Indoor dwarf pomegranate - home care. Growing pomegranate from seeds and cuttings

Exotic indoor plants are now popular. To grow pomegranates at home, you must adhere to some rules. Breeding pomegranates can be tricky.

Pomegranate can be propagated by cuttings.

There are two types of reproduction: by cuttings and by growing seeds. How to make cuttings of seedlings?

general information

The plant belongs to those types that live long and tend to sometimes throw off their leaves after the flowering period has passed. The tree can be grown both at home and in open ground.

In addition, it is possible to transplant pomegranate, which is grown at home in open ground, but this is only in subtropical climates. At home, such a flower most of all loves to dwell on sunny sides.

The first pomegranate trees were small, from 70 cm to 120 cm. Today they can grow to over 160 cm. In open ground they can grow over 2 meters. This is subject to the instructions for growing. In a pot, pomegranates can reach no more than 95 cm.

Features of culture

Homemade pomegranate multiplies easily in two ways: it can be served in a pot or outdoors. By grafting, you can grow a sturdy decorative pomegranate tree. Propagation by cuttings is a rather complicated process. Cuttings are taken from those plants that have already grown and were able to give their first fruits. You will need to find an already adult pomegranate that grew at home or in the garden.

Propagating pomegranates by cuttings is a complex process.

V summer period you need to use semi-lignified tree shoots, and in winter period lignified. This is necessary for the plant to take root and grow well.

It is best to cut off shoots that have more than 4 or 5 buds.

Of all the cuttings, you must choose the strongest so that they can survive in the new conditions. In addition, it is quite important to transplant the plant into the soil (in composition) in which they were.

Features of foliage on cuttings

Cuttings grow small. If they have several leaves at once, these are strong fruits, they are perfect for growing and further propagation by cuttings.

The leaves on such cuttings are oval, located at a short distance and have a rich green color. If flowering occurs closer to spring, then the leaves are dominated by a golden color.

Planting stages

It is necessary to plant cuttings under right angle so that the roots grow properly. We will consider some rules below.

  1. It is necessary to plant at an angle of 15 degrees to the right. Because root system the pomegranate is superficial, the cuttings have a peculiarity: on the one hand, their roots are a little "bald". With this side, the plant must be placed in the ground.
  2. Be sure to constantly moisten the soil, especially when you carry out the breeding process.
  3. The soil for the cutting should consist of sand and peat, and all components should be in equal proportions.
  4. The cutting itself must be planted deeper than the seeds. Experienced gardeners it is recommended to place plants at a depth of no more than three cm.
  5. To maintain moisture, after this, the cutting must be wrapped in plastic. It is necessary to ventilate such a "building" every day. To keep mold from growing, remember to spray the cutting and keep the humidity constant.
  6. And then, after a few months, such cuttings can be safely transplanted separately into pots so that they grow. The first flowering occurs in the third or fourth year. When the stalk has given the first fruits, experts recommend not leaving them, but removing them, since it will be too difficult for a young tree.

Planting process

For a plant to germinate well, it must be properly planted. The first thing you need is to purchase an oblong clay vessel.

After that, fill it with the special mixture described above, and make some holes. The distance between seedlings should be no more than 5 cm. After that, immediately wrap everything neatly with foil or other material that does not allow moisture to pass through.

This method is necessary so that the cuttings are always in a humid and warm climate. Under such conditions, they will grow much faster and give required amount shoots for optimal development. Remember to do airing every day. This is necessary so that the plant does not take in a lot of moisture.

Pot transplant

After a few months, when the cuttings develop well, each seedling must be transplanted into a separate pot. It is also best to choose a clay pot, because such materials do not affect the root system in any way and do not release toxins into the soil.

When replanting, carefully watch the entire root system so as not to damage it. You cannot cut off or tear off the roots, this will lead to rotting, and the plant will die.


This is an important aspect for the cutting to settle well in the ground. In general, pomegranate is a plant that loves light very much, therefore, it is best to choose sunny places for its placement, in an apartment or house - this is a window sill.

But experts advise avoiding windows that face north, since the sun is rare on this side, cold winds always blow from that side, and this is very harmful for a young plant.

Between 12 and 15 o'clock, the plant is best protected from direct sunlight, as this can lead to damage to the leaves.

When it is quite warm outside, you can take the seedling out onto the balcony, but so that the sun's rays do not fall on it. There, the plant will have enough air, moisture, heat, and light. It is necessary to slowly accustom the plant to the fact that it can soon be transplanted into a pot or into open ground.

Pomegranates constantly need to be near heat, especially at the moment when the flower enters the flowering stage, and for this it is necessary to keep the temperature above 20 degrees Celsius.

When the temperature in the room is above 25 degrees, it is necessary to take the pot to a cool place: to the balcony or veranda. This is very important, as the flower will not grow in a hot room. The leaves will fall off, after which the plant will die.

Expert advice: to reduce the temperature, you can spray the plant cold water, but not regularly, so as not to drop the temperature too low.

In order for the fruits to develop well, especially in the autumn period, it is best to lower the temperature to 14 degrees Celsius, thereby you will introduce the flower during the dormant period, which is necessary for flowering and fruiting in more warm time... The most low temperature at which a pomegranate can live is minus 6 degrees Celsius.


Outdoor pomegranate is able to live in rather heavy soil, which is low in vitamins. But home pomegranate loves when the soil in which it lives is quite rich in vitamins and calcium.

Therefore, when you choose the soil for planting, you must understand what it should consist of. The land should be rich in wood. It will also not hurt if the soil contains other useful elements:

  • sod type land;
  • high-quality leaf humus;
  • peat (required);
  • sand.

Peat is an indispensable component for the preparation of the substrate

Watering and humidity

Very important at first correct watering, because the stalk is very fond of water. The main thing is to water on time and not overdo it with water. If you plant a sprout in winter time, then at this moment it is not necessary to water too much (once a month).

As soon as February passes, it is necessary to gradually increase the watering, it will be necessary to water the plant twice a month. In addition, you will need to fertilize the plant. Watering is best only when upper layer the ground has dried up a little, this indicates that the water has sunk, and the roots no longer receive the required amount of moisture.

On hot days, it is best to spray the plant every day, so the leaves will receive moisture and not dry out, and dust will not settle on them.

Top dressing

This procedure is best done only a few times every 2-3 months. For the first time, in order for the sprouts to develop well, it is best to use natural fertilizers(humus).

After transplanting, apply a complex fertilizer once a month, which includes both vitamins and calcium. This fertilizer can only be added to wet soil.

It is very easy to propagate by cuttings of pomegranates, you need to find an adult pomegranate tree. Cutting by seedlings at proper preparation will not take you much time and effort.

In order for rooting indoor plant happened well, adhere to all the rules, and then you will know how to accurately root the pomegranate with a handle.

If desired and following the breeding rules at home, you can grow lemon, tangerine, coffee, pomegranate trees... In addition to beauty in home interior and aroma during flowering, get full fruits from the tree. The pomegranate can be grown by propagation by young cuttings and during the year pluck the ripe, not only tasty, but also healthy, pomegranate fruits.

At home, pomegranates are grown from seeds, by grafting, green shoots, lignified cuttings, which, after pretreatment, are planted in pots for rooting in the soil. With proper care and cultivation, indoor pomegranate grows in height from 0.7 to 2 meters, depending on the variety.

Knowledge of Japanese technology for forming a miniature indoor bonsai tree will also help create a tree the right size and beautiful shape.

Method advantages

Cutting is a method of growing plants that is used to different cultures, including a pomegranate.

The use of cuttings, in comparison with other methods, has a number of advantages.

A stalk (shank, shoot) is a small shoot, it grows quickly and after a year or two turns into a small tree, pleases with wonderful flowering and first fruits. When planting a stem from a well-known tree, they know in advance the quality of the expected fruit, the requirements for care and the behavior of the plant.

What cuttings are suitable

Chubuki are taken from young and strong shoots, 1 year old, they should have from 4 to 6 buds, 20-25 centimeters long. You can take the shanks from the shoots of the pomegranate root system. In the lower part, the shank is cut under the kidney, the upper part is cut half the distance between the kidneys.

Optimal dates for disembarkation

In the spring, the awakening from the winter cold of all living things begins, the buds of the trees swell, the leaves bloom, the plants are gaining color. Therefore, for cutting the shanks, the dormant time of the trees is chosen so as not to harm the plant.

The cuttings in the water will begin to come to life, they will sprout roots. It is advisable to plant the material in the soil in early May - this is the most optimal time to start rooting and growth of seedlings.

Required soil composition and pot volume

For growing pomegranates at home, purchased soil is suitable - for citrus trees, but you can also compose the soil yourself - from a small amount of small river, washed from clay, sand, turf, leaf humus, peat. In no case should you use oak soil, as this soil has an acidic environment.

Plant transplantation must be carried out in the first years annually ( in early spring), increasing the size of the pot each time. If the pot is large for the root system, the tree will grow into roots to fill the pot. Only when the roots fill the pot will the tree begin to grow. When the pomegranate grows up, you can take a large clay pot in which it will be comfortable for more than one year.

Scheme and technology of planting in the ground

Chubuki with roots are planted in a shallow wide pot at a distance of at least 10 centimeters from each other, so as not to damage the developing roots of the planting material during transplantation. The shanks are planted obliquely, sprinkle with earth only a part of the cuttings with the root system, the next bud should be at the top, it is not covered with earth.

The ground is not tamped so as not to damage the delicate roots, watered with the addition of Kornevin (or any other root growth stimulator) to improve rooting and development of the root system. The next watering is carried out in a week. The pot with shanks is covered with a plastic bag and tied at the bottom so that there is no air access. Chubuki are regularly ventilated so as not to cause the decay process.

Method for rooting sprouts in water

The method of rooting cuttings in water is used at home, in the cultivation of plants, flowers, shrubs. Plants such as grapes, roses, chrysanthemums, begonias, currants, gooseberries reproduce well in this way. When breeding by this method, you can visually observe the viability of the cuttings, the development of its root system; if necessary, applying special means, help the plant in further development and growth.

Materials for the procedure

After cutting the cuttings, the lower cut is dipped into a dry mixture of Kornevin and crushed activated carbon (in equal amounts), the excess of the adhering mixture is shaken off so as not to cause the death of the planting material. The cuttings are placed in a bowl of water in a warm, bright place. It is advisable to take glass utensils for cuttings made of white glass.

Plastic dishes are lightweight, unstable, and tip over quickly, which causes unpleasant troubles and damage to the cuttings that have appeared. The development of the roots is clearly visible through the transparent glass. If the water becomes cloudy and mucus appears on the roots, they must be carefully rinsed with warm water and filled with fresh, warm water separated from chlorine.

Root appearance period

Within a week, the buds of the processes will begin to turn green and swell, by the end of the week the first white roots will hatch. Root development and growth will begin over the next week.

With the formation of a large number of powerful, well-branching, roots, it can be determined that the processes are strong, they will definitely take in, and the tree will quickly take root and grow.

In the presence of weak, thin roots, it is clear that the root system does not develop enough, the process is not viable, and may die during transplantation. It is necessary to dilute Kornevin in water at the rate of 1 milliliter per 1 liter warm water and endure planting material in this solution for 12 hours, then put back in clean water. When a well-developed, dense root system is formed, the shoots are transplanted into a pot for permanent place.

Planting in prepared soil

After the appearance of 3-4 young shoots with leaves, the cuttings are transplanted into separate pots without damaging the root system with an earthen lump. Drainage is poured at the bottom of the pot. The pots are placed on the windowsill (provided that the windowsills are wide), in the room on the south side; in bright sun, the plant is shaded so that the sun's rays do not burn the leaves. You can put the pot in a place that is well lit, opposite the window - this is the best option for plant development.

Further cultivation and care

The further maintenance of the pomegranate at home includes competent watering, fertilization, pruning and crown formation, and transplanting. It is necessary to water the plant with water, separated from the residual chlorine contained in it (in the case of chlorination drinking water), room temperature... The clod of earth should not dry out. Excess water must be poured out of the pan, with an excess of moisture, the roots will begin to rot, and the plant will die.

Feeding pomegranates is best done with the use of Potassium Humate, a universal preparation that stimulates the growth and development of the plant (the frequency of feeding and the preparation of the solution are indicated in the instructions). At the beginning of flowering, the plant can be treated with Bud, which stimulates the amount of bud and fruit formation.

With the development of the root system and the emergence of the roots from the bottom of the pot, the pomegranates must be transplanted into containers with a large volume. The crown is formed from the beginning of the growth and development of the tree, by pinching young shoots, so that later, when the crown is neglected and disorderly, it does not cause severe damage to the plant (when pruning branches).

Compliance with the basic rules of caring for a pomegranate tree will help to grow a beautiful indoor plant in 2-3 years, which will bring aesthetic pleasure to the home, decorate the interior and pamper loved ones with tasty and healthy fruits.

The popular pomegranate tree, oddly enough, can be grown at home. But in such a situation, there is no need to hope for full-fledged fruits, since the plant will primarily perform decorative functions. For the purpose of growing at home, plants of the dwarf variety are better suited.

The dwarf grant variety is an exotic plant, but unpretentious and therefore perfect for growing at home. In the open field shrub plant can grow in tropics or subtropics. On the territory of our state, the plant is grown on window sills and in greenhouses in special containers or flower pots.

According to the legends, pomegranate was brought to us from Carthage and was called the "Punic apple". The wife of the sun god, the Hero, presented the fruit as an emblem of marriage. The Greeks believed that pomegranate fruits symbolized fertility, and the ancient Persians personified it with passionate love. But whatever the pomegranate is associated with in different countries his beneficial features familiar to everyone.

How to grow pomegranate at home?

If a home grower decided to grow pomegranates on his windowsill, then he will be very pleased with the ease of care and planting. ornamental plant... The only important thing to understand is that if you want to receive, in addition to enjoying the decorative beauty of the plant, tasty fruits, it is not recommended to grow an edible fruit from the seed. In such a situation, it is advisable to plant dwarf pomegranate cuttings.

A convenient material for planting is a stalk on which there is 6-8 buds and mature wood... The sprout is cut at an oblique angle and must have a smooth surface, for which the cut is made with a sharp blade or scalpel. Such a cutting takes root easily and quickly, especially if it is placed in water in which the agent to stimulate root growth is diluted for 6 hours. From the first days after planting, the plant does not require special care measures. The main thing is to prepare a fertile soil composition.

Temperature indicators, soil and feeding

Indoor pomegranate demanding on temperature conditions, especially at the time of flowering. The plant thrives when the indoor temperature slightly exceeds +20 ° C. If the temperature in the room is higher than +25 ° C, foliage may fall causing inhibition in the development of the grant. In order to reduce the temperature, spraying the foliage with cool water is suitable.

In order for the fruits of the plant to ripen qualitatively in the autumn, the pomegranate must be taken out to the balcony where the temperature will be + 14-16 ° C. During the period when the plant is at rest - from November to March, it is better to put the pomegranate pot on an unheated windowsill, where the temperature will not be higher than + 10-12 ° C. The minimum temperature indicators that a houseplant can withstand is -5 ° C. A further decrease in temperature can lead to the death of the shrub.

Despite the fact that a dwarf plant grows in its usual environment in poor soil without moisture, at home, he will need high-quality enriched drained soil. To create favorable conditions for growing decorative pomegranates, it is better to use the following soil mixtures:

  • ½ part of sod land, diluted with 25% leaf humus and the same amount of sand;
  • by ¼ part of loam and peat, supplemented by sand;
  • clay-sod soil composition in the volume of 2 parts, 1 part of leafy soil and in the same volumes of humus and sand.

Indoor pomegranate needs to be fed at least 2 times a month. V spring year it is better to use fertilizers containing nitrogen. At the time when pomegranate flowers appear on the plant, use phosphorus fertilizer, and with the onset of autumn - potassium. Fertilizer is applied to wet soil in cloudy weather. With the onset of autumn, the frequency of fertilizing decreases significantly, as does the temperature in the room where the home pomegranate is located. This allows the plant to be prepared for winter.

Plant care at home

Home-grown decorative pomegranate is already after 2 years it releases the first flowers, and at proper care can bear fruit. And despite the fact that the plant is unpretentious in terms of care, you need to know some of the nuances of growing pomegranates on the windowsill:

Such utterly unpretentious plant grown at home, during the growing season must travel around different rooms with different temperature conditions.

How is the crown of a bush formed?

At self-cultivation trees, its crown can be easily formed, embodying your most bizarre fantasies. To this end, home-grown pomegranates are regularly pruned from the first year of growth. Shearing the plant forms a rather lush crown with a large number of skeletal branches. Pruning is best done in February, which allows with the onset of spring to get new shoots that can bloom and even bear fruit. When shaping the crown, it is important to take into account that it is advisable to completely remove the weakened shoots, and cut the rest in half.

Nuances of reproduction of pomegranate seeds

A houseplant such as pomegranate can propagate both by cuttings and by seeds. For seed reproduction it is better to use seed from specialized stores. Growing a houseplant from seeds purchased from a gardening store - the first flowers may appear in the first year, and fruiting 2-3 years after planting the pomegranate.

Naturally, as seed you can use seeds from a fresh fruit, which do not lose germination quality within six months. Seeds are suitable only from large and fully ripe fruits. Sowing of the plant is carried out in April under glass, to a depth of half a centimeter. For fast germination of seeds, it is important to withstand temperature regime within + 25-27 ° C. With the onset of the growth phase, when 2-3 leaves appear, the strongest shoots are transplanted into a separate container. During the growth of seedlings, they require proper care, which means maintaining a comfortable temperature and regular watering.

Houseplant propagation by cuttings

When breeding exotic plant important observe the following simple rules.

  1. The stalk is taken from an adult houseplant that has borne fruit several times.
  2. In the summer period of the year, it is advisable to use semi-lignified shoots, and with the onset of winter, completely lignified shoots.
  3. Cuttings are prepared with 4-6 buds, and the lower part is planted at a certain angle in moist soil, consisting of sand and peat, mixed in equal proportions, to a depth of no more than 3 centimeters.
  4. Cuttings are covered plastic bottle with a cut neck or glass jar.
  5. Shoots are kept in a humid environment and ventilated regularly.
  6. Before direct planting, the cutting is processed by the rooting machine.

After 3 months, the matured seedlings are transplanted into separate pots. Flowering occurs very quickly, but in the first year, flowers are recommended to be completely cut off.

Diseases encountered in the cultivation of pomegranate

Despite all the unpretentiousness of the plant, even in an apartment, it is subject to development different diseases, the most common of which is spider mite... To combat the pest, the pomegranate is periodically sprayed with garlic tincture. But it is important during the procedure to protect the soil with a film.

If yellowing and foliage is observed during the growing season, then most likely the plant is affected by the whitefly, which is fed by pomegranate juice. To combat the pest, you can use shop agent "Derris", which is applied several times for the best effect.

Abundant flowering - a guarantee of fruiting

A properly grown plant at home, both from the seed and from the cuttings, has flowers different types- male, predominant on pomegranate and female, most often found in inflorescences. They differ in their shape, which makes the plant outwardly even more attractive and exotic, because at this moment the shrub is covered beautiful flowers bright purple in color with many stamens. The ease of caring for a decorative pomegranate is also due to the absence of the need for additional pollination.

Those who wish to receive maximum amount fruits from a plant must understand one minor subtlety that experienced specialists use when growing pomegranates. The trick is due to the fact that for watering during flowering you need to use cool water, the temperature of which must be between + 18–20 ° C. Also, so that the plant does not grow fat and does not release a huge number of male flowers, you need to use a small and narrow flower pot.

Many growers use another minor trick - reducing the amount of watering. But it is important to exercise the utmost care and not overdo it so that the grenade does not die. It is better to sacrifice several ovaries than to let the plant wither.

If the plant throws out a very large number of flowers, practically without forming fruits, you should pay attention to the pot in which it grows. It is necessary, as already mentioned many times, to use narrow container of small size... Also, during the wintering of the grant, you need to keep the tree in a fairly cool place... During fruiting, props are used to avoid breaking off branches under the weight of the crop.

If on the leaves appeared brown spots, which means that the plant does not have enough moisture. Therefore, it is necessary to reconsider the frequency or amount of watering. But at the time of fruit ripening, watering should be moderate to prevent cracking of the peel. The crown of the plant is formed only before the beginning of the growing season.

If the plant is planted not by cuttings, but by seeds, it is important choose bones with pulp... Dried seed loses its ability to germinate well. On the advice of many experienced florists before planting the pomegranate directly, it is advisable to soak the seeds for several hours in warm milk or water with the addition of growth stimulants.

As you can see, it is not difficult to grow a decorative pomegranate at home. The main thing is to adhere to the advice of experts and an exotic tree will delight the grower for many years.

Many southern plants that produce tasty fruits can be successfully grown indoors. These include, and cultivated in subtropical and tropical areas. The dwarf tree will serve as a decoration for the house during flowering and will give an unusually useful fruits.

Growing fruit plants southern origin requires special training. For many years, flower growers have been distributing the Dwarf, Ordinary Pomegranate. different varieties... Homemade specimens take root perfectly, delight with fragrant delicate flowers, small fruits. Growing a plant will require patience, knowledge in this difficult process.

can be taken from the purchased fresh fruit, on which there should be no mold, rot, no spots on the skin. The bones pulled out of the fruit are thoroughly washed under warm running water, removing the pulp. For planting, you need to have hard, cream-colored seeds. They are immersed in Zircon solution for twelve hours.

  • The soil for pomegranate seeds is prepared from a mixture of sod, leafy soil, humus, river sand, taken in equal amounts. Ready soil can be purchased at the store, suitable recommended for roses,. The soil must be steamed in the oven a week before planting or spilled with boiling water in order to kill pathogenic bacteria and fungi. After that the earth must be full useful air within five to six days.
  • The container is also disinfected with a low concentration potassium permanganate solution.
  • Pomegranate seeds are planted in a nutrient mixture of soil to a depth of at least one centimeter, covering the containers with a film. The greenhouse effect will allow them to germinate quickly, and a room temperature of up to 25 degrees Celsius will speed up the process.

    If pomegranate seeds fall into the ground in early November or March, then in a week or two, green shoots will appear. The rest of the time, planting seeds will bring results only after two months, and sometimes they germinate after six months. The time spent on preparing pomegranate seeds for sowing will not be wasted - seedlings will quickly begin to grow.

    At the end of November or March, containers with green pomegranate seedlings are placed in a bright room, and when three leaves appear on them, they begin to be planted in a permanent place in an individual pot. It may not be too deep, since the root system of the pomegranate tree is close to the ground.

    Good drainage in containers is necessary - a layer of expanded clay or crushed stone is poured onto the bottom.

    The soil prepared for planting should consist of forty percent of sod land, 30% of leaf, the rest - sand, peat. In order for the tree to grow lush, it is necessary to pinch the top above the third leaf during planting.

    Good is important for pomegranate seedlings. Seedlings planted in the fall will require additional lighting, otherwise they can be thin and elongated. Spring time planting seeds allows young plant get stronger, it will be possible to put it on Fresh air... After a year, the pomegranate will begin to bloom. This is a sign that the planting deadlines and rules have been met.

    Pomegranate propagation also occurs by cuttings, which are prepared either in February or in July. This method is always successful if certain rules are followed:

    • Cuttings are harvested with the growth of the current year, their length should be at least ten centimeters. Suitable for planting and material cut from root shoots.
    • Before planting, the branches are soaked for six hours in a solution of a growth stimulator, then rinsing under running water.
    • The prepared material is planted in river sand coarse granularity 2-3 centimeters deep, sprinkled with nutritious soil on top.
    • The container for the pomegranate should not be too large. and fruiting occurs best when the roots are closely intertwined in the pot.
    • From above, the container with the pomegranate is covered with a jar, placed in a warm room with good lighting.
    • Watering is carried out regularly, be sure to ventilate the seedlings.
    • After a month, when the cuttings take root, it is necessary to add nutrient soil to the container.

    When propagated by cuttings, the maternal properties of the pomegranate are fully preserved, and in the second year it may already bloom.

    The pomegranate tree takes root well at home, without requiring special care:

    • The main requirement is good illumination of the place where the tree grows. This can be a window sill on the south, west, east side of the house. In winter, cloudy weather, you will need to turn on fluorescent lamps, install powerful phytolamps.
    • The temperature in the room where the plant is located should always be high, not lower than 20 degrees. But excessive heat, stuffiness will lead to the loss of leaves. On summer days, the pomegranate will be saturated with light and warmth by exposing it to the balcony, to the street. Then it is better to shade it from the bright sun.
    • A pomegranate tree needs sufficient air humidity. In dry air, the bushes are sprayed with cool water.
    • Drying out the topsoil in the pot is a signal to the plant. Watering is often necessary during and after the pomegranate bloom. In winter, when the flower is resting, you can reduce the number of waterings, but not until the soil dries out strongly. The emergence of fruit requires careful watering. Excessive moisture will cause the pomegranate fruit to crack.
    • It is also necessary to feed pomegranates, it is enough to do this twice a month. Before budding - nitrogen is needed in fertilizers. During the flowering period - phosphorus, and in the fall - top dressing with potassium. Fertilization occurs after watering, when the soil is sufficiently moistened.

    Unpretentiousness allows you to grow it even to such flower growers who do not like unnecessary troubles with indoor plants.

    It is advisable to transplant a young pomegranate tree annually, picking up a container slightly larger than the previous one in diameter by 3-4 centimeters. When the plant is three years old, the procedure is performed once every three years. The transplant time is spring, the most favorable.

    The work of transplanting and pruning will allow the pomegranate to flourish and bear fruit.

    V new pot pour drainage, sand, then soil, which is good for moisture and air, adding it to the middle of the container. Then the carefully dug out bush is transferred into a new pot, adding soil. After transplanting, watering the plant is required.

    Pruning the crown of a tree has a beneficial effect on the growth and development of pomegranates. It begins during the period of kidney formation - February. First remove dry branches without shoots and foliage. By removing part of the young branch above the outer bud, the florist stimulates the development of a lush crown. It is also impossible to get carried away with pruning, this will lead to a weakening of the tree. Four to six skeletal branches should remain. Excess shoots can be removed in summer, during the growing season. Pruning will help a large number of buds appear on mature, annual shoots.

    Due to improper care, the plant often suffers. His leaves may turn yellow. This means that the air temperature is too high, there is not enough moisture in the soil. Falling leaves can also signal insufficient watering. But this is a natural process after the growing season.

    The tree dries up when mold covers the top layer of soil in the container. In this case, the plant is urgently transplanted, changing the soil to a new one. In this case, it is better to rinse the roots by removing the affected parts.

    All pests can be effectively controlled with chemicals type Aktellik, Aktara. It is not difficult to grow, but it requires constant attention.

    More information can be found in the video:

    Indoor pomegranate forms beautifully. Here it can be compared with, and. The bush can be shaped into almost any shape. It is an excellent plant for making bonsai. But young shoots grow quite quickly, so the young pomegranate should be given more attention and periodically pinched the shoots for better branching. Planned trimming of indoor pomegranate is most convenient to do in the fall, when the leaves are just beginning to fall and in the spring, with the appearance of new ones. In addition to formative pruning, hygienic pruning is also required. They are usually combined. During such pruning, all dry, fattening branches growing in the middle of the bush are removed.

    This pomegranate was grown from grain in the same year. He is less than 8 months old. As you can see, it is already going to bloom.

    How to propagate indoor pomegranate

    This can be done in two ways - by seeds and cuttings. The second method is very unreliable and time consuming. To obtain a positive result, it is better to plant several young, semi-lignified cuttings for rooting and cover them with a transparent cap to create greenhouse conditions.

    The reproduction of indoor pomegranate by seeds is somewhat easier. But it must be borne in mind that the seeds must be well ripened and fresh.

    Important! You only need to plant seeds in a soft shell! That is, grains with pulp, not dry bones. In this case, their germination capacity increases many times over.

    Previously, it is advisable to keep the seeds of indoor pomegranate for 6-8 hours in a solution of any root formation stimulant or aloe juice. It is possible to plant grains both in clean peat and in a mixture of peat with coarse sand or. Further, everything is the same as when growing seedlings. The container with seeds is covered with foil or glass. With the emergence of shoots, the cover is removed, and the container is transferred to a well-lit place. When the seedlings grow enough (up to about 4-5 cm), they can be planted. Young pomegranates grow very quickly. According to "science", indoor pomegranate can bloom in the second year of life. But early spring sowing and proper care, this can happen in the same year, as evidenced by the photo above.

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