Penoizol - independent reviews of the owners. Fill Rules

It is well known that modern effective insulation- penoizol, produced by pouring.

At the same time, this technology can be implemented not only at a facility under construction or reconstruction, but also in a production workshop.

At the initial stage of business development, it is easiest to master the production of penoizol in the form of sheets, and later, having worked out the technology and trained the staff, create a team that will produce it at construction sites.

Stages of foam insulation sheet production technology

  • Preparation of forms.
  • Pouring liquid penoizol.
  • Exposure 2-3 hours.
  • Dismantling of forms and exposure of "cubes" of material within 3 hours.
  • Primary cutting into sheets.
  • Drying.
  • Finishing, packaging, warehousing, shipping.

It would seem that everything is simple and clear. Nevertheless, the production of sheet penoizol is a more complex technology than pouring at the facility, requiring careful observance of the consumption of components, temperature and drying conditions.

Approximate consumption rate of penoizol components for filling out the form, volume 1 m3

  • Urea-formaldehyde resin - 22 kg.
  • Foaming agent - 0.2 kg.
  • Curing catalyst (orthophosphoric acid) - 0.3 kg.
  • Tap or process water - empirically.

The first thing you need to start producing sheet penoizol is suitable premises. If industrial production volumes are planned, a room with an area of ​​​​250-500m2 will be required, which should accommodate the following production areas:

  • Warehouse of raw materials.
  • Mold filling area.
  • Drying area.
  • Section of preliminary and finishing cutting and packaging.
  • Finished goods warehouse.

Features of the production process

For implementation technological process(pouring, demoulding, cutting, stacking, cutting to size, packaging, etc.) will require a staff of three people.

In addition, the production room must be "warm". Special requirements for temperature regime presented to the drying area. So, in the pouring area, a temperature of at least 15 degrees Celsius should be maintained, and in the drying area, at least 20-28 degrees Celsius.

Since the drying process lasts for three days, the temperature in the drying compartment should rise gradually, starting from 20 degrees on the first day and reaching 28 degrees on the last day. There must be effective supply and exhaust ventilation in the pouring and drying areas.

Ready-made penoizol slabs, when drying on racks, should not have “closed” zones. That is, air access is provided from all sides of the plates. High-quality drying is necessary so that subsequently shrinkage does not appear, and the smell of formaldehyde is completely weathered. Its duration depends on the air temperature in the room, relative humidity, the degree of air exchange and the amount of water used for the production of penoizol.

Forms for pouring slabs are four walls of galvanized steel, connected to each other by means of quick-release locks. The bottom of the mold is a pallet on which a sheet of galvanized steel is laid, after which the walls are installed on it. Inside the form is not lubricated with anything.

Penoizol has one drawback - shrinkage is possible during intensive drying, so initially the "cube" finished material cut into sheets larger than required. And after the final drying, each sheet is passed through a special cutter, adjusted “to size”, which removes “tolerances” (surpluses) with an accuracy of one millimeter.

Thus, approximately 7 sheets with dimensions of 1200x600x100 millimeters - 0.5 m3 of finished insulation are obtained from the initial block, which are packed in thermal film in packs of 7 pieces.

Trimmings and other residues formed during the cutting and production of foam insulation sheets are crushed into crumbs, packaged in bags and used for heat-insulating backfill. That is, it is possible to characterize the production of sheet penoizol. How completely wasteless.

It should be noted that if liquid penoizol can be used, including in the repair and reconstruction of buildings and structures, then sheet material is used mainly in the construction of new buildings.

In the context of a constant increase in prices for space heating, it is necessary to resort to measures that allow saving - to reduce heat loss due to additional insulation of the house.

Styrofoam, glass wool and penoizol can be used as heat-insulating materials. The most versatile and with a number of advantages insulation - penoizol or modified foam, which can be used for thermal insulation different designs houses, buildings for industrial and agricultural purposes.

The composition of penoizol and forms of its use

Outwardly, penoizol resembles marshmallows or marshmallows. The manufacturing process of penoizol is quite simple, does not require any pre-training and large investments.

A carbamide resin (one of the varieties) is placed in a volumetric container, acid and a foaming agent are added to it. When preparing the solution, one must strictly adhere to the recipe (ratio of components). After mixing, the solution is poured into a device to which compressed air is supplied. This allows you to achieve the formation of lush, airy foam, which will be used as a heater.

In fact, the output is a material similar to polystyrene, only semi-liquid. The foam is supplied from the sleeve of the device and hermetically fills all the existing gaps, insulating the building structure.

10-15 minutes after leaving the hose, the initial curing of penoizol occurs, and after 4-5 hours the material becomes elastic. Full hardening occurs in two to three days and penoizol fully begins to fulfill its functions (heat and sound insulation).

Penoizol can be used in three forms:

  • liquid form (filling penoizol);
  • sheet penoizol (produced in mats and sheets);
  • penoizol in the form of crushed crumbs.

Liquid penoizol is considered one of the most popular and effective materials used in construction. Its use can significantly reduce the time for thermal insulation work and provide thermal insulation of even the most hard-to-reach places in construction.

Penoizol sheet is used for thermal insulation of flat surfaces: floors, roofs, walls, ceilings. Often used in the construction of 1-2 storey buildings: country houses, garages, playgrounds and boxes.

Crushed penoizol, supplied in bags and can fill the voids between panel walls, as well as liquid penoizol.

Penoizol: characteristics, performance properties and advantages of the material

Consider the main specifications penoizol, on the basis of which it will be possible to describe the operational properties of the heat-insulating material.

Penoizol characteristics:

  • resistant to temperature fluctuations (withstands from -50 to +120 degrees);
  • thermal conductivity of penoizol - 0.035-0.041 (W / m) * C;
  • density of material within - 8-25 kg/m. cube;
  • water absorption per day - about 15%;
  • humidity by weight - about 10%;
  • smoke-generating ability - low (160 gk / m. kV);
  • moderately flammable material;
  • tensile and compressive strength - 0.05-0.08 kg / cm. kV.

Penoizol has the following properties that affect its operation:

Additional advantages of using penoizol in construction can be considered:

The disadvantages of penoizol and the nuances of its use

The disadvantages of penoizol include:

Penoizol - universal heat insulator

the use of penoizol in the insulation of houses

The main area of ​​​​use of penoizol is insulation building structures. The versatility of the material lies in the fact that it can be used to insulate any building elements at any stage of construction.

Any form of application of penoizol can be used to insulate a house: in crushed or sheet form, as well as using pouring technology.

Here is a list of the main objects of insulation with foam insulation:

As you can see, the list is quite wide, which indicates the demand and popularity of insulating houses with penoizol. Reviews of people who have experienced the properties of penoizol on their housing are mostly positive, and often depend on the professionalism of the workers who performed the insulation.

the use of penoizol in industry and agriculture

In addition to the insulation of residential buildings, penoizol is used for thermal insulation of industrial and agricultural facilities.

This material provides insulation for the following industrial structures:

  • industrial premises (warehouses, hangars, boxes and sheds);

  • warming individual elements construction structures (trusses, beams, roofs, columns);
  • insulation of collapsible structures;
  • thermal insulation of industrial, domestic refrigeration units;
  • soundproofing of vehicles;
  • thermal insulation of equipment, drying chambers, heat exchangers, tanks;
  • in the arrangement of sound-absorbing ceilings that can reduce the level of industrial noise;
  • thermal insulation of pipes, vegetable stores, wagons, tanks, air ducts and cooling systems;

  • as a heat-insulating coating that protects building, mining quarries and trenches from seasonal freezing;
  • thermal insulation of boilers, boilers, tanks.

IN agriculture penoizol is effectively used as a shelter for the preservation of haylage and silage. Some use foam insulation technology to protect soil and bulk materials from freezing. In beekeeping, hives are insulated with sheets of penoizol for wintering.

And of course, with the help of penoizol, thermal insulation of barns and other outbuildings is carried out.

experience of using penoizol abroad

IN different countries penoizol world has a different name and distinctive features applications. Due to its manufacturability, it occupies a worthy place among other high-quality thermal insulation materials.

IN developed countries it is the pouring of souffle-like penoizol that is practiced. In the Czech Republic during construction high-rise building often used reinforced concrete slabs, the mesh of which is covered with mofoterm (the name of penoizol in the Czech Republic). After mounting the slab and shrinking the heat insulator, the foam is applied cement strainer to prevent degradation of the insulation.

In Germany, the use of animotherma (local name penoizol) for insulation is popular. wooden houses. This is due to the fire safety of the material.

In Holland, penoizol has been widespread since 1974 and is used to insulate hollow brick walls of buildings. Filling occurs by pouring or ready-made slabs.

Canadians fill with penoizol (insulpray foam) spatial reinforced concrete elements hinged panels and hollow brick walls for the purpose of their thermal insulation and sound insulation. A similar practice is observed in Poland, France and the Baltic countries.

In the USA, penoizol is widely used in industry, namely for the thermal insulation of wagons and containers intended for the storage of liquid gases. In addition, special caps are created from penoizol for equipment that absorb industrial noise.

Behind last years, the trend towards the use of penoizol abroad and in Russia is growing. Such dynamics is due to the emergence of modern equipment that allows high-quality application of penoizol, as well as versatility and high operational characteristics the material itself.

Styrofoam and its varieties in the decoration of buildings using the "senergy" technology in Western countries have been used for a couple of decades. However, in our country, the practice of insulating walls and roofs in order to create comfortable conditions residence is only gaining momentum, especially since polystyrene boards there is a great alternative.

One of the types of liquid thermal insulators based on foamed and polymerized urea-formaldehyde resin was called penoizol, and its popularity is so great that the brand has become a household name for a whole group of similar materials. The technology of home insulation is really unique and allows you to fill any hollow structures. At the same time, to produce working mixture can be directly on the construction site from carbamide resins of special grades, acid and foaming agent.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any thermal insulating material, penoizol has both pluses and minuses. Its undoubted positive properties are:

  • high thermal insulation ability. To ensure the same protection, it is enough to apply a layer of penoizol of 45 mm, while foam will need 75, and even more mineral wool - 125 mm;
  • environmental friendliness. Does not emit harmful fumes and odors;
  • restoration of the previous volume with slight compression;
  • resistance to temperature changes and humidity fluctuations;
  • the ability to pass vapor, that is, "breathe". Due to the vapor permeability, according to the reviews of those who insulated the roof and walls, condensation is never observed in the premises. That is why it is ideal for wooden houses and log cabins;
  • Fire safety. Despite the fact that penoizol - organic material, it does not support combustion and under the influence of an open flame it only chars, losing volume. And, which is not at all typical for organics, soot and carbon monoxide are not emitted.
  • indifference to all kinds of biological factors - rodent animals and insects. Penoizol, unlike polystyrene, is absolutely “unappetizing” for unwanted satellites of civilization.
  • high adhesion and filling of all voids, due to which it is used in structures various forms where application sheet material technologically difficult.

No less attractive to consumers and the price. average cost 1 cubic meter is a little over 1000 rubles, which is quite comparable with the prices for modern mineral wool (ROKWOOL, ISOVER). And if you consider that you can pour penoizol yourself without hiring outside specialists, then the undoubted benefit becomes obvious.

Of course, it does not do without a “drop of tar”. And negative feedback about penoizol are often caused by the presence of components of inadequate quality and makeshift installations for foam generation, which is a sin of small private firms operating without certification of production. This is precisely the reason for many complaints that the mixture solidifies extremely slowly, it crumbles during operation, and the insulation layer is subject to significant shrinkage and emits bad smell. Unfortunately, it will be possible to establish the fact of falsification of the composition only in laboratory conditions. Therefore, be extremely careful and try to buy penoizol from reliable suppliers.

With full observance of manufacturing technology, the following disadvantages are still noted:

  • seasonality: penoizol is used only at ambient temperatures above 5 ° C;
  • with vertical insulation, it requires applying it in several layers with a certain period of time for solidification;
  • "open porosity", which requires additional waterproofing. However, classic materials, in particular, the same polyurethane foam, “sin” with this property.

Comparison of penoizol with other heaters

The technical characteristics of penoizol, if compared with other thermal insulators, are distinguished by high rates, and in some ways they are superior traditional options, which can be clearly seen from the following table:

Name of indicatorunit of measurementPenoizolExpanded polystyrene (styrofoam)Mineral wool
Thermal conductivity coefficientW/(m.K)0,028-0,04 ≥0,04 ≥0,08
Fire group G2 (does not support combustion, self-extinguishing)G3-G4 (high flammability)NG
Bulk densitykg8-25 40 and above80 and above
Sound absorption% 65 45
Water absorption in 24 hours, by weight% 10,5 1,5-3,5 70
Operating temperature range°С-80-120 -60-60 -180-400
Operating life 70 years and aboveUp to 50 years oldUp to 25 years old

If in some characteristics he is inferior to his opponents, then in terms of the convenience of performing work, he undoubtedly has no equal.

The main difficulty in pouring with your own hands is the availability of equipment for the production of a thermal insulator. Alas, the drawings of “miracle installations” for foam blowing that have flooded the Internet often lead to frank marriage, especially if it is produced by people who have a very limited idea of ​​​​the need to comply with the exact recipe of the mixture and the manufacturing technology of penoizol. And yet, if you have the desired foam generator or special pump at your disposal, as well as a certain scrupulousness, filling is quite simple.

In addition to the liquid insulator, the line includes plates and chips. The first are mounted most often when laying brick walls, in the future the buildings are finished with siding, clapboard or plastered. The prices for sheet penoizol are quite democratic, and its scope, especially in the foil version, is extensive, ranging from baths and saunas to the arrangement of warm floors.

When reviewing penoizol, it is impossible not to mention such a variety of material as crushed crumbs. "Crusher" is blown into the inter-wall openings, interfloor ceilings, is used for pipes in the trench space and as a filler in the production of polystyrene concrete.

Trade marks

On the territory of Russia, the material "urea-formaldehyde foam" is also known as "urea foam" and under trademarks Penoizol, Unipor, Mipora, Mettemplast. The right to use the trademark "Penoizol" belongs to NPF "NST".

Abroad, urea-formaldehyde foam is also produced under various trademarks: in England - flotofaum (Varmal LTD), in Japan - iporka, Germany - aminoterm, Czech Republic - mofoterm, Switzerland - isoshaum, in Denmark and Canada - insulspray, France - isolezh, acrolithfoam and dinafoam in the USA, isopiana and plastsoil in Poland. The English generalized name for the material is Urea-Formaldehyde Foam Insulation (UFFI) or simply Urea-Formaldehyde Foam.

Physical Properties

The material has low thermal conductivity, low bulk density. In many respects comparable to conventional foam (polystyrene foam). The material is similar to ordinary foam and appearance- white fine-mesh material, without large air bubbles, odorless, elastic (with slight deformation, it restores its original shape). If you run your fingers along the cut of the material, then only the bubbles damaged during the cut crumble. The material is resistant to the action of microorganisms and rodents.

The ability to pour carbamide foam directly on the construction site makes it unique, because none of the other materials with comparable thermal insulation capacity is fluid. It is only necessary to ensure strict adherence to technology - use high-quality components and fill at a temperature not lower than +10 degrees.

If necessary, penoizol in liquid state can be poured into hollow profiles of three-layer building envelopes, where it polymerizes and dries under normal conditions. According to the manufacturer, in structures filled with foam insulation, even if there are cracks in outer wall, the risk of moisture penetration into the room is eliminated. However, this statement seems doubtful, since due to the fact that urea-formaldehyde foam at high humidity decomposes quickly enough, urea-formaldehyde foam should be protected from getting wet.

pouring penoizol

Other uses of the material:

  • thermal insulation of external fences of various types;
  • warming various options walls, including combined ones (consisting of various materials);
  • as a heat-insulating layer in three-layer brick walls;
  • in the form of filling in reinforced concrete wall panels;
  • soundproofing and sound-absorbing coatings
  • insulation in layered panels from prefabricated structures;


The following information is provided by the manufacturer and not verified by independent tests:

The time of reliable operation of penoizol as a non-bearing middle layer of three-layer structures of buildings and structures under any changes in operating conditions within the studied range (temperature from 0 ° C to plus 30 ° C and relative humidity 75% at a temperature of plus 40 ° C) is not limited.

Based on experimental data obtained during durability tests and operating experience of similar polymer materials in civil engineering, it can be assumed that the predicted service life of penoizol for vertical structures structures will be at least 50 years old.

This information can only be considered as an advertising statement.


Manufactured without pressing heat treatment method of foaming foaming-hardening agent.

In a foam generator with compressed air supplied in excess, followed by its mixing in a mixer with pre-dispersed polymer resin. It is also recommended to add modifiers that improve the physical and mechanical characteristics of penoizol. Cheap non-deficient components are used as raw materials. By mixing in the required proportion of foaming agent and hardener, a ready-made foaming solution is obtained. After that, containers with a foaming solution, resin, water for washing are connected to a gas-liquid installation (GZhU). After that, an air compressor is attached to the installation. Then, in the installation, the components are mixed with their subsequent foaming, under the action of compressed air. Through the outlet through the hose is supplied ready solution in the form of liquid foam. The foamed mass is poured into a mold, where it hardens for 3-4 hours. After that, the mold is opened and the hardened mass is cut into slabs. required dimensions. Easily cut without heating with a knife, string, wire. Then the plates are dried in natural conditions for 1-3 days. After that, the heater is ready for use.

As mentioned above, penoizol, which has not yet hardened, has a sufficiently high fluidity, which makes it possible to pour it directly into the air cavities left in brickwork during construction. The same property makes it indispensable for the thermal insulation of already built buildings (with an air cavity), since penoizol is the only thermal insulation material, which has the required properties. Unlike polyurethane foam, penoizol does not increase in volume (the first one will simply open the wall), and it is also several times cheaper.

With this material further development get lightweight designs.


A significant disadvantage of urea foams is their relatively high water absorption (up to 18-20% by weight). To solve this problem, it is possible to use a number of organosilicon water repellents, which allow subsequent finishing products from urea foams to reduce the amount of water absorption to 4-5%. The processing technology is simple and does not greatly increase the cost of production. But this method of solving the problem is not applicable to material poured from a liquid mold.

Urea foam is destroyed by excessive moisture with the release of urea and formaldehyde, so the thermal insulation from it should be protected from getting wet.


According to statements Russian manufacturers, Penoizol is completely environmentally friendly, it has passed a lot of various tests and certifications - which confirm the high performance properties of this material and its environmental safety. However, in a number of states in the United States and Canada, the use of carbamide foam (UFFI) as a thermal insulator is prohibited by law as a potential health hazard. The original federal ban on urea foam in the United States was decided not to be extended further, as "formaldehyde houses" quickly acquired a bad reputation, and therefore urea foam was no longer actively used in the United States in housing construction, and the problem has lost its original relevance.

In some European countries, such as the UK, the use of carbamide foam is allowed for thermal insulation, subject to strict rules safe handling of toxic building materials. Violation of the material application technology, especially when pouring foam into the cavity between the inner and outer brick walls structure, can lead to a sharply negative result. The reason for the potential danger is the excess formaldehyde released during the polymerization of urea-formaldehyde foam. Formaldehyde can cause irritation and allergies in people who are sensitive to it, and has also been suspected of being carcinogenic. However, the carcinogenicity of formaldehyde vapor concentrations released into the air during the solidification of carbamide foam is disputed by a number of scientists as unproven.

The risks associated with the release of formaldehyde into the room when pouring urea-formaldehyde foam between walls can be reduced by using a vapor barrier on inside walls - excess formaldehyde will be vented into the surrounding space without penetrating into the room.

The obvious key conditions for reducing the amount of formaldehyde emitted during curing of urea foam and the risks associated with it are the use of quality materials with modern modifiers and careful observance of pouring technology. The low cost of equipment for pouring carbamide foam and its original components has led to the emergence on the market of a large number of small contractors offering services for pouring carbamide foam into the gaps between the walls of houses, which, however, cannot always ensure the quality of work. Therefore, a consumer who decides to use this technology should carefully consider the choice of a contractor - it is very difficult to remove low-quality foam after pouring.

Penoizol is an improved foam. It is used in the construction industry during the construction of houses, for filling hollow blocks, insulating housing by pouring it into inter-wall voids.

Due to the simple technology of its manufacture directly at the customer and relatively inexpensive components, the cost of insulation is several times lower and faster than with external insulation with polystyrene foam or other insulation. His unique properties similar to the characteristics of expanded polystyrene.

Thermal conductivity

The first and main positive quality is the thermal conductivity of penoizol. It is quite low, ranging from 0.031 to 0.041 watts per meter. It is enough to apply such material to the surface of the wall with a layer of ten centimeters thick, and the house will become much warmer.

Penoizol will help create savings when heating a room, reducing the cost of it several times. Thanks to this, you can more than compensate for all the construction costs of penoizol in just one maximum two winters.

It is worth adding that layers of penoizol can be applied different sizes- from five centimeters to a whole meter in thickness. It all depends on the decision and financial capabilities of the owner.

fire resistance

The second feature of the material is resistance to open flame. It manifests itself in the fact that penoizol is not only not able to catch fire - it does not even melt in a fire.

Such insulation material can be safely used in various temperature indicators - from minus sixty to plus eighty degrees Celsius. And even if there is heat capable of melting hardware, penoizol will only evaporate without releasing toxic substances.

Moisture resistance and hygroscopicity

The disadvantage of many insulation materials is the effect of mold. This does not apply to our sample at all. It is completely resistant to moisture and other microorganisms.

The composition of the material is perfectly able to absorb moisture, but it also returns quickly, without consequences. This quality makes him one level higher than mineral wool, which from a humid environment gradually loses its properties.

After complete drying, it continues to keep warm. With the use of this material, you can completely protect your walls from dampness. The only condition is that it is necessary to arrange a gap for ventilation.

TO positive qualities it is still quite possible to attribute the hygroscopicity of the material, the ability to pass air well, excellent strength and operational durability.

Rodents prefer to bypass this material, not arranging their secret passages in it. Foam insulation material remains neutral to organic solvents and aggressive chemical environments.

Does not increase in volume

There are also some negative points. The material poured into the cracks does not increase its volume, as negligent craftsmen try to say about it. However, it does give some shrinkage. And this must be taken into account when carrying out work. Can run into poor quality material, which contains toxins that emit unpleasant odors during operation.

Disadvantages of penoizol

Despite all the apparent advantages, this material has significant drawbacks.

2. If applied incorrectly or when using low-quality components, penoizol shrinks and cracks form from this, which become bridges of cold, nullifying all efforts for thermal insulation.

Penoizol - liquid foam

It is worth noting right away that polystyrene is a term that includes a large list of foam materials based on polymer resins.

The properties of all these materials can vary significantly, and they completely depend on such moments as the purpose of the material, that is, technical foam can have a significant excess in toxicity relative to materials used in everyday life.


Liquid foam is prepared immediately before starting work on applying it to a certain surface, this type of foam can release toxic substances in the process of working with it, until it completely solidifies.
Among the variety of raw materials for the preparation of foam, the best is urea resin.


Any kind of slab heat-insulating material appears as a result of solidification of foamed liquid raw materials. And if you apply this liquid raw material directly to the surface, then the adhesion of the material to it will become several times stronger than the strengthening of the plate. This led to the fact that Lately mobile foam stations are especially in demand.

For the manufacture of liquid foam, a hardener and resin are used. The curing process of the material is similar to polymer or epoxy glue, the difference is only in the form of resin. All components are mixed and whipped into foam using a special station, this foam is called liquid foam. After that, from the station, foam under pressure is supplied through the sleeve to the application space.

Penoizol is one of the cheapest insulation materials. At the same time, its functional characteristics, as a heat insulator, are quite competitive with other, more expensive heaters.