When to prime the walls. Is it possible to paint a car body without a preliminary primer? Is it possible to do without a primer

One of the prerequisites for a quality repair is. Any surface must first be prepared for the upcoming finishing work.

Is it possible to do without a primer

The answer to the question is completely unambiguous. Regardless of the material of the base surface, it is necessary to create conditions for subsequent coatings to firmly adhere to it. It is for this purpose that a primer is used before puttying, which penetrates into the base and can significantly improve the quality of the subsequent finish.

If you intend to actually carry out a decent repair of walls and ceilings, then they must be primed, otherwise you will have to repeat the repair work in the foreseeable future. The primer makes it possible to:

  • remove dust from the surface, which later will allow the plaster to lie in an even layer;
  • to strengthen and strengthen it, so that cracks, stains, stains do not appear on the walls in the future;
  • protect the walls of the room in which the repair is taking place from the subsequent penetration of moisture into them.

How to prepare walls for priming

First of all, you need to remove wallpaper, paint or whitewash from the walls. For this purpose, use the following technologies:

  1. Removing washable wallpaper is very difficult because of the waterproof film, so first deform their outer layer with a metal brush or a needle roller. Moisten the surface with water and wait until it is absorbed, after which it will be easy to remove the wallpaper from the wall.
  2. Vinyl wallpaper, due to its structure, will not cause problems. When wet, their panels can be easily removed.
  3. Paper wallpapers are the least durable and therefore not easy to remove. For this purpose, you can use special liquids or a steam generator, but if the associated costs are too expensive for you, use the time-tested method. Perforate the wallpaper, moisten it with water using a sponge, let it soak and separate the wallpaper with a spatula. In addition, you can use a steam iron to steam problem areas.
  • Removing the whitewash dry will cause you a lot of hassle. If the whitewash is applied in a thin layer, it can be easily removed with a scraper, after sprinkling with water. Thick layers are removed in parts with periodic wetting.

Instead of water, you can use a paste or a solution that includes 5 tsp. soda, 2 tbsp. l. pre-crushed laundry soap and 10 liters. warm water.

  • To remove old paint, use one of the following methods:
  1. mechanical (spatula);
  2. thermal (preheating the paint with a burner or iron);
  3. chemical (with the help of special solutions, after application of which the paint can be easily removed with sandpaper).

We calculate the costs

If you do not want difficulties to arise during the work, which will no longer be possible to get rid of, calculate the cost of materials in advance. Please note that material costs and time consumption for priming, putty and plastering procedures take up to 1/3 of the total costs.

Try to keep the following in mind:

  • square;
  • surface type;
  • features of the selected material (its consumption rate is indicated on the package);
  • the need to leave a small margin.

How to choose a primer material

The next step will be the choice of soil. Modern technologies offer the consumer a variety of reliable and high-quality primers, allowing you to find exactly the product that is most suitable for your purposes. Primers are of the following types:

  • Acrylic.

They are versatile, therefore they are used on a wide variety of surfaces. Their advantages include the complete absence of an unpleasant odor, the ability to work on an extremely porous surface and the speed of drying. But it must be borne in mind that this type is not suitable for working on ferrous metals; over time, rusty spots will appear on the primer.

  • Alkyd.

When thinking about what to prime, pay attention to alkyd primers, which are divided into 2 subspecies: phosphate or zinc chromate. The first variety is anti-corrosion, and the second is versatile, although it will not be appropriate when applied to plaster. They dry much more slowly than acrylics; it takes at least 15 hours to dry (at a temperature of at least + 25 °).

Priming the surface of a clean wall

  • Hyphthalic.

They are suitable for application as a first coat on metal surfaces. For complete drying, they need at least 24 hours (the temperature should be at room temperature).

  • Perchlorovinyl.

With all the advantages in the form of quick drying (1 hour) and versatility, perchlorovinyl primers should be applied only to the outer surfaces of living quarters, they contain toxic components.

  • Polyvinyl chloride acetate.

This type is used for external work and is suitable for metal and concrete surfaces.

  • Polyvinyl acetate.

Drying completely in half an hour, they still have a limited area of ​​use - only under the appropriate paint.

  • Polystyrene.

Due to the fact that these types of primers consist exclusively of toxic solvents, they cannot be used for indoor applications.

The wrong choice of a primer mix with your own hands can lead to the fact that the costs required for repairs will increase significantly. Moreover, the use of primers intended for a different purpose in indoor premises threatens serious harm to health, so carefully study the characteristics of the type of coating you are interested in.

What nuances need to be considered

To take full advantage of the beneficial properties of the primer, consider all the nuances of the process. If you are going to make it yourself, follow these rules:

  • the surface of the walls to be treated should be as clean as possible;
  • if the primer mixture gets on another surface or clothes, immediately wash it off with a wet rag;
  • avoid drips during priming;
  • it makes no sense to dilute the entire primer at once;
  • it is better to carry out work by wearing protective goggles, a hat and gloves;
  • after finishing the primer, immediately rinse the bucket, brush, measure.

What mistakes to avoid

If you want to do without a primer or save too much money, then the walls will not be able to maintain good condition for many years. You will receive a defective surface, from which plaster and putty will most likely fall off. It is worth asking a professional about the need for a primer, and he will say that you cannot save on this type of work.

If you are not sure how to properly prime the walls before puttingty, do not try to replace materials with water-based paint, it has completely different properties, both technological and chemical. This paint does not contain enough binders and additives. Because of this, both she and polymer dispersions create extremely weak, unstable films rich in dry components, which are understandably highly water-absorbent. Even the use of the most expensive materials will not save you in further work. Therefore, do not try to save money, buy high-quality material, adhere to the consumption rates and proportions indicated on the package.

Primer technique

Work technology

Requires the following tools before puttingty:

  1. sponge;
  2. bucket;
  3. respirator;
  4. pallet;
  5. roller.

Remove absolutely all loose particles from the walls. Clean the surface of dust, get rid of stains, make sure there is no mold or mildew on the wall. Pay special attention to this step, otherwise there is a risk that the fungus will later spread to much larger areas. On surfaces affected by the fungus, you need to apply any bleaching agent that contains chlorine, after diluting it with water (1: 3). Remember to wear a respirator, goggles, and rubber gloves to avoid contact with spores. You can also get a special product to get rid of mold and mildew, and some primers can do the same job.

When the wall is dry after the antifungal treatment, you can move on to the primer itself. Apply a coat of primer to the surface, stirring thoroughly. In most cases, one procedure is sufficient, but the application instructions say that loose walls that absorb liquids well require several layers. with a primer, if necessary, wait 2-3 hours for the first coat to dry, and apply the second. Take your time with further work and let the primer dry. Do not forget that if the top layer is dry, moisture may remain inside.

When the primer is completely dry, you can proceed to putty on the surface. Remember that it will be almost impossible to wash off dried primer, so cover all furniture, if any, in the room.

In order for any coating to hold as well and for a long time, the walls need a preliminary primer. Only if it is carried out, you will receive a high quality of further finishing, this procedure will improve the adhesion of materials, relieve the walls of the later accumulation of moisture in them. The putty will also last longer without crumbling or cracking. Those who decide to do without this procedure will notice that repairs will soon require updating, and will no longer neglect the primer.

Often, car owners save on materials for painting the body, thereby violating the technology of painting cars. Are there any consequences from such savings? Why do these types of car repairs flourish?

Without a primer - stupid, but "economically". Let's take a deep look at this matter.

Of course, few people want to overpay, even if the quality of car repair depends on it. When in an accident, most drivers stop appreciating their car, especially if it is not the first time that the accident has happened. They are looking not for the best craftsmen who repair cars with high quality, but for amateurs, whose services are as cheap as possible.

However, the economy takes by the throat and forces the ordinary driver to delve into the technology of painting. After this action, the thought dawns on him that it is possible to paint the car without primer and save 15-20% of funds on this. Not all masters go to this trick, because they know how it ends. Of course, you can paint a car without a primer, but this option is accepted if the car is being prepared for sale.

If you paint a car without a primer, the paint will start flaking in six months, or even earlier. Similar paint jobs are ordered by car dealers. And if we consider that 40% of cars in the secondary market are sold precisely from the hands of dealers, then it becomes immediately clear why poor-quality paintwork flourishes.

On a note

No one can determine whether there is a primer under the paint or at least a primer-putty. And even with "normal painting" the car will shine and shine like new. Alas, the secondary market buyer takes a pig in a poke.

You can paint a car without a primer if you send it on its last journey. If you still want to ride it, then you should do everything as it tells you. And the more expensive they are, the longer they will last on your car. Low-quality materials last for 3-4 years, while medium-priced and expensive materials last for 7-10 years.

Every car owner must value and respect his transport, as well as keep it in good condition so that the putty does not fall off on the unevenness of city roads, injuring passers-by, and paint does not fly off. A car is not only a means of transportation, but also a part of the image. Keep an eye on him as well as your favorite clothes.

What is the function of the primer?

As already mentioned, the primer ensures reliable adhesion of the paint to the metal. It acts as an intermediate layer, so to speak, as a connecting link. But this definition is valid only in general terms, because there are different types of primers that have certain properties.

The main types of soil:

  • filling;
  • acid;
  • epoxy.

There are also primers that combine different properties. They are called universal. Therefore, if you do not know what kind of soil you need to cover the car before painting, then choose a universal one. Acid and epoxy primers are special.

The filling primer contains mass particles that form a porous layer with high adhesion on the body. This layer fills in all small defects left after grinding (washing). The filling primer also lends itself to sanding, but the risk is so low that it is not visible to the naked eye.

The stability of the entire paintwork depends on how much the filling primer will adhere to the metal. The better the soil, the better the paint will hold. You should not save on a primer if the car is made for yourself. By and large, you shouldn't do this, even when the car is being prepared for sale, because it is dishonest to slip a pig on a person who gives you a considerable amount of money.

Acidic primers are not an alternative to filling. The acids they contain react with the metal to form a sealed oxide coating. This coating has anti-corrosion properties. If the body is cleaned to metal, then acid soil treatment will be very useful.

Epoxy primers form an impermeable layer on the surface. They preserve the underlying layers and at the same time have excellent adhesion. They can be applied both on metal and on primer or putty. Epoxy primers can be used to isolate materials and separate layers.

Do you need a primer when painting a putty part?

In order to save money, some craftsmen try to paint completely putty parts without primer. But the savings are scanty, while the quality of the painting suffers. The fact is that it is unlikely that it will be possible to wash the putty so that the risk does not appear after painting. Usually, a developing layer is also applied to bring the grinding to perfection.

The pore size of filling primers is much smaller than that of automotive fillers. Accordingly, the primer is washed out much better. In addition, it fills in all surface defects of the putty itself. Therefore, it is imperative to prime the putty.

If your car is painted without a primer

Cars with native paintwork are more expensive. And this is understandable, because the materials in this case were used correctly. However, this does not mean that parts painted in the garage will necessarily peel off. There is simply such a possibility.

On a note

In general, it is better not to buy cars whose paintwork quality is suspicious. It is extremely important to ring the entire body with a thickness gauge and determine which parts were painted and which were not. If the owner claims that the car did not fight, did not paint, then it is doubly important to check this fact.

The primer layer is up to 50% of the thickness of the paintwork, provided that there is no putty underneath. If the thickness gauge shows too thin a layer in places, then this is a reason to doubt the compliance with the painting technology. However, if such a car has already been bought and the paint has begun to go off, and no soil is found under it, then there is only one way out - a complete repainting!

From the author: thank you for visiting our repair and construction portal, dear reader. Relatively recently, I had to face one seemingly simple, but relevant construction question: how to prime the walls? The fact is that I had an approximate answer to this question, so I knew how to do everything correctly, but one colleague began to convince me that in my particular case it was possible to do without this procedure.

I knew that the walls must be primed before painting or wallpapering. But many apartment owners, in which such a wonderful process as renovation takes place, seriously ask themselves the question: is it possible to do without a primer before painting?

In fact, neglecting a primer is a disregard for finishing rules - in principle. But first things first. Now we will find out why the priming procedure is so important when performing repair and finishing work.

What is a primer for?

When performing major repairs in an apartment or a private house, as a rule, you cannot do without gypsum plasterboard (gypsum plasterboards). They are used to construct suspended ceilings, erect walls, in addition, they also level the surface of curved walls. In houses built in the Soviet period, this issue is especially relevant.

We will not consider the alignment procedure now - there are separate articles for this on our website.

Now we will give several arguments in defense of wall priming, more precisely, we will determine why priming is such an important procedure, which cannot be dispensed with.

To get rid of mold, there are special antiseptic agents that must be applied immediately if necessary. The primer helps the finishing materials to properly interact with the surface. Simply put, it promotes the correct application of putty and paint.

It is also necessary to prime the walls if you intend to bring them to perfect condition. Of course, no one here is talking about a kind of mirror surface, but the walls for wallpapering should be perfectly flat and clean, without the slightest roughness. This is a fact that, alas, builders sometimes neglect in renovation work.

In addition, you are unlikely to like it if some dark spots appear through your new light wallpaper, which cannot be removed - unless you redo the finish. So, the primer helps to turn the walls into the perfect canvas. After it, you can create literally whatever you want with the walls, while not fearing that something might go wrong.

With this question, I think everything is clear. But what about the walls that are finished with drywall? After all, drywall sheets are already perfectly flat. After all, you can putty the joints, and then calmly proceed to wallpapering or painting.

Not really. As far as painting is concerned, it is unambiguous: if you want the paint to interact perfectly with the work surface (by the way, for painting walls and ceilings in an apartment / house / office [...] I recommend using water-based paint), then a layer must be applied to this very surface primers.

The answer to this question is ambiguous. On the one hand, it is possible, but this does not guarantee that the putty will hold well and for a long time, and not slide out in layers. After all, initially a primer is needed for better adhesion of materials. In addition, the soil also protects against mold, and nowadays this is important, since mold began to appear in almost any home.

But there are several nuances that allow you to do without a primer. For example, on a recently plastered cement mortar, if dusty work has not been carried out in the room, you can safely putty immediately.

Priming coat - guarantee of longevity of repairs - myth or reality?

In modern sources it is said that there is no way to do without a primer layer. It's better for you too, you won't have to redo the repair after a few years (and in some cases after a few months), and for a surface that won't absorb the putty.

As you know, the primer and surface putty are the basis of all finishing works and an additional guarantee of the durability of the repair.

Regardless of what material the surface is made of, metal, concrete, wood or drywall, a primer layer is essential for better adhesion to finishing materials.

You don't have to bother with priming, but the quality of the finish will then be lower, and over time, the plaster will begin to crumble, and the wallpaper will peel off. Agree, this is not what you expect from a renovation.

The primer was used in ancient Greece, it was used in works of art to adhere paint to the canvas. With its help, adhesion is created, that is, "sticking".

The primer is used when it comes to high-quality expensive repairs; if you are planning a temporary finish, then you can do without a primer.

Putty work

Since the soil completely repeats all the unevenness of the surface, it is necessary to putty before carrying out the main work. Regardless of what kind of putty you have, finishing or leveling, any is easy to sand, allowing you to achieve maximum evenness and smoothness of the surface.

After priming, the putty simply must adhere well to the surface and hold, as they say, for long summers.

A primer for walls: types, classification, tips for choosing!

If you approach the matter thoroughly, then you must certainly initially know that before applying any final coating, the walls must be primed. For a person who understands little in the construction business, it may seem that this procedure is largely superfluous - why waste time and effort if paint, wallpaper or tiles can easily adhere to a smooth surface? Indeed, the logic is clear, but the primer allows you to solve at least 3 problems:

  1. reduce the consumption of adhesives or paints;
  2. improve adhesion (adhesion);
  3. prevent the formation of mold.

Apartment renovation must certainly include a priming stage. If you want the work to be carried out conscientiously, it is necessary to control the hired workers so that they do not miss this operation and perform it with great care. The cost of the work itself from different performers can fluctuate over the widest possible range, but if we take specific numbers, then on average, the primer of the wall is calculated at the rate of 30 rubles. per square meter. Well, since in addition to the primer, putty, wallpapering or painting is also required, in the end the amount runs up very much. Of course, if you have the necessary money, but there is absolutely no time and desire to carry out all the work on your own, then it is third-party help that can be a good solution to the situation.

Advice: when choosing a primer, pay attention to the manufacturer, price and specifications. The deeper the level of soil penetration into the base, the better it is for any purpose.

Modern manufacturers offer a huge number of primers. It is not always easy to choose the necessary types of primers for concrete, plaster, putty. For this purpose it is necessary, first of all, to know the varieties. You cannot use one type of primer for both paint and wallpaper.

Types and classification of primers

Depending on the area of ​​application, the types of primers for walls and ceilings are divided into the following groups:

  • Alkyd: are used only for wooden surfaces and metal structures;
  • Acrylic: have universal properties, respectively, suitable for different surfaces. Primers from this group penetrate 1 cm deep. This property allows the use of acrylic primers for deep impregnation of the base;
  • Aluminum: used only for wood. With their help, the wood is completely isolated from moisture, thereby minimizing the occurrence of such unpleasant phenomena as mold or mildew;
  • Polyvinyl acetate: are used only when using paint of a special composition for priming concrete, wood, metal, plaster;
  • Silicate: decorative plaster and silicone bricks are processed with this type;
  • Shellac: helps to prevent the release of resin by the tree, respectively, is used as a type of primer for ceilings and walls;
  • Epoxy: are applicable as deep impregnation of metal and concrete surfaces. Their main advantage is protection against corrosion and sufficient strong adhesion.

Today, on the building materials market, you can find a large abundance of primers, which are classified:

  • on the treated surface (brick, metal, concrete, wood, plaster);
  • for waterproofing properties. Baths and other damp rooms require formulations that form a dense, moisture-proof film;
  • according to the features of further finishing. For example, primers for painting and laying tiles are quite different from each other;
  • by function. There are primary and final primers, the task of which is to improve the quality of adhesion of the final finish and covering the wall or ceiling.

Of course, when starting an apartment renovation, it is necessary at the very beginning to clearly determine what specific wallpaper you want to glue, and what type of paint should be used to change the appearance of the room. This must be done for the simple reason that, depending on the final features of the finish, the primer itself can have a different base: mineral, acrylic, alkyd, and the like. In addition, the film-forming compositions are also different: they are adhesive, bituminous, oil and resinous. And, of course, one should not overlook the fact that the primer may contain drying accelerators and pigments.

Advice: you can buy primer paint at any store. You can achieve the desired color by adding a dye to the primer. For example, after priming, the wall will be painted blue. Add blue dye and the first layer of paint is ready.

Among other things, primers can be universal and specialized. In particular, mineral compositions are intended for processing bricks, concrete, gas silicate or plaster. The most popular among builders are universal primers based on acrylic copolymers. Such compositions can be applied both to ordinary concrete or plaster, and to wood and other synthetic materials. After the acrylic primer, alkyd, latex or mono-base paints can be applied on top.