When to prune peonies for the winter in Bashkiria. Peonies in the fall: all about the correct preparation of plants for winter

With the onset of cold weather, they require special care.

Many do not bother themselves with such work, leaving everything to chance.

But experienced gardeners know how to prepare for winter, and willingly share their knowledge with everyone.

Stopping watering and feeding

After the end of the flowering period, moisture is no longer needed in the same volume as with the active one. The summer watering rate for peonies is 10-25 liters of water under a bush at intervals of a week. With the beginning of autumn, there is no need for such amounts of liquid, and the moisture is gradually reduced.

Precisely gradually: even adult flowers, not to mention young ones, can hardly tolerate instant rejection. Remember that caring for peonies after flowering is necessary so that in the future they will please with bright buds, and not in order to quickly “close the season”.

You can apply the following irrigation scheme: 25 liters, after a week or two already 15-20, and so on until it stops completely.

Important! To achieve maximum number flowering buds, wilting inflorescences are immediately removed from herbaceous peonies. If you want to get large flowers, then only the upper inflorescences are left.

September and early October are ideal times for application.

By themselves, peonies are very sensitive to such feeds, and it is better to strengthen them in the middle of autumn. The fact is that in the first autumn weeks, when the flowering is over, the roots continue to grow deeper, and the introduction of a new portion nutrients will be very useful.

For this, potassium-phosphorus solutions are used. 15 g of phosphorus and potassium will be enough for 10 liters of water. The resulting mixture is poured so that it does not fall on the neck of the plant. The same elements can be applied dry (they are sold in the form of tablets). Before such an introduction, the bush is watered abundantly and the crushed tablets are evenly sprinkled into the hole.

Did you know? In China, a special attitude towards the peony has developed, where it is still considered a royal plant. It was from the Middle Kingdom that he came to Europe.Peony is one of the main symbols Chinese culture... The combination of such a flower and a butterfly has long been a classic image in Chinese literature and painting.

Novice florists often have a question - peonies have faded, and what to do next with. Everything is simple here: the roots are fed with liquid from (in proportion to water 1/10).
At this stage, it is not recommended to get carried away with both strong "mineral water". Complex formulations are also not always useful.

Pruning features

This is the most important part of frost preparation. Leaving it in early spring is undesirable - then the pruner may simply not "take" the stem that has softened during the winter. The main thing is to catch the right moment... Depending on the region, this can be both the last decade of October and mid-November. If we take "science", then the preparation of peonies for winter determines the best time for the first days after frost. It is important that the soil is dry.

By this time, the shoots will already lie on the ground, and such manipulation will not harm the plant. Cut off herbaceous peonies as low as possible, without leaving a high hemp (2-3 cm is enough). The entire ground part is removed (flowers and stems with leaves). Then they are collected and burned.

Important! Peony is readily accepted on almost any type of soil. The only exceptions are "acidic" soils and areas full of insects.

For tree lines, the algorithm is slightly different: they try to preserve the ground part.

Some people use the cut for shelter, but this is not worth doing - it can be a good place for hibernation and breeding of pests. Leaves lying nearby are also collected and disposed of.
Some gardeners, after such an event, make a combined top dressing of tree resin and bone meal (60/40%).

Did you know? The ancient Greeks believed that peonies were able to heal 20 diseases. Therefore, there was not a single monastery in which they did not grow up. Until the 1800s, such flowers were used only as medicinal plants, some varieties - as a seasoning for food.

There is no difficulty here, although beginners make mistakes due to inexperience. Here are examples of pruning misses:

  • Early shoot removal. If the autumn turns out to be warm, then the stems will grow again and have time to grow back just before frost. A drop in temperature in such a situation weakens the plant.
  • The other extreme would be tightening with cropping. So the rhizome can simply rot.
  • A small part of the stem is left much higher than the ground level (3-5 cm). It is a mistake to think that it tempers a perennial. On the contrary, such a procedure inhibits growth and flowering in subsequent years.

Situations are different, but you still need to find time and remove the stems in the country, otherwise the past flowering risks being the last. So pruning peonies in the fall is a must.

Shelter of peonies

To protect the rhizome from frost, use holes. The best materials for "blankets" are dry and. The thickness of the layer depends on the weather conditions in a particular area: if for areas with temperate climate 10-12 cm is enough, then 15-20 cm will be needed for the northern sections.

Autumn is not a time for a grower to relax. Plants in the flower garden still require proper care and careful preparation for winter. And some crops are not too late to plant! We will tell you all about the secrets of planting, care and reproduction of peonies in the autumn months.

Peonies that are herbaceous, that are tree-like are the decoration of any site. And not only in spring and summer - even in autumn, after flowering, their decorative carved leaves pleasing to the eye almost to frost. And although these perennials are quite unpretentious, it is worth giving them some attention before the onset of the winter months so that they will decorate your site in the next season.

It is possible to successfully plant peonies in autumn both in September and in October, and in regions with a mild climate - in early November. Oddly enough, but in the spring it is more difficult to do this, and the chances that the plants will take root safely are less.

For planting a peony, a sunny place without drafts with fertile, well-drained soil of neutral acidity is suitable. The most unfortunate choice would be a waterlogged shaded area with heavy soil.

Approximately 2-3 weeks before planting, you can begin to prepare the planting holes - this way the soil will have time to settle, and the plant will take root better. Holes are dug to a depth of 60-80 cm (peonies have long, fast-growing roots) with intervals of about 1 m between future seedlings. A drainage layer 10-15 cm thick (coarse sand, gravel, broken brick) is laid on the bottom of the pit, and then a previously prepared soil mixture of chernozem, peat, sand and humus (in equal proportions). Also, fertilizers are added to the mixture without fail - 200-400 g of ash, 20 g of superphosphate, 10 g of urea.

The peony seedling is carefully examined for damage and traces of rot (all this is removed with a sharp knife), disinfected for 10-15 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate and dried. Then the seedling is carefully placed in the prepared hole - the roots must be carefully straightened, and the uppermost bud should be placed so that it is 3-4 cm below ground level, and covered with soil. The planted plant must be watered - this will additionally help to compact the soil around the seedling.

Before the first winter season, freshly planted peonies must be covered with a thick layer of dry leaves, peat, cardboard or any other covering material.

Reproduction (division) of peonies in autumn

Peonies are exactly the culture that is preferable to transplant and propagate in the fall. In one place, this plant can exist for many years, but every 5-6 years, the peony bushes should be divided and planted to avoid degeneration. Timely division of peonies allows you to rejuvenate the plant, start it profuse flowering and at the same time get rid of rot and dry roots.

As we have already mentioned, the root system of peonies is powerful and branched, but at the same time rather fragile, so dig out without "losses" old bush is unlikely to succeed. In any case, first you need to cut off the entire aerial part, leaving "hemp" about 15 cm. Then experienced florists it is advised to carefully dig in the peony at a distance of 25-30 cm from the rhizome, and then pull the plant out of the ground with a pitchfork, helping yourself, holding onto the cut stems. If the bush does not give in, there is an option of dividing it into several parts right in the ground - using a shovel and a hammer.

Fact! A correctly divided and transplanted peony will begin to bloom profusely already in the 3rd year after planting, and it will be able to please you with single flowers in the next season.

The dug peonies are shaken off the ground and, first of all, with a sharp knife they get rid of damaged and sick parts, rotten or dried roots. Then the accreted rhizome is washed under running water, dried for a couple of hours in the shade and the actual division process begins.

You need to end up with a cut with healthy roots up to 20 cm long, a pair of stems and 3-5 buds of renewal. Try to first divide the common rhizome with your hands, if it does not work out, take a sharp disinfected knife in your hands. If the plant is too large, then first cut the rhizome into 2-3 parts, and then proceed with the final division.

Before planting, the cut points of the divisions must be processed so that they remain healthy and take root faster. A weak solution of potassium permanganate is suitable for these purposes, in which pieces of rhizome can be soaked for half an hour, and then sprinkle the slices with ash or a mixture of crushed charcoal and sulfur (1: 1). You can also use a clay mash (a mixture of water and clay with the consistency of thick sour cream), into which the rhizomes are dipped and then dried. Some add the same ash to this chatterbox, while others advise adding any growth stimulant (30-40 ml per 1 liter of water and 300 g of clay).

Now the peony cuttings are ready for planting in a new place according to the scheme described above.

Even if you are not going to plant new peonies this fall and replant peonies already on the site, this does not mean that in September-October you have nothing to do in the flower garden. Like any plants that remain to winter in open ground, peonies will take some effort on your part to get through the winter successfully.

Watering peonies in the fall is reduced to the required minimum - it is carried out if long time the weather is dry. It is advisable to water the plant not in the middle of the bush, but in the recess surrounding it.

Should you fertilize peonies in autumn? Yes, this procedure is necessary - the roots of perennials continue to grow in the pre-winter months, while simultaneously accumulating nutrients necessary for the plant in order to successfully survive the winter and germinate in the spring.

In autumn, peony bushes are fed with a potassium-phosphorus mixture, which not only nourishes them, but also promotes budding, which is the key to beautiful flowering in the next season.

Top dressing of peonies in the fall is carried out both in dry and in liquid form. If you choose the first option, then after abundant watering, simply pour about 30 g of the mixture under each bush, where potassium and phosphorus will be in equal proportions. When feeding with a solution of potassium-phosphorus fertilizers, it is important to water the plants so that the liquid does not get on the leaves, which can cause their burns.

Should peonies be cut in autumn? Of course, if you leave the plants to winter in the form of tall bushes, the above-ground stems will rot during the winters and become a source of infection. Pruning will allow the peonies to rest after flowering, fully prepare for the cold weather and successfully winter.

Both young and adult peonies need autumn pruning. After the first frost, prune the stems and leaves flush with the ground so that the remaining stumps do not exceed a couple of centimeters in height. It is better to burn the cut stems so that they do not become a source of infection on the site, and sprinkle the cuts with ash at the rate of 2-3 handfuls per bush.

Before the snow falls on the ground, plant the peonies with an 8-10 cm layer of compost or low-lying peat and leave in this state until spring. In spring, mulch from peat or humus need not be removed - it will become a good fertilizer.

As you can see, peonies will not require a lot of effort from you to care for peonies in the fall, although, of course, you will have to do something in the flower garden. And these small efforts are worth it. Believe me, peonies that have wintered comfortably and are full of strength next season will certainly delight you with a healthy look and lush flowering.

It is believed that the peony does not need careful care, so many gardeners do not touch the perennial in the fall. Meanwhile, carrying out certain agrotechnical measures will be beneficial for the plant.

Every year I prepare a peony for winter: I prune it in correct timing stalks, fertilizing and organizing a shelter. These measures have a positive effect on the health of the perennial, and every summer he pleases me with lush inflorescences.

Inexperienced gardeners are often interested in specialized forums whether it is necessary to dig up peonies for the winter. Many flowers really need a comfortable wintering in a cellar, refrigerator or cool pantry, since being in freezing soil will lead them to inevitable death.

It is not necessary to dig up peonies in the fall, since the perennial hibernates well and tolerates very coldy under safe cover. Dig up a peony only for transplanting to another place or for the purpose of flower propagation.


Most important stage preparing peonies for winter - pruning the stems. Many gardeners neglect this procedure or do it too early, thereby harming the perennial. What is pruning for and how to do it correctly?

Do I need to prune peonies in the fall? It is necessary, moreover, these activities are aimed not only at the aesthetics of your site, and facilitating work in the spring. Even if the leaves were not hit in summer season no pests and fungi, they must be removed without fail.

With the onset of cold weather, insects, including those not entirely useful for perennials, seek shelter for wintering. Uncleared foliage becomes an ideal haven for them, and in the spring, pests actively lay their eggs and larvae in the ground and plant tissues.

Also, leaves softened in spring can become a place where pathogens begin to hide, which can subsequently harm young shoots.

Thus, the autumn pruning of a peony becomes a mandatory sanitary measure. When exactly is it better to remove leaves and stems?

Pruning time

In order not to harm the peony, it is worth pruning within a clearly limited time frame. Some gardeners completely prune the perennial at the end of its decorative period, and this is a colossal mistake.

In foliage, very important processes of photosynthesis take place until mid-autumn, during which the roots accumulate specific substances in themselves.

These elements help the plant to successfully recover its strength after lush bloom, prepare for the cold weather, overwinter and actively start growing with the onset of warmth.

In the summer, only dried flower stalks should be cut off, while the foliage should not be affected. Removing the entire above-ground part, which has already become unnecessary due to the loss of its decorative effect, will colossally harm the perennial and deprive it of important nutrition. If the plant does not die, then next year it will definitely be weakened.

In autumn, pruning of a peony is carried out only after the establishment of frost. The plant is already fully prepared for wintering, so removing the leaves will not harm it. Define right moment for pruning it is possible according to the state of the foliage - it should completely lie on the ground.

If you do not have the opportunity to be on the site during the first frost, you can remove almost the entire aerial part of the peony on the last day of the outgoing season, leaving 3-4 central stems with leaves, which will ensure the course of photosynthesis processes and nutrition of the root system.

Top dressing

Peony dressing should be applied in the fall about 2 weeks before the predicted frost. Depending on the climatic zone, perennials are fertilized from the 20th of September to 10 October.

It is important to choose the optimal composition of preparations that will help the flower to successfully overwinter, and in the spring to quickly grow and in the right time to present the gardener with its luxurious lush inflorescences.

For successful wintering, the root system of a peony requires phosphorus and potassium, but nitrogen is strictly contraindicated. The last element stimulates the growth of green mass, these processes at this stage are completely unnecessary and even dangerous.

A plant that has gone into growth can die, because it does not have time to prepare for winter.

Top dressing in the fall has several goals:

  • the root system is strengthened and the plant qualitatively survives the onset of cold weather;
  • lays the foundation for the development of strong and large buds, which will produce powerful foliage and large inflorescences.

Peony dressing can be applied both in dry form and with solutions of complex preparations. If autumn turned out without precipitation, then it is better to use liquid version, spilling under each bush about a liter of the drug diluted according to the instructions.

Lingering rains suggest the use of granular fertilizers: they are scattered over near-trunk circle perennials, coordinating the consumption with the recommendations of the manufacturers.

Dry top dressing can be embedded shallowly into the soil, loosening it with a hoe, or leave it lying on the surface: under the influence of rainwater, the granules will gradually dissolve, and the micro- and macroelements contained in them will go to the root system of the peony.


Pruning and feeding are not all the activities that you should take when preparing peonies for wintering. In regions where severe frosts are established in winter or the amount of snow is not enough to protect the perennial, the flower must be provided with shelter.

In the middle lane, where severe frosts are established, as a rule, after heavy snowfalls, it is quite logical that the question is brewing whether it is necessary to shelter peonies for the winter. If the perennial grows on a hill or in a windswept place on your site, then you will need to provide protection for it.

If the peony grows near the northern fence or is surrounded by trees and shrubs, then the creation of a shelter will be optional.

  • in Siberia, mulching with closing the place from blowing is mandatory;
  • in the Urals, a thorough protection of peonies from frost is also necessary;
  • in the middle lane, peonies for the winter only mulch or only huddle;
  • in the Volga region, standard hilling is sufficient.

If the listed factors and climatic conditions in your region tell you to create a shelter, start manipulating with the onset of the first dry frosts and a steady drop in temperature to -5 0.

It is necessary to protect a perennial from the harmful effects of frost in several stages:

  1. Since the growth buds of a peony are located at a depth of only 6 cm, the main measure to protect them from frost is hilling. After pruning, sprinkle earth on the bushes to increase the plant's resistance to frost.
  2. On top, you need to pour a thick (15-18 cm) layer of mulch.
  3. Above the mulch layer for protection against blowing out, a wooden or plastic box, an ordinary bucket or put spruce branches.

Separately, you should consider the issue of mulching material. In no case should the cut leaves of peony and other garden plants act in its role.

Pervasive organic matter will attract pests and pathogenic flora to itself, which will lead to dangerous diseases perennial. For the same reason, it is not recommended to use straw or manure for shelter.

Popular mulching materials such as pine needles, fresh sawdust, bark, contribute to soil acidification, which can negatively affect the health of the peony.

Of course, if you do not have any other means for organizing a shelter, you can use them, but every year you should test the PH of the earth with litmus strips and in time to lye it with the help of available drugs.

The ideal mulch that does not affect the soil pH is high moor peat and caked sawdust.

If you live on a site all year round, then it is recommended to throw snow cleared from the paths on top of peonies and other perennials. The larger the covering layer, the better plants will endure the frost. In addition, melting snow will qualitatively saturate the earth and give flowers the strength for full growth and development.

In early spring, during the period of active snow melting, the shelter must be disassembled. Most of the mulch should be shaved off the peony so that it does not lead to overheating of the root system and growth buds.

A small layer must be left - it will serve to retain moisture and protect the ground from dispersal of weed seeds.

Preparing peonies for winter should be done on time and correctly. It depends on how well the peony bushes will prepare for the next season, will not suffer from frost in winter, and in early spring from frost.
Caring for peonies in the fall and preparing bushes for winter has a number of features. At this time, 1-1.5 months after flowering, the buds of renewal and development of the root system are laid. Therefore, it is very important to do everything correctly in order to get a lush bloom for the next season. Peonies need top dressing and watering, especially during the laying and formation of renewal buds, which occurs shortly after the end of flowering. Therefore, in the fall, peony bushes also need care. During the season, in spring and summer, peony care does not contain any special techniques. This watering, loosening the soil, mulching, removing weeds, pruning blooming buds.

And what should you do in the fall, when your peony bush is actively preparing for winter?

In the fall, it is advised to perform the following peony care measures:

  • Loosening the soil, no deeper than 5 cm within a radius of 50 cm, so as not to damage the roots.
  • Mulch the soil around the bushes.
  • Remove fallen and dry leaves, petals, faded flowers and buds, for the prevention of fungal diseases
  • To produce autumn pruning bushes - it is advisable to do this as late as possible.
  • Shoots and leaves in the fall are cut as close to the ground as possible and burned.
  • Feed the peony bushes.
  • If a transplant or division is required, autumn is the best time to do this.
  • Abundant watering in late autumn promotes good wintering.

Feeding peonies in autumn

After active growth and flowering, by autumn the root system of peonies is greatly weakened. Namely, at this time, the formation of growth points and roots begins. In order for new roots to successfully form and the plant to enter the winter prepared, it must be fed.

The root system of peonies accumulates minerals in autumn and useful material, for the active growth of the bush in the spring and the formation of large inflorescences.

In autumn, it is best to feed peonies from mid-September to mid-October, 1-1.5 months before pruning and the first frost. It is at this time that the peony bush is most actively accumulating strength and nutrients.

Benefits of peony autumn feeding

  1. In early spring, the buds will be much larger and stronger.
  2. The peony bush will grow faster and flowering will be more lush.
  3. Bushes are stronger and grow in size quickly

In the fall, you need phosphate-potassium fertilizers... Nitrogen-containing fertilizers are used for spring feeding, to enhance the growth of the aerial part of the plant. With the growth of young shoots in the fall, they will freeze in frost.

Peonies need to be fertilized especially carefully from mid-September to mid-October, preferably 1–1.5 months before pruning. Plants should be fed from the third year after planting.

Top dressing and pruning of peonies in the fall-video

When peonies are pruned in autumn

The most suitable period is late autumn, before the first frost. Usually this time falls at the end of October or the beginning of November. Premature pruning will deprive plants of essential nutrients, and delayed pruning can lead to death. As a last resort, if you need to prune your shrub earlier, leave three to four leaves on each stem. Thus, the peony will be able to accumulate strength for the next year's budding.

Autumn pruning of peonies is also required so that plants in winter do not waste energy on the aerial part instead of developing the root system. Another reason is diseases of a fungal and bacterial nature, often affecting the leaves in the fall.

In the fall, pruning of peonies should be postponed until a cold snap. A sure sign of a plant's readiness for pruning is lowering the branches to the ground, dried, wilted leaves, they will no longer be needed. This indicates the end of physiological processes, readiness for winter period recreation. In case of infection with infections, preparation for winter should be carried out earlier by treating the cut sites and the soil around with a fungicide solution.

Rules for pruning peonies in the fall

Peony stems are completely cut in the fall, before the first frost. If you need to cut the shrub earlier, leave at least 2-3 leaves on each stem, which will process useful elements from the root system. Thus, the peony will be able to accumulate strength for the next year's budding.

When cutting flowers from a bush in the summer, it is also necessary to leave at least three leaves on the stem.

The sequence of pruning peonies:

  • preparation and disinfection of the instrument;
  • removal of shoots, leave a small stump (1-2 cm), so as not to damage the growth points;
  • in tree peonies, it is impossible to remove the skeletal branches, but only the leaves;
  • after pruning, sprinkle fertilizers, loosen, mixing with top layer soil;
  • remove and burn plant residues;

Transplanting peonies in the fall and dividing the bushes

For details, see this article on our website

Mistakes when preparing peonies for winter

The main mistakes when preparing peonies for winter:

  • too early pruning, before the onset of the first frost - the process of formation of renewal buds is disrupted;
  • do not immediately remove withered foliage and cut shoots - buds and buds are affected by fungal diseases;
  • insufficient nutrients in the soil - there will be few buds;
  • with an excess of nitrogen, shoots may be without buds;
  • do not properly cover peonies for the winter.

Planting depth of peonies

When planting a peony, do not deepen the buds of plant growth, otherwise you will not get lush flowering. Correct depth- the growth points should have been 3-5 cm below the soil surface.

  • if the peony is planted incorrectly, you need to transplant in the fall
  • the peony is not planted deeply - the bush suffers from frost in the spring
  • the bush is planted very deeply, many shoots are formed, but few buds.

Prevention of diseases in autumn

Prevention of fungal diseases of peonies in the fall after leaf fall consists in processing copper sulfate(3-4%) or Bordeaux mixture (2-3%).

And to increase the resistance of the peony to diseases, it is recommended to use phosphorus-potassium fertilizers and trace elements, while excluding excess nitrogen. Preparations must be alternated.

Shelter peonies for the winter

Shelter of peonies is necessary, since the growth buds are located close to the soil surface, at a depth of only 3-7 cm, and they must be protected from frost.

Depending on the climatic conditions, the shelter of peonies for the winter is slightly different. But where it is needed to protect the bushes, general principles the following:

  • After pruning the bushes in the fall, you need to huddle them.
  • On top, lay a layer of mulch with a thickness of at least 15-18 cm.
  • Treelike peonies root system cover with a layer of peat 20-25 cm, and the stems with lutrasil.
  • As a covering material, sawdust, spruce branches, high peat, dry foliage, humus or compost are used.
  • You can not use the cut foliage of the peonies themselves, straw, so as not to infect.
  • In winter, additionally cover the peonies with a layer of snow to protect them from extreme cold.
  • When removing the material in the spring, you can leave it partially as mulch.

Why did peonies stop blooming

For several years now, peonies have regained their popularity, and continue their victorious march in flower arrangements at various events. Flowers look especially gorgeous in wedding bouquets and decoration of the halls. Like other flowers, they require proper care... One of the most important agrotechnical measures is the preparation of peonies for winter.

Autumn range of works

It may seem to inexperienced growers that in the fall, when the active phase of the growing season of peonies has already been completed and the flower is preparing for a dormant period, no care measures are required. Naturally, some procedures come to an end with the departure of summer, the number of watering is reduced, frequent loosening of the near-trunk zone and the destruction of weeds are not required. But experienced gardeners know that in the autumn period, in addition to seasonal care, there are also preparatory winter procedures. From the beginning of September, the following procedures are usually carried out:

  • feeding shrub varieties that continue to bloom;
  • transplant (if necessary);
  • autumn pruning;
  • mulching the trunk circle.

It is in the fall that the number of watering is gradually reduced. It is important not to limit humidification too quickly: first reduce the amount of moisture with each watering, then reduce the frequency.

Video "Preparing peonies for winter"

In this video, you will learn how to properly prepare peonies for the winter period.

Preparing for frost

The preparatory stage for the winter period begins with pruning peonies and ends with insulation of the shrub, if necessary. For those who spend most of their time in the country, it is easy to allocate time for procedures. The main thing is not to miss the moment and carry out activities before frost.


Pruning of plants is often carried over into the spring, considering the process of dying off of leaves and shoots natural. It is difficult to dispute this fact - the flower is preparing for a dormant period. However, you cannot argue with the fact that withering foliage and inflorescences continue to draw juices from a living peony and are ideal place for wintering various pests and fungal spores. That is why the sanitary removal of wilted, damaged and dying parts of the shrub is mandatory.

Severe frosts and drying winds can destroy the flower. Therefore, shelter is simply necessary in regions with a harsh climate and scarce rainfall. Since the depth of the growth buds is no more than 6 cm, the first step is to spud the trimmed shrub. Then a layer of mulch is laid on top. You can mulch a peony with sawdust, high peat, spruce branches, humus or compost.

A special approach to tree varieties

Preparing a tree peony for winter has its own characteristics not only in the process of pruning, but also in terms of insulation. In most regions with not too harsh winters, tree peonies do not need to be covered. They perfectly tolerate temperatures up to 30 ° C when the ground freezes to a depth of 1 m.But young fragile bushes are recommended to be covered with a thick layer of peat (at least 20 cm), and an inverted bucket is placed on top.

Emphasis on regional characteristics

It is possible to properly prepare a peony for winter only taking into account the climatic characteristics of the region. Regions of Siberia and the Urals are characterized by frosty winters, so shelter is a must. At the same time, the bush is covered not only with peat, but also with buckets, cardboard boxes or large plastic containers.

For the Volga region, additional shelter, except for mulching, is not needed. In conditions middle lane, in particular the Moscow region, where winters can be unpredictable, you need to decide what and how to cover peonies for the winter.

Frequent mistakes

Novice flower growers or ordinary summer residents can admit a number typical mistakes when preparing a shrub for winter. Omissions or mistakes in grooming can cost a flower its life. The most common mistakes are:

  1. Untimely pruning of the plant. Too early (before the arrival of the first severe frosts) will prevent the plant from accumulating useful substances necessary for wintering.
  2. Transferring sanitary cleaning of the bush. Leaving dry foliage is fraught with rapid reproduction of pests and the spread of fungal infections in the spring.
  3. Application of liquid fertilizers during the rainy season. Liquid top dressing in rainy weather is not completely absorbed.
  4. Wrong hiding place. Without taking into account the characteristic features of winters in the region, the use natural materials, which can become a breeding ground for pathogens and pests.

Preparing a peony for winter is not the only prerequisite for healthy growth and flower development. This requires a whole range of activities, including correct fit and selection of a healthy seedling, as well as all seasonal treatments.