Sayano Shushenskaya hydroelectric station dimensions. Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station from inside and around

Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station named after. P.S. Neporozhniy is the most powerful power plant in Russia, the sixth most powerful hydroelectric power station in the world. Located on the Yenisei River, in the village of Cheryomushki (Khakassia), near Sayanogorsk. The beginning of the biography of the Sayano-Shushensky hydropower complex can be considered November 4, 1961, when the first team of prospectors from the Lenhydroproekt Institute arrived in the mining village of Maina. In the winter of the same year, a survey of 3 competing sites was carried out. In July 1962, an expert commission headed by Academician A.A. Belyakov, was able to choose the final option based on the survey materials - the Karlovsky site.

20 km downstream, it was planned to build a satellite of the Sayano-Shushenskaya - counter-regulating Mainskaya hydroelectric station.
September 12, 1968 - filling of the lintels of the first stage pit began at the Karlovsky site.

The project of the unique arch-gravity dam of the SSh HPP was developed by the Leningrad branch of the Gidroproekt Institute. The creation of a dam of this type in the conditions of a wide section of the Yenisei and the harsh climate of Siberia had no analogues in the world

More than two hundred organizations contributed to the construction of the energy giant on the Yenisei and will forever remain components of the history of its creation, but the first place among them is, of course, occupied by the multi-thousand-strong KrasnoyarskGESstroy

October 17, 1970 - the first cubic meter of concrete was laid into the main structures of the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station.

On October 11, 1975, the whole country watched the duel between builders and the mighty Yenisei.
Here are the words from a telegram from the secretary of the board of the Union of Writers of the USSR Sergei Sartakov: “...The hero Yenisei, who awakened the Sayan Range, will... serve man in the hope, however, that man will treat him according to his dignity...”

1978 - construction of the counter-regulatory Mainskaya hydroelectric power station began.

This is really cool!

Year after year, construction became more and more “Komsomol”

and increasingly all-Russian.

December 18, 1978 - the first hydraulic unit of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP was put under industrial load.

On May 23, the raging flood broke into the building of the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station and flooded the first starting hydraulic unit.
All efforts were devoted to eliminating the accident, and on July 4, the flooded unit, having undergone a complete technical audit, was reintroduced into the Siberian energy system.

In the foreground is the GA-2 spiral chamber

November 5, 1979 - the second hydraulic unit of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP was put into operation - like the first, with a replaceable impeller.

All the unique equipment of the SSh HPP was manufactured by domestic factories: hydraulic turbines - by the production association of turbine construction "Leningrad Metal Plant", hydrogenerators - by the Leningrad production electrical engineering association "Elektrosila", transformers - by the production association "Zaporozhtransformator".

On December 21, 1979, the third hydraulic unit of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP with a permanent impeller was connected to the Siberian energy system.

The turbine runners were delivered to the upper reaches of the Yenisei by a waterway almost ten thousand kilometers long, across the Arctic Ocean.

October 29, 1980 - the fourth “Komsomolsk” hydraulic unit was put under industrial load

In the summer of 1979, student construction teams with a total number of 1,700 people took part in the construction of the largest hydroelectric power station

in 1980 - more than 1,300 people from all over the country.

In 1985, when a flood with a flow rate of 4,500 cubic meters of water per second passed through the open spillways of the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station dam, serious damage to the water well occurred.

And on December 25, 1985, the tenth and last electric hero, and the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station surpassed all hydroelectric power stations on the Asian-European continent in its power. Its installed capacity is 6.4 million kilowatts!

On July 2, 1986, the last, ninth million cubic meters of concrete were laid into the main structures of the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station.

On June 12, 1987, the first two units of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP were reconstructed, where temporary impellers were replaced with regular, permanent ones.

1988 - construction of the hydroelectric power station is largely completed.

When a flood with a flow rate of 4,400 cubic meters of water per second passed through the open spillways of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP, the fastening of the water well was again destroyed, which caused concern about the further operation of the project spillways.

Water well after the 1988 flood

September 25, 1990 - the reservoir of the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station was filled for the first time to the design mark of 540 meters of the normal retaining level.

1993 - OJSC Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP was created.

In September, all the property of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP passed into the full and undivided ownership of RAO UES of Russia.

In 2005, construction began on the coastal spillway of the hydroelectric power station, the commissioning of which will increase the reliability and safety of the operation of the power plant (the standard spillway turned out to be poorly designed - the destruction of the water well was repeatedly noted).

In the same 2005, OJSC Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP became part of OJSC HydroOGK

The Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station named after P. S. Neporozhniy is the largest power station in Russia in terms of installed capacity, the 8th among currently operating hydroelectric power stations in the world.

It is located on the Yenisei River, on the border between the Krasnoyarsk Territory and Khakassia, near the village of Cheryomushki, near Sayanogorsk. It is the upper stage of the Yenisei cascade of hydroelectric power stations. The unique arch-gravity dam of the station with a height of 242 m is the highest dam in Russia and one of the highest dams in the world. The name of the station comes from the names of the Sayan Mountains and the village of Shushenskoye, located not far from the station, widely known in the USSR as the place of exile of V.I. Lenin.
The Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP project was developed by the Leningrad branch of the Hydroproject Institute. Builders began work in 1963. The first hydraulic unit received industrial load in December 1978, the tenth in 1985.

The Sayan hydroelectric power station was built by young people; in 1967, the Komsomol Central Committee declared the construction an All-Union Komsomol shock construction project. In the summer of 1979, student construction teams with a total number of 1,700 people took part in the construction of the largest hydroelectric power station, in 1980 - more than 1,300 people from all over the country. By this time, 69 of their own Komsomol youth groups had already been formed during construction, 15 of them were registered ones.

2. Construction of the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station, which began in 1963, was officially completed only in 2000. During the construction and operation of the hydroelectric power station, problems occurred related to the destruction of spillway structures and the formation of cracks in the dam, which were later successfully resolved.
Monument to the builders of the hydroelectric power station on the observation deck.

3. On August 17, 2009, the largest accident in the history of Russian hydropower occurred at the station, causing the death of 75 people. The restoration of the station was completed on November 12, 2014.

4. On February 10, 2011, 78 km from the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station, an earthquake measuring about 8 points on the MSK-64 scale occurred. In the area of ​​the hydroelectric dam, the force of the tremors was about 5 points; no damage to the station’s structures was recorded.

5. Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP is a powerful high-pressure hydroelectric power station of the dam type.
Structurally, hydroelectric power station structures are divided into a dam, a hydroelectric power station building with auxiliary buildings, a water well for the operational spillway, a coastal spillway, and an open switchgear.

6. From time to time, the media express doubts about the reliability of the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station dam. At the same time, authoritative experts in the field of hydraulic engineering have repeatedly stated that the station’s structures are safe.
The Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP has a valid safety declaration.

7. The pressure front of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP is formed by a unique concrete arch-gravity dam, the stability and strength of which is ensured by its own weight (60%) and partially by the thrust of the upper arched part into the banks (40%).
The dam has a maximum height of 245 m, its upper edge is outlined by an arc with a radius of 600 m, the width of the dam at the base is 105.7 m, along the crest - 25 m. The length of the dam crest, taking into account the coastal inlays, is 1074.4 m.

8. The operational spillway is designed to discharge excess water inflow during high water and floods, which cannot be passed through the hydraulic units of a hydroelectric power station or accumulated in a reservoir. The design maximum capacity of the operational spillway is 13,600 m³/sec, the actual capacity at the reservoir elevation of 540 m is 13,090 m³/sec.


10. The dam is cut into the rocks of the left and right banks to a depth of 15 m and 10 m, respectively, into the base rocks - to a depth of 5 m.

11. Yenisei.

12. Power lines.

13. Chapel.

14. The building of the hydroelectric power station houses 10 hydraulic units with a capacity of 640 MW each.



17. Hydraulic unit No. 2. It was from this that the accident at the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station began in August 2009, which disabled all the equipment of the station and claimed the lives of 75 people. Under the strong pressure of water, the turbine cover was torn off, the rotor of this machine (weighing 900 tons!) rose several meters and, rotating, began to destroy the turbine room - the ceiling, the walls...




21. The Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station is the largest power plant in Russia, which also produces very cheap electricity - the cost of 1 kWh of electricity in 2001 at the Sayano-Shushensk hydropower complex was 1.62 kopecks.

22. Hydroelectric power stations are the most powerful source of covering peak power surges in the Unified Energy System of Russia. The hydroelectric power plant is the basis and source of energy supply for the Sayan territorial production complex, which includes large aluminum smelters - Sayansky and Khakassky (owned by the Russian Aluminum company), Abakanvagonmash, coal mines, iron mines, and a number of light and food industry enterprises.



25. The hydroelectric dam forms the large Sayano-Shushenskoye reservoir.

26. The coastal spillway is located on the right bank and is designed to pass floods of rare occurrence.





31. Coastal spillway.
Structurally, the spillway consists of a water intake structure, two free-flow tunnels, a five-stage drop and an outlet channel.

32. Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP is the favorite station of the head of RusHydro, Evgeny Dod.

33. Night view of the coastal spillway.

34. Having seen this colossus once, you fall in love with it for the rest of your life, and all the time you are drawn to return to the banks of the Yenisei.

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Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP- one of the largest hydraulic structures on the Yenisei River. It got its name thanks to the nearby Sayan Mountains and the village of Shushenskoye, where the leader of the proletariat was once exiled.

  1. SSh hydroelectric power station has the highest dam in Russia. The pressure front of the presented hydroelectric power station is formed by an arched-gravity dam with a height of 245 m. The strength of this concrete structure is additionally ensured by the upper arched belt with load transfer (about 40%) to the rocky shores.
  2. This is the most powerful hydroelectric power station in Russia (installed capacity 6.4 million kW). It ranks ninth in terms of power in the world list of operating hydroelectric power plants.

  3. This unique project of the SSh HPP dam is the “brainchild” of engineers from the Leningrad branch of the Gidroproekt Institute. They were able to create a dam for the stormy waters of the Yenisei, taking into account the harsh climatic conditions of Siberia. The arch-gravity dam is even recorded in the Guinness Book of Records as the most reliable hydraulic structure of this type.

  4. This huge dam was cut by builders into the rocky banks of the Yenisei to a depth of 10-15 meters. Just imagine: 9.075 million m³ of concrete was used to construct it. With so much concrete it would be possible to build a highway from Moscow to Vladivostok!

  5. An unusual group monument to the builders of the hydroelectric station combines bronze figures of people of various professions who were directly involved in the construction of the hydraulic facility. This historical landmark makes for great photos.

  6. This energy plant was built in the mountains, surrounded by taiga forests. The magnificent architecture of such a very complex technical facility organically fits into the natural landscape of this beautiful region.

  7. More than two hundred organizations (construction, installation, electrical) participated in the construction of the energy giant on the Yenisei. Young specialists from all over the former USSR came to the construction site. This hydroelectric power station, in truth, was erected by the entire Soviet people!

  8. In 1974, an interesting event occurred in the history of construction - the “Treaty of Twenty-Eight” was signed.. In this way, all participants in the global construction pledged to help each other, perform their work efficiently, and strive to reduce construction time. Now the station museum houses a steel rod tied into a “friendship knot,” symbolizing friendly relations between individual brigades.

  9. The dam of the power facility “survived” an earthquake in 2011, when 78 km from the hydroelectric power station there were 8 points on the MSK-64 scale, and 5 points were measured near the dam. Experts did not record any damage to the body of the dam - the legendary builders did a great job!

  10. Each RO-230/833-V-677 turbine of this energy giant has an impeller with a diameter of 6.77 m and a weight of 156 tons! The hydraulic turbines were manufactured by the Leningrad Metal Plant; 10 huge impellers traveled almost 10,000 kilometers before being installed at the hydroelectric power station! They were transported by water across the Arctic Ocean.

  11. This station was built in stages from 1963 to 2000. Thanks to the use of temporary impellers, even at low pressure (60 m), the hydraulic units were gradually put into operation and generated electricity.

  12. Between 1997 and 2011, an additional coastal spillway was built, thanks to which additional water flow is carried out up to 4000 m³/s and the load on the main spillway of the station is reduced, which significantly increases the safety of the station.

  13. An unusual spatial cross-rod structure for the floors and walls of the turbine hall was designed by the Moscow Architectural Institute. This design imparted special architectural elegance, but, as practice has shown, it did not ensure the reliability of the building.

  14. The largest man-made disaster occurred in 2009. As a result of the accident due to poor quality repairs at the SSh hydroelectric power station, 75 people died, the main equipment and the turbine room were severely damaged. In 2014, restoration work at the station was completed.

  15. After the 2009 accident, tons of turbine oil went into the waters of the Yenisei. Even after the emergency use of special sorbents to collect oil and booms, 400 tons of fish died.

Recently, thanks to RusHydro, I visited the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station. I won’t hide it, this was my old dream, and now it has come true, and not even thanks to “our property”... So, today it is on the pages of the most industrial LJ blog:

Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP named after. P.S. Neporozhniy is the largest power plant in Russia in terms of installed capacity and the 7th in the world. The installed capacity of the station is 6,400 MW, the average annual production is 22.8 billion kWh of electricity. It is located on the Yenisei River, on the border between the Krasnoyarsk Territory and Khakassia, near the village of Cheryomushki, near the city of Sayanogorsk. It is the upper stage of the Yenisei cascade of hydroelectric power stations.

The history of SSHHPP dates back to November 4, 1961, when the first team of Lenhydroproekt prospectors headed by Pyotr Vasilievich Erashov arrived in Abakan. in order to find the most suitable site for the construction of a new powerful hydroelectric power station on the Yenisei. Five competing sections were examined: Mainsky, Kibiksky, Mramorny, Karlovsky and Joysky. Based on survey materials, the State Commission on July 21, 1962 chose the final option - the Karlovsky site, although initially the Joysky site seemed the most promising.

During 1962 - 1965, Lenhydroproekt carried out active work as part of the development of the design specifications for the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP, which was approved by the Council of Ministers of the USSR in 1965. Initially, a station with 12 hydraulic units with a capacity of 530 MW was planned, but in 1968, at the proposal of the USSR Ministry of Energy and equipment manufacturing plants, it was decided to increase the unit capacity of hydraulic units to 640 MW, which made it possible to reduce their number to today’s 10.


In 1968, the filling of the right bank pit of the first stage began. On October 17, 1970, the first cubic meter of concrete was laid in the main structures of the station, and on October 11, 1975, the Yenisei was blocked.

The first hydraulic unit of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP (with a replaceable impeller) was put under industrial load on December 18, 1978; second - November 5, 1979; third - December 21, 1979; fourth - October 29, 1980; fifth - December 21, 1980; sixth - December 6, 1981; seventh - September 5, 1984; eighth - October 11, 1984; ninth - December 1, 1985; tenth - December 25, 1985.

The station began supplying electricity to the power system in December 1978, becoming part of the Krasnoyarskenergo production association. And by 1986, having generated 80 billion kWh, the station recouped the costs of its construction.

3. A Chapel was built on the territory in memory of those killed in the accident in August 2009.

In 1987, the temporary impellers of hydraulic units No. 1 and No. 2 were replaced with permanent ones. By 1988, the construction of the hydroelectric power station was largely completed; in 1990, the reservoir was filled to the NPL level for the first time.

The hydroelectric power station got its name thanks to the Sayan Mountains and the village of Shushenskoye, located not far from the station, which is known for the fact that it was here that V.I. Lenin was in exile. On May 18, 2001, the station was named after P. S. Neporozhniy, the Minister of Energy and Electrification of the USSR, the organizer of the country's unified energy system.


The Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP dam is a concrete arch-gravity dam, a hydraulic structure that is unique in all its characteristics and has no analogues in the world. The height of the structure is 245 m, the length along the crest is 1,074.4 m, the width at the base is 105.7 m and at the crest - 25 m. In plan, it has the form of a circular arch with a radius of 600 m with a central angle of 102 degrees. The SSHHPP dam is in seventh place among the tallest dams in the world. In Russia there is another arch-gravity dam - Gergebilskaya, but it is of course much smaller.

The stability and strength of the dam under water pressure is ensured both by its own weight (about 60%) and by transferring the hydrostatic load to the rocky shores (by 40%). The dam is cut into the rocky banks to a depth of 15 m. The dam is connected to the base in the riverbed by cutting to a solid rock to a depth of 5 m.

5. The SSHHPP dam is divided into a left-bank blind part with a length of 252.8 m (sections 0-15), a station part with a length of 331.8 m (sections 16-36), a spillway part with a length of 189.6 m (sections 38-48) and a right-bank part blind part 300.2 m long (sections 49-67). The left-bank and right-bank parts connect the dam with the banks.

The spillway part of the dam, 189.6 m long, is located on the right bank and is the operational spillway structure of the SSHHPP. The operational spillway has 11 holes, which are buried 60 m from the FPU (normal retaining level 539 m) and 11 spillway channels, consisting of a closed section and an open tray, which run along the downstream edge of the dam. The spillways are equipped with main and maintenance gates.

6. View of the idle spillway. We were lucky - we washed two channels...

7. These are the water conduits here :), and there are 10 of them in total


9. Transformer site, one of its representatives


11. A tunnel cut into the rock, through which one gets to the crest of the dam from the left bank, its length is 1,100 m.

12. 9.075 million m³ of concrete was laid in the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station dam, and this would be enough to build a highway from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok

13. And the cranes here are impressive in size

The station part of the dam is located on the left bank of the river bed and consists of 21 sections with a total length of 331.6 m. The hydroelectric power station building adjoins it on the downstream side, and a transformer site is located in the adjoining area at an elevation of 333 m.

In the station part of the dam there are 10 water intakes, from which turbine water conduits laid along the lower edge of the dam depart in the form of a metal shell with an internal diameter of 7.5 m and a reinforced concrete lining 1.5 m thick. The openings of the water intakes are 3 meters below the level of the dead volume of the reservoir ( ULV - 500 m) and each of them is closed by a flat valve with a hydraulic drive.


In the downstream, to absorb water energy and protect the rock base from erosion, a concrete water well 144.8 m long, ending with a water wall, was built. In the well, the flow loses a significant part of its energy. The river bottom behind the water wall is reinforced with concrete slabs over a length of 60 m.

The maximum capacity of the operational spillway at a normal retaining level (NPL - 539 m) is 11,700 m3/s.

15. View from the dam crest to the tailwater


17. Mount Borus is in the background


19. View of the Upper Reservoir and the Sayano-Shushenskoye Reservoir. The reservoir area is 621 km 2, full reservoir capacity - 31.3 km 3, including useful - 15.3 km 3. The catchment area of ​​the river basin, providing inflow to the hydroelectric station site, is 179,900 km 2. The average long-term flow at the site is 46.7 km 3.


For additional safety and reliability, a Coastal Spillway was built on the right bank. Its launch took place on September 28, 2011. It consists of: an entrance head, two free-flow tunnels with a cross-section of 10x12 m, an exit portal, a five-stage drop and an outlet channel.

The entrance head serves to organize a smooth entry of water flow into two free-flow tunnels, each 1,130 meters long, with a throughput capacity of each tunnel of 2,000 m3/s. The drainage tunnels along the entire length and along the entire perimeter are secured with a monolithic reinforced concrete lining of a trough-shaped outline. The estimated speed of water movement at the exit of the tunnel is 22 m/s, the operating mode of the tunnels is free-flow.


The five-stage drop consists of five suppression wells 100 m wide and 55 to 167 m long, separated by spillway dams. The difference ensures the damping of the flow energy. The outlet channel, 100 m wide along the bottom and about 700 m long along the axis, ensures the connection of the discharged flow with the river bed.


The coastal spillway of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP after completion of construction and reaching its design capacity allowed for additional discharge of up to 4000 m 3/sec. The structure can begin passing flows after filling the reservoir to the 527 m mark.

The structures are also equipped with remote, filtration and geodetic control and measuring equipment (KIA).


In the body of the dam along the upper edge there are longitudinal galleries used for monitoring the condition of the dam, placing control and measuring equipment, collecting and discharging drainage water, and performing cementation and repair work.

In total, 10 longitudinal galleries are installed in the body of the dam along the upper edge (9 in the first column and one in the third), where about five thousand units of control and measuring equipment are located, and into which cables from more than six thousand sensors installed during the construction process are routed and operation. All this KIA allows us to assess the condition of the structure as a whole and its individual elements.

24. I was very pleased with the equipped observation deck, located near the station from which the hydroelectric power station is clearly visible.

And now we will go inside the station itself, and as always, according to the list: control panel, machine room...


26. Memorial plaque to Pyotr Stepanovich Neporozhny at the entrance to the station

27. Memorial plaque to the first director of the hydroelectric power station - Valentin Ivanovich Bryzgalov in the hall of the SShHPP

28. The largest hydro-generating company in the world is the Brazilian "Eletrobras" - 35,591 MW, in second place is the Canadian "Hydro-Québec" - 34,490 MW, and the third (for now, there is still gunpowder...) is our "RusHydro" - 25,435 MW ( although if we take the Group as a whole, including the electrical capacities of JSC RAO Energy Systems of the East, as well as the newest hydroelectric power station in Russia - Boguchanskaya HPP - 37,500 MW).

29. The station amazes not only with its size, but also the corridors here are very...

30. Central control panel of SSHHPP


32. General view of the turbine hall of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP


34. In the turbine room of the hydroelectric power station there are 10 hydraulic units with a capacity of 640 MW each with radial-axial turbines. At the moment, the available capacity of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP is 4,480 MW (hydraulic units No. 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 are in operation, as well as No. 4 is ready for launch).

Let us remind you that the accident in the turbine room of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP occurred on August 17, 2009. At the time of the accident, nine hydraulic units of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP were in operation (hydraulic unit No. 6 was in reserve). The total active power of the operating units was 4,400 MW. As a result of damage to hydraulic unit No. 2, water was released from the turbine crater. The accident did not affect the condition of the SSHHPP dam.


As a result of the accident, the building structures of the MArkhI in the area from the 1st to the 5th hydraulic units were partially collapsed and the maintenance mark for the turbine hall was blocked (mark 327); the load-bearing columns of the building and mark 327, as well as the equipment of the regulation, control and protection systems of hydraulic units located on it, were damaged and in some places destroyed; 5 phases of power transformers received mechanical damage of varying degrees; The building structures of the transformer site in the area of ​​units 1 and 2 were damaged.

36. Hydraulic unit No. 3

As a result of water ingress, all hydraulic units of the hydroelectric power station received electrical and mechanical damage of varying degrees of severity, with:

GA 5 - electrical damage to the generator,
. GA 6 - damage to the generator due to water flooding,
. GA 3, 4 - electrical and mechanical damage to generators of moderate severity and damage to building structures of varying severity,
. GA 1, 10, 8, - electrical and mechanical damage to generators of great severity and damage to building structures of varying severity,
. GA 7, 9 - high severity and damage to building structures and complete destruction of generators,
. GA 2 - complete destruction of building structures, generator and turbine.

All plant-wide technological systems located at level 327 and lower levels were flooded and suffered damage of varying degrees of severity. Cable tunnels and downstream galleries in the area of ​​GA 2,7,9 collapsed.


The restoration and comprehensive modernization of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP was carried out in three stages:

At the first (2010-2011), the least damaged hydraulic units No. 3, 4, 5 and 6 were restored.

On November 30, JSC RusHydro and JSC Power Machines entered into a contract for the manufacture of new equipment for the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP. Under the terms of the contract, Power Machines will produce 10 hydraulic turbines and nine hydraulic generators with a capacity of 640 MW each, as well as six excitation systems. In addition, they undertake to carry out installation and commissioning work.

On February 24, 2010, hydraulic unit No. 6 was restored and put into operation.
March 22, 2010 - hydraulic unit No. 5.
On April 15, 2010, the dismantling of hydraulic unit No. 2, which was completely destroyed during the accident, was completed.
August 2, 2010 - hydraulic unit No. 4.
December 22, 2010 - hydraulic unit No. 3.

The launch of hydraulic unit No. 3 in December 2010 drew a line under the first stage of reconstruction of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP.

38. That same hydraulic unit No. 2 will soon be ready for work and defense...

At the second stage (2012-2013), 5 new hydraulic units were installed, which were included in the network according to the restoration work schedule:
GA No. 1 - in December 2011, GA No. 7 - in March, GA No. 8 - in July and GA No. 9 in December 2012, GA No. 10 was put into operation in March 2013.

In August 2013, hydraulic unit No. 6 was put into operation. At the time of the accident, it was under repair, and therefore suffered the least damage and was the first to be put into operation after restoration repairs in 2010.


During the third stage, which will be completed this year, previously restored hydraulic units will be replaced with new ones, and unit No. 2, which was the most damaged during the accident, will also be put into operation. The service life of the new hydraulic units has been increased to 40 years, while the maximum efficiency of the hydraulic turbine is 96.6 %. Energy characteristics have also been improved.


41. Ildar Bagautdinov accompanied us through the turbine room

It was he who led the group of employees at the time of the accident, in conditions of complete failure of the automation, manually, using only mechanical equipment, lowered the 150-ton valves of the water conduits of the hydraulic units, thereby stopping the flow of high-pressure water into the turbine room. Thanks to this, further destruction of the turbine room was prevented.

42. These additional exits were also built after the accident


As a result, in 2014, the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP will be fully equipped with completely new and modern equipment. In addition to replacing hydraulic units, other station equipment is also being updated. In particular, the power supply circuit equipment - generator switches, power transformers (they have already been manufactured and delivered to the station), etc. - must be completely replaced.



46. ​​As part of the modernization program, the open switchgear of the station is replaced by a modern, economical and more reliable gas-insulated switchgear (GIS-500 kV) of a closed type.

47. The new GIS-500 has already been put into operation.

48. But these are historical images; soon all these structures will be dismantled

49. This is what the new equipment looks like



52. Coastal spillway of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP

53. General view of the hydroelectric station from the observation deck


55. “Monument to the Conquerors of the Yenisei - the First Builders of the Sayano-Shushenskaya Hydroelectric Power Station”


57. When such builders work here... you don’t have to worry about the station and its future :)

Many thanks to the press service of JSC RusHydro for the opportunity to visit these regions, information openness and transparency. Special respect, of course, to Ivan

In the 70s - 80s of the last century, probably all residents of the USSR knew about the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric station. On television, radio and in the press they constantly talked about this construction project of the century on the banks of the Yenisei. In 1967, the Komsomol Central Committee declared the construction an All-Union Komsomol shock construction project. At all subsequent congresses of the Komsomol, Komsomol members, directly from the Kremlin Palace of Congresses, volunteered to build this structure. The construction of the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station can only be compared in importance to the BAM, but unlike the BAM, the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station operates and produces electricity.

1. In November 1961, the first teams of surveyors from the Lenhydroproekt Institute arrived in the mining village of Maina with the aim of examining 3 competing sites for the construction of a hydroelectric power station based on a project of a unique arch-gravity dam. Surveyors, geologists, and hydrologists worked in cold and bad weather, 12 drilling rigs in three shifts “probed” the bottom of the Yenisei from the ice. In 1962, the expert commission chose the final option - the Karlovsky site. 20 km downstream, the construction of a counter-regulatory satellite, Sayano-Shushenskaya, was planned.

2. The largest production associations of the USSR created new super-powerful equipment for new hydroelectric power stations. Thus, all the unique equipment of the SSh HPP was manufactured by domestic factories: hydraulic turbines - by the production association of turbine construction "Leningrad Metal Plant", hydrogenerators - by the Leningrad production electrical engineering association "Elektrosila", transformers - by the production association "Zaporozhtransformator".

3. Today, the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station named after P. S. Neporozhniy is the largest power station in Russia in terms of installed capacity, the 9th among currently operating hydroelectric power stations in the world. The unique arch-gravity dam of the station with a height of 242 m is the highest dam in Russia and one of the highest dams in the world. The name of the station comes from the names of the Sayan Mountains and the village of Shushenskoye, located not far from the station, widely known in the USSR as the place of exile of V.I. Lenin.

4. The hydroelectric power station building has a curved shape in plan, the radius along the axis of the units is 452 m. The underwater part of the building is divided into 10 blocks (according to the number of hydraulic units), 9 of which have a width along the axis of the units of 23.82 m, and the end block is 10 adjacent to the separate abutment is 34.6 m. The width of the machine room with the floor at 327.0 m is 35 m, and its total length with the installation site is 289 m. The distance between the axes of the units is 23.7 m. Into the building At the hydroelectric power station, 480,000 m³ of concrete was laid. The walls and roof of the station's turbine hall are created on the basis of a spatial cross-rod structure consisting of unified metal elements of the Moscow Architectural Institute (MARCHI) system.

5. The hydroelectric power station building houses 10 hydraulic units, each with a capacity of 640 MW, with radial-axial turbines RO-230/833-0-677, operating at a design head of 194 m (operating pressure range - from 175 to 220 m). The nominal rotation speed of the hydraulic turbine is 142.8 rpm, the maximum water flow through the turbine is 358 m³/s, the turbine efficiency in the optimal zone is about 96%, the total weight of the hydraulic turbine equipment is 1440 tons. The hydraulic turbine impeller is a one-piece all-welded stainless steel structure steel, has a diameter of 6.77 m.

6. The same hydraulic unit No. 2 that on August 17, 2009 suddenly collapsed and was thrown out of its place by the pressure of water. Water began to flow into the station's turbine room under high pressure, flooding the turbine room and the technical rooms below it. At the time of the accident, the power of the station was 4100 MW, there were 9 hydraulic units in operation, the automatic protection on most of which did not work. The power supply for the station's own needs was lost, as a result of which the emergency repair valves at the water intakes (in order to stop the flow of water) had to be reset by the station personnel manually.

7. Now nothing reminds us of the 2009 disaster, which claimed the lives of 72 people.

8. During the restoration, work was carried out on old hydraulic units and new ones were installed to replace the destroyed ones. On November 12, 2014, hydraulic unit No. 2 was put into operation, and the restoration and comprehensive modernization of the station was generally completed. At present, finishing work is still being carried out in some places.

9. The pressure front of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP is formed by a unique concrete arch-gravity dam with a height of 245 m, a length along the crest of 1074.4 m, a width at the base of 105.7 m and at the crest - 25 m. The amount of concrete laid in the dam is 9.1 million m³ — would be enough to build a highway from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok.

10. In plan, the dam in the upper 80-meter part is designed in the form of a circular arch, having a radius of 600 m on the upper edge and a central angle of 102°, and in the lower part the dam consists of three-centered arches, and the central section with a coverage angle of 37° is formed by arches , similar to the top ones.

11. View of the Yenisei from the tailwater.

12. The internal diameter of the turbine conduit “pipe” is 7.5 meters, the outer diameter is about 10 meters.

13. Station control panel.

15. View of the hydroelectric power station from the stop of the unique tram, transporting employees from the Cheryomushki power engineering village to the hydroelectric power station.

16. During the reconstruction of the station, the open switchgear (ORU 500) was also modernized.

17. ORU 500 ensures the delivery of power from the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP to the power systems of Kuzbass and Khakassia

18. Agree that the closed-type gas-insulated switchgear (GIS) from ABB. similar to the components of a space station.

19. Now let’s climb to the upper ridge of the dam. Beautiful!!!

21. Looking down takes my breath away :), and someone manages to hang down and take a selfie. Horrible!

22. View from the ridge of the hydroelectric station to the Yenisei.

23. And this is the entire structure as a whole.

24. View of the hydroelectric power station from the upper pool.

25. Construction of the coastal spillway began on March 18, 2005, the total cost of its construction was estimated at 5.5 billion rubles.

26. Construction work on the construction of the first stage of the coastal spillway, including the entrance head, the right free-flow tunnel, a five-stage drop and the outlet channel, was completed by June 1, 2010. Hydraulic tests of the first stage were carried out over three days, starting on September 28, 2010. Construction of the bank spillway was officially completed on October 12, 2011.

27. Monument to the builders of the hydroelectric power station on the observation deck. Opened in 2008.

28. View of the coastal spillway and hydroelectric power station from the bank of the Yenisei.

29. Currently, the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP named after P. S. Neporozhniy is the most powerful source of covering peak power surges in the Unified Energy System of Russia and Siberia.

In my next post with the tag "Energy" I will talk about one of the oldest hydroelectric power stations in Russia - the Uglich hydroelectric power station. Subscribe to my magazine updates.

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