Who invented the washing machine? Who invented the washing machine? The very first washing machine.

Utagawa Kuniyoshi. A woman washing clothes in the river. Beginning of the 19th century

Soap, a mixture of fats and alkalis, was known in Sumer and Babylon about 5 thousand years ago. Legend has it that the Latin word sapo (soap) comes from the name of Mount Sapo in Ancient Rome, where sacrifices were made to the gods. Animal fat released when the victim was burned accumulated and mixed with the wood ash of the fire. The resulting mass of rain was washed onto the clayey bank of the Tiber River, where residents washed their clothes, which, thanks to this mixture, were washed much easier.

But even in hot water, which copes with dirt better than cold water, with soap and other detergents, washing remained hard physical labor, and it would be strange if people did not try to make it easier with the help of mechanization. The first primitive prototype of a washing machine was the simple technology of sailors who tied soapy clothes to a rope and lowered them overboard. The sea waves, multiplied by the speed of the ship, coped with the washing quite well. On land, washerwomen used the same principle, washing in fast-flowing streams and rivers.

History knows plenty of all kinds of mechanical devices that stirred laundry and thereby helped water and soap do their job. Even in Babylon, wheels with blades were installed in huge washing vats, which mixed the laundry as they rotated. True, strong men had to rotate these wheels, so such units simply replaced one type of muscular effort with another. In the villages, peasants planed deep troughs from wood that could be rocked like a cradle. Women could cope with this quite well, but the quality of washing was low. Another ancient washing machine was the so-called washing barrel, in which soapy water along with laundry was rotated by a cross mounted on a vertical axis.

D. Teniers Jr. Fabric bleaching.

A washboard is an essential attribute of hand washing.

The first patent for a mechanical washing machine was received on March 28, 1797 by the American Nathaniel Briggs from New Hampshire. This machine was reminiscent of ancient Babylonian ones, and its operation required considerable effort from several people. It is not surprising that this invention was not widely used. In 1851, American James King patented a washing machine very similar to the modern one. It was a tub with a holey cylinder mounted on a rotating axis. Linen was placed inside the tub and a soap solution was poured in, although the drum still had to be rotated manually. But it was this device that became the prototype of drum washing machines.

King’s unit seemed to have opened some kind of gateway: inventions of all kinds of mechanical washing devices poured in one after another in a powerful wave. In America alone in 1875, about 2 thousand patents for such devices were received. However, most of these ideas were unviable and remained on paper, but there were also truly successful ones. Thus, in the early 1850s, the first public paid laundries opened in the gold mines of California. They were equipped with washing machines that were powered by mules and could wash large quantities of laundry at a time. And in 1861, washing machines were supplemented with a mechanical spinning device. It consisted of two rotating rollers, between which wet laundry was passed.

Wooden hand-operated washing machine designed by W. Sellers. 1890

Yet the inventor of the washing machine is usually called the American William Blackstone. Although he was not a pioneer in the literal sense of the word, the model he designed in 1874 as a gift for his wife’s birthday became the first household washing machine to go into mass production. The company founded by Blackstone produces these household appliances to this day. In Europe, mass production of mechanical “washers” was established by the manufacturer of milk separators, Karl Miele. In 1900, his company Miele & Cie adapted a wooden churn with blades inside the body for washing purposes.

It must be said that machines that washed “themselves” appeared much earlier than officially patented ones, and not in the workshops of inventors, but in large farms in America and Europe, whose owners used steam engines for rural work. Instead of turning washing machine handles or harnessing animals, farmers used belt or gear drives. It was not possible to use steam engines in small private houses and apartments, so in cities, steam-powered washing machines were installed mainly in public laundries. In addition to steam engines, more exotic gas and even hydraulic drives, reminiscent of a small water mill, were also used.

The first electrically powered washing machine was patented in 1908 by American inventor Alva Fisher. Two years later, mass production of this unit, called Thor, began by the Hurley Machine Company. The machine was equipped with a wooden drum, which rotated alternately in one direction and the other. At the bottom of the machine there was a lever, which was used to engage the mechanism that rotated the drum with the electric motor shaft. A serious drawback of Fisher's invention was the unsafety of the machine, since all its transmission mechanisms were open.

By the early 1920s, more than 1,000 companies were producing washing machines in the United States. These were no longer industrial units, but compact household appliances that fit well into the interior of even a small apartment. However, in Europe and the USA, in apartment buildings, public washing machines are still sometimes installed in basements.

Laundry. New Hampshire, USA. 1931

Improvements were constantly made to the design of washing machines. In the early 1920s, wooden tanks lined with copper sheets gave way to enameled steel ones. Two main types of washing machines have been identified. The first is an activator with a vertical tank and a flat circle located at the bottom of the activator with protruding radial blades, driven by an electric motor located outside. The second type is drum machines, more complex and less reliable, but still more widespread due to ease of automation, gentle washing, and economical consumption of water and detergents.

In 1924, a machine appeared with a drum designed for both washing and spinning clothes. It was launched on the market by the American Savage Arms Company. In the next decade, machines with drain pumps and mechanical timers were developed. And yet, despite all these improvements, the owner still had to remain close to the machine throughout the entire washing process: opening and closing the water supply valve, setting the timer switch, starting and stopping the engine. The first truly automated drum washing machine appeared in the United States only in 1949, and in Europe two years later. The profession of a laundress became a thing of history, since a person was now only required to load dirty laundry into the machine, fill it with detergent, select a program and press the “start” button.

Woman hanging laundry. Arizona, USA. 1940

In the late 1970s, automatic washing machines began to be programmed using microprocessors. A drying function, which is not very popular due to high energy consumption, has appeared, as well as the ability to select a washing mode depending on the type of fabric. The designers developed machines of various sizes, which made it possible to integrate the units into kitchen furniture.

A real revolution in the production of washing machines was the Fuzzy Logic control system (literally “fuzzy logic”), developed in the mid-1990s. With its help, you can carry out an incredible number of washing options. In addition, a machine equipped with such a system itself controls the water temperature and its hardness, the volume of laundry loaded and the concentration of detergents. Microprocessors can even remember the type of wash most often used by the owner of the machine, and perform this function by default.

In the near future, the washing machine will become an integral part of the so-called smart home, completely controlled by computer systems. Technologies are currently being developed that will give the machine the ability, for example, to independently select the optimal washing mode using touch sensors for the type and color of fabric, as well as access the Internet and contact a service center in the event of a malfunction.

If there is not enough space in the house

The smallest automatic washing machine is produced by the Swiss company Eurosoba. The machine weighs only 36 kg, fits easily under the sink, and has a service life of 15 years.

For owners of not just small, but micro-sized apartments with tiny bathrooms, a washing machine of the wash-up system was developed, the essence of which is that the machine is located above the toilet, saving space, and the water used during washing is used to flush away sewage. What to do if the toilet is used more often than washed, the creators of the model are silent.

A special powder is produced for washing in washing machines.

A washing machine is certainly a necessary household appliance. Modern equipment of this type is inexpensive and can save its owners a lot of time. And in fact, it is very difficult to wash even light summer clothes by hand, not to mention winter clothes. But who invented the washing machine and when was the first such unit designed and assembled?

Washing in ancient times

It is not known for certain when exactly people learned to wash dirt from clothes with water. But this happened, of course, quite a long time ago. Primitive people, of course, hardly did laundry. However, historians were able to find out that a mixture of fats and alkalis, intended to remove dirt from clothes, was made more than 5 thousand years ago in ancient Sumer and Babylon.

The legend of soap

There is even one interesting ancient legend regarding the invention of soap by people. According to legend, the Latin word sapo (soap) comes from the name of Mount Sapo in Ancient Rome. In this place, according to legend, sacrifices to the gods were once upon a time made. The fat released during the burning of animals was subsequently washed away by rain into the Tiber flowing under the Tiber mountain. Soon, ancient housewives noticed that clothes were washed best in the river right next to the place of sacrifice.

Where was the washing machine invented: the first mechanical devices

With the invention of soap, removing dirt from laundry, of course, became much easier. However, the washing procedure was still quite difficult. And of course, man has more than once tried to facilitate this process using various kinds of mechanical devices.

We’ll talk about who first invented the washing machine a little later. The inventors of the primitive technology of lightweight washing in ancient times were ordinary sailors. They simply soaked their dirty clothes in water, soaped them thoroughly, tied them to a rope and threw them from the ship into the sea.

In the middle of the 19th century. One of the American gold miners came up with the idea of ​​​​using animal power to wash clothes. In 1851, this entrepreneur designed a primitive device driven by 12 mules. When answering the question of who invented the washing machine, you should first of all remember this person. However, his specific first and last name, unfortunately, have not been preserved in history. In any case, the machine invented by the gold miner worked quite effectively. She could wash up to 15 shirts at a time.

Thus, the answer to the question of which country invented the washing machine is the USA. Later, enterprising Americans, who thought of using pack animals for washing, even opened the world's first paid laundry.

The most convenient mechanical washing device was invented in the 19th century. American Jace King. The machine he made looked like a tub with a perforated cylinder on a rotating axis. This mechanism had to be set in motion manually. But this device, of course, still made the washing process much easier.

Although King's invention was extremely imperfect, it gave rise to many other washing machine ideas. By 1827, for example, about 2000 similar mechanisms had been patented.

When did serial production begin?

The first person to launch a mechanical washing device was William Blackstone. This inventor invented and assembled his own machine especially for his wife’s birthday in 1874. Later, convenient mechanical equipment began to bring the family a good income.

In Europe, mechanical washing machines first began to be produced in 1900. The inventor of new equipment designed to remove dirt from clothes in this part of the world was the German Karl Miele. The machine he assembled worked on the basis of a butter churn. A small batch of such mechanisms was brought to Russia at that time.

The world's first electric model

Mechanical washing devices produced since the mid-19th century. before the beginning of the 20th century, of course, they could make life much easier for housewives. Laundries were very popular among the population in those days. But who came up with the modern version of the washing machine, that is, with an electric motor?

This model was first developed in 1908. Its inventor was the American Alva Fisher. After electric machines went on sale, there was no need to spend physical effort on washing. However, the ultra-modern Fischer machines at that time also had one rather serious drawback. Unfortunately, they were no different in terms of safety. All parts of these units were open.

The Fisher unit was called Thor. The machine was equipped with a drum made of wood and rotated alternately in one direction or the other. At the bottom of this equipment there was a special lever, through which the device that rotated the drum was coupled to the shaft of the electric motor. In 1910, Thor machines were put into mass production by the Hurley Machine Company.

The evolution of washing machines in the 20th century.

In the 19th and early 20th centuries. The companies produced mainly industrial machines used in paid laundries. Compact units suitable for installation in private homes appeared on sale only in the 20s of the 20th century.

By this time, more than 1000 companies were already producing washing machines. Various changes were constantly made to the design of this equipment aimed at improving its ease of use and safety.

It was in the 20s of the last century that wooden tanks of washing machines were replaced with enameled metal ones. At the same time, two types of similar equipment that still exist today were identified. Vertical machines and more convenient and expensive drum machines were supplied to the market.

In 1924, among other things, devices appeared on sale that were designed not only for washing, but also for spinning clothes. The American company Savage Arms Company was the first to supply such units to the market.

Who invented the automatic washing machine

In subsequent years, models with mechanical timers and drain pumps, among other things, appeared on the market. Such machines, of course, were already very convenient to use. However, housewives still had to constantly be near the washing machine - turn the water supply tap on and off, start and stop the engine, etc.

The first truly fully automated unit appeared on the market only in 1951. Unfortunately, it is not known who invented the automatic washing machine specifically. The name of the inventor has not been preserved in history. In any case, the new machine was very convenient to use. The automatic unit had a spin function and two control toggle switches.

New generation equipment

So, who invented the automatic washing machine is unknown. In any case, such devices were convenient to use but, of course, still required improvement.

In the 70s of the last century, washing machines began to be equipped, among other things, with microprocessors. After this, the units added a drying function, which was not very popular due to its uneconomical nature. Also, new devices could wash clothes in different modes.

In the mid-90s, the Fuzzy Logic system was developed, which became a real revolution in the production of washing machines. Equipment has begun to be supplied to the market that can independently control the water temperature, the volume of loaded items, the concentration of detergents, etc.

Washing machines in the USSR: interesting facts

So, we found out. The world's first mechanical device was assembled by an unknown American gold miner. The electric model of such household appliances was invented by Fischer.

European and American housewives began using washing machines at the beginning of the 20th century. In the USSR, such equipment appeared only in 1925. Unfortunately, in those days only the wives of party nomenklatura could use it. In the 20-30s, cars were imported to the Soviet Union mainly from America.

Ordinary Soviet housewives were forced to wash on ordinary corrugated boards almost until the “thaw”. They began to be produced directly only in the middle of the century.

The first household washing units were supplied to Soviet stores from the Baltic states. The Riga RES plant was engaged in their production. The first machines that appeared in the 50s were called “EAYA-2” and “EAYA-3”. The price for these units was about 600 rubles. at a cost of 1500 rubles. After some time, a new generation of washing machines appeared in stores - “Riga 54”, which could be loaded with up to 2.5 kg of laundry.

The first unit with a timer in the USSR was released in 1966. The new machine “Vyatka” was a huge vertical tank with a screw in the bottom. The first units with a timer were a real shortage and were sold exclusively in Moscow.

The answer to the question of where the washing machine was invented is, of course, America. It was in the USA that the most convenient and functional units of this type were initially produced. However, household appliances of this variety produced in the Soviet Union in the last century were quite reliable and ergonomic.

In the 70s of the last century in the USSR, under a license from the Italian company Merloni Elektrodomestichi, they built an enterprise that began producing Vyatka-automatic machines. These units were twin sisters of the Ariston models and were extremely popular among Soviet housewives.

The first “Vyatka-automatic machines” went on sale in 1980. These units were quite expensive - about 400 rubles. (two salaries of a Soviet engineer). But they still bought them up very willingly.

The most ingenious representative of home appliances is the washing machine. It greatly simplifies the life of a modern person and allows you to solve the problem of washing clothes. It has no equal in usefulness, since this technique does the hardest work. But what is the history of the washing machine? How did it come into being and what were the first models?

The history of the creation of washing machines is interesting because For more than 160 years, the principle of their operation has not changed– here the laundry is washed either in a rotating drum, or under the influence of a rotating force it is rinsed in a stationary tank. Let's look at the history of the appearance of washing machines in more detail, starting in 1797.

What happened back in 1797? Then the first washboard was invented. With its help, housewives could more effectively deal with dirt - its ribbed surface made it possible to remove even deep stains. The washboard was successfully used for many decades, delighting with at least some relief from the tedious washing process.

A little over 50 years later, the real history of the washing machine began. In 1851, American James King applied for a patent for a washing machine. The device received a real drum, into which dirty laundry was placed and water was poured. There was no talk of any electric drive at that time, so the unit worked on manual traction - the inventor equipped it with a special handle that set the drum in motion.

Everything that was invented later was not much different from the original prototype. By the way, in the same year of 1851, a rather unusual washing unit was born, driven by mules. He could wash a large amount of laundry, and the unit itself became a means of making money - the inventor began accepting laundry for washing for a certain fee, which was used in gold.

The history of the washing machine began to fill in at a breakneck pace, and over the next 20 years, more than 2,000 patents were filed in patent offices. Some of these inventions have survived to this day, but most of the washing machines turned out to be so unsuccessful that no one dared to use the inventions in everyday life.

William Blackstone pioneered the mass production of washing machines.. His ideas turned out to be very successful, and the first user to receive his newest manual washing machine from William’s hands was his own wife. After this, the inventor decided to begin mass production of his equipment. The cost of one washing machine was 2.5 dollars.

The first washing machines with a motor

In 1908, an event occurred that marked a new era in the production of washing equipment - the first electrically driven washing machine appeared in the world. Its inventor was Alva Fisher, a resident of the USA. It was he who replaced the tedious manual drive with electric traction. As a result, washing is no longer such a tedious process.

In subsequent years, a real boom in the production of washing machines began in America. In just a decade, the number of manufacturers has grown to 1,300. But almost none of them have survived to our times. Only Whirlpool, which revolutionized the design of washing machines, remained afloat.

The appearance of buildings

The thing is that the mechanisms of the first washing machines were completely open. Because of this, they could not be called safe, and users were often injured. Even the spinning systems, which consisted of two rollers between which wet laundry was spun, were dangerous. As for Whirlpool, she was the first to think about the fact that washing equipment should be safe. As a result, washing machines with plastic cases were born, behind which all the filling was hidden.

The Whirlpool brand is still known today - its products can be found in many stores selling household appliances. It was this company that managed to go through the entire history of the creation of washing machines. What happened next?

The path to automatic machines

In the 20s of the last century, washing machines acquired enameled tanks, and their heavy copper and short-lived wooden counterparts became history forever. But the developers didn’t stop there – 10 years later, washing machines began to be equipped with electric drain pumps, which made the work of housewives even easier. In those same years, the first mechanical timers appeared, on which it was possible to set the duration of the washing cycle - many stages became automated.

The history of the domestic old top-loading washing machine began in 1950. At this time, activator washing machines “EAYA-2” and “EAYA-2” made in Riga appeared in Soviet stores. Looking at a photograph of one of these machines, you get the feeling that this is not a piece of household appliances, but the first stage of a launch vehicle - this is exactly the design that this miracle of technology acquired.

Washing machine "Vyatka"

In 1966, activator washing machines “Vyatka” appeared in the USSR, which were nothing more than a barrel with an engine. Over the 16 years that have passed since the start of production of the EAYA-2 and EAYA-3 washing machines, progress has only reached the introduction of a timer. Looking ahead, we will say that automatic washing machines were already being produced in full force around the world, which indicates the deplorable state of washing equipment in the USSR.

Semi-automatic machines with centrifuge

In subsequent years, practically nothing happened - Soviet industry was actively churning out “barrels with motors,” pointing to the highest reliability of these machines, making this parameter the most important advantage. A little later, the first semi-automatic washing machines equipped with centrifuges appeared in the USSR. A striking example of this is the Siberia washing machine, which can spin clothes. Subsequently, numerous analogues appeared, which are still produced to this day.

The first machine guns in the USSR

The beginning of the 70s was marked by the appearance of the first Soviet automatic washing machines (the lag behind the rest of the world was more than 20 years). The predecessor of modern automatic machines was the Eureka washing machine. True, it couldn’t be called an automatic machine either - water was poured manually. But here the laundry was spun in the same drum in which hand washing was carried out.

In the early 80s, Vyatka-automatic washing machines began to be produced in the USSR. Their production was carried out under license from the Merloni Eletrodomestici company, originally from Italy. This was the first full-fledged Soviet machine gun, equipped with several programs. Probably, the Vyatka-Avtomatic became the only non-scarce machine, since the time of its release fell on times of stagnation, and its cost was very high - as much as 400 rubles.

Another Soviet model was the Volga-10 automatic machine, which was inferior in its characteristics to the Vyatka, which is why it was discontinued. The main drawback was the high energy consumption, although to purchase “Vyatka” you had to present a certificate in the store stating that the house had electrical wiring that could withstand such a load - the first washing machines were the most “gluttonous” equipment at that time.

We have already talked about the belated breakthrough in the creation of Soviet automatic washing machines. But the first automatic machines appeared in the world much earlier, in 1947. They knew how to wash according to a given program, greatly facilitating the work of housewives. A few years later, automation began to operate all components, including the spinner. The real dawn of automatic washing machines has begun.

Every year they began to acquire more and more new functions, and closer to the 70s they began to resemble modern washing machines, especially in their shape. Over time, mechanical control modules also disappeared, completely giving way to smart electronics. By the way, the first processor washing machines appeared in 1978.

The history of the creation of washing machines is still being written to this day. New items appear almost every month, while outdated models are gradually becoming history. What features do the new models acquire?

  • Energy consumption is reduced - manufacturers are actively working to make washing machines as economical as possible;
  • The noise level is reduced - if the first cars were very noisy, today you can rock children next to some models;
  • The quality of washing improves - developers are working on technologies to improve washing without increasing the amount of powder;
  • Control is improving - machines have appeared that allow you to start washing by pressing one button.

Washing machines are becoming smart and economical. They know how to wash any type of laundry, know how to analyze its weight and independently determine the required amount of washing powder, and know how to dry things. The smartest models can even automatically update firmware via the Internet. Among the machines with new technologies, we can also mention washing machines with a honeycomb drum, where the idea is taken from the location of a honeycomb.

But this does not mean that simple washing machines are a thing of the past - on the contrary, people often buy simple small machines (such as Fairy 2), which help out in the country, as well as semi-automatic machines with centrifuges that can work where there is no tap water. But automatic washing machines still remain market leaders.

choose any

In ancient times, washing was a very labor-intensive process that took a lot of effort and time from housewives. But what can we say about the distant past: even in the twentieth century, a washing machine (the most ordinary one, not an automatic machine!) was not in every home. It’s different these days! They threw the laundry into the hatch, pressed the button, and two hours later they came out clean and fragrant. “If only they added a hanging function,” the laziest grumble. However, they can purchase and completely save themselves the hassle. Who created the first washing machines? Who should we be grateful to for our current prosperity?

Prototypes of the first washing machines

Probably, ancient sailors were the first to learn how to automate the washing process. They simply wrapped the soiled clothes in a fishing net and lowered them overboard on a rope. The ship was sailing, the clothes were being washed. And no hassle!

At the same time, their friends, who remained on land, were rubbing their sheets and shirts on stones and sand on the banks of nearby reservoirs. And people have used this simple method for many centuries.

This is how our great-grandmothers washed

The prototype of the first washing machine was the washboard, invented at the end of the eighteenth century. This device became an invariable assistant to every Soviet (and not only) woman: it can still be found among grandmothers in the attics of rural houses and in the basements of high-rise buildings.

The prototype of the first washing machine is a washboard

The first manual washing machines

A breakthrough in washing machine technology occurred in 1851, when the inventor from the United States of America, James King, registered a patent for a washing mechanism. Its design was very similar to the design of modern washing machines, only the drum was driven manually.

James King washing machine

Over the next quarter century, patent offices were bombarded with a barrage of various laundry devices. Some of them turned out to be completely useless. For example, who would want a device that can only wash one single shirt? But the invention of a certain Californian gold miner made it possible to wash a dozen pants at once. True, the device was driven by ten mules. Nevertheless, the unit took root. Moreover, its inventor made good money by charging gold dust for the services of the first washing machine. The prospectors needed clean shirts, but there was absolutely no time to do laundry, so the enterprising Californian also became the founder of the world's first paid laundry.

The muscle power of people and domestic animals was used to drive washing drums until the end of the century before last. This is exactly how the first washing machine for household use was designed - manual. In 1874, on the name day of her beloved wife, it was presented to her by a resident of the American state of Indiana, William Blackston. This man managed to use his invention correctly: since Mrs. Blackstone liked the innovation, the man decided that other housewives would also be happy with it.

Blackstone washing machine

Serial production of the first personal washing machines was launched in a short time, and the devices sold out like hot cakes, at two and a half dollars apiece. By the way, the company that Blackston founded at the end of the nineteenth century still produces washing equipment today.

What about the spin cycle?

Washed clothes need to be spun, and this process also requires effort. In 1861, a device was invented that made it easy to get rid of excess water. It looked like two rollers rotating towards each other. The washed item was pressed between them, the hostess turned the handle, and the rollers squeezed out the water. Does this remind you of anything? If not, it looks like you are very young, because semi-automatic machines were equipped with similar mechanisms ten to fifteen years ago.

The first washing machines with a motor

The beginning of the twentieth century was characterized by rapid development of technology. Steam engines were replaced by internal combustion engines, and in some places electric motors began to appear. These innovations did not bypass the production of washing mechanisms. Gasoline washing machines somehow didn’t catch on. Apparently, the smoke from the engine did not contribute to the cleanliness and freshness of the laundry. But then the first washing machines driven by electricity began to appear. Thus, in 1908, the Hurley Machine Company launched the Thor electric washing machine into mass production. Its inventor Alva Fischer is considered the founding father of household appliances of an innovative class at that time: electric.

Washing machine "Thor"

The laundry has returned to the house

Today Fischer's machine would seem antediluvian to us. It had a wooden drum that rotated alternately in different directions, and it had a special lever to switch the direction of movement. The moving mechanisms of the machines were not covered by a housing or casing: consumer safety in those days was apparently considered to be the work of the consumers themselves. Nevertheless, progress was evident.

By the end of the twenties of the last century, more than a thousand companies produced washing machines in the United States alone! It was then that the company, now known as Whirlpool Corporation, began its activities.

Sociologists claim that the spread of personal washing machines has “brought washing back into the home.” The fact is that at the beginning of the twentieth century, the machine washing method was already quite widespread, but it functioned in the format of public laundries. But as soon as the ladies had at their disposal a relatively compact in size and affordable car, which coped well with its tasks, they turned from consumers of services into consumers of goods, and this contributed to the development of an entire branch of the industry.

The advent of household machines also influenced the structure of women's employment in America and Europe: the services of laundresses were no longer needed, and women who made their living by doing laundry had to learn new professions.

From functionality to aesthetics

Since washing machines were intended primarily for the fair sex, for whom the aesthetic side of the issue is no less important than the technical one, equipment manufacturers were forced to engage in the design of their products. The ugly ducklings that were the first washing machines began to turn into stylish and elegant devices that no longer needed to be hidden in basements and pantries.

Milestones in the evolution of the washing machine

From the first washing machines with their imperfections to today's multifunctional units, this equipment has come a long way. Here are the main stages of its evolution:

Technical achievements in the field of laundry technology are no less ambitious than in the field of mobile communications. True, we buy smartphones much more often than washing machines. But if you are thinking about purchasing a new machine, you should be aware of what the modern market offers. And we are ready to help you with this. Read our blog and stay trendy!

Before scientific and technological progress began to steadily gain momentum, washing methods and detergents were primitive. The first washing machine radically revolutionized human life and confidently entered people's homes. If you are interested in the history of its creation, you have come to the right place - we will tell you the most interesting moments of the appearance of washing machines.

It is difficult to say for sure who was the first to create a washing machine - in the past, patent offices constantly received applications for registration of devices that made washing easier. They were faintly similar to modern SMA, but they can confidently be called ancestors.

Interesting. A California gold miner created the original washing machine in 1851. This “machine” washed about 10 shirts in one wash. Mules were used as the “engine”. He no longer had to “wash” the gold; instead, he provided laundry services to his colleagues, who paid the enterprising inventor with the gold they found. It is known that the first laundry was opened due to the need for laundry among bachelors. Perhaps this relates to the story of the gold seekers.

Attention! If you're in Eaton, Colorado, visit the Washing Machine Museum, founded by Lee Maxwell. It contains a whole collection of devices from the 20th century. Today you can see more than 600 exhibition items there. The main thing is that they all work, so you can clearly see the principle of operation of each of the machines.

Cars with engine

Washing has changed dramatically since motorized washing machines appeared. Some of them were gasoline, the rest were electric.

The “Thor” model, assembled in Chicago in 1908, entered serial production. The creator of the machine, A. Fisher, was known as the inventor of a unique technology at that time.

In the early 20s of the last century, in the USA alone there were more than 1,300 organizations that launched the production of SM. Not everyone was destined to firmly consolidate their position in the market, so not many have reached this day. One of the “old-timers” of the washing machine market is the Whirlpool Corporation.

The improvement of washing machines continued - all dangerous parts and components were gradually hidden and covered with panels, the appearance of the equipment was increasingly conducive to purchasing it.

Such a “boom” provoked changes in the social structure of society - after the invention of most household appliances, there was no longer a need for servants, and the queues in laundries disappeared, most of them closed. By the mid-50s, 1.4 million units of washing equipment were sold. At that time, the cost of the machine was $60.

It is difficult to say who created the first machine - the history of this technology covers entire countries and too many inventors and entrepreneurs. And it is almost impossible to decide when the first machine appeared - due to the fact that the first inventions bore little resemblance to the current SMA.

Stages of evolution

  • 20s of XX century. Wooden tanks have been replaced by metal enameled analogues.
  • 30s. At this time, pumps powered by electricity began to be used. A timer was added to the design of the machines.
  • 1949 This year the first programmer was invented and the production of the first automatic washing machine was launched.
  • 50s For the first time, the function of automatic laundry spinning has been implemented.
  • '78. A model with a microprocessor has been created.
  • The beginning of the 21st century – integration of SMA into the “smart home” system.

From the early 90s to the present day, manufacturers have been supplementing and improving the design of washing machines, adding options and functions, and unique innovative technologies.

In the 50s, on the shelves of Soviet stores you could choose from two models - “EAYA-2” and “EAYA-3”; these cars were assembled in Riga. The design, like that of other Soviet devices, bore little resemblance to their foreign counterparts - these machines looked more like rockets.


Activator SM “Vyatka” went on sale in 1966. The design is indecently simple - a barrel-shaped tank and an engine. In the 16 years that passed between the release of EAYA and Vyatka, nothing has changed except the design and addition in the form of a timer.

Semi-automatic models with centrifuge

“Barrels” with a motor continued to be produced without any attempts to improve them. Reliability was positioned as the main advantage. Models with centrifuges became even more of a “breakthrough” (meanwhile, the Americans were pushing in automatic mode).

The first spinning machine was released under the Siberia brand (a harsh name for a harsh machine).

Slot machines

In the 70s, buyers finally saw automatic cars (20 years later than in the rest of the world). The first prototype was “Eureka,” although it did not reach the level of a machine gun: you had to fill the water yourself. But the laundry was wrung out in the same drum where it was washed.

“Vyatka-automatic” has evolved for almost 15 years, and a lot has changed over the years. They were manufactured under license from the company Merloni Eletrodomestici (Italy). The model already had a couple of programs. This is the only washing machine that did not become a shortage in the Union - it was released during the “stagnation”, and it cost 400 rubles (at that time - decent money).

Interesting! To buy an SMA, you had to bring a certificate to the store stating that the wiring in the house can withstand the load of the “gluttonous” device.

The next car, the Volga-10, quickly lost the interest of buyers, as it was inferior to the Vyatka-Avtomatic and consumed much more electricity.

Modern SMA

In modern models, discrete logic has been replaced by Fuzzy Logic(read more about it in the corresponding article). Its distinctive feature is the mass of parameters that the user can set, as well as information that is read by sensors and reported to the control unit.

In recent developments Fuzzy Logic has been replaced by UseLogic– the system analyzes all parameters of the laundry, determining the optimal washing process. During the mode itself, processes are analyzed, examined and adjusted - this reduces the consumption of resources and detergents. At the same time, the quality of washing and the impeccable appearance of the laundry are maintained.

Sensor Clear Water– development that analyzes water pollution. If the sensor tells the board that the water is too cloudy, the system will automatically initiate an additional rinse.

We can discuss the cars of our time endlessly, but this is a topic for a separate article. And you have already learned the most interesting things about the history of the emergence and development of this industry.