What is Momordica plant? Momordica vegetable fruits - useful and medicinal properties.

Not every fruit of the pumpkin family is found on the table of our housewives. For example, momordica is still a rather rare product. This plant is distinguished by long vines, fragrant inflorescences and large, bright fruits. The exoticism of the vegetable gave him many unusual names: Indian pomegranate, mad melon, yellow cucumber, balsamic pear, bitter gourd, crocodile cucumber. Momordica owes such a variety of nicknames not only to its orange color, but also to its unusual taste, reminiscent of both pumpkin and persimmon.


A bright, wart-covered cucumber may repel unusual appearance but it is actually a very nutritious food. This vegetable contains many oils, amino acids, phenols, glycosides, alkaloids, resins. Therefore, even Momordica seeds are able to exhibit antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects, and can also relieve puffiness.

The medicinal properties of the plant are associated with a rich set of vitamins. So, folic acid regenerates the cellular structure, and nicotinic acid is responsible for redox processes. B-group vitamins improve the condition of hair, skin, tissues. Due to beta-carotene, free radicals are destroyed, i.e. there is a fight against cancer. The product also contains pantothenic acid, which accelerates the production of cellular energy.

Rarer biologically active substances also expand medicinal use fruit of momordiki. Vitamin E prevents early aging and has an antioxidant effect, while vitamin F tones the entire body and fills it with strength. The most common ingredient, ascorbic acid, is also found in these vegetables, so immunity is strengthened with every bite of momordica.

Pumpkin fruits, as well as young shoots, contain potassium, selenium, zinc and silicon, which regulate many organ systems. but useful material also contain leaves. These are iron, phosphorus, sodium and calcium. Without such minerals, metabolic processes in the body proceed incorrectly, and when a deficiency of micro- and macroelements occurs, the human condition deteriorates markedly. That is why it is so important to use momordica.

The plant is very beneficial for diabetics. Its fruits contain charantin - a substance that not only lowers blood sugar. This component normalizes the production of insulin in the body and increases the number of beta cells in the pancreas.

The most powerful antioxidant, lycopene, is also found in the Momordica fruit. Indian cucumber inhibits cancer cells by stopping the growth of tumors in the liver and prostate. The product reduces the likelihood of sarcoma and melanoma, and is also effective in the fight against leukemia.

Momordica contains triterpene saponins in its root system and is therefore used in the treatment of rheumatism. The fruits are an excellent source of phytoncides that kill infections and reduce inflammation.

The use of pumpkin for weight loss is due to the fact that about 85% of the composition of all fruits is water. Therefore, the calorie content of the product is very low. Leaves, stems, roots and seeds can also be eaten, they are high in flavonoids and organic acids.


The historical homeland of mad melon is Southeast Asia and some territories of India. It is believed that the Mayan tribes knew about this product, but the Europeans got acquainted with the plant only in the 16th century. Momordica is not considered a classic pumpkin crop, as it has thin and long stems, as well as large pale green leaves. During flowering, the plant exudes a wonderful scent of jasmine.

The watery and crunchy Momordica fruit tastes like cucumbers and bell pepper... The brown seeds of the vegetable give it a slight bitterness. But this does not prevent the use of the product even as part of many national dishes peoples of Asia and Africa.

Young shoots have found their way into modern cooking as part of salads, soups and appetizers. The fruits are eaten raw and even unripe, since this does not affect their benefits. True, in the process of ripening, vegetables become more tart and spicy. However, a completely ripe product has a sweetish flavor, so it is consumed fresh. Heat treatment needed in this case to soften tough fibers. Delicate fresh momordica leaves can be put in borscht and vinaigrette.

Fleshy big fruits usually fried on vegetable oil... But they are equally good stewed, salted, pickled, boiled. Momordica is also part of the legendary curry condiment. On the basis of a vegetable, you can make different drinks: wine, liqueur, liqueur, tonic. Even the yellow cucumber jam is delicious. So that the plant does not have any bitterness, its fruits can be soaked in salted water in advance.

Inside any Momordica fruit, after ripening, ruby ​​berries are formed, which are very sweet and taste similar to tropical pineapple with nutty notes. Berries are usually used to decorate cakes and various pastry baked goods.

In Asia, momordica is added to various vegetable stews. It is paired with potatoes, coconuts and even yogurt. Amazonian tribes put leaves and fruits in legume dishes to add flavor and aroma to food. Even in Japan, this vegetable is very popular and is reputed to be one of the reasons for the longevity of the people.


There is information that in ancient China there is a momordiku was allowed only to the emperor and his family members. In India, it was considered a plant of the gods, in Japan - a plant of long-livers. In our country, this exotic cucumber can be tasted in Korean stores. Although our gardeners believe that growing momordica on their own is much more interesting and useful.

  • Indian pomegranate stimulates the immune system. It helps to remove toxins and toxins.
  • Berries increase visual acuity, have a positive effect on the general condition of the eyes.

The following properties of Momordica are also known: antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antiemetic, astringent, soothing properties. This plant is recognized by official medicine and is used in the production of drugs that stabilize the functions of the pancreas.
Berries, in contrast to the bitter pulp, are sweet, they contain a fatty oil rich in carotene. It increases hemoglobin in the blood and strengthens the human immune system. Berries are also used for the treatment of peptic ulcers and gastritis: 1 seed is chewed half an hour before meals and seized with 1 teaspoon of honey. This should be done 3 times a day, the course of admission is 9 days. The seeds contain 32% of the essential medicinal oil momordicin, rich in healing carotene.

It is believed that all parts of the plant are nutritious and healing - roots, leaves, seeds, flowers and fruits. Fresh young shoots and leaves of momordica go to salads and vinaigrettes, from which delicious borscht and healing soups are cooked. “Momordica destroys cancer cells, bacteria and viruses, treats hypertension, hemorrhoids, stomach ulcers, diabetes and even leukemia. Increases immunity, relieves pain. Quickly removes excess fat, accelerates metabolism, makes your figure slim. Reduces blood cholesterol levels, cleanses blood vessels. It seems that the miracle cucumber is subject to all infirmities, including rheumatic arthritis, head and joint pains, burns, psoriasis, depression, furunculosis, hepatitis, prostatitis, urolithiasis, sclerosis. Momordica also treats eye diseases, improves visual acuity. It remains only to check!

Scientists have shown that this plant increases the total amount of beta enzymes in the pancreas and has a beneficial effect on the body's function to produce insulin, which means that the substances contained in Indian pomegranate help regulate blood sugar concentration. Another useful property of Momordica, which was revealed relatively recently, is the ability to inhibit cancer cells and tumors. Studies were carried out, during which it turned out that medicines, which include plant extract, help stop the spread of prostate tumors. Numerous studies have demonstrated the antileukemic and anti-malignant activity of the components contained in the plant against sarcoma, melanoma, liver cancer and leukemia.

Healing recipes with momordica

From pressure, diuretic: pour 1 tablespoon of momordica seeds with half a liter of water, and boil for 20 minutes in a water bath. Leave to cool, take a quarter cup 3 times a day. This broth is sometimes featured in sources for folk medicine as a remedy for hemorrhoids. Then it is used for the manufacture of cold lotions. For colds, psoriasis, rheumatism: the fruit of Momordica in fresh cut into cubes, placed in glass jar and pour 0.5 liters of vodka. It is necessary to insist momordica for 2 weeks. After that, the tincture is taken before meals in a teaspoon. Fortifying agent: the fruit, together with the bones, is turned through a meat grinder, and poured with 1 glass of honey, plus a glass is added walnuts... Insist 12 hours, eat 1 teaspoon before main meals. The product is quite bitter, so you can drink it with water.

Momordica has a high nutritional value, far superior to peppers and eggplants, which are popular among gardeners. The fruits of Momordica contain a lot of proteins, carbohydrates, sugars, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins ("A", "B", "B1", "C", etc.). The vitamin "E" in fruits protects the body from premature aging, and vitamin "F" gives vigor and strength.
Momordika fruits are especially rich in folic acid, from the lack of which the bone marrow suffers, and there is also a danger of cancerous tumors.
Momordica is used as a natural medicine to destroy cancer cells, bacteria and viruses, to treat hypertension, hemorrhoids, to increase immunity. This plant quickly removes excess fat from the body, speeds up the metabolism and makes the figure slim.

For the treatment of momordica, doctors advise using absolutely all the healing parts of the plant - roots, leaves, seeds, flowers and fruits.
Momordica is especially widely used in Tibetan-Chinese traditional medicine. Momordica is used as a pain reliever, to heal against cardiovascular diseases, cancer, stomach ulcers, to lower blood sugar levels, to produce insulin and treat diabetes.
Momordica is valuable for the body in an effort to slow down the aging process and achieve active longevity.

Momordica fruits and seeds reduce blood cholesterol levels, prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques, cleanse blood vessels, reduce the likelihood of heart attacks and strokes, cure leukemia, rheumatoid arthritis, head and joint pains, burns, psoriasis, depression, furunculosis, hepatitis.
Momordica also treats eye diseases, improves visual acuity.
Broths and tinctures of Momordica heal from prostatitis, urolithiasis, sclerosis, improve brain function and strengthen the immune system.

V Lately researchers are seriously interested in its medicinal properties, and, above all, the ability to influence the functions of the pancreas. As it turned out, the Momordica fruit enhances the secretory activity of the pancreas, and increases the production of insulin. Clinical trials have shown that the introduction of Momordica into the diet of patients with diabetes mellitus can significantly reduce the dose of synthetic insulin analogues.

The ability of Momordica drugs to suppress the development of cancer cells is another incentive for experimenters. The anti-cancer activity of Momordica has been repeatedly confirmed by the results of various studies. It has been established that the process of metastasis of prostate cancer can be stopped with the help of Momordica extracts, which are also active against leukemia, sarcoma and melanoma. Healers of the East have long used Momordica to treat liver cancer and hepatitis, and have prescribed its drugs in many cases of severe infectious diseases. In addition to detoxifying the body (removing toxins), momordica acts as an immune modulator, gently stimulating the immune defense, which allows you to effectively fight many diseases.

Momordica fruit tincture

Cut the seeds without seeds into small pieces. Fill a three-liter jar with them tightly. Pour vodka (0.5 l) into a jar, close the lid. Incubate for two weeks in a cool, dark place.
Tincture of the fruits of Momordica is drunk for three days on an empty stomach (30 minutes before meals), 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.
Momordica fruit tincture is effective for colds (cough, runny nose, fever), psoriasis and rheumatism. And also it is used as a means to strengthen the body's immunity.

Momordica seed decoction

About 15-20 crushed momordica seeds are poured with 1 glass of boiling water, kept on low heat for 10 minutes. Then they insist for an hour and filter.
Tincture of Momordica seeds is drunk at 50 mg, 3-4 times a day, for hemorrhoids and as a diuretic, for febrile diseases.

  • A potion made from the pulp helps to heal infectious skin pathologies. It is used externally.
  • For acute respiratory infections, inhalations from Momordica are useful.
  • Decoctions from the plant are used to treat prostatitis, urolithiasis, sclerosis.
  • Fruit tinctures are recommended for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Berries contain substances that reduce blood cholesterol levels. Therefore, momordica is used in the treatment of pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.
  • A decoction of the leaves is effective as a prophylactic agent during influenza epidemics.
  • It also has an analgesic effect, which has been used successfully for exacerbated arthritis.
  • Fresh berries reduce itching, prevent swelling in insect bites.
  • Momordica decoction helps with prickly heat and skin rashes.
  • If a person gets a gasoline burn, you need to apply a hot compress of honey and leaves. The wound will heal faster, will not become infected and will not leave scars.

Wide and versatile medicinal use momordiki. Its tremendous healing power and beneficial properties have long been used in Indian, Chinese and Tibetan medicine. In India, momordiki was saved from death by snake bites. A manuscript found in a Tibetan monastery said that momordika cured more than a thousand diseases. All parts of the plant are used for treatment: roots, leaves, seeds, flowers and fruits. It is especially widely used in Tibetan-Chinese medicine for healing cardiovascular diseases, stomach ulcers, lowering blood sugar levels, producing insulin and curing diabetes, slowing down aging and prolonging active longevity. Nowadays, momordica is widely used as a medicine for the destruction of cancer cells, bacteria, viruses, lowering blood pressure, treating hypertension, hemorrhoids, increasing immunity, as a pain reliever.

Many unique healing substances have been found in momordica, in others medicinal plants not meeting. The culture is recognized as official medicine, many preparations are made from it - Momordica compositum, Hepel, Gepar chelidonium, Gomaccord, etc. The use of Momordica promotes weight loss, it quickly removes excess fat from the body, makes the figure slim, attractive and beautiful. Fruits and seeds reduce blood cholesterol levels, prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques, cleanse blood vessels, and reduce the likelihood of heart attacks and strokes.

Momordica cures leukemia, rheumatic arthritis, head and joint pains, burns, psoriasis, depression, furunculosis, liver with hepatitis. It also heals eye diseases, improves visual acuity. Releases charantain - a mixture of steroids that regulate blood sugar levels, destroys resistant herpes and influenza viruses, cures fever, swelling and inflammation.

Decoctions, tinctures and extracts are much more effective than other drugs, they increase potency, heal prostatitis, urolithiasis, sclerosis, and improve brain function. Fruits cure obesity, alcoholism and tobacco smoking. Momordica is widely used in cosmetology. An infusion of its leaves smoothes wrinkles, improves skin condition, making it youthful, elastic and velvety.

Modern science has established that the substances contained in the fruits of this plant are able to reduce total cholesterol levels, blood sugar levels in diabetics, stimulate the production of insulin and even treat some types of cancer. Momordica preparations are used to treat psoriasis, flu and colds. Numerous experiments have shown that extracts of its leaves and fruits are capable of destroying staphylococci, streptococci and even HIV.

The fruits and seeds of momordica in traditional medicine recipes are used as follows: fruit tincture. The fruit of momordica must be chopped finely, put in a glass container, pour 0.5 liters of vodka, cover and let it brew for 2 weeks. in a cool, dark place. After preparing momordica, the tincture is drunk on an empty stomach 30 minutes before a meal, 1 teaspoon three r / day for three days. It is believed that such an infusion is effective for colds, fever, runny nose, cough, rheumatism, psoriasis; it is also used for general strengthening of the body, but these properties of the plant have not been confirmed by official medicine. Decoction from seeds. For its preparation, momordiki seeds (15-20gr) are poured with boiling water (250ml), boiled for 10 minutes, then insisted for one hour and filtered. The broth is taken at 50ml 3-4r / day for fever as a diuretic or for hemorrhoids. Momordica leaves are not used in traditional medicine recipes. They are thought to be too toxic to be harmful.

  • Decoction of seeds. The drug is used as an antifebrile and diuretic. The decoction also finds use in the treatment of hemorrhoids. For 1 glass of water - 5 - 20 g of Momordica seeds crushed on a coffee grinder. Cook at low boil for 10 minutes, then leave for 1 hour. Take the drug up to 4 times a day, 50 ml.
  • Seed powder. Momordica seeds are ground in a coffee grinder. Prescribed in a dosage of 3 - 5 g per dose. The frequency of reception and indications are the same as when using the decoction.
  • Tincture of fruits. To prepare a medicinal tincture, unripe fruits are used, which are crushed, placed in a glass container (up to half the volume) and poured with alcohol of 40% strength (vodka). Infusion is carried out for 14 days. The drug is prescribed three times a day, 1 tsp, half an hour before meals. It is necessary to take the tincture in courses of 3 days.


However, whatever useful properties did not possess the plant, do not overdo it with its consumption. If you have a desire to feel the miraculous effect of its fruits, you do not need to try to eat them as much as possible at a time, you will not cure the disease, and it is quite possible to earn an allergy. In addition, there is a very strict contraindication to the use of Momordica, this is pregnancy, when using the extract and the fruits of this plant, the risk of spontaneous abortion increases. Individual intolerance to the product is also one of the contraindications. Therefore, before trying this or that unfamiliar fruit or vegetable, it is worth learning as much as possible about it, even from the very useful plant there are certain advantages and disadvantages that you should pay attention to.

Attention! Momordica is contraindicated in pregnant women, as it has abortive properties.

Momordica treatment can cause increased salivation, allergic reactions. Momordica seeds can cause poisoning, anemia in children. Contraindications to the use of momordica Do not take momordica to pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding. Chinese traditional medicine recommends not to use the momordica plant for diseases of the adrenal glands, stomach (it can provoke heartburn, exacerbation of ulcers), and for constipation. Also, Momordica treatment is contraindicated for thyroid diseases.

On the Internet, you can often find indications about allergies when "overeating" the fruits of Momordica. In fairness, it should be noted that Momordica is not a strawberry, and the taste preferences of Europeans are fundamentally different from the preferences of the inhabitants of the East, so "overeating" is practically excluded. At the same time, individual intolerance can cause allergic manifestations (itching, rash, sore throat, etc.) - you need to get used to Momordica.

As for the treatment with Momordica drugs, they are not prescribed during pregnancy, since there is information that some biologically active substances that make up Momordica have abortive properties. Pregnant women are also not allowed to eat momordica. The introduction of Momordica into the diet during breastfeeding can cause allergies in the infant.

Biological effect on the body different parts the plants are different. So, for example, if eating the seed coat favorably affects the state of the gastrointestinal tract (meaning with stomach and duodenal ulcers), then leaf-based preparations can cause an exacerbation of diseases. It is necessary to take into account all the "pros" and "cons" in the presence of diseases such as hypothyroidism and thyrotoxicosis, in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and adrenal glands.

If you overdo it with consumption, you can get an allergic reaction. In some people, allergies manifest themselves quite aggressively, up to suffocation. Be careful!

Momordica is toxic to the liver. Under no circumstances should the peel of the seeds be given to children.

Value table

Useful material

Beta carotene
Vitamin B1 (thiamin)
Vitamin C
Vitamin K
Vitamin H

You are worried about the question growing momordica from seed? Probably also at home? After reading this article, you will learn how to do it step by step!

What kind of plant is this? Let's meet in this video!

Momordica- southern climbing plant, which belongs to the pumpkin family. People often call it Indian or yellow cucumber. It is grown in apartments or in a suburban area.

Momordica is wonderful decorative decoration windows, gazebos, balconies. Due to the fact that its fruits have medicinal properties, it is used not only in cooking, but also for medicinal purposes.

Momordica seeds in a bag

The seeds are large (up to 1.5 cm in length), have a rounded flat shape. Each seed has its own interesting pattern. Many compare it to Indian motives.

  • To grow momordica successfully, seed scarification is performed first. On the tip of each seed, several times are carried out with a grinding cloth ( sandpaper). This will help them swell and open up faster.
  • After that, the seeds are soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate. They must be in solution for several hours in order to soak well and go through the disinfection process.
  • Then they are placed in a soft toilet paper, moistened with water and left in a warm dry place. Instead of paper, you can take sawdust.
  • When the seeds open and the first roots appear, you can start planting them in pots with soil. The seed is inserted edge-to-edge into the ground. It should be slightly covered with soil on top (1.5 - 2 cm). After planting, the pot is watered, and until the next watering it is left in a bright place for two days.

What kind of soil is suitable for growing?

The soil must be balanced (earth, some sand, humus particles, peat). The earth should be loose, allow oxygen and water to pass to the roots. Clay soil is not suitable... In specialized departments you can purchase ready soil for I seedlings.

The land is suitable for growing cucumbers, tomatoes, pumpkins. The choice of a pot should also be approached responsibly. Momordica feels best in a peat pot. This southern vine begins to grow in the spring (March, April).

Seedling care

Photo of momordika seedlings

In order for Momordica to grow and develop well, you need to provide her the necessary conditions.

  • The temperature of the room where the pots are located should be 19 - 25 ° C. The room should be dry, the air humidified in moderation.
  • After two weeks, the first shoots appear. During this period, you need to protect them from drafts and cold, moisten the soil. You can feed it once every two weeks.
  • Fertilizer must be mineral and organic.
  • At proper care the plant quickly begins to grow. When its height is 23 - 25 cm, it should be transplanted into a larger pot and create reliable support for it.

Landing on the site

Planting is recommended late May or early June... You can do this a little earlier. The main thing is that warm spring weather has already settled on the street in the daytime and at night.

In our lane, it is recommended to grow momordica in a closed greenhouse or greenhouse. Some gardeners plant in open ground and covered with a thick film at night and in the rain. The southern regions have a milder and warmer climate and hot summers.

There is no need to install a greenhouse. The root system of Momordica is weak. Roots can be damaged during planting, so care must be taken.

For planting, holes are prepared in advance at a distance of 50 - 60 cm from each other (not less). The soil should be saturated with humus and moistened before planting.

Soil features

Photo of soil for growing Momordica

  • Momordica is quite demanding on soil fertility. Experienced gardeners it is recommended to plant it in the place where tomatoes, peas, beans, pumpkin or potatoes were previously grown. Caring for her is no more difficult than caring for a pumpkin or cucumber.... It is important to create the necessary conditions for development and growth.
  • It is recommended to feed it with organic fertilizers, which are poured in the open field under digging (up to 8-10 kg per 1 m2). Alternate organic fertilizer recommended with mineral.
  • Momordica does not like excessive acidity of the soil. If the soil of the garden has high acidity, it is recommended to supply it with lime per 1 m2 of the garden area.
  • There should be no stagnant water... This can lead to the beginning of rotting of the root system, which will result in death. This plant loves sunlight and does not tolerate shaded areas.

Momordica care

  • Experienced gardeners say that it is imperative to thin out the crown, clean side shoots... There should be no more than three main stems on the plant. When the vine is above 50 cm, the cuttings are removed after the first ovary appears. Our strip is characterized by a rather short summer. It should be remembered that you are caring for the vine. You shouldn't let it grow too much.... She can spend energy on the growth and development of greenery, but give little fruit.
  • A mature plant will require good support. A vertical trellis is perfect. With the help of it, it will be possible to create the right lighting.
  • During flowering, the first shoots are formed. Male flowers are formed first, followed by female flowers. Gardeners should be aware that leaves and stems can cause burns during this period. They must be handled with great care.
  • Fruits are harvested 2 weeks after emergence.... With the harvest, it is better not to delay and remove it at the specified time, since it is during this period that the fruits do not contain bitterness in taste. In addition, frequent harvesting results in more active fruiting. If the fruits remain on the branches for a long time, then the plant is weakened.
  • You need to carefully monitor the drying of the soil and water the plant in a timely manner. In hot weather, Momordica loves good, abundant watering. In dry summers, it is watered twice a week, one bucket per plant. If it is not possible to water in the middle of the week, then once a week each bush should be watered with two buckets of water at once. To help the moisture evaporate less, you can sprinkle the soil with humus or peat around the vine.
  • The plant can be fed. The easiest way is to water the mullein with infusion once every ten days. Feed only if the soil is infertile.
  • Many gardeners say that seedlings it is recommended to harden before planting... This will help momordica settle down and better adapt to other conditions. To do this, the pots with seedlings after 2 weeks begin to be taken out into the open air. This should be done only in warm sunny weather. You can take out the seedlings on the balcony during the day and open the windows, and leave them outside in the country. Temper gradually and be careful. First, take it outside for 30 minutes, and then for 1 hour or more.

Tips for growing momordica indoors

Tips for growing momordics at home

Best of all, it takes root on a loggia, an insulated glazed balcony, wide light window sills. The conditions should be such that the plant receives as much sunlight and heat as possible.

In hot weather, the leaves should be protected from sunlight. It is best to use diffused lighting. Protect from drafts in cold weather.

It is best to feed it with a special fertilizer for indoor plants(according to instructions).

It is imperative to think over the support, as for any creeper. A vertical trellis works well.

For fruit formation, momordica must be artificially pollinated. When grown in the garden, there are no problems with pollination, since insects do it. Houseplants should be helped. This process is simple. It is necessary to transfer pollen from a male flower to a female bud. It is most convenient to do this with a soft brush ("squirrel") or with a cotton pad.

Pests and diseases

Powdery mildew- very widespread disease. Leaves are stained white bloom... Leaves quickly lose color, darken and curl up. The disease is quickly transmitted from one bush to another. You can get rid of it by disinfecting the greenhouse, maintaining optimum humidity, processing with a solution of colloidal sulfur.

White rot is a fungal disease. Most often occurs when grown in greenhouses and hotbeds. White rot affects the root area. High humidity and watering is very cold water can cause this disease. Get rid of it with disinfection greenhouses, weeding, fungicide spraying.

Bacteriosis is the formation of brown ulcers on the leaves (sometimes on the fruits). Infected bushes are often destroyed, but bacteriosis can be fought. To do this, you can spray with Bordeaux liquid and disinfect the seeds.

Whitefly lesion. Unlike other pests, whiteflies are difficult to control. It is better to follow preventive measures in order to prevent her attack. After harvesting, the greenhouse should be disinfected and frozen. Treatment with garlic infusion will help to reduce the number of insects.

Problems during growing momordica associated with improper care. In order for the plant to develop well and yield a harvest, it is imperative to follow the growing recommendations.

How do you see, growing momordica from seed everyone can do it, the main thing is to treat this activity responsibly and carefully!

Very interesting video I picked it up for you! Take a look!

Momordica is a plant from the pumpkin family, popularly known by names such as yellow cucumber, Chinese pumpkin and balsamic pear. Due to its wide range healing properties the plant is used as a remedy not only in folk medicine, like most herbs and plants, but also in traditional medicine.

Medicinal properties

Momordica fruit has a very high nutritional value. They contain a lot of proteins, carbohydrates, phosphorus, calcium, iron, folic acid, as well as vitamins A, B, C, E and F. Momordica dishes, whose recipes are found mainly in oriental cuisine, are very useful, but a noticeable healing effect can be obtained only with prolonged and constant use of leaves, fruits and shoots for food.

The momordica plant is able to normalize sugar levels in the body and stabilize insulin production. In addition, it has a moderate bactericidal and antiviral activity, antitumor properties and analgesic effect.

For the preparation of infusions, decoctions and other remedies from Momordica, its fruits, leaves, shoots, flowers, seeds, and roots are used. However, in folk medicine, the fruits and seeds of the plant are especially prized. Momordica contains special substances in the composition of fruits and seeds that lower cholesterol levels and cleanse blood vessels.

Such properties of the plant are also known as the ability to speed up metabolism, strengthen the immune system and significantly slow down the aging process of the body.

Indications for use

Momordica for the preparation of medicines in official medicine has been used not so long ago. The plant produces agents for the treatment of acute and chronic pancreatitis in the form of a solution for internal use stabilizing the function of the pancreas.

In folk medicine, recipes with momordica are known for the treatment of leukemia, hepatitis, psoriasis, furunculosis, hemorrhoids, rheumatic arthritis, hypertension, headaches and joint pains, and depression.

When treating diseases of the pancreas, the course of taking the drug lasts from three to five weeks. The frequency and dosage of the solution are determined by the doctor. Usually, adults take Momordica solution one to three times a week, one ampoule. Children under two years old are given a quarter of an ampoule at one time, children under six years old - half an ampoule. For children over six years old, it is permissible to take an "adult" dose of the drug - a whole ampoule.

Instructions for use (method and dosage)

In folk medicine, the following healing recipes with momordica are used:

  • Decoction from plant seeds for the treatment of hemorrhoids and as a diuretic for fever. 20 g of seeds are poured with a glass of boiling water and boiled for 10 minutes, then the broth is infused for an hour and filtered. Take 3-4 times a day, 50 ml of broth.
  • Tincture of the fruits of Momordica for the treatment of colds, psoriasis, rheumatism. It is also used for the general strengthening of the immune system. The fruits are finely chopped and placed in glass dishes, and then they are poured with 0.5 liters of vodka and infused for two weeks. The tincture is taken within three days on an empty stomach, one teaspoon 30 minutes before meals three times a day.


Treatment with momordica is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in the presence of diseases of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands and stomach. A drug or remedies from a plant can provoke an exacerbation of stomach ulcers, cause heartburn and increased salivation.

Side effects

Among side effects that can occur during treatment with momordica are allergic reactions, and children may develop anemia. Poisoning can occur when the seeds of the plant are consumed.

Momordica belongs to ornamental and cultural plants. It can be kept in the room, in the country, and on the balcony, and even in the courtyard of the house. The plant is beautiful climbing vine that blooms with small flowers yellow color... In addition, the plant produces edible fruits. Momordica is grown from seed... Caring for a plant is completely simple and in many ways similar to routine care for such cultivated plants: like squash or pumpkin.

Momordica seed growing: detailed steps

Before planting seeds, they must be disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate. Potassium permanganate is diluted to a dark pink color and the seeds are kept in the solution for half an hour. After which the seeds are thoroughly washed warm water... The finished seeds are placed on a damp cloth, covered with glass or polyethylene and left for one day. The temperature at which seeds are to be stored should be around 20 degrees.

The following soil is prepared for planting: garden soil, humus and low-lying peat. All components are taken in equal parts. The container for planting is chosen in size 9 by 9... The soil is slightly compacted, but if this is not done, then during watering the seeds can be deeply tightened. Initially, momordica is grown from seed for seedlings, and as soon as the seedlings grow up, they are already planted on permanent place... The seeds are placed on the edge and sprinkled with soil. The soil layer should be no more than two centimeters. In addition to momordika on personal plot hazel will look great.

As soon as the leaves are formed, and their number reaches three, the seedling, together with the earthen lump, is transplanted into another pot, the size of which should be 12 by 12. The seedling is buried 2 centimeters. To facilitate growth, plants are provided with special supports. After about 45 days, the seedlings can be planted in a permanent place.

Alternative growing method

It is cuttings that are suitable for perennial varieties... Cuttings root perfectly both in prepared soil mixture and in water. After a month, momordica can be planted in a permanent place. Just cover the young shoot for three days with a jar.

Brugmansia: planting and care
Shrub cinquefoil: planting and care

Momordica growing from seeds: planting seedlings

Momordica is planted only in warm time... You can navigate by apple trees. As soon as the trees have faded, it means you can plant seedlings. Before planting, dig out small holes and apply a suitable organic fertilizer to them. After planting, the plants are watered and left alone. They take care of the momordica further, as well as the pumpkin: they water it in a timely manner, fertilize and weed the soil every two weeks. The same is done when growing yoshta.

With the appearance of the first yellow flowers, the plant needs pollination. Both male and female flowers can be found on the liana. If there are no insects in the place where the mamordic grows, then the flowers will have to be pollinated on their own. This can be done by touching flowers of different sexes with each other. Seeds are taken from the ripe fruit - they can be used for further landing... In no case should the roots of Momordika be allowed to bare, otherwise the already weak root system will give even more slack and the plant may die.

, Also known as mad cucumber, Indian cucumber, crocodile cucumber, tropical liana, balsamic pear, and many others, it is an annual liana-like plant belonging to the pumpkin family.

It can be grown as indoor flower, in the country or in the garden in decorative purposes(Momordica flowers and fruits look very elegant), as well as quality vegetable crops or a medicinal plant.

Did you know? Momordica contains twice as much beta-carotene as broccoli; twice as much calcium as spinach and twice as much potassium as banana! Some Momordica compounds help cure HIV, and its juice kills pancreatic cancer cells!

The listed properties of this plant alone are reason enough to learn everything about momordica.

Seed preparation before planting

The plant can propagate by cuttings, however, it is more popular and effective way growing momordica from seeds is considered.

Momordica seeds can be sown directly into open ground, however, since the plant is quite thermophilic, it is better to grow seedlings first. This should be done in late March - early April. When selecting seeds for planting, preference should be given to darker ones, as they are fully ripe.

Since Momordica seeds have a very dense shell, no additional processing before planting, as a result of which the outer shell will be broken, they sprout very poorly.

The shell of the seed from the side of the spout is rubbed with soft emery paper or a nail file, after which the seeds are soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or in any growth stimulator, wrapped in damp gauze or cloth, placed in a warm place (not lower than + 25 ° C) and kept for a few days (sometimes this process can take up to two weeks), until a white root appears from the seed.

Important! Do not overexpose seeds in a humid environment before planting, otherwise they will rot!

Soil composition and fertilization

Momordica has a rather weak root system and reacts very poorly to bare roots, which determines certain requirements for the soil. This plant feels quite comfortable in humus-fertilized soil with a predominant clay content and a significant amount of sand, neutral or slightly acidic.

When planting, the soil should be loosened and well fed with organic matter. Twice a month after planting seedlings, the soil should also be fertilized. mineral dressings(potash and phosphorus).

Like all pumpkin seeds, Momordica does not tolerate transplanting well, so it is recommended to plant the seeds in peat pots filled with a nutrient mixture, two seeds per edge. Planting depth - about one and a half centimeters.

After the seeds are buried in the ground, it must be generously watered with warm water and covered with a dry layer of the mixture. Then the pots are covered with plastic wrap to create a greenhouse effect and placed in a place protected from drafts and sudden changes in temperature. The first 2-3 days after planting, the soil in pots should not be watered.

Germination temperature

Optimal temperature regime for germination of Momordica seedlings - + 20 ° С and above. In such conditions, the first shoots should appear in about 10 - 15 days after planting.

Momordica seedling care

After the seedlings germinate, the film is removed, and the pots are moved to a lighter place. The soil in the pots should not dry out, for which it is recommended to spray it in the evenings.

When the plant throws out the first two leaves (not counting the cotyledons), the stronger one is chosen from the two shoots, the second is removed.

Hardening of seedlings

A couple of weeks before planting in open ground, Momordica seedlings (it should already form 2-3 true leaves) begin to gradually accustom to external conditions - temper... Temperature external environment at the same time, it should not be less than + 15 ° С.

For the first time, the stay of seedlings in the open air should be only a few hours, and young seedlings should be protected from direct sunlight, because accustoming to light, as well as to more low temperatures, should be gradual.

It is necessary to increase the exposure to air gradually, adding an hour or two every day, and by the time of planting in the ground, the seedlings should be outside for two to three days.

If the seedlings are in the greenhouse before planting in the open ground, instead of taking them outside, you can simply ventilate the greenhouse and later leave the doors open overnight.

Planting seedlings in open ground

Optimal planting times

The optimum age of seedlings for planting in open ground is 40-45 days. Momordica belongs to heat-loving plants, night frosts can destroy young shoots, and the air temperature below + 15 ° C leads to the fact that the growth of the plant practically stops. Therefore, it is better to plant momordica in a greenhouse, this can be done at the end of May.

If, nevertheless, you plan to grow an Indian cucumber outdoors, when choosing the time of planting, you should focus on the apple tree - as soon as it fades, you can plant. This is usually mid-June.

Site selection and preparation

Momordica loves light and warmth, this determines the choice of a place for planting. It is best to keep it protected from wind and direct sunlight in the middle of the day.

To prepare the soil for growing momordica, you should use a mixture of urea, superphosphate and potassium sulfate - one teaspoon per bucket of compost (or sweaty manure) based on square meter beds.

You can feed the soil immediately before planting, however, too acidic soil should be preliminarily extinguished with lime in the fall (from half to one and a half glasses per square meter).

Good predecessors

Momordica grows well after potatoes, tomatoes, various legumes and does not really like its "congeners" from among pumpkin seeds as predecessors.

Seedling planting procedure

Pits for seedlings are prepared with a depth of about 40 cm, keeping a distance of 50-60 cm between the plants. Directly into the hole (or after placing a layer of soil mixed with fertilizer in it, covered with a "clean" layer fertile soil) carefully roll over a land ball with a seedling or put peat pot... Next, the hole is buried and watered abundantly (three liters of water per seedling).

Momordica care

In general, the mad cucumber is quite unpretentious, and yet caring for momordica has some peculiarities.

In particular, to achieve good harvest momordike needs correct formation: all lateral processes at a height of 50 cm from the ground after the appearance of the first ovary must be removed, leaving only three main shoots.

Important! To ensure fruiting, the crocodile cucumber needs artificial pollination: take male flower and lightly touch the female with it (it is formed a little later and has the shape of a fetus)

Watering and spraying momordica

During the growing period, the Indian cucumber needs abundant watering, however, the weak root system of the plant is prone to decay, therefore, an excessive amount of moisture is harmful to it.

Spraying should be done before sunset. It is important that the water used for watering and spraying is not too cold.

Loosening and mulching the soil

A bed with momordica can be mulched with straw or peat, this will attract earthworms, which provide the soil with humus and ventilate it. To prevent moisture from evaporating from the surface of the soil, it can also be covered with black agrofibre. This will also protect the soil from temperature extremes.

Mulching allows you not to weed or loosen the ground, so that the weak root system of the plant will not be subject to mechanical damage.

Fertilizing and feeding plants

They begin to feed momordica at the first stages of flowering, then during the fruiting period and for the last time - 2-3 weeks before the end of the harvest. To this end, comprehensive mineral fertilizers(1 tablespoon) and organic matter, such as mullein (1 cup porridge), are bred in a bucket of water.

Garter on a support (trellis)

- this is a vine, so it needs support. It can be grown along the walls of the gazebo, or it can be supported by a mesh or vertical frame. The lower crossbar should be located at a height of 80-90 cm. After the shoot reaches the crossbar, it should be thrown over it and pinched after 20-30 cm.