more lush and abundantly blooms.

Shrub attracts happiness to the house, especially if it is in the bedroom.


The plant can only exist in heat, so it is better to protect it from drafts and decrease in temperature. Hoy in the house Hoyu is recommended at a temperature of + 15-22 degrees in summer and + 10-15 degrees in winter time. The flower requires a scattered light, watering up soft water and rare spraying.


In many countries, Hoya symbolizes genuine love, so the flower is often used as eloquent valentine. Best put the pot with a plant in the bedroom - here it positive traits will be revealed especially.

In some sources you can meet the interpretation of Hoya as a negative flower. Some esotericians claim that the presence exotic plant The house "pushes" a husband from the family, provokes him to "left" adherents. In fairness, we note that such statements sound not specifically in the address of Hoya, but in general in relation to Lianam and Ivy.


The plant is very decorative and at the same time unpretentious, despite its exotic origin. It is valued for the beautiful patterned leaves and for attracting happiness to the house. In its homeland, Calatei is used by the Aboriginal Indians for the manufacture of home utensils like baskets, as well as furniture.


It is easy to grow by Calate, and there is no special requirements for the soil, there are no plants. The plant is famous for ascetic character and will easily survive even temporary (rather long) lack of irrigation and feeding. With irregular care, the category "stretches" four years, and with good care will be able to please his presence for a very long time.


Calatea is considered a symbol of a prosperous family life, attracts peace and calm in the family.


The plant in the people is called the "Tree of Happiness" or "Love Tree. This is a small flower reaching a maximum of 30 cm in height. At the plant original shape Leaves resembling hearts.

Externally, aihrison is a small shrub with fleshy leaves and a thick stem. Painted his foliage in salad green, Sometimes there are small specks - brown or reddish, whiten. The plant blooms - the flowers are small, yellowish-red.

In nature, it is found in hard-to-reach rocky areas: where no other flowers can survive. And in this fact, romanticically configured natures also see confirmation that Aiihrison is really a tree of love.


Easy in growing a flower, which can feel quite well and with not attentive care. In summer, aihrison is contained at a temperature of + 20-25 degrees, often watering. In winter, water once a week and contain at a temperature of + 10-12 degrees. Periodically, the plant should be sprayed, and the leaves wipe the dust with a dust rag.


Corresponding to his "folk" names, Aiychrison brings happiness and love to the house.


An uncomplicated plant that can be found especially often in our apartments. People name speaks him by itself - "Family Happiness." Outwardly looks pretty exotic: it has narrow, falling leaves, creating a magnificent fan. It is grown chlorophytum only as an ampel flower.

The plant moisturizes air and increases the content in it useful components, oxygen. A similar unique healing effect is explained very prosaic: the presence of a large number of essential oils in the leaves of plants.

Thanks essential oils Chlorophytum helps to remove nervous tension, get rid of stress, promotes full relaxation. Fatigue and negative thoughts will also take off due to the effects of a wonderful plant.


Uniquely undemanding flower. The only condition is sufficient watering, especially in summer. But growing at home flower is necessary under the condition of abundant lighting.

If in the ground where chlorophyte grows, add some ground activated carbon, purify the air plant with special intensity and efficiency. If you grow in the apartment several chlorophytums at once, use artificial air purifiers at all.


It has been scientifically proven that chlorophyteum in more than other flowers is capable of absorbing harmful impurities from the air. In addition, the plant normalizes the microclimate in the family, leads to happiness and tranquility.


The second name of the flower - " Male happiness" Anthurium flowers resemble spathiflum buds, but only red and much larger. View of the plant in high degree Exotic: bright red leathery flowers can not not attract attention.

It is important to remember that Anthurium is poisonous and keep it away from pets and children. In the flower tissues, contains caustic mile juice. His mucous hit causes strong irritation, and the swallowing of this juice may cause poisoning.


The plant is quite demanding: Anthurium does not tolerate the direct sun, requires shading, frequent spraying, high humidity of air and soil.

The overeximation in this case is unacceptable, however, as the plant content in dry air conditions. These negative factors can even lead to the death of a capricious flower.


If the spathiflums bring the happiness of the ladies, then Anthuriums are men. Building this flower in the house, a man will use a permanent and negative success of a beautiful sex. The plant is favorable and on the microclimate in the family, brings well-being and happiness to the house.

The flower is capable of having a beneficial effect on the erection of a man - but for this purpose it is better to put a pot with a plant in the bedroom. The flower symbolizes the real passion, contributes to stormy love experiences. In addition, Anthurium will bring clarity and limit harmony in the relationship of a man with a beloved woman. Emotions of the pair will be "excavated" in a positive sense.

The flower is sometimes called yet " Male loyalty", That is, to the right and left a man, to acquire this plant, will not go. Rather, the opposite. But if the Anthurium began to wither, his wife does not hurt closely to watch her husband: perhaps he became interested in someone on the side, and even already changed.

Important: In order for all positive qualities to fully manifest, Anthurium must be presented to someone. Preferably, from the pure heart and with good intentions.


The plant in the people is referred to as "acids", since it is a lot of oxalic acid. The flower has pronounced healing properties, helps with different twirs and illnesses.

The shape of the leaves of the acidic resembles a heart, and general form Total plants - a pretty rusted clover. At home, it is possible to grow oxalis with various colorful leaves and flowers: purple varieties and two-color looks especially interesting. However, more common white, yellow and pink species Also very miles.


It is easy to grow with ancient, and you can do it at home and on the site. Even the beginner is able to grow this shrub without much difficulty and trouble. The plant is important only that it is not forgotten to water, contained with multiple lighting, and in the winter they provided resting period.


The plant is referred to as the "happiness donel" for the ability to attract love and family well-being. Jesle is capable of preventing brewing conflicts and quarrels to the family, and can also save households from depression and overwork.


Oddly enough, but this "barley" can also contribute to the focus of happiness in the house. True, happiness will be, rather, a material nature.


When growing a cactus it is important to remember that watering it needs very moderate. The plant can accumulate moisture, so it can not often watered it: it can lead to shockting.


Cactus is able to bring its owner to a sustainable material well-being. Monetary losses, bankruptcy, theft with this defender is not terrible.

So, we met with the most popular plants bringing love to the house, well-being and happiness. The choice of colors is rather big - you will definitely find among them the most suitable both in care and on decorative qualities.

Positive aura in any house is impossible without using home plants. From the most antiquity in the houses always attended various flowersthat guarded the focus that distinguishes evil spirits.

Energy of home plants

Not all the colors are able to carry more than just aesthetic beauty. We will tell you about how to attract love to your home, to keep health and increase the chances of financial success. In colors, different energy and different combination, so that sometimes it is impossible to put a number of plants having a different energy structure.

Aura of man and aura plants are incredibly similar. If you have a good mood, then you glow and emit good, positive, joy and give everyone a smile. In the reverse case, the situation is directly opposite - you take everything positive from the world, devastating it. If you do not follow a plant or flower, it will begin to absorb positive energy, leaving the house is empty and lifeless. In such a house, quarrels usually happen, or someone is sick.

Any flower can bring a big or small share of happiness in your home, but it will do it only when proper care. Love him, keep it in good condition - then he will repay you with positive energy that will fill you with confidence in myself.

It is worth noting that "using" the plant, you will not achieve good results. Buy flowers exclusively for enjoying and mutual friendship, and not for success in personal life or wealth. Scientists have proven that the plants love music, so turn on more often your favorite songs so that the plants also heard it too. Become friends by giving your attention to each other.

What flowers to choose

To attract love: Rose, violet, spathifylum. They should grow in your bedroom and anywhere else. it strict Rulebecause love goes out of place where a person is most often. The bedroom is a dream place, a married bed, so one of these flowers should grow there.

To attract money: Geranium, orchid, fern, lilac. It is better to put such flowers where you store money or work, that is, not at home. Puting one of these flowers at home, you risk neutralize the action of another plant. You can also put a real flower, but to replace it with the image, for example, to start the wallpaper of a desktop with a bouquet of lilac or fantastic fern colors.

For good luck:oxalis, Ruela, Eheveria. You can put these flowers anywhere. Carefully take care of them and in no case do not expose stress, cold or drying.

Choose and put flowers correctly. One of the above-described flowers for the house can be great gift Beloved man. Our life is a positive and negative energy, their symbiosis, interaction and eternal War. Try to keep the balance regular actions. Flowers money is better not to put next to the flowers of love or the head of the bed. Also, the flowers of love at work will bring service intrinsic, and not joy.

We wish you good luck, love and wealth, as well as that your plants brought you only positive emotions. They are and all of our goods. Be happy and do not forget to click on the buttons and

20.04.2016 00:30

Each name has a unique energy. It is this aura that determines your luck, ability, and ...

Plants have a powerful energy that can have a positive effect on people. That is why some kind of colors ...