Rating of the best underlays for laminate flooring. Which underlay is best to use for laminate flooring? Why do you need a laminate underlay: main characteristics

During renovation, installation flooring has great significance. After all, the comfort of the people living in the house will depend on this. When choosing a laminate, you need to take into account all its pros and cons; before laying it, it is also important to decide on the choice of substrate. We will talk about this in detail in the article.

Why is it needed?

To begin with, it is worth saying that laminate is one of those floor coverings that are made from wood materials. The disadvantages of such a coating are intolerance to moisture, deformation from temperature changes, and high porosity. In order to provide coverage reliable protection, use various substrates and insulated compounds.

They're stacking on the base of the floor. The underlay can also extend the life of the vinyl laminate, so you should choose it responsibly. It is not recommended to lay laminate on a “bare” base without a special lining.

The underlay primarily serves to provide additional strength to the floor covering, as well as to ensure that the load on the floor is distributed evenly. If there is no lining, the coating will quickly deteriorate and become unusable.

Another function of the substrate is soundproofing. Incorrectly installed laminate flooring may squeak and transmit the sound of footsteps, this may be due to the thickness of the panel. Typically its thickness is 8 mm. But even with this size, the laminate can withstand heavy loads. This problem can be solved by laying an additional lining that has good sound insulation.

Some manufacturers equip the laminate with a special backing, gluing it to the back of the boards. This type of laminate is not found often, as its price is quite high.

Therefore, in order to save money, you can purchase the substrate separately so that it has the characteristics that will suit you most.

Additionally, the lining can perform leveling function. It smoothes out the unevenness that is present on the concrete screed. Any small deviations can have a negative impact on the laminate after some time. Any unevenness and differences in the base can affect the formation of gaps between the panels and the concrete screed. In simple terms, the coating will sag in those places where the gap is extremely large.

At first glance, this problem may seem insignificant, but subsequently the gaps will be very noticeable on the floor surface, especially when walking.

Another important function of the lining is waterproofing, since laminate, and many floor coverings, do not tolerate moisture well. In this case, the lining performs a moisture-proof function, maintaining a suitable microclimate for both the concrete base and the back side of the floor covering.

But first, you should take care of the safety of the coating before repair work is carried out. First of all, the prepared base for laying the laminate must dry thoroughly. This process often lasts about a month. Therefore, it is not recommended to rush into laying the laminate, otherwise condensation will accumulate between the wet surface and the floor covering.

The soundproofing function of the lining will protect you from various sounds. By laying a high-quality lining with a foil layer, you can avoid the appearance of squeaks on the laminate board.

The vapor barrier function is necessary to ensure that excess moisture and vapor do not accumulate under the coating. If you lay a substrate with a foil layer, you will be able to protect the laminate from their negative effects. This lining will ensure durability of your coating and save money.

Thermal conductivity function is another characteristic that the lining must meet, especially if you plan to install a “Warm Floor” system. With this heating function, the heat will always be distributed evenly to the floor covering. Wherein concrete base it won't heat up.


An obligatory step in the repair is laying a special lining under the laminate. Therefore, before purchasing, you should find out all its advantages and disadvantages, so as not to encounter the problem of poor-quality installation of the coating.

Before laying the covering, pay attention to the condition of the concrete screed prepared as a base. If the surface is flat, then a 3 mm thick substrate will do. And if the base is with small irregularities, then it is better to level it using a 5 mm thick lining.

Most manufacturers recommend installing underlay from the same brand as the floor covering. But in reality it doesn't matter of great importance, so absolutely any high-quality material will do.

Today, among the most famous types of linings for laminate flooring we can distinguish polyethylene foam, polystyrene foam, combined, coniferous, as well as cork and bitumen. Linings can also be divided into types. Sheet lining is produced in the form of sheets.

Suitable for rooms of any size, easy to install. Typically, linings are produced in this form from natural materials, which are not harmful and do not accumulate condensation, are non-flammable and moisture-resistant, warm up well and breathe. Wherein Sheet linings have a rigid base that does not sag and can withstand heavy loads.

Rolled pads are produced by most manufacturers. They have a low cost, compared to sheet linings, they are not afraid of temperature changes, cold air and moisture, and they are not prone to rotting. The only downside is that They are not suitable for high traffic areas, as they are able to quickly sink.

The accordion lining consists of sheets fastened together. It is very easy to install due to its shape.


Cork lining comes in rolls and sheets. It is also available with a metallized top layer. It has certain advantages over other materials: high thermal insulation and sound insulation, resistance to rot, mold, and the ability to be used together with underfloor heating systems and floating floors.

The cork lining under the laminate perfectly copes with its assigned functions. The main disadvantage of cork underlay for laminate flooring is its cost, especially if it is laying a cheap coating with a short service life. This material is also characterized by the appearance of condensation with reverse side floor covering. This could have a bad effect on his condition.

Polyethylene (isolon)

Due to such indicators as thermal insulation and moisture resistance, polyethylene foam lining has long been very popular in construction market. Its synthetic structure can provide protection against penetration of pests, insects and rodents under the floor covering. Installing and laying the polyethylene lining is very easy.

Some manufacturers produce such pads with an additional top layer of foil. But the service life of this material is only a few years, which will be disadvantageous for the buyer. After all, over time, it will quickly sag and become unusable.

Isoplate substrates come in thicknesses of 4 and 8 mm. They are specially manufactured for laying flooring, as well as for repairing old floors. This could be concrete screed or wooden floors. Isoplat corrects the unevenness of such surfaces, insulates them, and provides high sound insulation and moisture resistance.

Polyurethane linings made from foamed polypropylene have the same properties. The main disadvantage of these materials is that they are not environmentally friendly.

Expanded polystyrene

This laminate lining is one of the most popular. It has good resistance to heavy loads. This material is good for rooms with high traffic, as it does not sag. The polystyrene foam lining is also capable of leveling concrete surface grounds.

Expanded polystyrene is a material with high elasticity, so its thickness will be maintained for a long time. Besides, it is able to absorb vibrations when walking, which makes the laminate more silent. Its special structure does not allow moisture to pass through and does not allow condensation to form on the surface of the coating.

This material is of high quality, it is accessible and costs the buyer very little, but its main disadvantage is that it is not environmentally friendly.

Extruded polystyrene, or polystyrene foam, differs from expanded polystyrene material in its special production technology. It is called extrusion and allows the flooring to acquire special qualities due to the transformation of the polymer. Its cells provide high sound insulation properties. Extruded polystyrene is usually produced in the form of slabs with special markings that will help you easily install the material on the surface of the base.

This material has good moisture resistance, so there is no risk that the laminate will not swell and deform. The composition of this material resists bacteria and is also resistant to caustic aggressive substances, while it does not rot or mold.

Another type of flooring under laminate is foam underlayment. This material is characterized by good thermal insulation properties, but the main disadvantage is that Foam pad is not suitable for residential use. Also, with frequent loads, the lining quickly becomes compressed.


As mentioned earlier, many materials are not environmentally friendly, but, nevertheless, there are exceptions among them. For example, leaf coniferous substrate under laminate, which is made from wood fiber. It is also called spruce, as it is made from pressed spruce needles. Its porous structure has good sound insulation and has an air circulation function, which will provide the coating with a long service life.

Laying coniferous flooring will not cause much difficulty even for a person who is laying the flooring for the first time. After using it, reviews from satisfied buyers who secured their home reliable and environmentally friendly flooring, confirm this.

The only drawback may be the high cost of the material


This gasket consists of two layers - isolon or polystyrene, as well as a foil layer. The thickness of such insulation is no more than 5 mm. The metallic lining can be used in a room with low temperature. The foil coating increases thermal insulation and resistance to temperature changes, and the polystyrene layer provides good sound insulation in the room.

This material has high moisture resistance, so there is no need to lay an additional layer of plastic film. In addition, the metallic lining reliably protects the floor covering from the penetration of various fungi and mold.

The material is used when repairing floors in rooms where there is a high risk of moisture penetration into the concrete screed. This includes the bathroom, toilet, kitchen and basement. Before choosing a laminate underlay, you need to consider its thickness.

It can reach up to 10 mm. The selected thickness depends on the type of floor covering and the level of differences in the floor. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that polyethylene foam can sag over time, therefore, if the thickness of the lining is incorrectly selected, the quality of installation of the laminate and its service life are reduced. To install under laminate, you need to buy a lining with a layer thickness of up to 2 mm.

Other options

The rubber backing is an integrated material, as it is immediately bonded to the laminate during its manufacturing process. The rubber coating has a thin protective layer made of a special material that can increase the shelf life of the lining. Rubber is one of the durable materials that does not deform over time, and also does not deteriorate when exposed to moisture and water.

Its sound insulation is at a high level, so it is able to absorb various noises and vibrations when walking on the laminate. The only drawback of this material is its high cost.

Bitumen lining is made using special raw materials. Bitumen is applied to thick kraft paper, which acts as the underside of the lining. This material is very durable and resistant to moisture. The parts of this lining are joined together without overlap and secured with tape.

Jute backing is different in that it is made from non-woven fabric, which contains plant fibers. Its production occurs at high temperatures by punching fibers that are fixed together. This creates a fabric that is highly durable and elastic. To make the material resistant to rotting, it is treated with a special agent.

Although the jute lining easily absorbs moisture, it does not deform and, when dried, takes on its original appearance.

Teplon is one of the modern insulating materials that has the best heat and sound insulation. It is widely used for insulation and soundproofing of floors.

Rubber cork lining is made of cork and rubber. This combination provides this material with high waterproofing. It is packaged and sold, as a rule, in rolls.

Felt insulation is made from wool using the felting method. It turns out to be very dense, since the wool fibers are treated with steam and special means that protect the felt insulation from fire and rotting. Its main advantages are environmental friendliness, good thermal conductivity, abrasion resistance.

Plywood is one of the natural materials that is ideal for laminate or other flooring. It can withstand heavy loads, level out uneven floors and is an affordable material.

Fibreboard is also suitable as a substrate for laminate flooring. This material is made from wood fiber. Fibreboard is a natural material, just like bamboo or plywood. Its main advantage is that it does not emit volatile chemical compounds.

Combined types

The combined type lining contains a synthesis of various materials, for example, polyethylene or expanded polystyrene. The most famous type of lining is produced by the Tuplex brand. Its main feature is that it has two layers of polyethylene, between which there is one layer of polystyrene foam balls. This structure able to provide good air circulation. The thickness of the substrate is about 3 mm.

It is usually sold in rolls. This material can be placed on any base, as it does not allow moisture to pass through, has high strength and the ability to smooth out imperfections in the base. Tuplex bends well and retains its thickness throughout the entire period of use.

Which is better?

To decide which underlay for laminate flooring is best suited, you first need to pay attention to its specifications and quality. Today there is a wide variety of products, so making a choice is not easy.

The substrate under the laminate should have a long service life, because you will be using it for many years. If we take such a parameter as thickness, then here It is not recommended to use too thick a lining, otherwise it will quickly shrink and ruin the floor covering.

If you decide to install a “warm” floor, then you will need to lay perforated insulation under it, as it can provide high heat transfer.

It should be noted that it is also necessary to pay attention to the following criteria: insensitivity to aggressive substances or materials; presence of antiseptic treatment; thermal conductivity and moisture resistance; availability of protection from insects and rodents; high strength and durability.

It is also necessary to know that high-quality lining allows you to increase the service life of the laminate.

Which one to choose?

To make the right choice, when buying a lining for laminate, you need to take into account all the advantages and disadvantages of this material. It should be said that laying it is not difficult, but it should only be done on a flat surface, otherwise the floor covering will quickly become unusable.

The lining must have high thermal conductivity, sound insulation, vapor permeability, resistance to mechanical stress, and the seller must have a certificate of conformity. If we compare customer reviews, it is worth saying that the most popular are inexpensive materials, but they have an unnatural composition, which makes them less environmentally friendly.

On concrete

Concrete is one of those materials that does not retain heat and thus forms condensation. Even with good processing, it is difficult to keep its surface smooth. For such a base, a lining is suitable, which will have high thermal insulation properties and protect the floor covering from temperature changes.

Types of substrates can be different, from artificial materials, and from natural ones. Polyethylene foam, polystyrene, as well as cork and pine are perfect. It wouldn't hurt if Make the base smooth, dry and clean in advance.

On a wooden base

The best substrates for wooden floors are those that have good vapor permeability. This can be explained by the fact that wood is a natural material that must “breathe”. Otherwise, the wooden base can quickly rot and deteriorate.

For such a base, pads made of cork, coniferous or composite materials, bitumen-cork material, polyethylene foam and polyurethane foam are best suited.

On the "warm floor"

Before moving on to the flooring, you need to figure out which lining is suitable for laminate flooring. First of all, it should not change its shape under the influence of heat and not emit harmful substances into the air. chemical substances, that is, it must be thermally insulating, and also have the opportunity for microcirculation of air.

Also, when choosing a lining for laminate, pay attention to the special marking, which will indicate whether it is suitable for heated floors.


The sizes of the substrate vary. Its main qualities depend on this. For example, a thick lining has good sound insulation and provides high protection to the floor covering. But it is better to use such material for its intended purpose. After all, it can quickly shrink, and the laminate and its locking joints can deteriorate.

Typically, the thickness of laminate substrates varies from 3 mm to 10 mm. The best option the thickness will be 5 mm or 2 mm. Natural substrates usually have a large width, and those made from artificial materials are usually very thin. They are ideal for flat floors with height differences of no more than 3 mm.


In order to correctly select and lay the underlayment in your apartment, you do not need to have professional skills. You can do the work yourself. You just need to follow certain rules. The main point in laying the substrate is its location. Firstly, the substrate needs to be laid under the laminate in the opposite direction, since if you move inaccurately, part of the floor may move. Secondly, the substrate should be placed on the walls.

To ensure that the coating lasts as long as possible, do not use a damaged or damaged substrate, but replace it immediately with a whole one. It is recommended to lay the underlay across the laminate, as this will prevent the joints and laminate panels from matching.

Otherwise, the boards will sag, thereby reducing the service life of the coating. Another important point is which side to lay the lining. It all depends on the type of material. If it is a textured film, then lay it with the ribbed side down. And the foil base material should be located on top.

But First you need to level the surface, on which the substrate will be laid. In order to ensure good vapor barrier coating, you will need dense polyethylene, the sheets of which are secured overlapping each other with tape. A film securely glued in this way will prevent moisture from penetrating.

Updated: 09/18/2019 22:45:13

Expert: Lev Kaufman

*Review of the best sites according to the editors. About the selection criteria. This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

One of the most popular floor coverings currently is laminate. Laying technology involves the use of a special layer called a substrate. When purchasing laminate flooring, users pay minimal attention to this additional material, most often it is offered by the seller. But not only the durability and integrity of the floor covering, but also the comfort in the room can depend on the quality of the substrate. What points should you pay attention to?

How to choose a substrate for laminate

  1. Many Russian users, following the example of their neighbors, are beginning to take care of their health and that of their relatives. Therefore, they prefer environmentally friendly building materials. On sale you can find products made from natural raw materials (wood) or high-quality synthetic analogues. At this stage it is important to take into account the tendency different people to allergies, reactions to odors, etc.
  2. Thermal insulation. Laying the underlay allows you to improve the microclimate in a particular room. First of all, this concerns heat. Residents of private houses and apartments located on the ground floor should choose a substrate taking into account its thermal insulation properties.
  3. Soundproofing. In a multi-storey building, poor sound insulation becomes a serious problem. In order not to hear noise in the apartment on the floor below, you should give preference to materials that absorb sound and vibration.
  4. Thickness. High-quality installation of laminate flooring is only possible on a flat surface. This is difficult to achieve on a screed or old plank base. But with the help of a substrate it is possible to eliminate unevenness and differences in the floor. The worse the base, the thicker the layer under the laminate is chosen. Standard thickness considered 3 mm.
  5. Moisture resistance. Modern flooring (laminate, parquet boards) is quite sensitive to moisture. And if spilled liquids can be eliminated in a timely manner, then high humidity from floor panels or screeds will lead to swelling of the panels. It is best to do a simple test to determine the moisture content of the substrate by letting it sit overnight. plastic film. If no perspiration appears by morning, then a regular base will do.
  6. Manufacturer. As for the choice of manufacturer, today domestic brands compete on equal terms with imported manufacturers. Some of them use foreign developments and technologies, others introduce their own inventions.

Our review includes the best underlays for laminate flooring. When compiling the rating, the opinions of experts and reviews of domestic consumers were taken into account.

Rating of the best laminate underlays

Nomination place Name of product rating
The best underlays for laminate flooring made from natural materials 1 4.9
2 4.8
3 4.7
4 4.7
5 4.6
6 4.5
The best substrates for polymer laminates 1 4.7
2 4.6
The best extruded polystyrene substrates 1 4.6
The best polyethylene substrates 1 4.7
2 4.6
3 4.5

The best underlays for laminate flooring made from natural materials

A substrate made of natural materials has a whole range of advantages. Most often it is made from different components of wood (shavings, chips, cork); natural or artificial resins and adhesives can be used to connect small fractions. The only disadvantage of natural substrates is the high price. Experts have identified several high-quality products.

The most environmentally friendly layer between the base and the laminate is Steico Underfloor. It is made from natural coniferous wood, the individual fibers are bonded into a single whole using tree resin. The manufacturer offers its products in the form of rectangular slabs measuring 790x590 mm; depending on the homeowner’s requirements for the degree of thermal insulation, a substrate with a thickness of 3.6-7 mm is selected. The material takes first place in the ranking for its excellent properties; it is not afraid of moisture, solvent or glue.

Experts note good leveling abilities; the use of the product allows you to smooth out differences in height up to 3 mm. Users often use the material when laying laminate flooring in children's rooms.


  • environmental friendliness;
  • good leveling abilities;
  • wide range of thicknesses;
  • high performance.


  • not detected.

The Premium Cork backing boasts high quality workmanship. In terms of environmental friendliness, the material is not inferior to the leader in the rating, but the price of this natural product quite high. The product is made from cork oak bark without the addition of chemicals. Experts focus on the fact that the cork substrate retains all its essential properties over time. These include excellent thermal insulation qualities, the ability to absorb noise, and floor leveling. Cork does not harbor pests, mold or mildew. Such a substrate will be especially relevant for people suffering from allergies.

Users are pleased with the ease of preparing the base. Dust and dirt are removed from the surface, after which the roll is rolled out. This packaging is a disadvantage for some builders.


  • environmental friendliness;
  • long service life;
  • good sound and heat insulation;
  • simple preparation of the base.


  • high price.

A successful combination of natural and synthetic materials has a PARCOLAG substrate. It is made on the basis of thick cardboard, on which cork chips mixed with bitumen are applied. The main advantage is thermal insulation. Experts recommend the product of the Russian company Icopal to owners of private houses and apartments on the ground floor. With its help, it is possible to put a reliable barrier against cold and moisture. The elasticity of the material increases the service life of the laminate.

Thanks to the triple structure, there is good air exchange, so no mold or mildew appears in the substrate. Products are supplied to the retail chain in rolls 15 mm long. Among the shortcomings, users note the persistent smell of bitumen, so the contender takes third place in the rating.


  • reliable heat and moisture insulation;
  • good ventilation;
  • elastic structure;
  • high strength.


  • not suitable for heated floors;
  • smell of bitumen.

One of the most attractive prices for natural substrates is offered by the Tarkett brand. The material is made from natural cork, which determines a number of positive aspects. The binding component is polyurethane resin. First of all, the product is environmentally friendly, which expands its scope of application. The substrate quickly restores its original state after compression, and good thermal insulation properties reliably hold cold masses coming from the basement. The material can be found on sale in the form of rolls 10 m long. The manufacturer has taken care of counterfeits; you can order the product on the official website. Among the shortcomings, users note a small assortment; the quality of the cork leaves much to be desired.


  • environmental friendliness;
  • durability;
  • affordable price;
  • elasticity.


  • thin layer;
  • low quality cork raw materials.

In the production of Isoplaat underlayment, the main emphasis is on sound insulation qualities. The material is made on the basis of soundproofing panels. It successfully combines natural ingredients and modern technologies. Special fibers are formed from coniferous wood, which makes it possible to obtain a porous structure. It is durable, and due to the introduction of antiseptics into the composition, fungus and mold do not multiply in the substrate. The product can be purchased in the form of panels measuring 850x590 mm. The maximum level of noise insulation can be achieved with a material 4-5 mm thick.

The advantages of the product include the absence of odor and high-quality manufacturing. However, it is not possible to find such material in every hardware store. Therefore, the applicant does not make it into the top three.


  • excellent sound insulation;
  • elasticity;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • durability.


  • shortage in the trading network;
  • overcharge.

The optimal ratio of quality and price is present in the Arbiton Cork substrate. Polish manufacturer supplies products to the Russian market in the form of rolls (10x1 m). The necessary rigidity and thermal insulation of the floor covering is provided by a material with a thickness of 2 mm. Experts draw attention to the fact that the substrate can withstand temperature changes. It is recommended for use in floor systems with warm (water) floors. However, it is necessary to install shielding layers. The material is created on a natural basis, it has elasticity, leveling all the loads exerted on the laminate.

Builders praise the material for creating an even layer without waves. Only the edges of the material are fragile, so careful handling is required.


  • acceptable price;
  • heat resistance;
  • elasticity;
  • no memory effect.


  • fragility;
  • heterogeneity of composition.

The best substrates for polymer laminates

Synthetic substrates perfectly combine an affordable price and good performance characteristics. They create a reliable barrier to cold and moisture at the boundary between concrete and laminate. But the soundproofing capabilities of composite materials are limited. The experts selected several products.

The domestic Eco-cover substrate is widely used. It is a product based on vinyl acetate and ethylene. Environmentalists have no claims regarding the safety of the material, so it can be used in both office premises, and in residential buildings and apartments. Experts note excellent leveling abilities, and due to elasticity and high strength, the surface of the coating is hard. The product is produced in the form of slabs; for ease of transportation they are rolled into rolls.

The substrate wins our rating for its excellent technical characteristics. It successfully combats noise, moisture, and retains all its qualities over a wide temperature range (-40...+80°C). Finishers praise the material for its ease of use and large selection of sizes.


  • wide scope of application;
  • good sound insulation;
  • moisture resistance;
  • ease of operation.


  • high price.

The ReFoam 3002 substrate has one of the best noise insulation indicators (21 dB). The material is cross-linked polyethylene, which is safe for use in children's and medical institutions. Experts value it for its high density and elasticity. Thanks to the combination of these qualities, the underlay is easy to use, and the floor covering is characterized by integrity. The production technology was invented in Japan, and the products are produced and sold in Russia. The stores offer rolled products (10x1.2 m), the optimal rigidity of the laminate is ensured with a thickness of 2 mm.

The product does not have the best water absorption capacity, so it is not recommended to use it on the first floors of high-rise buildings where there is a basement under the floor. The material ranks second in the ranking.


  • good sound insulation;
  • strength and elasticity;
  • ease of transportation and installation;
  • no smell.


  • does not absorb moisture.

The best extruded polystyrene substrates

Extruded polystyrene is widely used in construction; it is also used as a backing for laminate flooring. The strengths of the material include affordability and a wide selection of thicknesses.

The most affordable option For installing laminate or parquet flooring, use a backing based on extruded polystyrene. The products are produced in the form of sheets, which are convenient to transport and stack. ISOPOLIN is called a quiet floor due to its good sound-absorbing properties. The product stands out from competitors due to its wide range of thicknesses. The product is light in weight, which is why air currents often lift individual sheets from the floor. Experts advise immediately connecting them using tape.

Users are satisfied with the availability of the material and ease of installation. Disadvantages include fragility and modest leveling ability of thin sheets (less than 3 mm). Unique Finnish technology is implemented in the Tuplex polyethylene backing. Between the two films there are foam balls. Moreover, the bottom layer has a special perforation, which allows moisture to penetrate into the material. Water comes out along with air flows through the edges of the substrate. It is clear that we're talking about about a small amount of moisture. Otherwise, mold or mildew will develop in the material.

According to experts, this breathable design is easy to install. There is a small percentage of waste that is also common to other competitors. For good technical specifications And original design the substrate becomes the winner of our rating.


  • unique manufacturing technology;
  • good moisture absorption;
  • breathable design;
  • effective ventilation.


  • limited range of thicknesses.

At the same time, foil-coated Isolon PPE allows you to protect the floor from cold and moisture. The backing is cross-linked polyethylene, which is produced in rolls. Aluminum foil is attached to the substrate on one side. Thanks to this design, the material has a low thermal conductivity coefficient. The material perfectly protects the laminate from steam and moisture; foil-coated Izolon is often used as waterproofing. Along with durability and resistance to rotting, the product is environmentally safe. It is suitable for installing heated floors.

When laying laminate flooring, there is a problem with the formation of a solid layer. As a result, the joints become weak points for the penetration of cold and moisture.


  • low thermal conductivity coefficient;
  • safety;
  • elasticity;
  • possibility of reuse.


  • high price.

Owners of apartments living above the 2nd floor can use Izolon PPE as a layer when laying laminate or parquet boards. Unlike the foil version, the material does not claim to be the best insulation or vapor barrier. This is not required from him when the floor covering is installed on dry and warm ceiling. The basis of the substrate is the same polyethylene foam, sewn into a single roll. Thanks to its multilayer cellular structure, the product perfectly absorbs noise and vibration, further preventing heat loss in the room. Experts note the inertness of polyethylene foam; it itself does not emit harmful compounds and does not react with gasoline or alkaline-based detergents. Kit useful characteristics allows the substrate to take third place in our rating.


  • affordable price;
  • inertia;
  • good sound insulation;
  • safety.


  • gradual thinning of the substrate.

Attention! This rating is subjective in nature, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

A multi-layer system for laying laminated floating flooring requires the use of an intermediate layer - a substrate. It is produced in a huge assortment, so the question “which one to choose” is relevant. In our article you will find detailed answers.

The substrate is a non-woven thin-layer material of roll or sheet type, used to create an intermediate layer in an independent installation system of laminate and parquet boards.

In 2013, the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) and the Association of European Manufacturers of Laminate Flooring (EPLF) developed standards for underlayment:

  • CEN/TS 16354 - technical specification defining what exactly applies to backing materials and methods for testing them;
  • EPLF technical sheet “Substrate materials” describing product requirements and recommendations.

According to these documents, the product must perform the following functions:

  • Eliminate small differences on the base (up to 2 mm in accordance with the requirements of manufacturers and SNiP 3.04.01-87/SP 71.13330.2011), unevenness to ensure proper installation of the laminate.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to install a substrate folded in several layers under the floor covering to level out significant defects in the base. Too much play in the area of ​​the locks leads to their rapid destruction, as well as the formation of cracks, chips, and creaking.

  • Ensure full operation floor system, including protection from residual moisture of the concrete floor, insulation, comfortable walking due to shock absorption, etc.
  • Reduce level impact noise, that is, to provide sound insulation (not to be confused with sound insulation).

Types of substrates

The following types of underlayment material are commercially available:

Izolon or NPE

Isolon is non-crosslinked polyethylene.

This is a substrate made of foamed polymer - non-crosslinked polyethylene. Issued as roll material 50-150 cm wide, 20-50 m long. The structure is similar to a thin sponge, it is produced in factories specializing in products made from synthetic elastomers (Nelidovo plastics plant), as well as in enterprises producing laminate (QuickStep, Balterio).

There are several types on sale:

  • NPE-F – foil-laminated (foiled) on one or both sides. It is recommended to use 2-10 mm thick isolon for insulation of subfloors, walls, and ceilings;
  • NPE-P – isolon glued to a polyethylene film with a cross-section of 300 microns. It is used as a wind, steam and waterproofing material. In this case, the polyethylene layer protrudes beyond the substrate by about 10-20 cm, so it is convenient for them to overlap.

Izolon is bio- and water-resistant, does not react with aggressive household chemicals, most alkalis, including cement laitance. It is not advisable to use it on wood, chipboard, or OSB substrates, as it has zero vapor permeability. This means that rot, mold and other “surprises” appear on the boards underneath over time. Ideal for concrete floors.

The main advantage of the material is low price behind square meter. The NPE substrate will cost approximately 20-50 rubles/m2.

Disadvantages: over time, subsidence and loss of up to 50% of volume are observed, poor sound insulation properties.

Whatever polyethylene backing you choose, the installation technology is the same: the sheets are cut to the length of the room and laid end-to-end along the base, secured with adhesive tape. No overlap required.

Extruded polystyrene foam (EPS or XPS)

Extruded polystyrene foam.

The substrate from polystyrene raw materials obtained by extrusion is produced:

  • Slabs in sizes 1×0.5 m, 1.2×0.5 m and others;
  • Rolls 1 m wide and up to 30 m long;
  • “Accordion” of various sizes: 1×6 m, 1×10 m, 1×12 m, etc. There are standard, foil, with an integrated vapor barrier membrane, perforated EPS. The latter is intended for a base with a “warm floors” system.

Each material has its own purpose. For example, roll is better suited for large areas. The accordion-folded substrate is easy to transport and good for use in rooms with complex geometry. Standard mats are most often purchased for standard apartments and houses.

Extruded polystyrene foam has almost zero vapor permeability, which is why it is undesirable to use it on wood. Recommended bases: concrete, gypsum fiber board, fiber board, etc.

In addition, the EPS backing is different high degree deformation strength – up to 24 T/m², biologically and chemically stable. It is worth choosing if the decisive factor for you is the low level of thermal conductivity of the floor.

Some manufacturers (QuickStep, Isoshum) offer special noise-reducing and noise-dissipating products, which are obtained by increasing the density of the material. The acoustic effect is enhanced by an average of 15-20%.

The cost of the material reaches 300 rubles/m2. This factor is often decisive, so if you have a limited budget, it is better to choose a more cheap analogue- NPE.

Installation of EPS under the laminate is done end-to-end; it is advisable to glue the slabs and rolls together with tape. Foil and integrated substrates are laid with the untreated side down and secured at the joints with aluminum tape.

From compressed fibers of industrial coniferous wood mixed with thermosetting resins, a vapor-permeable underlay material is obtained for installation under laminate, parquet and engineered boards. Works great on wood and concrete floors when combined with vapor barrier membranes. Slab sizes:

  • Width – up to 60 cm;
  • Length – up to 120 cm.

Advice! It is better to use a coniferous underlay on a wooden floor without a waterproofing film, as this will disrupt the vapor exchange system and lead to the appearance of rot and mold.

The coniferous substrate is laid diagonally end-to-end. The edge slabs must be cut at an angle of 45° and mounted around the perimeter of the room.

Cork agglomerate

Cork is considered one of the most versatile finishing materials. It is used to produce wall, floor, ceiling finishing and rough coatings. Granulated cork oak bark is mixed with thermosetting resins and pressed. The resulting product is called an agglomerated substrate for laminate or parquet boards.

The material turns out to be quite elastic, with good shock-absorbing and heat-saving properties. Available in rolls and sheets, it works on concrete and wooden bases.

Now let's talk about the cons. Firstly, claims about 100% environmental friendliness are not true. To verify this, just look at the sanitary and hygienic certificate. According to the specification, cork flooring is classified as a polymer or polymer-containing material. Consequently, it can be called natural only conditionally.

Secondly, the presence of natural bark in the composition does not guarantee the biostability of the product. Thirdly, according to reviews, over time the underlying layer of cork crumbles and can absorb water.

The disadvantages include the cost of the material. Cork agglomerate for flooring will cost 200-800 rubles/m2. That is, the underlying layer can cost as much as a laminated floor from a European manufacturer.

Combination Products

In addition to traditional products, various composite materials with specific properties are commercially available. Let's list the main ones:

So which underlayment is the best? The most affordable is isolon. For bases made of wood and wood-containing materials (plywood, chipboard), cork and pine agglomerate are preferable.

For concrete floors, any of the above materials can be used, but the base must be carefully prepared before laying. Includes:

  • Alignment using cement-sand mixtures or self-leveling self-leveling compounds.
  • Drying naturally or using special waterproofing primers.
  • Dust removal using a construction vacuum cleaner.
  • Priming with strengthening compositions so that the base does not become dusty and does not crumble.

If preparation and installation are done correctly, the underlayment will last as long as a laminate flooring.

Advice! If you need repairmen, there is a very convenient service for selecting them. Just send in the form below a detailed description of the work that needs to be performed and you will receive proposals with prices from construction teams and companies by email. You can see reviews about each of them and photographs with examples of work. It's FREE and there's no obligation.

Unlike previous times, today's world is fast-paced and too changeable. If earlier they did repairs for decades, then today - in best case scenario for a long time. And not at all because the construction and repair work is performed poorly, but because the material is becoming better, brighter and more attractive every day. There are so many varieties of laminate alone that it is not always easy to make a choice. At the same time, the issue of choosing a substrate is very often overlooked, and the service life of the laminate, its appearance, as well as the microclimate in the room itself. As part of this publication from the site, we will look at these issues in detail and find out which substrate is better for laminate flooring.

What is the best underlay for laminate flooring?

Features of laying laminate and the role of the substrate in this process

None of the laminate manufacturers make any guarantees if their products are installed without a backing. And all because this type of flooring is installed using special locks that ensure the strength of the entire surface of the covering. But when the load is concentrated in one place, this strength is lost.

For example, each new step takes the weight of the entire body onto the heel, that is, at one specific point, and if this heel has a thin heel under it, it’s a disaster. To avoid breakage of the locking joints, a damper layer is required that would soften the load at a given point and distribute it over a wider area. This goal is achieved by laying a backing under the laminate, which takes on some of the pressure and, therefore, weakens the impact on the locks. Therefore, we can talk a lot about the advantages or disadvantages of this or that type of substrate, but we cannot exclude it from the technology.

The role of the substrate in the process of laying laminate

It would seem, how can a soft and fragile layer protect a fairly durable flooring material? But even the strongest men need the support of the gentle and fair sex, thanks to which repeated blows in life only strengthen both.

Of course, laminate is a strong material, but during long-term use it is exposed to large and frequent loads on the locks, which leads to their loosening and failure. Therefore, it is very important to decide which substrate to choose for the laminate, based on the specific conditions in which it will be used, and you also need to take into account the degree of load, room humidity, exposure to heat, ultraviolet radiation, etc.

Laying the substrate under the laminate with your own hands photo

Types of underlays: which underlay to choose for laminate

Today, there are the following types of materials for making substrates:

  1. Cork backing
  2. Polyethylene backing
  3. Polystyrene
  4. Tuplex

Each has its own characteristics, but it is still advisable to choose the one recommended by the laminate manufacturer. If there are no recommendations or they do not suit you in some way, then you should make the choice yourself.

Which substrate to choose for laminate

For children's room perfect option- This is a cork backing. The amazing ability of cork to restore its size after exposure to any load makes it possible not to worry about the integrity of the floor covering even with constant intensive children's games. Low thermal conductivity provides excellent thermal insulation; the high density of the material ensures the durability of the laminate, protecting its locks from strong bends.

Cork backing for laminate flooring photo

The sheet backing for the laminate made of pressed cork, due to its unique properties, lasts for a very long time, practically without changing its original shape. Disadvantage - the density of such a substrate does not allow it to be used when the base is uneven more than 2 mm, which requires perfect leveling.

Sheet underlay for laminate photo

The polyethylene backing is the most affordable material in terms of price, is not afraid of moisture, and can have a protective layer of foil, which allows it to be used simultaneously as a reflector. This layer smoothes out unevenness of the base well, is resistant to chemical influences, but at the same time it is short-lived. Within a year or two it loses its shape and all its damping abilities, leaving the laminate without support. In addition, it is very “sensitive” to ultraviolet radiation, which is why it simply decomposes into powder.

The thickness of the substrate under the laminate, regardless of the material of manufacture, should not exceed 3mm, but some unscrupulous repair workers, in order to hide the shortcomings made when leveling the base, use a substrate with a thickness of 4mm and even 5mm, which looks quite decent when the object is handed over, but after six months The flooring is literally coming apart at the seams.

What should be the thickness of the substrate under the laminate?

Which is the best underlay for laminate: a “proprietary” approach

Branded Tuplex backing can be ideal solution the question of choosing a lining for laminate. It has a thickness of 3 mm, is made in the form of two layers of film, the internal space between which is filled with granulated polystyrene. It removes moisture well, protects against the formation of fungus, and is convenient to use, but its price encourages you to choose similar materials from other manufacturers.

Also easy to use, the backing for polystyrene laminate is produced in the form of small sheets measuring 60x120 cm and is in no way inferior in quality to its cork counterparts. Moreover, polystyrene better smoothes out unevenness of the screed, can even be laid on top of wooden floors, has a high noise absorption coefficient, promotes thermal insulation, but... is short-lived compared to cork. Over time, it loses its elasticity and after 6-10 years it becomes useless in terms of supporting the laminate. In addition, polystyrene is very dangerous when burned; it emits abundantly caustic and poisonous smoke.

Polystyrene laminate backing photo

There are cases when laminate is laid on top, where, in principle, there cannot be any moisture, however, a lining is needed. The underfloor heating for laminate flooring must conduct heat, so cork and polystyrene will be ineffective. There is a special underlay for arbiton heated floors; its perforated (small hole) sheet allows heat to pass through freely, while also performing its main function - supporting the laminate.

It is also possible to use a polyethylene backing without foil; in extreme cases, you can simply lay corrugated cardboard, on a warm floor, where there is completely no moisture, this method also works. Since laminate itself conducts heat very poorly, it is necessary to use samples specially made for heated floors.

As you can see, the choice of underlays for popular flooring is wide, so it is difficult to say which underlay is best for laminate; it is better to listen to what laminate manufacturers say and choose the type of underlay that they recommend.

Practical and stylish laminate is an inexpensive and comfortable coating that quickly conquered the market. It is easy to use and easy to care for. But few people know that the durability and appearance of laminate flooring is 90% due to high-quality installation, where the most important thing is to choose the right substrate.

And choose it correctly not by appearance or cost, but based on:

  • What kind of base will the laminate be installed on?
  • What are the humidity and temperature parameters?
  • Are there any gender differences?
  • What kind of laminate will be installed?

Everything is so serious that laminate manufacturers even have the right to refuse to consider a claim regarding deterioration in the quality of the floor covering if you used the “wrong” underlay. And most of them are loyal only to Portuguese cork backing and extruded polystyrene.

Why does laminate need a backing at all?

The main functions of any laminate substrate are moisture absorption, sound insulation and leveling. A good underlay can really smooth out some of the bumps and minor differences.

So, why does laminate need a moisture-absorbing underlay? The fact is that this material essentially consists of multi-layer panel panels, which are actually compressed wood dust, coated on both sides paper covering. And only on the front side the laminate has a laminated decorative layer, which is at least somehow protected from moisture, while the base from the bottom is extremely vulnerable due to its porosity.

The soundproofing function is also necessary, because laminate is a very thin coating, and when installed using the “floating” method, the noise effect when walking will be even greater. And this is just the most important thing. The substrate actually plays a fairly large role in future warmth and comfort.

What material is better to choose from?

So, let's look at modern materials and look at the provided photo instructions on how to properly lay such substrates.

Option #1 - environmentally friendly and durable cork

This environmentally friendly and pleasant-to-touch material is usually chosen as a substrate for laminate flooring in bedrooms and children's rooms. Cork does not rot or mold, it lasts a long time, perfectly absorbs footsteps and protects against noise. The most valuable property of a cork substrate is that even over the years it practically does not deteriorate.

Option #3 - polystyrene foam (for heavy loads)

Today, both Russia and China actively produce extruded polystyrene substrates under the most different brands. And each product has its own characteristics. This underlay is also not considered officially approved by laminate manufacturers. But, if you take one, then give preference to the VTM or “Isopolin” brands - you can hear the most good reviews about them.

Expanded polystyrene is durable and can withstand heavy loads. It does not allow moisture to pass through and is able to provide good thermal insulation. Here's how it's laid out:

The disadvantage of such a substrate: in the first years it even outperforms rolled cork in terms of quality, but after 6-7 years it already loses its valuable properties. This substrate is also very toxic when burned, and the fire itself spreads very quickly through it. Be careful! Also, expanded polystyrene has insufficient leveling ability; such a substrate can only be placed on a perfectly flat floor.

Option #4 - coniferous substrate (valuable ventilation)

This popular material must be purchased in the form of tiles. The pine lining is not as flexible as cork, but is highly breathable. Those. "breathes".

Option #5 - foil backing

This material creates the effect of a thermos, for which it is appreciated. In a specialized store you can find both single-sided and double-sided substrates.

Option #6 - plastic film

Yes, polyethylene backing is actually used today. In just three years, the film under the laminate will lose its properties, just like the class 21 laminate itself, which is no longer on sale. But still, a floor of this design is still being installed - for the commissioning of budget facilities, where the most important thing is appearance and low cost (the density of the film is about 25 kg/m3, while that of cork is 220 kg/m3.)

But not just any film is suitable for this purpose - you need to take one that is 0.2 mm thick in rolls and lay it with a 20-centimeter overlap. Here, a polyethylene film on top and bottom ensures vapor tightness, and polystyrene foam granules located between the layers absorb noise. Moreover, there are gaps between the granules for accidental moisture.

The underlay should be spread perpendicular to the panels. There is no need to bend it onto the walls.

Option #7 - combined and integrated substrates

This material uses both polyethylene and expanded polystyrene. If you are satisfied, then choose a fairly thin substrate that will provide the necessary sound insulation and protect from moisture, but will not interfere with heat transfer.

Some craftsmen use other materials as a substrate for laminate. And in some ways they are right: for example, instead of an expensive cork backing, you can put the same cork sheets that are used to cut out cup holders - cheap and cheerful, and the same properties. And there are also punctures when material that is completely unsuitable for this purpose is placed under the laminate. If you decide to take this risk, remember: the substrate must be bactericidal, mold-resistant and absolutely inedible for insects and rodents.

There are also integrated substrates - this is rubber, which is glued directly to the laminate in the factory (some manufacturers do this) and covered with a thin non-woven material. It glides well over the screed, does not warp and significantly reduces noise when walking. You've probably heard that some companies produce laminate with valuable sound-absorbing properties, but its price, naturally, is much higher.

How thick should the substrate be?

There is a popular myth: the thicker the substrate under the laminate, the better. And some even put it in two layers to achieve even greater sound insulation and warmth. But here lies one important negative point: such a substrate under a point load (for example, from a standing heavy object or person) can compress too much, and the boards can even break, unfortunately.

So, even if the substrate is slightly thicker than 3 mm, the connections of the lamellas may become damaged over time, because the laminate is not designed to deflect when a person walks. And here are the consequences: the boards bend, the locks quickly wear out and large cracks appear, from which the floor then not only creaks - it “rumbles.” The smoother the base, the thinner the substrate can be taken. But still take into account the level of its rigidity.

Here is the correct installation of the substrate:

What does the modern market offer?

Modern companies produce special substrates specifically for laminate. They cost a lot, but they are durable, moisture resistant and retain heat and sound well. Let's look at the most popular of them.

The most popular coniferous substrate today is “Izoplat”. On sale you will find it in the form of sheet fibrous material, which consists of pine wood. “Izoplat” is capable of absorbing up to 20% of its own volume, without changing either its insulating properties or tightness. Its analogue is the Estonian product “Quiet Move”.

Izoplat slabs are still inferior to a cork substrate in terms of elasticity and restorative qualities. Besides, minimum thickness these slabs are 5 mm, and therefore you can forget about the warranty on the laminate.

"Teplon" - sheet polystyrene material, rigid and with good level sound and heat insulation. But any materials with “air granules” inside do not withstand constant dynamic loads and quickly deteriorate.

Foil “Izolon” ​​is a new generation of rolled polyethylene foam substrate. It is based on polyethylene foam and a layer of foil. The result: excellent thermal insulation properties, vapor barrier and durability.

The Polish product "Arbiton" consists of extruded polystyrene with additional vapor barrier. This substrate has a uniform, dense structure, and installation is quite simple, despite the fact that Arbiton is considered a professional material.

Tuplex backing made in Finland. Its main advantage is its high elasticity, which well hides defects and unevenness of the floor, while remaining quite resistant to deformation. At the same time, the substrate also has high ventilation properties, allowing excess moisture between the coating and the base to be removed in a natural way. This substrate looks like a two-layer polyethylene film, where foam granules serve as an intermediate layer. Moreover, the bottom layer of the film has a hole that allows moisture to pass through - thanks to this, condensation does not form. Tuplex is often chosen due to the ability of this substrate to significantly reduce noise - up to 20 dB. This substrate also has good thermal insulation and vapor barrier properties.

The "Parkolag" substrate is produced in Russia, and in its structure and properties it clearly resembles the overseas "Tuplex". Positive qualities there is a lot, but there are also upsetting nuances: the substrate arrives inside out, and after opening the rolls on the floor, it needs to be turned over. And this is no longer easy - if handled carelessly, cork chips fall out.

The famous “Isoshum” is a domestic substrate made of extruded polystyrene foam, which reduces noise by up to 50%. It looks like a hard sheet, which is quite convenient to use. Here's how:

How to lay the underlay correctly?

When laying the underlayment, the most important thing is to avoid the coincidence of its seams and the seams of the covering. The sheet lining should be laid in a checkerboard pattern, not overlapping, but secured with masking tape. The rolled backing must be laid with an overlap on the walls, and on the next strips without any overlap - only with tape attached. Do you understand why this is so? Overlapping joints will simply create an uneven surface on which the laminate cannot be laid.

All other types - according to the attached video instructions.

Do you need a film under the substrate?

And now another important point. Despite the advertising of most manufacturers that their substrate is better waterproofing, it is still highly advisable to additionally put plastic film on the floor. Moreover, take one with parameters of at least 200 microns. If you miss this moment, then none of your claims will be considered by the companies.

But, interestingly, sometimes builders convince you not to put film between the substrate and the floor - they say, mold will quickly grow there. And there is a grain of truth in this: if you don’t dry the concrete before laying the laminate, it will happen. But this is already a direct violation building codes, the consequence of which can be not only fungus. Simply purchase a moisture meter and measure the base.

You can check whether similar problems will arise in the future like this: cut the film 1x1 m and place it on the floor. Tape along the edges, creating a complete seal with the temporary backing. If the film remains dry in the morning, everything will be fine.

You can read more about laying the laminate itself.