Indoor pomegranate: how to care. Indoor plant pomegranate: growing, reproduction

In the image and likeness of a pomegranate. The crown on the fruit is believed to be the inspiration for the crown makers. The headdress appeared in the East, where the fruits of the pomegranate grow.

Due to their scarlet color, like rubies, they were considered symbols of power. So they turned a crown of fruits into a crown. Do you want to contemplate the sign of the kings in your home? Learning to grow homemade pomegranate.

Homemade pomegranate

The pomegranate belongs to the genus Derbennikovs of the Myrtle family. It includes small shrubs and trees. Pomegranate belongs to the latter. In its natural environment, the tree grows in the southeast of Europe and Asia.

According to the climatic conditions, the culture suits the lands where there are no temperatures below -15 degrees. There the grenades reach 6 meters in height. At home, trees usually do not exceed one and a half meters. Standard height bushes in pots - 90-100 centimeters.

You can grow a culture from a seed of a fruit purchased at the market or in a store. However, they sell with large trees... It is better to look into a shop with seeds and find there the name "Dwarf pomegranate", more precisely, its varieties "Carthage" and "Baby". They are adapted for home keeping, with proper lighting and trimming they keep within 40 centimeters.

Grow pomegranate at home from the seed of a large, smooth fruit without dents on the skin, mold and rot. Frozen grenades are also not good. The stones in the rest of the fruits sprout in 95% of cases.

So, there is no need to select a lot of seeds for planting, 2-3 ex is enough. The pulp around them should be elastic, scarlet. Green grains are not ready for germination.

Before planting the seeds, the pulp is removed from them, or rather, washed off slightly warm running water... After, we take the settled liquid room temperature, adding to a teaspoon a couple of drops of a growth stimulant, for example, "Epin".

We keep the seeds in its solution for 12 hours. At this time, we are preparing the ground. A flower shop will do. If possible, compose the substrate yourself, we take peat, river sand and fertile soil, that is, humus.

We mix the components in equal proportions and put them in plastic pots or cups with the addition of drainage at the bottom. We make holes in the bottom of the containers for the outflow of water.

We put the seeds in pots 1-1.5 centimeters, sprinkle with earth and spray abundantly with warm water. For a greenhouse effect, cover with a film or a cut plastic bottle... We need humidity and an air temperature of about 25-30 degrees Celsius.

We are waiting for sprouts. When planted in late autumn or early spring, they should appear in a couple of weeks. Seeds, planted in the ground at a different time, hatch from a month to 3 ex.

With the appearance of the first leaf, we remove the covering material and put the pot in a sunny place, not forgetting to periodically moisten the earth from the spray bottle. The soil should not dry out. After the development of the 8th leaf, we transplant the tree into the main pot.

Ceramic is preferred. A shallow container is sufficient. Homemade pomegranate from seeds has a superficial root system. The substrate at the bottom of the pot remains unclaimed.

Growing a pomegranate cuttings

A cut is a cut branch intended for vegetative propagation... Vegetative is called vegetative propagation, without seeds. Cuttings are separated from the pomegranate in summer or February.

In winter, completely woody shoots are taken, and only half in summer. The latter take root better. However, in mid-summer, the plant is covered in flowers. Many people do not regret cutting off the beauty.

The buds are like Red roses, sometimes, have an elongated shape close to a funnel. The petals are scarlet, like the fruit of the pomegranate. Some varieties of crops are bred solely for the sake of buds. In general, no one will judge if the cutting is taken from winter plant... The separated branch must have at least 4 internodes.

It may be better to concentrate on the question how to plant a pomegranate seed at home... Pomegranate cuttings survive 45% less often. Every second will take root. You can increase the indicator by treating the cut of the stem with a rooting stimulator. We find it in gardening shops.

In the photo, sprouts of home pomegranate

Pomegranate cuttings give roots in water. To be sure, you can make a substrate of sand and, sticking a shoot into it for about 3 buds. Maintain a 45-degree angle to the soil. Erect cuttings rarely take root.

After planting the stalk, cover the pot with foil and put it in a well-lit place. We keep the temperature at the level of 23-27 degrees. Once a day, remove the film for 20-30 minutes for airing.

If the cutting takes root, it will happen faster than in the case of seeds. Usually, the branch grasps the soil after a week and a half. After another three weeks, rooting is complete.

New kidneys are evidence of this. We wait for 3-4 ex and shorten the shoot by a third. This will lead to the branching of the tree, the formation of a lush crown. The formation of 2-3 lateral branches gives rise to transplanting the shoot into the main pot.

Pomegranate cuttings, despite the low survival rate, have advantages. Taking a branch for rooting, we see how strong and healthy it is. Seed trees can grow frail. The reason will lie in the parent plant, its fruit, and not in the care of the seedling.

In addition, the pomegranate variety is definitely visible on the handle. The seeds, even in packages, are sometimes surprising. From "Dwarf pomegranate", for example, an ordinary one can grow. So believe the labels on the packages and Photo.

Homemade pomegranate in pots almost not to be found in stores. Rare offers bite in terms of price. Therefore, lovers of indoor plants and contrive by germinating seeds and rooting cuttings.

However, before applying to the soil planting material worth finding out how to grow pomegranate at home... As they say in relation to people: - "It is not enough to give birth to a child, it still needs to be raised." To do this, you need to be patient and know some secrets. So, let's find out the nuances of caring for a tropical tree.

Pomegranate care

Bright light is the first thing it needs indoor pomegranate. Home care involves growing trees exclusively on the southern windows. Pomegranate is one of the few plants that love direct sunlight.

From 4,000 to 6,000 tree suites - a comfortable environment. In cloudy weather and in winter, pomegranates are illuminated with phytolamps. They should bring daylight hours to 10-12 hours. In this case, the tree will continue to bloom and bear fruit. Lack of light will lead to the shedding of some of the leaves and hibernation.

Although pomegranate seeds germinate at 30 degrees, adult trees prefer temperatures in the range of 20-25 Celsius. They are being kept all year round.

There is information that from November to March the pomegranate has a rest period, it needs coolness. However, flower growers prove the opposite by uploading photos of winter trees in bloom to the network and noting that the heat did not affect their health and fruiting.

The irrigation regime is also the same all year round. Pomegranate loves slightly moist soil. As soon as the soil begins to dry out, it is moistened. If excess water has drained into the sump, it is emptied.

Moisture stuck in the pot holder can cause tree roots to rot. It will perish by itself and will not bear fruit. Pomegranate berries, by the way, reach almost half a meter in diameter.

Such is the record holder pomegranate grown in the Chinese province of Sichuan. The width of the fruit was 48.7 centimeters. The standard berries of the tree do not exceed 18 centimeters in diameter.

Water the pomegranate with settled, soft water at room temperature. At the same time, the plant has no special requests for air humidity. Perfect option for apartments with dry heating appliances atmosphere.

Pomegranate is supportive of fertilizers. However, top dressing gives strength for the formation of a mass of buds, vigorous growth. The tree has no resources left for fruit. If pomegranates are grown for them, it is worth keeping feeding to a minimum.

Waiting for a bountiful harvest, we introduce nitrogen-phosphorus from spring to July. They will help to form the ovaries of "roses". From the second half of summer, potash feedings are needed.

Plus the pomegranate is not only relatively unpretentious for a tropical plant, but also in its resistance to diseases. Both fungi and insects rarely bury themselves on the hero of the article. In this regard, pomegranate is more profitable than other fruit crops grown at home, for example, oranges and lemons.

Pruning and replanting home pomegranate

Pomegranate pruning helps shape lush crown and limit the height of the tree. It is customary to cut off the shoots growing inside the bush. Leaving the branches directed outward, we make the crown spreading. At the same time, you need to cut off the shoots on the buds, looking inside the bush. The procedure is well tolerated by the plant in the off-season.

Cutting shoots stimulates branching. By pruning near the buds, directed towards the inside of the crown, we avoid its thickening. For the viability of the shortened branches, we leave at least a couple of leaves on them, preferably 5. In their natural form, by the way, pomegranate branches are chaotic and curvilinear, as if broken. This picture is attractive to a semi-wild garden, but not at home.

Pruning pomegranate is conducted according to two schemes. The first is aimed at shaping the appearance of a spreading bush, and the second - a miniature tree. In the latter case, you can work not only with thin branches, but also with powerful shoots, rather resembling trunks. Even in a young state, they are twisted into such bundles. This forms a single, wide trunk with a rounded crown.

After working on the basics of composition, you can start thinking about replanting a pomegranate. The plant needs it at least 3 years after planting. It is also better not to keep in the first pot for more than 4 years. By this time, the soil in the flowerpot is depleted, there are almost no resources left for the growth of the tree.

If the plant grows stronger up to 3 years old, then after the pomegranates it easily tolerates annual transplants. They change both the land and the pots. If you are too lazy to transplant, you can delay the process by 3 years.

You cannot pull any more, since the grenade is fast growing crops... During the season, the tree can double as its root system... Perhaps. It is thanks to rapid growth the pomegranate is considered the tree of life.

So it was named back in Ancient egypt... Fruit of culture like sacred symbol lives were placed in the sarcophagi of the pharaohs in the hope of giving them rebirth in another world.

The pomegranate is also called the tree of life in "Karan". According to the scripture, the hero of the article grew up in Paradise. Later, the prophet Muhammad recommended pomegranate fruits to his disciples as a medicine against envy and hatred. So, the energy of the tree is peaceful.

The ancient Greeks associated culture with Aphrodite, and therefore with love and voluptuousness. Feelings are kindled not only by the color of the fruits, their grains, but also by the drinks in which they are present. Grenadine is made from pomegranate. It is a sweetening syrup as well as a natural color. It is added to alcoholic beverages such as liqueurs and wines.

If you would like to grow pomegranate at home, of course, you should be aware that the indoor pomegranate is more of an elegant toy than a way to get tasty fruits and medicinal raw materials.

Growing even 2-3 trees for several years, you will only be able to stock up on a small amount of flowers and bark for medicinal purposes. You should not count on a large harvest of fruits. In indoor pomegranates, fruits rarely exceed 4-5 cm in diameter, their peel is thin, often cracking, exposing the grains.

Nevertheless, we strongly advise you to have a pomegranate tree in your house. It will give you many pleasant minutes, you will enjoy amazing flowering, you will be able to brew tea from pomegranate flowers at least several times a year, which has an effective soothing effect.

At home it is best to grow a dwarf plant, it is also often called the Japanese pomegranate. Dwarfs are unpretentious to care for and tolerate dry air quite easily. They can perfectly winter in glazed loggias, where the temperature is kept at + 5 ° C.

Pomegranate is propagated seeds, green and lignified cuttings, layering and grafting. With the first method, it is enough just to plant fresh bones in moist soil and after a week or two, delicate leaves will appear in the bowl.

The pomegranate is a very early maturing plant. Already in the first year of sowing, it can bloom, and in the second even bear fruit. But with seed reproduction varietal characteristics are not preserved. On the one hand, this is very bad, but on the other, there is room for breeders.

For example, I have from seeds extracted from the very sweet Iranian pomegranate, 4 seedlings have grown, one of which also gives sweet fruits, albeit of a much smaller size, and although the plant is not a dwarf, due to the formation of the crown, it feels quite comfortable on the windowsill.

Therefore, feel free to sow seeds, whether dwarf or ordinary pomegranate. It is even more convenient to place them simply in a pot with some kind of indoor plant, so as not to forget to water. As soon as real leaves appear, and this usually happens a couple of months after germination, the strongest must be planted in pots that hold at least 300 g of soil.

The best option is to grow seedlings from green or woody cuttings. First of all, because in this way all the maternal qualities of the plant are preserved. Cuttings are cut from the growth rate of the current year. Best stalk should have matured wood, 5-8 buds. The bottom cut is made very smooth and oblique (it is convenient to use a razor blade or scalpel). Pomegranate cuttings root well, but it is still better to soak them for 6 hours in a root stimulant solution (for example, in root or heteroauxin).

First of all, a grenade is needed a bright place and regular watering, and if the air in the apartment is dry, it is advisable to spray at least 2 times a week with soft warm water

In a pot of fertile soil Pour coarse sand or perlite on top with a layer of 3-4 cm, make a depression with a match and plant the cutting to a depth of 2-3 cm, then cover with a glass liter jar.

On a warm windowsill with regular watering and airing good roots of the cutting are formed in a month... Now you can remove the can, add fertile soil and start routine care for a young plant. It is more practical to put several cuttings for rooting, then success is guaranteed one hundred percent.

Caring for a pomegranate is simple. First of all, he needs a bright place and regular watering, and if the air in the apartment is dry, it is advisable to spray the pomegranate with soft warm water at least 2 times a week.

The young plant is fragile and small. However, after 3 months, thin twigs, delicate leaves will gain strength, and in six months it will be a mini-tree. From the very first months of cultivation, you need to deal with the formation of the crown, pinching and cutting off the shoots.

As a result, you should have a small tree. with 5-6 skeletal branches, all fatty shoots and root shoots are removed. If young plant bloom in the first year, then all the buds should be cut off. When flowering in the second year from the ovaries, it is advisable to leave every second. A very effective bonsai can be grown from a pomegranate.

If there is an opportunity to arrange a grenade artificial lighting from February then flowering will be plentiful from April to October. It is even better if the tree can be kept at a temperature of 5-10 ° C from the end of November to February. Then, not only will flowering be long and plentiful, but also many large fruits will be formed.

By the way, in November, pomegranate begins to lose leaves, and this is normal, because he also needs a period of rest. Moreover, help the plant to "fall asleep": cut the shoots by a third, remove the leaves, remove all ripe fruits, water less often. If the tree does not rest, it blooms weaker and yields less fruit.

Until the age of five, pomegranates need to be replanted annually. in February, then it is done every 2-3 years. The pot is required shallow, but wide, for a three-year-old plant and about 3-4 liters older. The pot should contain drain holes, Expanded clay must be placed on the bottom. The soil is composed of sod land, leaf humus, sand and peat in a ratio of 2: 1: 0.5: 0.5.

If a grenade is light enough in winter, then from February they begin to feed him. A 3-4 liter pot should be filled with 250-300 ml of liquid fertilizer. If, after 2 hours after watering, the water that has flowed out onto the sump is not absorbed, it must be drained. It is advisable to water the pomegranate tree monthly with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

The plant develops superbly if it is transported to the garden for the summer. The young plant is fragile and small. However, after 3 months, thin twigs, delicate leaves will gain strength, and after six months it will be a mini-tree the plant develops magnificently if it is transported to the garden for the summer or at least moved to open balcony.

It is better to put a container without a bottom in the garden., having covered it with a nylon stocking so that earthworms do not penetrate into the pot. And so that the earthen lump does not dry out quickly, the pot must be dug into the soil or mulched with some material (expanded clay, decorative chips, humus, etc.). Choose a place for your pet that is sunny, protected from cold winds.

The pomegranate, especially the dwarf form, has very delicate leaves., therefore, all sorts of pests love it so much. Due to the dry air in the apartment, the plant is often attacked by spider mites, aphids and whiteflies. But the biggest attack is the scabbards. Therefore, constantly inspect your tree and, as soon as you find pests, immediately declare war on them. The plant will surely thank you for your care and attention.
Nadezhda Stogova

Pomegranate (Punica), a subtropical shrub with tasty fruits, can be grown as an ornamental houseplant. Indoor grenade is not difficult to provide proper care at home, it will bloom and even set fruits.

The homeland of the pomegranate is Asia Minor, Iran.

Plant portrait

The pomegranate has small, oblong, pointed leaves at the ends. The trunk is branched, light brown. Branches are numerous, thin, with thorns.

The pomegranate flower is unlike anything you know. He unusual shape, with a rigid red perianth, which covers the inner delicate petals: scarlet, white or yellow, depending on the variety.

What varieties of pomegranate are grown at home

V indoor conditions it is most convenient to grow dwarf forms of pomegranate:

    It grows up to 1 m in height. It is like a "reduced copy" of a garden pomegranate, with small leaves, flowers and fruits.

    An even more miniature variety. Maximum height 50 cm, flowers can be collected in bunches of 5-7 pcs. The fruits are orange-brown in color.

    Another dwarf variety, up to 70 cm in height. The name was given to the bright red color of the flowers.


    A low-growing variety of garden pomegranate. Height up to 2 m. Fruits are bright red, sweet and sour in taste, larger than those of dwarf forms.

    As an experiment, you can grow an ordinary garden pomegranate at home from the seed of the fruit you bought. He will not give good fruit and will not repeat the parental characteristics, because mainly the fruits of hybrids are on sale. Indoors, it grows no more than 1 m in height (in open ground can reach a height of up to 5 m).

A significant difference between dwarf pomegranate varieties and garden varieties is that they do not shed their foliage for the winter, therefore, they are more decorative as indoor plants.

Flowering and fruiting

Pomegranate blooms not only beautifully and unusually, but also for a long time - from April to the end of summer.

Flowers are of two types: pitcher-shaped with long pistils, which form fruits, and bell-shaped with short ones, which do not form fruits. The latter are much more, 90% and, accordingly, only 10% are fruitful. The flowers are self-pollinated.

Sterile flowers fall off quickly, fertile "live" 6-10 days. The size of the flowers is up to 2 cm in diameter and up to 4 cm in length.

After flowering, in the fall, at dwarf pomegranate charming small round fruits with a dense, but thin peel, color from light orange to burgundy red, are tied, they do not exceed 4-5 cm in diameter. The fruits are covered with a hard peel, under which there are seeds, "wrapped" with a juicy pulp of dark red colors. The fruits are edible, sour taste.

Indoor pomegranate can be bought at the store, or you can grow it yourself from a seed or cutting.

Growing a pomegranate from a cutting

Indoor pomegranate cuttings can be carried out in the middle of summer (semi-lignified cuttings) or in February (lignified cuttings).
4 internodes are left on each cutting.

Pomegranate cuttings do not always root well, the rooting percentage may be less than 50%. For a more reliable result, the sections are treated with a root formation stimulator.

Semi-lignified cuttings root better, but since cutting off the shoots at a time when they are most decorative (in the middle of summer, flowers appear on them), it's a pity, they often practice rooting completely lignified cuttings.

Cuttings can be rooted in water or a substrate consisting of a mixture of peat and sand in equal amounts. You can also use peat tablets. Before planting cuttings, the substrate is well moistened.

The cuttings are placed in the ground at an angle of 45 degrees. It is deepened by 2-3 buds. The container with cuttings is covered with foil and placed on a well-lit windowsill in a warm room. For rooting, the substrate temperature should not be lower than 23 degrees.

Further care for the cuttings is reduced to regular watering, the earth should not dry out. Also, once a day, the film is briefly removed for airing.

The first roots appear in 1-2 weeks. Full rooting occurs in a month, as evidenced by the appearance of new buds on the handle. Then the film is removed and neat watering is continued, avoiding waterlogging.

The first shoot that grows is shortened. Cut it off by one third so that the tree begins to branch.

Growing pomegranate from seeds

The second way to grow homemade dwarf pomegranates is by seed.

The seeds should be used fresh, because they lose their germination very quickly. The seeds are soaked in water for a day (do not completely fill the seeds with water, otherwise they will "suffocate"). Seeds taken from a fresh fruit must first be cleaned of pulp so that they do not rot in the ground after planting.

The seeds are sown in the ground, immersed in the ground by 1 centimeter. The best time sowing seeds - in winter, in January-February, so that at the beginning of summer, young plants can already be taken out into the fresh air.

After sowing the seeds, it is necessary to constantly monitor the moisture content of the earth. It should be neither waterlogged nor overdried.

After about 2 weeks, the first shoots appear, they are placed on a light windowsill. After 2 months, real leaves appear on the seedlings. Poorly developed seedlings are removed. When 3-4 pairs of true leaves grow on the remaining seedlings, they are seated in separate containers. In May, they are taken out into the garden or on the balcony, installed under a canopy or under trees. The bright sun burns weak seedlings.

In the fall, well-developed seedlings are transplanted into pots and transferred to cool place until spring. In February-March, they are exposed to the windowsill, and in May-June they are again taken out into the garden or onto the balcony.

Indoor pomegranate can begin to bloom already in the first year of life, but in this case, it is recommended to remove the flowers, because by this age the plant is not yet sufficiently strong. In the second year, you can leave 1-2 ovaries.

Garden pomegranate will begin to bear fruit in 5-7 years.

Plants grown from cuttings flower and bear fruit earlier than those grown from seeds.

In addition, pomegranates obtained from seeds do not retain varietal characteristics and the fruits are of inferior quality.

Indoor pomegranate care


The most important requirement when caring for indoor pomegranate- sufficient illumination. A pomegranate needs a lot of light and sun, with a lack of them, the plant sheds its leaves.

It is best to give him a place on a window with a south, southwest or southeast orientation. Pomegranate is one of the few plants that does not need to be shaded from the sun's rays, even at noon.

It is advisable to keep the pomegranate outdoors from late spring to autumn: in the garden or on the balcony. You need to place it in a warm sunny corner, closed from drafts.

Despite the fact that the pomegranate is not afraid of the direct sun, at first, when exposing the plant to the street, it needs to be allowed to get used to the new conditions after being kept indoors in winter. For several days it must be placed in the shade, then gradually accustom it to the sun so that the foliage does not burn.

In September-October, pomegranates are taken back to the house.

Dormant period

If you grow a garden pomegranate as an indoor pomegranate, then you need to take into account that it has a dormant period. In November, the plant sheds its leaves and remains in this form until February - March, at which time young leaves begin to appear. During the dormant period, the pomegranate needs cool content (possible in the dark) and poor watering.

In February, the plant is transferred to a warm, bright place and watered more often.

Dwarf forms of pomegranate - plants are evergreen, for the winter the leaves do not completely shed, but some leaves may also fall off. But in winter, it is also desirable for them to provide cool conditions for rest from vegetation and flowering.


In summer time optimum temperature for a grenade 24-26 degrees, in winter 10-12 degrees, the lower limit is + 6 degrees. In cool conditions (for example, on a heated loggia), the plant should be kept for at least 1 month. This creates the conditions for the subsequent abundant flowering and fruiting.

In city apartments, flower growers often do not have such an opportunity, in this case, pomegranates are removed from bright light at this time, leaves are removed and watering is reduced.

Watering and spraying.

During the period of growth, flowering and fruiting, pomegranates are "water-chopped". Water it abundantly at this time, at least 1-2 times a week. But it is also impossible to allow the bay, with waterlogging, yellow and brown spots... Drainage is required in pots.

In winter, watering is significantly reduced, but they make sure that the soil does not dry out.

Also pomegranate loves spraying soft warm water, they are carried out from spring to autumn 2 times a week, in hot weather you can do this more often. In winter, when kept cool, spraying is not required.


From spring to autumn, pomegranates need to be fed with a complex mineral fertilizer. The frequency of fertilization is 2 times a month. For the rest period, feeding is stopped and resumed with the beginning of the growing season.

For feeding, you can use and organic fertilizers... For example, an infusion of mullein, diluted at a concentration of 1:10.

Fertilize also chicken droppings, dressing from it is prepared as follows. At first chicken droppings pour water in a ratio of 1 part droppings, 2 parts water. Close tightly and leave for 2-3 weeks in a warm place to ferment. Then the resulting infusion is mixed and diluted with water 1:25.

To fertilize the pomegranate, this solution is diluted with water again in a ratio of 3: 4.

Organic fertilizers are applied to the soil after watering.


The pomegranate grows quite quickly, after six months the plant grown from the cuttings already looks like a small tree. To maintain decorative view, it is necessary to deal with the formation of its crown.

Pomegranate is formed in the form of bushes or standard tree, which looks especially impressive.

Several (4-6) skeletal branches are left on the tree and pruning is carried out regularly. In this case, no more than 5 internodes are left on each shoot. Slices are made above the upper bud facing outward from the crown so that the branches do not intertwine in the future.

In February-March, early pruning of pomegranates is carried out. Root shoots, tops (vertical shoots), dry, thickening the crown, much longer than the main branches of the crown, are removed.

When pruning, it is important to take into account that pomegranate fruits are formed on ripe shoots of the last year. Therefore, only those branches that have already borne fruit are removed.

New shoots on a pomegranate grow quickly, periodically carry out additional thinning of the crown and removal of newly regrown root growth... In addition, you constantly need to pinch the twigs that have "knocked out" beyond the crown.


Transplant is carried out in February-March.

Plants are transplanted using the transshipment method. Young, up to 5 years old, annually, then every 3-5 years, as necessary, choose a pot a little larger than the previous one.

Pomegranate pots need small ones. For annual plants with a volume of 100 ml, for 2-3 year old plants no more than 500 ml. The ratio of the height and diameter of the pot is 1: 1.

Drainage must be poured into the pot by ¼ of its height.

Pomegranates prefer a neutral earthy mixture. The optimal composition of the soil: soddy, leafy, humus, peat land in equal proportion. However, the choice of soil is not a decisive condition for the successful development of pomegranate, it is not picky about soils, you can take almost any soil, for example, ready for citrus or universal.

During handling, the roots must be protected from damage. If this could not be avoided, in the place of breakdown they must be carefully trimmed and sprinkled with charcoal.

For large plants, instead of transplanting, the top layer of the soil is replaced with a fresh one.

Diseases and pests

Powdery mildew

The main disease that pomegranate is prone to is powdery mildew. It can appear on a plant in a poorly ventilated area with high humidity or sudden temperature changes. Infection from other diseased plants can also occur, such as when watering.

In the initial stage of the disease from powdery mildew treatment with a solution of soda ash (5 g per 1 liter of water) mixed with soap helps.

If the disease has spread over a large area of ​​the plant, fungicide treatment is required. For example, such as Skor, Topaz, Hom. They are prepared strictly according to the instructions, without exceeding the concentration.

Branch cancer

Another common pomegranate disease is branch cancer. The bark on the branches cracks and spongy swellings form along the edges of the cracks. The disease affects weakened plants, the cause may be mechanical damage.

Disease control - removal of affected branches. It is difficult to get rid of this misfortune; as a rule, most of the crown has to be cut out. But this does not always help, the plant often dies.

To reduce the risk of disease, you need to protect the branches from damage and frost. Trimming must be done with a sharpened tool.

Leaf spots

If yellow and brown spots appear on the pomegranate leaves, most likely this is evidence of waterlogging of the soil. The plant needs to be transplanted into fresh soil, and if during transplanting you notice rotten roots, they need to be cut with a sharp knife to healthy tissue. Treat the sections with crushed charcoal.

Whitefly and aphids

As for pests, most often these plants suffer from whiteflies and aphids.

If the number of pests is small, manual pest removal can be effective. Whitefly butterflies can be removed with a regular vacuum cleaner, and then the leaves can be treated, especially with inside, from the laid eggs with a sponge and soapy water. Aphids can also be removed with a soapy solution. Before such treatment, the soil in the pot is protected with polyethylene.

With a large number of insects, use chemicals... Such as Fitoverm, Aktara, Iskra, Karbofos, Aktellik.

Cuttings are planted in a trench immediately after cutting them into prepared loose and fertilized soil. The distance between the cuttings in a row is 20-25 cm, between the rows is 50 cm. The cuttings are buried in the soil for their entire length, only one or two buds remain at the top. After planting, the cuttings are watered. In early spring, they start to grow. It is advisable to fertilize 1-2 times per summer and regular watering is required in case of dry summers and rare rains. By autumn, bushes are formed from the cuttings, suitable for transplanting next year to permanent place growth. Saplings are planted in greenhouses, most often at an oblique angle of about 45 ° to the horizon to the south. With such a planting, the pomegranate bushes will be easier to cover for the winter, bending them to the ground and tying them to the stakes driven into it.

You can trim pomegranates both in the fall, during the shelter period, and in the spring. It is advisable to carry out the main pruning during the shelter period, and in the spring to remove broken or frozen branches. According to the taste and the nature of the use of fruits, the pomegranate varieties are divided into 3 groups:

  • sweet varieties in which sugar predominates in taste, and the acid is very weak. They are used fresh;
  • sweet and sour, in which sugar and acid combine more or less harmoniously. They are used both fresh and for processing;
  • sour varieties, in which acid is sharply felt, and sugar is almost not tasted. Used for technical processing.

Ak-Don. It is characterized by large spherical fruits with a yellowish-pink color, pleasant to the taste. The variety belongs to the sweet group. The skin is thin. Together with internal septa, it accounts for about 30% of the total weight of the fetus. When cultivated in Crimea, the variety is fruitful, with an early middle ripening period.

Kaim Nar. Azerbaijani variety. It is also cultivated in the Crimea. Fruits of medium size (200-250 g) are greenish in color with a bright red blush. The taste is sweet and sour, pleasant, with aroma. The color of the juice is dark red. Ripening period is average.

Shoulyansky. Fruits of irregular spherical shape with a flattened apex of average size. The weight of one fruit is 200-250 g. The color of the fruit is dark red, the juice is bright red. The skin is of medium thickness. The taste of pulp and juice is sweet and sour, pleasant, refreshing. The ripening period in Crimea is October-November. The variety is fruitful when grown in Crimea.

Other varieties (Virovsky and PurpurSidet), available in the collection of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, should also be noted. In Transcaucasia, the main zoned varieties of pomegranate are Galyusha pink and Galyusha red, BalaMrsal, Nizik-kabukh, Krmyzy-kabukh, Shakh-nar, Vanderfil. They are all different large fruits beautiful rounded shape and bright red or pink color.

In Central Asia and Azerbaijan, the improvement of the assortment is carried out through clonal selection of local varieties, as well as the introduction of promising foreign varieties. The heterozygosity of the pomegranate makes it possible to obtain varieties already in the first generation. There are 8 promising forms of pomegranate in Azerbaijan, characterized by increased frost resistance and high yield. These include Mekhseti, Dessert Azeri, Vurgun. The Tajik Research Institute of Agriculture has recommended 6 selection varieties. Introduced - Siyah-Dane, California No. 6320 and Malta.

The author of the book tested the Kai-achik-anar varieties grown from seeds brought from Central Asia and Galyusha grafted onto the Kai-achik-anar variety with a cuttings brought from Azerbaijan under the conditions of the Donbass trench culture. The Kai-achik-anar pomegranate bloomed in the fifth year of planting.

However, most of the flowers were on the shoots of the current year. Flowers were mostly short-pistil, not bearing fruit. The Galyusha variety gave the first harvest in the second year after grafting. Now it bears fruit annually, but in small quantities. Most of the flowers are short-pistil. Therefore, it is advisable to test other varieties of pomegranate.

Soil maintenance under pomegranate is the same as in regular gardens middle lane... In autumn, it is advisable to do a shallow digging of the soil so as not to damage the roots. Weeds are removed in the summer. Pomegranate plants respond positively to the application of mineral fertilizers. Therefore, immediately after opening the plants, it is advisable to feed them with nitrogen-potassium fertilizers.

The pomegranate should be watered abundantly for juicy and tasty fruits. The formation of a pomegranate with a trench growing method must be done in the form of a bush with three to five main branches directed to one or two sides of the trench. Most complete biological characteristics pomegranate meets bushy formation, in which 4-6 well-developed trunks are left. Over time, fruiting shoots are replaced with new ones. Once every 20-30 years, rejuvenating pruning is performed, in which the entire aerial part of the plant is removed

Often the passion for indoor floriculture begins with growing fruit crops... It's like trying to recreate the Garden of Eden at home. One of the unpretentious fruit plants at home, common pomegranate is considered. According to some versions, it was the "pomegranate" that Eve handed over to Adam.

Only suitable for growing in pots dwarf varieties pomegranates such as Nana, usually not exceeding 1 m. And although his pomegranates cannot compete with store ones, they are small and sour, their very appearance in the fall brings great joy. In addition, from spring to autumn, the plant is abundantly strewn with bright red flowers. Planted in a tub, it will decorate the garden throughout the summer. Flowering is so decorative that, to the detriment of fruiting, many varieties with double flowers, most of which do not set fruit ( About varieties - on the page Garnet).

Pomegranate is unpretentious, easy to shape, compact, with small leaves and expressive flowers, which makes it an excellent object for growing in the bonsai style.

Illumination. Pomegranate needs full sun, south-facing windows are needed. With a lack of light, there will be no flowering or it will be scarce. In summer, it is useful to expose the plant to an open balcony or to take it out into the garden, this will protect it from overheating through window glass... If this is not possible, then place the pomegranate next to the open sash of the window so that the plant receives a lot fresh air and it was well blown out during the heat.

Watering. Although adult plants in nature are resistant to short-term droughts, their need for water is not so great, it is not worth bringing the soil in a pot to complete drying. Water the pomegranate in the sun regularly in the summer, after the soil dries to about the middle of the pot, but abundantly enough to moisten the entire lump. Do not leave water in the pan, this plant is very sensitive to waterlogging. As soon as flowering begins, increase watering to form more colors... At the end of August, reduce the amount of watering, and in winter in cool conditions, reduce it even more to keep the soil slightly damp. To avoid waterlogging, add a large amount of drainage components (coarse sand or perlite) to the ground mix.

Temperature. In summer, the pomegranate tolerates the daytime heat well, and at night it is advisable to maintain a temperature of about +15 o C. In winter, the plant needs a cool rest at a temperature of +5 ... + 10 o C, in such conditions leaf fall sets in, and the plant can be placed after it ends to a dark place. At the end of January, expose the pomegranate to the light, and soon it will start to grow.

Soil and transplants. Pomegranate is undemanding to soil fertility, but needs good drainage throughout the pot, not just the bottom. Add 1/4 to 1/3 the volume of perlite to the finished peat soil. You can make the following mixture: one part of peat substrate, one part of turf and two parts of sand. A high content of sand or perlite in the entire volume of the soil will prevent stagnation of water in the pot.

Young specimens are transplanted every year in the spring after the start of growth by carefully transferring them into a slightly larger pot. Adult plants are transplanted every 3-5 years.

Fertilizers applied from spring to autumn, starting and ending with half dosages. Use only ready-made universal complex mixtures with trace elements; for potted plants it is better to take mineral fertilizers, liquid or dry. V winter time when the plant is resting, no fertilizing is applied.

Air humidity is not important for a pomegranate. In a potted culture, pomegranates do not suffer from dry air in summer. And for the winter, when it begins heating season, he drops the leaves.

Pruning and shaping. To maintain a compact and dense crown, pomegranates need systematic pruning. But since it lays flowers at the ends of young shoots and blooms almost all summer, pruning is best done in late autumn or early spring, after harvest (in fruiting varieties) and before new growth begins. It is preferable to carry out strong pruning, leaving 2-3 pairs of leaves on the branches. If necessary, individual branches and unnecessary shoots that appear can be pruned in the summer. Pomegranates can be formed with single-barreled and multi-barreled trees, in the form of a bush. Easy to form and well suited for growing bonsai. When pruning, be careful, the branches of the plant are thorny and very fragile.

Bloom occurs only when the plant is exposed to the sun and can last from May to September. Plants grown from cuttings often bloom already in the year of rooting, and from seeds they can bloom in the 3-4th year. If the plant has not bloomed in due time, then it does not have enough light, move it to a more sunny place. Too little watering can lead to a decrease in the number of buds, and excessive moisture can provoke early fall of flowers. Each flower blooms for several days, up to a week.

Fruiting. Not all flowers are tied with fruits, but for terry varieties their complete absence is more characteristic. Most flowers fall off without setting fruit, which is normal for a pomegranate. The Nana variety is capable of self-pollination. It takes about 170-220 days (5.5-7 months) to ripen the fruit. To avoid fruit cracking, which often happens, you can remove the pomegranates earlier than this and store in the refrigerator (up to 6 months), where they gradually ripen.

Reproduction. Pomegranate cuttings are easily rooted according to the standard technique (in a greenhouse with the use of root formation stimulants) during the entire growing season. But it is better to take them in early summer, when the young branches have already grown and matured, and there is still a whole season ahead for their active growth. On cuttings, branches that have ripened at the cut point are cut off about 10 cm long, the roots appear in 2-4 weeks. This (vegetative) method of propagation guarantees the preservation of varietal characteristics, and for many double varieties this is the only way, since their flowers are sterile.

For sowing, use only fresh seeds taken directly from their fruits. You should not sow seeds from store-bought pomegranates, they will grow too large plants for the house.

Pests and diseases. Pomegranate is a favorite plant of a very annoying pest - whitefly. If white small flies and their larvae are found in the form of white capsules on the underside of the leaves, urgently isolate the plant from the rest, treat with insecticides, preferably the systemic type (Aktara, Mospilan, Confidor, etc.), the most the best remedy the drug is considered Applaud. In autumn, after falling leaves, carefully collect and destroy the leaves, replace upper layer soil. Pomegranate is also affected by mealybugs and scale insects, the same will help in the fight against them systemic drugs... It is enough to treat aphids with Aktara once.

From excessive moisture, the roots of the pomegranate are affected by root rot, in this case, urgently reduce watering and take cuttings to restore the plant.

About plant protection - in the article Houseplant pests and control measures.