Home care pomegranate photo. Pomegranate at home: growing from a stone Ornamental pomegranate tree

Granat, Pomegranate, Pomegranate, Punica, Socotria - this is the name of the plant, the fruits of which are so beautiful, tasty and healthy, and are familiar to everyone as pomegranates. It is about the pomegranate plant that this story is about.

Pomegranate tree: from the history of the name

It is interesting both the pomegranate plant itself and the history of the origin of its name. The plant was known in the ancient world. Then it was believed that the best pomegranate trees grow in Carthage. The ancient Romans called the fruit of these trees malum punicum, which means "Punic apple". The fact is that part of the Phoenicians in the 10th century BC. moved from her homeland from Asia Minor to Africa, establishing new colonies there, including Carthage. For the Romans, the Phoenicians are the Punians, hence the malum punicum - the Punic apple. The pomegranate also had a second name - malum granatum, which means "granular apple". It subsequently became widespread. The botanical name Punica was given by Karl Linnaeus in 1758.

Pomegranate tree: description

The homeland of the pomegranate plant is Persia (modern Iran). The natural growth of the wild pomegranate tree is also observed in Central Asia, Transcaucasia, in the north-west of India, Iran, Afghanistan and Asia Minor, where, under favorable conditions, it can reach a height of 5 meters, and it can even have the appearance of a bush. Thanks to the Spanish conquistadors, from the end of the 18th century, the pomegranate plant began to be cultivated on the American continent.

Pomegranate for the most part belongs to deciduous plants, has opposite leaves up to 7 cm long, elongated, glossy, collected in groups. Blooms from May to August - long and abundant. The large, bright, red-orange flowers of the pomegranate tree, 3 cm in diameter, are bell-shaped and so beautiful that many agree to grow the plant just for the flowers. Fruits are spherical with a yellow-red or red-brown skin with a diameter of 5 to 12 cm, weighing up to 600 g. Inside the fruit there are numerous seeds, each of which is surrounded by juicy pulp. This juicy edible seed coat makes up 50% of the weight of the entire fruit. One fruit contains from 200 to 1400 seeds, enclosed between white spongy septa. The fruit of the pomegranate tree ripens from September to February; in the southern hemisphere, the fruit ripens from March to May. Up to 60 kg of fruits are harvested from one tree.

The pomegranate plant is very decorative. In a warm climate, ripe fruits crack right on the branches, diverge to the sides to a horizontal position, but the grains do not spill out. The spectacle is amazing. In a temperate climatic zone, it happens that the leaves fall off before the fruits are removed. Remaining on bare branches, these fruits give the plant an exotic look.

Pomegranate tree: types and varieties

In the modern classification, the Pomegranate (Punica) genus belongs to the Lythraceae family. Only two types of pomegranate plant are known. One of them is the common pomegranate (Punica granatum), which grows wild in southern Europe and in Asia (in its western part). Another species grows on the island of Socotra in the Arabian Sea. It is called that - Socotran pomegranate (Punica protopunica). The taste of the Socotran pomegranate is lower, so the plant is not cultivated. Recently, the dwarf form of the common pomegranate, isolated in separate species Dwarf pomegranate (Punica nana). Plants of this species are grown as ornamental, including in a pot-and-pot culture.

More than 500 cultivars of pomegranate are known. Among them there are varieties with large and small fruits, with light, pink, red, gray and brown crusts, with thick and thin skin, with almost white and dark cherry juice, sour or sweet taste, hard and soft bones, etc. ... The number of varieties of the pomegranate tree is increasing due to the work of breeders, one of the main tasks of which is the creation of new fruit varieties that are resistant to diseases. In Turkmenistan, the Kara-Kala reserve is home to the world's largest collection of pomegranates. She recites over 800 varieties, types and forms of the pomegranate tree. In the Crimea, in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, there are 350 varieties and forms of pomegranate.

Some varieties of pomegranate

Ahmar, Aswad, Halva, Sharodi - sweet Iranian pomegranates
- Nar Shirin, Vedana, Kadan, Lodzhuar - sweet varieties of pomegranates
- Dholka is a very sweet Indian variety
- Wellis, Kok, Kyzym, Ulfa - sweet and sour varieties of pomegranate
- Wonderful - American soft-pitched pomegranate (seedless)
- Mangulati, Red Loufani, Malissi, Ras el Bahl - grown in Israel
- Bedana, Alandi - Indian varieties
- Gyulosha acrasnaya, Gyulosha pink, Bala-myursal, Shah-par, Krmyzy kabukh, Kaim nar, Veles - Transcaucasian and Crimean varieties of pomegranate, ripen in October
- Kazake-anar, Achik-Dona, Kzyl-anar - Central Asian sweet and sour sora, ripen in October
- Achikanor - sour tart variety
- Ak-Dona, Lod-Juar, Ulfi - early sweet varieties, ripen in September
- Punica granatum var. NANA - Japanese dwarf pomegranate for potting with numerous small fruits.
- Chico, Variegata, Multiplex - decorative varieties grenade

Using a pomegranate

The fruits of the pomegranate tree are not only tasty, but extremely useful for anemia (low blood hemoglobin), for strengthening the immune system and some other diseases. For treatment, the peel, branches and leaves of pomegranate are also used. The grains and pulp of pomegranate seeds are used in cooking, Food Industry... Real acetic acid is obtained from pomegranate, they are used to prepare some alcoholic beverages. From the leathery pericarp of the pomegranate, a tanning agent for the manufacture of morocco leather and a dye for fabrics are obtained. Pomegranate plants are used in fruit growing and ornamental gardening. In the latter case, varieties with double flowers are popular. Pomegranate plants in tropical latitudes are planted in parks and gardens, including in the form of hedges. In colder countries, as well as in the suburbs, middle lane Russia and further north, trees are grown in large containers on the patio, and brought indoors for the winter. The pomegranate plant is grown in indoor culture, sometimes in bonsai form.

Pomegranate tree: reproduction and cultivation in the open field

The pomegranate plant is an inhabitant of the dry tropical belt. It is there that the most ripe tasty fruits harvest the largest yields of pomegranate. However, the desire to grow a pomegranate tree is driven by enthusiasts, and they sow grains and plant pomegranate seedlings in far from tropical latitudes. This often succeeds, especially if the experiment involves dwarf decorative forms... However, it is unlikely that you will have to get an excellent harvest outdoors. After all, at -14 ° C, they are damaged fruit buds and a one-year growth of a pomegranate tree, at -18 ° C the entire ground part freezes out.

Pomegranate propagates by seeds, cuttings (less often by layering) and grafting. As practice shows, the pomegranate tree is a very unpretentious plant. It can be grown from a seed from a fruit purchased at a bazaar or store. For this, ordinary flower pots and flower soil are suitable.

The soil
There are no specific soil requirements, but there are guidelines. To be sure of success, it is better to use crushed stone or other drainage when planting a pomegranate, that is, the soil must be well permeable to water. The flower substrate can be mixed in equal proportions with the sand. Peat is mixed with sand in the same proportions. It is believed that on dry rocky soil, pomegranates are especially sweet, on clay, where water stagnates, the roots of the pomegranate tree rot, and the fruits have a sour taste.

Seed preparation and planting
Before planting, the bones should be kept in a dry place for 24 hours. Then put it in the refrigerator for a week. It is not necessary to soak the seeds.
Pour the prepared soil into a flower pot on a previously laid drainage system, moisten well and carefully bury a pomegranate seed one centimeter. For better acclimatization, the container with seeds is removed under the battery at night, and during the day they are placed on the windowsill, in the sun. The plants will not appear soon: in a few weeks or months. To accelerate growth, it is recommended to cover the container with polyethylene, which is removed when shoots appear.
The time of their appearance does not really matter. If the plants appeared in the middle of winter, they will remain on the windowsill until the onset of warmth, tighten and get stronger. Sprouts that appeared at the beginning of summer should be left at home in pots for another year in order to plant a grown bush in the ground, since immature sprouts can rot from waterlogging or burn out under the hot sun.

Landing in open ground

Experts advise doing this in the fall, in October-November, although there are statistics of successful results even with spring planting... Pomegranate loves well-lit places. This is especially true for temperate zones. Indeed, today amateurs are trying to plant pomegranate trees where they have never grown, where there is snow and frost. In this case, you need to choose a place so that the plant is in the sun from morning until late at night. Otherwise, due to the natural decrease in the length of daylight hours, the pomegranate may not have enough time to ripen. This is a very thermophilic plant, shading is bad for its development.
For planting, they dig a hole the same as for other fruit trees. In zones with temperate climate shoots of a pomegranate tree are planted with a slope to the south, so that in the future it will be more convenient to cover it for the winter.

Propagation of pomegranate by cuttings
Pomegranate propagates easily by cuttings, subject to simple rules. Cuttings are harvested from a healthy annual pomegranate tree. If loamy soils prevail at the planting site, they are well fed, drainage is added. They are planted in warm soil, which allows water and moisture to pass through well. This is necessary so that the cuttings do not start to rot. To preserve moisture, the cuttings can be covered with polyethylene, but in this case they must be protected from direct sunlight, since under the film the cuttings can die from a sharp increase in temperature. No more than two buds should remain above the soil surface.

Propagation of pomegranate by grafting
In fruit growing, the pomegranate tree is propagated by grafting. Seedlings are used as a stock. The first flowering of a pomegranate plant occurs after 3 or 4 years.

Watering a pomegranate tree is carried out as the soil dries. Especially carefully it is necessary to monitor the moisture content of the soil in the place of planting cuttings and young pomegranate trees.

Fruit tree care
Caring for a pomegranate tree consists of regular watering and loosening the earth. This should be done throughout the growing season. To better preserve moisture in the ground, the near-trunk area is mulched, for example, with straw. Planting green manure plants in trunk circle... The pomegranate is very responsive to fertilization. Depending on the depletion of the soil, the plant is fed in June. organic fertilizers... In autumn, along with loosening, phosphorus and potassium are introduced.
It is important to remember that the first flowers on a pomegranate tree begin to form in the fall. This process is interrupted by the onset of cold weather. Therefore, in order to prevent them from freezing, you need to take care of the reliable shelter of the plant. In the spring, these flowers appear simultaneously with the awakening of the leaves. This is the first generation of flowers. The second generation appears on biennial main shoots. Pomegranate bloom begins in the second or third year. The harvest can be obtained no earlier than in the fourth year.

On video: Pomegranate tree

Pomegranate pruning is carried out regularly to remove the stab and root growth... In the fall, they also remove those branches that will interfere with the shelter, which cannot be bent, that is, they are too high and thick. In their place, branches from the young growth are left. Thus, the crown of the tree is formed. It is believed that the bushy form of a pomegranate tree of 4-5 trunks is best suited for care and successful fruiting. If you leave more of them, then the fruits will shrink. In the spring, after being freed from the shelter, rotten and dry branches are cut off. Check for thickening of the bush. The branches are tied to the post.

Pomegranate is a frost-resistant tree that can withstand temperatures down to -16 degrees. At a lower temperature it freezes, so at the latitude of Moscow and above, you need to take care of the shelter of the plant for the winter. Many people use for this car tires stacked on top of each other. Another option is to take care of the cover already upon landing. To do this, they dig a shallow trench, after which a hole is made in it for planting a pomegranate. In the fall, all that remains is to tilt the bush and close the trench from above, or simply sprinkle it with earth. Well, finally, many gardeners cover pomegranates in the same way as grapes in their garden. In the video: The pomegranate tree is blooming.

Diseases and pests
The pomegranate plant can suffer from whiteflies, thrips, worms. In places of cultivation, damage to the crop is caused by the pomegranate moth, clove moth, arboreal tree, pomegranate aphid and four-legged tick, as well as birds, the bats and proteins. Of the diseases, he suffers from branch cancer.

Pomegranate tree - long joy

Pomegranate is a long-lived tree. Once every 25 years, he is given a rejuvenating pruning, during which the entire ground part is allowed to be cut. At the same time, the tree can grow again, will bear fruit and bring joy for a hundred years.

Anisimova G. D. © "Site about plants"

Photos used:
photo 1 - pomegranate fruit (www.site);
photo 2 - Pomegranate tree, Israel (http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Pommegranate_tree01.JPG?uselang=ru);
photo 3 - pomegranate variety with black fruits (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Black_Pomegranate.JPG)
photo 4 - ripening fruits of the Pomegranate plant (http://www.floridata.com/ref/p/puni_gra.cfm);
photo 5 - spectacular flowering of the pomegranate plant (http://www.floridata.com/ref/p/puni_gra.cfm);
photo 6 - double flowers of a pomegranate tree (https://mjhchina.wordpress.com/page/2/).

Growing various exotic plants at home is an exciting experience. Indoor gardening fans love to experiment. Seeing the images of a flowering pomegranate bush, there is a desire to plant pomegranate seeds and grow a plant on your own windowsill.

A tree can be grown from a bone


By following simple instructions and knowing how to properly grow such a plant, you can get a beautiful bush with oval green leaves, beautiful red flowers and edible fruits. Correct agricultural technology will allow you to get a positive result in such an experiment. It is necessary to approach responsibly to all stages in growing pomegranate from a stone.

In order for a pomegranate bush to appear on the windowsill, you need:

  • select seeds and prepare them for sowing;
  • prepare the soil;
  • sow seeds;
  • carefully care for the bush.

Seed selection

High-quality seed will be the key successful cultivation a strong and healthy pomegranate bush. If you use seeds from store-bought pomegranates, you need to remember that this is hybrid varieties and a bush that grows out of seed will not produce fruit with the same qualities as the mother's fetus. But this does not prevent to grow a pomegranate from the seed, which will delight lush crown and high decorative qualities.

The seeds for planting are taken from a healthy ripe fruit without damage. Pomegranate pits should be:

  • solid;
  • ivory;
  • no mold or damage.

These characteristics affect germination and future plant health.

Seeds should be selected from healthy large fruit

Seed preparation

Selected pomegranate seeds must be prepared before sowing in the soil so that they germinate well. To do this, the seeds are washed in clean water so that no pulp remains on them. Clean seeds are dried on a towel for 24 hours.

Already dried seeds for stimulation are advised to be treated with Epin or another phytostimulant; for this, a solution is prepared in accordance with the instructions.

A piece of cotton cloth or gauze is moistened with the solution, and the seeds are wrapped in it. Leave to swell for at least 10 hours. Make sure that the bones do not dry out or become moldy.

Soil preparation

For sowing pomegranate seeds, a universal soil mixture is suitable. You can add to it river sand, in a 3: 1 ratio. Pomegranate plant, not demanding on the soil, which should be:

  • moderately nutritious;
  • loose;
  • with a pH level of 5.5-7.

The soil for sowing pomegranates must be disinfected, as with planting any other plant. This can be done in different ways:

  1. Spill the soil with a weak solution of magnesium permanganate.
  2. Fry in the oven at 90 ° C for 30-45 minutes.
  3. Spill the soil with boiling water.

After such treatment, the chances of infection of young plants with diseases and pests are significantly reduced.

The soil for the pomegranate must be loose

Sowing seeds

For sowing, choose a container, it can be a small flower pot, plastic containers, a balcony box. Before use, the containers must be washed well and rinsed with boiling water. The containers are filled with prepared soil, watered clean water... When the water is absorbed, seeds are sown to a depth of 1-1.5 cm and covered with foil. They are placed in a warm, well-lit place. Seedlings appear on average after 14 days, but it happens that this may take longer.

A few days after the emergence of sprouts, they begin to open the film for a while. After a week, the film is removed completely. Make sure that the soil does not dry out and slightly moisten it. Pomegranate seedlings do not tolerate excess moisture. If a lot of plants have sprung up, then they are thinned out, removing weak and low-quality ones.


Sprouted pomegranate seeds are only half the success, so that young seedlings turn into a pomegranate tree or bush, you will need to carefully care for it.


After 2-3 months, the seedlings will grow up, and they need to be planted in separate pots. For the first transplant, you need to pick up flower pots with a volume of 2-2.5 liters. You do not need to plant pomegranate seeds directly in large containers, this can slow down their growth. And with a large volume of soil, the plant will use all its strength to develop the root system, and the aboveground part will develop poorly.

Pots 2-3 cm are filled with drainage, for this it is suitable:

  • expanded clay;
  • small pebbles;
  • broken brick;
  • shards of ceramic pots.

This will ensure good drainage and will not allow excess moisture to accumulate at the bottom of the pot.

The soil for growing pomegranate from the stone is used universal. Fill a pot, make a depression in the middle and moisten slightly. A young plant with an earthen lump is carefully transplanted.

The day after transplanting, pomegranates are watered with Kornevin to stimulate rapid rooting.

The next transplants are carried out as the plant grows in the same way, gradually increasing the volume of the pot. By the age of 5, you need to plant a pomegranate in a tub or pot with a volume of 10-20 liters.

Bush formation

To grow a pomegranate from a seed beautiful bush or a miniature tree, it must be formed by the method of pinching and pruning branches. The first pinching is done a couple of months after germination. Pinch the top of the seedling so that it forms side branches. As they grow back, the next pinching is carried out to form the branches of the next order. In this way, you can form a lush crown of a tree or a beautiful branchy bush. Pruning home pomegranates is carried out in the spring before flowering or at any time if there is a need to prune long branches. In an adult bush, you can cut off the branches growing inward, this will improve its shape, and the plant will look neat and well-groomed.

Pomegranate branches bend easily and, by fixing them, you can create a bonsai-style tree with an intricate crown shape. It will look especially impressive during flowering and fruiting.

Conditions and watering

Pomegranate is a thermophilic plant. For him, you need to choose a well-lit place. In the southern regions, the grown pomegranate tree can be planted in open ground. In a cooler area, practice in summer period keeping the plant in the garden or on the balcony.

This crop grows well even in drought conditions, but for full growth and development it requires regular, moderate watering. In the hot season, watered twice a week. Water for irrigation must be room temperature... In winter, when the air temperature drops, the plant begins a dormant period and can last about two months. At this point, watering is reduced and watered no more than once a week.


For full growth, flowering and fruiting, pomegranate, like other fruit plants, requires regular feeding, especially if it grows in limited scope soil at home.

Top dressing is carried out from the beginning of March to November every two weeks. To do this, use:

  • mineral complex fertilizers;
  • organic feeding.

You can use one type of fertilizer or alternate. For feeding in specialized gardening stores, you can choose the optimal fertilizer for this purpose.

It can be a mineral instant citrus dressing or fruit plants. She will be able to fully satisfy the need for a grenade nutrients... For adherents organic farming humate-based dressings are suitable. They are completely sustainable and highly nutritious.

Pomegranate at home can partially or completely throw off the leaves, this indicates the onset of a dormant period. During this period, it is important to remember that there is no need to apply fertilizers. If the seed pomegranate does not have a dormant period in winter, the bushes are fed once a month, reducing the dosage recommended in the instructions by half.

Fertilizer for fruit plants is great for pomegranate


It is not always possible to protect plants from pests. Grenades can hit:

  • spider mite;
  • shield;

These pests deplete plants and prevent them from developing fully, so immediate treatment may be required. To get rid of pests, tobacco ardor and garlic infusion are used.

  1. When aphids or spider mites are found, tobacco dust is sprinkled on the leaves and lightly sprinkled on the soil. You can prepare an infusion, for this 2 tbsp. l. powder is added to 1 liter of water, infused for 24 hours and sprayed on the bush.
  2. To combat the scabbard, an infusion of garlic peels is prepared. Take 2-3 tbsp. l. the husks are poured in 250 ml hot water and insist for at least a day. The prepared infusion is sprayed with pomegranate.

If these funds have not coped with the pests, you can treat the plants with Actellik or Intavir. After treatment with insecticides, the room must be ventilated. The best option will spray outdoors.

Intavir - insecticide for pest control

Flowering and fruiting

To grow a pomegranate from a seed, caring for it, everyone is looking forward to the moment of flowering and fruiting. The first flowering is possible in 2-3 years. The pomegranate blooms for a long time, from late spring to mid-summer. Flowers of bright red color have a bell-shaped shape with protruding stamens, they give the bush a special decorative effect.

With the appearance of the first flowers, the first fruiting can also be achieved; for this, pollination must be carried out. Use a cotton swab to transfer pollen from the stamens of one flower to the queen of another.

It is good to pollinate between two bushes, then the percentage of the formed ovary increases. To improve the effect, you can spray with the Ovary.

After successful pollination, in a few days the bush will be decorated with small pomegranates, which will ripen in mid-November. Home-grown fruits will not be able to have the same size as in the southern gardens, but their value is great. Small grenades will be confirmation correct cultivation and care.


Following all the recommendations for growing and caring for pomegranate from the stone, you can get a wonderful result. Such a plant will decorate the windowsill, delight you with incredibly beautiful flowering and surprise your friends with the fact that the pomegranate from the seed bears fruit. Positive experience of growing such unusual plant on the windowsill is a direct path to new experiments in breeding different exotic plants at home.

The popular pomegranate tree, oddly enough, can be grown at home. But in such a situation, there is no need to hope for full-fledged fruits, since the plant will primarily perform decorative functions. For the purpose of growing at home, plants of the dwarf variety are better suited.

The dwarf grant variety is an exotic plant, but unpretentious and therefore perfect for growing at home. In the open field shrub plant can grow in tropics or subtropics. On the territory of our state, the plant is grown on window sills and in greenhouses in special containers or flower pots.

According to the legends, pomegranate was brought to us from Carthage and was called the "Punic apple". The wife of the sun god, the Hero, presented the fruit as an emblem of marriage. The Greeks believed that pomegranate fruits symbolized fertility, and the ancient Persians personified it with passionate love. But whatever the pomegranate is associated with in different countries its beneficial properties are familiar to everyone.

How to grow pomegranate at home?

If a home grower decided to grow pomegranates on his windowsill, then he will be very pleased with the ease of care and planting. ornamental plant... The only important thing to understand is that if you want to get tasty fruits in addition to enjoying the decorative beauty of the plant, then it is not recommended to grow an edible fruit from the seed. In such a situation, it is advisable to plant dwarf pomegranate cuttings.

A convenient material for planting is a stalk on which there is 6-8 buds and mature wood... The sprout is cut at an oblique angle and must have a smooth surface, for which the cut is made with a sharp blade or scalpel. Such a cutting takes root easily and quickly, especially if it is placed in water in which the agent to stimulate root growth is diluted for 6 hours. From the first days after planting, the plant does not require special care measures. The main thing is to prepare a fertile soil composition.

Temperature indicators, soil and feeding

Indoor pomegranate is demanding on temperature conditions, especially at the time of flowering. The plant thrives when the indoor temperature slightly exceeds +20 ° C. If the temperature in the room is higher than +25 ° C, foliage may fall causing inhibition in the development of the grant. In order to reduce the temperature, spraying the foliage with cool water is suitable.

In order for the fruits of the plant to ripen qualitatively in the autumn, the pomegranate must be taken out to the balcony where the temperature will be + 14-16 ° C. During the period when the plant is at rest - from November to March, it is better to put the pomegranate pot on an unheated windowsill, where the temperature will not be higher than + 10-12 ° C. The minimum temperature indicators that a houseplant can withstand is -5 ° C. A further decrease in temperature can lead to the death of the shrub.

Despite the fact that a dwarf plant grows in its usual environment in poor soil without moisture, at home, he will need high-quality enriched drained soil. To create favorable conditions for growing decorative pomegranates, it is better to use the following soil mixtures:

  • ½ part of sod land, diluted with 25% leaf humus and the same amount of sand;
  • by ¼ part of loam and peat, supplemented by sand;
  • clay-sod soil composition in the volume of 2 parts, 1 part of leafy soil and in the same volumes of humus and sand.

Indoor pomegranate needs to be fed at least 2 times a month. V spring year it is better to use fertilizers containing nitrogen. At the time when pomegranate flowers appear on the plant, phosphorus fertilizer is used, and with the onset of autumn - potassium fertilizer. Fertilizer is applied to wet soil in cloudy weather. With the onset of autumn, the frequency of fertilizing decreases significantly, as does the temperature in the room where the home pomegranate is located. This allows the plant to be prepared for winter.

Plant care at home

Home-grown decorative pomegranate is already after 2 years it releases the first flowers, and with proper care it can bear fruit. And despite the fact that the plant is unpretentious in terms of care, you need to know some of the nuances of growing pomegranates on the windowsill:

Such completely unpretentious plant grown at home, during the growing season must travel around different rooms with different temperature conditions.

How is the crown of a bush formed?

At self-cultivation trees, its crown can be easily formed, embodying your most bizarre fantasies. To this end, home-grown pomegranates are regularly pruned from the first year of growth. Shearing the plant forms a rather lush crown with a large number of skeletal branches. Pruning is best done in February, which allows with the onset of spring to get new shoots that can bloom and even bear fruit. When shaping the crown, it is important to take into account that it is advisable to completely remove the weakened shoots, and cut the rest in half.

Nuances of reproduction of pomegranate seeds

A houseplant such as pomegranate can propagate both by cuttings and by seeds. For seed reproduction it is better to use seed from specialized stores. Growing a houseplant from seeds purchased from a gardening store - the first flowers may appear in the first year, and fruiting 2-3 years after planting the pomegranate.

Naturally, seeds from a fresh fruit can be used as seed, which do not lose their germination quality within six months. Seeds are suitable only from large and fully ripe fruits. Sowing of the plant is carried out in April under glass, to a depth of half a centimeter. For fast germination of seeds, it is important to withstand temperature regime within + 25-27 ° C. With the onset of the growth phase, when 2-3 leaves appear, the strongest shoots are transplanted into a separate container. During the growth of seedlings, they require proper care, which means maintaining a comfortable temperature and regular watering.

Houseplant propagation by cuttings

When breeding exotic plant important observe the following simple rules.

  1. The stalk is taken from an adult houseplant that has borne fruit several times.
  2. In the summer period of the year, it is advisable to use semi-lignified shoots, and with the onset of winter, completely lignified shoots.
  3. Cuttings are prepared with 4-6 buds, and the lower part is planted at a certain angle in moist soil, consisting of sand and peat, mixed in equal proportions, to a depth of no more than 3 centimeters.
  4. Cuttings are covered plastic bottle with a cut neck or glass jar.
  5. Shoots are kept in a humid environment and ventilated regularly.
  6. Before direct planting, the cutting is processed by the rooting machine.

After 3 months, the matured seedlings are transplanted into separate pots. Flowering occurs very quickly, but in the first year, flowers are recommended to be completely cut off.

Diseases encountered in the cultivation of pomegranate

Despite all the unpretentiousness of the plant, even in an apartment, it is susceptible to the development of various diseases, the most common of which is the spider mite. To combat the pest, the pomegranate is periodically sprayed with garlic tincture. But it is important during the procedure to protect the soil with a film.

If yellowing and foliage is observed during the growing season, then most likely the plant is affected by the whitefly, which is fed by pomegranate juice. To combat the pest, you can use shop agent "Derris", which is applied several times for the best effect.

Abundant flowering - a guarantee of fruiting

A properly grown plant at home, both from the seed and from the cuttings, has flowers different types- male, predominant on pomegranate and female, most often found in inflorescences. They differ in their shape, which makes the plant outwardly even more attractive and exotic, because at this moment the shrub is covered beautiful flowers bright purple in color with many stamens. The ease of caring for a decorative pomegranate is also due to the absence of the need for additional pollination.

Those who want to get the maximum number of fruits from a plant should understand one minor subtlety that experienced specialists use when growing pomegranates. The trick is due to the fact that for watering during flowering you need to use cool water, the temperature of which must be between + 18–20 ° C. Also, so that the plant does not grow fat and does not release a huge number of male flowers, you need to use a small and narrow flower pot.

Many growers use another minor trick - reducing the amount of watering. But it is important to exercise the utmost care and not overdo it so that the grenade does not die. It is better to sacrifice several ovaries than to let the plant wither.

If the plant throws out a very large number of flowers, practically without forming fruits, you should pay attention to the pot in which it grows. It is necessary, as already mentioned many times, to use narrow container of small size... Also, during the wintering of the grant, you need to keep the tree in a fairly cool place... During fruiting, props are used to avoid breaking off branches under the weight of the crop.

If on the leaves appeared brown spots, which means that the plant does not have enough moisture. Therefore, it is necessary to reconsider the frequency or amount of watering. But at the time of fruit ripening, watering should be moderate to prevent cracking of the peel. The crown of the plant is formed only before the beginning of the growing season.

If the plant is planted not by cuttings, but by seeds, it is important choose bones with pulp... Dried seed loses its ability to germinate well. On the advice of many experienced florists before planting the pomegranate directly, it is advisable to soak the seeds for several hours in warm milk or water with the addition of growth stimulants.

As you can see, it is not difficult to grow a decorative pomegranate at home. The main thing is to adhere to the advice of experts and an exotic tree will delight the grower for many years.

Seed propagation in the garden strawberry we are used to, unfortunately, leads to the appearance of less productive plants and weaker bushes. But another type of these sweet berries - alpine strawberries, can be successfully grown from seeds. Let's find out about the main advantages and disadvantages of this culture, consider the main varieties and features of agricultural technology. The information presented in this article will help you decide whether to allocate space for her in the berry.

Often, when we see a beautiful flower, we instinctively bend over to smell it. All fragrant flowers can be divided into two large groups: nocturnal (pollinated by moths) and daytime, whose pollinators are mainly bees. For a florist and a designer, both groups of plants are important, because we often walk around the garden during the day and relax in our favorite corners with the onset of the evening. The fragrance of our favorite fragrant flowers never fails.

Many gardeners consider the pumpkin the queen of the garden beds. And not only because of its size, variety of shapes and colors, but also for its excellent taste, useful qualities and a rich harvest. Pumpkin contains a large amount of carotene, iron, various vitamins and minerals. Thanks to its long shelf life, this vegetable supports our health. all year round... If you decide to plant a pumpkin on your site, you will be interested to know how to get the largest harvest possible.

Scottish eggs - incredibly delicious! Try to cook this dish at home, there is nothing difficult to prepare. Scotch Egg is a hard-boiled egg wrapped in minced meat, breaded in flour, egg and breadcrumbs and deep-fried. For frying, you need a frying pan with a high side, and if you have a deep fryer, then it's just great - even less hassle. You will also need deep-fat oil to keep the kitchen out of smoke. Choose farm eggs for this recipe.

One of the most amazing large-flowered tubs, Cubanola Dominican, fully justifies its status as a tropical miracle. Heat-loving, slow-growing, with huge and in many ways unique flower bells, Cubanola is a fragrant star with a complex character. She requires special conditions in the rooms. But for those who are looking for exclusive plants for their interior, there is no better (and more chocolate) candidate for the role of indoor giant.

Chickpea Curry with Meat is a hearty hot dish for lunch or dinner, inspired by Indian cuisine. This curry is quick to prepare but requires preparation. Chickpeas must first be soaked in a large amount of cold water for several hours, preferably at night, the water can be changed several times. It is also better to leave the meat in the marinade overnight to make it juicy and tender. Then you should boil the chickpeas until tender and then cook the curry according to the recipe.

Rhubarb is not found in every garden area. It's a pity. This plant is a storehouse of vitamins and can be widely used in cooking. What is not prepared from rhubarb: soups and cabbage soup, salads, delicious preserves, kvass, compotes and juices, candied fruits and marmalade, and even wine. But that's not all! A large green or red rosette of plant leaves, resembling a burdock, acts as a beautiful backdrop for annuals. Not surprisingly, rhubarb can also be seen in flower beds.

Today, the trend is to experiment with non-trivial combinations and non-standard colors in the garden. For example, plants with black inflorescences have become very fashionable. All black flowers are original and specific, and it is important for them to be able to select suitable partners and location. Therefore, this article will not only introduce you to the assortment of plants with slate-black inflorescences, but also teach you the intricacies of using such mystical plants in garden design.

3 delicious sandwiches - cucumber sandwich, chicken sandwich, cabbage and meat sandwich - great idea for a quick snack or for a picnic in nature. Only fresh vegetables, juicy chicken and cream cheese and some spices. There are no onions in these sandwiches, you can add pickled to balsamic vinegar onion in any of the sandwiches, it will not spoil the taste. Having quickly prepared snacks, all that remains is to collect a picnic basket and go to the nearest green lawn.

Depending on the varietal group, the age of seedlings suitable for planting in open ground is: for early tomatoes - 45-50 days, average ripening times - 55-60 and later dates - at least 70 days. When planting tomato seedlings at a younger age, the period of its adaptation to new conditions is significantly lengthened. But success in obtaining a high-quality crop of tomatoes also depends on the careful implementation of the basic rules for planting seedlings in open ground.

Unpretentious plants of the "second plan" of sansevieria do not seem boring to those who appreciate minimalism. They are better than other indoor decorative leafy stars for collections that require minimal maintenance. Stable decorativeness and extreme endurance in only one type of sansevieria are also combined with compactness and very rapid growth - Khan's rosette sansevieria. The squat rosettes of their rigid leaves create striking clusters and patterns.

One of the brightest months garden calendar pleasantly surprised by the balanced distribution of favorable and unsuccessful days for working with plants lunar calendar... A vegetable garden and a garden in June can be practiced throughout the month, while the unfavorable periods are very short and still allow you to do it. useful work... There will be their optimal days for crops with planting, and for pruning, and for a reservoir, and even for construction work.

Meat with mushrooms in a frying pan is an inexpensive hot dish that is perfect for a regular lunch and for a festive menu. Pork will cook quickly, veal and chicken will cook too, so this meat is preferable for the recipe. Mushrooms are fresh champignons, in my opinion, the most good choice for homemade stew. Forest gold - boletus, boletus and other goodies are best harvested for the winter. Boiled rice or mashed potatoes are ideal as a side dish.

I love ornamental shrubs, especially unpretentious ones with interesting, non-trivial foliage coloration. I have different Japanese spireas, Thunberg barberries, black elderberry ... And there is one special shrub that I will tell you about in this article - the viburnum bladder. To make my dream of a low-maintenance garden come true, it is perhaps ideal. At the same time, it is able and very diversified the picture in the garden, moreover, from spring to autumn.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the pomegranate tree in the house contributes to the accumulation of positive energy, brings family well-being and prosperity. The tree is very decorative and especially beautiful during flowering and fruit setting.

Passionate florists grow pomegranate trees at home, and not purchased seedlings, but grown independently from seeds. The growing process is not very difficult, so why not give it a try.

You can buy pomegranate seeds for planting in specialized stores, and since the plant is mainly grown as an ornamental plant, it can also be grown from seeds taken from ordinary fruits from the store.

The likelihood of fruiting pomegranate grown from seed

Pomegranate grown from seed will bloom at the end of the first year of planting with proper care, and will bear fruit in three years. The first flowers must be removed., it will provide best bloom and fruiting in the future.
You just need to know and remember that all the fruits sold are hybrids bred to produce tasty, large and productive fruits. From hybrid seeds, you will not get the same fruits as from which the seeds were taken, they will not repeat the taste of their parents.

When blooming, the tree has both male and female flowers. Women are identified by the presence of stamens on them. Additional pollination of flowers is not needed, but for better fruit setting, a brush can transfer pollen from male flowers to female flowers.

Experienced growers advise for education during flowering more water the pomegranate flowers with cool water at a temperature of + 18–20 ° C.

Conditions for growing at home

Pomegranate is a shrub that can be formed by a small tree at home. He is very fond of bright sunlight, so southern and western windows are suitable for growing, but in order to avoid burning the leaves at noon, the tree needs to be shaded.

Watering is needed moderately as the topsoil dries out in the pot. In the autumn-winter period, watering should be generally reduced to a minimum.

In the summer months, the tree is taken out into the fresh air, balcony or garden, it can even be planted in open ground, and in the fall, transplanted into a pot and brought into the house.

Growing temperature should be:

  • in autumn, during the ripening period of fruits - + 14-16 ° C;
  • in winter, during the rest period - + 10-12 ° C;
  • in spring and summer - + 20-22 ° C, at temperatures above + 25 ° C pomegranate growth may stop and foliage may fall. To reduce the temperature, spraying the plant with cool water is used.

Pomegranate is a deciduous plant; in the fall, when the temperature drops, it can shed its foliage and leave during the dormant period, and at a temperature of + 15-20 ° C, it can begin to increase the leaf mass.

Planting and leaving

To plant pomegranate seeds, you must first prepare them.

  1. To obtain seeds, take a ripe fruit without dents and signs of disease; it is unacceptable to take seeds from a rotten fruit.
  2. Extract the seeds from the pomegranate, peel the pulp, rinse in cold water and blot well in a paper towel.
  3. Leave to dry for a day.

Seeds are planted to a depth of no more than 1 cm in a light nutritious moist soil. The planting containers are covered with polyethylene to maintain humidity and placed in a warm, bright place. The germination temperature should be + 25 ° C.

Seed germination is very high, 90-100%, but extended over time. The seeds can hatch in 1-2 weeks, and maybe in a month. Its germination harvested seeds keep for six months. When shoots appear, the film is removed and the soil is moistened as it dries.

As the seedlings grow, the strongest are left, which then dive into separate pots.

Pomegranate is not capricious in leaving, therefore special care young plants do not require. After the appearance of the first pair of true leaves, the seedlings are transplanted into deeper containers. Then, in order to form, the growing seedling must be pinched. The first time over the third pair of leaves, after this procedure, the pomegranate will release two shoots into growth, which, in turn, must also be pinched over the third pair of leaves. If this is not done, the seedling will grow upward with one shoot and it will not have any appearance.

Further care consists in regular watering as the earth dries up, dressing twice a month. Since August, feeding and watering is reduced, the plant prepares for a dormant period. In winter, care consists in maintaining the soil in a slightly moist state and the temperature should not be higher than +15. In the spring, at the beginning of budding, the tree is placed in a warm place and watering is increased.

Young seedlings are transplanted annually in spring, plants over three years are transplanted as they fill with roots flower pot and the appearance of root tips in the drainage hole.

For better growth pomegranate crowns, it must be grown in tight pots, because The plant spends all its energy on developing upward, and not filling the pot with roots. Therefore, the pots should be narrow and tall with good drainage.

Annual spring pruning at the beginning of leaf blooming consists in removing shoots growing inside the tree, shortening young shoots by 2-5 pairs of leaves and be sure to do pruning on the outer bud in order to exclude the formation of thickening shoots.

As you can see, growing an exotic plant at home is not a big deal, but the pleasure that you got a tree from a small seed with your efforts, albeit a small one, will be huge. Let the fruits not delight you with their size and taste, but watching the flowering and setting of pomegranate fruits will bring joy.