Find drawings of models of tanks made of cardboard. How to make a tank out of cardboard with your own hands

Earlier we published several schemes, today we want to complete this collection new modelpaper tank T-10.

The prototype of the T-10 tank was created by Soviet engineers back in 1944, but it was called the IS-4. Only after the death of I. Stalin, after whom it was named, it was renamed the T-10.

Heavy tank The T-10 (its weight is as much as 50 tons) had such good combat and tactical characteristics that its modernized prototypes (see "") were in service with the Soviet Army right up to 1993.

The tank is equipped with a 122 mm cannon, which could accurately shoot at 5 km. Its engine developed 750 horsepower. The tank could overcome water obstacles up to 5 m deep (it crossed rivers along the bottom).

Making a T-10 tank out of paper

To make this model paper tank first print out the diagrams (sweeps) of the parts on a printer, preferably on a color one. However, if this is not possible, it does not matter. Tank details can always be painted.

To print the diagrams of tank parts, you need to pick up thick paper, such as photo paper or thin cardboard. Then the tank model will be strong and will be more durable.

Use sharp scissors to cut out the pieces. You can also use a utility knife.
When the details are cut out, using the old ballpoint pen and rulers, make neat folds used to glue the parts together.

You can use any glue, but a dry glue stick is better. The fact is that it will make the model of the tank more accurate, since it will not smudge and the paper will not curl.

Schemes of parts of the T-10 tank made of paper

Instructions for gluing the tank

For dessert, we offer a look at the domino principle in action, a world record of 125,000 pieces. Watch to the end. It's worth it.

Drawings of tanks T-72, M1A1 "Abrams" and the English "Challenger", Comparative characteristics and modeling techniques.

To begin with, let's conduct a superficial analysis based on the performance characteristics of our T-72 tanks, the American M1A1 Abrams and the English Challenger

They all have a lot common features: laser rangefinders, stabilizers for tank weapons, ballistic computers—in a word, all that minimum set electronic means required for modern tank combat. The lightest and smallest of them, the T-72M, is armed with the largest-caliber gun -125 mm. Such a compact layout of the tank was largely achieved through the use of an automatic loader and the reduction of the crew to three people. The automatic loader also provides the highest rate of fire up to 8 rounds per minute, which neither English nor American tanks can boast of. The latter are much larger and heavier than the "seventy-two", but they are not inferior in mobility, as they have engines of much greater power.

Comparing these combat vehicles, one cannot ignore their main weapons - guns. The attentive reader has already noticed that the Soviet and American tanks have smoothbore guns, while the English ones have rifled ones. What's better? Unlike rifled, smooth-bore is cheaper to manufacture, more tenacious and, finally, allows you to disperse the projectile in the bore to monstrous, so-called hypersonic speeds and thereby ensure its high armor penetration.

The stabilization of the projectile in flight is ensured by the plumage, which opens immediately after it leaves the gun barrel. Smoothbore guns have another important advantage over rifled guns - their lighter weight. The absence of rifling allows you to make the walls of the trunks thinner. This economy, in principle, makes it possible to place guns of 130 and even 140 mm caliber in promising tanks. The rifled gun does not have such reserves.

We offer you to replenish your museum with three models of tanks of the opposing sides.

With the technology of assembling paper models, we think you, so we will not dwell on it in detail. Let's talk about the key operations.

Models are best made from thin cardboard, butt-joining the parts. The forms of the hulls and turrets of the English and American tanks are simple and you won't find any serious difficulties. The same can be said about the hull of the T-72 tank. The main condition for a successful assembly is to accurately measure the dimensions of the parts from the drawings and make the blanks as accurately as possible. You should start with the body, and then "hang" the rest of the components and parts on it. A characteristic feature of all tanks is a large number of different boxes and boxes on the sides of the towers. They are glued from thinner paper than the body, for example, from whatman paper. To make a basket on the Abrams tower, you can use copper or aluminum wire. To simulate ventilation grilles over the engines, tulle is best suited. Take a few flaps and coat them with glue on the mandrel. When it dries, carefully cut out the blanks the right sizes and glue to the body. Towing cables are best made from several harsh threads twisted into a "rope" and lightly smeared with glue.

A few words about the turret of the T-72 tank. It has a complex configuration and it will not be possible to make it in a similar way with the Abrams and the Challenger. We advise you to make it like this: first fashion a blank from plasticine desired shape. Then glue it with strips of tissue (if not, newsprint) paper in several layers, coating each layer with glue. When the glue dries, remove the plasticine. The tower is ready. Such the way is fine for all details complex shape, for example, the ejector on the barrel of the Abrams gun

A characteristic feature of modern tank guns is a heat-insulating cover that protects the barrel from sharp temperature fluctuations. Such a cover is shown on the drawing of the T-72 tank. It can be made from pieces of whatman paper, bending around the finished cannon with them and gluing the ends at the top. The elements of the cover are a kind of clamps worn on the barrel. The Challenger drawing shows only the rings for attaching the case, the case itself is not shown. But making it is pretty easy. It is made of cloth, and, of course, you need to imitate it from pieces of matter. Wrap them around the barrel of the gun between the rings and glue. Try to choose a fabric that matches the color of the tank.

Viewing devices on all tanks are imitated by pieces of Plexiglas. Make caterpillars out of paper with combs glued on them. Distinctive feature caterpillars "Abrams" - embossed rubber cushions on the outer part of the tracks. To imitate them, take a sheet of thin rubber, cut pillows out of it, and then carefully stick it on the tracks. You can make them from cardboard, but rubber is more effective. Track rollers on all tanks are double, large diameter and fairly simple in shape. They are made from thick cardboard. The fenders are glued to the body with the end part. A bulwark is also attached to them. To make it strong enough, glue on the inside of it to strengthen the scarf or stiffeners.

Make the handrails on the towers and antennas out of wire. Smoke grenade launchers are made from tightly rolled strips of paper.

All combat vehicles are painted in "sand" color and almost merge with the background. The identification marks of English tanks are interesting. As you know, almost all English tank units in the past were formed on the basis of cavalry units, which is reflected in their names. The emblem of the brigade of the Royal Irish Hussars is a red rat. It is applied to the lower frontal sheet on the right and on the sides of the hull. In front of the bulwark there is a two-digit black tactical number. Judging by television footage and photographs in Western magazines, all the equipment of the coalition forces had a common identification mark in the form of the Russian letter "L" in white or black on board.

The characteristic identification mark of Iraqi tanks - white stripe(ring) on ​​the front of the ejector on the gun barrel. The machine gun barrels on all vehicles are black, blued, rubber bandages on the track rollers are also black, as, indeed, are the rubber pads on the Abrams tracks. The muzzles of tank guns, towing cables and tracks of caterpillar chains are the color of unpainted metal.

Boys tend to do boyish things: fight with a tin army, send planes flying around the room and, of course, shoot tanks. You don't have to raid a kids' store to create an entire tank division, you just need to buy a few types of cardboard and make it at home. We will tell you how to please the baby and how to make a tank out of cardboard with your own hands. You can completely entrust the process of creating a tank to a boy or do creative work with him.

How to make a tank from ordinary cardboard with your own hands

If you haven't got it yet cardboard we advise you to do so immediately. Choose the material to your liking: cardboard is sold in separate white A4 sheets or multi-colored tablets, designed in a thin book. In the first option, buy also gouache- the kid will like to decorate the created with my own hands toy.

When all the materials are ready and located on the floor or table, start the creative process.

Start making a tank from caterpillars. To do this, cut two strips: the width of the strips is determined by eye, however, for a better appearance, you can measure a strip of 2-2.5 centimeters. Glue the edges of the strips: you get two separate rings.

Prepare craft base: it can be thin plywood or the same sheet of cardboard. For the tank's aesthetic appearance to evoke enthusiastic exclamations, place it on green cardboard imitating grass. Stretch the rings as far as possible. Check the length of both rings: it should be the same. Flatten them, giving the shape of an elongated oval. Glue to the base parallel to each other.

Start making platforms. To do this, measure the distance between the glued tracks and make a platform, as shown in the photo. Build a tower: take the shape of the platform as a basis. The dimensions of the tower should be slightly smaller.

It's time for the most interesting - trunk. To make the barrel as similar as possible to the real one, follow this algorithm: cut the A4 sheet into two parts. In the manufacture of the trunk you need only one. Selected piece of cardboard bend three times along. You will have four elements on one sheet. Adapt one of the sides of the cardboard under the "ears": cut the tip of the tube along the fold lines by 1 cm. Bend them.

Put the pieces together. Choose the location of the gun on the tank turret yourself. Attach the barrel to the tower with glue, using pre-prepared "lugs".

Tank is ready! To make it more natural, paint it (if the tank is made of white cardboard) or stick ready-made star stickers. Particularly interesting will be a model painted in army military style.

How to make a corrugated cardboard tank

Making a corrugated cardboard tank is just as easy as making a regular one. However, it is a little more difficult to paint with gouache - smudges and ugly white spots are possible. That's why we recommend purchasing colored cardboard, if for crafts the option of manufacturing from corrugated thick paper. Let's start short Master Class as a result of which you will see a stunningly simple, and at the same time beautiful toy for a child.

Purchase flat from corrugated cardboard. On sale there are strips with a width of 1 or more centimeters. Take the smallest width - 1 centimeter. It is better if the cardboard boxes are in contrasting colors: this way the tank will be brighter. If there are no finished strips, cut into them.

Twist the big wheels for the track. They need four pieces: two on each side. To make the wheel really big, glue two strips together. By the same principle, make four small wheels: for them there will be enough the length of one strip.

Wrap the wheels tank strip of corrugated cardboard. It is better if the cardboard is a different color.

For the tank platform, take cardboard sheet and make folds around the edges. The cardboard sheet should be twice the length of the tracks. Glue at the beginning of the platform - caterpillars, then wrap them with the remaining length and glue the platform at the bottom.

Cut two rectangles along the length of the platform and glue on it, placing the rectangles over the tracks. tank barrel from corrugated cardboard. Attach to the top of the platform all details with glue.

After the done manipulations, you are waiting for lovely toy, which, with careful use, will serve faithfully for a long time to your child, and maybe not to him alone.

Making toys with your own hands is great. It is good when the whole family is involved in the creative process: mom, dad, children. Such educational gatherings have a beneficial effect on the psyche of the child, give the correct social orientation. Now that you know how to make a cardboard tank with your own hands, your kid will have new toy in the car park, and you will have a great time enjoying the company of your family.

Hello to all glue lovers! Today we offer make a paper model the legendary tank of the Soviet army during the Second World War - T-34. Do T-34 paper tank will not be more difficult than the models of tanks previously published: "", "".

The T-34 tank, thanks to the high combat and technical specifications, was adopted by the Red Army at the end of 1939. In the spring of 1940, as one of the tests, two prototypes of the T-34 tank were run from Kharkov to Moscow and back. During the trip, the tank confirmed its high technical qualities. After this test, it was decided to produce the T-34 at the main large enterprises USSR.

We glue the T-34 tank from paper

For creating paper model tank, you will need to print the tank parts diagrams, cut them out and glue them.

  • Any printer is suitable for printing circuits, because. black and white details the tank can be painted with paints.
  • Use thin cardboard or photo paper to print large parts of the tank.
  • For small parts You can use regular office paper.
  • To create smooth curves, place a ruler over the curve line and draw along it. reverse side scissors or a non-writing pen.
  • Use scissors and a utility knife to cut out the tank detail.
  • It is desirable to cut and glue the parts sequentially, moving from one glued part to gluing the next.
  • If the part has an inner circle, then it should be cut first, and then the part itself.
  • For gluing the parts of the tank, use a transparent acrylic adhesive"Moment" or any other analogue of it.
  • Before gluing, paint over the ends of the part, this will improve appearance models.
  • When gluing the tank, follow the instructions

Schemes of parts of the T-34 tank made of paper

Instructions for gluing the T-34 tank